Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth

Page created by Dwayne Mack
Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Is God calling me?

Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend
   June 11 – 13, 2021 The University of Dallas For Catholic Men & Women

                        Parish Support & Execution Kit
The Vocation Awareness Program is a joint effort by the Vocations Offices and Serra Clubs of the Dallas and
Ft. Worth Dioceses to promote and support vocations to the ministerial priesthood and consecrated life in
the Catholic Church. The cornerstone of the VAP is The Vocation Discernment Weekend. It’s a special time
of discernment to help single Catholic men and women, ages 18 - 40, find answers about life as a Priest,
Sister, Brother or Consecrated Lay Woman. The weekend includes presentations, panel discussions,
question and answer periods and one-on-one personal conferences with diocesan and order Priests, Sisters
and Brothers. There are no fees, private rooms and meals are furnished, and no one will pressure
attendees or seek commitment. This is the most effective program developed by Serra to obtain positive
results for vocations. Since 1990, The Weekend has been attended by nearly 1,500 men and women. About
5% have entered the seminary or convent. The program’s success is driven primarily through support from
every parish in the dioceses. This kit provides everything you need to promote this year’s event. And once
again, we thank you for your critical role in driving the success of Vocation Discernment Weekend.
Welcome to the 2021 VAP.

All the best and God bless,

Cheryl West
2021 VAP Chair
Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Help Spread The Word About The
    2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend.
Parish Promotion & Candidate Registration                              Vocation Discernment Weekend
           Now – May 31, 2021                                                June 11 – 13, 2021
   WHEN                              WHAT                                                    HOW
                                                                 Review this document, plan and schedule each element, visit
 Immediately       Review and plan                      to download materials. See page
                                                                 Place posters with cards now thru May 31st at church exits, in
 Now through May   Display posters w / "Take One" reminder
                                                                 vestibule and central meeting rooms, including where the young
 31st              cards.
                                                                 adults group meets. See page 3.
                   Inform Priests, Deacons, Young Adult/High
                                                                 Share information about the campaign and weekend, copy of
 Immediately       School Ministry Coordinator & Parish
                                                                 talks, a poster and some cards.
                   Vocations Committee
                                                                 This is a handy sheet where influencers can record names of
                   Provide each Priest, Deacon, High School &
                                                                 potentital applicants and forward the leads to the Discernment
 Immediately       Young Adult Ministry Director a VAP Candidate
                                                                 Weekend Screening Committee for follow up. See sheet on page
                   Referral Sheet
 Now through May   Post VAP event on parish calendar & coming    Use event copy on page 9 for Ft. Worth Diocese parishes and
 31st              events.                                       page 10 for Dallas Diocese parishes.

                                                                 Pick 1 weekend to schedule a 2 minute talk or a 25 second
                                                                 announcement about the event during or at the end of each
                                                                 mass. The Pastor may wish to include as part of his homily,
 1 weekend
                   Schedule a VAP talk or announcement during    proven very effective in obtaining applicants, or a member of the
 between today
                   1 weekend - all masses.                       Serra Club can give the talk. Or, simply schedule a 25 second
 and May 31st
                                                                 announcement at the end of each mass. See pages 6 - 8 for
                                                                 details and scripts. Serrans will distribute info & answer questions
                                                                 after masses on the selected weekend.

                                                                 Schedule a VAP bulletin ad or full page insert for every weekend.
                                                                 Available are full page ads that also work as inserts (preferable),
 Weekends now
                   Schedule VAP bulletin ads/inserts.            half page & quarter page ads. Also, include ads in online or
 until May 31st
                                                                 printed parish newsletters. See details & choose your favorite ads
                                                                 on page 4.

 Now through May   Include event promotion                       Share content about the weekend on your parish Facebook and
 31st              on parish social media sites.                 Twitter accounts through May 31st. See page 5.

