The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...

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The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
The Boston Regional Challenge
                                             Examining the Costs and Impacts
                                             of Housing and Transportation on
                                             Area Residents, their Neighborhoods,
                                             and the Environment.

  Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
The Boston Regional Challenge
                                             Examining the Costs and Impacts
                                             of Housing and Transportation on
                                             Area Residents, their Neighborhoods,
                                             and the Environment.

  Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
National Advisory Board

            J. Ronald Terwilliger, Chairman                                      Steve Preston
            Chairman Emeritus, Trammell Crow Residential                         President, OAKLEAF Waste Management;
                                                                                 Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
            Carin Barth
            President, LB Capital, Inc.                                          Jonathan Reckford
                                                                                 CEO, Habitat for Humanity International
            Tom Bozzuto
            CEO, The Bozzuto Group                                               Nic Retsinas
                                                                                 Director, Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University
            Henry Cisneros
            Executive Chairman, CityView;                                        Rick Rosan
            Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development   President, ULI Foundation

            Bart Harvey                                                          Ronnie Rosenfeld
            Former Chairman, Enterprise Community Partners                       Former Chairman, Federal Housing Finance Board

            Bruce Katz                                                           Alan Wiener
            Vice President and Director,                                         Managing Director, Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital
            Brookings Institute, Metropolitan Policy Program
                                                                                 Patrick Phillips, Ex-Officio
            Rick Lazio                                                           CEO, Urban Land Institute
            Managing Director of Global Real Estate and Infrastructure,
            JP Morgan Asset Management                                           Pam Patenaude
                                                                                 Executive Vice President and Executive Director,
            Mel Martinez                                                         ULI Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing
            Partner, DLA Piper;
            Former U.S. Senator;
            Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

             Copyright 2010 by Urban Land Institute
             1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW
             Suite 500 West, Washington, DC 20007-5201                                   Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing

ii   n
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
About the Urban Land Institute
The Urban Land Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research and education organization supported by its members. Founded
in 1936, the Institute now has more than 30,000 members worldwide representing the entire spectrum of land use and real
estate development disciplines, working in private enterprise and public service. As the preeminent, multidisciplinary real
estate forum, ULI facilitates the open exchange of ideas, information, and experience among local, national, and
international industry leaders and policy makers dedicated to creating better places.

The mission of the Urban Land Institute is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining
thriving communities worldwide. Members regard ULI as a trusted idea place where leaders come to grow professionally
and personally through sharing, mentoring, and problem solving. With pride, ULI members commit to the best in land use
policy and practice.

About the ULI Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing
The ULI Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing was established by J. Ronald Terwilliger, chairman emeritus of Trammell
Crow Residential, to expand housing opportunities for working families. The mission of the center is to serve as a catalyst in
increasing the availability of workforce housing in high-cost communities by harnessing the power of the private sector.

The center supports the development of mixed-income communities close to employment centers and transportation hubs.
Through a multifaceted approach, the center facilitates research, advocates for public policy change, publishes best prac-
tices, convenes housing experts, and works to eliminate regulatory barriers to the production of workforce housing.

This report was prepared by the Center for Housing Policy and the ULI Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing, based on
research conducted by the Center for Neighborhood Technology. Through the generous support of ULI Trustee James J.
Curtis III, the ULI Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing is working with the ULI Curtis Regional Infrastructure Initiative to
examine how the intersection of land use, housing, and transportation can foster the creation of sustainable communities.

                                                                                                               n   iii
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
“When it comes to development—housing,
transportation, energy efficiency—these things
aren’t mutually exclusive; they go hand in hand.
And that means making sure that affordable housing
exists in close proximity to jobs and transportation.
That means encouraging shorter travel times and
lower travel costs. It means safer, greener, more
livable communities.”
                     —President Barack Obama, July 13, 2009
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
Executive Summary

This report analyzes    the combined costs of housing and transpor-      order to reduce their housing costs. Long and frequent trips in an
tation for neighborhoods, cities, and towns throughout a Boston          automobile—whether back and forth to work or school, for every-
regional study area that extends south to Providence, Rhode              day errands, or for entertainment—can stress a working family’s
Island; west to Worcester, Massachusetts; and northeast to Dover,        budget, can cause countless hours to be wasted behind the wheel,
New Hampshire. Our analysis finds that the typical household in          and can take a serious environmental toll on the region. As this
the study area spends upwards of $22,000 annually on housing,            report shows, areas that are characterized by good access to pub-
which represents roughly 35 percent of the median household in-          lic transit, jobs, and nearby amenities not only have the potential to
come ($68,036). With transportation costs for the typical household      keep combined housing and transportation costs in check, but they
reaching nearly $12,000 annually, the combined costs of housing          also can lower greenhouse gas emissions and provide for a more
and transportation                                                                                             environmentally sustainable
account for roughly                    Housing + Transportation Costs in the Boston Area                       future.
54 percent of the typi-                                                                                           Leaders in the Boston area
cal household’s income.         Average Annual            Average Annual         Average Annual Housing        have  long recognized that to
Similar studies conducted        Housing Costs         Transportation Costs       + Transportation Costs       maintain and grow the regional

                                               +                          =
for the San Francisco               $22,373                 $11,927                       $34,300              economy, households on all
Bay Area and the Wash-                                                                                         rungs of the income ladder
ington, D.C., region have         % of Income              % of Income                   % of Income           must be able to find afford-
found average housing                 35%                     19%                            54%               able housing options.ii Without
and transportation cost                                                                                        such opportunities, the labor
burdens of 59 percent and 47 percent, respectively.  i
                                                                         pool needed to power the economy may have no choice but to
    Housing costs in the Boston area are much higher than national       look for work in other metropolitan areas where housing is less
averages and exceed costs in many of the largest metropolitan            expensive. But affordable housing by itself is not sufficient if its
areas in the country. Average housing costs for owners and rent-         location requires families to experience long, frequent, and expen-
ers are highest in many of the cities and towns inside Route 128,        sive car trips. A focus on the combined burdens of housing and
including the city of Boston, and between Route 128 and Interstate       transportation costs highlights the importance of strategies such
495 (I-495) in communities typically referred to as MetroWest.           as building mixed-income housing near public transit and job cen-
    Housing prices outside of these high-cost communities are            ters and zoning for a mix of uses to reduce the need to drive long
indeed lower, but transportation costs are often higher, reduc-          distances to meet basic needs. Such strategies help keep costs
ing and sometimes even eliminating the savings made possible             low for working families, strengthen the economy, and lower the
by lower housing prices. This appears to be particularly true for        carbon emissions of current and future generations.
individual households that choose to move farther from work in

                                                                                                                 n   1
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
Report Roadmap                                                                               Boston-Area Subregions

