Investor Commitment Tested by Deep Crisis: Banking Development in Ukraine

Page created by Lester Norris
Investor Commitment Tested by Deep Crisis:
Banking Development in Ukraine

    Ukraine’s banking sector was strongly hit by the global economic crisis which began in                             Stephan Barisitz,
    September 2008 and triggered an extreme output contraction (–20%) in the first quarter of                          Mathias Lahnsteiner1
    2009 and a sharp depreciation of the Ukrainian hryvnia (–35%). Loss of confidence in the
    banking sector and deposit withdrawals (about one-fifth of total deposits) were reined in by
    large-scale liquidity support by the National Bank of Ukraine, administrative measures and
    macroeconomic adjustment (unwinding of the current account disequilibrium) in the spring of
    2009. However, credit growth (month on month) ground to a halt in early 2009 and confidence
    in the hryvnia remains fragile in a situation where about 50% of private sector credit stock is
    denominated in foreign currency. The authorities’ bank recapitalization program, assisted by
    the structural conditionality of an IMF Stand-By Arrangement, should help banks cope with
    the persisting deep recession and strongly rising nonperforming loans. While political instabi-
    lity in the run-up to the presidential election early in 2010 could yet derail bank rehabilitation,
    credit institutions have substantially raised provisioning and started cutting costs and restruc-
    turing overdue loans. Continuing support by international financial institutions and sustained
    commitment by foreign (including Austrian) parent banks and corporations also represent key
    stabilizing factors.
    JEL classification: G21, G28, P34
    Keywords: Banking sector, banking crisis, credit boom, credit crunch, nonperforming loans,
    political instability, recapitalization, shock-absorbing factors, Ukraine

1 Macroeconomic Background1                                 those of other countries in the region,
Before Ukraine was hit by the global                        and the Ukrainian hryvnia depreciated
financial crisis in late 2008, the econ-                    sharply. Against the background of
omy showed signs of overheating char-                       tightened external financing conditions
acterized by skyrocketing but volatile                      and the outlook of a severe slump in
steel export prices, soaring wages and                      foreign demand from Russia in particu-
private consumption, strong capital                         lar, but also from other countries, the
inflows, a credit boom, high inflation                      government agreed on a two-year USD
(almost 30% in mid-2008) and a wid-                         16.4 billion standby loan with the IMF
ening current account deficit. The in-                      in late October 2008. IMF assistance is
creasing fragility of the country’s                         earmarked for balance-of-payments
external position as well as persistent                     support. Disagreements over several
political instability seem to have been                     issues included in the IMF program
the main reasons why Ukraine has been                       (i.a. concerning the budget deficit)
among the countries hit hardest by the                      resulted in a delay of the disbursement
crisis.                                                     of the second tranche of the standby
    Following the escalation of the                         credit in February 2009 and tempor-
global financial turmoil after the default                  arily heightened pressures on the
of Lehman Brothers in September 2008,                       Ukrainian financial market, but were
Ukraine’s terms of trade plunged, capi-                     resolved two months later.
tal flows reversed, eurobond spreads                             Following an 8% real GDP contrac-
and capital default swap (CDS) premi-                       tion year on year in the last quarter of
ums rose by a far greater extent than                       2008, the Ukrainian economy shrank

    Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Foreign Research Division,;
    The authors acknowledge valuable comments by an anonymous referee and by Thomas Reininger (OeNB).

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                                                                                                                                              Table 1

                         Selected Macroeconomic Indicators

                                                                                  2005          2006          2007          2008          Q1 09

                         Real GDP growth (annual change, %)                               2.7           7.3           7.9           2.1     –20.3
                         GDP deflator (annual change, %)                                 24.5          14.8          22.7          29.1      22.4
                         Inflation (period average, CPI, annual change, %)               13.5           9.1          12.8          25.2      17.8 1
                         Inflation (end-of-period, CPI, annual change, %)                10.3          11.6          16.6          22.3      15.0 1
                         Budget balance (general government, % of GDP)                   –1.8          –0.7          –1.1          –1.5        ..
                         Current account balance (% of GDP)                               2.8          –1.5          –3.7          –7.2      –3.5
                         Net FDI inflows (% of GDP)                                       9.0           5.3           6.6           5.4       4.0
                         Total gross external debt
                         (% of four-quarter rolling GDP)                                 47.7          48.3          53.7          59.7       63.8
                         Gross external debt of the banking sector
                         (% of four-quarter rolling GDP)                                  7.4          12.5          20.2          22.8       24.2
                         Reserve assets (% of four-quarter rolling GDP)                  23.4          19.7          21.2          18.2       16.3

