Investment Update "Classic" Cautious Portfolio August 2021 - Russell Investments

Page created by Audrey Griffin

 “Classic” Cautious Portfolio
 August 2021

 Russell Investments may trade a portion of the Fund’s assets based on a model portfolio provided by
 the investment advisor. By employing this emulated portfolio approach, the Fund leverages off the
 implementation capabilities of Russel Investments in order to manage the funds in an efficient manner.

The cycle of market emotions
Over the lifetime of an investment you will experience a range of different emotions.
Investment success over the long term depends on you working with your adviser to ensure
this emotional journey does not lead to decisions that could derail your investment journey.
This section illustrates that cycle in terms of historical periods.

Market outlook
This section looks at the current economic environment and what factors are driving markets.
We also describe how we have recently adapted our multi-asset portfolios to adapt to this

Model portfolio fact sheet
This section describes the model portfolio/s you are invested in, the makeup of the portfolio
in terms of multi-manager investment funds, and the performance of the portfolio over time.

Capacity for loss guide
We’d like you to have a clear picture of the returns you may experience in this investment, so
this section illustrates the typical returns your investment portfolio may generate over the
coming years as well as a transparent look at what performance the portfolio has delivered
over 12-month periods, since inception.

Model portfolio performance
A look at cumulative returns across the ten model portfolio range allows you to see the
relationship between increasing risk and the resultant returns in rising markets (such as 2012)
as well as more challenging times (such as 2011).

Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update
The cycle of market emotions

Latest month end data as at 31 December 2020. Illustration purposes only.
Market cycle returns calculated using Ibbotson U.S. Equity Total Return Index from 1971–1978 and Russell 3000® Index from 1979–2020.
Any past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Indexes are unmanaged and cannot be invested in directly.

             Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update
Market Outlook
 Market Review – August 2021
 ➢ The MSCI World Net Index advanced 3.6% in August. Despite the worrying rise of new coronavirus cases owing to the
   Delta variant of Covid-19, the continued rollout of vaccines and the prospect for a booster jab, helped the global
   economy to broadly strengthen over the month. This increased inflationary pressures and major central banks indicated
   that they would intervene if the pace of the economic recovery were not to moderate. However, they remained
   accommodative for the time being. Markets were unsure how to interpret the Chinese government’s clampdowns on
   several sectors, notably technology, whilst geopolitical tension rose after the US orchestrated its withdrawal of troops
   and others from Afghanistan. Over the period, the US dollar strengthened slightly whilst oil prices declined.
 ➢ In the US, the latest non-farm payrolls beat expectations with a rise of 943,000 in July and the unemployment rate ticked
   lower to 5.4%. Meanwhile, second estimates for second quarter GDP growth indicated an expansion of 6.6% QoQ,
   slightly higher than the 6.5% in the advance estimate but still below forecasts of 6.7%. Additionally, core inflation moved
   to a multi-year high of 4.3% YoY in July, testing the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) supportive monetary stance. Consequently,
   at the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium, Fed Chair Jay Powell argued that it “could be appropriate to start reducing the
   pace of asset purchases this year”. According to the minutes, this position reflected the views of the other Fed policy
   makers, who drew a similar conclusion in the latest Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting. Additionally, the
   US House of Representatives approved the framework of President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion domestic package. This will
   give the US economy a boost but will almost certainly also add further inflationary pressures.
 ➢ Across the pond, the Bank of England kept its interest rate unchanged, but also revealed that a modest tightening of
   monetary policy could be necessary in the next two years to keep inflation under control. This comes however, as the
   latest core inflation rate dropped to 1.8% YoY in July. In other news, UK’s consumer confidence surpassed pre-pandemic
   levels for the second month in a row, as people continued to spend their pent-up money on beauty, clothes and
   hospitality during the mid-summer months. Minutes from the European Central Bank Monetary Policy Meeting Accounts
   indicated that some members disagreed with the new guidance on future monetary policy, as it risked underestimating
   the effects of rising inflation. A flash print for euro zone core inflation indicated a rise to 1.6% YoY in August, whilst
   headline inflation climbed to 3.0% YoY this month.
 ➢ The MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) Index increased 3.7%. China’s Central Committee and the State Council issued a five-
   year plan to bolster regulations for sectors such as technology and health care. The aim is to “meet people’s ever-
   growing demands for a good life”. The State Administration for Market Regulation also published draft rules targeting
   unfair competition practices. This comes as Chinese authorities cracked down on several sectors (e.g. technology,
   education) recently, which spooked investors. President Xi Jinping also called for stronger “regulation of high incomes”.
   In economic news, the People’s Bank of China kept its 1-year (3.85%) and 5-year (4.65%) rates unchanged. In Mexico,
   state-controlled oil company Pemex struggled with a fire at an offshore oil platform which unfortunately claimed the
   lives of five workers. This fire also reduced the country’s oil output by roughly a quarter, helping send oil prices higher in
   the last week of August. Mexico’s second quarter GDP growth rate expanded by 1.5% QoQ, missing expectations but
   marking the fourth consecutive quarter of growth. In Brazil, the country’s central bank enacted its biggest interest rate
   rise in almost two decades this month, with a 100-basis point increase to 5.25%.

Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update
Market Outlook
  Strategist’s Outlook
  Equities: Preference for non-U.S. equities
  ➢ The post-vaccine economic recovery should favour undervalued cyclical value stocks over expensive technology and
    growth stocks. Relative to the US, the rest of the world is overweight cyclical value stocks.
  Fixed income: Government Bonds still expensive
  ➢ We view government bonds as expensive and think that yields will be under upward pressure as output gaps close and
    central banks look to taper back asset purchases.
  Currencies: U.S. dollar likely to weaken
  ➢ The US dollar should weaken once investors have fully priced in Fed tightening expectations and as the global economic
    recovery becomes more entrenched. The dollar typically gains during global downturns and declines in the recovery
    phase. The main beneficiary is likely to be the euro, which is still undervalued. We also believe British sterling and the
    economically sensitive commodity currencies - the Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar and the Canadian dollar - can
    make further gains, although these currencies are no longer undervalued from a longer-term perspective.

Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update

    Cautious Portfolio
  Russell Investments                  Comprised mainly of investment strategies designed to weather turbulent market
  Client Portfolio Manager             conditions, the Cautious Portfolio is best suited to more risk-averse investors that want
                                       their money to work harder than bank deposits. Fixed income and absolute return type
  Using a multi-asset approach, our
                                       investments feature heavily, especially those designed to generate positive returns
  Model Portfolios are globally        without exercising a greater amount of investment risk. The portfolio features small
  diversified. Each one provides       allocations to global equity and inflation-linked investments such as property,
  exposure to a mix of shares, bonds commodities and infrastructure; however the total allocation to these investments is
  and alternative investments
  delivered by a variety of underlying just 23%.
  money managers and investment
                                       The Cautious Portfolio within our Model Portfolio Range
  This careful blending emphasises
  return potential whilst attempting
  to manage risk and may help
  provide more consistent returns
  over the long term. This
  diversification means that your
  investment is working for you no
  matter what investment approach
  or style is in favour at any given

Inception to Date Cumulative Return


 10%                                                                                                                      121
  5%                                                                                                                      111
  0%                                                                                                                      101
 -5%                                                                                                                      91










































                            Portfolio Quarterly Return        Inflation (CPI)      Portfolio Cumulative Return

  Source: Russell Investments, net returns in GBP from 01/02/2010 to 31/08/2021. Any past performance figures is
  not a guide to future performance.

   Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update
Capacity for Loss
                   Cautious Model Portfolio

                                     5%                                UK Growth Assets
                                            14.5%                      International Growth Assets
                                                                       Real Assets
                                                                       Defensive Assets

                                                                Russell Risk Score           2 / 10   Projected Annual Return (%)             3.9
                        75%                                     DT Risk Score                3 / 10   Since Inception Annual Return (%)       3.7
                                                                Max 12-month Return (%)      13.76    Projected Annual Volatility (%)         5.4
                                                                Min 12-month Return (%)       -4.4    Since Inception Annual Volatility (%)   4.2

                 Historic Returns
               The number of times a portfolio has experienced a given return (horizontal axis) in any 12-month period since
               launch. Standard deviation is applied to the annual rate of return of an investment to measure the investment’s
               volatility, it is a statistical measurement that illustrates historical volatility. For example, a volatile stock has a
               high standard deviation, while the deviation of a stable stock is lower. A large dispersion indicates how much the
               return on the fund is deviating from the expected normal returns.
             -25.0                  -15.0              -5.0                5.0                  15.0               25.0                35.0
                                                          Actual Annual             Modelled Annual
                                                             Return                     Return

            8                                 -2 s.d     -1 s.d                                       +2 s.d.
                 -25 -23 -21 -19 -17 -15 -13 -11 -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 1             3     5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39
                                                                                  Annual Return

                   Source: Russell Investments, net returns in GBP from 01/02/2010 to 31/08/2021. Any past performance figures is
                   not a guide to future performance.

                   Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update
Model Portfolio Performance
 Performance data as at 31 August 2021
 This table shows the performance of all ten Russell Investments Model Portfolios for different periods.
                          Cumulative Performance (%)                                         PA (%)                          Discrete Performance (%)

                                   1             3            1             3         5       Since      30/06/21-     30/06/20-        30/06/19-       30/06/18-     30/06/17-
  Portfolio Name
                                 Month         Months        Year         Years     Years    launch*     30/06/20      30/06/19         30/06/18        30/06/17      30/06/16

  Secure                          0.3           2.2          6.3          13.8      16.8      2.9          6.3           1.9               4.3                1.0       3.4

  Cautious                        0.5           2.5          8.6          16.1      21.6      3.7          8.8           1.4               4.5                1.7       4.9

  Conservative                    0.8           2.8          11.1         18.1      26.5      4.6          11.5          0.4               4.6                2.5       6.8

  Moderate                        1.0           3.0          13.6         20.4      31.7      5.4          14.1          -0.2              4.8                3.2       8.5

  Balanced                        1.3           3.3          16.6         23.1      37.5      6.2          17.4          -1.0              5.0                4.0       10.2