        This report emphasizes the importance of including transportation costs in                  This report analyzes    the combined costs of housing
        any discussion of housing affordability. Why? Because when a family is look-                and transportation for the 2.7 million households that
        ing for a home or neighborhood that it can afford, housing costs are stated                 live in cities and towns throughout the Boston study
        clearly on the rental agreement or loan documents, but no such accounting                   area.iv Because the Boston regional economy extends
        exists for transportation costs—even though transportation is the typical                   well beyond the Massachusetts state line, the study
        household’s second-largest expenditure. This information is also important to               area includes most of Rhode Island, southeasternmost
        policy makers and elected officials as they assess where future investments                 New Hampshire, and parts of Connecticut and southern
        in workforce housing and public transportation improvements should be                       Maine. In total, the study area for this report comprises
        directed. By making the combined costs of housing and transportation more
        transparent, this report and the accompanying online cost calculatoriii provide
                                                                                                  Table 1    ]   The Study Area, Organized into 18 Subregions
        useful information to policy makers and households alike.
        This report is organized as follows:        whether or not they are affordable is          Subregion 	Households                   	Largest Cities and Towns
                                                    also a function of the incomes of the          Route 128                 456,596       Cambridge, Quincy
        n   Pages 4 through 7 show the costs
                                                    households paying them.                        Providence (RI-MA)        398,713       Providence, Warwick
        for housing and transportation in differ-
                                                                                                   City of Boston            231,988       Boston
        ent parts of the study area. This section   n   Page 14 illustrates how housing and
                                                                                                   Central MA (MA-CT)        201,617       Worcester, Shrewsbury
        shows where housing and transpor-           transportation costs factor into the bud-
                                                                                                   South MetroWest           167,670       Natick, Norwood
        tation costs are highest and lowest         get of a working family and page 15
                                                                                                   North Shore & Suburbs     143,965       Peabody, Salem
        and explains why transportation costs       discusses the environmental impacts
                                                                                                   South Coast (MA-RI)       134,654       New Bedford, Fall River
        vary from place to place.                   of the study findings.
                                                                                                   South Shore               123,391       Weymouth, Plymouth
        n   Pages 9 through 11 show the             n Pages 16 and 17 focus on neighbor-           Merrimack Valley          118,282       Lawrence, Haverhill
        combined costs of housing and trans-        hoods and specific cities and towns            North MetroWest           102,594       Framingham, Marlborough
        portation in each of 18 subregions,         where combined costs represent an              Lowell                    100,465       Lowell, Billerica
        documenting the substantial variation       extreme housing and transportation cost        Manchester (NH)            96,255       Manchester, Derry
        within the larger study area.               burden. Where housing and transpor-            Portsmouth (NH-ME)         88,311       Salem, Portsmouth
                                                    tation combine to consume a dispro-            North-Central MA           79,888       Leominster, Fitchburg
        n   Pages 10 and 11 also show the
                                                    portionate share of income, little is left     Nashua (NH)                78,383       Nashua, Merrimack
        combined costs of housing and trans-
                                                    over for other essentials.                     Brockton                   76,101       Brockton, Bridgewater
        portation for each subregion as a per-
                                                                                                   Taunton                    56,183       Taunton, Mansfield
        centage of income, a theme extended         n The report concludes with a brief
                                                                                                   Dover (NH-ME)              51,371       Dover, Rochester
        in the maps on pages 12 and 13.             discussion of the policy implications of
                                                                                                                              Note: Unless otherwise indicated, subregions are
        Absolute costs are important, but           the study findings.                                                                 located entirely within Massachusetts.
                                                                                                                                  Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology.

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The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...

                                                                                                                      323 cities and towns.
                                                                                                                          In order to present the housing
                                                                                                                      and cost data in a meaningful way,
                                                                                                    95                this report divides the cities and
                                                                                                                      towns in the study area into 18 sub-
                                                                                                                      regions developed with the input of
                                                           Manchester                                                 housing and transportation experts
                               NH                                                                                     in the Boston area (see the map
                                                                                                                      and Table 1 for descriptions). The
                                                                                                                      remainder of the report uses this
                                            Nashua                                                                    framework to describe and discuss
                                                       3                     Merrimack Valley
                                                                                                                      the combined costs of housing and
                                                                              95       www.bostonregionalchallenge.   transportation in the study area. Al-
               MA                                          Lowell                  org                                though these subregions represent
                               North-Central MA                          93
                                                                                 North Shore & Suburbs
                                                                                                                      the most efficient way to present the
                                                           2                                                          data, the reader should bear in mind
                                                                             Route 128                                that costs and incomes do vary from
                                       190        North MetroWest
                                                                   128                                                town to town, and data for the larg-
                                           290                                City of Boston                          est cities and towns are presented in
                               Central MA                                                                             the appendix.
                                                                                                                          Unless otherwise stated, the
                               90                     South MetroWest                   3                             housing and transportation cost
                                                                                                 South Shore          data provided in this report can be
                                                               1                                                      interpreted as a three-year average,
                                                      295                                                             covering the most recent years for
                          CT                 44                                             44
                                                                            Taunton                                   which data are available (2006–2008).
                                              RI                    
                                            Providence                       South Coast


     0         10         20
              miles                               1

© 2010 Center for Neighborhood Technology


          W           E
                                                                                                                     n   3
The Boston Regional Challenge - Examining the Costs and Impacts of Housing and Transportation on Area Residents, their Neighborhoods, and the ...
Housing Costs

            Housing costs in the Boston                      an average of $1,864 per month on
            Combined Statistical Area (CSA)v are             housing costs including utilities,
            among the highest in the nation. On              which represents 35 percent of
            measures typically used to quantify              household income. Monthly costs
            housing costs—home value, monthly                for owners ($2,416) are more than
            costs for owners, and gross rent—                twice as high as typical costs for
            the Boston CSA ranks in the top ten              renters ($1,044).
            among the 100 largest metropolitan                  As the map demonstrates,
            areas in the country (see Table 2).              housing costs exhibit a substantial
            The Boston area has retained this                amount of variation across the study
            ranking even though home prices,                 area. Average housing costs are
            which peaked in 2005, had fallen an              highest in the city of Boston, inside
            estimated 12 percent by 2008, and                Route 128, and in the North and
            rents, which rose through mid-2008,              South MetroWest subregions. Aver-
            also had begun declining           ages in these subregions range from
               This study finds that the typical             $2,700 to $3,000 for owners and
            household in the study area spends               from $1,150 to $1,250 for renters.

              Table 2    ] Housing Costs in the Boston CSA Rank Near the Top
               		Rank Among
                  % Above    the 100 Largest
               	U.S. Average   Metro Areas

               Median Home Value                                   +75%                   9th

               Selected Monthly Owner Costs (total)                +57%                   7th

                  for Owners with a Mortgage                       +41%                   9th

                  for Owners without a Mortgage                    +64%                   3rd

               Gross Rent                                          +20%                  10th

                        Note: Rankings apply to the Boston-Worcester-Manchester Combined Statistical Area.
                                                               Source: 2008 American Community Survey.

