Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort

Page created by Francis Simmons
Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort
Island Insight.     FEB-MAR 2021

                Our island

 PAGES 10-11
Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort

                                                                                                                            UPDATE ON
                                                                                                                            RESORT MEALS

                                                                                                                            A reminder to all residents
                                                                                                                            that our meal delivery
                                                                                                                            service is no longer available.
                                                                                                                            All meals will be held in             LET’S KICK OFF!
    Pictured: Don’t forget we have informal easy water exercise classes at the pool on                                      the Hall. Also, our new
    Fridays at 8.30am. It’s a great time of the year to join up!                                                            online booking service is             The 2021 AFL season and Palm Lake Resort Phillip Island’s Footy
                                                                                                                            now in operation. If you              Sweep kicks off in mid-March so keep an eye on the noticeboard for
                                                                                                                            have not received your                details on how to join in the tipping fun!
                                                                                                                            fob for bookings, or have
                                                                                                                            not been trained in its
                                                                                                                            operation, please contact the

                                                                                                                            Caretakers’ office.

                                                                             CONTACT US                                                                       GREEN WASTE                                WELCOME TO OUR
                                                                                                                                                              COLLECTION DATES                           NEWEST RESIDENTS

                                                                             Looking for more information                   LABOUR DAY
                                                                             about Palm Lake Resort Phillip                                                   Mark these dates in your                   Palm Lake Resort Phillip
    Well, we hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New                                                             HOLIDAY                           calendar for green waste
                                                                             Island? Here are four ways                                                                                                  Island sends out a big warm
    Year with your family and closest friends? It was an extremely           you can reach us:                                                                collection:                                welcome to the following
    busy time on the island wasn’t it? While it was busier on the roads                                                     Please note that the kitchen                                                 people who will join our
                                                                             Online: Visit us at
    and around town, the festive season provided a great opportunity                                                        will be closed on Monday,         •      Tuesday, February 16                neighbourhood in the coming
    for our local business owners to recoup some of their losses from                                                       March 8 for the Labour Day        •      Tuesday, March 16                   weeks. Make sure you say
    2020, which was good to see. Onwards and upwards in 2021!                Social media:                                  public holiday.                                                              ‘hi’ if you spot them around
                                                                             Follow Palm Lake Resort on
    While we have just come out of one holiday season, please make                                                                                                                                       the resort grounds:
                                                                             Facebook and Instagram
    a note in your diaries of the public holidays that we be upon us
                                                                             Street address:                                                                                                             •   Pauline Porter (Villa 144)
    again in the coming months including Labour Day (March 8) and
                                                                             48 Settlement Road,                                                                                                             on February 1
    Easter (Good Friday is April 2 and Easter Monday is April 5). Also
                                                                             Cowes VIC 3922                                                                   GET SOCIAL,                                •   Wendy Sheppard
    note that the next Victorian state school holidays will run from
                                                                             Phone: 1800 066 482                                                              WITH US                                        (Villa 106) on February 1
    April 2-18.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         •   Patricia Vitali (Villa 61) on
    Also, as this newsletter goes to print, we have just heard that your                                                                                      Follow Palm Lake Resort on                     February 10
    new Resort Caretakers will officially start on March 1. We wish                                                                                           Facebook (@palmlakeresort)                 •   Lorraine Borg (Villa 49)
                                                                             This newsletter is intended to give general
    them all the best in the role and know you’ll welcome them with          info only. All liability arising directly or                                     and also on Instagram                          on March 22
    open arms and that warm Palm Lake Resort community attitude              indirectly from the use of, or for any error                                     (@palm_lake_resort) to see
    that makes this such a wonderful place to call home.                     or omission in the information given, is
                                                                                                                                                              what’s happening right across                                   DON’T
                                                                             expressly disclaimed.
                                                                                                                                                              our dozens of Palm Lake                                       FORGET TO
                                                                                                                                                              Group locations.                                              WASH YOUR
    Lea Bryan
    Resort caretaker

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Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort
Here’s                                                                                                                                                                          Weekly
                                                                                                                                                                                    9.30am Chair exercises
                                                                                                                                                                                    1pm Cards
                                                                                                                                                                                    5.30pm Residents’ dinner (BYO drinks)

