It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association

Page created by Sheila Rose
It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
It’s All About   the   Water
                       WINTER 2021
                       To preserve and
                       protect the water
                       quality, natural
                       resources and quality
                       of life in the Glen Lake
                       Watershed through
                       leadership, education
                       and collaboration.

                       The Glen Lake Association,
                       Inc., is a 501c3 non-profit
                       organization dedicated to the
                       protection, preservation and
                       continued improvement of the
                       beautiful Glen Lake area.
It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
From Our President, Edward Lanphier                                                                                   Wherever you are in the Watershed,
                          None of us could have imagined        Technologies to Empower Effective Inland Lake
                                                                                                                      We are All Guardians!
                          that January of 2020 would be         Stewardship.
                                                                                                                      The GLCR Watershed includes all the land area        improve all the waters of our unique Watershed?
                          the last time your GLA Board of       In addition to education, collaboration and           and water bodies that drain into Glen Lake, then     Contact: Glen Lake Guardian Ambassador, Tricia
                          directors would meet in person.       research, we continue our work to gain public         through the Fisher Lakes and down the Crystal        Denton at to
                          But like all of us we “turned on      support to enhance the protection of our              River all the way to Sleeping Bear Bay. This         learn more.
                          (the internet), tuned in (Zoom) and   watershed through a proposed Overlay District         nearly 20 sq. mile area includes many lesser
                                                                as this effort moves to the Township Planning         known “satellite” water bodies. Their health and
                          kept it…All About the Water”!
                                                                Commissions and Boards for hopeful adoption. If       the health of all these connected waters are
                                                                approved by the four Townships that boarder our       inextricably linked. Can we continue to boast that
Our work continued,                                             watershed the provisions would provide uniform        the water we send downstream is so pure and
                                                                zoning protections for future development by          clean that we improve the water quality of Lake
  Adjusting the Crystal River dam to maintain                   implementing low impact development standards         Michigan?
 adequate lake levels and flow in the Crystal                   to reduce runoff, prevent excessive removal of
 River,                                                         vegetation cover along shorelines and ridgelines      It’s all about the Water! Wherever you live work
                                                                and reinforce existing regulation regarding           or play in the Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed
  Organizing summer water monitoring such as
                                                                                                                      are you doing your part to preserve, protect and      Sleeping Bear Bay
 hydrolab measurements, Secchi disk readings,                   fertilizer usage.
 plankton and aquatic garden surveys,                           Our ongoing efforts to prevent and remove
   Conducting research projects including year                  invasive species in our waters and along our
 one of an innovative three-year study of Septic                shores expanded this year with record numbers
 impacts to well and lake water using DNA and                   of boat wash users and creation of an innovative
 Infrared drone technology,                                     terrestrial invasive species mapping and removal
                                                                program that utilizes students, interns and GLA
   Providing volunteer and intern opportunities                 volunteers. We were particularly focused on and
 related to water sampling for water quality                    were successful with yellow iris removal along the
 monitoring and research projects, bird surveys,                shores of the Fisher Lakes and Big Glen.
 invasive species mapping and removal, and                                                                             Fisher Lakes                                         Tucker Lake
 creel census data collection,                                  The GLA remains dedicated to preserving,
                                                                protecting and improving all the waters of our
   Educating our community through bimonthly                    watershed, its lakes, streams wetlands and
 eBlasts, virtual Discovery Boat videos, home                   groundwater, through technically sound water
 visits with property owners wishing to implement               quality monitoring, research and restoration
 Guardian Best Management Practices (BMPs)                      actions and innovative education, collaboration
 and sponsorship of statewide educational                       and communication. “We Are All Guardians” of the
 forums.                                                        Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed. The quality
   Purchasing personal protection equipment                     of life we enjoy in this remarkable corner of the
 (PPE) for and training our boat wash staff in its              planet is critically linked to how well we continue    Brooks Lake                                          Mill Pond
 use, so that our boat wash could continue to be                to support these efforts.
 our front line of protection from aquatic invasive             None of this would be possible without you, our
 species.                                                       Members and our volunteers. Thank you very
Continuing to stay digitally engaged, we were                   much for your ongoing commitment to uphold the
the exclusive sponsor of the Michigan Lakes                     charge to preserve and protect! See you on the
and Streams Association 2020 Spring Webinar                     water!!
