ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining

Page created by Raymond Dominguez
ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
Sustainable Waste Management including
        Landfill & Landfill Mining

The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
        16th - 27th January 2023
ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
ISWA-SWIS Winter School

 The objective of the ISWA-SWIS Winter        ➢ Waste Economics including waste
 School is to provide advanced knowledge        business development
 in the field of waste management to an        Specialty areas such as perpetual or
 international audience of existing and       sustainable landfill, landfill design and
 emerging solid waste experts. At the joint   operation and the landfill mining
 ISWA and SWIS (Solid Waste Institute for     including       feasibility,   preliminary
 Sustainability) Winter School at the         investigation, operation and management
 University of Texas at Arlington, together   of landfill mining, and impact of landfill
 with the cities of Irving, Garland, and      mining of sustainable waste management
 Grand Prairie Texas, USA, the participants   system will be extensively covered.
 will have the opportunity to gain            Selected project case studies will be
 knowledge on the challenges of solid         presented and discussed to enhance
 waste management in developing               learning experience
 economies. However, the unique aspect
 of the Winter School is the blend of in-     Participants will receive a Certificate of
 class and hands on training. The in-class,   Participation.
 theory based training and hands-on,
 operational training are perfectly           Date
 balanced - with one week dedicated to        16th – 27th January 2023
 Participants will learn to understand:       The University of Texas at Arlington,
                                              Texas, USA (
 ➢ Landfill siting, design and                City of Irving Landfill, Texas, USA
   construction, and operation                City of Garland, Texas, USA
 ➢ Landfill leachate and gas                  City of Grand Prairie, Texas, USA
   management and utilization (LFGTE)
 ➢ Sustainable waste management               Target Group
   (including recycling, composting and
   waste to energy)
                                              Students and waste management
                                              professionals from all over the world.
ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining

Registration fees
   All registration fees are free of VAT.    Student                  Professional

Regular Fee                                  EUR 445.-                EUR 1070.-

ISWA Member Fee or low-/ lower-
                                             EUR 270.-                EUR 800.-
middle income economies*

*According to current World Bank list.                                 REGISTER HERE
   Online Registration
   Registration fees include course participation, course material, coffee/tea breaks and
   lunch as well as transfers to and from the university for the technical site visits during
   teaching days.
   Upon registration, participants accept all arrangements organized by ISWA and SWIS.
   The organizers do not assume liability during field demonstrations and technical visits.
   Travel health insurance is advisable. The programme may be subject to change.
   Deadline for Winter School Registration is 19th December 2022
   Recommended accommodation
   Will be announced soon.

   Please mention at booking that you are reserving the room for ISWA-SWIS Winter
   School to get a discounted rate

   Recommended date of arrival: Sunday, 15th January 2023
   Recommended date of departure: Saturday, 28th January 2023
ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
Cancellation policy

 Cancellation policy
 ISWA-SWIS reserve the right to cancel the course if the minimum number of participants
 is not reached.
 Minimum number of participants: 20
 Maximum number of participants: 55
 Registration may be transferred to a nominated representative.
 Any cancellation of registration must be submitted in writing to ISWA
 by e-mail:

 Cancellation and refund will be subject to the following conditions:
 •     Cancellation until 19th December 2022:                         50% refund
 •                              th                         st
       Cancellation between 20 December 2022 and 31 December 2022: 10% refund
 •     Cancellation from 31st December 2022 on or “no show”:          No refund

 In case of cancellation of the Winter School due to unforeseeable events,
 ISWA will refund the registration fee but no other costs incurred prior to cancellation.

