Italian books abroad (and foreign books in Italy) - Associazione Italiana Editori
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Sommario 3 Yellow pages 11 Italy: Literary 23 Foreign for exporting, agencies distributors selling rights and importing 18 Italy: Image 31 Italian bookshops archives abroad 4 Italy: Importers/ Exporters 21 Publishers of Italian books 9 Italy: online tools abroad Giornale della Libreria Direzione e redazione Impaginazione AIE Associazione Italiana Editori AIE, Corso di Porta Romana 108, Ediser srl (Milano) 20122 Milano Direttore responsabile Tel. 02.89280802 Stampa Alfieri Lorenzon Logo Press srl, Borgoricco (PD) Redazione Abbonamenti e amministrazione © 2016, Ediser srl, Milano Antonio Lolli Ediser srl Camilla Pelizzoli Corso di Porta Romana 108, Registrazione n. 360 del Tribunale Realized by AIE (Italian Publishers Giovanni Peresson 20122 Milano di Milano del 28/08/1948 - Association) in cooperation with Alessandra Rotondo Tel. 02.89280802 Sped. abb. post. / 50% ICE -Italian Trade Agency to Aggiornamenti ed elaborazione gra- abbonamenti@giornaledellalibre- substain Italian Publishing sector abroad fica a cura di Alessandra Rotondo e Camilla Pelizzoli, settembre 2016
Yellow pages for exporting, selling rights and importing In recognition of the growing importance of internationalisation, and to encourage knowl- edge and exchange of publishing and literary products abroad, this year we have again updated and expanded the previous edition of Italian Books Abroad (as we have done since 2008). We believe that it is an instrument which, although basic, is a useful means of promot- ing publishing relations between Italy and the rest of the world, since it contains addresses and reference details for both Italian and foreign operators concerned with the import/ export of books and publishing rights. Finding out the identity of professionals in the sector is a good starting point for an understanding of the market and its potential, and also for knowledge of who to turn to in order to obtain Italian language books to dis- tribute in one’s own country. The need for a tool like this is even greater now that Italian titles see a strong increase in popularity, reaching a public that’s getting continously wider and receiving critical atten- tion from various media. The criteria used for the selection of names are the same as in previous years. For Italy the list does not include publishers who sell their own books directly abroad. For foreign countries, alongside importers and distributors, we have also considered bookshops and bookshop chains which claim to have a wide assortment of Italian books and some of the Italian bookshops abroad which are better known and have a good reputation. We have corrected the errors and gaps point- ed out to us from the previous edition. How- ever, as with any list, there will certainly con- tinue to be gaps and inaccuracies. We take this opportunity to apologise to any companies which have «escaped» our attention and we invite readers to send us corrections and additions for the next update. 3
Italy: Importers/Exporters AIE - Agenzia Italiana di Esportazione Category: textbook publisher and importer Via Manzoni, 12 - 20089 Rozzano (MI), Italy Publishing segment: education and foreign Phone: +39 02 5753911 languages (German, Spanish and French). Fax: +39 02 57512606 Casalini libri Via Benedetto da Maiano, 3 - 50014 Fiesole Belongs to the Gruppo Messaggerie Italiane. (FI), Italy Has been operating in the distribution of Phone: +39 055 50181 magazines abroad for over 30 years. Spe- Fax: +39 055 5018201 cialised in products that represent Made in Italy products starting from the export of - fashion, furniture, architecture, design and Casalini Libri is a leading supplier of books, travel magazines. journals, digital content and bibliographical Category: export. data to libraries and agencies throughout Publishing segment: fashion, furniture, ar- the world. Since 1958 we have been provid- chitecture, design magazines. ing academic institutions and national, uni- versity and public libraries throughout the Books Import Srl world with rapid, precise supply and quality, Via Achille Maiocchi, 11 - 20129 Milano, It- customized services. aly Specializing in the supply of European pub- Phone: +39 02 29400478 lications, we offer a complete range of Col- Fax: +39 02 29515254 lection Development and Technical Services including an on line interface for selection and ordering, new title alerts, book approval A wholesaler specialised, since 1988, in plans, cataloguing and shelf-ready processing. import and distribution of illustrated books. Our own full text platform Torrossa features Its catalogue includes over 10,000 titles e-book and e-journal content from over 200 published by over 100 publishing houses. publishers, mainly from Italy, France, Spain Category: import/export. and Portugal. Publishing segment: illustrated books. Category: import/export. Publishing segment: academic, humanities Bulgarini Editore Firenze and social sciences, fiction and miscellane- Via E. Petrolini, 8/10 - 50137 Firenze, Italy ous, electronic publishing. Phone: +39 055 610646 Fax: +39 055 6161230 Cafoscarina Dorsoduro, 3259 - 30123 Venezia, Italy Phone: +39 041 2404802 The Bulgarini publishing house publishes Fax: +39 041 5228186 Arts and Sciences textbooks for primary (5- 11 years old) and secondary school (11-18). Bulgarini relies on a network of sales agen- cies that boasts 270 agents to promote and The Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina carries out distribute its catalogues all over Italy. Since its activities in three sales points which dif- January 2011, Bulgarini has promoted and fer in the type of selections available: Cafos- distributed German Language textbooks for carina 1 specialises in the sale of law and Hueber and, since 2012, Spanish and French economics books; Cafoscarina 2 focuses on Language textbooks for Difusión and Editions the humanities and Cafoscarina 3 on a se- Maison des Langues, covering all the Euro- lection of both western and eastern foreign pean Language levels (CEFR). language books. By so doing, it has consol- 4
