The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service

Page created by Ernest Francis
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
The Herald                     Employees • Community • Drivers

Driver App
                                                                                      Taking Care
Updates!                                                                                of Drivers
Page 3                                                                                            Page 5

                                                                          NASCAR meets our
                                                                        Charleston Warehouse
                                                                                                  Page 8

         The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                      3rd Quarter 2018
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
In this issue of
                                                                                       The Herald
                                                                                    On the Cover
                                                                                    Driver App Updates!.................3

                                                                                    Driver Appreciation Week.........1
ATS Honors Our Drivers                                                              Rolling Along.............................5
                                                                                    ATS Remembers.......................6
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2018
                                                                                    Million Milestones.....................6
ATS was pleased to celebrate           her family is back at home without           Reflections................................7
National Truck Driver Appreciation     them. We can’t begin to tell you             Featured Facility.......................8
Week, honoring our ATS                 the amount of admiration we have
                                                                                    Casual Day for Charity.............8
ambassadors on the road along          for you and what you do!” The ATS
with their dedicated families.         Executive Team said.                         Drivers in the Spotlight.............9
The week included special                                                           Q&A with Rollie Anderson........9
messages of gratitude and gifts,       For the first time ever, much of the         Wellness and Well-being..........10
including treats, clothing and         communication was done using the
                                                                                    Read Me & Win.........................12
cash drawings.                         ATS Driver App, but could also be
                                       found in emails, the Driver Portal           Drivers, Dining and Dialogue...13
One of the most important parts        and via Qualcomm.                            What’s New at the Shop..........14
of the week, however, was the                                                       Department Profile...................15
appreciation letter. The ATS           Another first this year, a message
                                                                                    #WeAreATS Photo Contest......16
Executive Team acknowledged the        was sent home to the Drivers’
key role Professional Truck Drivers    families to express our gratitude for        Driver Photo Contest................17-18
play in our economy.                   their sacrifices along with a special
                                       decal, which turned out to be a              ATS News
“At ATS, we understand that Truck      big hit.
                                                                                    Extra Mile Award......................2
Driving is not an easy profession. A
Professional Truck Driver has to be    While ATS is tremedously proud to            Driver App Updates!.................3
an expert in many ways, including      celebrate NTDAW each and every               Refer Using Driver App............4
safely driving a rig that can often    year, we strive to share our deep            Safety Driven............................4
stretch over 80 feet in length, in     appreciation for our Drivers year-
                                                                                    Transport Topics Top 50...........6
an area the Driver has probably        round.
never been to before. Always being                                                  Wind Week................................11
aware of motor vehicle regulations,    We want to remind Drivers if they            Tanner’s Team 5k......................12
duty hours, safety of the vehicles     haven’t yet redeemed their free              Driver Meal Deal.......................14
around them and specific               Driver Appreciation Week gift, do
                                                                                    ATS Recognized.......................16
information regarding the cargo        so soon because the redemption               The Herald is published for the associates of ATS. To
they are hauling and the customer      codes expire December 1.                     submit articles for future issues or to make comments,
they are hauling it for - just to                                                   please e-mail:
name a few. And while doing this       Thank you, ATS Drivers!                      Copyright © 2014, Anderson Trucking Service, Inc.
important work on the road, his/                                                    All rights reserved.

       1                                           The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018          Volume 42
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
iDRIVE The Extra Mile
2018 2nd Quarter Award Recipients
By: Kelly Kohls

This award rewards and recognizes               success of the Maintenance Team.           Andrew was nominated due to his
ATS employees who consistently excel            He does not hesitate to help or take       work related to an extensive network
at demonstrating our iDRIVE Values.             on additional work when needed and         enhancement. He analyzed possible
                                                routinely seeks to find the best           opportunities, problems and needs
Integrity                                       solution for any parts-related issue.      and created solutions that resulted in
                                                                                           cost savings and significant
Logan Athmann – St. Cloud, MN                   Responsibility                             improvements to the ATS network.

Logan was nominated as a result of              Alyssa Alama – St. Cloud, MN               Samantha Dwyer – St. Cloud, MN
his willingness to help others. He
routinely demonstrates actions that             Alyssa was nominated due to her            Samantha received a nomination for
align with the best interests of all            dedication to the success of ATS and       her work related to the development
involved. He finds solutions while              our customers. She sets high               of the Rapid Settle process. She
staying positive and builds strong              standards of performance and hold          identified an opportunity to create
relationships throughout the                    herself and others accountable. Alyssa     possible improvements that have
organization.                                   takes initiative beyond what is required   resulted in positive impacts on the
                                                to ensure the best outcomes for both       Drivers and helps set ATS apart.
Arlen Holzheimer – St. Cloud, MN                customers and drivers.
Arlen received a nomination due to his          Luanne Risberg – St. Cloud, MN
commitment to put safety first. He                                                         Hunter Hanlon – St. Louis Park, MN
exhibits patience when explaining               Luanne received a nomination due to
hours of service regulations to the             her willingness to share her knowledge     Hunter was nominated as a result of
Drivers and ensures they have all the           and help her team members when             his commitment to achieve results and
necessary information to put safety at          needed. She ensures accurate               success. He serves as a role model
the forefront of their decisions.               information is shared and serves as a      within the office and strives to be an
                                                valuable resource.                         example of what success can look
Determination                                                                              like. Hunter collaborates with other
                                                Amos Flores – Gary, IN                     divisions of ATS and seeks to achieve
Brandon Johnson – St. Cloud, MN                                                            the best results for all involved.
                                                Amos received a cross functional
Brandon was nominated due to his                nomination as a result of his work to      Marie Hannusch – St. Cloud, MN
determination to plan loads in a way            assist a Driver transload product from
that ensures the best possible                  one trailer to another, which was          Marie received a nomination due to
outcome for the customer and the                above and beyond his regular job           her commitment to provide quality
Driver. He actively works to overcome           duties. Amos utilized available            service to our Drivers. She goes above
obstacles and comes up with                     resources that resulted in the best        and beyond to seek answers and is
processes and ideas that ensure ATS             outcomes for the driver and the            persistent in her efforts to achieve
is successful.                                  customer.                                  results so the Driver does not
                                                                                           experience delays.
Keith Gerding – St. Cloud, MN                   Innovation
                                                                                           Congratulations to our Second
Keith received multiple nominations as          Andrew Peters – St. Cloud, MN              Quarter iDRIVE award winners!
a result of his commitment to the