                         Source: NBU, State Statisitcs Comittee of Ukraine.
                           January to June.

                         by 20.3% year on year in the first                               Ukraine (NBU), and the IMF support
                         quarter of 2009.2 In an environment of                           program in place – seems to have con-
                         collapsing domestic demand, inflation                            tributed to some currency stabilization
                         gradually came down and the current                              in recent months. However, this stabil-
                         account – also supported by a 35% nom-                           ity remains tenuous, as witnessed by a
                         inal effective depreciation of the hryv-                         depreciation of the hryvnia by about
                         nia from September 2008 to March                                 15% against the U.S. dollar and the
                         2009 – adjusted rapidly. This correc-                            euro from early July to mid-September.
                         tion, in turn – together with foreign                            The NBU cut key policy interest rates
                         exchange interventions, moral suasion                            by 1 percentage point to 11% on June
                         and the imposition of some administra-                           15, 2009, and by 0.75 percentage points
                         tive measures by the National Bank of                            to 10.25% on August 12, 2009.

                                                                                                                                              Table 2

                         Banking Sector Structure

                                                                                  2005          2006          2007          2008          H1 09

                         Number of banks (of which partly foreign-owned),
                         end-of-period                                             186 (23)      193 (35)      198 (47)      198 (47)     198 (51)
                         Total banking sector assets (% of four-quarter roll-
                         ing GDP)                                                        48.4          62.5          83.2          97.5       91,5 1
                         Total banking sector capital (% of four-quarter
                         rolling GDP)                                                     5.8           7.8           9.7          12.6       11.9
                         Share of state-owned banks in total banking sector
                         assets (%)                                                       9.3           8.8           8.0          11.4       15.6
                         Share of foreign-owned banks in total banking sec-
                         tor assets (%)                                                  19.0          32.0          37.2          46.5       47.0

                         Source: NBU, Raiffeisen Research.
                           First quarter.

                             According to an estimate of the State Statistics Committee, Ukrainian GDP fell 18% year on year in the second
                             quarter of 2009.

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                                                                                                                                 Table 3