idated an import service of books from Eu- plier Leggere srl and the platform rope, the United States, Japan and China has strengthened its position in the market which also serves its commissioning opera- of public and academic libraries. tions which often requires searching for Current developments for Centro Libri include highly specialised texts. The publishing ac- the supply of foreign languages titles both tivity is primarily aimed at the languages and as wholesaler and library supplier to its cus- economics university sector and includes a tomers. Centro Libri is the founder of the catalogue of some three hundred titles, some co-operative bookselling Website Goodbook. of which have been adopted by various Italian it, an e-commerce platform that is build universities. around a network of independent brick & Category: import/export. mortar bookshops, along the Indiebound US Publishing segment: university. model. Category: import/export, library supplier. Celdes Publishing segment: all. Corso Trieste, 44 - 00198 Roma, Italy Phone: +39 06 164169500 Città Nuova Fax: +39 06 164169599 Via Pieve Torina, 55 - 00156 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 7802676 Fax: +39 06 7802912 Active on the market for almost 30 years, Celdes (Publishing Bookstore Centre Distri- bution Foreign Editions) has collaborative The diffusion network of Città Nuova was relationships with the main publishing hous- created for the promotion and circulation of es worldwide which enable it to import, dis- literary works published by Città Nuova, and tribute and supply any publishing product to is well-established throughout Italy thanks the key Italian university libraries as well as to a body of agencies specialising in the public and private entities. It operates through endorsement of publications in the human- different mediums, including: hard copies, ities. The services we offer to libraries, study CD-rom and on line. It also offers a Web-based centres, private individuals and communities service which provides easy access to a include the supply of monographs and other virtual library. texts, management of series in the course Category: import/export. of issue and subscriptions to Italian and Publishing segment: all. foreign periodicals. Category: import/export. Centro Libri Srl Publishing segment: philosophy, medieval Via Galvani, 6 c/d - 25010 San Zeno Naviglio studies, patristics and human sciences. (BS) Phone: +39 030 3539292 Ellediemme Via Baccina, 30 - 00184 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 6797475 Fax: +39 06 6789567 Centro Libri Srl is one of the leading book Founded in 1950 in Bari and transferred to wholesaler in Italy, serving more than 4.000 Rome in 1977, Ellediemme is today one of Italian small and medium size bookshops the leading Italian companies in the supply with Italian trade books, school- and text- to libraries of imported bibliographic materi- books, DVDs and non-book material. al from around the world. General agent for Centro Libri has a state-of-the-art warehouse Kraus-Thomson from 1970 to 1982, it has with more than 100.000 Italian titles in stock, been the exclusive agent in Italy for K. G. constantly growing, and a range of on line Saur since 1983 and B. G. Teubner Alter¬tum- services targeted to different market seg- wissenschaft editions, which were recently ments (B2B, B2C and libraries). acquired by Saur. In november 2000, Saur With the recent acquisition of the library sup- was bought by the Gale Group and in 2008, 5
by Walter de Gruyter Berlin whose Ellediemme ture, archaeology and history with over 200 was responsible for the distribution in Italy Italian publishers on distribution. Periodicals until 2012. Database of over 4.500 Journals and Series. Category: import/export. Standing Orders without any commission Publishing segment: all. fees for Libraries Worlwide. Our services free of charge: EDI, EDIFACT, Guerra Edizioni BARCODE Invoices, MARC21, VAT Vers- Via Aldo Manna, 25 - 06132 Perugia, Italy teuerungsverfahren beim deutschen Finan- Phone: +39 075 5289090 zamt and more.E-commerce through secure Fax: +39 075 5288244 SSL-Server and discounted rates. Personal- ized bibliographic Newsletter including T.O.C., book covers, Marc21 download, book refer- Publisher and distributor of books and didac- ences export/print. tical material for teaching Italian as foreign Category: import/export. language. Publishing segment: books, periodical pub- Category: export. lications and collections of small publishing Publishing segment: linguistic, Italian. houses. Libreria Ledi International Bookseller Libro Co. Italia s.r.l. Via Alamanni, 11 - 20141 Milano, Italy Via Borromeo, 48 - 50026 San Casciano Val Phone: +39 02 45071824 di Pesa (FI), Italy Fax: +39 02 42108107 Phone: +39 055 8229414 Fax: +39 055 8228462 Export Manager: Donatella Nazzi Libreria Ledi is one of the leading Italian li- brary suppliers, subscription agency, Internet retailer, wholesaler. We’re a family owned Leading supplier of Italian books worldwide, and run company founded in 1935. The skills specializing in the supply of art and architec- and experience built up over 70 years along ture publications. Its bibliographic database with new IT technologies enable Ledi to offer includes over 2.500.000 titles (including customised, quality services that have great rare books, books edited by Italian Banks, value for the whole scientific and academic remainders) in production, no longer produced communities, libraries and bookshops. We’re or out of stock of over 19.500 Italian and promoting and distributing a variety of e-prod- European publishing houses. ucts, including digital lending solutions. We Our services are specially addressed to do work closely with Italian and foreign pub- wholesalers and bookshops, offering special lishers offering representation, IT, sales and conditions of sale and customized mailing marketing services. services according to the customer’s specif- Category: import/export. ic needs. Publishing segment: non-fiction, electronic We aim to provide an excellent standard of publishing, periodicals, miscellaneous. service, with an informative site that is quick and easy to use. Libreria Nardecchia & Category: distributor, wholesaler. Via Pasquale Revoltella, 105/107 - 00152 Publishing segment: art and architecture, Roma, Italy books for children, comics, fiction. Phone: +39 06 5373901 Fax: +39 06 5373902 Licosa Sansoni Srl Via Duca di Calabria, 1/1 - 50125 Firenze, Italy Phone: +39 055 64831 Bookdealers and Distributors of Italian Books Fax: +39 055 641257 and Periodicals. Founded in 1895 by Attilio Nardecchia (the oldest commission bookstore in Rome). Specialized in Italian art, architec- Licosa was founded in 1951 in Florence, 6
