ISSUE BRIEF 07.18.17 Russia's Use of the "Energy Weapon" in Europe - Rice ...

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ISSUE BRIEF 07.18.17 Russia's Use of the "Energy Weapon" in Europe - Rice ...
ISSUE BRIEF                                                                                    07.18.17
 Russia’s Use of the “Energy Weapon” in Europe
 Gabriel Collins, J.D., Baker Botts Fellow in Energy & Environmental Regulatory Affairs, Center for Energy Studies

“Regardless of how the standoff over Ukraine develops, one lesson is clear: excessive
 dependence on Russian energy makes Europe weak.”
                                   —Donald Tusk, former prime minister of Poland (April 2014)

 In June 2017, the US Senate voted 98–2 to
 pass a bill designed to strengthen existing
                                                  THE DEGREE OF DEPENDENCE ON
 US sanctions against Russia, including           RUSSIAN GAS, BY COUNTRY
 a provision that would allow sanctions           Europe-Russia energy security discussions
 against those who provide capital,               often focus on natural gas because
 services, or other support to projects           manipulating crude oil and refined product
 that build, expand, or even maintain             supplies is generally a less effective tactic.
 Russian energy export pipelines.1 The fact       Crude and related products are each
 that US policymakers are now openly              traded in highly fungible global markets,
 debating extraterritorial measures to            so substitute supplies can be procured and
 punish those who facilitate Russian energy       transported relatively easily in the event
 exports suggests the two countries’ geo-         that Russian exports are interrupted. By
 economic frictions could escalate, with          comparison, lower fungibility has historically    If Gazprom truly
 commensurate impacts for E&Ps, service
 companies, and capital providers.
                                                  constrained work-around options in the            prioritized commercial
                                                  event of natural gas supply disruptions. In
      Transatlantic disputes over projects                                                          concerns over political
                                                  particular, Central and Eastern European
 like the proposed Nord Stream-2 (NS-2)           consumers’ lower connectivity to LNG and          ones, we would expect
 pipeline—which would increase Russian            other potential replacement gas sources           to see more consistent
 gas supplies to Europe—will likely continue      has perpetuated dependency on Russian             use of legal processes
 for years to come, as US-Russia geopolitical     supplies and made pipelines a natural
 competition intensifies and the political                                                          to enforce agreements
                                                  strategic fulcrum for the Kremlin.
 toxicity of Russia-related matters rises in           This analysis focuses on key members
                                                                                                    and settle disputes and
 Washington. Accordingly, this brief aims         of the EU and/or NATO that could be               fewer questionably
 to inform and contextualize the discussion       subject to gas supply manipulations as            timed price increases
 by (1) quantifying the potential exposure of     part of a Russian attempt to drive a wedge
 key European countries to Russian gas price                                                        and supply curtailments.
                                                  between Washington and its core European
 and supply manipulation, (2) showing how         partners. Therefore, not all countries in
 Moscow has used energy as an instrument          NATO, or what is often politically defined as
 of coercive diplomacy since the early            “Europe,” are included.
 1990s, and (3) briefly assessing the impacts          Russian gas imports equaled 23%
 and future policy implications of Russian        of total UK gas demand in 2016, 25% in
 entities’ past use of the “energy weapon”        France, 40% in Italy, 55% in Denmark,
 in and near Europe.                              58% in the Czech Republic, 62% in


                                                                                                                        Gas pipelines
                       No appreciable dependence                              Heavily dependent

NOTE “Dependence” is determined by percentage of direct Russian imports divided by total annual gas demand. Ukraine now uses reverse flows from neighboring
states , so its Russian-origin gas supplies are “indirect.”
SOURCES BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017; GADM (countries); Gazprom (pipeline routes and gas import data)

