IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup

IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
IT Updates Fall 2021
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
IT Updates Fall 2021

• Agenda

  •   Staff introductions
  •   What has changed?
  •   Gallup campus IT projects
  •   Upcoming changes to Enterprise services
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
IT Office Hours

              Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 6 PM
              Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM

              Bookings is still available to schedule appointments for
              in person or remote support

              Open student position

Staffing and Office Hours
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
Gallup Campus Spring Projects

• Complete the implementation of our   • Skype->Teams and OneDrive
  management tool (SCCM)                 migration
• OS upgrades and standardizing        • Move to new antivirus/anti-malware
  workstation configuration              software
• Remove Flash from systems as it is   • Explore upgrades to AV equipment
  end of life                          • Support printer replacement project.
• User access to update/download
  common software
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
Adobe Licensing for Campus
• License available for all faculty, staff
and students
• Students must download from the
• Great resources available here:
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
Microsoft Teams

• Skype is demised
• Online resources available
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
• For class meetings, “Only authenticated users can
               join meetings” with “Restrict to UNM accounts”
               selected, is the recommended setting. It requires that
               meeting attendees be signed in with a UNM Zoom

             • Security settings will be enforced at a future date.

Zoom Security Settings
                                                      This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
Enterprise Service Changes
• Network upgrades to streamline configurations
• Enhanced information security measures in O365
    • Quarantining messages
    • New ways to report spam/phishing
• More resources behind MFA (Multi-Factor
• New LMS rollout work continuing

                                    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
Fall Plans

•   Audio/Visual Upgrade Project
•   Transition from Gallup VPN to Main Campus VPN
•   User data migration to OneDrive
•   Department and Confidential data migration to SharePoint
•   Lab Computer security upgrades
IT Updates Fall 2021 - UNM Gallup
Audio/Visual Classroom Upgrades

                            Zollinger Library
                            Gurley Hall
                            Career Tech Education
                            Calvin Hall Center
                            Health Careers Center
                            Student Services
                            Technology Center
Tier 1 - Small Classroom
Zollinger 102, Zollinger 103, Zollinger 119, Calvin 174, Calvin 171, Calvin 176, Calvin 173, Calvin 175, Calvin 177,
Calvin 179, Calvin 269, Calvin 273, Calvin 274, Calvin 229, Calvin 220, Calvin 221, HCC103, HCC117, CE1305,
CE1317, CE1326, CE1328B, CE1310, Gurley Hall 1239, Gurley Hall 1234

Each room will contain:
•(4K) LED display or projector with screen
•Two or more ceiling mounted speakers
•HDMI interface for laptop or computer
•Simple to use, wall mounted, illuminated touch screen
Tier 3 – Medium Classroom
Calvin 261, Calvin 266, Calvin 268

Audio visual system tailored to a larger environment

•HD projector with low noise and high laser output
•Retractable projection screen
•Two or more ceiling speakers
•HDMI interface for laptop or computer
•Switching control unit that can support additional
equipment (DVD, wireless….) as necessary
•Programmable touch screen located at the
instructor’s station
Tier 4 – Medium Classroom with Web Conferencing
SSTC 108, SSTC 162, SSTC 172, SSTC 182, Calvin 182, Calvin 184, Health Careers 133, Health careers 109,
Health Careers 105

 Medium Classrooms that need Web Conferencing

 •HD projector with low noise and high laser output
 •Retractable projection screen
 •Two or more ceiling speakers
 •HDMI interface for laptop or computer
 •Switching control unit that can support additional
 equipment (DVD, wireless….) as necessary
 •Programable touch screen located at the instructor’s
 •One pan/tilt/zoom camera with integrated microphone
All this is coming soon!

Projected completion October, due to backordered

All classrooms will remain functional utilizing the
    original equipment or a hybrid installation.
The future of Gallup VPN

It is the intention of IT to demise the Gallup VPN
over the course of the next few months.
• We will migrate users to the main campus VPN
   once we know there are no connectivity issues.
• Simplified administration – right now there are
   two configurations that must be monitored
   and maintained.
• Standardization – A single VPN standard will be
   easier to support and troubleshoot.

                                 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
OneDrive for staff files

It is the intention of IT to have all user data files
migrated to OneDrive over the next few months.
     • Automatic cloud backup of all your data
        files. Files that reside on your computer
        must be backed up manually.
     • Files available from anywhere. As long as
        you have broadband and log in with your
        UNM NetID you will be able to access your
        files from any computer.
     • Your files are secure. Even if your
        computer is lost, stolen or crashes, your
        documents are safe and accessible.

                                    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
SharePoint – For Admin and confidential files

                  It is the intention of IT to migrate confidential
                  documents to a secure SharePoint site.
                       • Similar to the current setup on the Data01
                          shared folders, each department will have
                          a SharePoint site where they will store
                          confidential information that users will be
                          granted specific access.
                       • Similar to OneDrive, the data will reside in
                          the cloud and will have the same
                          advantages with regard to backup,
                          accessibility and security.

                                                     This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Lab Computer security upgrades

  During the last few months, IT has upgraded the
  security for all the Lab computers.
     • Replaced DeepFreeze with the same
       security protocols as main campus which
       secures the computers using network
       programming instead of software.
     • The only significant change is that login
       times range from 1 to 3 minutes.
     • Be sure to save documents either to usb
       drive or better yet OneDrive.

                                  This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Gallup IT Updates

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