Italy, where the corporate headquarters are Category: import/export. still located today. It manages subscription Publishing segment: books, didactics, mag- to magazines, supply of books, ebooks, CD- azines. roms, DVDs, ongoing orders of series on behalf of universities, firms, public bodies SODIP Spa and bookstores. Has the exclusive distribu- SIES Books and Magazines tion rights of many Italian publishing houses, Via Bettola, 18 - 20092 Cinisello Balsamo and exports published products of any sort, (MI), Italy of any publisher. The bibliographic catalogue Phone: +39 02 66030400 of over 29 million records (books, journals, Fax: +39 02 66030269 databases, audio and video resources) is fully searchable on the website, also availa- ble in english. Distributes subscriptions, Founded in 1961, we are a leading interna- series and databases of many international tional wholesaler of books and magazines. organizations: European Council, Eurostat, We promote and distribute Italian periodicals European Union, Fao, International Labour abroad (newspapers, weeklies, monthlies) Office, International Monetary Fund, Oecd, and import foreign periodicals in Italy. We etc. supply every type of books to bookshops, Category: import/export. educational institutions, libraries, schools Publishing segment: all. and universities around the world. We have representatives in most European, American Messinter S.p.A. and Asian countries. Our experienced staff Via Campania, 12 - 20098 San Giuliano Mil- provides a tailor-made service to clients. We anese (MI), Italy offer support to big and small publishers in Phone: +39 02 57512612 the promotion and distribution of their books Fax: +39 02 98 28 14 10 abroad. Category: import/export. Publishing segment: all books, magazines, The company is active in importing and newspapers, DVDs. dis¬tributing newspapers, magazines and books, supplying 8.500 newsstands with the main international newspapers and maga- zines and 650 bookshops with the best known bestsellers in the main foreign lan- guages. Distributes over 1.240 magazines from 20 countries, 43 newspapers, approx. 28.000 titles of books by publishing houses from 6 countries, is a member of the IPS Group. Category: import. Publishing segment: daily and periodical press, books. SIAP International Via Chiossetto, 18 - 20122 Milano, Italy Phone +39 02 76023830 Fax +39 02 76023493 Book’s exporter of all Italian publishing hous- es (scholastic, dictionary, fiction, novels, children’s books, thrillers and miscellaneous) as well as subscriptions to all Italian and foreign magazines. 7
Italy: online tools The first website, available both in Italian and English, for the promotion worldwide of Italian publishing, language and culture – an initiative promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Ministry of Culture. To promote Italian publications and to make translating both new books and classics easier, it offers reading reports presenting both contemporary and classic books selected from the best of our literary production and displayed with an English translation excerpt. But it also tells edito- rial stories, it advises on translation grants and it gathers database of publishers and translators. Created and maintained by the Italian Trade Agency – Chicago Office, the website www. is a showcase for the Italian publishing industry. The site features near- ly 332 companies, including publishers, printers, language schools, trade shows and associations. Visitors may browse over 1494 books by 265 publishers, including many with a look-inside view. The «Spotlight» re- ports on the latest happenings and news in publishing as well as listing the top 10 best sellers in Italy. Leading Italian authors can be found in the «Featured Author» sec- tion. The site also provides information about publishing trade shows in Italy, the U.S. and around the world and highlights the participation of the Italian Trade Agency at trade shows worldwide. 9
Italy: Literary agencies AC² Literary Agency Agenzia servizi editoriali Via de Mandelo, 14 - 35142 Padova, Via Livorno, 515/c - 20099 Sesto San Italy Giovanni (MI), Italy Fax: +39 049 8809768 Phone: +39 02 2408204 Authors and publishing houses repre- Authors and publishing houses repre- sented: Italian authors and publishers sented: Italian authors (Lara Albanese, (Mondadori Education, GEM/Mesogea, Pinin Carpi, Anselmo Roveda, Vita Co- Edt/Giralangolo, Hacca, Neo and more). sentino); Italian publishers (Agenzia X, Subagency in Italy for Leya Group, James Edizioni Alegre, Clichy, Coccole Books, Fitzgerald Agency, Lerner Books, HMH/ DeriveApprodi, Elèuthera, Euno, Fernan- Hurtubise, North Atlantic Books, Cappe- del, Ibis, Lavieri, Piero Manni, Mime- len Damm and many more agencies and sis, PaPelu, Sinnos, Spartaco, Stampa publishers from USA, Canada, Uk, Austra- Alternativa, Uovo Nero, Xenia); foreign lia, New Zealand, India, Spain, Portugal, publishers (Annick Press, Arsenal Pulp, Norway, Egypt, Poland, Slovakia. Bayard, Berbay Publishing, Cinco Pun- Genre: literary fiction, children’s books, tos Press, La courte échelle, Éditions non fiction, educational and academic, Phébus, Firefy Books, Fremantle Press, young adult, science fiction and thriller, p’tit Glénat, Laika Verlag, Links Verlag, illustrated non fiction, mind and body, Livani, Libretto, Blossom Press, Name- health and wellness, picture books. los editions 2.0, New Internationlist, Edi- tion Nautilus, Non Lieu, Obelisk Verlag, Agenzia Il Segnalibro Srl Orange Press, Oratia Media, OR Books, Via Ugo De Carolis, 70 - 00136 Roma, Rotbuch Verlag, éditions du Sextant, Italy Sciences Po. Les Presses, Tara Books, Phone: +39 06 35400912 Thule Ediciones. World Scientific Press). Agnese Incisa Agenzia Letteraria Authors and publishing houses repre- Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 19 - 10124 Tori- sented: Italian. no, Italy Genre: fiction and non-fiction. Phone: +39 011 885642 Fax: +39 011 885642 Agenzia Letteraria Ticonzero snc Via Bugada, 10 - 26100 Cremona, Italy Authors and publishing houses re- Phone: +39 347 0759645 presented: Italian, American, English, French-speaking Canadian and French. Genre: fiction (adults and children) and Authors and publishing houses repre- non-fiction (history, philosophy, econo- sented: Italian, Canadian, English, Afri- mics, science, art and architecture). can. Genre: fiction (adults and children) and Ampi Margini Literary Agency non-fiction (history, philosophy, econo- Address 1; Corso Sonnino, 129 - 70121 mics, science, art and architecture). Bari, Italy 11
