Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness

Page created by Brandon Perkins
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
A book of activities
for your mind, body
and soul.
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
A Little Bit of History
Rome was founded in 753 BC by
the twins Romulus & Remus.

                    The Roman Empire was founded in 27BC and
                    Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself emperor
                    of Rome in 31BC.

After the Roman Empire broke down in
395AD, there were many separate
kingdoms and city states.

                    One Nation
                    Italy became one nation only in 1861. Since
                    then the country also includes the Islands of
                    Sicily and Sardinia. The ‘Kingdom of Italy’
                    lasted from 1861 until 1945.

The Italian Republic
During the second world war, Italy’s Prime Minister Benito
Mussolini sided with the German Nazi regime. The Italian
Republic was formed in 1946.
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
Speaking Italian
Italian is an incredibly beautiful and intricate language. Studies
have shown that learning a new language increases analytical
thinking and skills. Have a go at learning the Italian phrases below
and try them out with family & friends!

                                             Italian Language Facts

Ciao! – Hello or Goodbye
                                             Italian became an official
Buon giorno! – Good morning
                                                language in 1861.
Arrivederci! – Goodbye
Per favore – Please
                                             The Italian alphabet only
Grazie – Thank you
                                                  has 21 letters.
Prego – You’re welcome
Ti amo! – I love you
                                               There are around 85
Come stai? – How are you?
                                             million Italian speakers
Mi dispiace – I’m sorry
                                                 across the world!
Mi scusi – Excuse me
Piacere di conoscerti – Nice to meet you
Mi chiamo… – My name is…
Coraggio! – Cheer up!
Non mollare! – Don’t give up!
In bocca al lupo – Good luck!
Credi in te stesso! – Believe in yourself!
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
Italian Cities
Word Scrambles
Italy has many beautiful cities! Can you unscramble the
letters below to find out what the top five cities are? The
answers can be found at the bottom of the page.

 1      M E R O - My Guess:

 2      N M I A L - My Guess:

 3      N P L S E A - My Guess:

 4      I R N U T - My Guess:

 5      M O P A E L M R - My Guess:

                  Answers – 1. Rome 2. Milan 3. Naples 4 Turin 5. Palermo
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
Italy’s Top Three Dishes
Italy is well known for it’s delicious varieties of food, but did you
know that these are the top three!

                       Pasta – Did you know, the average person
                       in Italy eats more than 51 pounds of pasta
                       every year and approximately 2.75 million
                       tons of pasta is made in Italy each year.

                        Arancini - Crisp and golden brown, arancini
                        refers to a dish of stuffed rice balls. The rice
                        balls are fried after being coated in a dusting
                        of crunchy breadcrumbs. The rice balls are
                        usually filled with ragù, tomato sauce,
                        mozzarella and peas. Similar to pasta and
                        pizza dishes in Italy, there are a diversity of
                        regional variations of the arancini.

                        Lasagne - Believed to have originated from
                        the city of Naples, this is another classic
                        Italian dish! It is made by baking sheets of
                        lasagne pasta layered with cheese, ground
                        meat, vegetables and different varieties of
                        sauces, such as the ragù, bechamel or
                        tomato sauce.
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
The Spaghetti Maze

Can you find your way out of the spaghetti maze? Using a pen or
pencil draw a line from one of the starting points and attempt to
navigate your way through to the other side!
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
Italian Pizza
Did you know, Pizza didn’t             1800s. It was in fact 1889 when
originate from Italy?                  the first classic pizza was
                                       created, topped with
Greek Roots                            mozzarella, tomatoes and basil.
The word itself is thought to be       This pizza was made for both
derived from the Latin word            King Umberto I and Queen
‘Pinsa’, translating to ‘flatbread’!   Margherita of Italy during their
It’s believed that pizza has           visit to Naples, and it was from
Greek origins, with bread oven         this that the margherita pizza
remnants being found from              was born.
14,000 years ago. The Greeks
originally created flatbreads and      While the main traditional pizza
added toppings, which was then         could be said to be the
slowly defined in Naples, which        margherita, it really just
was previously a Greek port            became a divine base to carry
city.                                  other tasty Italian staples such
                                       as olives, oregano, garlic,
What is Traditional Italian            prosciutto and seafood.
Pizza?                                 Depending on which region you
While interpretations of pizza         are in, or what pizza you
date back centuries, Italian           choose, you could see a mixture
pizza as we know it has actually       of meat, fish or vegetables
only been circulating since the        topping your base!
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
Pizza Spot the Difference

Can you spot the seven differences between the pizzas below…
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
Pizza Spot the Difference
Here are the seven differences.
Italy Activity Book A book of activities for your mind, body and soul - Oomph! Wellness
Venice Gondola
Visit Venice by colouring in this picture!
That’s Amore
By Dean Martin
Have a sing along with the lyrics below:

                   In Napoli, where love is king
            When boy meets girl, here's what they say
     When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's
                When the world seems to shine like
             You've had too much wine, that's amore
                  Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling
          Ting-a-ling-a-ling, and you'll sing, "Vita bella"
                  Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay
               Tippy-tippy-tay, like a gay tarantella
        When the stars make you drool just like a pasta e
                        fasule, that's amore
              When you dance down the street with
                A cloud at your feet, you're in love
       When you walk in a dream but you know you're not
                         dreaming, signore
      Scusami, but you see, back in old Napoli, that's amore
     When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's
                          (That's amore)

                 Continued on the next page…
That’s Amore
By Dean Martin


             When the world seems to shine like
           You've had too much wine, that's amore
                        (That's amore)
     Bells will ring (Ting-a-ling-a-ling), ting-a-ling-a-ling
      (And you'll sing "Vita bella") Vita bella, vita bella
      Hearts will play (Tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay)
                     Like a gay tarantella
                           Lucky Fella
      When the stars make you drool just like a pasta e
                      fasule, that's amore
                        (That's amore)
            When you dance down the street with
              A cloud at your feet, you're in love
     When you walk in a dream, but you know you're not
                       dreaming signore
       Scusami, but you see, back in old Napoli, that's
                        amore (Amore)
                         That's amore
Italy True or False
1. Almost 20% of Italy's                       6. The espresso machine hails
population is over 85 years old.               from Italy?

True or False                                  True or False

2. Italy is slightly larger than               7. Eye glasses are an Italian
Arizona?                                       invention?

True or False                                  True or False

3. The Ice Cream Cone is an                    8. The city of Rome gave birth to
Italian invention?                             the pizza.

True or False                                  True or False

4. The longest river in Italy is               9. The area around Venice is the

the Tevere?                                    wealthiest region in Europe.

True or False                                  True or False

5. Rome was founded in 253BC?                  10. Over 75% of Italy is
                                               mountainous or hilly.

True or False
                                               True or False

      1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. True
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Travel to Pisa with a spot of colouring in!
Love, I Thank You
By Angelo Poliziano

Angelo Poliziano was a classic Italian poet and scholar. Read some
of his work below:

                      Those lovely laughing eyes
                Have carried my heart to paradise,

                 Where, love, I saw how you hide
                 There, among your ardent fires.

                        O’ lovely shining eyes
                     That snatched my heart away

            How, say – does such sweet power move?

                          I thank you, Love.
Italy Wordsearch

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