                  The Herald     3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                                          2
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
Cover Story
Creating Connections:
Driver App Updates
By: Sara Vander Eyk & Brian Rassier

In early 2017, ATS Drivers were        Your feedback helps…                       Rolling along…
forced to deal with an aging web
portal and an Android-only             After the initial release, ATS             We see no signs of stopping.
Driver app, leaving iOS users in       reached out to Drivers for                 We continue listening to Driver
the cold. ATS had a vision to make     feedback, giving us a surplus of           requests and are constantly
a fully-functional app that looked     new ideas. Since the fall of 2017          planning, prototyping and building
and acted the same across all          release, features have been                enhancements to the app. Our
platforms. In the fall of 2017,        added on a regular basis to                Drivers are the most important part
that vision became a reality.          deliver on those ideas.                    of our business and we want to
                                                                                  make their lives easier with every
The ongoing goal of the ATS                                                       update to the ATS Driver App.
Driver App is to provide Drivers
access to critical information to do                                              If you have any questions about
their jobs, even when they aren’t in                                              the app, please contact your Fleet
their trucks. With that in mind, the                                              Manager.
app primarily focused on providing
Drivers easy access to settlement
and financial information when it
was originally released. It also
gave them news, training material
and access to ATS discounted
fuel prices. Lastly, the release
capitalized on ATS’ desire to have     The latest app update allows
more personalized communication        Company Drivers to view their
with Drivers. It provided a way to     paystubs in the app, not just
send personalized notifications        settlements, and provides more
and congratulatory messages,           visibility into Driver CSA and fuel
allowing ATS to share in               metrics, both highly requested
celebration of achievements.           items. It also took the
All of that was packaged in a          communication aspect even
secure, self-service app. It was       further, allowing executives to
a great starting point.                express their personal appreciation
                                       to the whole fleet. Drivers can now
                                       more easily redeem their Driver
                                       Appreciation gift right from the app.
                                       While the app has changed, the
                                       focus of the updates has not: Our

        3                                          The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
ATS News
                                              Money at your FINGERTIPS!
Why should I use the
app to refer a Driver?
• Submitting referrals with the ATS
  immediate contact.
• Recruiters will personally contact
  you in less than 24 business
  hours or you get an extra $100!
• The app immediately notifies your
  Recruiter and Fleet Manager in
  real time.
• You have full visibility to each
  Driver you refer and their status,
  including when they’re scheduled
  and hired.
  You’re guaranteed a prize on the
  new scratch off game.                            Full $1000 payout in 30 days!
• For each qualified lead, you earn
  another scratch off.                                    PLUS : a new scratch off opportunity!
                                                        Scratch off prizes are yet to be officially determined but may consist of:
• Remember, the full $1,000 is fully                    ATS LED light baseball caps, polo shirts, 1/4 zip shirts, $100 gift cards.
  paid to you within 30 days of the            Every scratch off is a winner. Which prize will you scratch & win?
  Driver being hired.

ATS is Safety Driven
ATS out of CSA “Alert
Status” for 20 months                       avoiding “Unsafe Driving”                         company. Nearly half of the Drivers
By: Nathaniel Lies                          violations to Fleet Managers                      on our team have a CSA score of
                                            working to reduce the number of                   zero.
Due to the continued efforts of ATS         serious accidents in a way to drive
Drivers and the ATS support team,           down the “Crash Indicator,” the                   We all had a hand in this success
both ATS, Inc., and ATS                     right efforts are being made.                     and we all have a hand in keeping
Specialized, Inc., have held their                                                            our CSA scores as low as possible.
Compliance, Safety, Accountability          The Compliance Team and our                       Our Drivers will need to continue
(CSA) scores below “Alert Status”           Drivers are working hard to learn                 their excellent work on our nation’s
in all seven Behavior Analysis and          and maintain accurate hours of                    highways, our cities’ streets and
Safety Improvement Categories               service compliance and “Driver                    at our customers’ locations. Our
(BASICs) for the past 20 months.            Fitness.” The Maintenance Team                    corporate Employees will need
                                            is also working hard every day to                 to continue to build the work, the
This success is a result of the             exceed the expectations of “Vehicle               culture and the tools of our trade to
commitment of the ATS team to               Maintenance.” The ATS team                        support our Drivers in their efforts
safe transportation of our                  heroically continues to protect the               to be Safety Driven.
customers’ goods across our                 motoring public, our customers,
nation’s highways. From Drivers             our team members and our                          Thank you all for your hard work.
              The Herald    3rd Quarter 2018    Volume 42                                                           4
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
Rolling Along: Taking Care of Drivers
By: Jeff Potthoff, Sr. VP - ATS, Inc.