Address 2: 183 Brooke Road, E5 8AB Ali Farah, Federica Bernardo…). London, Uk Bennici & Sirianni manages translation rights for Absolutely Free Editore and BookSalad Editore. Genre: Adult/children fiction and non-fic- Authors and publishing houses repre- tion (sport, philosophy, psychology and sented: From three geographical are- travel literature). as: Mediterranean, Latin America and Central and South Asia. Currently: Ita- Berla & Griffini Rights Agency lian, Albanian, Croatian, Greek, Serbian, Via Stampa, 4 - 20123 Milano, Italy Mexican, Chilean, Peruvian, Colombian, Phone: +39 02 80504179 Uruguayan, Indian, Pakistani, Singapore- Fax: +39 02 89010646 an, Malaysian and Indonesian Genre: Literary fiction and some narra- tive non-fiction from non-Anglo-Saxon Authors and publishing houses repre- territories. sented: Italian, German, American, En- glish, Canadian, Indian, French and Spa- Anna Spadolini Agency nish. Viale Monza, 68 - 20127 Milano, Italy Genre: all. Phone: +39 3407868702 Elena Kostioukovitch International Li- Authors and publishing houses repre- terary Agency sented: Independent Italian and foreign Adress 1: Via Bronzino 8 - 20133 Mila- publishing houses, all over the world or no, Italy in selected territories. Phone: +39 02 87236557 Co-agent in Italy for several foreign pu- Phone 2: +39 346 5064334 blishing houses and agencies from Eu- Fax: +39 700444601 rope, North America, and Argentina. Genre: fiction, non fiction, essay, Address 2: c/Londres, 78, 6-1 - 08036 children’s picture books. Barcelona, Spain Phone: +34 63 9413320 Atlantyca Entertainment Phone 2: +34 93 3221232 Via Leopardi, 8 - 20123 Milano, Italy Phone: +39 02 4300101 Fax: +39 02 43001020 y. agency Authors and publishing houses repre- Genre: children, teens and young adults sented: leading contemporary Russian, books, art, design, architecture, hobby. Italian, and Spanish authors. Genre: upmarket fiction and non-fiction, Bennici & Sirianni Agenzia Letteraria general fiction and non-fiction, documen- Via dei Tordi, 19/A - 00169 Roma, Italy taries (archives) and illustrated books. Phone: +39 0696525274 Fax: +39 0696525274 Eulama International Via G. De Ruggiero, 29/2 flat no. 6 - 00142 Roma, Italy Authors and publishing houses repre- Phone: +39 06 5407309 sented: Italian and foreign authors (Giu- seppe Conte, Marco D’Aponte, Cristina 12
Authors and publishing houses repre- rights for Adriano Salani Editore. Suba- sented: Italian, English Uk, English USA, gency in Italy for Lutyens & Rubinstein, French, German, Swiss, Spanish, Portu- Ki Agency, Emons Verlag, The Bukowski guese and Bulgarian. Literary Agency, Archipel, Jenny Darling Genre: commercial and literary fiction. Literary Agency, Scribe Publications, Bel- Italian and foreign non-fiction, YA and la Pomer, The Drummond Agency, The children books. Luithlen Agency and Zeitgeist Media Group Literary Agency. Factotum Agency Genre: fiction, general fiction, literature Via San Calimero, 11 - 20122 Milano, fiction, YA crossover, literature for teena- Italy gers, psychology, female fiction, crime Phone: +39 02 34591756 fiction and noir, non-fiction, history and self help. Authors and publishers represented: Il Caduceo Agenzia Letteraria di Mari- Italian, French, British, Polish, American, nella Magrì New Zealand, Chinese and Tunisian. Via G. Mazzini, 72/3 - 16031 Bogliasco Genres: fiction, non-fiction, theatre, cine- (GE), Italy ma, music, graphic arts and television. Phone: +39 339 2802814 Gabriella Ambrosioni Authors and publishing houses repre- Via San Giorgio, 1 - 40121 Bologna, Italy sented: Italian and foreign. Phone: +39 051 2961096 Genre: fiction (mainly), non-fiction and Fax: +39 051 2914000 special projects. Kylee Doust Agency Authors and publishing houses repre- Via Flaminia 61 - 00196 Roma, Italy sented: Gabriella Ambrosioni S.r.l. re- present foreign agents and publishing houses mainly from USA, Uk, South Ko- Authors and publishing houses repre- rea and India. sented: Italian. Genre: fiction (adult, both literary and Genre: fiction. commercial fiction, YA, New Adults, and children) and also selected narrative La Matita Rossa di Rossella Monaco non fiction. Via Caduti VI luglio, 1 - 24040 Boltiere Our agency represents also Italian au- (BG), Italy thors in Italy and worldwide for publica- Phone: +39 035 19 907 105 tion and film rights. Grandi & Associati Authors and publishing houses repre- Via degli Olivetani, 12 - 20129 Milano, sented: Italian, North-American, South- Italy American, Australian, Uk, European au- Phone: +39 02 4818962 thors. Fax: +39 02 48195108 Genre: commercial and literary fiction and non-fiction, up-market. Authors and publishing houses repre- Loredana Rotundo Literary Agency sented: 150 Italian authors in Italy and Via Sant’Angelo, 3 - 20037 Paderno Du- abroad (for rights sales) and translation gnano (MI), Italy 13
Phone: +39 02 99041699 Fax: +39 02 91089084 Natoli Stefan & Oliva Agenzia Letteraria Authors and publishing houses repre- Corso Plebisciti, 12 - 20129 Milano, sented: Italian authors in Italy and abro- Italy ad, foreign authors and foreign publi- Phone: +39 02 70001645 shing houses in Italy. Fax: +39 02 70001645 Genre: fiction, general fiction, literature fiction, YA crossover, women fiction, cri- Authors, agents and publishing houses me fiction, thriller, noir, historical. represented: Italian and foreign worldwi- de (submission only after previous e- MalaTesta Lit. Ag. mail or phone contact). Via Ampère, 61/A - 20131 Milano, Italy Genre: all. Otago Authors and publishing houses repre- Via Sant’Isaia, 73/2-75 - 40123 Bolo- sented: Italian. gna, Italy Genre: fiction. Phone: +39 051 9844613 Meucci Agency Via Pietro Colletta, 10 - 20135 Milano, Authors and publishing houses repre- Italy sented: Italian authors and Italian publi- Phone: +39 328 3427679 shers worldwide, foreign agencies and publishers in Italy. Genre: fiction (literary, commercial and Authors and publishing houses repre- young adult), general non-fiction. sented: list of own Italian and Spanish authors all over the world, scouted di- Parole Filanti – Officina editoriale – Li- rected by the Agency. terary Services Co-agent in Italy for several Spanish Via Scrivia, 6/b - 47838 Riccione (RN), Agencies and publishing houses. Italy Genre: fiction, non fiction, essay and Phone: +39 393 9482208 young adult. MIA Milan Illustrations Agency Sarl Authors and publishing houses repre- Batteries les Metairies, 2204 - Chemin sented: authors and publishing compa- Des Esserts 59, CH-1936 Verbier (VS) - nies from Italy. Switzerland Genre: all (fiction and non-fiction). Phone: +39 0041 796798100 Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency/ PNLA Genre: the most representative Italian Via G.B. Moroni, 22 - 20146 Milano, illustrators. Italy Phone: +39 02 83420192 Nabu International Literary Agency Fax: +39 02 83420192 Via San Romano, 60 - 50135 Firenze, Italy Phone: +39 055 697773 Authors and publishing houses repre- 14