                                           Germany and Hungary, 64% in Poland,
                                           70% in Austria, and 84% in Slovakia,
                                                                                                      INSTANCES OF RUSSIAN ENERGY
                                           according to data from BP and Russian                      COERCION IN EUROPE AND THE
                                           gas producer Gazprom. If the NS-2 project                  FORMER SOVIET ZONE
                                           comes online, dependence on Russian gas
                                                                                                      The Kremlin’s use of energy coercion began
                                           in Germany and surrounding countries
                                                                                                      even before the USSR actually dissolved in
                                           could rise significantly. The Nord Stream-1
                                                                                                      December 1991. For instance, it interrupted
                                           pipeline alone supplied gas volumes
                                                                                                      oil supplies to the Baltic states in 1990 in
                                           equivalent to 55% of Germany’s total gas
                                                                                                      an effort to crush the region’s budding
                                           consumption in 2016. If German nuclear
                                                                                                      independence movements, although to
                                           power plants shut down on schedule and
                                                                                                      no avail.3 Russian energy companies—
                                           NS-2 comes online in the 2019–2020 time
                                                                                                      presumably with the Kremlin’s blessing—
                                           frame, Russia’s direct gas links to Germany
                                                                                                      have gone on to make multiple attempts
                                           could by themselves supply more than
                                                                                                      over the past 25 years to use energy
                                           80% of German gas consumption even
                                                                                                      supplies to gain leverage over Russia’s
                                           at a relatively low pipeline utilization rate
                                                                                                      neighbors and advance Moscow’s strategic
                                           for NS-2.2
                                                                                                      priorities. The author has identified at

least 15 discrete instances where Russian         or export terminal is deeply suspicious
entities used price and physical volume           when the troubles just happen to coincide
manipulation of crude oil or natural gas          with the rejection of a Russian suitor’s
supplies—often amid political tensions—to         acquisition attempt.7
pressure consumers located in Central                  Commercial gas suppliers are certainly
and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet          within their rights to terminate supplies to
countries (Figure 2).                             consumers that have breached contractual                                                                            Policymakers’ aversion
     The “true” number of energy supply           terms by being in arrears.8 Yet the time
disruptions Russian entities have caused          periods in which a commercial gas supplier
                                                                                                                                                                      to the potential short-
in and around the former Soviet zone is           in the European marketplace would usually                                                                           term losses caused by
likely significantly higher than the number       allow a customer to remain in breach of                                                                             a gas supply cutoff or a
reported in this study. Consider, for instance,   the agreement are short—sometime only                                                                               politically driven price
that in 1998 and 1999 alone, Russian oil          seven days from the time the supplier puts
producer Lukoil interrupted supplies of           the consumer on notice.9 Commercially
                                                                                                                                                                      increase could expose
crude oil to Lithuania’s Mažeikiai refinery       minded gas suppliers expect a rapid and                                                                             them to manipulation,
at least nine times amid a contest between        meaningful resolution of contract breaches.                                                                         undermine their resolve
American and Russian interests to acquire         The transparent, punctual, and predictable                                                                          to stand up to Russian
a stake in the facility.4 Smaller disruptions     processes they prefer to resolve disputes are
                                                                                                                                                                      revanchism in and near
are not always necessarily reported, or they      a hallmark of standard commercial behavior.
may instead be cast as “commercial” or                 Gazprom, in contrast, tolerates                                                                                Europe, and, ultimately,
“technical” disputes—even though many             massive debts on the part of certain                                                                                divide and weaken the
have political overtones.                         customers such as Naftogaz of Ukraine for                                                                           EU and NATO.
     Price conflicts and debts owed by            years, then suddenly imposes stringent
customers—frequently exacerbated by               payment requirements and raises prices
unilateral gas price increases imposed by         when geopolitical tensions increase
Gazprom—often become the pretext for              between the Russian government and
supply curtailment. Such moves are part of        the consumer government. The Russian
a messaging campaign in which ostensibly          company’s inconsistent oscillation between
commercial factors are used to legitimize         forbearance and sharp, severe price and/
gas price and/or supply manipulations that,       or supply changes that closely correspond
in many instances, are motivated more
by geopolitics than by concerns about
corporate profitability.
     For instance, over the course of             FIGURE 2 — KNOWN OR PROBABLE POLITICALLY DRIVEN ENERGY
less than a week in late March and early          SUPPLY OR PRICE MANIPULATIONS BY RUSSIA (1990–2015)
April 2014, Gazprom raised the price of


