INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...

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INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...
The 11th International Symposium on
DIP2021   Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy:
          Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health

             November 10–14, 2021
             Dubai, United Arab Emirates

             Support & Exhibition
             INVITATION FOR
             THE INDUSTRY
INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...
The 11th International Symposium on
    Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
    November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Dear Friends & Colleagues,
    It is with great pleasure to announce and to invite you        Focus will be placed on the prediction and prevention
    to attend the 11th International DIP Symposium on              of pregnancy complications – hyperglycemia,
    Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and                 hypertension – preeclampsia, preterm birth, NCD’s
    Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal                   (Non-Communicable Diseases) and pregnancy, fetal
    Offspring Health, taking place take place November             growth and others, as well as the cycle of future NCD’s
    10–14, 2021 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.                    that begins during the intrauterine life – onto mother
    The 11th DIP Symposium aims to highlight the progress          and offspring.
    of pregnancy – from pre-pregnancy, trimester by                With a faculty comprised of renowned professionals
    trimester, to labor, delivery and post-partum care.            and practitioners from all over the world – leaders in
                                                                   Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Basic Science,
                                                                   Nutrition, Midwifery, Diabetes, Nurse Educators
                                                                   and many more, the symposium It will showcase
                                                                   presentations on the most updated clinical and
                                                                   laboratory revolutions, evidence based and from
                                                                   practical experience.
                                                                   We look forward to your participation and hope
                                                                   that you will continue to contribute to the scientific
                                                                   program by submitting your abstracts.
                                                                   With best wishes and hoping to see you in Dubai.

                                Fatheya Al Awadi        Moshe Hod           Muna Tahlak
                                      UAE                 Israel               UAE

      Nam Cho             Gian Carlo        Hema Divakar          Anne Kihara          Liona Poon   Chittaranjan
     South Korea           Di Renzo            India                Kenya              Hong Kong Narahari Purandare
                             Italy                                                                      India

                                                     Amala Nazareth

2   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

International Advisory
Aristidis Antsaklis, Greece                          Tahir Mahmood, UK (EBCOG)
Vincenzo Berghella, USA (SMFM)                       David McIntyre, Australia (ADIPS)
Luis Cabero-Roura, Spain (FIGO)                      Edgar Mocanu, Ireland (FIGO)
Ernesto Castelazo, Mexio                             Mohamed Momtaz, Egypt
Ravi Chandran, Malaysia (AOFOG)                      Amala Nazareth, UAE
Mary D’Alton, USA (SMFM)                             Jacky Nizard, France (EBCOG)
Katie Dain, UK (NCD Alliance)                        Edgar Ivan Ortiz, Colombia (FLASOG)
Diogo Ayres De Campos, Portugal (EAPM)               Nikolas Papantoniou, Greece
Gernot Desoye, Austria (DPSG)                        Rene Xavier Perrin, Benin (AFOG)
Hema Divakar, India (FOGSI, DIPSI)                   Liona Poon, Hong Kong (CUHK)
Tony Duan, China (CPA)                               CN Purandare, India (FIGO)
Fidelma Dunne, Ireland (IADPSG)                      Elie Saliba, France (EAPM)
Denice Feig, Canada (CanDIPS)                        Umberto Simeoni, France (EAPM)
Eduardo Fonseca, Brazil (FEBRASGO)                   Jeffrey Smith, USA (Jhpiego)
Carlos Fuchtner, Bolivia (FIGO)                      Gennady Sukhikh, Russia
Ferede Yirgu Gebrehiwot, Ethiopia (FIGO)             Gerard Visser, The Netherlands (FIGO)
Franz Kainer, Germany (DPMG)                         Johan Vos, UK (FIGO)
Anil Kapur, India (WDF)                              Miroslaw Wielgos, Poland
Anne-Beatrice Kihara, Kenya (AFOG)                   Huixia Yang, China (CPA)
Tak Yeung Leung, Hong Kong (CUHK)                    Yariv Yogev, Israel (TASMC)

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             3
INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...
The 11th International Symposium on
    Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
    November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    General Information
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    The official language of the Symposium is English.