sented: Italian, US, English, Canadian, Spain and Mexico. Australian, Latin American, Chinese, Genre: fiction and non-fction. French, German and Scandinavian. Genre: commercial and literary fiction, Studio Garamond Agenzia letteraria non-fiction. Via s. M. Pistoiese 38 - 00148 Roma, Italy Punctum Literary Management Phone: +39 320 4126622 Puerto Callao – Guadalajara, Jal., Méxi- co Phone: +52 33 1164 9375 Authors and publishing houses repre- sented: Italian and foreign authors, fo- reign publishing houses. Authors and publishing houses repre- Genre: all excluding poetry. sented: Punctum is an italian literary agency based in Guadalajara (Mexico) Studio Grimorio who mainly represents Italian, French Via Libia, 64 - 40138 Bologna, Italy. and Spanish authors in Ibero-America Phone: +39 051 716 2020 and Ibero-American authors in Western Fax: +39 051 716 2020 Europe. In 2013, in collaboration with Mobile: +39 329.2267452 “Società Dante Alighieri” of Guadalaja- ra, we organized the frst edition of the “Independent International Literary Pri- ze”, open to writers from Italy, French, morio Più Libri Più Liberi (Rome) 15
Authors and publishing houses repre- Phone: + 39 02 48015553 sented: Italian, Spanish, Faroese, Ice- Fax: +39 02 91390742 landic, Argentinian, Peruvian, Brazilian, Uruguayan and more. Representing the international rights of Genre: literary fiction, non fiction, young Italian and international authors, agents adult, illustrated children’s books. and publishing houses. Authors and publishing houses repre- Susanna Zevi Agenzia Letteraria sented: Susanna Tamaro, Simona Spa- Via Appiani, 19 - 20121 Milano, Italy raco, Patty Pravo, Pedro Chagas Freitas, Phone: +39 02 6570863 Roberta De Falco, Evita Greco, Alessan- Fax: +39 02 6570915 dro Marzo Magno. Clients: Marianne Gunn O’Connor, Other Press, Levine Greenberg Literary Agency, Sarah Lazin Literary Agency, Brick house Genre: fiction. Authors and publishing houses repre- West Egg editing sented: Represents international Publi- Via Cilicia, 15 - 00179 Roma, Italy shers and Agents in Italy, and individual Phone: +39 333 2667209 authors world-wide. Genre: all. Authors and publishing houses repre- Tempi irregolari di Stefano Bisacchi sented: Italian authors. Via Cappuccini 3 - 34170 Gorizia, Italy Genre: commercial and literary fiction, Phone: +39 0481 550624 non-fiction, YA crossover, female fiction, Fax: +39 0481 550624 crime fiction and noir, history, medicine Mobile +39 3662344043 and self help. Authors and publishing houses repre- sented: Balkans authors worldwide; Italian and foreign publishing houses all over the world or in selected territories in Eastern and North-Eastern Europe and Russia. Co-agent in Italy and Ea- stern European for several agencies. Genre: fiction, non fiction, essay, children’s picture books. The Italian Literary Agency Via de Amicis 53 - 20123 Milano, Italy Phone: +39 02 865445 / 861572 Authors and publishing houses repre- sented: Italian authors and internatio- nal agencies and publishers. Genre: all. Vicki Satlow Literary Agency Via Cenisio, 16 - 20145 Milano, Italy 16
17 Abu Dhabi International Book Fair
Italy: Image archives Alinari Archives Far East and Africa. Scala represents the Largo Fratelli Alinari, 15 - 50123 Firenze, image rights of major museums like the Italy Mu¬seum of Modern Art and the Metropoli- Phone: +39 055 2395239 tan Museum of Art in New York and of the Fax: +39 055 2395234 main USA museums, and, to name a few, of the London National Gallery, the V&A, the Tate, the British Library and the British Mu- Alinari is the oldest firm in the world working seum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, in the field of photography, image and com- the Mu¬seum of Fine Arts in Budapest, the munication. It was successfully founded in Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, the Museo Florence in 1852 by Fratelli Alinari: Leopoldo, Nacional del Prado and the Museo Borne- Giuseppe and Romualdo. Since then Alinari misza in Madrid, plus of all the German State Archives kept continuously growing through muse¬ums managed by BPK. Additionally, the acquisition of other historical archives Scala repre¬sents worldwide Christies’ Im- and collections and new campaigns of colour ages Ltd and the National Geographic Image photographs. Nowadays the Archives and the Collection. It recently added two huge col- Photographic Collections preserve a number lections of Cinema and Historical Imagery to of about 5,500,000 historical and contem- its vast array, which boasts 2.000.000 large- porary pictures, ranging from vintage prints size digital images of works of art, architec- and glass plate negatives to film, fotocolors ture, landscapes, monu¬ments, fashion & and digital images. The Alinari Photographic photography, history, an-thropology, nature Library can be mentioned as one of the main and travel, movies stills from the beginnings source for iconographic and photographic of the cinema until the most recent releases, documentation. Over 350.000 photos of this and rare historical photos. outstanding collection are available on-line Scala is also an experienced art and cultur¬al as high resolution at tourism publisher since the early 70’s, and The Alinari aim is to spread out its cultural proposes outstanding multi language guides heritage through many different activities and to cities of art and to many leading museums, projects such as rights management, exhi- great artists’ monographs and elegant coffee bition, publishing, educational, digital prod- ta¬ble books. ucts and events, technological research applied to images. Effigie Literary Photo Agency Via Vallazze, 115 - 20131 Milano, Italy Archivio Fotografico Scala/Scala Picture (sede operativa: Via Abruzzo, 7 - 27100 Pavia, Library Italy) Scala Group SpA Phone: +39 0382 1750035 Via Chiantigiana, 62/I - 50012 Bagno a Rip- Fax: +39 0382 560078 oli (FI), Italy Skype: Phone: +39 055 6233200 Fax: +39 055 641124 Effigie is a photo-journalist agency specialized in portraits of Italian and foreign writers. With an archive of over 200,000 images, for over Scala Archives owns one of the most im- a decade it has been the reference point for por¬tant, international fine art picture librar- the cultural pages of many national papers. ies worldwide. The photographs of the Italian artistic heritage are at the core of its image Mondadori Portfolio bank, which includes many renown muse¬ums Via Mondadori 1 - 20090 Segrate (MI) Italy in Europe, America, Russia, the Mid¬dle and Phone: 02 75422307 18