                      For registration matters or to cancel registration
                      Please contact: Leonie Hoogland
                      ISWA Events Manager
                      ISWA General Secretariat
                      Vienna, Austria
                      E-Mail: Phone: +31 (0)10 808 3990

ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
The Programme

                             WEEK 1

             Introduction to Sustainable Waste Management; Landfill
  Monday     basics, Special Case Studies and Waste Characteristics

             Landfill Operation, Working Face, Leachate Basics, Leachate
  Tuesday    Management, Bottom Liner and Drainage

             Field Visit (City of Irving Landfill): Landfill Operations
 Wednesday   Working Face and Equipment Demonstration

             Leachate Generation Modelling, Landfill Gas Basics, Landfill
  Thursday   Gas Generation Model and Landfill Gas to Energy

             Field Visit (City of Garland Landfill): Landfill Monitoring - Gas
   Friday    Collection System, Working Face, Equipment Demonstration,
             Recycling Facilities and Transfer Station

  Saturday   Social excursion
ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
The Programme

                                WEEK 2

  Monday        Sustainable Waste Management and Recycling

                Field Visit (City of Grand Prairie Landfill): Landfill Operations –
  Tuesday       Working Face, LFG and Landfill Mining

                Waste Economics and Operational Finance,
 Wednesday      Dumpsite closure

  Thursday      MRF Visit, Project Discussion

                Panel Discussion: Global Waste Management Perspective
   Friday       Participants Project Presentation

 Friday Night   Gala Dinner
ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
Location & Infrastructure

  The Solid Waste Institute for                 The major facilities that are part of the
  Sustainability (SWIS) is housed at the        SWIS for research and training are: (i)
  University of Texas at Arlington, Texas,      Civil Engineering Building (CELB), (ii)
  USA. The center is located close to           Engineering Research Building (ERB),
  Dallas ‐ Fort Worth (DFW) Airport in          (iii) University of Texas at Arlington
  Texas with easy and direct access to          Research Institute (UTARI).
  national and international destinations.      The city of Fort Worth’s Annual Stock
  Solid waste personnel from different          Show and Rodeo will take place during
  developing countries can easily access        the winter school. The SWIS Winter
  SWIS because most of the major cities         School organizers are planning to take
  have direct flights to DFW airport.           all the participants to this year’s Rodeo
  The city of Arlington is located in the       Show. The details can be found at
  middle of Dallas - Fort Worth (12 miles
  east of downtown Fort Worth and 20            NBA Basketball Team Dallas Mavericks
  miles west of downtown Dallas).               regular season will be going on during
  Arlington is home to the American             the winter school program and the
  League West Texas Rangers baseball            participants will have the opportunity
  team (playing out of Global Life Park),       to watch live NBA Games.
  home to the NFC East Dallas Cowboys
  football team (playing out of AT&T
  stadium), and Six Flags (the biggest
  regional theme park in the world -

                   For Additional Information, please contact:
                   MD. Sahadat Hossain, Ph.D., P.E.
                   Director, Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability (SWIS)
                   Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
                   The University of Texas at Arlington,
                   417 Yates St, Suite – NH 404, Arlington, TX 76019
                   Email:, webpage:                        6
ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
Apply for a Scholarship

                         2023 SWIS-ISWA Essay Competition on
      “Lifestyle and Social Behavior Change for Sustainable Waste Management”.

 The Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability (SWIS) at the University of Texas at
 Arlington (UTA), Texas, USA is pleased to announce the 2023 SWIS-ISWA Essay
 Competition on “Lifestyle and Social Behavior Change for Sustainable Waste
 Management”. Students and professionals from around the world are invited to write
 an essay on this issue considering lifestyle and social behavior in their respective
 countries. The authors of the best essays will be awarded scholarship to attend the
 ISWA-SWIS Winter School (to be held at UTA from January 16-27, 2023). However, full
 time students will be given preference for scholarship. SWIS has introduced these
 scholarships to promote the importance of sustainable waste management for
 developing healthy and sustainable urban cities.

 Scholarships cover the following
 ➢    Free registration to attend the 2023 ISWA-SWIS Winter School at UTA
 ➢    Free lodging during their stay for the Winter School
 ➢    Breakfast and lunch will be provided
 ➢    Free transportation during their stay for the Winter School

ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
Apply for a Scholarship

 Eligibility for Scholarship1:
 A.   Currently enrolled as full-time students in the following (or similar) programs
      with a strong interest in sustainability/environmental issues:
      1. Civil/Environmental Engineering;
      2. Urban and Regional Planning;
      3. Social Science or Environmental/International Policy Studies;
      4. Business – with a strong connection/interest in environmental issues.
 B.   Young solid waste management and business professionals (less than five
      years in their professional jobs).