    FROM GIN TO GO FISH, SOLITAIRE TO                                                                                                                                               10.30am Yoga/Pilates class
    SNAP, CARD GAMES PROVIDE MORE                                                                                                                                                   2pm Housie in the hall
    ALSO OFFER PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                                                              WEDNESDAY
    FOR YOU TO DEVELOP A RANGE OF                                                                                                                                                   9.30am Aqua Pilates in the pool
    IMPORTANT SKILLS.                                                                                                                                                               1pm Cards
                                                                                                                                                                                    1pm Snooker in the hall
    Right across our network of Palm Lake Resorts,                                                                                                                                  1pm Shopping bus to Wonthaggi
    stretching from Queensland to here in Victoria, there                                                                                                                           7pm Cards
    are residents coming together every day to play card
    games. Card games are a brilliant way to connect
    with likeminded neighbours within resorts, but also
    to connect with family members of all age groups.                                                                                                                               9.30am Resistance class
    From playing Snap with the smallest members of                                                                                                                                  10am Shopping bus to Cowes
    your family, to 500 (for example) with your tweens                                                                                                                              1pm Cards
    and teens, to Poker with your own generation, card                                                                                                                              1.30pm Up Words board game
    games never go out of fashion. And the big bonus?                                                                                                                               5.30pm Residents’ dinner (BYO drinks)
    A deck of card is such a convenient and portable
    pastime that doesn’t require a screen or a charger
    cable. Winning! Beyond the fun, here are some of                                                                                                                                FRIDAY
    the other reasons why you might like to take up card                                                                                                                            8.30am Informal light water exercises in
    games in 2021:                                                                                                                                                                  the resort pool
                                                                                                                                                                                    1pm Cards
    Social and communication skills
    Card games require observation and conversations
    – they provide us with the opportunity to interact      heavily on short-term memory skills but have also been         games are a great way to do exactly that! Much
    with other players and understand their emotions,       shown to improve long-term memory and other cognitive          like writing, painting and even playing musical          1pm Cards
    as well as giving us chances to be honest and           functions, too.                                                instruments, holding cards work to strengthen your       6pm BBQ – BYO food & drinks
    clear communicators. Some card games require                                                                           smaller hand and finger muscles, while dealing
    teamwork to succeed, while others require less          Problem solving                                                and sorting them requires you to use your thumb,
    focus and provide more opportunities to chat with       Whether your chosen card game primarily involves luck,         index and middle finger. Meanwhile, learning to
    other players.                                          skill or a mix of both, there are always opportunities to      shuffle cards (or practicing your skills) develops the
                                                            improve your problem-solving abilities. Most card games        bilateral coordination of your hands and improves
    Memory                                                  require you to learn rules and tweak the strategies            control across the palms.
    It goes without saying that flipping cards to match     needed to win, helping you develop your problem-
    two of the same colour, shape or pattern can be         solving skills. This, in turn, will help you better overcome   Looking for a regular card game here at Palm
    a great way for you to improve or maintain your         challenges and stress not just while working through the       Lake Resort Phillip Island? Our resident card
    recognition and memorisation skills, but ‘Memory’       card game, but in your day-to-day life.                        players meet every Monday, Wednesday,
    isn’t the only card game that improves our ability to                                                                  Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 1pm as well as
    recall information – simply learning and repeating      Fine motor skills                                              Wednesdays at 7pm. Feel free to pop in - they’d
    the rules for a card game can help! Card games rely     Maintaining your fine motor skills is key, and card            sure welcome you to play along.

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Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                                                                                                                               Week 1: February 1-4
                                                                                                                                                                                               Roast beef with vegetables,
                                                                                                                                                                                               plus dessert

                                                                                                                                                                                               Week 2: February 8-11
                                                                                                                                                                                               Roast pork and apple sauce with
                                                                                                                                                                                               vegetables, plus dessert

    Social Club news.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Week 3: February 15-18
                                                                                                                                                                                               Chicken breast with garlic sauce and
                                                                                                                                                                                               vegetables, plus mousse for dessert