Series, the Biennial Michigan Inland Lakes                            Edward Lanphier
Conference 2020 and the upcoming 2021
Winter Water Quality Symposium: Emerging
                                                                      President, Glen Lake Association                 Mouth of the Crystal River                           Little Glen Lake
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It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
Water Level Fun Facts                                                                                           2020 Creel Survey
                               With the Crystal River dam running                         In 2020 we had                        by the Numbers
                                                                                     6 storms which dropped                                                                                               Hours Fished
                              full open (90 cubic feet per second)
                              and no water coming into the lake, it                   over 1.5 inches of rain
                                 would take 36 days for the lake                        in 24 hours. Those
                                      to go down one foot.                              6 storms raised the
                                                                                       lake level over a foot                   Harvested (kept)                                     Released (what they threw back)
                                                 The Kraken is a
                                                                                                                                                                                          42 Rainbow         13 Lake Trout
                                            mythological beast about               Water level committee
                                                                                                                                       2774          1 Large                              4
                                              the size of a Russian
                                               nuclear submarine.
                                                                               volunteers made 22 changes                          Yellow Perch
                                                                                                                                                     Mouth Bass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   213 Large
                                                                                 to the dam gate height in                                                                                                                               Mouth Bass
                                             10 Kraken hiding in the              2020 to balance the rain                                                          6                                         10,725
                                                                                                                                  1 Northern Pike
                                              depths of Glen Lake                                                                                              Small                                         Yellow Perch
                                              would raise the water
                                                                               events with Crystal River dam                                                 Mouth Bass
                                                                                                                                                                                              953                                    9
                                                                               flow and maintain the lake at
                                                                                                                                      21Rainbow 2
                                                                                                                                                                                      Small Mouth Bass
                                               level only 1/4 inch.                                                                                                                                                                 Bluegill
                                                                                       its target level.
                                                                                                                                           Trout  Bluegill                                                               4
                                                                                                                                                                                      311Rock Bass

                                                       With the GLA Water Level Volunteers doing everything they can                                    16Rock Bass                                                      11 Northern Pike
                                                       to maintain a healthy balance what more can be done? What can
                                                       you do to prevent winter ice damage and erosion from high water                8 Lake Trout                                                            3
                                                       levels? Natural Shorelines and Bioengineering solutions are the
                                                       best defense and are best for water quality too. Contact Guardian
                                                       Ambassador Tricia Denton for a complimentary consultation today!
                                                                                                                           Plankton Important Indicator of Lake Health
                                                       Learn more by attending MSU webinar “A New Wave of Thinking”        The GLA has been monitoring phytoplankton              In the six-year study a total of over 30 genera
                                                       March 24, 2021 Webinar Registration - Zoom                          and zooplankton in the deep basins of Big and          were recorded. Big Glen plankton was often
                                                                                                                           Little Glen and Big and Little Fisher since 2014       dominated by a dinoflagellate named Ceratium sp.
                                                                                                                                                                                  and Little Glen was dominated by Microcystis sp.
                                                                                                                           Species richness and relative abundance were
                                                                                                                           recorded and show a general upward trend in            The name Microcystis may sound familiar as it is

            2020 Boat     Wash                                                                                             the diversity of species detected. Good news! As       members of this genus that are responsible for
                                                                                                                           species diversity is a positive indicator of overall   the harmful algal blooms in places like Lake Erie

                by the Numbers                                                             3928      Total Boats
                                                                                                                           lake ecosystem health.                                 that have made national news.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Most Microcystis communities consist of
                                                                                            (500+ more than 2019)                                                                 individuals with and without the ability to
                                                                                                                                                                                  produce toxins such as Microcystin. The science
                                                                                                                                                                                  is still out on what triggers the toxins to be

                                                                                                                                                                                  produced but warmer water temperatures and

                                       876                              487
                                                                                                                                                                                  excessive nutrients from fertilizers are believed
                                                                                                                                                                                  to play a role.
                                          Power Washed                  Fishing Boats                      Boats           Ceratium sp.              Microcystis sp.