4   n
                                                       Renter and Owner Housing Costs
                                                       Compared to the Study Area Averages
Even within these subregions, howev-
er, some cities and towns (e.g., Lynn)                   At least 10% below average
                                                         Within 10% of average
are much more affordable than others
                                                         At least 10% above average
(e.g., Belmont).                                                                                                     Dover                 
    North and south of these high-cost
areas, housing expenditures more
closely approximate the study area                                                           Manchester
average. Typical costs for owners
                                                                 NH                                              Portsmouth
range from $2,200 in the Manchester
subregion to just over $2,600 in the
North Shore & Suburbs subregion; av-                                                         3
erage gross rents run from just under
                                                                                                                    Merrimack Valley

                                                MA              North-Central MA
                                                                                                                    North Shore & Suburbs


                                                                         190          North MetroWest            Route 128
                                                                                                                  City of Boston
                                                            Central MA

                                                                 90                        
                                                                                               South MetroWest
$950 in the Merrimack Valley to nearly
$1,150 in the South Shore subregion.                                                                     
   On average, housing is least expen-                                                               1                           South Shore
sive outside of I-495 to the west and                                 
                                                           CT                    44                                                  44
south, as well as in the northern tip of                                                                        Taunton
the study area in the Dover subregion.                                          6
In these subregions, owners incur                                                     RI
average monthly costs ranging from
                                                                                                              South Coast
just under $1,950 (Dover) to just over
$2,100 (Central Massachusetts). Gross                                            
rents average less than $750 in the
South Coast subregion and do not ex-
                                           0    10         20
ceed $900, on average, in any of these         miles
comparatively lower-cost areas.
                                                                                                                                                 © 2010 Center for Neighborhood Technology

                                                                                                                                                n   5
Transportation Costs                                                                            ME

    Transportation Costs                              BELOW AVERAGE DUE TO:
                                                      Good access to jobs and transit
                                                      Household characteristics                      NH
                                                      ABOVE AVERAGE DUE TO:
           Nationally, transportation costs
                                                      Limited access to jobs and transit
                                                      Household characteristics                                                Dover

           are a household’s second-largest           Combination of access and
           expenditure—after housing—and              household characteristics
           the Boston area is no exception.vii                                                             Manchester
                                                             Major Job Centers
           Between 2006 and 2008, transporta-                             NH
                                                                          NH                                                 Portsmouth
           tion costsviii consumed 19 percent of            Commuter Rail Lines

           income for the typical household in
           the study area, amounting to $994                                               Nashua
                                                                                                                              Merrimack Valley
           per month, or $11,927 annually.
              A household’s total transportation                                                                         495
           costs primarily depend on how many
                                                                            North-Central MA                Lowell       
                                                                                                                         93    North Shore & Suburbs
           cars it owns, how frequently and how
           far members must drive, and whether                                                             2
                                                                                                                            Route 128
           or not public transit is an option.                                      
                                                                                    190     North MetroWest
           Some factors that affect auto and                                                                       128

           transit usage are tied to household                                          
                                                                                        290                                   City of Boston

           characteristics like income, household                      Central MA
           size, and the number of workers per
                                                                            90                       
                                                                                                         South MetroWest                   3
           household. Larger households with
                                                                                                                                                    South Shore
                                                                       CT                  44                                                  44
                                                                                           Providence                        South Coast


                                                      0       10       20

                                                                                                                                                          © 2010 Center for Neighborhood Technology

6   n
more workers and more disposable           methodology at the end of the report
Good Access Keeps Costs Low:      At under $10,000 annually, the    income may need—and be able to             for a more detailed discussion.)
city of Boston and communities inside Route 128 (shaded light       afford—multiple automobiles and               A close look at the data shows
green) have the lowest transportation costs, largely attributable   longer, more frequent trips.               that the 18 subregions can be loosely
to their good access to public transit and job centers and their       At the same time, easy access to        grouped into five categories based
dense residential development patterns.                             public transit, major job centers,ix and   on (a) their overall transportation
                                                                    amenities typically leads to lower         costs and (b) whether household
                                                                    transportation costs because house-        characteristics or access to jobs,
Household Characteristics Keep Costs Low:       The Providence
                                                                    holds can meet their daily transporta-     public transit, and other amenities
and South Coast subregions (shaded dark green) also have
                                                                    tion needs with shorter car trips or       are the primary determinants of
below-average transportation costs, but this has less to do with
                                                                    replace car trips with more afford-        these costs (see map and color-cod-
proximity to major job centers and transit options and more to
                                                                    able or convenient alternatives. (See      ed descriptions).
do with lower incomes and fewer commuters per household.

LIMITED Access Drives Costs Higher:    These six subregions
(shaded yellow) have below-average incomes and thus would
be expected to spend less on transportation, but costs for the
typical household are above average because of limited access
to transit and major job centers. Even though commuter rail
lines extend to many of these subregions, overall access to
public transit throughout remains subpar, and lower-density
residential development contributes to more frequent driving.

Household Characteristics Drive Costs Higher:        Above-aver-
age incomes allow households in these four subregions (shad-
ed orange) to spend relatively more on transportation costs.
Transportation costs are thus above average even though the
subregions have comparatively good access to employment
opportunities. Sub par transit accessibility also contributes to
higher transportation costs in these subregions.

All Factors Lead to Higher Costs: Four of the five subregions
with the highest transportation costs (shaded pink) fit into this
category. Incomes are above average, residential density is low,
and transit and job access is far below average.

                                                                                                               n   7
Living and Working in
                                                                                           Rhode Island and
    Transit Options                                                                        New Hampshire
    and Travel Patterns
                                                                                           The Providence area and parts of south-
                                                                                           eastern New Hampshire are undeniably
           Compared to national       spending        Although public transit is           important parts of the Boston regional
           patterns, households in the Boston     available in many communities
                                                                                           economy, but commuting patterns
           CSA dedicate a relatively low share    throughout the study area, the
           of their household expenditures to     subway system and bus routes are         between these areas and Boston are not
           transportation.x One reason is the     most convenient for those living         as widespread as some may think. An
           Massachusetts Bay Transporta-          in the city of Boston and in other
                                                                                           analysis of commuting data suggests that
           tion Authority (MBTA), which alone     communities inside Route 128.
           provides an average of 1.32 million    Roughly 24 percent of commuters          87 percent of Providence workers and
           trips every weekday.xi When the        in these two subregions rely on          78 percent of South Coast workers are employed in either the Providence or South
           Rhode Island Public Transit Author-    public transit to get to and from        Coast subregions. Likewise, three-quarters of those living in the New Hampshire
           ity (RIPTA) and smaller regional       work daily, and an additional 11
                                                                                           portion of the study area also work there. For those who do undertake long com-
           transit providers are considered, it   percent bike or walk to work. Us-
           is no wonder that the Boston CSA       age is much lower in the balance         mutes to work, however, associated costs can be significant.
           ranks sixth in the country in the      of the study area—only 3 percent                                    Source: Center for Housing Policy tabulations of the 2006-2008
           proportion of commuters routinely      of commuters outside of these                                      American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample files.

           using public transit to get to work    two subregions routinely use
           each day (7.9 percent).xii             public transitxiii—but transporta-   tion costs in outlying communities            metropolitan areas in terms of lon-
                                                                                       served by commuter rail are nota-             gest commutes.xiv The vast major-
                                                                                       bly lower than in peripheral towns            ity (72 percent) of those commut-
                                                                                       lacking such access. Compared                 ing more than one hour travel by
                                                                                       to the cost of owning two cars, a             automobile, but whether by private
                                                                                       family with good access to transit            car or public transit, living far from
                                                                                       and jobs can save as much as                  job centers can impose a negative
                                                                                       $5,000 each year by owning only               “time tax” on workers by consum-
                                                                                       one car.                                      ing part of their day that could be
                                                                                          Forty-one percent of workers in            spent on other pursuits with family
                                                                                       the Boston CSA have commutes                  and friends. Long commutes by
                                                                                       of 30 minutes or longer, and one in           car not only impose a time tax
                                                                                       ten commutes at least 60 minutes,             on the driver but also contribute
                                                                                       ranking the Boston CSA 13th and               to traffic congestion and carbon
                                                                                       14th, respectively, among large               emissions (see page 15).