                                                                                                                                                                                               Week 4: February 22-25
                                                                                                                                                                                               Silverside, parsley and onion sauce,
                                                                                                                                                                                               with vegetables, plus dessert of jelly
    Happy New Year to all our residents. Let’s hope 2021                                                                                                                                       fruit and icecream
    is a better one for everyone, but we must still be
    conscious of social distancing and wearing masks.                                                                                                                                          Week 5: March 1-4
                                                                                                                               EASTER                                                          Roast beef with vegetables, plus
    RETIREMENT AFTERNOON TEA                                                                                                   An afternoon tea is being arranged for Easter Sunday with       dessert of self-saucing pudding and
    On Sunday, December 11, we held a delightful                                                                               entertainment by singer Ian Castelles. This promises to be a    icecream
    afternoon tea to farewell Lea and Peter as Caretakers                                                                      great event and we encourage you to come along and enjoy
    at Palm Lake Resort Phillip Island. They have been here                                                                    the afternoon.                                                  Week 6: March 8 (closed), March 11
    for more than 12 years – the longest serving of any of                                                                                                                                     Roast pork and apple sauce
    the caretakers at any Palm Lake Resort. On behalf of                                                                       DEFIBRILLATOR REFRESHER COURSE                                  with vegetables, plus dessert of
    the residents, Lea and Peter were presented with an                                                                        We are trying to organise with our local Ambulance station      Buttersnap Ripple cake
    original water colour painting by David Taylor, a resident                                                                 to host a refresher course on the use of the defibrillators
    of Cowes and a world renowned artist. The painting                                                                         and CPR. We have two defibrillators within the resort and       Week 7: March 15-18
    depicted a scene on the local golf course – familiar                                                                       residents should make themselves familiar with the location     Chicken breast, with vegetables and
    territory to Peter. Also slipped into the package were                                                                     of these units. One can be found on the wall outside the        gravy, plus dessert of banana sundaes
    some vouchers from Bunnings – a favourite haunt of                                                                         hall in the covered way to the pool and the second one is at
    everyone!                                                    please keep an eye on the noticeboard in the hall for any     the barbecue area near the mini golf course.                    Week 8: March 22-25
                                                                 changes to functions, additional ones being arranged or                                                                       Silverside, mash and vegetables, plus
    CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON                                           events cancelled. In this time of COVID-19, we are not sure   WELCOME                                                         dessert of iceceam slice
    Fortunately restrictions were eased sufficiently for us to   what functions we can proceed with or what restrictions       During the last few months we have had several new
    hold our annual Christmas luncheon with a special visit      will be enforced until right before the scheduled event       residents move into Palm Lake Resort Phillip Island and we      Week 9: March 29-April 1
    from Santa accompanied by his trusty fairy, Gossamer.        dates.                                                        extend a very warm welcome to all of them.                      Roast lamb, mint sauce and
    Residents enjoyed a delicious prawn seafood entrée                                                                                                                                         vegetables, plus dessert of Chocolate
    followed by a beautiful luncheon and finished, of            FLU SHOTS                                                     COMMITTEE CONTACTS                                              Ripple cake
    course, with plum pudding – ice cream this time. It was      Glenise has been speaking with the Bass Coast nurses          Chairperson: Allan Hughes (Villa 124)
    all created by our wonderful, Barrie.                        about the flu shot for this year. At this stage it is not     Secretary: Bev Forrest (Villa 127) Treasurer: Vicki Curphey
                                                                 known what we will be getting. Please keep an eye on the      (Villa 37) Social: Glenise Tolmie (Villa 26) Catering: Barrie
    GLENISE’S SOCIAL NOTES                                       noticeboard for further details as they come to hand or       Robinson (Villa 103) General: Edith Wilke (Villa 159)
    In addition to Glenise’s list of what’s on (see Page 9),     phone Glenise Tolmie (Villa 26) on 0437 003 680.              Committee: Neil Horkings (Villa 26).

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Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort
DATE           TIME         WHAT’S ON

    Sat 6 Feb      9am          Churchill Island market. Name on the list in the Hall. $1 for bus on the day.

    Sun 7 Feb      1.30pm       Una’s movie in the theatrette and a cuppa after. Gold coin donation.

    Mon 8 Feb      2pm          Residents’ meeting in the hall. Stay for a cuppa and a chat afterwards.

    Wed 10 Feb     4 – 5.30pm   Happy hour in the hall. BYO drinks and glass. Gold coin donation for nibbles.

    Sun 14 Feb     11am         “A Sweetheart Brunch” for Valentine’s Day with a little surprise. $12pp.

    Thurs 18 Feb   7pm          Secret men’s business in the Hall after dinner. BYO drinks. $2 donation.

    Fri 19 Feb     12pm         Dine out lunch at the Wild Food Farm in Rhyll (the old Trout Farm). Sample menu
                                will be on the board. Put name on list in the Hall. Pick and pay on the day. Limited
                                passengers so get your name on the list. Driver Neil. $1 for bus on the day.

    Sat 20 Feb     9am          Walking group – San Remo circuit. Limited passengers on the bus so get your name
                                on the list in the Hall. Driver Colin. $2 for bus on the day.

    Sun 21 Feb     1.30pm       Una’s movie in the theatrette with a cuppa after. Gold coin donation.

    Tues 23 Feb    7pm          Trivia in the Hall. Come test out all that hidden knowledge and have a cuppa as well.

    Thurs 25 Feb   7pm          Thursday night movie in the theatrette after dinner. Gold coin donation.

    Sat 27 Feb     2pm          Tupperware demonstration. There will be food tastings along with games. Prize for
                                the oldest piece of Tupperware and other surprises. Name on the list for catering.

    Sat 6 Mar      9am          Churchill Island market. Name on the list in the Hall. $1 for bus on the day.

    Sun 7 Mar      1.30pm       Una’s movie in the theatrette with a cuppa after. Gold coin donation.

    Mon 8 Mar      2pm          Residents’ meeting in the Hall. Stay for a cuppa and a chat afterwards.

    Wed 10 Mar     4 – 5.30pm   Happy Hour in the Hall. BYO drink and glass. Gold coin donation for nibbles.