    676 Info Sheets Distributed                                                     644                    1
                                                                                    Motors Flushed

                                                                                                          Bait From
                                                                                                          Other Lakes

                  Mussels Found                            Aquatic
                                                           Plants                              2
                                                                                        Refusing Inspection
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It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
Discovery Boat 2020 Goes Virtual
Despite the inability to host in person
gatherings this past summer, the Discovery                                                                                  Supporting the
Boat crew jumped into action and created
more than 6 hours of educational videos, an
                                                                                                                            next generation of
enduring virtual educational library covering                                                                               water protectors!
topics such as:
      Geology of Glen Lake/Crystal River                                                                                    We couldn’t be more thrilled with the results
      Aquatic Plants and Aquatic Gardens                                                                                    of our 2020 internship and student learning
      of Glen Lake                                                                                                          opportunities!
      Snails and Clams of Glen Lake                                                                                         Thanks to generous annual donations to the
      Fish of Glen Lake                                                                                                     Patricia Dutmers and Elva Witler Memorial
                                                                                                                            Funds and Grants from the Grand Traverse
      Swimmer’s Itch                                                                                                        Regional Community Foundation Land Use and
      Proposed Glen Lake/Crystal River                                                                                      Conservation and Planning Endowment and the
      Watershed Overlay District                                                                                            Edward and Mikiko Williams Foundation, the GLA
      Monitoring the Chemistry of Glen Lake                                                                                 was able to sponsor a total of 3 interns in 2020!
      Eradication of Invasive Terrestrial                                                                                   NMC senior Holly Wright, MSU junior Evan Fink
      Shoreline Plants and More!                                                                                            and Leelanau School senior Cecelia Denton,
                                                                                                                            collectively contributed over 450 hours to the
We hope to be back on the water with you in                            our top donors. In the meantime check out the
                                                                                                                            GLA and earned free of charge 4 college credits.
2021! 10 public cruises are planned in July                            Glen Lake YouTube channel to access the new
along with private, “custom” cruises available for                     Discovery Boat year round offering!                  One of the interns was able to qualify for over
                                                                                                                            $120,000 in college scholarships including the
                                                                                                                            Michigan Lakes and Streams Association Megan
                                                                                                                            E. Cook Memorial Scholarship. Her experience
      What can you do to                               Swimmer’s Itch?                Use the New Swimmer’s Itch            as a GLA Intern was what set her apart from other
                                                                                      Reporting Tool!
      prevent the itch?                                 Prevention is                                                       applicants.
        Cover your skin with swimwear
        that covers the area you want
                                                          the Key!                    In 2020 the GLA joined a new North
                                                                                      American Swimmer’s Itch reporting     Student opportunities didn’t end there. To wrap up
        to be itch free (SI rarely affects a           50 years of trial and error,   effort aimed at collecting data       the 2020 season, GLA staff, interns and volunteers
        person’s hands, feet, and face)                 plus the latest research      to aid in prediction of swimmer’s     provided over 40 hours of direct teaching and
                                                         have shown our best          itch risk, identifying hot spots,
        Towel off vigorously after                                                    and contributing to development       field experience to 22 incoming Northwestern
        swimming                                        and most cost-effective                                             Michigan College Freshwater Studies majors.
                                                                                      of a SI alert network. 46 cases
                                                            defense against           of Swimmer’s Itch were reported
        Swim in the afternoon or early                     Swimmer’s Itch is                                                Students learned about the Glen Lake Guardian
        evening vs. morning                                                           around Glen Lake in 2020 using the
                                                        prevention, not control.      new system. In 2021, be sure to Map
                                                                                                                            Program, the proposed Overlay District, water
        Do not swim when an onshore                                                   and Report any cases of Swimmer’s     quality monitoring and research and assisted
        wind is present                                                               Itch using the link on our website    with invasive species mapping and removal.
        Do not swim/wade in shallow water                                             and help us                           Four of these students have already submitted
        without using prevention measures                                             build this
                                                                                      promising                             applications to be 2021 GLA interns and have
        Install a swim baffle (float) in your                                         new                                   applied for a Michigan Student Research Grant to
        swim area                                                                     prevention                            help fund GLA invasive species programs.