8   n
Combined Housing and Transportation Costs                                                ME

                                                          Less than $32,500
                                                          Greater than $37,500
                                                                                                                                                                                 Housing + Transportation Costs
                                                                                                                         Dover                  95

                                                                    NH                        Manchester


                                                                                              3                                1                                                   Why Combined Costs Appear Low in the
                                                                                                                     Merrimack Valley
                                                                                                                                                                                   City of Boston and Route 128 Subregions
                                                   MA                                                 Lowell
                                                                    North-Central MA                            
                                                                                                                       North Shore & Suburbs
                                                                                                                                                                                   Combined costs in the City of Boston and Route 128
                                                                                                                                                                                   subregions appear to be among the lowest in the study
                                                                           190     North MetroWest                   Route 128
                                                                                                                                                                                   area, but this is partly due to the unusually high share
                                                                               290                                     City of Boston                                              of renters in these areas. Average housing costs for both
                                                                    Central MA                                                                                                     renters and owners in these communities are very high,
                                                                    90                      
                                                                                                South MetroWest
                                                                                                                                   3                                               but since a relatively high share of households in
                                                                                                              95
                                                                                                                                                                                   the City of Boston (62 percent) and Route 128
© 2010 Center for Neighborhood Technology

                                                                                                                       Brockton             South Shore
                                                                                              295                                                                                  (45 percent) subregions rent their homes, and since
                                                               CT                44                                                    44
                                                                                                                     Taunton                                                       renting is typically less expensive than owning, average
                                                                                                               195                                                                 housing costs appear to be lower than expected.
                                                                                                                      South Coast
                                                                                                                                                                                   Given their below-average transportation costs, com-
                                                                                    95
                                                                                                                                                                                   bined costs are slightly below average in the Route 128
                                                                                                                                                                                   subregion and substantially below average in the city
                                            0      10         20
                                                                                     US-1                                                                                          of Boston.

                                            In the study area,  the typi-                              southern New Hampshire, annual                     Taunton, Lowell, and Merrimack           South Coast), and west (Central
                                            cal household spends roughly                               costs exceed $37,500 (see map).                    Valley subregions.                       and North-Central Massachusetts).
                                            $34,300 per year on the combined                              Combined costs are slightly                         Below-average combined               Housing costs are relatively low
                                            costs of housing and transporta-                           lower—but still above average—                     costs can be found in some of the        in each, and in the south, transpor-
                                            tion. In four subregions between                           in areas bordering the north and                   peripheral subregions to the north       tation costs are below average
                                            Route 128 and I-495, as well as in                         south sides of I-495: the Brockton,                (Dover), south (Providence and           as well.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      n   9
Regional Variation in                                                                                                        Transportation
 Housing + Transportation Costs                                                                                               Housing

                                            $13,721        $14,028
                                                                        $13,931       $14,428        $12,850
              $30,000                                                                                              $14,223                          $13,342
                               $11,927                                                                                               $14,253                         $13,026

                                            $29,423        $28,664
                                                                        $26,779       $25,123        $25, 567
                               $22,373                                                                             $23,352           $21,977        $22,722          $22,707

                              Study Area     North         South  South Shore Portsmouth           North Shore      Nashua           Taunton       Brockton           Lowell
                             		            MetroWest     MetroWest			                               & Suburbs

     Annual H+T Costs          $34,300      $43,144        $42,692       $40,711      $39,551        $38,417        $37,575          $36,230        $36,065           $35,733

     Average Median Income     $68,036      $95,744        $92,371       $77,812      $76,585        $76,452        $77,704          $69,032        $67,017           $73,969

     Average H+T as % of        54%          48%            48%           54%           53%            52%           50%               54%            57%               51%
     Median Income                                                                                                                        © 2010 Center for Neighborhood Technology

              The average household     in the         transportation costs exceed study      higher-income households in these         of Boston subregions. Both hous-
              Boston study area spends ap-             area averages by wide margins.         subregions, therefore, these high         ing and transportation costs are
              proximately $34,300 annually on          Because incomes are significantly      costs are not as burdensome as            below average in Providence and
              housing and transportation, which        higher in these subregions than in     they initially appear, but for those      the South Coast, and in the city of
              represents about 54 percent of           the area as a whole, however, the      earning less, there may be few af-        Boston, very low transportation
              the typical household’s income.          typical household’s combined cost      fordable opportunities.                   costs offset more expensive hous-
              Combined costs are highest in the        burden—i.e., the share of income          Combined costs are lowest              ing. Because typical incomes in
              North and South MetroWest subre-         spent on housing and transporta-       in absolute dollar terms in the           these subregions are substantially
              gions, where both housing and            tion costs—is only 48 percent. For     Providence, South Coast, and City         lower than for the study area as a

10    n


         $30,000         $12,419                      $9,794
                                                                    $12,928          $13,491       $13,671
                         		                                                                                      $11,697                     $7,013

                         $23,241                     $23,754
                                    $20,993                                                                                                  $19,918
         $10,000                                                    $19,817          $19,142       $18,354       $18,888

                        Merrimack Manchester Route 128 Central MA                     North-   Dover Providence South Coast                  City of
                         Valley				                                                 Central MA				                                           Boston

Annual H+T Costs         $35,660        $34,350      $33,549        $32,745          $32,633       $32,024       $30,586       $27,808       $26,930

Average Median Income    $65,795        $67,820      $69,444        $65,489          $63,693       $59,122       $57,336       $48,067       $52,923

Average H+T as % of       59%            52%           51%            53%             53%            55%           57%          62%            56%
Median Income

   whole, however, these subregions’       with the exceptions of Brockton            or public transit, and housing is      leading to high cost burdens.
   cost burdens are comparatively          and Merrimack Valley, where they           more costly than in more peripher-
   high, ranging from 56 percent of        rise to 57 percent and 59 percent,         al subregions such as Central and      See the appendix for data on
   income in the city of Boston to 62      respectively. In both, combined            North-Central Massachusetts and        housing and transportation costs
   percent in the South Coast.             costs for housing and transporta-          parts of New Hampshire. Neither        and burdens for the largest cities
      Combined cost burdens are            tion are slightly above the study          housing nor transportation is par-     and towns in the study area.
   roughly at or below the study           area average, and incomes are              ticularly affordable for the typical
   area average of 54 percent in the       slightly below. Neither is particular-     working family in the Brockton and
   remaining mid-cost subregions           ly well situated in relation to jobs       Merrimack Valley subregions,

                                                                                                                            n   11
Regional Classification                                         Combined Cost Burden
                                                                     Compared to the Study Area Average
     of Housing + Transportation                                       Below average (55% of income)
                                                                                                                                   Dover                 

                                                                               NH                                               Portsmouth

                                                                                             Nashua 3                                    1

                                                                                                                               Merrimack Valley
                                                              MA                                               Lowell
                                                                               North-Central MA                             
                                                                                                                                 North Shore & Suburbs

                                                                                                           2                   Route 128
                                                                                      190     North MetroWest
                                                                                          290                                    City of Boston
                                                                                Central MA