                   Complete and return the Parish Support        Complete report and email to, or mail to
 By June 5th
                   Report                                        Pat Kempf, c/o Moroch, 3625 N. Hall, 11th Floor, Dallas, TX 75219

For any questions regarding the Vocation Discernment Weekend, contact Dallas Diocese,, 214-379-2860, or Ft. Worth Diocese,, 817-945-9321. For
questions regarding advertising materials, contact Don Simoneaux,, 972-618-
2928, or Pat Kempf, , 214-912-2056.

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Posters & “Take One” Reminder Cards
•   All parishes are receiving                                                                                                     Large Poster 14” x 20”
    posters and “Take One”
                                                                                                                                                                          Large Poster 14 x 20 Horizontal

    reminder cards for display.
    Parishes will receive large                                                                                                                Is God calling me?
    posters only, some small only
    and some both based on past
•   Posters are to be used on
    bulletin boards and cards are to                                                                                               Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend
    be displayed and/or passed out                                                                                                   June 11 – 13, 2021        The University of Dallas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For Catholic Men & Women

    after mass.
                                                                                                                                                                              Application Deadline: May 31, 2021
                                                                                                                                                          Presented by The Dallas & Ft. Worth Dioceses Vocation Offices and Serra Clubs

•   Ask permission to place posters
    at church exits and make them
    available in the vestibules and/or
    central meeting rooms now
    through May 31st.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Adhere card
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      pocket to the
                        Card Front                                                                                                                                                                                                    bottom right of

                                                 3 ½” X 2” CARD FRONT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the large and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      small posters
    Vocation Discernment Weekend Get Answers.
                         Is God
         June 11 – 13, 2021        calling
                             The University         me?
                                            of Dallas, A Catholic University                                                                                                                                                          then insert cards
    Discernment is not a journey you need to make alone. The 31st Annual Vocation
    Discernment Weekend is a unique and proven opportunity for single Catholic men and
    women, 18 to 40, to join others seeking answers to questions they may have about life as
    a Priest, Sister, Brother or Consecrated Lay Woman. The weekend includes presentations,
    panel discussions, Q&A periods and one-on-one dialogue with Priests, Sisters and
    Brothers. There are no fees, private rooms and meals are furnished, and no one will
    pressure you or seek a commitment. Learn more and apply at, or contact:
    Diocese of Dallas: Fr. Edwin Leonard, 214-379-2860,, or Diocese
    of Ft. Worth: Fr. Maurice Moon,, 817-945-9321. Application
    deadline is May 31, 2021.
                                                                                                                                   Small Poster 8 1/2” x 11”                   Small Poster 8 ½ x 11 Horizontal

             Get Answers. Vocation      Discernment Weekend
                          Presented by the Dallas & Ft. Worth
         June 11 - 13, 2021   The Dioceses
                                             of Dallas Offices
                                                         For Catholic Men Clubs
                                                               and Serra  & Women
                                    Presented by the Dallas & Ft. W orth Dioceses Vocation Offices and Serra Clubs

                                                                                                                                                 Is God calling me?

                         Card Back                3 ½” X 2” CARD BACK

    Vocation Discernment Weekend Get Answers.
        June 11 – 13, 2021        The University of Dallas, A Catholic University

                                                                                                                                   Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend
    Discernment is not a journey you need to make alone. The 31st Annual Vocation
    Discernment Weekend is a unique and proven opportunity for single Catholic men and
    women, 18 to 40, to join others seeking answers to questions they may have about life as
    a Priest, Sister, Brother or Consecrated Lay Woman. The weekend includes presentations,                                          June 11 – 13, 2021           The University of Dallas                                       For Catholic Men & Women
    panel discussions, Q&A periods and one-on-one dialogue with Priests, Sisters and
    Brothers. There are no fees, private rooms and meals are furnished, and no one will                                                                                        
    pressure you or seek a commitment. Learn more and apply at, or contact:
    Diocese of Dallas: Fr. Edwin Leonard, 214-379-2860,, or Diocese
    of Ft. Worth: Fr. Maurice Moon,, 817-945-9321. Application
    deadline is May 31, 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Application Deadline: May 31, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                Presented by
                                   Presented by the Dallas & Ft. Worth                                                                                                                The Dallas & Ft. Worth Dioceses                 Dioceses Vocation Offices and Serra Clubs
                                                                                                                                                                                      Vocation Offices and Serra Clubs