gas exports to Ukraine from $268.5 per











thousand cubic meters (mcm) to $385.5
                                                  Belarus                                                                                                                                     o                   g
per mcm, and ultimately to $485 per
                                                  Georgia                                                                                           g             g             g      g
mcm.5 This rapid price increase was
                                                  Estonia                            o      g
suspiciously timed—coming on the heels
of Russia’s invasion of Crimea—and                Lithuania            o             o      o                                  o      o                                                o

transcends the bounds of commercial               Latvia                             o      o                                                              o

normalcy. Gazprom cited Ukraine’s unpaid          Moldova                                                                                                                              g

gas debts as justification for the price hike,    Poland                                                                                                                                                                                       g

yet Ukraine had consistently owed Gazprom         Slovakia                                                                                                                                                                                     g
substantial unpaid sums for gas deliveries        Turkmenistan                                                                                                                                              g
since the January 2009 supply crisis was          Ukraine                                   g             g                                                                            g             g      g                                  g     g
resolved and Gazprom had not previously
made significant, sudden changes to gas           Instances involving crude oil are shaded gray; those involving natural gas are shaded blue.
                                                  Interruptions that caused systemic effects on oil or gas supplies in Europe occured during the years highlighted in orange.
pricing for supplies into Ukraine.6 Similarly,
the timing of “technical difficulties” in an      SOURCES BBC; FOI; Keith Smith; Reuters; The New York Times
oil pipeline supplying a specific refinery


                                                               Estonia       Latvia       Lithuania        Georgia          Belarus        Ukraine

                    Exporter consolidates control of
                    energy resources                            ü             ü             ü                ü                ü             ü

                    State control over export routes
                                                                ü             ü             ü                ü                ü             ü
                    Exporter carries out price hikes
                    and/or supply disruptions                   ü             ü             ü                ü                ü             ü
                    Target state acquiesces/concedes
                    to exporter state demands                    û             û             û                û                ?            û

                    Target state diversifies energy supply
                    sources after initial coercion attempts     ü             ü             ü                ü                û             ü
NOTE Question mark indicates that the effectiveness of Russia’s use of the “energy weapon” to achieve its policy objectives was unclear.
SOURCES Karen Smith Stegen;10 author’s analysis of Gazprom export volume data

                                                   to geopolitical events disturbs consumers          immediate aftermath of supply and price
                                                   and reduces their confidence in Russia as          disruptions, the directly affected countries
                                                   a reliable energy supplier. If Gazprom (and        have sometimes had to make tactical
                                                   ultimately, the Kremlin) truly prioritized         concessions to Moscow—such as Ukraine
                                                   commercial concerns over political ones,           paying higher prices for gas in the wake
                                                   we would expect to see more frequent               of the 2009 shutoff, or then-president of
                                                   and consistent use of legal processes to           Ukraine Leonid Kuchma’s decision to accept
                                                   enforce agreements and settle disputes             gas debt forgiveness in exchange for allowing
                                                   (i.e., court and arbitration cases) and fewer      Russia to retain most of the Black Sea naval
                                                   questionably timed price increases and             fleet after a September 1993 gas shutoff.12
Russia has                                         supply curtailments.                                    Yet over a longer time frame, the
                                                         Gazprom’s choices can create serious         perception that energy supplies have been
demonstrated a                                     consequences for gas consumers further             politicized can induce consumers to either
rising appetite for                                down the pipeline in Europe. At least three        move to new energy sources entirely, or
taking strategic risks,                            of the gas supply manipulations shown in           at least to diversify their energy sources
and it would be naive                              Figure 2 caused systemic disruptions deep          to reduce exposure to future volume and
                                                   into Europe—particularly the January 2009          price risks arising from a single supplier.
to think that the
                                                   gas shutoff that Gazprom instituted due to         Energy supply and price manipulation in the
Kremlin is not willing                             Ukraine’s gas debt, which caused pressure          former Soviet zone has generally driven the
to unleash a “bolt from                            drops as far west as France and forced             targeted countries further from Moscow’s
the blue” in the natural                           businesses and schools across southeastern         orbit. Historical examples of national
gas supply realm.                                  Europe to shut down amid severe cold.11            responses to Russian energy coercion—
                                                                                                      such as the Lithuanian and Ukrainian
                                                                                                      experiences—suggest that after a period
                                                   HOW EFFECTIVE HAS RUSSIAN ENERGY                   of initial disruption, traders and consumers
                                                   COERCION BEEN IN ACHIEVING                         generally rebuild supply channels in ways
                                                   MOSCOW’S STRATEGIC AIMS?                           that are more resilient and diversified, and
                                                                                                      less directly reliant on Russian suppliers.
                                                   Energy supply disruptions can, in the short             In the most extreme cases, using
                                                   term, cause firms and consumers to incur           the “energy weapon” may have actually
                                                   significant economic losses, which can then        backfired by precipitating additional anti-
                                                   become social problems as well. And in the