  Progressive                     1.5           3.6          18.8         24.6      42.1      7.0          19.8          -1.9              5.0                4.8       12.0

  Adventurous                     1.8           3.8          21.9         26.3      47.0      7.7          22.9          -3.2              5.0                5.5       13.7

  Growth                          2.0           4.1          24.1         28.1      52.4      8.5          25.4          -3.9              5.1                6.3       15.7

  Aggressive                      2.3           4.3          27.2         29.5      57.4      9.3          28.5          -5.3              5.2                7.0       17.5

  Aggressive Plus                 2.5           4.6          29.4         31.2      62.2      9.9          31.0          -6.1              5.3                7.6       19.1

 This table shows the performance of some common asset classes for different periods.
                                Cumulative Performance (%)                                     PA (%)                              Discrete Performance (%)
                                      1             3            1            3        5        Since      30/06/21-     30/06/20-        30/06/19-       30/06/18-    30/06/17-
 Common indices
                                     Month        Months        Year        Years    Years     launch*     30/06/20      30/06/19         30/06/18        30/06/17     30/06/16
                                        0.0           0.0          0.1       1.3      2.0        0.5          0.1          0.6               0.7               0.4        0.3
 Bank of England Base
 UK Gilts
                                        -0.8          2.7          -1.8     11.8      7.6        4.9         -6.3          11.3              4.9               1.9       -0.9
 ICE BofA UK Gilts All Stocks
 Global Credit
 Bloomberg Global Agg Credit            -0.2          2.1          2.2      16.7      16.4       4.5          2.7          5.5               7.4              -0.6        1.5
 GBP Hedged
 UK equities
                                        2.7           3.4       26.9        11.4      33.3       7.6         21.5          -13.0             0.6               9.0       18.1
 FTSE All Share
 Global equities
                                        2.7           6.9       29.6        45.6      88.7      11.4         35.9          1.9               5.1               9.7       18.3
 Emerging Markets
 MSCI Emerging Markets Index            3.7           -1.0      17.8        25.2      56.1       6.9         26.0          -0.5              5.0               6.5       27.4
 FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global                2.4           9.5       29.7        17.5      24.8      10.2         19.5          -13.7            11.7               3.9        3.1

Source: Russell Investments as at 31/08/2021 (% change, GBP). Performance figures for the Russell
Investments Model Portfolios are calculated using the performance of the underlying FP Russell
Investments ICVC funds (C class shares) during the same period. The performance of the Model
Portfolios is calculated using the current portfolio weightings of each fund as shown in the brochure
“Helping you achieve outcomes that matter” dated June 2017. The since launch date (31/01/2010) is
the date that we launched the Russell Investments Model Portfolios. 3 and 5 year figures are
cumulative, since inception annualised. All performance quoted net of C share class fees. Performance
figures are calculated assuming a quarterly rebalance. Any past performance figures are not necessarily
a guide to future performance.

 Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update

 Call Russell Investments at +44(0)207 024 6601 or email

 Unless otherwise specified, Russell Investments is the source of all data. All information contained in
 this material is current at the time of issue and, to the best of our knowledge, accurate. Any opinion
 expressed is that of Russell Investments, is not a statement of fact, is subject to change and does not
 constitute investment advice.
 Your clients must consult the prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIID) before
 deciding whether to invest.
 Please note that the value of investment and the income derived from them may go down as well as
 up and an investor may not receive back the amount originally invested.
 Any data on past performance, modeling or back-testing contained herein is no indication as to future
 performance. No representation is made as to the reasonableness of the assumptions made within or
 the accuracy or completeness of any modeling or back-testing.
 Russell Investments may trade a portion of the Fund’s assets based on a model portfolio provided by
 the investment advisor. By employing this emulated portfolio approach, the Fund leverages off the
 implementation capabilities of Russel Investments in order to manage the funds in an efficient
 FP Russell Investments ICVC (the “Company”) is an investment company with variable capital
 incorporated in England and Wales under registered number IC000708 and authorised by the Financial
 Conduct Authority with effect from 22 October 2008. FundRock Partners Limited (formerly Fund
 Partners Limited) is the Authorised Corporate Director (the “ACD”) of the FP Russell Investments ICVC
 and is authorised and regulated by the FCA. Registered office: 52-54 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V
 Russell Investments Limited has been appointed as the investment manager and distributor in respect
 of the Company. Applications for shares in the Company are subject to the terms and conditions set
 out in the Prospectus, Key Investor Information Document (KIID), Supplementary Information
 Document (SID), instrument of incorporation and latest annual and half-yearly long reports of the
 Company. Investors and potential investors must read the KIID and are also advised to read the
 remaining documents (and in particular the risk warnings) before making an investment in the
 Company. Copies are available free of charge on request from the ACD and Russell Investments
 This document is issued by Russell Investments Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales
 under registered number 02086230 and with its registered office at: Rex House, 10 Regent Street,
 London SW1Y 4PE. Telephone 44 (0)20 7024 6000. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
 Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN.

Russell Investments // Cautious Portfolio Monthly Update
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