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Bulletin Ads/Inserts
The more folks from our parishes who are aware of the Vocation Discernment
Weekend, the greater the likelihood word will reach those discerners who can benefit
from it. We have created this series of ads/inserts for each parish to run in their
bulletins from Now through May 31st. We ask each parish to run ads all weekends
during our campaign window. Ads are available in full page (preferred), half page and
quarter page. You can download the print ready files at

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Share Our Facebook Content
Please help us spread the word about the Vocation Discernment
Weekend by sharing our content (ad materials, event reminders,
participant quotes, etc.). How to share our posts:
First, like our Facebook page!
Log into your parish Facebook page and like the DFW Vocation
Discernment Weekend. From there, find a post you would like to share
on our page, click “Share” and post it to all your followers. We will be
posting weekly, so please keep checking back and share our posts
often. The more people we can reach the better!

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
2021 Sample Parish Talk #1
The following is a sample talk regarding the Vocation Discernment Weekend. It's best that it
be done in your style using your words. Please feel free to rewrite accordingly or pass this on
to your Priest to help him in preparing his talk.
Thank you Father/Monsignor. Good morning, (afternoon).
Most of you know at least a few facts about the state of California. But you may not realize that
a humble Catholic Priest named Junipero Serra is regarded as the founder of California. Father
Serra lived from 1713 to 1784 and first came to Mexico as a missionary to the new world. He
converted thousands of Mexican and California Indians to Christianity. He also established many
of the famous mission churches, among them San Jose, San Diego, Santa Barbara and San
Francisco, which today are thriving cities. Pope Francis made Father Serra a Saint during his first
papal visit to the United States in September 2015.
As Father Serra trudged by foot or rode by donkey up and down the coast of what is now
California, he adopted the motto, “Always to go forward, never to turn back.”
Today more than 12,000 Catholic Lay Men and Lay Women around the world work toward
increasing vocations to the priesthood and religious life to follow Father Serra’s example. These
persons are members of the Serra Club. They have adopted Serra’s motto. They are committed
to preserving the work of vocations. I am a member of the Serra Club of (insert your club name).
Efforts to encourage young people to become Priests, Brothers, Sisters, or Consecrated Lay
Women are not easy because many see those vocations as too limiting, too permanent, and
too tough. However, many young people are responding to the call. But we need more of them
to replace aging priests and religious.
The Serra Clubs and Diocesan Vocation Offices of Dallas and Ft. Worth are cooperating to
conduct a weekend of discernment June 11 - 13. Catholic men and women from 18 to 40 are
invited to attend this free weekend at the University of Dallas, Irving (a Catholic University).
There will be a staff of Priests, Sisters and Brothers to discuss religious vocations and answer
questions to help the participants discern whether or not they have a call to serve our church
through a vocation. Since its inception, the program has been attended by nearly 1,500 men
and women of whom about 5% have entered the seminary or convent.
We ask everyone to take part in this effort by praying, asking God’s help to direct more young
Catholics to answer affirmatively to His call to serve; and by suggesting to family members and
friends that maybe they have a call to a religious vocation. If there is even a flicker of interest,
please encourage that person to consider attending the June Vocation Discernment Weekend
at the University of Dallas, Irving . Registration deadline is May 31st. More information is
available in the narthex and in your parish bulletin.
Your consideration of this invitation is essential to the life of the Catholic church of tomorrow.
We all have a responsibility to work toward revitalizing our church. Thank you for your attention
and for your prayers for vocations.

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
2021 Sample Parish Talk #2
The following is a sample talk regarding the Vocation Discernment Weekend. It's
best that it be done in your style using your words. Please feel free to rewrite
accordingly or pass this on to your Priest to help him in preparing his talk.
Thank you Father/Monsignor. Good morning, (afternoon).