                                                                                      tool with
        Use a parasite skimmer
                                                                                      other lakes
        Use a kid friendly wading or “kiddy                                           across the                                 Wouldn’t you like to help ensure
       pool” vs. using shoreline lake water                                           US and
       for small kids to swim in                                                      Canada!                                    this valuable experience continues
                                                                                                                                 into the future? Contact us at

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It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
“It’s All About the Watershed!”                                                                                           Development Committee and
When it comes to protecting water, the GLA knows it’s all about the watershed. Two important watershed                    75TH Campaign Final Report
wide protection initiatives are underway, and our members are there to offer time and support. Learn more
on the GLA website about the Watershed (Management) Protection Plan and the Glen Lake-Crystal River                       Development Committee                  Development Committee                           75th Anniversary Committee
Watershed Overlay District. The GLA helped to secure a $25,000 grant to update the 2009 WMP and                                                                  Co-chairs-Tom Dutmers, Lori Lyman               Chair-Lori Lyman
with work scheduled to be completed by 2022. A proposed Overlay Zoning District with enhanced water                       The goal of the Development
                                                                                                                          Committee is to provide long           Sue Besio                  Stephanie Joseph     Tricia Denton
protection features has moved into the review phase with our Township Planning Commissions and is being                                                          Elizabeth Carr             Rob Karner           Larry Faulman
met with positive response. More good news for the future of water!                                                       term financial stability for the       David Cassard                                   Susie Haley
                                                                                                                                                                                            Stan Kryder
                                                                                                                          Association, enabling the              Richard Chormann           Charles Ofenloch     David and Susan Haughn
                                                                                                                          preservation of our fragile natural    Tricia Denton              Dee Smith            Sallyanne Morris
                                                                                                                          resource for future generations        Kris Fishman               Bill Witler          Ginny Rockwood
                                                                                                                                                                 David Herr                                      Dee Smith
                                                                                                                          through supporting our                                                                 Pat Vredevoogd Combs
                                                                                                                          watershed protection programs.
Purchase your                                                                                                             75th Campaign                          GLA 75th Anniversary Donors
Kristin Hurlin                                                                                                            In 2020, honoring a significant
commemorative                                                                                                                                                    $25,000                         Cutler, Jeff & Tamara            Denton, Tricia & Shawn
                                                                                                                          anniversary for the Glen Lake                                          Dupont, Andy & Olivia            Faulman, Larry & Nancy
Glen Lake                                                                                                                 Association, the Development           Campbell, Brian & Mary          Dutmers, Jim & Sue               Fernandez, Drs. Francisco
Watershed poster                                                                                                                                                 Finnegan, Paul & Mary           Dutmers, Tom & Monica            & Lauren
                                                                                                                          Committee sponsored a                  Haley Family, Jane, John
on the GLA website                                                                                                                                                                               Herr, David & Maureen            Gietzen, Jeff & Georgia
                                                                                                                          fundraising campaign for 75            & Carrie, Peter & Barb          Kryder, Stan & Joy               Gorobetz, Andrew
click Shop 75th                                                                                                           years of protecting the Glen           $10,000                         Lawton Gallagher Group           Guething, Carl
                                                                                                                          Lake/Crystal River Watershed.                                          McBirchway Venture, LLC          Haley, Susan
                                                                                                                                                                 Andrews, Charles                McShane, Steve & Kathy           Hamilton, Jeff & Diane
                                                                                                                          Contributions were dedicated           Haggerty, Tammy                 Miller, Andrew & Janet           Kanitz, Matt & Sara
                                                                                                                          to our Watershed Scientific            Janata Family                   Nichols, Ron & Elayne            Karner, Rob & Barb
                                                                                                                          Research and Monitoring staff          Pierce, Denis & Martha          O’Brien, Jerry & Lisa            Langhorst, Martin
                                                                                                                                                                 Tuktawa Foundation              Ofenloch, Chuck & Sara           & Marsha
                                                                                                                          position currently held by Rob         Peggy Zukin Family              Riegel, John & Kay               Litch, Mike
                                                                                                                          Karner, who has been with the                                          Rockwood, Bill & Donna           Mallon, Meg
