INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

Page created by Sue Myers
INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -
A great place to do business
INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

1.7                           $5.2
                                                         5                    386
million                       billion                              China      thousand
Current population            Tourism spend              Top five countries   International visitors
                              (June 2014)                of origin            (June 2014)

5.7                           29.3                       $18.3 175
million                       million                    billion              thousand
Visitors                      Visitor nights             Retail sales         Adelaide Convention
                                                                              Centre delegates
                                                                              and visitors

Adelaide, the capital of South Australia,
encompasses the best of both worlds: urban
development and familiar comforts. A well-designed
city, bordered by 900 hectares of green parklands,
Adelaide is serviced by a strong public transport
network and an international airport just 7 kilometres
from the central business district.

Its pleasant Mediterranean climate is enjoyed by
about 1.2 million people who call Adelaide home.

Adelaide ranks fifth (of 140 cities) in The Economist
most recent survey of the world’s cities and has
earned a spot in The Sunday Times’ list of best                   ADELAIDE
places to live overseas.
                                                            SOUTH AUSTRALIA
INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -
ADELAIDE is one of the world’s leading small cities –
a great place to invest, work and grow.
South Australia’s capital offers extensive investment potential and is
consistently recognised as one of the most affordable capital cities to live
and do business in Australia.

The retail, tourism, education, health, professional services,
entrepreneurial, commercial and residential property development sectors
are driving Adelaide forward as an internationally competitive urban hub.

Each day 120,000 skilled workers populate the city, supporting Adelaide’s
5,500+ businesses. Adding to that are 5.7 million visitors to South
Australia each year who bolster the vibrant activity of the city.

Adelaide is currently undergoing more than $3.5 billion of major
development works within the central business district alone including:

• Casino redevelopment, $250 million

• Festival Centre expansion, $400 million

• Adelaide Oval, $535 million

• New Royal Adelaide Hospital, $1.85 billion

• South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, $200 million

• Victoria Square, $24 million and

• Rundle Mall master plan, $30 million

Strong partnerships between industry and government have heralded
ongoing legislative reforms to make Adelaide the best capital city in
Australia for business.

Adelaide is the place to be in business right now.

City Growth and Investment team:

                    Patrick Robinson
                    Senior Advisor, Investment Growth
                    T +61 (0) 8 8203 7829
                    M +61 (0) 404 444 251

                   Dominic Pangallo
                   Advisor, Sector Development
                   T +61 (0) 8 8203 7593
INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

South Australia’s tourism industry is             The South Australia has long been                 A highlight is the historic Adelaide
flourishing with $5.3 billion expenditure         internationally regarded for its diverse and      Central Markets, a mecca for locally
recorded in the 2013-14 financial year.           well-curated events program. Scheduling           grown produce and international cuisine
                                                  includes pro-cycling’s first race of the year,    that showcase Adelaide’s strong food and
Tourism now employs 33,000 people in the          the SANTOS Tour Down Under, Adelaide              wine culture.
state – three times the number employed by        Festival, Adelaide Fringe Festival and world
the mining industry.

                                                                                                    15.5 million
                                                  music extravaganza WOMADelaide.
The City is the focal point for the tourism       The Adelaide Convention Centre has been
sector and the gateway to the State’s tourist     voted one of the world’s top conference and       Visitor Nights
attractions. A city-based tourism industry        meeting venues and is also undergoing an          Metro Adelaide
means the state’s capital attracts 56 per cent    extensive redevelopment worth almost $400
of total visitor expenditure.                     million. The first stage of works was finalised
                                                  in March 2015 and the second stage – a
However, Adelaide’s appeal as an accessible
                                                  regeneration of the exhibition hall – will be

                                                                                                    $6.25 million
City in which you can travel from hills to
                                                  completed in mid-2017. The venue’s total
beach in 50 minutes allows tourists to easily
                                                  capacity is 5000 guests.
explore the many neighbouring regions such
as Barossa, McLaren Vale and Adelaide Hills.                                                        Value add from
                                                  In support of the City’s growing convention       City’s top 10 events
                                                  market there are 7000+ hotel rooms
                                                  available in the City and growing. Most
                                                  hotels are within walking distance from the
                                                  Adelaide Convention Centre and the city’s
                                                  business and entertainment precincts.

INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

Adelaide’s retail precincts are                Cafes and pop-up outlets now punctuate          Retail expenditure
constantly evolving to provide                 the east-west pathway that links two other      (South Australia)
residents and visitors with a multitude        important retail precincts, Adelaide’s East

                                                                                               $14.4 billion
of options from major brands to                and West ends.
boutique offerings.                                                                                                                2000
                                               Adelaide’s East End, centred on Rundle
Spread throughout the City from east to
west, north and south, retail dominates
                                               Street, draws on some of the City’s oldest
                                               architecture to set the scene; a blend of
                                                                                               $18.3 billion                       2014

several of the main thoroughfares.             hospitality and boutique retail shopfronts.     Average increase p/a $276 million
                                               The West End hosts a more eclectic mix          Average Annual growth 1.7%
At Adelaide’s heart is Rundle Mall,            with vintage shops smattered among a
the State’s premier shopping precinct.         thriving collection of Adelaide’s newest
A recently completed $30 million upgrade
and significant improvements to the
David Jones and Myer department
                                               small bars and restaurants.