 Deadline of Essay Submission: 15 September 2022 (Texas local time)
 Note: (1) Anyone can participate in the Winter School with their own funding or
 funding from other sources. Self-funded candidates do not need to submit an essay

 For scholarship news, please visit SWIS on Facebook:

ISWA-SWIS WINTER SCHOOL 2023 - Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining
Apply for a Scholarship

  Format and Requirements
  ➢ Essay must be submitted in the paper format attached in the folder as doc/docx
    file. Unformatted essays will be disqualified.
  ➢ Essays must be single-spaced with font size of 11 Arial. The Essay must be
    written in English.
  ➢ Essay must be maximum 8 pages including reference and appendix.
  ➢ Essays must be the original work of the participants. Plagiarized essays will be
    immediately disqualified. Participants can seek advice and help from a mentor
    or supervisor.
  ➢ The author of the essay is liable for any copy right issues regarding the material
    he/she submits.
  ➢ The author gives SWIS and ISWA the right to publish and disseminate his/her
    essay as a whole or in parts, may it be electronically or printed.
  ➢ Use the following coversheet for submission.
  ➢ A maximum 250 words biography of the applicants. Also, a maximum 250 words
    personal statement about why the candidate is interested in participating in the
    Winter School.
  ➢ Applicants need to email the essay to & with subject: Essay Contest 2023.
  ➢ All students must follow updated scholarship information from SWIS Facebook

  Deadline of Essay Submission: 15 September 2022 (Texas local time)

       Please visit the ISWA website for more information:
       or visit us on Facebook:
Essay Layout
                                    TITLE OF THE ESSAY
                                          Peric, D.1
      1 Name of the Institution, Address, Country, E-mail address (Arial, 11, Centered)

Abstract: The abstract should be concise         Acknowledgements:              Please
and should present the aim of the work,          acknowledge contributors and sponsors
essential results and conclusion. It             to your work.
should be typed in font size 11, single          References: Reference should be listed in
spaced. The length should not exceed             alphabetical order and appear at the end
500 words.                                       of the manuscript. Citations in the text
Key words: For indexing purposes, a list         should be denoted with the author's
of 3-6 key words is essential.                   surname and the year of publication
Introduction: The introduction must              (Use APA Method).
clearly state the specific objectives of the     If the text contains two or more papers
work presented. The introduction must            written by the same author(s) in the
place the work described in an                   same year, the citations should be
appropriate context, including impetus           differentiated by a letter; e.g.: (Grigg
for the research, practical applications         1996a). Journal names should be given
(including estimates of costs, where             in full. Titles of papers should be given in
applicable), and results of a literature         their original language and, if possible,
study.                                           they should be followed by a translation
Background: This section should                  into English in parentheses.
describe the literatures or background           Illustrations and Tables: Original line
studies on the research.                         drawings and photographs must be twice
Materials and methods: This section              the desired size (maximum printed width
should describe and reference the                130 mm) at a resolution of at least 300
techniques applied in the investigation          dpi. Remember that text and symbols
and make clear the protocol of the study.        should be legible in print. All illustrations
The model and sensitivity of monitoring          should be in “.jpg” format. Tables, figures
equipment (if any) should be stated in           and     captions/legends     should        be
this section.                                    embedded in the text where they
                                                 naturally belong.
Results and discussion: This section
should explore the implications of the           Authors are responsible for obtaining
findings but not be highly speculative.          and submitting to SWIS & ISWA
                                                 permission from copyright holders for
Conclusion: This section should tie the          reproducing any illustrations, tables,
major findings to the objective(s) stated        figures or lengthy quotations previously
in the introduction and suggest the              published elsewhere.
practical or theoretical relevance of the
manuscript to future research, waste
management practices, or regulations
and policies.                                                                                    10
An Organized Research Center of Excellence
              Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability

                         2023 SWIS ESSAY
                     SCHOLARSHIP SUBMISSION
NAME:                                                      PHOTO






ADDRESS:                                                   TITLE OF ATTACHED ESSAY:


I hereby, declare that the attached essay is entirely my own work, and any
assistance received has been acknowledged within the essay.

(Applicant’s signature)                                       (Date of submission)
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