    Industry Liaison and Exhibition Manager

    Yael Ziv
    Tel: +972 54 5599821
    Support and Exhibition:

    Liability and Insurance
    The Symposium organizer cannot accept liability for personal accidents loss of or damage of private
    property of participants, either during or indirectly arising from the DIP Symposium. Participants are
    advised to issue their own personal travel and health insurance for their trip.

    Hybrid Option
    The following are in-person opportunities. A hybrid format, with additional opportunities, may arise
    dependent on the public health situation.

4   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Main Program Topics
MEDICINE – INVENTIONS, INNOVATIONS,                    • Telemedicine
WINNOVATIONS                                           • Home FHR Monitoring
• The Non Communicable Disease Global                  • Home Ultrasonography
  Epidemic and Maternal Fetal Medicine
                                                       OBESITY AND MATERNAL FETAL MEDICINE
• Prediction and Prevention in Maternal Fetal
                                                       • Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
                                                       • Bariatric surgery
• The Genome and Maternal Fetal Medicine
                                                       • Lifestyle interventions
• New Technologies and Maternal Fetal
                                                       • Non Invasive Prenatal Testing
                                                       • Fetal Imaging and therapy
• The FIGO GDM Initiative
                                                       • Fetal Congenital anomalies
• Diabetes and Pregnancy
• Obesity and Maternal Fetal Medicine                  MATERNAL AND FETAL HEALTH
• Hypertension and Pregnancy                           • Maternal Medicine meets Fetal Medicine
• Nutrition                                            • The “Great Obstetric Syndromes”
• The Intra-Uterine University - Programming           • Beyond the Uterine Environment – Fetal
  and Imprinting in Utero                                Origins of Adult Disease
• The Placenta and the Great Obstetrical               • Perinatal Medicine and the Industry – Mutual
  Syndromes                                              Interests and Future Directions
• The “omics” and Maternal Fetal Medicine              • The First Trimester-A Window Of
• Fetal Growth                                           Opportunities: Screening For Adverse
• Preterm labor                                          Perinatal Outcome
• Multiple pregnancy
• Maternal Infection and Perinatal Outcome             DIABETES AND PREGNANCY
• Micronutrients & Diabetic Pregnancy                  • Diagnosis for GDM – The Consensus
• New Technologies in The Management of                • Pharmacological Treatment in GDM
  Diabetes in Pregnancy                                • Diabetic Pregnancy and Preeclampsia
• Pharmacological Treatment in Pre-GDM; the            • Metabolic Goals in Diabetic Pregnancy
  new insulins                                         • The Diabetic Placenta: The Forgotten
• Programming and Imprinting in Utero – The              Compartment
  vicious cycle of NCD
                                                       THE “OMICS” AND MATERNAL FETAL
• From Diabetes in Pregnancy to Diabetes After
  Pregnancy – From DIP to DAP
                                                       • Genome
• Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes and other
                                                       • Epigenetics
  NCD’s – mother & offspring
                                                       • Microbiome
• Diabetes in Pregnancy Amongst the
                                                       • Metabolome
  Indigenous Peoples– a neglected health
                                                       • Proteome
                                                       • smallRNA
• Contraception in Diabetic Pregnancy
• Pregnancy in Diabetic Animals
• Infertility and Diabetes
• Menopause and Diabetes