My name is __________ and I am a member of the _____ Serra Club. As many of you
are aware, the mission of Serra International is to encourage vocations to the
priesthood and religious life. For the North Texas chapters of Serra, our most
important event of the year is The Vocation Discernment Weekend. It is a weekend
event for single Catholic adults between the ages of 18 and 40 to explore and learn
what it is like to serve God and the Church as a Priest, Sister, Brother or Consecrated
Lay Woman.

The program will be held June 11 – 13 at the University of Dallas, Irving, Texas (a
Catholic University).

It is designed to begin or contribute to the process of determining whether a vocation
exists and how one should respond to it. A professional staff of Priests, Sisters and
Brothers will participate with those in attendance, in group discussions and in one-on-
one consultations to resolve questions and furnish the needed information and
resources for an individual to make a more informed decision concerning a religious
vocation. The activities are conducted in a relaxed atmosphere and no pressure is
involved nor is any form of commitment requested. Those in attendance will be
furnished a private room and excellent meals without charge.

This is the 31st year that we have held the Vocation Discernment Weekend. Since its
inception, the program has been attended by nearly 1,500 men and women of whom
about 5% have entered the seminary or convent. Those who attended have been
highly complimentary of the manner in which the program was presented and many
of our current Priests, Sisters and Brothers attended the Vocation Discernment
Weekend when they were discerning their vocation. If you are interested in attending
the weekend program or you know of anyone who might be interested, Serra
representatives will be available in the narthex after Mass to provide more details.
Registration deadline is May 31st. Thank you for your interest and please pray for

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
2021 Sample Parish Talk #3
The following is a sample talk regarding the Vocation Discernment Weekend. It's
best that it be done in your style using your words. Please feel free to rewrite
accordingly or pass this on to your Priest to help him in preparing his talk.
Thank you Father/Monsignor. Good morning / afternoon:
My name is _______, and I'm a parishioner here at _____________ and a member of
the Serra Club of __________. My message today is especially intended for those of
you who are single and between 18 and 40 years of age. I want you to know about a
once-a-year opportunity.
If you are contemplating a change in lifestyle - looking for a greater opportunity to
provide service to others - wondering if the religious life as a Priest, Brother, Sister, or
Consecrated Lay Woman might be what you're looking for, or, if you know someone in
a similar situation, then you should know about a program sponsored by the Serra
Clubs and Diocesan Vocation Offices of Dallas and Ft. Worth.
It’s a weekend event for single Catholic adults to explore and learn what it is like to
serve God and the Church as a Priest, Brother, Sister, or Consecrated Lay Woman .
Typically, men and women spend the weekend in group discussions, consultation and
prayer conducted by a professional staff of Priests, Brothers and Sisters.
The program helps the process of discerning if a vocation exists and how to respond
to it. Participants explore the rewards and obligations that go along with religious life
helping them to make a more informed decision whether a religious vocation or some
other vocation of service is for him or her. Since its inception in 1990, the program
has been attended by nearly 1,500 men and women of whom about 5% have entered
the seminary or convent
This year's Vocation Discernment Weekend will take place June 11 - 13 at the
University of Dallas, Irving, Texas (a Catholic University). There is no charge.
Participants will be provided with a private room, meals, snacks, beverages etc. At the
conclusion of the weekend, participants will not be contacted by anyone related to
the program, unless they specifically request such. Registration deadline is May 31st.
If you are interested or know someone who might be, please see me after the mass
for more details. Thank you for your interest and please pray for vocations.

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Sample Parish Announcements &
         Calendar/Coming Events Website
             Copy - Ft. Worth Diocese
Use these for Announcements at end of Masses and publish in your parish bulletin and on your parish
website under Calendars and Coming Events now through May 31st)

SATISFIED WITH YOUR LIFESTYLE? Looking for a change in direction? A way to spend your life providing
service to others? If you are a single, Catholic, 18 to 40 years of age and have an interest in learning
about the ministry as a Priest, Brother, Sister, or Consecrated Lay Woman, join a group of other men and
women seeking similar answers at the 2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend. It’s a weekend of talks,
panel discussions, consultations and prayer conducted by a professional religious staff. The program will
be held June 11 - 13 at the University of Dallas, Irving, (a Catholic University). There is no charge to
participants. For further information, contact the Ft. Worth Diocese Vocations Office,, 817-945-9321, or visit Registration deadline is May 31st.
The Vocation Discernment Weekend is sponsored by the Serra Clubs of the Dallas and Diocesan Vocation
Offices of Dallas and Fort Worth.