Fax: 02 75422494 Over one hundred years, a collection of more than 4 million images. Mondadori Group opens its own photographic archives to the image specialists through Mondadori Port- folio: unpublished shots and exclusive XX century’s reportages about Italian history and style through characters, events and art. Mondadori Portfolio agency springs from the recovery of the historical photographic ar- chives of the most relevant Mondadori mag- azines such as: Epoca, Grazia, Tempo, Pan- orama. Moreover the agency includes the experience of Mondadori Electa archive dedicated to fine arts, with exclusive full-size details of many well known masterpieces. The photographical heritage of the agency is enriched by significant international collec- tions that support the development of any refined projects, ranging from art to history, from cinema to fashion, from music to liter- ature. Through partner agencies like AKG-Im- ages, Leemage, Album, The Art Archive and The Kobal Collection we can lead you in a tour rich of suggestions through a highly qualified selection of images. SIME srl Via Italia 34/E - 31020 San Vendemiano (TV), Italy Phone +39 0438 40 25 81 Fax +39 0438 40 86 30 SIME Books is a publishing house specialized in editorial products for the travel and tourism, cookery, and children’s sectors. Our books, guides and multimedia are all designed to dazzle the reader with the beauty of Italy’s landscape and culture. The Simebooks concept was the brainchild of photographer Giovanni Simeone, the found- er of the Simephoto Agency, a photo library dedicated to quality travel stock photography. Our crisply edited, exclusive collection of travel images contains landscape, cityscape, food & drink, lifestyle and nature photography. For more information about our work, any of our photographers, special uses, a custom image search, or a specific picture for your project, please visit our website www.sime- 19
20 Bologna Children’s Bookfair
Publishers of Italian books abroad Europa Editions at the request of the publisher. This panora- 214 West 29th St., Suite 1003 - New York ma of young generation writers has received NY 10001, USA a lot of favorable reviews. Phone: +1 212 868 6844 From September 2003, for about five years, Serena Libri gave life to a new initiative, the Ser¬ena Libri Garden: herewith Annaserena Europa Editions was founded in 2005 by organized reading and study groups for lovers Sandro Ferri and Sandra Ozzola Ferri, who of Italian literature – besides an occasional are also the owner-publishers of Rome-based book or painting expo¬sition. The Serena Edizioni E/O. Europa Editions brings fresh Libri Garden is also the location where the voices to the American and English market publishing house hosts its book pres¬enta- and publishes quality English editions of tions, followed by a festive celebration in the international literature by enlisting some of garden. Among the authors that have been the best translators in the business. The invited lately to Amsterdam are Alessandro appearance is distinct, incorporating both Perissinotto, Andrea Vitali, Marta Morazzoni European and U.S. jacket design. Europa and Antonio Manzini. Editions is distributed by Penguin Random Category: publishing. House in North America. In the U.K. and Publishing segment: Italian fiction. Ireland, distribution is handled by Turnaround Publisher Services. Europa Edi¬tions has offices in New York, London, and Rome. Category: publishing. Publishing segment: international fiction and non-fiction. Serena Libri Vossiusstraat, 21 - 1071 AD Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone: +31 20 664 24 26 Serena Libri is a small publishing house founded in 1997 by Annaserena Ferruzzi to present Italian literature to Dutch and Flamish readers, from the 1950s up to the present day, in¬cluding well-known authors and young first-time writers. A great fan of detective fiction, in 1999 Annaserena Ferruzzi initiated a series of thrillers with a title by Andrea Camilleri and, at the same time, the debut novel of a very young writer, Alessandro Per- issinotto. So far Annaserena Ferruzzi has published 32 thrillers and 40 novels, among which a volume of short stories by 20 young Italian authors, written about their hometown Turin International Book Fair 21
22 Più Libri Più Liberi (Rome)
Foreign distributors Albania blishing Group and is one of China’s leading professional firms dealing with Adrion Books publication import and export. Naim Frasheri. no. 4 - Tirana Market coverage: Global. Phone: +355 422 40018 / 42421108 Publishing segment: textbooks, STM, Fax: +355 4223 5242 academic, fiction, non-fiction, language books, etc. Company Profile: bookshop. Belgium Market coverage: Albania. Piola Libri Argentina 66-68 rue Franklin, B - 1000 Bruxelles Phone: +32 0 2 7369391 Joyce, Proust & Co Tucuman 1545 1° “A” - 1050 Buenos Aires Company Profile: An independent, Phone: + 54 11 4371 3849 / 3977 young and diverse place for literary and Fax: +54 11 4371 3849 gastronomic escapes, a spot in Brus- sels for those who want to discover the Italian culture. Books of various genres Company Profile: Joyce, Proust & Co. is by Italian authors from both contempo- an import bookshop born in 1988 with rary and classic literature, a rich kid’s the aim to offer the best English and section, DVDs, wines and foodstuffs re- French literature. Over the years its acti- fined for the lunch break or after-work vity has expanded and now it focuses on aperitif, art expos, concerts and events. books for reading and learning Italian, Publishing segment: all. Portuguese and English, as well as au- dio, video and cd-rom items. Brazil Market coverage: Argentina. Publishing segment: language books. Livraria italiana Phone: +55 11 3259 8915 China Fax: +55 11 3257 9720 China International Book Trading Cor- poration Company Profile: Since 1978 this Ita- 35 Chegongzhuang Xilu - Beijing 100048 lian bookshop imports books from Italy Phone: +86 10 68433186 and provides consultancy services Fax: +86 10.68412048 Market coverage: Brazil. Publishing segment: all. Company Profile: Founded 1 December Nova Livraria Leonardo da Vinci 1949, China International Book Trading Avenida Rio Branco 185 - Lojas 2/3/9 - Corporation, known as Guoji Shudian, 20045-900 Rio de Janeiro is part of the China International Pu- Phone: +55 21 25332237 Bologna Children’s Book Fair 23