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             5
INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...
The 11th International Symposium on
    Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
    November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Main Program Topics (Cont’d)
    • The Maternal - Placental - Fetal Dialogue and        • 3D/4D ultrasound: From basic to advanced
      Its Influence on Pregnancy Outcome                     (with live demos)
    • Early prediction and prevention of                   • Indications and techniques of MRI for fetal
      preeclampsia                                           evaluation
    • Preeclampsia: identification of pre-clinical         • Early and advanced diagnosis of fetal brain
      disease and management issues                          defects and development (with live demos)
    • Abnormal fetal growth - Challenging the              • Echocardiography: From basic to 3D/4D (with
      extremes                                               live demos)
    • Early prediction and prevention of IUGR              • Congenital cardiac defects: Dagnostic issues
    • IUGR and SGA: Doppler management and                   and impact on the brain
      prediction of outcome                                • Fetal cardiac function: Techniques and
    • Preterm delivery                                       application
    • Preterm labor: early prediction and prevention       • First, second and third trimester ultrasound:
    • Preterm labor and rupture of membranes:                When and what to look for
      Early identification of poor outcome and
                                                           FETAL AND PERINATAL THERAPY
                                                           • Current indications and results of fetal therapy
    MULTIPLE PREGNANCY                                     • Fetal defects with perinatal surgical
    • Multiple pregnancy: Issues in early and late           management
      pregnancy                                            THE NEONATE OF THE GREAT OBSTETRICAL
    • Diagnosis and management of                          SYNDROME MOTHER
      monochorionic twins

    • Use of ultrasound in labor
    • Management of post-partum haemorrhage
    • Fetal Life during labor and delivery
    • Management of pregnancy complications
      during labor and delivery
    • Fetal monitoring during labor and delivery
    • Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening
    • Preconception, Preimplantation and Prenatal
      Genetic Diagnosis
    • Integrating advances in genetic diagnosis in
      prenatal diagnosis
    • Non-invasive prenatal testing: integration with
      current practice
    • New Genetic Technologies

6   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
INVITATION FOR THE INDUSTRY - Support & Exhibition - The 11th International DIP ...
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

History of DIP
Previous Symposia Statistics

                                                          1322               1370
                   1203                1241

                       PAX                                                                                PAX

 2009               2011                2013               2015                2017                    2019
 5th DIP            6th DIP            7th DIP            8th DIP            9th DIP                 10th DIP
Sorrento           Salzburg           Florence             Berlin           Barcelona                Florence
  Italy             Austria             Italy            Germany              Spain                    Italy

Demographics                                                                   Western Europe...63%

                                                                               Eastern Europe.....11%
10th DIP
Florence                                                                       North America.....8%
Italy 2019                                   10                                Asia Pacific..............7%

                                                                               Middle East.............6%

                                                                               Latin America........4%


Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                                  7
The 11th International Symposium on
    Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
    November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Previous DIP Supporters

8   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Why Should You
Consider Supporting?

       Demonstrate your company’s
       leadership in the field of innovations &
       inventions in Women’s Health

       Reach key thought leaders, academic
       and industry researchers, and

       Raise your company’s visibility

       Exhibit and distribute your marketing
       and promotional materials

       Convene a corporate meeting

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             9
The 11th International Symposium on
     Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
     November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

     CME Accreditation

                               European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical
                               Education (UEMS/EACCME)
                               An application will be made to the European Accreditation
                               Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for CME
                               accreditation of this event. The EACCME is an institution of
     the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS):

     American Medical Association (AMA)
     Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists
     and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME
     credits to an equivalent numberof AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information
     on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at

     Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
     Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the
     UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning
     Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The
     Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. For more information, visit:

10   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The following are in-person opportunities. A hybrid format, with additional
opportunities, may arise dependent on the public health situation.

Levels of Support
Level determined by the accumulation of items of value.