                                        getting you home in time to attend         focus, we are trying to increase
                                        these events? Making money is              our load pre-assignment rate. This
                                        extremely important, but if it’s at the    increased focused has decreased
                                        disposal of a good family life, is it      truck layover each night by nearly
                                        really worth it?                           a third and two-thirds of our
                                                                                   Drivers now know what their
                                        Arming Drivers with Better                 next dispatch will be prior to
                                        Information                                delivering their current load, a
                                                                                   nine percent increase over 2017.
                                        While we’re focusing on ways we
                                        can set our Drivers up for success,        New Driver Welcome
                                        we’re also looking to make sure
                                        we’re providing them with correct          ATS, Inc., leadership has made it a
                                        information at the first point of          priority to reach out to new
                                        contact. It’s critical for our             Drivers after seven days at ATS
ATS, Inc., has always paid
                                        Customer Service Representatives           to make sure things are going as
attention to and focused on three
                                        (CSRs) to relay accurate                   promised in their first weeks of
major aspects to ensure the
                                        information to Fleet Managers              employment. We want Drivers to
satisfaction of our Drivers: Money,
                                        before they pass it along to our           know we are proud to have them
Home Time and Respect. It takes
                                        Drivers. So in the past 60 days,           on our team and we’ll do
all three of those things to make us
                                        there has been an intense focus on         everything within our control to
successful as a company and as
                                        the overhaul of the location codes         make them successful at ATS.
an asset division.
                                        within our internal legacy system.         Additionally, it gives us a chance
                                        This effort includes extensive             to address any areas of concern
Having instituted several key
                                        cleanup of the data in our                 our new Drivers may have as they
pay changes for our Company
                                        system as well as developing a             come on board at ATS.
Drivers this year, we’re going to
                                        list of required key data items our
take advantage of the positive
                                        CSRs must have before saving and           It is our job to make sure we are
market environment to further
                                        sending load information to Fleet          doing everything we can to set
focus on a few more things we
                                        Managers. Going forward, we will           them up for a successful career on
know matter to our Drivers, but
                                        continue to verify data within             the road. We’re a family-run
how can we do better?
                                        location codes with each and every         company and we want our Drivers
                                        load to ensure information                 to know they are an integral part of
Family Matters
                                        accuracy.                                  that family.
We are now guaranteeing all Vans
Drivers a minimum two-week home         Intense Focus on New Business              By focusing on the above
time schedule. We’ve revamped           and Driver Dispatch                        priorities, we believe we will see a
our computer systems to track and                                                  positive impact on safety, turnover,
monitor this and we’re reviewing        There isn’t anything more important        Driver referrals and our bottom line.
schedules weekly. In addition to the    to us than giving our Drivers best-
two-week guarantee, we’re also          in-class freight to haul. To date,         We know the success of our
monitoring the accuracy of meeting      we’ve secured 89 new                       Drivers is critical to the success
our Driver’s home time needs. If        customers, totaling over $4                of ATS, Inc. We are honored and
you have a football game or dance       million in new business revenue.           proud to have you on the ATS
recital to attend on Friday, are we     In addition to the new business            team.

        5                                           The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
Million Milestones
 Every now and then something happens that truly warrants our attention.
 At ATS, it is our “Million Mile Drivers.”

David P.                                      Joe C.                                  Kermit C.
ATS Specialized                               ATS Specialized                         ATS Specialized
1 Million                                     1 Million                               1 Million