Fax: +55 21 25331277 Company Profile: One of the largest bo- okshop chains in Croatia and on line re- tailer. Import and resell of foreign books Company Profile: Since 1952 this inter- with a wide catalogue of Italian books. national bookshop imports books from Market coverage: Croatia. the US, France, Uk and Italy. Publishing segment: all. Market coverage: Brazil. Publishing segment: all. Dominović Trnjanska 54 a, p.p. 555 - 10001 Za- SBS - Special Book Services greb Rua Agostinho Cantu, 155 - 05501-010 Phone: +385 1 6115949 São Paulo Fax: +385 1 6114240 Phone: +55 011 38194001 Fax: +55 011 38195001 Company Profile: Dominović supplies, distributes and sells Italian books and Company Profile: Founded in 1885 periodicals as well as exports Croatian in Brazil, SBS is a distributor and bo- books and periodicals for Italian market. okseller specialized in foreign language Market coverage: Croatia, EU countri- books. It has bookshop chains in Latin es, rest of the world America with 44 points of sale. Publishing segment: Dictionaries, histo- Market coverage: Brazil, Peru, Chile, Ar- ry, art, nautical books and charts. gentina. Publishing segment: all. V.B.Z. Ltd. Trade Publishing Dracevicka 12 - 10010 Zagreb Bulgaria Phone:+385 1 6235 419 Fax:+385 1 6235 418 Colibri 36 rue Ivan Vazov - 1000 Sofia Phone: +359 2 98748 10 Company Profile: One of the leading Croatian book importers and wholesa- lers based in Croatia with subsidiaries Company Profile: Publishing House and in Slovenia and Bosnia Herzegovina. bookshops in Sofia. Since 1992 this Market coverage: Croatia, Slovenia, Bo- publishing house is a direct importer of snia Herzegovina. books from France, Spain and Italy. Publishing segment: all. Market coverage: Bulgaria. Publishing segment: fiction, dictionari- Czech Republic es and learning aids, art books, books for children. Megabooks CZ, s.r.o. Trebohosticka 2283/2 - 10000 Prague Croatia Phone: +420 272 123190-3 Fax: +420 272 123194 Algoritam d.o.o. Harambašićeva 19 - 10000 Zagreb Phone: +385 1 2359333 Company Profile: Mega Books Interna- Fax: +385 1 233595 tional has been importing and distribu- ting foreign literature in the Czech Repu- blic since November 1992. 24
Market coverage: Czech Republic. Publishing segment: language books, reference, fiction, children books, aca- Company Profile: Libreirie Italienne Tour demic, school books. de Babel is an Italian bookshop in Paris. Market coverage: France. Denmark Publishing segment: fiction, non-fiction. Italien Information Service A/S Germany Tranebærkæret 9 - 8220 Brabrand Phone: +45 8626 1666 GVA - Gemeinsame Verlagsauslieferung Fax: +45 8626 2227 Göttingen GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 2021 - 37010 Göttingen Phone: +49 0551 384200-0 Company Profile: Italien Information Fax: +49 0551 384200-10 Service A/S is a travel agency specia- lized in Italian destinations. It also di- stributes Italian books, films and multi- media. Company Profile: GVA provides distri- Market coverage: Denmark and Nor- bution and marketing services to small thern Europe. and independent publishers, provided Publishing segment: language books, they have a reliable and continuous travel books, cookbooks. editorial program (over 200 publishers distributed). France Market coverage: Germany, Austria, German-speaking Switzerland. ATTICA Publishing segment: fiction, non-fiction, 11, rue Boussingault - CS 51309 - art books and illustrated books. 75214 Paris Phone: +33 01 49292729 ItalLIBRI Fax: +33 01 48064785 Nordendstr, 19 - D-80799 München Phone: +49 089 272 99441 Fax +49 089 272 99442 Company Profile: Language bookshop in Paris, also acts as importer. Market coverage: France. Company Profile: ItalLIBRI is an talian Publishing segment: language books. bookshop in Munich specialized in Ita- lian books of any type and DVD. International Distribution Fischbacher Market coverage: Germany. 9, rue Michelet - 93500 Pantin Publishing segment: all. Phone: +33 01 41710242 Fax: +33 01 41710853 Hungary Market coverage: France Prospero’s Books Publishing segment: art books. Weiner Leó u. 20 - 1066 Budapest Phone: +36 01 3028444 Librairie Italienne Tour de Babel Fax: +36 01 3028410 10, rue du Roi de Sicilie - 75004 Paris Phone: +33 0142773240 Fax: +33 01 48875372 Company Profile: Prospero’s Books is 25
the leading importer of professional and baba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo academic books in Hungary. Phone: +81 03 3208 5445 Market coverage: Hungary. Fax: +81 03 3208 5863 SpeedUp Ltd, Publications Import Agency Company Profile: bookshop of new and Cházár András u. 18. - 1146 Budapest antique Italian books. Phone: +36 01 4221979 Market coverage: Japan. Fax: +36 01 4221980 Publishing segment: Italian books. The Netherlands Company Profile: SpeedUp Ltd. was established in 1990 with the aim of Libreria Bonardi importing professional literature mainly Entrepotdok 26 - 1018 AD Amsterdam for institutional clients, for academic li- Phone: +31 020 6239844 brary networks, for medical libraries and technical libraries of big industrial com- panies. Company Profile: the only Italian bo- Market coverage: Hungary. okstore in the Netherlands, founded in Publishing segment: STM, academic. 1977. It imports directly from Italy. Bo- oks almost exclusively by Italian authors Japan and Dutch books translated into Italian. Books for learning Italian, easy readers, Bunryu Co., Ltd. Italian fiction, classics, poetry, comics, 704 Heiwa Sogo Bldg., 1-33-6, Takatano- history and current events, books for Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 26