         € 105,000
                                                         • 8 Full Symposium registrations

                                                         • Supporter’s logo (company logo only, no product
                                       and up              logos) on Symposium website and in the Industry
                                                           Section of the Program Book

                                                         • Acknowledgment on Supporters’ Board on-site
                                                           and in the Mobile App of the Symposium


          € 85,000
                                                         • 5 Full Symposium registrations

    from                                                 • Supporter’s logo (company logo only, no product
                                                           logos) on Symposium website and in the Industry

    to   € 104,999                                         Section of the Program Book

                                                         • Acknowledgment on Supporters’ Board on-site
                                                           and in the Mobile App of the Symposium


              € 60,000
                                                         • 3 Full Symposium registrations

    from                                                 • Supporter’s logo (company logo only, no product
                                                           logos) on Symposium website and in the Industry

         to   € 84,999                                     Section of the Program Book

                                                         • Acknowledgment on Supporters’ Board on-site
                                                           and in the Mobile App of the Symposium

The support category status will be allocated upon the total amount of your support contribution.
The total contribution will consist of items such as advertisements, sponsored sessions and exhibition space.
All rates exclude VAT where applicable.

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                              11
The 11th International Symposium on
     Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
     November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

     Levels of Support
     Level determined by the accumulation of items of value.


                    € 30,000
                                                              • 2 Full Symposium registrations

         from                                                 • Supporter’s logo (company logo only, no product
                                                                logos) on Symposium website and in the Industry

               to   € 59,999                                    Section of the Program Book

                                                              • Acknowledgment on Supporters’ Board on-site
                                                                and in the Mobile App of the Symposium


                    € 10,000
                                                              • Supporter’s logo (company logo only, no product
                                                                logos) on Symposium website and in the Industry
                                                                Section of the Program Book

               to   € 29,999                                  • Acknowledgment on Supporters’ Board on-site
                                                                and in the Mobile App of the Symposium


                        € 9,999
                                                              • Supporter’s logo (company logo only, no product
                                                                logos) on Symposium website and in the Industry
               up to
                                                                Section of the Program Book

                                                              • Acknowledgment on Supporters’ Board on-site
                                                                and in the Mobile App of the Symposium

     The support category status will be allocated upon the total amount of your support contribution.
     The total contribution will consist of items such as advertisements, sponsored sessions and exhibition space.
     All rates exclude VAT where applicable.

12   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Educational Support
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Approved Session

  € 30,000
                                         Support of an existing scientific session funded by a grant
                                         form the industry (accepted or invited by the Co-Chairs).

                                         Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Approved Presentation

   € 15,000
                                         Support of a lecture within a scientific session funded by a
                                         grant form the industry (accepted or invited by the Co-Chairs).

                                         Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website.

Prizes for Outstanding Abstracts

                    Sole Support         Prizes will be awarded to the authors of the most outstanding

       € 5,000
                                         abstracts, as selected by the Symposium Co-Chairs.

                                         Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website.

All rates exclude VAT where applicable

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             13
The 11th International Symposium on
     Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
     November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

     Educational Support
     Mobile Application

       € 25,000
                                              Exclusive sponsorship provides high-exposure placement
                                              in the application in order to drive traffic to the company’s
                                              onsite presence or website.
                                              • Measure your return on investment down to the click
                                              • Every time an attendee requires event information, they will
                                                be accessing the application
                                              • Prior to arriving at the home page, they will be exposed to
                                                your logo
                                              • Provide attendees in close proximity or specific sessions
                                                attention-grabbing and timely offers. Even those searching
                                                through the application for other reasons will be attracted
                                              • Supporter acknowledgement on the splash/pop-up screen
                                                of the app: “Supported by: company name/logo” (product
                                                logo not permitted)
                                              • 2 “push notifications” are included in the sponsorship
                                              Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                              the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                              signage and on the Symposium website.

     E-Poster Area

       € 10,000
                                              The scientific posters will be presented in a designated
                                              e-poster area and will provide an opportunity for the
                                              researchers to share new and exciting outcomes from their
                                              • Company logo at the entrance of the e-poster area
                                              Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                              the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                              signage and on the Symposium website.