                                                                               90                      
             In the map  on this page, each of the 18                                                      South MetroWest
             subregions is assigned to one of three                                                                  
                                                                                                                     I-95        Brockton
                                                                                                                                                      South Shore
             categories based on its combined cost                                                               1
             burden (i.e., the share of income spent                                
                                                                          CT                 44                                                  44
             on the combined costs of housing and                                                                              Taunton
             transportation): (1) 53 to 55 percent,                                          6
             which includes the study area aver-
             age (yellow in the map and text); (2)                                           Providence                         South Coast
             below average (less than 53 percent,
             in green); and (3) above average (more                                          

             than 55 percent, in purple). The text ac-
             companying the map explores some of         0    10         20
             the underlying factors that lead to these                                            1
             varying levels of cost burden.
                                                                                                                                                         © 2010 Center for Neighborhood Technology

12    n
Below-Average Cost Burdens                                                  Average Cost Burdens                      Above-Average Cost Burdens

  In the North and South MetroWest, Lowell, and North Shore &                 Four of the six subregions with cost      In the Merrimack Valley and Brockton subregions, both hous-
  Suburbs subregions, below-average cost burdens are a reflec-                burdens ranging from 53 to 55 percent     ing and transportation costs are slightly above average and
  tion of above-average incomes that make even higher costs af-               have moderate incomes and are located     incomes are somewhat below average, resulting in combined
  fordable to the typical resident. Households with lower incomes             outside of I-495 on the periphery of      cost burdens of 59 and 57 percent, respectively.
  likely would find few affordable opportunities in these areas.              the study area. Housing costs in these
                                                                                                                        Housing costs are relatively high and transportation costs are
                                                                              areas are low enough that, even when
  In the New Hampshire subregions of Nashua and Manchester,                                                             low in the city of Boston, but incomes are significantly below
                                                                              higher transportation costs are consid-
  higher transportation costs are partially offset by lower housing                                                     average, leading to high overall levels of cost burden.
                                                                              ered, combined costs are affordable.
  costs, and incomes are sufficient to make combined costs
                                                                                                                        Very low incomes in the Providence and South Coast subre-
  affordable.                                                                 With higher combined costs and higher
                                                                                                                        gions also result in above-average cost burdens, despite the
                                                                              incomes that make them affordable, the
  In the Route 128 subregion, the reverse is true—higher housing                                                        very low combined costs typically incurred by households in
                                                                              Portsmouth and South Shore subre-
  costs are offset by very low transportation costs.                                                                    these communities.
                                                                              gions are two exceptions to this rule.

Local Variation in Housing + Transportation Costs

This report focuses primarily on average costs, incomes, and resulting cost burdens estimated for the
18 subregions in the study area. While this is the most effective way to present the data, it can mask
variation within each subregion. For example, within the Merrimack Valley subregion, the combined
cost burden in Haverhill is 53 percent. But in nearby Lawrence, where costs are lower but incomes
are roughly half, the combined costs of housing and transportation represent 74 percent of income—
far above the study area average. Because there are 323 cities and towns in the study area, the report
cannot focus on each individually. However, pages 16 and 17 discuss the neighborhoods, cities, and
towns within each subregion that are particularly burdened by their housing and transportation costs,
and the appendix includes data on all cities and towns with at least 10,000 households.

                                                                                                                                                n   13
A Working Family’s Budget—
     Location, Location, Location

            A news reporter,   a bank teller,                    At the end of each month, this
            and their teenage son own a home                     family is nearly $200 short of
            in Stoughton, Massachusetts. The                     covering its basic living ex-
            family earns an annual income of                     penses. Rather than cutting
            roughly $70,000,1 and after taxes,                   costs elsewhere, they may be
            their monthly take-home pay is ap-                   able to bring expenses in line
            proximately $4,667.2 As with most                    with their income by lowering
            families, housing is their largest                   transportation costs—even if it
            expenditure, and transportation is                   means paying more for housing
            their second largest. Their monthly                  by moving to another part of the
            budget is as follows:                                Boston area.

                Take-Home Pay                   $4,667

                Housing                        -$2,430
                                                                      The same family    could
                Transportation                 -$1,095                cover costs—with a little
                Food                             -$636                left over each month—if
                                                                      it moved to Watertown,
                Health Care                      -$381
                                                                      Massachusetts.3 The cost of
                Miscellaneous                    -$295
                                                                      owning a home is slightly
                                                                                                            Take-Home Pay    $4,667    By moving to Watertown, this
                At Month’s End                   -$170                higher, but because the city is
                                                                                                            Housing          -$2,557   family would not only save over
                                                                      better situated in terms of jobs
                                                                                                                                       $200 per month but would also
                                                                      and public transit and is more        Transportation    -$778
                                                                                                                                       reduce its carbon emissions by
                                                                      “walkable” than their old neighbor-   Food              -$636
                Average salaries for these professions in the                                                                          walking more frequently and tak-
                                                                      hood, transportation costs would
                Boston Metropolitan Statistical Area according                                              Health Care       -$380    ing public transit.
                to, as reported in the Center for          likely be lower. In Watertown, this
                Houing Policy’s Paycheck to Paycheck 2006             family’s monthly budget would be      Miscellaneous     -$254
                database.                                                                                                              3
                                                                      as follows:                                                          Compare housing and transportation costs
                Tax estimates and monthly expenditures with                                                 At Month’s End     +$62
                                                                                                                                           throughout the study area by using the fully
                the exception of housing and transportation
                                                                                                                                           customizable, online Housing + Transporta-
                are based on the Self-Sufficiency Calculator,
                                                                                                                                           tion Calculator, available at www.bostonre-
                produced by the Crittenton Women’s Union
                in 2006. The calculator is available at www.

14    n
                                                                                                                                              North Andover
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Environmental Impact
                                                  Tyngsborough Annual Carbon Dioxide
                                                  Emissions per Household                                                   Andover
                                                    Under 7.5 metric tons Lowell                                                                                                      Topsfield
                                                    7.5 to 9.0 metric tons                                                                                                                             Hamilton     In 2008, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
                                                    9.0 to 10.5 metric tons                                                                                                                                         passed the Global Warming Solutions Act, legisla-
                                                    Over 10.5 metric tons
                                                                    Chelmsford                                     Tewksbury
                                                                                                                                                                                   95             Wenham
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    tion requiring that state greenhouse gas emis-
                                                  Subway Lines                                                                                North Reading                                                         sions be reduced to 80 percent of 1990 levels
                                                                                                                                                                                     Danvers           Beverly
                                                                     BLUE                                                   Wilmington                                                                              by 2050. Transportation is a major contributor of
                                                                     GREEN                         Billerica
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    greenhouse gas emissions and thus a major target
    Littleton                                                        RED                                                                                   Lynnfield                                                of emissions reduction efforts. Interestingly, the
                                                                            Carlisle                                                        Reading                                Peabody
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    transportation sector accounts for 41 percent of all
                                                                     Commuter Rail Lines                           Burlington                                                                Salem                  carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Massachusetts,xv
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    compared to 33 percent nationally.xvi
                                                       Acton                                 Bedford
                                                                                                                                            Stoneham                                 Lynn                              One strategy for reducing transportation-related
                                                                                                                                                                     Saugus                       Swampscott
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CO2 emissions is to reduce the number and length
                                                                                                               Lexington         Winchester                                                                         of car trips, often measured in vehicle miles trav-
                                                                                                        128                                                Malden                       Nahant                      eled (VMT). High-density residential areas that can
                                                 Maynard                                 Lincoln                                          Medford
                                                                                                                             Arlington                                    Revere                                    support—and are zoned to allow—nearby services,
                                                                                                                                                           Everett                                                  amenities, and employment have been shown to
                                                                                                                           Belmont         Somerville
                                                         Sudbury                                         Waltham                                                                                                    reduce VMT by 25 to 30 percent, on average. xvii
                                                                                                                                         Cambridge                               Winthrop
                                                                                                                       Watertown                                                                                       CO2 emissions related to automobile use are
                                                                             Wayland       Weston                                                                                                                   lowest, on a per-household basis,xviii in the sub-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    regions with the highest residential density. The
                                                 Framingham                                                                       Brookline
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    average household in the city of Boston produces
                                                                      90                                                                          Boston                                                            only five metric tons of CO2 annually, compared
     © 2010 Center for Neighborhood Technology