                                                                                                                                                                 $9,999 - $5,000
                                                                                                                          GLA for 40 years! The goal was                                         Smith, Greg & Dee                McCally, Woody
                                                                                                                          to match $75,000 for a total           Besio, Greg & Sue               Westbay, Tim & Jackie            McArthur, Bradley & Leah
                                                                                                                                                                 The Dean Family                 Witler, Bill & Rita              Moymeyer, Greg
                                                                                                                          of $150,000. Three generous            Fishman, Ken & Kris                                              Ofenloch, John
                                                                                                                          Association members stepped            Garrison, Matt & Lindsay        $999 - $25                       O’Malley, Dick & Ann
                                                                                                                          forward each contributing              Hayes, David                    Amarel & Miller,                 O’Neill, Ellen
                                                                                                                                                                 Knight, Lester & Becky          Irene & Dave                     Potter, Randy & Sheila
                                                                                                                          $25,000 to start the campaign.         Lanphier, Edward &              Barst, Anthony                   Quarderer, George & Carol
                                                                                                                          Our membership not only met            Cameron                                                          Reder, Mark & Karen
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Becker, Denny & Carole
                                                                                                                          the challenge, they, exceeded          Lyman, Michael & Lori           Bellows, Randall &               Siepker, Frank & Tracy
                                                                                                                          it. As of December 31, 2020,           Sprouse, Joanne                 Jeffery Anne                     Smith, Greg & Dee
                                                                                                                                                                 Theiss, Vik & Susan             Chesterfield,                    Smith, Lou & Karen
                                                                                                                          our members donated over
                                                                                                                                                                 $4,999 - $1,000                 David & Linda                    St. Julian, Joe & Jennifer
                                                                                                                          $200,000! The Glen Lake                                                Combs, Pat & Guy                 VanderMeulen, Joe
                                                                                                                          Association offers our most            Bohmer, David & Lynn            Correll, Rick                    Ware, Don & Susan
                                                                                                                          sincere thanks to our donors           Cassard, David & Cara           Crowley, Mike                    Wille, Tom & Sally
                                                                                                                                                                 Chormann, Dick & Carolyn
                                                                                                                          who continue to support the
                                                                                                                          Association and our important
                                                                                                                          research and educational
                                                                                                                          programs.                             Contributions were
                                                                                                                                                                dedicated to our
                                                                                                                          A special thanks to the
                                                                                                                          Development and 75th                  Watershed Scientific
                                                                                                                          Anniversary committees                Research and Monitoring
                                                                                                                          who volunteered their time            staff position currently
                                                                                                                          to make this campaign and             held by Rob Karner.
8   • . G L E N L A K E A S S O C I AT I O N . O R G                                                                      Anniversary celebrations                                                                        G L E N L A K E A S S O C I AT I O N •   9
                                                                                                                          tremendously successful.
                               26368_AnniversaryPoster.indd 1                                           2/13/20 9:11 AM
It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
Funding the Future of Water- 2020 Donors                                                                                    *Robert and Barbara Karner
                                                                                                                            *Bruce and Anne Lichliter
                                                                                                                                                               Gerry and Ellie Giffin
                                                                                                                                                               Larry and Julie Gigax
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and Memoriams
                                                                                                                             Adam Looze                        Glen Craft Marina and Resort
                                                                                                                                                                                                      In memory of Tom Aylsworth
The Glen Lake Association is                            $9999 - $5000                   *Jim and Susan Dutmers              *Jody Marquis                     *David and Penelope Gordon