Russia sentiments in countries such as
Ukraine and Georgia, which emerged
                                                 FIGURE 4 — CHANGE IN UKRAINE AND LITHUANIA’S DIRECT GAS
from domestic political revolutions with         IMPORTS FROM RUSSIA (2000–2016)
a generally pro-Western, pro-Europe                    +150
orientation. Despite multiple energy
coercion actions, both Ukraine and Georgia
eventually experienced armed conflict with             +100
Russian military forces and Russian-backed
proxies, and the outcomes of these conflicts
have generally proven muddled at best for
Russian interests.
     For example, Ukraine and Lithuania
have moved decisively to reduce direct
gas imports from Russia over the past five
years (Figure 4). Ukraine has done so by
increasing its imports of gas from Slovakia,
Hungary, and Poland via new pipeline
interconnections that allow “reverse flows”
of gas from west to east at scale for the
first time.13 Baseload gas supplies in Central
Europe still typically come from Russia but
are also often intermingled with volumes
from Norway and the Netherlands as
pipeline connectivity improves. The mixing       SOURCES Gazprom; Naftogaz of Ukraine
of gas molecules makes it much harder for
Gazprom to single out specific consumer
countries for volume—or especially price—        supplies from Russia and also gets better
manipulation.                                    prices for the volumes it still purchases
     In effect, Ukraine has substantively        from Gazprom. Indeed, once Lithuania’s
unlinked itself from direct imports of           Litgas signed a term sheet with Norway’s
Gazprom molecules but can still procure          Statoil for the procurement of LNG,
Russian-origin gas. To boot, the price of        Gazprom quickly responded with a 23%
reverse flow gas supplies is ultimately          discount on gas prices.17 The discount
determined largely by trading on                 helped bring Lithuania’s gas prices from
European hubs, rather than by Gazprom’s          among the highest in Europe down to a
monopolistic pricing. European hub prices        more market-driven level.
can be volatile, but thus far this appears           Perhaps the most critical challenges
to be a cost Ukraine is willing to pay to        of additional Russian gas supplies into
distance itself from Gazprom.14                  Europe from the NS-2 pipeline arise in
     For its part, Lithuania’s Klaipėdos Nafta   the political arena. Plentiful gas supplies
has leased a floating LNG regasification         today have impeded attempts to build
and storage vessel from Norway’s Höegh           the infrastructure necessary to ensure
LNG for a 10-year term, with the option          long-term, strategic European gas supply
of purchasing the vessel once the lease          security. For instance, French regulators
expires.15 The terminal can potentially          said in 2016 that “there is no economic
regasify approximately 4 billion cubic           need” for an interconnector pipeline
meters (bcm) per year, which is roughly          crossing the Pyrenees that would help
twice Lithuania’s total annual gas needs;        better integrate Spain’s substantial LNG
in 2016, it sent out 1.46 bcm of gas.16 The      regasification capacity with the broader
effects on Lithuanian gas security have          European market, citing “stable demand
been significant, as the country is now          and overcapacity in recent years.”18
much less vulnerable to a cutoff of gas