     All rates exclude VAT where applicable

14   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Promotional Support
Industry Symposium (90 minutes)

   € 50,000
                                         A company may organize an industry symposium
                                         (90 minutes). The topic, speakers, and moderators will be
                                         subject to approval by the Co-Chairs of the Symposium.
                                         • Symposium hall and basic audiovisual equipment
                                         • Brochure insert, advertisement in final program or mobile
                                           application (choose one)
                                         Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website
                                         The expenses (travel, accommodation and registration) of the
                                         chairs and speakers of the industry symposium are in addition
                                         and the responsibility of the supporter. This also applies in the case
                                         where the symposium speakers have already been invited by the
                                         Co-Chairs of the DIP Symposium..

Industry Symposium (60 minutes)

   € 35,000
                                         A company may organize an industry symposium (60
                                         minutes). The topic, speakers, and moderators will be subject
                                         to approval by the Co-Chairs of the Symposium.
                                         • Symposium hall and basic audiovisual equipment
                                         • Brochure insert, advertisement in final program or mobile
                                           application (choose one)
                                         Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website.
                                         The expenses (travel, accommodation and registration) of the
                                         chairs and speakers of the industry symposium are in addition
                                         and the responsibility of the supporter. This also applies in the case
                                         where the symposium speakers have already been invited by the
                                         Co-Chairs of the DIP Symposium.

All rates exclude VAT where applicable

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                                15
The 11th International Symposium on
     Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
     November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

     Promotional Support
     Coffee Break Pipeline Showcase

             € 6,500
                                              Opportunity to include a 10-15 minute presentation during a
                                              coffee break.
                                              • Basic audiovisual equipment
                                              Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                              the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                              signage and on the Symposium website
                                              The expenses (travel, accommodation and registration) of the
                                              chairs and speakers of the showcase are in addition and the
                                              responsibility of the supporter. This also applies in the case where
                                              the speakers have already been invited by the Co-Chairs of the DIP

     Mobile Charging Station

             € 8,000
                                              The charging station will be made available to all participants
                                              to charge electronic devices during the Symposium, placed in
                                              a highly visible area.
                                              • Opportunity to brand the charging station with your
                                                company name and logo
                                              Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                              the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                              signage and on the Symposium website

     Participants’ Bags

                       Sole Support           Opportunity to support branded bags for all participants of
                 provided-in-kind +           the Symposium.

        € 10,000                              Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                              the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                              signage and on the Symposium website

     All rates exclude VAT where applicable

16   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Promotional Support
Networking Reception

                  Sole Support           Opportunity to support the Networking reception for all

€ 20,000
                                         participants of the Symposium.
                                         • Opportunity to provide company logo for signs at the
                                           entrance of the networking reception
                                         • Opportunity to provide branded items with company logo
                                           to be used during networking reception
                                         Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website

Note Pads and Pens

               Sole Support              Opportunity to provide branded note pads and pens to be
         provided-in-kind +              distributed in the participants’ bags.

      € 5,000                            Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website

Coffee Break

      € 5,000
                                         Opportunity to support a coffee break for all participants of
                                         the Symposium.

              per coffee break           • Opportunity to provide branded items with company logo
                                           to be used during the coffee break
                                         Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                         the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                         signage and on the Symposium website

All rates exclude VAT where applicable

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             17
The 11th International Symposium on
     Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
     November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

     Promotional Support

             € 5,000
                                              Company name as the Wi-Fi access username/password.
                                              Support will be acknowledged in the designated section of
                                              the program, in the Symposium mobile application, on-site
                                              signage and on the Symposium website

     Advertising Support
     Brochure Insert

             € 2,000
                                              Company brochure to be inserted into the participants’ bags.

     Advertisement in Final Program

             € 2,500
                                              Full inside page color advertisement in designated section of
                                              the final program book (inside page or inside back page).The
                                              final program will be distributed to all registered participants

             € 3,000
                                              in the Symposium bags and will contain the timetable,
        to                                    information about the scientific program and other useful

     All rates exclude VAT where applicable

18   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Advertising Support
Advertisement in Mobile Application

  € 2,500
                                        Designed PDF to be presented in a separate tab under
                                        “Sponsored Advertisements” in the main menu of the mobile
                                        application to advertise your booth, industry supported
                                        session or any other activity planned during the Symposium.