Selected Banking Sector Stability Indicators

                                                                2005            2006           2007            2008          20091

Credit risk
Loans to the private sector
(% of four-quarter rolling GDP)2                                       32.5             45.1           59.2           77.3           75.8
Real growth of loans to the private sector
(annual change in %)                                                   46.8            53.2            49.3           40.6           19.9
Real growth of loans to the private sector
(exchange rate-adjusted, annual change in %)                             0.0             0.0           48.4            9.9       –6.6
Loans to households
(% of loans to the private sector)                                     24.9            33.4            37.6           38.2           35.6
Overdue and doubtful loans (% of total loans)                           2.2             1.7             1.3            2.3            5.4
Nonperforming loans3 (% of total loans)                                19.6            17.8            13.2           17.4           29.9
Market and exchange rate risk
Foreign currency loans to the private sector
(% of private sector loans)                                            43.3            49.5            49.9           59.1           53.3
Foreign currency loans to households
(in % of loans to households)                                           57.1           62.6            63.6           71.9           71.9
Foreign currency deposits of the private sector
(in % of private sector deposits)                                      34.9            38.2            32.2           44.2           44.2
Deposit rate (% p.a.)4                                                  8.5             7.6             8.2            9.9           15.9
Lending rate (% p.a.)4                                                 16.0            15.1            13.9           17.6           27.0
Liquidity risk
Private sector deposits
(% of four-quarter rolling GDP)                                        30.1            33.9           38.8            37.6           33.1
Real growth of private sector deposits
(annual change in %)                                                   45.1             24.4          30.2             4.4       –14.6
Real growth of private sector deposits
(exchange rate-adjusted, annual change in %)                            0.0              0.0          29.3        –12.1          –29.2
Loan-to-deposit ratio (%)                                             108.0            133.1         152.6        205.5          226.6
Liquid assets (% of total assets)                                      23.3             20.1          19.7         14.1           14.8
Liquid assets (% of short-term liabilities)                            40.2             37.8          39.9         33.0           32.6
Short-term liabilities (% of total liabilities)                        58.1             53.1          49.3         42.7           45.3
Banks’ external liabilities (% of banks’ total liabilities)            13.6             21.4          28.1         32.8           29.8
Share of short-term external debt
(% of banks’ total external debt)                                      50.5            45.9            37.9           23.7           17.6
Return on assets (ROA, %)                                               1.3             1.6             1.5            1.0        –3.3
Retun on equity (ROE, %)                                               10.4            13.5            12.7            8.5       –24.5
Cost-to-income ratio (%)                                               63.8            58.1            58.4           50.1        49.6
Shock-absorbing factors
Capital adequacy ratio (%)                                             15.0            14.2            13.9           14.0           14.5
Specific provisions to nonperforming loans
(% of total loans)3                                                      4.9             4.1            3.5            5.2            8.9
Specific provisions to nonperforming loans
(% of nonperforming loans)3                                            25.0            23.1           26.3            29.6           29.8
Memorandum item
Direct cross-border loans to the nonbank private
sector (% of four-quarter rolling GDP)5                                13.3            15.3            14.8           24.2           24.4

Source: NBU, IMF, IFS, OeNB calculations.
  June 2009, figures in italics: March 2009.
  The private sector comprises households and enterprises.
  According to IMF calculations. Nonperforming loans are those classified as substandard, doubtful and loss.
  Weighted average over all maturities.
  Excluding trade credit.

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                         2 Banking Developments during                      dence on foreign funding (including, in
                           the Global Financial Crisis                      particular, funding by nonparent
                         2.1 Strong Credit Boom                             sources) left Ukrainian banks more
                             (up to late 2008)                              sensitive to balance sheet and liquidity
                         The very swift Ukrainian banking                   risks triggered by external shocks.
                         sector expansion in recent years was               Soon after the outbreak of the U.S.
                         driven by the favorable pre-crisis                 subprime crisis (August 2007), bank
                         domestic and external environment                  and corporate eurobond issuance dried
                         and by strong pent-up demand for                   up in Ukraine; banks’ external funding
                         banking services. Domestic loans to                shifted to loans, mostly from parent
                         the private sector increased from about            banks, and slowed down. The loan-to-
                         one-third of GDP at end-2005 to over               deposit ratio skyrocketed to around
                         three-quarters of GDP at end-2008. In              200% in 2008.
                         addition, direct cross-border loans (ex-
                         cluding trade credit) to the private sec-          2.2 Serious Repercussions of the
                         tor almost tripled in U.S. dollar terms                Global Financial Crisis
                         during this period and reached one-                    (since late 2008)
                         quarter of GDP at end-2008. As the                 The strong impact of the global finan-
                         banking sector’s external debt also rose           cial crisis on the Ukrainian economy
                         sharply, foreign liabilities grew to about         weakened the environment for bank-
                         one-third of the banking sector’s total            ing. Although Ukraine was shut out of
                         liabilities at end-2008. Foreign-owned             international capital markets, direct
                         banks increasingly penetrated Ukraine:             credit lines, predominantly stemming
                         Their share in total sector statutory              from parent banks and corporations,
                         capital rose from about 20% at end-                were largely rolled over. In this fragile
                         2005 to 37% at end-2008. Lower in-                 situation, bad corporate governance
                         terest rates on foreign currency loans,            apparently contributed to a run on the
                         incentives to exploit the interest rate            sixth-largest Ukrainian bank in Octo-
                         differential provided by the de facto              ber 2008, which was quickly reined in
                         peg of the hryvnia to the U.S. dollar              by a substantial NBU liquidity injection
                         and capital inflow-induced apprecia-               (about EUR 700 million). Given the
                         tion pressures contributed to the in-              high proportion of foreign currency
                         creasing dollarization of lending in               loans in the Ukrainian banking system,
                         Ukraine. Driven by retail (notably                 the sizeable depreciation of the hryvnia
                         mortgage) lending, the share of foreign            in the final months of 2008 led to sig-
                         currency loans (mostly U.S. dollar-de-             nificant deterioration in the repayment
                         nominated) to the private sector rose              of loans. All these factors gave rise to a
                         from an already relatively high level of           general loss of confidence in banks,
                         43% to almost 60% in the period of                 which triggered a drain of about one-
                         observation.                                       fifth of private sector deposits (over
                             The sheer speed of the credit boom             one-quarter of hryvnia-denominated
                         heightened credit risk and strained                deposits and almost one-fifth of foreign
                         banks’ risk management practices,                  currency-denominated deposits) be-
                         while the currency composition of                  tween end-September 2008 and end-
                         loans reflected high and rising foreign            March 2009.
                         exchange risk (indirect credit risk),                  The stabilization of the Ukrainian
                         particularly with respect to unhedged              currency in the early months of 2009 as
                         borrower households. Increased depen-              well as the NBU’s resort to a package of