                                                                                                                                                                                                       JoAnne Beare
honored to recognize our 2020                                                            Bev and Wade Fetzer                 Van and Sharon Martin            *Scott and Ellen Gravelie
                                                        * Greg and Sue Besio                                                                                                                           Lee and Carol Bowen
                                                                                         Bill and Pat Gillula               *Brad and Leah McArthur            Sandra Hilst
Donors and Guardians. We                                  Diane Dean                                                                                                                                   Carolyn Bumgardner
                                                                                         Dan and Magee Gordon               *Michael and Kenna McDonald        Rowell and Penny Huesmann
are deeply grateful for their                           * Tom and Monica Dutmers                                                                                                                       Jim and Velma Dorsey
                                                                                        *Jeff and Diane Hamilton            *Larry and Melisa Miller           Charles and Irene Hurbis
commitment to protecting this                           * Ken and Kris Fishman                                                                                                                         Tom and Monica Dutmers
                                                                                         Rick and Meta Joutras              *Annabel Moore                     Mark and Andrea Iuppenlatz
                                                        * David Hayes                                                                                                                                  Dan and Magee Gordon
unrivaled place and its waters.                                                         *Stan and Joy Kryder                *Jerry and Debbie Morawski        *Jeff Johnson
                                                        * David and Maureen Herr                                                                                                                       Gary and Christine Johnson
                                                                                        *Jon and Laura Lanphier             *Dave and Cheryl Morley            Gary and Barbara Jones
GLA Legacy Members-                                       Joseph Huffsmith                                                                                                                             Larry and Anne Krawczak
                                                                                         Bill and Karen Lott                *Jay and Mary Morley               Alan Kasper
$100,000 or more in                                       Lester and Becky Knight                                                                                                                      Bruce and Anne Lichliter
                                                                                         Karen Massaroni                     George and Marilyn Nugent        *Dick and Bonnie Kay
                                                        * Michael and Lori Lyman                                                                                                                       Bob and Sue Palmer
Lifetime Giving                                                                          McBirchway Ventures                 Ellen O’Neill                     Dean Kelley
                                                          Duane and Christine Shugart                                                                                                                  Linda Peppler
                                                                                         Woody McCally                       John and Tiffany Ofenloch         David and Gail Komendera
*Besio, Greg and Sue                                      Joanne Sprouse                                                                                                                               Ken and Cindy Rosiek
                                                                                         Steve and Kathy McShane            *Carl and Jackie Oleson           *Joan Kramps
*Knight, Joanne                                         * Vik and Susan Theiss                                                                                                                         Gary and Velma Sheffer
                                                                                        *Bill and Susanne Meserve           *Thomas and Jean Petersen         *Larry and Anne Krawczak
*Schilling, Richard and Barbara                         * Bill and Rita Witler                                                                                                                         Duane and Chris Shugart
                                                                                        *Andrew and Janet Miller             Paul and Kim Polman               Robert and Suzanne Laverty
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SSI Surveying Solutions
                                                                                         Ronald and Elayne Nichols           Randy and Sheila Potter           Lawton-Gallagher
GLA Patrons - $50,000                                   $4,999 - $1,000                  Jerry and Lisa O’Brien             *George and Carol Quarderer       *Mike Litch                             In memory of Patricia Dutmers
or more in Lifetime Giving                               Anonymous                       Anne and Dick O’Malley              Mark and Karen Reder             *Ruth Lovingood                          Jim and Susan Dutmers
 Andrews, Charles                                        Anonymous                      *Charles and Sara Ofenloch           Frank and Tracy Siepker           Leon and Pamela Lysaght                 Tom and Monica Dutmers
 Campbell, Brian and Mary                                Anonymous                       Jim and Diane Oliver               *Pat Smith                        *Meg Mallon                             In memory of Ronald Fornowski
*Chormann, Richard and Carolyn                           Anonymous                       Al and Kay Riegel                  *Joe and Jennifer St. Julian       Randy and Margaret McElrath             David and Dawn Baldwin
 Dean, Diane                                            *Bruce and Christie Alton       *John and Ginny Rockwood             Joseph and Karen Valenti         *Rob and Judy Meyer                      Robert and Felicia Bloom
*Finnegan, Paul and Mary                                *Peter Anderson                 *Bill and Donna Rockwood             Harvey and Marilyn Warburton      Ann Meyers                              John and Ann Davey
*Gosiger Foundation                                     *Denny and Carole Becker        *Marcia Rose                        *Tom and Sally Wille               Elaine Michener Israel                  Larry and Anne Krawczak
*Hoagland, John and Carolyn                             *Robert and Felicia Bloom       *Jim and Diana Skogsbergh                                              Pat and Deb Miller                      Pat and Sharon Oriel
*Lanphier, Edward and Cameron                           *Dave and Lynn Bohmer           *Dee Smith                          $499 - $250                        Donald and Patty Molten                 Frank and Marie Pfeifer
*Sprouse, Joanne                                         Warren and Beverly Boos         Lance and Ania Spitzner                                               Dennis Linda Moroz                      Robert and Sharon Snell