                                                                                Natick                                                                                                                              to a study area average of nine metric tons and at
                                                                                                        Needham                                                                                                     least 11 metric tons in six subregions with very low
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    residential density. Low levels of per-household
                                                 Ashland                                                                                                                                                            CO2 emissions in the City of Boston and Route
                                                                                              Dover                        Dedham                               Quincy
                                                                                                                                                   Milton                                                           128 subregions can further be attributed to access
                                                                                                                 Westwood                                                                                           to the subway system, where coverage is most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    extensive (see map). As the map shows, emissions
                                                 Holliston                               Medfield                          95                                                                       Hingham
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    are lowest in cities and towns that have direct
                                                   0           2         4
                                                                                                                     Norwood             Canton
                                                             miles                                                                                                                                                  access to public transit, which can be a significant
                                                                              Millis                                                                  Randolph
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    factor in reducing a household’s car usage.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  n   15
Extreme Housing +
 Transportation Cost Burden
                                                                                                Tabl e 3   ]   Extreme H+T Cost Burdens Are Most Common
                                                                                                               Where Incomes Are Below Average

                                                                                                		                    Households in		                   Average Median
                                                                                                		                    Neighborhoods		                      Household
                                                                                                		                     Where H+T    Percent of              Income
                                                                                                Subregion              Cost Burden   Regions’            Relative to Full
                                                                                                		                      >= 58%      Households            Study Area

                                                                                                South Coast              69,045            51%                 54%

                                                                                                Merrimack Valley         51,128            43%                 64%
            To better understand      where hous-    Coast subregion and roughly one-
                                                                                                Providence               131,995           33%                 54%
            ing and transportation costs are         third of those in the Providence and
                                                                                                City of Boston           74,287            32%                 47%
            particularly high relative to incomes,   City of Boston subregions live in
            we examine the share of households       neighborhoods with extreme cost            Brockton                 19,471            26%                 62%
            in each subregion living in neighbor-    burdens. This is due, at least in part,    Dover                    13,140            26%                 73%
            hoodsxix with an “extreme housing        to the very low incomes of residents
                                                                                                Central MA               49,979            25%                 56%
            and transportation cost burden”—         in these neighborhoods—ranging
            a level equaling or exceeding 58         from 47 to 54 percent of the median        South Shore              27,111            22%                 89%
            percent of income. We chose 58           for the full study area—or roughly         Taunton                  10,723            19%                 71%
            percent because only one-quarter of      $31,000 to $37,000. Household
                                                                                                Route 128                86,685            19%                 64%
            all households in the study area live    incomes at this level are not sufficient
                                                                                                Manchester               16,275            17%                 62%
            in neighborhoods with a combined         to cover even the modest housing
            cost burden that meets or exceeds        and transportation costs that charac-      Portsmouth               14,572            17%                 83%
            this level.                              terize these neighborhoods.                North-Central MA         12,769            16%                 58%

                                                                                                North Shore & Suburbs    22,649            16%                 82%
            Extreme housing and transporta-          Extreme combined burdens are
            tion cost burdens are common             also prevalent in moderate-income          Lowell                   15,682            16%                 57%
            among very low-income neighbor-          neighborhoods in the Merrimack             North MetroWest           9,571            9%                  62%
            hoods in the South Coast, Provi-         Valley and Brockton subregions.
                                                                                                Nashua                    7,251            9%                  60%
            dence, and City of Boston subre-         Too close to the city to benefit from
                                                                                                South MetroWest           8,582            5%                  84%
            gions.  As Table 3 shows, more than      low-cost housing but not close
            half of all households in the South      enough to access jobs and transit                                             Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology

16   n
Tabl e 4   ]   Many Cities and Towns in the Study Area
                                                                                                  Have Extreme H+T Cost Burdens

nearby, many low- to moderate-in-      from 82 to 89 percent of the study
                                                                                    			                 Average Average
come households in these neighbor-     area median, showing that extreme            Subregion	City/Town Median   H+T
hoods cannot afford the combined       cost burdens are not a problem               		         	Income 	Cost Burden
costs of housing and transportation.   experienced solely by low-income
                                                                                    Brockton               Brockton                 $53,065                62%
Higher-income subregions also              Finally, Table 4 demonstrates that       Central MA             Worcester                $44,933                59%
have neighborhoods with extreme        some cities and towns throughout             Merrimack Valley       Andover                  $94,863                58%
combined burdens,   although such      the study area have extreme com-
                                                                                    		                     Lawrence                 $31,988                74%
neighborhoods make up a smaller        bined cost burdens—even where the
share of each subregion’s total        cost burdens of the subregions in            		                     Methuen                  $55,080                63%
households. In four—South Shore,       which they are located are not mark-         North-Central MA       Fitchburg                $47,453                58%
Portsmouth, North Shore & Suburbs,     edly high. Not surprisingly, cities and
                                                                                    Providence             Johnston                 $54,087                60%
and South MetroWest—the neighbor-      towns in the Providence, South Coast,
                                                                                    		                     Pawtucket                $41,390                58%
hoods with extreme combined bur-       Merrimack Valley, and Brockton subre-
dens have median incomes ranging       gions make the list. But three cities in-    		                     Providence               $36,342                72%
                                       side Route 128, as well as cities such       		                     Woonsocket               $38,398                61%
                                       as Worcester and Fitchburg in Central
                                                                                    Route 128              Chelsea                  $39,255                61%
                                       and North-Central Massachusetts,
                                       also have combined cost burdens that         		                     Lynn                     $42,928                63%
                                       qualify as extreme, even though their        		                     Revere                   $48,377                63%
                                       subregions do not stand out as being
                                                                                    South Coast            Dartmouth                $64,611                59%
                                       particularly burdened.
                                                                                    		                     Fall River               $35,051                62%
                                           By and large, incomes for the
                                       cities and towns in Table 4 range            		                     New Bedford              $37,850                66%
                                       from the mid-$30,000s to the mid-
                                                                                                             Note: Only cities and towns with at least 10,000 households
                                       $50,000s, or roughly 50 to 80 percent
                                                                                                          and an H+T cost burden of at least 58 percent are shown here.
                                       of the median income for the study
                                                                                                                           Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology.
                                       area. Not shown in the table because
                                       of their small size, a number of towns
                                       in New Hampshire and the South
                                       Shore subregions have extreme
                                       combined cost burdens and median
                                       household incomes on the order of
                                       $60,000 to $70,000.