72                                                              FINANZMARKTSTABILITÄTSBERICHT 18 – DEZEMBER 2009
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banking-related emergency measures                             In a sign of rising liquidity preference,
helped to (temporarily) stabilize the sit-                     banks appear to be increasingly placing
uation in the Ukrainian banking sector:                        available liquidity in NBU correspon-
Large-scale liquidity support compris-                         dent accounts or investing it in short-
ing refinance credits amounting to                             term government bonds (OVDPs). Due
some 7.5% of GDP was extended by                               to the sharp decline in deposits, the
the NBU. Controls were imposed on                              loan-to-deposit ratio rose further,
the withdrawal of time deposits ahead                          reaching to the very high level of
of the respective maturity date (these                         226.5% by end-June 2009.
controls were lifted in May 2009), tight                           Given the depreciated hryvnia and
restrictions applied to retail as well as                      the slump of Ukrainian economic ac-
wholesale foreign currency lending, re-                        tivity, nonperforming loans (according
serve requirements were effectively                            to IMF calculations) doubled to 29.9%
eliminated and the deposit guarantee                           of total loans in the period from Sep-
level was adjusted from EUR 5,000 to                           tember 2008 to June 2009. During the
EUR 15,000. Thus, the drain of private                         same time, specific provisions to non-
sector deposits was stopped in March                           performing loans more than doubled to
and April 2009 and there have been                             9% of total loans. Accordingly, profit-
some modest deposit inflows since.                             ability – already relatively feeble in
From end-March to end-June 2009,                               earlier years – plunged into negative
private sector deposits increased by                           territory (June 2009: ROE –24.5%).
0.7%, (or by 1.8%, after exchange rate                         Some recently imposed administrative
adjustment3)4.                                                 restrictions may help stabilize the
    Banks’ reduced funding, authori-                           hryvnia, but effectively require banks
ties’ foreign currency lending restric-                        to maintain an open foreign exchange
tions and tighter lending standards, as                        position equal in size to their foreign-
well as the deep recession and the re-                         currency denominated loan loss provi-
sulting lower demand brought credit                            sions. In another reaction to the crisis,
growth to a halt in early 2009, with                           some banks have cut costs drastically,
sharp contractions in consumer and                             selling or shutting down retail branches
mortgage lending. Total private sector                         and slashing staff.
credit contracted by 2.4% from end-                                The authorities’ recapitalization
2008 to end-March 2009 (or by 1.2%                             program is linked to the IMF Stand-By
after exchange rate adjustment). While                         Arrangement by some elements of
hryvnia loans have shown some timid                            structural conditionality, including the
signs of recovery since March 2009,5                           issuing of legislation laying out the
foreign currency-denominated loans                             terms of financial support to banks, the
have continued to shrink in recent                             completion of diagnostic studies cover-
months. Total private sector loans                             ing systemically important credit insti-
declined by 0.3%, from end-March                               tutions, the formulation of problem
2009 to end-June 2009, but grew by                             bank resolution strategies and the adop-
2.9% in exchange rate-adjusted terms.                          tion of legislative amendments associ-