                                                                                                                             Joan Antle                       *Julie Morris
                                                         Brian and Mary Campbell        *Bill and Cherrie Stege                                                                                        Glen and Mary Stewart
                                                                                                                             David and Dawn Baldwin           *Northwoods Hardware
                                                        *Dave and Cara Cassard           Linda Stevenson
Total Giving - $10,000                                                                                                       Tim Barr-Art’s Tavern             Bob and Mary Jane Novak                In memory of Norman Knudson
                                                        *David and Judy Cheney          *Bob Sutherland
and above                                                                                                                   *Patrick and Cheryl Barry, Jr.     Michael Ouzounian                       Mark and Patti Knudson
                                                         David and Linda Chesterfield    Curt Ward
                                                                                                                             Jeff and Patty Brandt             Kait and JJ Paden                      In honor of Charles Lanphier Patton
 Andrews, Charles                                       *Richard and Carolyn Chormann   *Tim and Jacki Westbay
                                                                                                                             Jim Chormann                     *Vic and Betty Peirce                    Elizabeth Christoforetti
 Hagerty, Tammy                                          Dave and Marilyn Coleman        Chris and Judy Zukin
                                                                                                                            *Corinne Cochran                  *Roy and Elaine Pentilla
*Lanphier, Edward and Cameron                            Nancy Cook                                                          Jerry and Kathy Conroy                                                   In memory of Thomas Peppler
 Peggy Zukin Family                                      Jeff and Tamara Cutler         $999 - $500                                                           *Neil and Heather Peplinski              Janet Peppler
                                                                                                                             Joe and Anne Cornillie            Linda Peppler
*Pierce, Denis and Martha                               *Tricia Denton                                                       Cottonseed Apparel
                                                                                         Barry and Lynn Adler                                                 *Jerry and Mary Peterson                In memory of Greg Warnes
*Robert J Trulaske Family Foundation                    *Andy and Olivia DuPont                                              Rich and Robin Craig
                                                                                         Chuck and Kay Barnell                                                 Barry and Mimi Ransick                  Jim and Velma Dorsey
*Rotary Charities                                        Jim and Beverly Duff                                                Ben and Kathy Czerniawski
                                                                                        *Bill and Gwen Baxter                                                  Douglas and Beth Reid                   Susan Eggl
                                                         Tom and Darla Dumas                                                *Rodger and Debbie Davis
                                                                                        *Jack and Renee Beam                                                  *Daniel and Jennifer Rockwood            Robert and Susan Johnson
                                                                                        *Randall and Jeffrey Anne Bellows    Timothy and Biruta DeConinck     *Judy and Jeffrey Rycus                  Rose M. Laing
                                                                                         Guy and Pat Combs                   Carl and Polly DeFaria            T. Johnson and Sarah Jane Segerlind     Kristin Leach
                                                                                         Ron and Peggy Creten               *Dale and Meg DeJager              Lou and Karen Smith                     Pat and Deb Miller
                                                                                         William and Doreen Dean             John and Karen Diggins            Wendin Smith                            David and Diane Taghon
                                                                                         James and Sharon Doyle              Maureen Doran                     Larry and Roo Smith                     In memory of Elva Witler
                                                                                         Bob and Barb Fehrmann              *Dorsey’s on Glen Lake             John and Sita Spring                     Bill and Rita Witler
                                                                                        *Paul and Mary Finnegan             *Jim and Velma Dorsey              Stenback Builders
                                                                                         Edmund and Eustacia Frank           Charles and Catherine Drumm                                             *Indicates these individuals, businesses
                                                                                                                                                               Bob and Jean Stoessel                  and organizations have also made the
                                                                                        *Judy and Jim Freeman                Michael and Susan DuBrul          Harry and Faith Stryker                commitment to be Glen Lake Guardians!
                                                                                        *Jeff and Georgia Gietzen            Edwin and Kathleen Dunn           Timothy and Susan Unger
                                                                                         Robert and Constance Gula           Chad and Macaire Dutmers          Mark and Delanie Waldeck
                                                                                        *Susan Haley                        *Tom and Juli Erdmann              Mark and Lee Weick
                                                                                        *Kay Hughes                         *Lawrence and Nancy Faulman        Michael and April Wiater
                                                                                         Bruce and Judi Jacobs               Ronald and Charlotte Fornowski    Jennifer Yanover
                                                                                        *Richard and Suzanne Johnson        *Freshwater Solutions              Samuel Yates
                                                                                         Gary and Christine Johnson          Funistrada
10   • . G L E N L A K E A S S O C I AT I O N . O R G                                    Lisa Jorgensen Markevich            David and Sharon Geisler                                                          G L E N L A K E A S S O C I AT I O N •   11
It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
GLA Participates in Cutting Edge Multi-Lake                                                                                 The Glen Lake Association Needs You!
