Page created by Sam Flynn
THE SENIOR YEARS (Years 12 & 13)
                                                                       ACADEMIC PROGRAMME

                                                                       IB PATHWAY
                                                                       We have 2 equal pathways that cater for different specific learning styles
                                                                       and career outcomes of our students.

                                                                       INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA
                                                                       IBDP students must take the required parts of the Diploma with six
                                                                       subjects (First Language, Additional Language, Humanities, Science,
                                                                       Mathematics, and Creative Arts) and a ‘core’ of a Theory of Knowledge
                                                                       course, an extended piece of self-directed academic research in the
                                                                       Extended Essay and the co-curricular ‘CAS’ or Creativity, Activity and
                                                                       Service programme. To find out more about IBDP, visit

                                                                               Mean number of IB points for IB Diploma students




 Island School is an international co-educational Years 7 to 13 high         29
 school that is part of the English Schools Foundation (ESF). The
 school is an IB World School.                                                     IS 2016 IS 2017 IS 2018 IS 2019 IS 2020 IS 2021 Worldwide

 Island School has a roll of approximately 1200 students, with over     % of Diploma students achieving the IB Diploma, 30+ and 40+ IB Diploma Points

 40 nationalities in the student body. Our outlook stresses                  100

 humanitarian and environmental ideals as well as academic
                                                                              80                                                         IS 2021
 excellence. While many of our teaching staff are from the UK, others
 are from Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Europe, New Zealand                                                                        Worldwide
 and North America.
 As a comprehensive entry school, there are no academic barriers to
 entry apart from the ability to benefit from an education in the
 medium of English. The school also has a learning support centre
 (LSC) for students with moderate learning difficulties.                                IB Diploma        ≥ 30 IB Points     ≥ 40 IB Points

                                                                       The Diploma is scored out of 45, each subject is worth up to 7 points and
                                                                       the combined mark for Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay is 3
 ABOUT ESF                                                             points. Students must pass CAS requirements but this is not awarded
           The ESF provides us high quality education in the           points. A score of 24 points is considered a pass. The school has a high rate
           medium of English through its 22 schools. Island School     of accuracy in predicting IB results. Island School does not predict the core
           is the founding school and one of 7 secondary schools       points for students in Year 12. These are predicted in Year 13 as part of a full
 within the group. To find out more about the Foundation and other      evaluation of a student’s progress across all subjects following
 ESF schools visit                                      assessments and work submied in the laer part of Year 12 and in Year 13.

                                                                       COVID-19 Update
                                                                       Island School site was closed from 27th January to 21st May 2020. It was
 ISLAND SCHOOL VALUES                                                  also closed for a new wave of COVID-19 at the start of the 2020/21
 The school values are central to our structures and operation. At     academic year until 16th September. During these times of campus closure
 Island School we:                                                     Island School students and staff switched to online learning. The school
 • Pursue excellence                                                   used online platforms to deliver live, interactive and innovative lessons to
 • Embrace responsibility                                              all students during these periods.
 • Celebrate individuality
                                                                       Over the course of 2021, Island School has not changed its academic
                                                                       calendar dates, IB courses available, IB grading scale of 1-7 or graduation
                                                                       requirements. Online learning and grading has continued throughout
                                                                       2020-21, as have College and University guidance counselling and other
                                   CEEB: 670122                        student support services. The areas of student life most affected has been
                                                                       accessed to extra curricular activities such as sports, school and Hong
ISLAND SCHOOL                                                          Kong wide clubs and events, internships and applied learning.
THE SENIOR YEARS (Years 12 & 13)
                                                                           COURSE LIST

                                                                           Subjects offered in the Senior Years Academic Programme:

                                                                           Humanities and Social Sciences
                                                                           • IB HL & SL Business and Management
                                                                           • IB HL & SL Economics
                                                                           • BTEC Business (12 credit Diploma and 6 credit Subsidiary Diploma),
                                                                             BTEC Hospitality (Subsidiary Diploma)
                                                                           • IB HL & SL History, IB HL & SL Geography, IB HL & SL Philosophy, IB HL & SL
                                                                             Psychology, IB HL & SL Global Politics, IB SL Environmental Systems and Societies
                                                                           Science, Mathematics, and Sports Science
                                                                           • IB HL & SL Biology, IB HL & SL Physics, IB HL & SL Chemistry
                                                                           • IB HL Design Technology
                                                                           • IB HL & SL Sports Science, BTEC Sports (Subsidiary Diploma)
                                                                           • IB HL & SL Maths Analysis and Approaches, IB HL & SL Maths Applications
                                                                             and Interpretations
                                                                           • IB HL & SL Computer Science
 Art and Design                     Performance Arts
                                                                           Language Arts
                                                                           Modern foreign languages:
                                                                           • IB HL & SL Chinese A Language & Literature, IB HL & SL Chinese B,
                                                                             IB SL Ab Initio French, IB HL & SL French B, IB HL & SL Japanese B, IB HL & SL
                                                                             Spanish B, IB SL Ab Initio Spanish, IB SL Self Taught Literature (any language)
                                                                           • IB HL & SL English A Literature, IB HL & SL English A Language and Literature,
 Sport                                                                       IB HL & SL English Language B

IB Career-related Programme (IBCP)                                         Creative technologies, Visual Arts, Theatre & Musical
The IBCP offers students a career focused specialist pathway.               Visual Arts:
Students on the globally expanding IBCP choose a mixture of IB             • IB HL & SL Visual Arts, BTEC Art and Design (Subsidiary Diploma), BTEC Creative
                                                                             Media Production (Subsidiary Diploma)
Diploma Courses and BTEC Subjects. The 3 BTEC Level 3 Courses              Theatre & Musical:
they choose are as ‘applied’ as possible. They are vocational and are      • IB HL & SL Theatre, BTEC Performing Arts
recognized globally as university entrance but Island School has an
exceptional record of placing students from this pathway.
To find out more about IBCP, visit

                                                                               Stars in Their Eyes     Sciences                   Visual Arts
     Diploma                    Subsidiary Diplomas

                                                                           Assessment at Island School
                           Business       Hospitality        Sport         Assessment at Island School is about evidence, reflection and discussion.
                                                                           Students provide the evidence to justify a grade or to demonstrate their
    Business                                                               progress. All assessment is designed to support students knowing where
                                                                           they currently are and where they need to go next. At the end of Year 11
                           Art and         Performing        TV and        (US grade 10) all students complete a viva voce (oral examination) and
                           Design              Arts           Film         defense of learning.

                                                                           Courses at Island School are either developed by outside bodies, such as
         6% 3%                                                             the International Baccalaureate Organisation, or designed by our
                                                                           teachers. Every course is assessed but not all courses are graded. Graded
                                8 Students achieved Distinction*
                                in 3 BTEC subjects in 2021                 courses have a 1-7 grading scale (7 is high). Final achieved IGCSE grades
                                                                           are included on Year 12 and 13 transcripts. Predicted grades for senior
                                BTEC Results - Individual Subject Grades
                                    Distinction * (91%)
                                                                           pathway externally assessed courses are included in transcripts as the
                                    Distinction (6%)                       school’s grades for term 1 and subsequent terms in Year 13. The final
               91%                  Merit (3%)                             transcript for graduating students reflects the externally achieved grades.
                                    Pass (0%)                              These are issued post-results in mid-July.

 BTEC courses are graded Distinction*, Distinction, Merit and Pass.        Policy on disclosing Disciplinary Action
 These courses have equivalency to UK A Levels and are college             Our policy states that events relating to a Year 12 or 13 student being
 preparatory courses. In addition to their BTEC courses, students          barred from school temporarily or permanently will be reported at the
 can elect to take up to two IB subjects and/or an AS Level Extended       discretion of the Principal, aer teling the student and theur parents that
 Project (Artifact) to extend their skills and interests.                  we will do so.
THE MIDDLE YEARS (Years 9 to 11)
                                                                                        Da Vinci     Einstein   Fleming      Nansen       Rutherford Wilberforce
Island School students in Years 9 to 11 (US grades 8 to 10) complete a middle years
programme called the ‘Island Futures Curriculum’.                                      HOUSE SYSTEM
This comprises:                                                                        Island School has six Houses. The House system allows continuity
• Externally examined IGCSEs (Entrance)                                                of pastoral care and guidance from Year 7 to Year 13. The result is a
• School developed courses (Elements) designed to allow students to learn in a         deep understanding of each student’s strengths and needs, and
  transdisciplinary, collaborative and self-directed way. Courses stress the mastery   close relationships with students and their parents. The House
  of a skills framework based on communication, collaboration, creativity,
                                                                                       spirit is strong at Island School, with an encouraging atmosphere so
  conscience and capacity to learn
• Courses aimed at expanding students’ understanding of world issues, digital          students engage in activities such as House charity events and
  literacy, capacity to think critically and to take responsibility. (Explorations)    inter-House competitions. Students develop leadership through the
• ‘Escape’ courses focus students on their personal health and well-being              House System by taking on roles and responsibilities such as sport
                                                                                       captain, prefect and mentor.
IGCSEs and Diploma in Applied ICT
Students in Years 10 and 11 of the Island Futures programme work towards eight
IGCSEs and an IEA Diploma in Applied ICT. Of these, four are compulsory subjects:

  • English Language                        • English: World Literature

  • Mathematics                             • Global Perspectives
                                                                                        Mongolia                             Hong Kong
Students choose up to four additional IGCSE subjects. They also develop their
knowledge and skills through Elements courses, of which they will complete
the equivalent of up to eight in a semester-based timetable (45 hours of
instruction per semester). Several courses are available as both IGCSE and
Elements options. All students complete a compulsory programme in physical
education each year throughout high school.

Humanities and Social Sciences
• IGCSE Business, Business Studies, IGCSE Economics, Behavioural Economics              The Philippines                      Spain
• IGCSE History, History, Social History
• GCSE Geography, Sustainable Environments and Urban Planning, Human and
  Physical Geography                                                                   QUEST WEEK
• GCSE Religious Studies, Philosophy and Cinema                                        Quest Week is a valued part of the school curriculum. For a week
• IGCSE Global Perspectives, Societies and Social Thinking, Society and Popular
                                                                                       each year, classroom lessons are suspended so that all students
  Culture, Social Psychology, Psychology and Media, Critical Thinking, Law,
  Plausibility in fiction, Community Studies                                            have the opportunity to take part in an activity either in Hong Kong
                                                                                       or overseas to further their social, emotional or intellectual learning.
Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Computing and                                       Examples of Quest Week activities are film & video in Hong Kong,
Sports Science                                                                         trekking in Nepal and assisting in a Chinese orphanage. Our
• IGCSE Biology, Biology 1, Biology 2 (advanced), Biology 3 (extension), Marine
                                                                                       younger students aend camps that emphasize physical challenges
  Biology and Ecology, IGCSE Chemistry, Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2 (advanced),
  Chemistry 3 (extension), IGCSE Physics, Physics 1, Physics 2 (advanced), Physics 3   and social development.
  (extension), Science History and Methods
• IGCSE Mathematics, IGCSE Further Mathematics, Applied Mathematics,
  Mathematics with Coding and Number Theory, Practical Mathematics
• IGCSE Engineering
• Computer Science: App Design, Computer Science: Web Technology, Computer
  Science: Python Programming, Engineering, IEA ICT Diploma, Robotics, 3D Product
  Design, Adobe Web Publishing
• Sports Science: Outdoor Education, IGCSE Physical Education, Physical Education       Baiwan Teaching Practicum            Head Student Announcement
  and Personal Engagement

Language Arts
Modern foreign languages:
• GCSE Japanese, IGCSE French, IGCSE Spanish, IGCSE Chinese (Foreign Language,
  Second Language & First Language), Independent Language Learning, Cantonese
• IGCSE English Language, IGCSE English as an Additional Language, IGCSE English:       Swimming Gala                        Trade Fair
  World Literature, Literature studies, Linguistics, Creative Writing, Debating,
  Literature and Performance, Learning the English Language in Different Contexts       EXTRA-CURRICULAR
Creative technologies, Visual Arts, Theatre & Musical Arts                             Island School has a strong programme of extracurricular activities
• Creative technology: Architectural Design, GCSE Food Technology, Food                (ECAs) that offer students leadership opportunities while
  Technology: Cake Design: Food and Other Cultures, IGCSE Graphic Design,              encouraging them to engage in the school community. The school has
  Graphic Design: Adobe Specialism, GCSE Textiles Technology, Textiles Technology:     a wide range of sporting, creative and intellectual activities and
  Fashion, Textiles Technology: Sustainable Fashion, Hospitality and Catering
                                                                                       student involvement is very high. Many students extend their
• Art and Politics, GCSE Art and Design, Visual Art, Visual Communications,            engagement into the wider Hong Kong community through
  Photography                                                                          representation at interschool or national level commitments.
• Dance and Choreography, Contemporary Music, IGCSE Drama, Drama,                      Where an ECA is meeting a CAS objective, senior students are
  Film-making, IGCSE Music, Music, Musical Theater, Production Design: Theatre,        expected to record and reflect on their involvement in these
  Production Design: Sound and Light, Production Design: Music, Theatre Studies,
  Drama and Community Engagement
Final Destinations - Class of 2021