                                               Failing to deepen Spain’s connection
                                          to Europe’s emerging gas hub architecture
                                                                                           THE WILD CARD: RUSSIAN USE OF
                                          is a serious blow to supply diversification      ENERGY COERCION AGAINST A MAJOR
                                          efforts. Spain’s six operational LNG receiving   WESTERN EUROPEAN CONSUMER
                                          terminals and seventh mothballed facility
                                                                                           The current dataset lacks information on
                                          have a total annual sendout capacity of
                                                                                           the most critical potential scenario for
                                          nearly 69 bcm of gas per year.19 Spain only
                                                                                           energy security planners and analysts:
                                          consumed 28 bcm of gas in 2016, which
                                                                                           namely, what could happen if Russia
                                          suggests that if pipeline infrastructure
                                                                                           targeted a larger country that, militarily
                                          permitted, the country could boost LNG
                                                                                           and economically speaking, is systemically
                                          terminal utilization and serve as a gateway
                                                                                           important to Europe. Ukraine and Georgia
                                          for non-Russian gas into Europe. Spanish
                                                                                           did not rise to this level, but Germany,
                                          LNG use peaks in the winter. Using the
                                                                                           which is poised to dramatically increase
                                          maximum peak in the past five years as
                                                                                           its intake of Russian gas through a direct
                                          the “set point” for determining sustainable
                                                                                           bilateral linkage, does. In such cases, the
                                          spare sendout capability suggests that if
                                                                                           target country’s economic importance and
                                          prices rendered the trade economic and
                                                                                           leadership role in Europe would potentially
                                          there was enough infrastructure capacity
                                                                                           magnify the impact of “tactical” concessions
                                          to ship the gas, nearly 33 bcm per year of
                                                                                           and confer strategic importance on them.
                                          additional gas could be sent from Spanish
                                                                                                 Policymakers’ visceral aversion to the
                                          LNG terminals into the European market
                                                                                           potential short-term losses caused by a gas
                                          without threatening their ability to serve
                                                                                           supply cutoff or a politically driven price
                                          local consumers (Figure 5).
                                                                                           increase could—particularly if dependence
                                                                                           on Russian gas increases—expose them to
                                                                                           manipulation, undermine their resolve to
FIGURE 5 — ACTUAL DAILY GAS SENDOUT FROM SPAIN’S LNG                                       stand up to Russian revanchism in and near
TERMINALS VS. THEORETICAL CAPACITY (2012–PRESENT)                                          Europe, and, ultimately, divide and weaken
                                                                                           the EU and NATO.20
                                                                                                 The psychological reality that the
                                                                                           anticipated risk and pain of a potential
                                                                                           future event are worse than if the event
Volume of Dry Natural Gas (MMcm/day)

                                                                                           actually happens matters to the Russia
                                                                                           gas dependency discussion for at least
                                                                                           three core reasons. First, increased
                                                                                           Western European dependence on Russian
                                                                                           gas would raise questions about the
                                                                                           willingness of some of those countries to
                                                                                           aid smaller Central and Eastern European
                                                                                           nations, such as the Baltics, in the case
                                                                                           of Russian aggression or subversion. This
                                                                                           dynamic is especially meaningful because
                                                                                           the robustness of the United States’
                                                                                           strategic commitment to NATO—which has
                                                                                           traditionally been the alliance’s bulwark—
                                                                                           has been called into question on multiple
                                                                                           occasions by President Donald Trump.
SOURCE Gas Infrastructure Europe                                                           History suggests Moscow believes it can get
NOTE Data converted from gigawatt hours (GWh) to millions of cubic meters (MMcm) using a   away with singling out smaller countries,
conversion factor of 0.1 MMcm/GWh on Gasunie unit converter.                               as when Russian state-owned oil pipeline
                                                                                           company Transneft disrupted oil supplies
                                                                                           to Lithuania in 2006 with impunity, even