Septic Study with International Partners                                                                                   These are extraordinary times, Thank You for            Membership Donation today! Supporting
                                                                                                                           standing with us! For more than 75 years, our           at the $250 level or above provides the
                                                        The 2020 Septic Study that examined 15 sites in our                members have helped us fulfill our promise to           necessary revenue to continue our important
                                                        watershed revealed mostly good news. Using DNA                     preserve and protect the Glen Lake-Crystal River        water protection efforts and remain a leader in
                                                        technology to identify septic bacteria in well and lake water,     Watershed. Challenges remain, make your                 education and research.
                                                        a small percentage of samples showed connectivity to septic
                                                        influences in drinking and recreational waters. Each of the 15
                                                        sites were provided with their confidential results.                  Members, Check out
                                                        This summer, heat sensors to detect septic failure will also          the Membership tab
                                                        be used to test the original 15 sites along with 15 new sites.         on the GLA website
                                                        2022 will add 15 more sites for a total of 45 sites that will be          to: Login, update
                                                        combined with results from other lakes in an international              Your Profile, check
                                                        research study.                                                          your Membership
                                                                                                                                / Donations status,
                                                        Learn more by attending the GLA Sponsored Second Annual             access your Donation
                                                        Winter Water Quality Symposium.                                    History, and peruse the
                                                                                                                               Member Directory.

                                                                                                                                 Together we will
                                                                                                                               move forward into
                                                                                                                                the next 75 years
                                                                                                                                     and beyond!
                                                               TECHNOLOGIES                         Featured Topics
                                                                 to Empower Effective
                                                               Inland Lake Stewardship
                                                                                                        Aerial Drones
                                                                                                                                     Your GLA Board and Committee Chairs
                                                                                                        eDNA                OFFICERS                                      COMMITTEE CHAIRS
                                                                                                        Harmful Algal       Edward Lanphier   President                   Communications 			           Vic Peirce
                                                                 02/26/2021                             Blooms              Lori Lyman        Vice President              Community Relations 		       Bill Witler
                                                                                                        Communication       Stan Kryder       Treasurer                   Development 			              Lori Lyman, Tom Dutmers
                                                                8:30am to 4pm                                               Kris Fishman      Secretary                   Finance and Investment 		    Stan Kryder
                                                                                                                            David Hayes       Past President              Long Range Planning 		       Jim Dutmers
                                                                                                    Speakers from:                                                        Membership and Records       Corinne Cochran, Dave Cheney
                                                                   Detailed Agenda and                 University of
                                                                                                                                                                          Nominating 			               Bill Witler
                                                                                                                            Dave Cheney         Rick Fink
                                                                    Registration Link                  Alberta              Corinne Cochran     Vic Peirce                Quality of Life 			          Tom Dutmers
                                                                                                                                                                          Water Level 			              Bill Meserve
                                                                                                       Freshwater           Tom Dutmers         Jennifer St. Julian
                                                                                                                                                                          Water Quality 			            Andy DuPont, Rob Karner
                                                                                                       Solutions            STAFF
                                                                                                                                                                          PROGRAM CHAIRS
                                                                                                       Public Health        Rob Karner, Watershed Biologist
                                                                                                                            Tricia Denton, Administrative Coordinator/    Boat Wash/Invasive Species   Mike Litch
                                                                                                       Agency of Canada                                                   Fish and Wildlife			         Rick Fink
                                                                                                                            Guardian Ambassador
                                                                                                       Zero Gravity         Sallyanne Morris, Office Administrator/       Intern Program			            Tricia Dento,Tom Dutmers
                                                                                                       Glen Lake            Senior Boat Wash Coordinator                  Guardian Program			          Tricia Denton
                                                                                                                                                                          Technology			                Cal Killen
                    Glen Lake Association’s                                   In partnership with      Association

                     septic research will be                                                                               GLEN LAKE ASSOCIATION OFFICE                    GLEN LAKE ASSOCIATION WEBSITE
                                                                                                                           P.O. Box 551 | Glen Arbor, MI 49636   
                    featured at Symposium                                                                                  231-334-7645 | Fax 231-334-7470                 Office email:
                                                                                                                                                                           Guardian email:
                                                                                                                                    Follow us on FaceBook and Instagram
12   • . G L E N L A K E A S S O C I AT I O N . O R G                                                                                                                                                        G L E N L A K E A S S O C I AT I O N •   13
It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
P.O. Box 551 | Glen Arbor, MI 49636

Annual Member Meeting
Thursday, August 5
It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association It's All About the WAter - Glen Lake Association
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