STUDENT MATRICULATION                                                                                    Australia &
                                                                                                       New Zealand,
Each graduating cohort applies to between 10 and 15 countries                                                                                Australia & New Zealand
                                                                                           United States,
(destinations). This is reflective of both the students’ passports as well as                                                                 Canada
their global outlook.                                                                                                                        Others
                                                                                                                    Canada, 15%
                                                                                                                                             Gap Year
Students have an application limit of eleven applications worldwide. This                                                                    Hong Kong
                                                                                                                                             The Netherlands
means that our students research and apply aer careful consideration of                                                   Others, 8%
                                                                                                                                             United Kingdom
each application.
                                                                                 United Kingdom, 37%                                         United States
                                                                                                                                 Gap Year,
All university entrance testing, such as SAT and ACT is completed in                                                               5%
students’ own time with no school curriculum support and in addition to                                             Hong Kong,
the curriculum pathway chosen. Students are sometimes challenged in                                                    11%

completing these requirements due to international testing restrictions                                  Netherlands,
and voiding of test dates.

                                                                                        Intended majors/ course of Study - Class of 2021
Approximately 98% of each graduating class go on
to university                                                                                                                                Arts, Design, Fashion,
                                                                                                           Arts, Design,
Final destinations for the 135 students who graduated in the 2021 cohort                                Fashion, Illustration,               Illustration
included universities in the top 100 in the world (according to various                                         10%                          Business Administration,
                                                                                        Social Sciences,
rankings), as well as many institutions known for their excellence in                    Humanities,                                         International Business,
programmes offered. For all our students, we celebrate student                                 18%                                            Management, Marketing
admissions and their majors or degree programmes as a progression that                                                                       Computer Science,
                                                                                                                Business Administration,
will support them in their future career endeavors beyond Island School                                          International Business,     Information Technology
                                                                               Science, 14%                                                  Engineering
and in which their particular talents will be recognized and developed.                                         Management, Marketing
                                                                                                                          25%                Law
                                                                                Veterinary Medicine,                                         Medicine,
                                                                                                                  Computer Science,
                                                                               Parmacy, Physiotherapy,         Information Technology,       Veterinary Medicine,

ISLAND SCHOOL REDEVELOPMENT                                                         Kinesiology
                                                                                         8%     Law,
                                                                                                                         3%                  Parmacy, Physiotherapy,
Island School's Mid-levels campus is being redeveloped and a new                                               16%                           Science
state-of-the-art facility is due to open in August 2022. Until the campus                                                                    Social Sciences, Humanities
reopens the senior students (Years 12 &13) are on a temporary campus in
Sha Tin Wai.

An information pack for university visitors can be downloaded from
the following website.