App Push Notification

   € 1,500
                                        Push notification sent to all the participants (participants who
                                        agreed to receive the information) onsite through the mobile
                                        app (to be coordinated with the Symposium organizer)

Tailor-made Support Packages

Support packages may be tailored to suit the company’s budget and interests and in order to
maximize visibility and to best promote products and services.
Please contact the Industry Liaison and Exhibition Manager, Yael Ziv, for further information:

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             19
The 11th International Symposium on
     Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
     November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

     The exhibition will be held at the Symposium venue.
     The exhibition floorplan is designed to maximize
     exposure to the participants. Lunches and coffee breaks
     will be held in the exhibition area. Exhibition space will
     be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

     The following is included:
     • Exhibition space will be available at € 675 per sq. m. (+ VAT where applicable)
     • The minimum space size is 2x3 sq. m.

     Please visit the website at to view the exhibition floorplan

     Exhibition space rental is priced according to size (per sq. m) and includes:
     • Net space
     • Company profile in program book
     • Two exhibitor registrations up to 18 sq. m, each additional 6 sq. m one registration
     • Additional exhibitor registrations available for € 250 per badge
     • General cleaning of public areas

     Stand equipment and additional services may be ordered by means of the forms in the
     Supporters’ manual on the website: Furniture, partition walls, electricity, carpets, telephone
     and data lines, stand cleaning, Supporters’ insurance, logistics, etc.

20   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ancillary Events

Ancillary Events Policy during DIP
The DIP Symposium Secretariat and Co-Chairs have recognized that at the DIP Symposium attendees
and companies seek to maximize their networking opportunities and fulfill their professional
responsibilities while at a location with so many of their colleagues.
To accomplish these goals the DIP Symposium will make every effort to make available their time and
space in DIP Symposium-controlled meeting facilities (convention center or headquarter hotels) for
ancillary events which do not compete or conflict substantially with the official scientific program.

Definition of Ancillary Events
Ancillary events are non-DIP Symposium-sponsored special group events, such as business meetings
of other organizations or social gatherings, held in parallel to the DIP Symposium. They are not
planned or sponsored by the DIP Symposium.
Ancillary events may not be commercial or educational in nature, i.e., they may not include a
scientific program with presentations, posters, or lectures, nor include marketing demonstrations or
commercial presentations
Ancillary events with more than 25 attendees may not be scheduled during the official scientific
program of DIP Symposium.
• Business Meetings: Meetings of non-commercial editorial boards, non-profit organization boards,
  or other non-DIP Symposium committees/working groups, study groups, etc.
• Exhibitor Internal Meetings: Meetings for DIP Symposium exhibitor’s corporate personnel: DIP
  Symposium exhibitor hospitality suites
• Investigator Meetings: Meetings for investigators of ongoing research (may be sponsored only by
  a DIP Symposium exhibitor)
• Social Events: Receptions, dinners, alumni events, reunions, and specialty groups where there is no
  educational/scientific program presented

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             21
The 11th International Symposium on
     Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
     November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