ATS News
ATS Finds Itself in
                                                ATS Remembers
Top 50 Again                                                       William “Gramps”
Transport Topics recently released                                 Borger                               Daniel Orr
“Transport Topics 100,” their annual                               (1949-2018)                          (1964-2018)
list of the top 100 for-hire carriers in                           ATS Specialized                      ATS Specialized
America and ATS made the top 50                                    Heavy Haul                           Heavy Haul
again. In fact, for the fourth year in a                           2 Million Mile
row, ATS reached the top 40,                                       Driver
finishing 36th.
The annual survey,
“accurately and
objectively                                                        Michael LaCoy,                       Ralph Rodriguez
documents the size                                                 (1953-2018)                          (1962-2018)
and scope of the                                                   ATS Specialized                      ATS Specialized
largest trucking                                                   Heavy Haul                           Flats
according to
Transport Topics’
website. Companies
making the list are
ranked on the basis of annual                                      Tim Moore
revenue, which allows analysis of                                  (1965-2018)
trends shaping the industry.                                       ATS Specialized
ATS has been a mainstay on the
list, making the top 50 every year
since 2006.
                The Herald    3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                                       6
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
Reflections                          •   The surgeon removed 95                 weeks while in Rochester) at the
                                         percent of the tumor without           same time I take Veliparib for
Innovation                               impairing my brain. Treating           seven days. Both are taken orally.
By: Jim Anderson
                                         cancer is no treat; it is warfare!     This pattern will continue for the
                                         My tumor served as the                 next six months (one week on the
                                         enemy’s fortress that had to           drugs followed by three weeks
                                         be eliminated; however, it             off).
                                         could not be totally removed
                                         without damaging my brain.             Thus far, I am experiencing
                                         That is why radiation and              some nausea and heavy fatigue
                                         chemotherapy were deployed             during the week I take the drugs,
                                         like infantry ground troops.           similar to what I experienced
                                                                                while receiving the combination
                                     •   My MRI on Thursday, July 5,            of chemo and radiation. When
                                         indicated that there has been          the fatigue hits, I have to nap
                                         no “regrowth” of my tumor              for one or possibly two hours
                                         after six weeks of radiation           even if I have had a good night’s
                                         and chemotherapy followed              rest. What should I expect?
                                         by a month without treatment.          My body, especially my brain,
                                         There is good reason to                is a battlefield. Hopefully, these
                                         believe that the treatment             symptoms will subside during the
Every day, every one of us               is defeating the cancer. It is         three weeks I am off the drugs.
benefits from the risks and              a tenacious battle because
sacrifices made by those who             this kind of cancer has the            Veliparib has proven to be
dare to be innovative. I am              capacity to repair itself. For         effective in previous trials and is
currently benefiting from the            that reason, Mayo Clinic               likely to be approved by the FDA
medical innovations of Mayo              – along with other cancer              in the near future. While I do not
Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota,          research centers around the            know if I am taking the actual
that began 150 years ago.                world – are working together           drug or a placebo, I consider it a
                                         to produce new weapons in              privilege and honor to be part of
In 1869 Dr. W.W. and Louise              the war against cancer.                the study.
Mayo were so dedicated to
serving patients that they           •   On July 18, I became part              •    I was told on July 5 that I
mortgaged their home to buy a            of a clinical trial for the                 could resume many outdoor
microscope. Saint Mary’s was one         drug Veliparib. This drug is                activities that I have enjoyed in
of the first hospitals in the United     designed to limit the ability               the past. The oncologist said,
States to use the new principles         of the cancer cells to repair               “Quality of life is our goal.”
of antiseptic surgery from its           themselves once hit by
inception. By paying careful             chemotherapy. In military              •    I have an awesome support
attention to prevent infection, the      terms, once chemotherapy                    system that continues to
staff achieved remarkably high           has mowed down the cancer                   encourage us through notes,
rates of patient survival, which         cells, Veliparib sees that they             emails, texts, phone calls and,
earned the hospital widespread           don’t get up again. That’s                  most important, constant
recognition.                             medical innovation!                         prayer for Lois and me.

My history with Mayo Clinic          What does participation in                 Thank you, ATS and affiliate
began with surgery to remove         this drug trial mean for me?               companies, for the many
a malignant brain tumor              Since Veliparib works with                 innovative ways you have
(glioblastoma) on March 27 of        chemotherapy, for five days in             expressed care and concern
this year. Since then, I have        a row, I take a double strength            during this difficult passage in our
received a lot of good news:         dosage of Temozolmide (the                 lives. —Jim and Lois Anderson
                                     same chemo drug I took for six
       7                                         The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
CW Featured Facility
            ATS Charleston Warehouse                                              for Charity
                                                                                  By: Kelly Kohls

                                                                                  ATS Corporate hosts a Casual Day for
                                                                                  Charity each month, giving employees
                                                                                  the option to donate to wear casual
                                                                                  attire for the day.


                                                                                           Teaming up to Help Families ®

                                                                                  The June Casual Day funds went to
When ATS Logistics opened their              of manufacturing pellets. For the    Tanner’s Team Foundation, with a
80,000 square foot warehouse near            second year in a row, the ATS        total of $1,116 raised by ATS and its
Charleston, South Carolina, they             warehouse crew was treated to
were expecting to handle a variety           the opportunity to handle some
of commodities. The 20 door, multi-          very special cargo. Cars from
client facility allows ATS Logistics to      “NASCAR,” an auto racing
offer both short and long-term               organization best known for stock
storage, packing, container loading          car racing, were brought to the
and stripping along with distribution,       warehouse on their way to
kitting services, freight handling,          exhibition races in the United     July featured a bonus Casual Day, with
freight security and cross-dock              Kingdom. The cars were prepped, funds going to the Terebinth Refuge.
service. Its location near Charleston        loaded into containers and braced ATS employees raised $715.
permits quick access to the Port             and blocked for the voyage. In
and a drive-in ramp for easy                 2017, three cars were handled by
handling of both domestic and                ATS group and in 2018, six cars
international shipments.                     made the journey. After the trip
                                             to and from Europe, the cars are
Since its opening in 2017, the               brought back to the warehouse for
warehouse has handled a variety              unpacking and shipment back to
of shipments, including lumber,              their owners in the United States.
refrigeration units and super sacks
                                             The ATS Charleston warehouse
                                             is managed by Terry Bowling with     The July Casual Day supported
                                                                                  INDY - I’m Not Done Yet. ATS
                                             assistance from two full-time
                                                                                  and its employees teamed up to
                                             employees. Additional flexible       donate $1,021 to support the INDY
                                             staffing is assigned to the          Foundation.
                                             warehouse on an as-needed basis.
                                                                                  Thank you for supporting the ATS
                                                                                  Casual Day for Charity!