University Application Acceptances - Class of 2021
AUSTRALIA                                                  University of Amsterdam                               University for Creative Arts
Blue Mountains Hotel Management School                     University of Groningen                               University of Bath
Holmesglen Institute                                       University of Twente                                  University of Brighton
International College of Management Syndey                 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam                          University of Bristol
International College of Hotel Management                  SINGAPORE                                             University of East Anglia
RMIT University                                            Yale-NUS College                                      University of East London
University of South Australia                                                                                    University of Exeter
                                                           SPAIN                                                 University of Glasgow
                                                           UCAM Catholic University of Murcia                    University of Leeds
Carleton University
McGill University                                          UNITED KINGDOM                                        University of Leicester
McMaster University                                        Aston University                                      University of Lincoln
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario                      Bournemouth University                                University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Sheridan College                                           Brunel University                                     University of Southampton
Simon Fraser University                                    Cardiff University                                     University of St Andrews
University of Alberta                                      City University                                       University of Surrey
University of British Columbia                             Durham University                                     University of Sussex
University of Guelph                                       Goldsmiths, University of London                      University of the Arts London
University of Oawa                                        Imperial College London (University of London)        University of the West of England, Bristol
University of Toronto                                      Istituto Marangoni London                             University of Westminster
University of Toronto, Mississauga                         Keele University
                                                                                                                 UNITED STATES
University of Toronto, Scarborough                         King's College London (University of London)
                                                                                                                 Amherst College
University of Toronto, St. George                          Kingston University
                                                                                                                 Babson College
University of Waterloo                                     Lancaster University
                                                                                                                 Berklee College of Music
University of Western Ontario                              Leeds Arts University
                                                                                                                 Boston University
York University                                            Leeds Becke University
                                                                                                                 Butler University
                                                           Leeds College of Art & Design
CZECH REPUBLIC                                                                                                   Chapman University
                                                           London College of Fashion
University of New York in Prague                                                                                 Cornell University
                                                           London School of Economics and Political Science
                                                                                                                 Drexel University
HONG KONG                                                  Loughborough University
                                                                                                                 Emory University
City University of Hong Kong                               New College of the Humanities
                                                                                                                 Northeastern University
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology             Newcastle University
                                                                                                                 Occidental College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong                        Noingham Trent University
                                                                                                                 Pepperdine University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University                       Oxford Brookes University
                                                                                                                 Purdue University
University of Hong Kong                                    Queen Mary, University of London
                                                                                                                 Rochester Institute of Technology
INDONESIA                                                  Regents Business School London
                                                                                                                 Rutgers University - New Brunswick
BINUS Northumbria School of Design                         Royal Holloway, University of London
                                                                                                                 San Diego State University
                                                           Royal Veterinary College (University of London)
IRELAND                                                                                                          Santa Clara University
                                                           SOAS University of London
Trinity College                                                                                                  Skidmore College
                                                           Southampton Solent University
                                                                                                                 The Pennsylvania State University
ITALY                                                      Swansea University
                                                                                                                 The State University of New York at Stony Brook
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan                The Arts Institute at Bournemouth
                                                                                                                 The University of Oklahoma
KOREA                                                      The Manchester Metropolitan University
                                                                                                                 Trinity University
Korea University                                           The Norwich School of Art and Design
                                                                                                                 Tus University
Yonsei University                                          The University of Birmingham
                                                                                                                 University of California - Berkeley
                                                           The University of Edinburgh
                                                                                                                 University of California - Davis
THE NETHERLANDS                                            The University of Essex
                                                                                                                 University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA)
Del University of Technology                              The University of Liverpool
                                                                                                                 University of California - San Diego
Erasmus University Roerdam                                The University of Manchester
                                                                                                                 University of California - Santa Barbara
Hotel School of the Hague                                  The University of Noingham
                                                                                                                 University of California, Irvine
Inholland University of Applied Sciences                   The University of Reading
                                                                                                                 University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
Leiden University (The Hague Campus)                       The University of Sheffield
                                                                                                                 University of Denver
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences                 The University of Wales, Aberystwyth
                                                                                                                 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Saxion University of Applied Sciences                      The University of Warwick
                                                                                                                 University of Rochester
The Hague University of Applied Sciences                   The University of York
                                                                                                                 University of Southern California
Tilburg University                                         UCL-HKU Dual Degree Programme
University College Utrecht                                 University College London (University of London)      Island School | School Profile 2021-2022
                                                                                                                 Published: September 2021

  Principal                                      HIGHER EDUCATION TEAM                                                 CONTACT ADDRESS
  Mr Stephen Loggie                              Head of Higher Education & Careers Guidance, IBCP Coordinator         Island School – Sha Tin Wai Campus            Mr Roger Wilkinson                                                    Area 5A, Pok Hong Estate, Sha Tin Wai,
                                                                         Hong Kong
  Vice Principal, IB Coordinator
  Ms Beth Hall                                   Higher Education Guidance Counsellor                                  Tel.: (852) 2524 7135                 Mr Orteg Dakaj                                                        Email:

                                                 Higher Education Guidance Counsellor
                                                 Mr Chris Whitehead
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