though the country had been a member              natural gas supply realm. Planning and
both of NATO and the EU for two years by          physically preparing for such a contingency
that time. European leaders’ failure to draw      can help deter future attempts by Russia to
a unified set of red lines creates the risk       use gas as a coercive instrument in Western
of emboldening Russia to continue using           Europe, but Nord Stream-2 risks further
energy as a wedge issue.                          weakening Western Europe’s resolve to take
     Second, implicit threats of energy           such measures in a timely fashion.
supply interruptions—or enticements
such as price discounts to certain firms
or countries—could be used to dissuade            ENDNOTES
key countries from supporting sanctions
                                                       1. Patrician Zengerle, “U.S. Senate
or other measures opposed by Moscow
                                                  votes near unanimously for Russia, Iran
and sow serious, long-term divisions
                                                  sanctions,” Reuters, June 15, 2017,
within Europe and between the US and its
                                        ; Jordain Carney,
partners in NATO and/or the EU. And third,
                                                  “Senate passes deal to advance Russia
Western European leaders’ concerns about
                                                  sanctions bill,” The Hill, June 29, 2017,
energy supply security would also offer
the Kremlin a point of vulnerability that
                                                       2. This simple estimate assumes
could be exploited under the latest Russian
                                                  that Germany will adhere to its schedule
military operational concepts. In particular,
                                                  of shutting down 1.3 gigawatts (GW) of
the Russian government uses influence
                                                  nuclear capacity in 2017, 1.4 GW in
campaigns “to target enemy leadership and
                                                  2019, 4 GW in 2021, and 4 GW in 2022
alter their orientation in such a way that
                                                  (World Nuclear Association, June 2017,
they make decisions favorable to Russia and
                                         It also assumes
take actions that lead to a sense of despair
                                                  that the NS-2 gas pipeline will be operating
within their leadership and establish a base
                                                  at 55% of capacity in 2022 and that NS-1
for negotiation on Russian terms.” 21
                                                  will operate at 85% of nameplate capacity.
     For these reasons, although the Russian
                                                  NS-1 took five years to reach an average
“energy weapon” has not been widely
                                                  annual capacity utilization of 80%. Nord
successful to date in the former Soviet
                                                  Stream, “Nord Stream Utilisation Averages
zone, its use against Western European
                                                  80% in 2016–43.8 bcm transported to the
countries in various—perhaps more nuanced
                                                  European Union” (news release, January 10,
and sophisticated—forms still constitutes
a strategic threat that warrants close
                                                       3. Keith Smith, “Russian Energy
attention from policymakers in Washington
                                                  Politics in Poland, Ukraine, and the
and throughout Europe.
                                                  Baltic States,” Center for Strategic and
     Russian behavior can be unpredictable,
                                                  International Studies, October 19, 2014,
and scenarios that may seem unlikely
                                         Smith was the US
at present can materialize rapidly in the
                                                  ambassador to Lithuania from 1997 to
future. Just weeks before Russia invaded
                                                  2000 and also previously served as a
Crimea in 2014, virtually no US or European
                                                  Foreign Service officer in Estonia (see
analysts anticipated such a move. Overnight,
assumptions were shattered as the “Little
                                                       4. Ibid.
Green Men”—unidentified members of
                                                       5. Svetlana Burmistrova and Natalia
Russian special forces that infiltrated Ukraine
                                                  Zinets, “UPDATE 3-Russia raises gas prices
to organize protests and lead paramilitary
                                                  for Ukraine by 80 percent,” Reuters, April 3,
operations—took control of key installations
and infrastructure.22 In the past decade,
                                                       6. “Gas price for Ukraine set at USD 485
Russia has demonstrated a rising appetite
                                                  per 1,000 cubic meters from April,” Gazprom,
for taking strategic risks, and it would be
                                                  April 3, 2014,
naive to think that the Kremlin is not willing
to unleash a “bolt from the blue” in the