               The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                                              8
The Herald - Driver App Updates! - Anderson Trucking Service
                   By: Dottie Seamans
Safety is a complete understanding of the task at hand and            the company that employs you and you, yourself. Safety is
the knowledge of every step that must be taken. Safety is             not a “one and done” thought process; it is following the
good judgment, sound preparation for unexpected                       rules every single second, on every single job. Here are
situations, the ability to be alert in the midst of routine and       Drivers that we’d like to recognize for their execution of
unwillingness to rely on luck. Safety is consideration for the        safety and advice for other ATS Drivers and Lease
family that needs you, the customers who depend on you,               Operators.

Michael B. — 84089, ATS Inc. / Vans         Becky C. — 82753, ATS Specialized              Dan P. — 76160, ATS Heavy Haul
Safety should be everyone’s job on the      There are many parts to being safe as          Safety is vital to what I do every day.
roads. You always have to be aware of       a Class A Driver and safety is always          Because I focus on being a safe Driver
everything around you and                   on my mind.                                    and help others to do the same, I feel
anticipate what the other person is                                                        blessed to get home to my loving
                                            In addition to safe driving every time
going to do. So for me, safety is doing                                                    family.
                                            I’m on the road, I make sure I’m
my job. I don’t get in a hurry, try to
                                            careful when loading and unloading as          Fleet Manager: Dan S.
plan my trips accordingly, drive the
                                            well as climbing on trailers, because
posted speed limit and try to be aware
                                            loads can shift or not be secured
of my surroundings at all times. Also,
with the shortage of parking for trucks
you have to start early to stop early.      I was trained many years ago that
                                            once you lose the thought of safety
I am a courteous Driver and that can
                                            is when something bad can happen.
be the hardest thing to do around bad
                                            Every day I repeat that I will make it
Drivers on the road. It would be easy
                                            home safely to my loved ones and do
to behave like them, but I try to hold
                                            my part so that the others on the road
myself to a higher standard as a
                                            with me do as well.
professional Driver.
                                            Fleet Manager: Cassie C.
Fleet Manager: Keenan S.

                                               What makes ATS a great place for a Company Driver?
                                               ATS offers great opportunities              flatbeds class system provides
 Q&A                                           for success! Besides a great pay            company Drivers with an
                                               package, ATS offers well                    opportunity to be promoted from
 With Rollie
                                               maintained, late model                      five-axle to 19-axle equipment
 Anderson                                      equipment, with specifications              with appropriate pay increases
                                               for Driver convenience and                  for each class level. All of this is
                                               comfort. A variety of operating             coupled with the family
                                               lanes in vans provide a variety of          atmosphere and respect for our
                                               opportunities for traffic lanes and         Drivers and the work they do.
                                               varying abilities. The open trailer/

         9                                               The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42
Wellness & Well-being

Quarterly Wellness Highlights
The 2018 iDRIVE to beBetter welness year-end is fast approaching

                                                                                             Have you been...
                                                                                             • Tracking your daily activity and
                                                                                               healthy eating?
                                                                                             • Keeping up with the latest
                                                                                               webinars and healthy recipes?
   What’s Causing Your Backache?                                                             • Proactive in getting your annual
                                                                                               physicals and/or dental
Because the back bears most of your              more about how to prevent and treat it.
body weight, it’s vulnerable to strain and
injury. It’s easy to hurt your back when         Clinical practice guidelines for treating   • Involved in community events
you lift something, overdo activities or         low back pain (not due to damaged             such as a walk-a-thon or a food
sit too long, especially if the muscles          spinal nerves), include, besides              drive?
supporting your back are weak.                   medication, therapies such as:              • Participating in ongoing
The primary risk factors include a               • Physical therapy
sedentary lifestyle, arthritis, obesity and      • Acupuncture
smoking. Back pain may directly result           • Stress reduction
from standing or sitting for long periods,       • Yoga
ongoing strenuous labor, twisting,               • Aqua therapy
overstretching or over lifting.                  • Muscle-strengthening exercise
                                                 • Cognitive behavioral therapy
The sources of low back (lumbar) pain            • Progressive muscle relaxation
can be the spinal discs between the                and biofeedback
vertebrae, the ligaments around the
spine and the spinal cord and nerves and These interventions have been
the lower back muscles.                  shown to help patients shift their
                                         focus from pain and disability to
Chronic lower back pain, lasting more    being more functional despite
than 12 weeks, is a leading cause of     residual pain.
disability. Fortunately, we’re learning

       This Could Be Yours!
     Are you on track to earn points for
     our PLATINUM-level drawing?
     There is still time to earn points to
     be entered into a drawing for one
     of our many wellness prize packs.
     Log onto
     today to kick your wellness into

   These areticles are intended for informational purposes only and are not intended to be exhaustive, nor should any discussion or
         opinions be construed as professional advice. Readers should contact a health professional for appropriate advice.

                  The Herald       3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                                         10
ATS News
ATS Celebrates American Wind Week
American Wind Week came and
went and ATS Corporate
employees were treated to
plenty of activities. From cupcakes
to giveaways and door prizes, there
was plenty to do. However, those
prizes weren’t nearly as exciting as
the wind blade parked in the lot all

It was hard to miss the 59-meter
blade transported to the
corporate office by one of ATS’
specially-trained Drivers, one of
more than 190,000 wind energy
components moved safely by ATS
over the years.