children, cuisine, tourism and other sec- scientific publications and exporting Po- tors. DVDs, audio CDs (books and tradi- lish books. tional music). Dutch translations of Ita- Market coverage: Poland. lian books and Dutch books about Italy Publishing segment: STM, academic. (cuisine, tourism, etc.). Book presenta- tions and meetings with Italian authors. International Publishing Services Market coverage: Netherlands. 31/37 Piekna St. - 00-677 Warsaw Publishing segment: all. Phone: +48 22 6286089 Fax: +48 22 6217255 Mexico Casa del libro Company Profile: One of the most relia- Barranca del Muerto 41 Col. Florida - ble companies specialized in books im- 01030 Álvaro Obregón port and export. Phone: +52 56 622948 - 5662 5217 Market coverage: Poland. Fax: +52 56 627834 Publishing segment: STM, academic, fic- tion, art books. Company Profile: Casa del libro is the Italicus - Libreria Italiana most important bookshop chain in the ul. Kremerowska 11 - 30-198 Krakow Latin world, with the head office in Spain. Phone: +48 12 638 08 07 Since 1995 it has been a part of Grupo Fax: +48 12 638 08 07 Planeta and in 1996 inaugurated its vir- tual bookshop. Market coverage: Latin America. Company Profile: ITALICUS is an impor- Publishing segment: all. ter, distributor and Italian bookshop. We sell books in a traditional way in Krakow Libreria Morgana and also by our Website. Colima 143-A, Col. Roma Norte - 06700 Market coverage: Poland. Ciudad de México Publishing segment: Italian language Phone: +52 55 52075843 handbooks, multimedia, dictionaries, li- terature, encyclopedias, thematic books. Company Profile: Libreria Morgana is a Romania bookshop specialized in Italian books. Market coverage: Mexico. Prior Media Group Srl Publishing segment: all. Str. Raspantiilor 32, Sector 2 - 020548 Bucuresti Poland Phone: +40 72 2510133 / 21 2108908 Fax +40 21 2123561 ABE Marketing - Books Department Grzybowska 37A - 00-855 Warsaw Phone: +48 22 6540675 Company Profile: Founded in 1994, its Fax: +48 22 6520767 core business is the import and distri- bution of academic and educational bo- oks mainly in English but also publish Company Profile: Founded in 1990 textbooks for pre-university and univer- A.B.E. Marketing specializes in importing sity stage. and distributing mainly English-language Market coverage: Romania. 27
Publishing segment: Reference, langua- United Kingdom ge books, educational and STM. Art books International Slovak Republic 15 Windmill Grove, Portchester - Ham- pshire PO16 9HT Korrekt s.r.o. Phone: +44 023 9220 0080 Karloveska ulica 6/C - 84104 Bratislava Fax: +44 023 9220 0090 Phone/Fax: +421 02 526 248 15 Company Profile: Art Books International is in its 18th year as a leading worldwi- Market coverage: Slovak Republic. de distributor of art, architecture, photo- Publishing segment: language books. graphy, design books and other related books, offering over 3,000 titles to the Spain book and non-book trades. Their portfolio currently consists of around 30 British, SGEL European and Indian publishers, ranging Avda.Valdeparra, 29 - 28108 Alcoben- in scale from single books by artists and das, Madrid photographers, to multiple category pu- Phone: +34 91 657 69 02 blishers. Fax: +34 91 657 69 23 Market coverage: worldwide. Publishing segment: art, architecture, photography. Company Profile: Distributor of books Grant & Cutler at Foyles and periodicals in newsstands and bo- 107 Charing Cross Rd - London WC2H okshops. Sgel is the exclusive distributor 0DT in Spain for the following publishers: Ha- Phone: +44 0207 440 3248 chette, Alma Edizioni, Heinle, Helbling, Li- Fax: +44 0207 434 1574 del, Langenscheidt,etc. Besides, they are one of the most prestigious publishers of Spanish as a foreign language books. Market coverage: Spain. Publishing segment: all. Company Profile: Grant & Cutler was esta- blished in 1936 and is now the largest Switzerland foreign-language bookseller in the Uk. In March 2011 they merged with iconic Uk Buchzentrum AG (BZ) bookseller Foyles and are now located in Industriestrasse Ost 10 - CH-4614 their flagship Charing Cross Road store. Hägendorf They specialise in French, German, Spa- Tel. +41 062 209 27 22 nish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian, but Fax +41 062 209 27 60 cover all living languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu. They also carry substantial stocks in Arabic and in the Eastern European lan- Company Profile: Buchzentrum AG is the guages, particularly Polish. main book distributor in Switzerland (630 Market coverage: United Kingdom. publishers distributed). Publishing segment: foreign language Market coverage: Switzerland. books. Publishing segment: all. 28
The Italian Bookshop Publishing segment: language books, 123 Gloucester Road - London SW7 4TE children’s book, travel books, DVD’s, au- Phone: +44 20 7240 1634 dio books. Fax: +44 20 7370 3129 D.A.P. Distributed Art Publishers, Inc. 155 Sixth Avenue, 2nd Floor - New York Company profile: Italian bookshop in the NY 10013 centre of London specialized in Italian lan- Phone: +1 800 338 2665 guage and literature titles. Fax: +1 800 478 3128 Market coverage: Uk. Publishing segment: all Italian books, in original language and translations plus Company Profile: D.A.P. distributes a wide books about Italy in English and Italian. selection of books, special editions, and rare publications from the best interna- United States tional publishers, museums, and cultural institutions worldwide. Adler’s Foreign Books Market coverage: USA, Canada, Central 8154 Ridgeway Avenue - Skokie IL 60076 America, South America, Australia, Japan Phone: +1 847864 0664 and Asia. Fax: +1 847864 0804 - Order Fax 800433 Publishing segment: Art books. 9229 Independent Publishers Group Franklin Street N. 814 - Chicago IL 60610 Company Profile: Adler’s Foreign Books is Phone: +1 312 337 0747 a major importer and distributor of foreign Fax:+1 312 337 5985 books in the United States. They import and supply titles in French, Spanish, Ger- man, Italian. Company Profile: Independent Publishers Adler’s Foreign Books has been commit- Group was founded in 1971, the first orga- ted to serving college faculties, booksto- nization specifically created for the purpo- res, students and other individuals for se of representing titles from independent over 50 years. presses to the book trade. Market coverage: United States. Since its sales force covers the United Publishing segment: textbooks, novels, States and Canada, IPG requires the anthologies in history and philosophy, dic- exclusive right to sell its distributed publi- tionaries. shers’ books in all formats to the North American book trade, which includes Continental Book Company national and regional book wholesalers 6425 Washington St. #16 - Denver CO (including book wholesalers who supply 80229 nontraditional markets) and library who- Phone: +1 303 289 1761 lesalers as well as independent retailers, Fax: +1 800 279 1764 chain stores, libraries, college stores, and electronic booksellers. Market coverage: United States , Cana- Company Profile: Established in 1961, da, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Continental Book Company specializes India, Great Britain. in importing foreign language books and Publishing segment: all. teaching aids. Market coverage: United States 29
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