are looking (or know someone who is looking) for a way to spend your life providing service to others; if
you are single, Catholic, 18 to 40 years of age and have an interest in learning about the ministry as a
Priest, Brother, Sister, or Consecrated Lay Woman, join a group of other men and women seeking similar
answers at the 2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend. It’s a weekend of talks, panel discussions,
consultations and prayer conducted by a professional religious staff. The event will be held at the
University of Dallas, Irving,(a Catholic University), June 11 - 13. Pre-registration is required. For further
information, contact the Ft. Worth Diocese Vocations Office,, 817-945-9321, or
visit Registration deadline is May 31st. The Vocation Discernment Weekend is
sponsored by the Serra Clubs of the Dallas and Diocesan Vocation Offices of Dallas and Fort Worth.


IS IT I LORD? IS GOD CALLING ME? Join other Catholics who want to know, Friday through Sunday, June
11 - 13, at the 2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend. It’s a weekend event for single Catholic men and
women, ages 18-40, to learn about life as a Priest, Brother, Sister, or Consecrated Lay Woman. The
Vocation Discernment Weekend will be held at the University of Dallas, Irving, (a Catholic University). For
further information, contact the Ft. Worth Diocese Vocations Office,, 817-945-
9321, or visit Registration deadline is May 31st. The Vocation Discernment
Weekend is sponsored by the Serra Clubs of the Dallas and Diocesan Vocation Offices of Dallas and Fort
Worth. No pressure...No Cost...No Obligations.

Is God calling me? Get Answers. Vocation Discernment Weekend - Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Sample Parish Announcements &
         Calendar/Coming Events Website
              Copy - Dallas Diocese
(Please publish one of the following inserts in your parish bulletin and on your parish website now
through May 31st.)

SATISFIED WITH YOUR LIFESTYLE? Looking for a change in direction? A way to spend your life providing
service to others? If you are a single, Catholic, 18 to 40 years of age and have an interest in learning
about the ministry as a Priest, Brother, Sister, or Consecrated Lay Woman, join a group of other men and
women seeking similar answers at the 2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend. It’s a weekend of talks,
panel discussions, consultations and prayer conducted by a professional religious staff. The program will
be held June 11 - 13 at the University of Dallas, Irving, (a Catholic University). There is no charge to
participants. For further information, contact the Dallas Diocese Vocations Office,,
214-379-2860, or visit Registration deadline is May 31st. The Vocation
Discernment Weekend is sponsored by the Serra Clubs of the Dallas and Diocesan Vocation Offices of
Dallas and Fort Worth.


are looking (or know someone who is looking) for a way to spend your life providing service to others; if
you are single, Catholic, 18 to 40 years of age and have an interest in learning about the ministry as a
Priest, Brother, Sister, or Consecrated Lay Woman, join a group of other men and women seeking similar
answers at the 2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend. It’s a weekend of talks, panel discussions,
consultations and prayer conducted by a professional religious staff. The event will be held at the
University of Dallas, Irving,(a Catholic University), June 11 - 13. Pre-registration is required. For further
information, contact the Dallas Diocese Vocations Office,, 214-379-2860, or visit Registration deadline is May 31st. The Vocation Discernment Weekend is
sponsored by the Serra Clubs of the Dallas and Diocesan Vocation Offices of Dallas and Fort Worth.


IS IT I LORD? IS GOD CALLING ME? Join other Catholics who want to know, Friday through Sunday, June
11 - 13, at the 2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend. It’s a weekend event for single Catholic men and
women, ages 18-40, to learn about life as a Priest, Brother, Sister, or Consecrated Lay Woman. The
Vocation Discernment Weekend will be held at the University of Dallas, Irving, (a Catholic University). For
further information, contact the Dallas Diocese Vocations Office, 214-379-2860,,
or visit Registration deadline is May 31st. The Vocation Discernment Weekend is
sponsored by the Serra Clubs of the Dallas and Diocesan Vocation Offices of Dallas and Fort Worth. No
pressure...No Cost...No Obligations.