Besides the fantastic photo
opportunity, employees learned
more about the wind industry
and the more than 105,000 jobs
supported by wind across the
United States and Puerto Rico.
The 54,000 wind turbines across
the country produce more than six
percent of the nation’s energy and
have helped the U.S. avoid 189
million metric tons of CO2

ATS was one of dozens of hosts
supporting American Wind Week
across the country from August

       11                              The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42
ATS News
ATS Takes Home Trophy                                                              READ ME
ATS employees took part in the
                                                                                    & WIN
8th Annual “Tanners Team Walk/
Run” and came home with some
hardware to show for it after being
voted the “Most Fun Team.”

Tanner’s Team is an organization
created in 2011 to help families
with children who are fighting
life-threatening illnesses or
serious injuries. It was inspired by
Tanner Fuls, son of ATS Logistics’
                                                                                   The "Read Me and Win" Contest is
John Fuls, who was diagnosed with
                                                                                   open to ATS Employees and
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS),                                                    Contractors.
a form of pre-leukemia, when he
was 11. Sadly, Tanner lost his battle                                              Correct entries will receive one of
in November 2010.                                                                  the new ATS Logo caps (pictured
                                                                                   above) or a similar style cap.
However, Tanner’s legacy carries                                                   Contestants are only eligible to win
on. Tanner’s Team helps families in                                                once every six months.
45 central Minnesota counties with
things like housing,                                                               Contest Questions
transportation and more so they                                                    1. What does CSA stand for?
can tend to larger priorities during
their child’s treatment. Since 2011,                                               2. What are ATS’ three key aspects
Tanner’s Team has helped 217                                                          to ensure Driver satisfaction?
families with $235,000 in grants.
                                                                                   3. Who recognized ATS for two
                                                                                      industry awards?
For more information on how you
can support Tanner’s Team, visit               Teaming up to Help Families ®       Good Luck! The answers can be                                                               found within the articles of this
                                                                                   edition of The Herald.

                                                                                   Send your answers to:

                                                                                   Anderson Trucking Service, Inc.
                                                                                   Attn: Read Me and Win Contest
                                                                                   PO Box 1377
                                                                                   St. Cloud, MN 56302-1377

                                                                                   OR email your answers to:

                                                                          Remember to
                                                                                   include your name, truck number, and
                                                                                   division (if applicable) in the email.

              The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                                        12
Drivers, Dining and Dialogue
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions at Weekly Driver Lunch Meetings

Picking up a trailer that needs repair    Q: How do we determine when                  ensure repairs are done properly.
costs time and money for everyone.        a service call is sent to repair a
ATS wants our Drivers to be safe          trailer vs. setting up a task to             Q: Will the Driver be charged for the
and turning miles. With over 3,700        address it at an ATS Shop?                   reported trailer maintenance?
trailers currently in service, we went    A: In most cases, we will always try to      With the number of miles ATS puts on
to Road Service and asked the             get the trailer brought to an ATS shop       our trailers each year, ongoing
best practices to report needed           rather than incur the added costs of a       maintenance is inevitable. The most
trailer repairs, plus what happens        service call. Service calls are sent to      important thing is that a Driver reports
after they report it.                     drop yards or customers when we do           trailer repair needs immediately. Drivers
                                          not have the ability to get the trailer to   are generally not charged for repairs
Q: When should I send in a                a service location or have time to           on trailers. Exceptions are rare, but do
Macro 16?                                 repair the issue. If the reported            occur and these are handled on a case-
A: A “Macro 16 – Trailer                  repair is not a DOT item, we will            by-case basis.
Maintenance” should be used               create a task so that when that
whenever a Driver is dropping a           trailer returns to ATS it will be            Q: What do I do if the trailer is red-
trailer that has a known issue. This      addressed in-house. If the repair is         tagged?
message will be received by Road          a DOT item, it must be fixed before          A: A red-tagged trailer means the trailer
Service and used to locate a vendor       using the trailer.                           is out of service. If the trailer is at an
to make repairs to ensure the trailer                                                  ATS shop, it will be on the schedule to
is road-ready and safe.                   Q: What is the best way to                   have the repairs done to make the trailer
                                          prevent downtime with a trailer              legal and safe. Red-tagged trailers
** If a Driver is under dispatch of       that needs repair?                           should not be put back into service
trailer, it is recommended to send in     A: Always complete a thorough daily          without confirming all issues have been
a “Macro 24-Breakdown,” as those          pre-trip and post-trip inspection and        addressed.
are given priority over a Macro 16. **    report any findings through either
                                          a Macro 16 (dropping the trailer) or         If a trailer is red-tagged at a drop yard
Q: What is important                      Macro 24 (using/picking up trailer).         or non-ATS Shop, (ATS shops include
information to provide when               Also, if you are able to address any         St. Cloud East, Gary and Houston) send
sending in a Macro 16?                    issues during the day to prevent             a Macro 24 to report the trailer to Road
A: 1.) Are you dropping the               after-hours calls, that will help.           Service and ensure there is a plan to
trailer? 2.) What is your location?       Greasing trailers regularly also helps       repair the trailer.
3.) What are your needed repairs or       reduce wear and tear and the amount
what is your complaint? It is             of repairs needed.                           Q: How often are Heavy Haul/Wind
important to be specific. For                                                          trailers routed through an ATS
example, the Driver-side airbag           Q: How can I do my part to                   terminal?
deployed or the passenger side first      ensure a healthy trailer fleet?              A: All Heavy Haul/Wind trailers are
tire is flat. This helps us prioritize    A: Communicate all known issues              required get to ATS East in St. Cloud
repairs. If specific information is not   and address them when in-route               at least once per year for an in-depth
in the original macro message, an         before dropping a trailer if possible. In    inspection. This has helped reduce
extra step is needed for follow-up.       some cases, an ATS truck and Driver          downtime for Drivers out on the road
                                          will need to be present to provide           along with reducing repair costs overall.
                                          electric and/or air to the trailer to