     Ancillary Events
     Requests for Ancillary Events
     Requests for ancillary events must be made on official forms and approved by the DIP Symposium,
     regardless of the location of the event. For meetings with more than 15 attendees, fees will be
     charged for requests made after a certain date.
     Ancillary events should be planned and scheduled in support of the DIP Symposium.
     Commercial organizers of ancillary events must be supporters of the DIP Symposium at the value of
     not less than the cost of a 10x10 sq. m. exhibition booth. Commercial ancillary event organizers who
     are not exhibitors will incur additional service charges for multiple events.
     Additional fees for the participation of DIP Symposium attendees, such as registration fees, must be
     approved by the DIP Symposium. All costs for the activity including decor, audio-visual setup, and
     room changes, must be borne by the organizers. All event expenses must be paid promptly and non-
     payment may result in action by the DIP Symposium.
     The use of the DIP Symposium logo, trademark, or name in conjunction with publicity must be pre-
     approved. The DIP Symposium may not be represented as co-sponsoring an event unless a formal
     request has been submitted to and approved by the DIP Symposium.
     Conducting demonstrations and/or displays of commercial products will not be permitted during
     ancillary events.
     Only ancillary events open to all DIP Symposium registrants will be listed in Symposium related
     Signs, directional or informational, must be approved by, and coordinated with, DIP Symposium
     management when placed in DIP Symposium-controlled facilities. Each sign must state that “This
     event is not organized or sponsored by DIP Symposium.” Organizers must remove any meeting-
     related materials from their assigned rooms at the conclusion of the event.
     All participants in ancillary events must register for the DIP Symposium unless requests for passes for
     non-scientific participants are received in writing at the time the ancillary event is approved.

     Breach of Policy
     Event organizers must adhere to the responsibilities outlined in the policy and on the official forms
     to avoid cancellation of the activity. Failure to adhere to the policy may result in any or all of the
     following actions by the DIP Symposium:
     • Cancellation of ancillary event
     • Refusal to allow the company or group the opportunity to exhibit or hold symposia, meetings,
       or other events in DIP Symposium-controlled meeting facilities in the current year or a specified
       number of future years

22   Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry
The 11th International Symposium on
Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health
November 10–14, 2021 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

General Information
Terms and Conditions
1. Support items are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis
2. All support and exhibition prices quoted are in € and are subject to VAT
3. All payments must be received before the beginning of the Symposium. Should the company
   fail to make the payment prior to the commencement of the Symposium, the organizer reserves
   the right to cancel the company’s participation and benefits
4. Time slot allocation will be based on level of support and approval from the Symposium Co-
5. It is the responsibility of the supporters and exhibitors to comply with the regulations of the
   local authorities, EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries & Associations) www. and IFPMA (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations) Code of Practice on the Promotion of Medicines.
6. The Symposium organizer reserves the right to accept or decline offers of support and
   application for exhibition space
7. The Symposium organizer reserves the right to amend the published floor plan should it be
   deemed necessary for the benefit of the exhibition and the Symposium as a whole
8. Please note that the Symposium organizer must approve all exhibition stand designs
Hermes & Merkur is the sole logistic supplier for the DIP Symposium. All materials sent directly to the
venue (not via our logistic agent AKA Hermes) will not be under COMTECMED’s responsibility. The
Symposium organizer is not liable if the shipment does not arrive due to custom clearance issues or
any other delays that might occur

Cancellation/Modification Policy
Cancellation/modification of support must be made in writing to Comtecmed.
Comtecmed will retain:
• 10% of the agreed amount if cancellation is made 6 or more months prior to the Symposium
• 50% of the agreed amount if cancellation is made 4 months prior to the Symposium
• 100% of the agreed amount if cancellation is made 3 or less months before the Symposium

Terms of Payment
100% upon signature of sponsorship agreement and receipt of invoice
All payments must be received before the beginning of the Symposium. Should the
company fail to make the payment prior to the commencement of the Symposium, the
organizer reserves the right to cancel the company’s participation and benefits

Support & Exhibition | Invitation for the Industry                                                             23
See you
                                       in Dubai!

                                        Administration : T. +34.93.208 1145 | E.

Comtec Spain                            Comtec Asia                                            Comtec USA
Bailén, 95-97                           Suite 405, Universal Center Building, 175 Xiang Yang   415 South Street
pral. 1. a - 08009, Barcelona, Spain    Road South, Shanghai 200031, China                     POB #3627
T. +34.93.208 1145                      T. +86.21.5466 0460                                    Waltham, MA 02453-2700
F. +34.93.457 9291                      F. +86.21.5466 0450                                    T. +1.914.312 5407
E.                  E.                                 E.
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