    Exchange rate adjustment implies that exchange rate effects which increase or decrease the stock of foreign currency-
    denominated credits expressed in hryvnia terms are eliminated from the calculation.
    However, in July and August 2009 Ukrainian households’ hryvnia deposits were again flowing out of the sector
    against the backdrop of renewed depreciation expectations.
    This recovery partly appears to be driven by stepped-up lending by state-owned banks to state-owned entities.

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                                    ated to the banking resolution mea-                                        contraction of GDP, a 25% drop in
                                    sures and to the requirement to dis-                                       house prices and a 30% hryvnia depre-
                                    close the ultimate owners of banks.                                        ciation, and revealed large capital defi-
                                    These conditions have been met. Out-                                       ciencies in the banking sector (about
                                    standing issues include the implementa-                                    EUR 4.4 billion, 38% of total banking
                                    tion of consolidated supervision and the                                   sector capital at end-2008). In the light
                                    publication of detailed information on                                     of more recent developments, the stress
                                    banks, in particular detailed balance                                      test assumptions appear to be some-
                                    sheets and income statements. No IMF                                       what optimistic. After the recapitaliza-
                                    funds are earmarked to finance the re-                                     tion of the two state-owned credit in-
                                    capitalization program. To secure fund-                                    stitutions in early 2009 (EUR 1.4 bil-
                                    ing for recapitalizing banks, authorities                                  lion), shareholders of most private
                                    requested an USD 750 million loan                                          banks, including all foreign-owned
                                    from the World Bank. All conditions                                        banks, started to inject the capital
                                    for the first tranche of USD 400 mil-                                      deemed necessary. Accordingly, strong
                                    lion were fulfilled in late August 2009                                    FDI inflows were recorded in April
                                    and the disbursement will be made af-                                      2009. However, shareholders of five
                                    ter approval by the World Bank Board                                       domestically-owned and systemically
                                    of Directors.                                                              important banks6 as well as of a number
                                        Carried out in late 2008, the above-                                   of smaller banks have been unable to
                                    mentioned diagnostic studies were                                          raise, or initiate the raising of, addi-
                                    based on stress tests assuming i.a. a 9%                                   tional capital. The authorities therefore
                                                                                                                                                          Chart 1

Banking Sector Developments since 2005
Private sector loans and deposits                                                          Nonperforming loans1 and provisions
% of GDP                                                                                   % of total loans
90                                                                                         35


50                                                                                         20

40                                                                                         15


 0                                                                                           0
           2005           2006             2007            2008           Q1 09               2005               2006               2007           2008    H1 09

         Total loans to the private sector                                                            Nonperforming loans
         Total deposits of the private sector                                                         Specific provisions to nonperforming loans
         Foreign currency loans to the private sector
         Foreign currency deposits of the private sector

Source: NBU, IMF, OeNB calculations.
1 According to IMF calculations. Nonperforming loans are those classified as substandard, doubtful and loss.

                                        The technical criteria for defining systemically important banks were agreed upon by the Ukrainian authorities,
                                        the World Bank and IMF staff members.

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Investor Commitment Tested by Deep Crisis: Banking Development in Ukraine

decided to take control of and recapi-                           ruptcy, mergers and acquisitions proce-
talize these five systemically important                         dures. In June 2009, the NBU put 15
problem institutions (their recapitaliza-                        banks into temporary administration.
tion needs are calculated at EUR 2.3                             As a result, in the 12 months to end-
billion, based on an update of the diag-                         June 2009, the share of state-owned
nostic studies’ results). Smaller prob-                          banks in the sector’s total assets almost
lem banks are to be resolved by bank-                            doubled to 16%.