         13                                              The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42
What’s New at the Shop
                                                      By: Josh Loy

We’re looking for new photos to
be used on our website and in
corporate resources and
  1st = $150.00
  2nd = $100.00
  3rd & 4th = $75.00
  5th & 6th = $50.00
  7th & 8th = $25.00
Details & Rules:                                    During the 2nd Quarter of 2019, Road Service handled 13,942 calls. The
• Photos must include the entire                    average time in queue, which is the amount of time the caller waited
  ATS truck and load from any                       before the call was answered, was one minute, 51 seconds.
  ATS division.
• High resolution digital                           Road Service continues to monitor these numbers to ensure prompt
  photos are preferred (300+                        service to our Drivers.
  pixels). Please send as an email
• Photos may include standard                        Road              Calls Presented              Calls Handled              Calls Abandoned        Work Orders
  truck shots or action photos.                     Service    Total       Avg Queue Time   Total     Avg Handle Time    Total      Avg Queue Time     Created

• All photos submitted will be                      4/2018     4,564            2:12        4,243           6:06         320             2:41             2,480
  considered.                                       5/2018     5,061            1:35        4,789           5:30         271             2:07             2,744
• Contest is open to all ATS                        6/2018     5,327            1:47        4,910           5:41         414             2:04             2,559
  Employees, Drivers and
                                                    Q2/2018    14,952           1:51        13,942          5:46         1,005           2:17             7,783
• Pilot car photos are now
  included in this contest.
SEND YOUR PHOTOS TO: and/or                            ATS Driver Meal Deal
Anderson Trucking Service, Inc.
Attn: Photo Contest
PO Box 1377
St. Cloud, MN 56302-1377                                                                                               STOP IN TODAY AT
                                                                                                                    TA TRUCK SERVICE FOR A
ATS will judge the photos and award decisions
will be final. By submitting your photo, you are                                                              TRAI     SERVICE
acknowledging that you are the sole owner of
the image(s) and the image(s) is/are free from                                                              WITH DOT INSPECTION®
any copyrights. You are also granting ATS                                                                                  AND GET A

                                                                                                                $10 OFF
permission to use the image(s) in internal and
external communications and marketing
materials. Photos submitted will become
                                                                      e throug
                                                              availabl 31, 2018
property of ATS for unrestricted use and will
not be returned. ATS reserves the right to
                                                                       r                                    FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT
discontinue or modify the contest at                           Decembe                                             CERTIFICATE
any time.

                   The Herald    3rd Quarter 2018         Volume 42                                                              14
ASD Department Profile
            ATS Scanning Department
Have you ever wondered what
happens to paperwork after it
has been scanned and sent? All
Driver paperwork goes to the
ATS Scanning Department to be
indexed, meaning they apply the
appropriate load, unit number
and date to that group of
documents, and document
typed, which is naming each
document in that packet group
with an identifying document
type. The images are then
forwarded to the appropriate staff
via an electronic workflow system
to be processed for settlement
and customer invoicing.

The Scanning Department team
ensures documents are
processed quickly and                Pictured from left to right: Nicole Philippi, Samantha Cote, Jodi Nesland, Shirley Mishow, Lorisa Ritter, Nancy Schmidt
accurately to enable timely and
correct invoicing, Driver/               so it can be ushered into the                              this group also runs our mailroom
Contractor settlements and               correct indexing queue.                                    function and backs up our
brokerage carrier payables.                                                                         receptionists.
There are several software               The Scanning Department handles
programs the scanning staff              more than just Driver paperwork.                           The Scanning Department is an
members need to know                     About 15 years ago, ATS made the                           example of innovation at work at
thoroughly, including LME, which         decision to work toward reducing                           ATS.
is the base software system that         as much paper as possible.
ATS uses, EBE, the scanning and          Documents that can be received                             Fun Facts:
workflow system, McLeod, which           and processed electronically help                          - More than 250 filing cabinets
shares some of the                       increase efficiencies as well as time                      were eliminated when ATS went to
imaging software and Kofax, an           and resources. The Scanning                                an imaging system.
image clarity software. Each of          Department works with documents                            - Every year, the Imaging
these play into the process of           for nearly all departments in ATS.                         Department handles the following
getting documents to the                 The imaging software also supports                         number of documents for these
correct database and file. Often         a software program called                                  departments:
it requires the group to move the        Rendition Print, which selects                                    - Flatbed: 1,732,716
documents from EBE into print to         appropriate documents to                                          - Vans: 1,005,624
imaging for McLeod or vice-              accompany customer invoices,                                      - Logistics: 3,250,080
versa. From the scanning                 settlement statements and more as                                 - Sureway: 306,504
aspect, they need to know what           they are sent out. Outside of
scanner belongs to what system           scanning and imaging documents