                                                   7. Consider that Transneft’s ironically         18. “French regulator doubts need for
                                              named Druzhba (“Friendship”) pipeline was       France-Spain Midcat gas pipeline,” Reuters,
                                              allegedly damaged in a July 2006 “accident”     June 15, 2016,
                                              just as Polish firm PKN Orlen was concluding         19. “LNG in Europe: An Overview of
                                              negotiations to buy Lithuania’s Mažeikiu        European Import Terminals in 2015,” King &
                                              Nafta refinery—which Russia coveted—            Spalding LLP, 2015,
                                              from the international subsidiary of Yukos,          20. Psychological studies demonstrate
                                              a major Russian private oil producer that       the power of loss aversion over human
                                              had been nationalized by force two years        decision-making, with research suggesting a
                                              prior. See, for instance, Judy Dempsey,         loss coefficient of about two. In other words,
                                              “Lithuanians suspect Russia of dirty tricks,”   losing $1 generates a disutility at least as
                                              The New York Times, August 7, 2006,             great as the utility of gaining $2, meaning
                                                             that human beings tend to substantially
                                                   8. See, for instance, “Deemed              “overprice” risk in many situations. Patricia
                                              Gas Supply Contract: General Terms &            Tovar, “The effects of loss aversion on trade
                                              Conditions,” Engie (UK market), July 2016,      policy: Theory and evidence,” Journal of
                                                              International Economics 78, no. 1 (June
                                                   9. Ibid.                                   2009): 154–67,
                                                   10. Karen Smith Stegen,“Deconstructing          21. Lt. Col. A.J.C. Selhorst, “Russia’s
                                              the ‘Energy Weapon’: Russia’s Threat to         Perception Warfare: The development of
                                              Europe as Case Study,” Energy Policy 39         Gerasimov’s doctrine in Estonia and Georgia
                                              (2011): 6505-13.                                and its application in Ukraine,” Militaire
                                                   11. “Pipe Down,” The Economist, January    Spectator 185, no.4 (2016),
                                              8, 2009,; Nikolai
                                              Chavdarov, “Bulgaria Hit Hardest as Supplies         22. “‘Little Green Men’: A Primer on
                                              Dwindle,” The Guardian, January 7, 2009,        Modern Russian Unconventional Warfare,
                                                              Ukraine 2013-2014,” United States Army
See more issue briefs at:                          12. J. Leijonhielm and R. L. Larsson,      Special Operations Command, 2015,           “Russia’s Strategic Commodities: Energy and
                                              Metals as Security Levers,” Swedish Defense
This publication was written by a
researcher (or researchers) who
                                              Research Agency (FOI), User Report FOI-
participated in a Baker Institute project.    R—1346—SE, Stockholm, November 2004.            AUTHOR
Wherever feasible, this research is                13. For an in-depth look at this
                                                                                              Gabriel Collins, J.D., is the Baker Botts
reviewed by outside experts before it is      important development, see Colin Harrison
released. However, the views expressed                                                        Fellow in Energy & Environmental
                                              and Zuzana Princova, “A quiet gas revolution
herein are those of the individual                                                            Regulatory Affairs for the Baker Institute
                                              in Central and Eastern Europe,” Energy Post,
author(s), and do not necessarily                                                             Center for Energy Studies. He was previously
represent the views of Rice University’s      October 29, 2015,
                                                                                              an associate attorney at Baker Hostetler,
Baker Institute for Public Policy.                 14. Anna Shiryaevskaya and Volodymyr
                                                                                              LLP, and is the co-founder of the China
                                              Verbyany, “Ukraine ‘Happy’ to Pay EU
© 2017 Rice University’s Baker Institute                                                      SignPost™ analysis portal. Collins has
                                              Gas Price in Move Away From Russia,”
for Public Policy                                                                             worked in government and as a private
                                              Bloomberg, November 3, 2016,
                                                                                              sector global commodity analyst and
This material may be quoted or
                                                                                              investment advisor, authoring more than
reproduced without prior permission,               15. “Klaipėdos Nafta Concluded FSRU
                                                                                              100 commodity analysis reports for both
provided appropriate credit is given to       Contract with Höegh LNG,” Ministry of
                                                                                              private clients and publications.
the author and Rice University’s Baker        Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, March 3,
Institute for Public Policy.                  2012,
                                                   16. “Gas supply from Lithuania’s LNG
Cite as:
Collins, Gabriel. 2017. Russia’s Use          terminal soars in 2016,” LNG World News,
of the “Energy Weapon” in Europe.             January 11, 2017,
Issue brief no. 07.18.17. Rice University’s        17. Justas Jacikas, “The success of LNG
Baker Institute for Public Policy,            in Baltic market” (presentation at Council
Houston, Texas.
                                              of European Energy Regulators workshop,
                                              Athens, Greece, September 12, 2016).
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