2021 Vocation Discernment Weekend

                       Parish Support Report
We are very grateful for you and your parish’s support of the Vocation Discernment Weekend.
Our success is directly tied to the support of our parishes. To help us evaluate and improve our
efforts for next year, please complete Parish Contact Report by June 5th and email or mail to: or Pat Kempf, 3625 N. Hall, 11th Floor, Dallas, TX 75219

Name of Parish:___________________________________________________________

Your name:_______________________________________________________________

Your contact info: email:___________________________ Phone:__________________

Name of Pastor:___________________________________________________________

Did you place posters & cards at:
             Church exits: Yes__No__
             In Narthex: Yes__ No__
             In Central Meeting Rooms: Yes__No__

Did you give a talk or make an announcement about the event during mass? Yes__No__

Who gave talk/made announcement? Priest?            Serran__ Other_____________________

Date of talks:___________________Given During Mass?___ Given At End of Mass?___

Did you post event on Parish Calendar and under Coming Events: Yes___No___

Did you run bulletin ads: Yes__No__ # of Weekends:__ Size: Full Page__1/2 P__1/4 P__

Did you promote on parish social media sites? Facebook: Yes__No__ Twitter: Yes__ No__

Did you share info, posters, cards w Young Adult/High School Coordinator? Yes__No__

Did your Priest(s) forward candidates names to the VAP Screening Comm? Yes__No__

Please recommend any improvements you suggest for next year____________________

Candidate Referral Sheet
To our Priests, Deacons, Young Adult and High School Ministry Directors and Vocation
Committee Leaders,

The 31st Annual Vocation Discernment Weekend (Previously named Vocation Awareness
Program or VAP) is scheduled June 11 – 13, 2021 at The University of Dallas. The weekend
is a joint effort by the Dallas & Ft. Worth Dioceses Vocation Offices and Serra Clubs.

This is a unique and proven opportunity for single Catholic men and women, 18 to 40, to join
others seeking answers to questions they may have about life as a Priest, Sister, Brother or
Consecrated Lay Woman. The weekend includes presentations, panel discussions, Q&A periods
and one-on-one dialogue with Priests, Sisters and Brothers. There are no fees, private rooms
and meals are furnished, and no one will pressure attendees or seek a commitment.
Application deadline is May 31st, 2021.

Evaluations of our past efforts tell us that a high percentage of past weekend attendees learned
about the Vocation Discernment Weekend from their influencers including Priests, Deacons,
High School, Young Adult and Vocation Ministry leaders.

We ask for your help by providing the names of young men and women who you believe could
benefit by attending the Vocation Discernment Weekend. Leads can be emailed directly to the
Chair of the event screening committee, name and email. As a candidate comes to mind,
please jot down their name here:


Then, email your VAP candidate(s) recommendations to : Dallas Diocese, Reverend Edwin
Leonard,, 214-379-2860, or Ft. Worth Diocese, Rev. Maurice Moon,, 817-945-9321.

We’re very grateful for you and your parish’s support of the Vocation Discernment Weekend.
Our success is directly tied to the support of our parishes. If you have questions, feel free to call
me. Here’s my name and phone number:___________________________________________

Thank you

How To Access Resources
    Go to
All of the materials discussed in this document needed to help
promote the Vocation Discernment Weekend are available at, including:
   • Bulletin Ads/Inserts: Full Page, ½ Page, ¼ Page
   • Parish Talk Scripts & Announcements
   • Coming Events Copy
   • Social Media Guidance & Assets
   • Vocations Information
   • Candidate Referral Form
   • Parish Support Report
   • Parish Support & Execution Kit
   • If you can’t find what you need, contact Don Simoneaux,, 972-618-2928, or, Pat
     Kempf, , 214-912-2056 and we will
     be happy to help.

You can also read