       15                                                  The Herald        3rd Quarter 2018       Volume 42
ATS News
ATS Recognized                                         ATS had a great few months when   in September from leading industry
with Awards                                            it comes to bringing home awards. publication, “Logistics
                                                                                         Management.” ATS was awarded
                                                       In July, FedEx honored ATS with   with two 2018 “Quest for Quality”
                                                       two awards, the 2018 “100%        Awards, with recognition in the “Dry
                                                       Service” Award and the 2018 “Peak Freight” and “Industrial & Heavy
                                                       Performance” Award during the     Haul Carriers” categories.
                                                       Ground Carrier Conference in
                                                       Coraopolis, Pennsylvania.         The annual award follows a
                                                                                         six-month research project
                                                       The awards come from ATS’ ability conducted by Peerless Research
                                                       to provide FedEx Ground and their Group (PRG). It has been regarded
                                                       customers with surge capacity,    as the gold standard for customer
                                                       develop turnkey solutions for     satisfaction and performance
                                                       last-minute freight changes and   excellence in transportation for
                                                       deliver on Level of Service (LOS) more than three decades.
                                                       metrics related to on-time pickup
                                                       and delivery.                     Congratulations and thank you to
                                                                                         all of the Employees that made
                                                       ATS also took home more honors    these awards possible.

Month #1 Winners

                                                                      Rhonda K.

                                                         Kally G.

                                                                           Logan D.

                                                                  8th Place: ($25) Carl S. #11529
                    The Herald      3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                               16

                                                   1st Place: ($150)
                                                    Kevin R. #72828

     2nd Place: ($100)
      Jason S. #16295

                                                   3rd Place: ($75)
                                                    Justin B. #11530

     4th Place: ($75)
      Larry B. #72861

17                       The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42

  5th Place: ($50)
   Kevin C. #72794

                                                                        6th Place: ($50)
                                                                        Stephen T. #82685

  7th Place: ($25)
  Rodney W. #16241

                                                                       8th Place: ($25)
                                                                        Andres T. #84165

                                                                The Escort Photo Contest has been combined with
                                                                the ATS Photo Contest. Escorts are encouraged
                                                                to send in photos when they have an eye-catching
                                                                display of their vehicle with an ATS delivery.
   The Herald   3rd Quarter 2018   Volume 42                                           18
Nhan N., Kenneth S., Wade D. Flats                  1 (each)           1 (each)
               Donald L., Ragina M. J. Butler Vans                  1 (each)           1(each)
               Tawana P.,Deshunta H.,James H. Vans                 1 (each)           1 (each)
               Nathaniel H., Timothy G., David E. Vans              1 (each)           1 (each)
               Robert B., Darrel W., Cameron L. Vans               1 (each)           1 (each)
                                                                                           FINAL RESULTS

                David S., Donald M., Chris P. Team
               Driver                          Flats               1 (each)
                                                                                      1 (each)
                                                                   Referrals Referrals
               Leslie E. - $3,000 Winner        Flats                                  2

                Robert H., Tamicdrius D. Flats

*Ken B. $500
                Jeremy V. - $1,500 Winner       Flats              4
                                                                    1 (each)
               Leroy S., Kenneth B.*, Joshua H. Flats/Vans/Vans 2 (each)               1 each
                                                                                      2 (each)
               William R., James W.             Flats           3 (each)              1 (each)

               Donald G., Rene R., Michael R. Flats                                   1 (each)

                                                                  1 (each)
               Tim W., Michael P.               Flats           3 (each)              1 (each)
               Anthony H., Jadaun W.            Vans               3 (each)           1 (each)
               Andy M., David K., Raurii M.     Flats              2 (each)            1 (each)

               Wayne K., Clayton P., Darryl O. Flats
               Steven Z., Larry W., Olendus G. Vans
               Dwight H., Rosalind J., Ronald M. Vans             1 (each)
                                                                   2 (each)
                                                                   2 (each)           1 (each)
                                                                                      1 (each)
                                                                                      1 (each)
                Robert P., Frank S.             Flats               2 (each)          1 (each)

                                                                                      1 (each)

                                                                   1 (each)
               Latrone W., Wanda S                                 2 (each)            1 (each)

                Louis A., Jon W., Paul A. Vans
               Kevin B., Timothy G.             Heavy Haul
               Richard G., Sidney D., Brian O. Heavy Haul
               Prescott W., Anthony B., John R. Flats
                                                                   2 (each)
                                                                   1 (each)
                                                                   1 (each)
                                                                                      1 (each)
                                                                                       1 (each)
                                                                                       1 (each)

               Justin B., Daniel K., David M. Vans
               Milton W., Gary L., Lamaquell S. Flats
               Nhan N., Kenneth S., Wade D.     Flats              1 (each)
                                                                   1 (each)
                                                                   1 (each)           1 (each)
                                                                                      1 (each)
                                                                                      1 (each)
               Donald L., Ragina M. J. Butler   Vans                1 (each)           1(each)
               Tawana P.,Deshunta H.,James H. Vans                 1 (each)           1 (each)
               Nathaniel H., Timothy G., David E. Vans              1 (each)           1 (each)
               Robert B., Darrell W., Cameron L. Vans              1 (each)           1 (each)
                David S., Donald M., Chris P.    Flats             1 (each)           1 (each)
                Robert H., Tamicdrius D.        Flats               1 (each)           1 each
               Donald G., Rene R., Michael R. Flats               1 (each)            1 (each)
               Wayne K., Clayton P., Darryl O. Flats              1 (each)            1 (each)
                Louis A., Jon W., Paul A.       Vans               1 (each)           1 (each)
               Justin B., Daniel K., David M.   Vans               1 (each)           1 (each)

                                                 The Herald 4th Quarter 2016 Volume 35
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