 Austrian Banks’ Activities and Experience in Ukraine1
 During the past five years, four banks operating in Austria (RZB, Bank Austria, Erste Bank
 and ÖVAG) have acquired subsidiaries in Ukraine in order to profit from the thriving Ukrainian
 economy. As of the end of the second quarter of 2009, those subsidiaries held total assets of
 EUR 10.5 billion (approximately 13% of the overall banking sector in Ukraine), which were
 made up primarily of loans. In the past, the Ukrainian banking market was characterized by
 a high demand for foreign currency loans, which was spurred by the quasi-peg of the Ukrainian
 hryvnia to the U.S. dollar. Austrian parent banks have provided the necessary hard currency
 funding, with the result that more than 60% of subsidiaries’ loans were granted in foreign
 currencies. After the sharp depreciation of the hryvnia in the second half of 2008, foreign
 currency loans now account for more than 70% of the total value of loans.
      At the end of the second quarter of 2009, Austrian banks’ subsidiaries in Ukraine had
 issued loans to nonfinancial corporations and households worth approximately EUR 9.3 billion,
 while the cross-border direct lending exposure of Austrian parent banks to Ukrainian private
 nonbanks amounted to EUR 1.08 billion. Austrian subsidiaries’ semiannual lending growth
 rates were in the double digits for 2007 and the first six months of 2008. In contrast, the sec-
 ond half of 2008 featured a marked slowdown in lending growth (+4.4% from end-June to
 end-December 2008 on a currency-adjusted basis), and the first six months of 2009 exhibited
 the first decline in gross loan books (–5.7% from end-December 2008 to end-June 2009,
 currency-adjusted), which reflects the cautious business policy of Austrian banks in the current
 situation. This is no peculiarity of Austrian subsidiaries in Ukraine, as the country in general
 constitutes an extreme case of rapid lending growth followed by a standstill in credit markets.
 However, Austrian banks have remained committed to their Ukrainian subsidiaries. This is
 i.a. evidenced by the fact that the amount of interbank lending from Austrian parent banks
 has slightly increased from EUR 4.599 billion in September 2008 to EUR 4.610 billion as at
 June 2009.
      One reason for the careful stance of Austrian banks in Ukraine might be the deteriorating
 asset quality, which becomes apparent in the latest reports of their Ukrainian subsidiaries.
 During the first two quarters of 2009, the number of nonperforming loans increased sharply,
 reaching 10% to 20% of total loans, depending on the structure of individual banks’ loan port-
 folios. The share of restructured loans is close to one-third of the entire loan book, as one
 Ukrainian subsidiary of an Austrian bank reports – a fact which bodes ill for the future path
 of nonperforming loans.
      In the current crisis, Ukraine is presumably the most challenging market for Austrian
 banks in CESEE, because it is characterized by an extremely difficult macroeconomic situation
 combined with a complicated political environment. Moreover, the National Bank of Ukraine’s
 efforts to stabilize the national currency at times create some regulatory uncertainty.
     Author: Stefan Klocker, Financial Markets Analysis and Surveillance Division,