                                                                                                                                  n   17
The Way Forward

             There are many reasons        to live                                                                                 transit service in peripheral com-
             in and move to the Boston area,                                                                                       munities where housing costs are
             including a wide array of highly                                                                                      already low. Efforts to link these
             regarded colleges and universities,                                                                                   communities to major job centers
             two of the top ten hospitals in the                                                                                   and other nearby destinations
             nation, xx a vibrant cultural scene,                                                                                  through public transit could lower
             and a diverse economy. At the                                                                                         transportation costs significantly.
             same time, many are concerned
             that a shortage of affordable hous-                                                                                   Building Political Support
             ing may make it difficult to retain                                                                                   The states within the study area
             and attract necessary workers. As                                                                                     have a history of supporting afford-
             this report makes clear, an effective                                                                                 able housing and efforts to coor-
             solution to the region’s housing                                                                                      dinate housing and transportation
             challenges will require coordination                                                                                  policy. Prominent examples from
             between housing and transporta-                                                                                       Massachusetts include:
             tion policy to reduce families’ com-    Addressing Identified Needs             the Merrimack Valley.                 n Chapter 40R, which provides
             bined costs to affordable levels.       As the region readies itself for the    n Creating housing affordable         financial incentives for cities and
                In order to make room for the        future, it is important that hous-      to low- and moderate-income           towns in Massachusetts to zone
             more than 250,000 people ex-            ing, transportation, and land use       households in densely developed,      for and build high-density residen-
             pected to join the Boston area          policies be coordinated to foster       walkable communities where            tial developments in areas previ-
             by 2030,xxi as well as to accom-        the development of communities          public transit is relatively acces-   ously identified as highly suitable
             modate today’s residents as they        that are appealing and affordable       sible and amenities are nearby but    for development, near transit, or
             form new and increasingly smaller       to families at a range of incomes,      where housing costs are very high,    near already concentrated develop-
             households, hundreds of thou-           include a mix of uses, and have ac-     such as in the city of Boston and     ment. The success of Chapter 40R
             sands of homes—including both           cess to a variety of transit options.   in transit-served neighborhoods       depends in part on a strong Chap-
             rental and for-sale—will have to be     To achieve this goal while address-     inside Route 128. Similar efforts     ter 40B, which helps to fast-track
             built in the coming decades.xxii This   ing specific findings of this report,   to lower combined costs in the        efforts to develop affordable hous-
             provides an important opportunity       the region should consider:             Providence and South Coast sub-       ing in areas where it is lacking.xxiii
             for the region to shape its growth      n Developing workforce housing          regions, where costs are lower but    n The Community Preservation
             in a way that reduces combined          and expanding affordable transpor-      burdens are nonetheless high, are     Act (CPA), which allows municipali-
             costs as well as greenhouse gas         tation options in moderate-income       also important.                       ties to include a surcharge on real
             emissions.                              communities such as Brockton and        n Enhancing and extending public      estate taxes and to direct funding

18    n
“Over the past decade, Boston
                                                                                                              has built over 18,000 new units
                                                                                                              of housing; 9,000 of which are
toward housing affordable to low-    Reliable and Affordable                the MBTA should continue plan-    within walking distance to
and moderate-income households       Public Transit                         ning future service expansions
                                                                                                              thousands of jobs. Going forward,
(below 100 percent of area medi-     As important as it is to strategi-     and enhancements to low- and
an income), historic preservation,   cally think about the location and     moderate-income areas with high   we will continue to grow the
and open space conservation.xxiv     transit orientation of new resi-       combined cost burdens. Among
n The Commonwealth Capital           dential developments, housing          several on the drawing board,
                                                                                                              City’s population by building
Program, which makes some            built in the coming decades will       one such example would be         housing that is innovative, close
state grant and loan programs for    represent only a small fraction        the proposed extension of
capital projects partly contingent   of the total housing stock in the      commuter rail service to          to jobs and public transportation,
on how well a municipality has       region. Therefore, efforts to lower    communities such as Fall          environmentally sustainable and
incorporated the state’s sustain-    the economic and environmental         River and New Bedford in
able development principles into     costs of transportation associated     the South Coast. Such             affordable to Boston’s workforce.”
its planning and zoning practices.   with the housing we already have       an extension would
Thirty percent of the scoring        are also important. In fact, many      not only lower costs
                                                                                                               —Mayor Thomas M. Menino, City of Boston
for ten to 15 state spending         communities have shown that            for those who com-
programs is predicated on the        sound planning, compact devel-         mute into Boston
Commonwealth Capital score of        opment, and access to transit          from these and
participating municipalities.xxv     can produce transportation costs       other communi-
    These state programs, and        that represent only 15 percent of      ties but also
others like them, need to be fully   income or less, compared to 19         spur mixed-
funded in order to have maxi-        percent in the Boston study area       income and
mizal impact. This is particularly   as a whole. A critical ingredient in   mixed-use
important when state funds act       the effort to lower transportation     development
as incentives for local action, as   costs is a comprehensive, reliable     around the
they do in the above examples.       public transit system.                 planned
As the region recovers from the          To remain an asset in the com-     stations.
current economic and housing         munities that it serves, the MBTA
crises, state and local govern-      needs to receive sufficient funding
ments should renew their support     to address its considerable debt
for these programs and guarantee     burden and sizable backlog of sig-
funding levels to maximize their     nificant repairs.xxvi Even as finan-
effectiveness.                       cial soundness is being restored,

                                                                                                             n   19
     Estimating Housing and Transportation Costs by Neighborhood

                                             The Original Housing +                    tions, calculations, and methods have
                                             Transportation Cost Model                 been reviewed by practitioners at the
                                             The Housing + Transportation              Metropolitan Council in Minneapolis-
                                             (H+Tsm) Affordability Index was devel-    St. Paul, fellows with the Brookings
                                             oped by the Center for Neighborhood       Institution, and academics from the
                                             Technology (CNT) and its collabora-       University of Minnesota, Virginia Poly-
                                             tive partners, the Center for Transit     technic Institute and State University,
                                             Oriented Development (CTOD) with          Temple University, and elsewhere,
                                             support from the Brookings Institu-       specializing in transportation model-
                                             tion’s Metropolitan Policy Program’s      ing, household travel behavior, com-
                                             Urban Markets Initiative. This cost       munity indicators, and related topics.
                                             index has been applied to 55 metro            Specifically, the transportation cost
                                             areas in the United States, and is        model incorporates four neighbor-
                                             unique in that it measures joint trans-   hood variables (residential density,
                                             portation and housing affordability       average block size, transit connectiv-
                                             at a neighborhood level (see www.         ity index, and job density) and four
                                                           household variables (household
                                                                                       income, household size, commuters
                                             Transportation Costs                      per household, and average journey to
                                             The transportation costs estimated        work time) as independent variables.
                                             in this model and used in this report     These variables are used to predict,
                                             are more than the cost of commuting       at a neighborhood level (census block
                                             to and from work. They also include       group), three dependent variables —
                                             trips to and from school, errands,        auto ownership, auto use, and public
                                             and other travel that is part of the      transit usage — that determine the
                                             household daily routine. The methods      total transportation costs.
                                             for the cost model draw from peer-
                                             reviewed research findings on the         Housing Costs
                                             factors that drive household trans-       Housing costs were determined
                                             portation costs. The model assump-        using the census variables Selected