    Fri 12 Mar     1pm          U&I Designs fashion parade (also necklaces and earrings). See noticeboard.

    Sun 14 Mar     11am         Bazza’s best brunch on the island. $12pp. Put your name on the list in the Hall and
                                your money in the box beside the lists and you are in for a hearty brunch.

    Thurs 18 Mar   7pm          Secret men’s business in the Hall after dinner. BYO drinks. $2 donation.

    Fri 19 Mar     6pm          Dine out dinner at Wing Ho chinese restaurant. Pick and pay on the night. Please put
                                your name on the list in the Hall for catering. BYO wine only or drinks at bar prices.
                                Bus with limited passengers. Driver Neil. $1 for bus on the night.

    Sat 20 Mar     9am          Walking group around Rhyll. Driver Barrie. Limited space on the bus. $1 on the day.

    Sun 21 Mar     1.30pm       Una’s movie in the theatrette. Gold coin donation.

    Tues 23 Mar    7pm          Trivia in the Hall. Come have a laugh with those trick questions. Cuppa at half time.

    Thurs 25 Mar   7pm          Thursday night movie in the theatrette after dinner. Gold coin donation.

    Sun 28 Mar     12pm         Bazza’s seafood lunch. $15pp. Put name on list and money in the box near list.

    Sat 3 Apr      9am          Churchill Island market. Name on the list in the Hall. $1 for bus on the day.

    Sun 4 Apr      2pm          Easter Sunday afternoon tea by Bazza, with entertainment by singer Ian Castelles.
                                $5pp paid by April 1. Name on the list and money in the box in the Hall. There will be
                                an Easter raffle with four prizes. Tickets $1 at meals from March 15 and on the day.

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Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort
The lifestyle you’ve been
     searching for is right here...

      Villa 106 - $349,000    Beds
                                                                                             Villa 9 - $359,000                                  Beds
                                      2      1.5       1         1          1                                                                            2      1.5       1         1          1

                              Priced to sell quick                                                                                               Smell the roses
                              Situated on Sixth Avenue in Stage 3,                                                                               This is one of our Original Cottages in
                              this two bedroom home is a delight to                                                                              Stage 1 on Fifth Avenue. Much loved by
                              inspect. Large lounge, separate kitchen/                                                                           its owner, it features three bedrooms
                              dining, one bathroom and two toilets, as                                                                           (or two bedrooms and a study) and
                              well as loads of space. This home has                                                                              the main bedroom offers an ensuite.
                              been very much loved.                                                                                              There’s a lounge/dining/kitchen area,
                                                                                                                                                 large main bathroom, large laundry and
                              It also offers a low-maintenance
                                                                                                                                                 second toilet. The built-in back deck offers
                              backyard, built-in back of garage and very
                                                                                                                                                 sliding doors out to a very pretty garden
                              pretty garden area. It really is a must see.
                                                                                                                                                 area. The front deck is for relaxing with
                              Priced to sell quickly so be quick.
                                                                                                                                                 an extensive established rose garden
                                                                                                                                                 alongside. Priced to sell.

      Villa 141 - $385,000    Beds
                                                                                             Villa 144 - $389,000                                Beds
                                      2      1.5       1         1          1                                                                            2      1.5       1         1          1

                              All the extras                                                                                  SOLD!              Position is everything
                              Situated on Eighth Avenue with extra                                                                               Great position on Eighth Avenue and set
                              large frontage, this home offers two                                                                               on a wide frontage, this home has three
                              bedrooms plus study (or third bedroom)                                                                             bedrooms (or 2+multi-purpose room).
                              and two toilets. It’s a Waterford design                                                                           Main bedroom has an ensuite. Second
                              and is the entertainer’s delight. Featuring                                                                        toilet is connected to the laundry with
                              centre island/galley-style kitchen and                                                                             direct access to the garage. Open plan
                              large outside alfresco area, you are never                                                                         lounge/kitchen/dining. Huge living/dining
                              far from the action. Constructed of Hebel,                                                                         space with sliding glass doors to fully
                              this home stays warm in the winter and                                                                             decked and roofed outdoor entertainment
                              cool in the summer. Nothing to do but                                                                              area. Reverse cycle air conditioner and
                              move in and enjoy. Newly installed large                                                                           ceiling fans. Garden shed. Built with
                              double glazed skylights above the lounge,                                                                          Hebel brick and rendered. This home is
                              kitchen and dining areas let in plenty of                                                                          completely private and has no internal or
                              natural light and sun without the heat.                                                                            external steps.
                              There are Photovoltaic panels on the roof
                              for solar rebate on your power bill.

                                                                                                       Interested? Freecall 1800 066 482 or email
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Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort
Make a fresh start in 2021 and join one of our
      award-winning lifestyle resort communities.
                    This is your time.
Freecall 1800 066 482
Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort Island Insight. Our island home - Palm Lake Resort
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