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                         3 Conclusion: Assessment of                        ward from –9%) and recover only hesi-
                           Current Risks                                    tantly in 2010 (+1%). In such an envi-
                         Looking ahead, a lot will depend on the            ronment, credit risk will rise further,
                         further development of the external                owing to looming large-scale corporate
                         environment, especially with regard to             defaults and households’ strained debt-
                         external demand, terms of trade and                servicing capacity, given increasing un-
                         external financing conditions.                     employment and downward pressure
                                                                            on wages. Especially the corporate sec-
                         3.1 Political Instability-Induced Risks            tor has to service both loans taken out
                         A clearly endogenous shock could be                at domestic banks as well as direct
                         triggered by political turbulences in the          cross-border loans.
                         run-up to the presidential elections                   Foreign currency-denominated loans
                         scheduled for January 2010. The IMF                (more than 50% of private sector
                         Executive Board approved the release               credit) are particularly exposed to de-
                         of the third tranche of the IMF standby            fault risk after the substantial deprecia-
                         credit in late July 2009; the next                 tion of the Ukrainian currency, which
                         review, however, which will take place             points to elevated indirect credit risk.
                         in November 2009, may be compli-                   In this context, the high share of for-
                         cated by power struggles among politi-             eign currency-denominated credit to
                         cal leaders. Should the disbursement be            – probably mostly unhedged – house-
                         delayed (as in February 2009), a decline           holds (more than 70% of total credit to
                         in market confidence in the hryvnia                households) is a special source of con-
                         and renewed depreciation are possible              cern. The foreign exchange market and
                         consequences. After the recent stabili-            trust in the hryvnia remain fragile (as
                         zation of deposits, this could also lead           exemplified by the most recent bout of
                         to a renewed erosion of depositors’                instability despite continuing exchange
                         confidence in banks, triggering another            controls). All the factors mentioned im-
                         round of withdrawals and heightening               ply a further deterioration in asset qual-
                         liquidity risk. Moreover, this would               ity and nonperforming loans are ex-
                         further increase already elevated indi-            pected to increase further. Debt re-
                         rect credit risk, given the prominent              structuring – which was initiated in
                         role of foreign currency-denominated               recent months and has, apparently, al-
                         loans in the Ukrainian banking sector.             ready produced some positive results –
                         A shock (e.g. a further depreciation of            remains an important task for banks to
                         the hryvnia plus another “wave” of the             counter defaults.
                         financial crisis) could also happen after
                         the elections.                                     3.3 Important Shock-Absorbing
                         3.2 Severe Recession Compounds                     While the outlook appears tough, the
                             Existing Vulnerabilities                       Ukrainian banking sector still boasts
                         Even if there are no further shocks, the           shock-absorbing capacities. So far, pro-
                         overall environment for banking sector             visions have held their ratio to expand-
                         activities will remain challenging in view         ing nonperforming loans (with this ra-
                         of the severe recession the Ukrainian              tio having even risen slightly from 26%
                         economy has entered. According to the              in September 2008 to 30% in June
                         latest forecast issued by the World Bank           2009) and capital adequacy has re-
                         in mid-July 2009, real GDP will con-               mained on a satisfactory level (July
                         tract by 15% in 2009 (revised down-                2009: 15.6%), thanks to the recapital-

76                                                              FINANZMARKTSTABILITÄTSBERICHT 18 – DEZEMBER 2009
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ization measures already undertaken               mains on track. Its support by interna-
and to a tendency of shrinking assets.            tional financial institutions and the
In recent years, the structure of banks’          strong commitment displayed by for-
external liabilities has improved inas-           eign parent banks also represent key
much as the share of long-term debt               stabilizing factors. It is noteworthy that
rose to 82% in March 2009. However,               with the help of coordinated interna-
given the size of previous currency de-           tional support a systemic banking crisis
preciation and the depth of the current           in Ukraine has been prevented so far
economic slump, it cannot be excluded             despite the depth of the overall eco-
that additional systemically important            nomic and financial crisis, which is en-
credit institutions turn insolvent.               couraging for the future notwithstand-
Therefore, it is important that the au-           ing the risks outlined above.
thorities’ recapitalization program re-

Astrov, V. 2009. Ukraine: Back to External Equilibrium. In: Current Analyses and Forecasts No. 4.
   wiiw. 116-120.
Demel, W. and J. Sikimic. 2009. CEE Banking Sector Report: Rough Playing Field …
   Committed Players. Raiffeisen Research.
IMF. 2008. Ukraine: Request for Stand-By Arrangement – Staff Report.
IMF .2009. Ukraine: Second Review under the Stand-By Arrangement and Request for Modi-
   fication of Performance Criteria – Staff Report.
National Bank of Ukraine. 2009. Statistical Bulletin June.
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