20   n
Monthly Owner Costs (SMOC)                                                                                               block group data were aggregated
for Owners with a Mortgage and                                                                                           to the same PUMA boundaries.
Gross Rent for Renters Paying Cash                                                                                       Once the percent changes were
(GR). SMOC is defined as the sum                                                                                         calculated between the two time
of payments for mortgages, deeds                                                                                         periods for each PUMA for each
of trust, contracts to purchase,                                                                                         variable, these values were then
or similar debts on the property                                                                                         used as multipliers. Year 2000
(including payments for the first                                                                                        values for each block group within
mortgage, second mortgage,                from varying practices with respect    Index, see:    each PUMA were multiplied by this
home equity loans, and other junior       to including utilities and fuels as    model summary.                          percent change to estimate 2006–
mortgages); real estate taxes; fire,      part of the rental payment. The es-                                            2008 values at the block group level.
hazard, and flood insurance on the        timated costs of utilities and fuels   Updating the Original                      Transportation costs were
property; utilities (electricity, gas,    are reported on an annual basis but    Model to 2006–2008                      updated by applying new cost
and water and sewer); and fuels           are converted to monthly figures       Input data for the original model are   factors to the model’s estimates of
(oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). It     for the tabulations.                   primarily composed of 2000 U.S.         vehicle miles traveled and automo-
also includes, where appropriate,            To calculate an average value       Decennial Census block group data       biles per household. These cost
the monthly condominium fees or           for SMOC and GR, an aggregate          and values that were created and        factors were based on the 2007
mobile home costs (installment            value is divided by the number of      calculated based on these data.         AAA estimates of costs for owning
loan payments, personal property          households making up the ag-           Since the most recent data are for      and operating a vehicle, which are
taxes, site rent, registration fees,      gregate. For the purposes of this      2000, estimates for 2006–2008           estimated to be $5,648 per auto
and license fees).                        study, housing costs are estimated     were carried out using a recognized     and 14.5 cents/mile for fuel ($2.26/
    Gross Rent (GR) is defined as         using only renters paying cash and     procedure called the “constant-         gallon), maintenance, and tires.
the contract rent plus the esti-          owners paying mortgages. Renters       share method,” which considered            Auto-Related Carbon Dioxide
mated average monthly cost of             paying with vouchers (e.g., subsi-     the percent change of variables         Emissions per Household were
utilities (electricity, gas, water, and   dized housing) and owners who no       from 2000 to 2006–2008 within the       estimated using model results for
sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kero-        longer have mortgage payments          Public Use Microdata Areas (PU-         vehicle miles traveled per house-
sene, wood, etc.) if these are paid       are therefore excluded.                MAs). PUMA data for 2006–2008           hold, an assumed fuel efficiency of
by the renter (or paid for the renter        For a full description of the       were obtained from the American         20.3 miles per gallon, and an emis-
by someone else). Using gross rent        methods used in the original Hous-     Community Survey (ACS) three year       sions factor of .0092 metric tons
eliminates differentials that result      ing + Transportation Affordability     estimates while 2000 U.S. Census        per gallon.

                                                                                                                        n   21
State City/Town                      Average    Total        Average       Average Annual    Housing    Transportation     H+T
                            			                                   Median  Households   Annual Housing   Transportation   as a % of      as a % of     as a % of
                            			                                   Income		                 Costs            Costs         Income         Income        Income
     Appendix:                  Brockton Subregion                $67,017     76,101      $22,722          $13,342         36%            21%            57%
                                     MA      Brockton             $53,065     33,359      $19,362          $11,441         39%            23%            62%
     Housing and                Central MA Subregion              $65,489    201,617      $19,817          $12,928         32%            21%            53%

     Transportation                  MA
     Cost Estimates             City of Boston Subregion          $52,923    231,988      $19,918           $7,013         41%            15%            56%
                                Dover Subregion                   $59,122     51,371      $18,354          $13,671         31%            24%            55%
     for Cities and                  NH      Dover                $58,752     12,353      $17,488          $12,755         30%            22%            52%
                                     NH      Rochester            $53,132     12,205      $16,670          $12,940         32%            25%            56%
     Towns with at              Lowell Subregion                  $73,969    100,465      $22,707          $13,026         32%            19%             51
     least 10,000                    MA
     Households                      MA       Dracut              $72,634     10,871      $21,765          $13,878         30%            19%            50%
                                     MA      Lowell               $50,915     36,466      $16,803          $10,110         35%            21%            56%
                                     MA      Tewksbury            $84,968     10,376      $26,098          $14,581         31%            18%            49%
                                Manchester Subregion              $67,820     96,255      $20,993          $13,357         32%            21%            52%
                                     NH      Derry                $70,529     13,330      $21,541          $14,350         31%            21%            52%
                                     NH      Manchester           $53,056     43,944      $16,602          $10,884         32%            21%            54%
                                Merrimack Valley Subregion        $65,795    118,282      $23,241          $12,419         37%            21%            59%
                                     MA      Andover              $94,863     11,339      $37,746          $14,562         42%            16%            58%
                                     MA      Haverhill            $60,494     23,542      $19,065          $12,170         32%            21%            53%
                                     MA      Lawrence             $31,988     24,440      $13,813           $8,442         46%            28%            74%
                                     MA      Methuen              $55,080     16,587      $21,504          $12,338         40%            23%            63%
                                Nashua Subregion                  $77,704     78,383      $23,352          $14,223         31%            19%            50%
                                     NH      Nashua               $66,291     35,445      $20,247          $12,089         31%            19%            51%
                                North-Central MA Subregion        $63,693     79,888      $19,142          $13,491         31%            22%            53%
                                     MA      Fitchburg            $47,453     15,232      $15,177          $11,322         33%            25%            58%
                                     MA      Leominster           $59,941     16,716      $17,117          $12,393         29%            22%            51%
                                North MetroWest Subregion         $95,744    102,594      $29,423          $13,721         32%            16%            48%
                                     MA      Framingham           $67,195     25,888      $21,747          $11,545         34%            19%            53%
                                     MA      Marlborough          $72,507     15,165      $22,603          $12,754         32%            19%            51%
                                North Shore & Suburbs Subregion   $76,452    143,965      $25,567          $12,850         34%            18%            52%
                                     MA      Beverly              $69,727     15,294      $22,344          $12,209         33%            18%            51%
                                     MA      Gloucester           $60,660     12,519      $21,489          $12,152         36%            21%            57%
                                     MA      Peabody              $62,682     19,112      $21,680          $11,785         36%            19%            55%
                                     MA      Salem                $56,410     17,003      $18,801          $10,238         34%            19%            53%
                                Portsmouth Subregion              $76,585     88,311      $25,123          $14,428         33%            20%            53%
                                     NH      Portsmouth           $59,416     10,593      $19,760          $11,289         34%            20%            53%
                                     NH      Salem                $77,233     11,631      $25,144          $14,252         33%            19%            52%
                                Providence Subregion              $57,336    398,713      $18,888          $11,697         35%            22%            57%
                                     MA      Attleboro            $68,635     16,094      $20,018          $13,256         30%            20%            49%
                                     MA      North Attleborough   $80,663     10,601      $22,414          $13,939         28%            18%            46%
                                     RI      Coventry             $65,498     12,769      $20,235          $14,188         31%            22%            53%
                                     RI      Cranston             $57,567     30,304      $19,226          $11,243         34%            20%            55%
                                     RI      Cumberland           $69,283     11,872      $21,803          $13,802         32%            21%            53%
                                     RI      East Providence      $49,147     20,086      $15,804          $10,376         33%            22%            55%

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