                                               Australian Bureau of Statistics figures
                                                                                               $441.1 million
                                                                                               Value Add
stores have positioned the Mall as a           record South Australia enjoyed $18 billion
                                                                                               (Economic Contribution) 2012-13
compelling destination. Apple, Ted Baker,      in retail turnover in 2014 up 3.4 per cent on
Tiffany & Co, KoKo Black and Jamie Oliver      the previous year.
have recently established stores in the
precinct. New flagship brands and fashion
labels are expected to join more than 700
specialty retailers located in the Mall and
adjacent arcades.

INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -
      & RESEARCH

      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

Higher education has long been one             These close links have been formed by a
of the cornerstones of Adelaide’s              strong ethos towards research in the public
international appeal and continues to          and private sectors.
drive growth in the City.

Adelaide has produced Australia’s highest
                                               Adelaide marked the beginning of a new era
                                               in late 2013 with the opening of the South
                                                                                                Current projects
number of Nobel Prize winners - three of       Australian Health and Medical Research           in the pipeline
Australia’s 13 – and about 100 Rhodes          Institute. More than 700 researchers from
Scholars are former Adelaide alumni.           the universities and New Royal Adelaide

                                               Hospital, conveniently located alongside,
Over 30,000 international students             will forge new pathways in an industry
predominantly from China, India and South      hungry for growth and excellence.
East Asia study in South Australia every                                                        Total International
year at world acclaimed universities and       With three lauded public universities            Students 2013
education providers. 23,000 are enrolled in    (University of Adelaide, University of
City based institutions.

University and commercially-based research
                                               South Australia and Flinders University),
                                               campuses of two leading international
                                               universities (Torrens University Australia       Total Students 2013
and development in Adelaide have led           and Carnegie Mellon) and many private,
international change in the biotechnology,     specialist and training institutions, Adelaide
agriculture, winemaking, animal science and    offers great diversity in further education
information technology fields.                 and research.

INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

Adelaide industries have welcomed               “SAHMRI will be a vibrant, globally             There are plans for a second SAHMRI wing
the creation of a world-class health            recognised research institute which             that would almost double the floor space
and biomedical precinct in the north-           harnesses dynamic collaborations to deliver     of the facility and accommodate research
western corner of the city.                     tangible health outcomes and community          pertaining to the CSIRO’s nutrition and
                                                impacts not just in Australia, but across the   health sciences program. This facility
Featuring 25,000 square metres of               world,” he said.                                would include a proton therapy treatment
purpose-built research facilities in the                                                        unit and host a clinical trials unit among
South Australian Health and Medical             These elements make Adelaide a leader in        other features.
Research Institute (SAHMRI), the new            this field and there are many opportunities

Royal Adelaide Hospital and new University      for private investment. Investors can play
of Adelaide medical training facilities,        a critical role in the development of health
the area is the largest specialist health       services, medical devices, pharmaceutical
zone in the southern hemisphere.                industries and the testing, refining and
                                                commercialisation of health research and
More than 8,000 staff – including 1,500         technologies.                                   Invested upgrading the
global medical researchers – and 6,000                                                          Royal Adelaide Hospital
students will be accommodated in the            SAHMRI’s specialist fields of interest are:
facilities.                                     heart health, Aboriginal health, mind and

                                                brain, cancer, healthy mothers, babies
At the time of opening, SAHMRI executive        and children, infection and immunity and

director Professor Steve Wesselingh said the    nutrition and metabolism.
centre’s potential was unlimited.

                                                                                                40 Health & Medical
                                                                                                conferences in 2017

INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

Commercial development is one of                  Recent changes to Liquor Licensing
Adelaide’s fastest growing sectors and            legislation have also accommodated growth
the Adelaide City Council is proactive            in small bar venues around the city. More
about facilitating further expansion.             than 40 small bars and restaurants have          Average annual growth
                                                  opened in the CBD, particularly in laneways
Council’s strategic plans seek to foster          in the east and west ends, giving birth to a
population growth and economic prosperity         bustling entertainment scene that reaches
that create new commercial activities.

Strong stakeholder engagement plans
                                                  into every corner of Adelaide’s public spaces.

                                                  A research report by international real
and business advisory services add value          estate and investment management                 Value of planning
to commercial investment opportunities in                                                          approvals in City
                                                  firm Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) identified
the city for all investors from large property    Adelaide as a “quiet achiever”. The report
developers to small and medium enterprises        states Adelaide consistently achieves
to micro and niche operations.                    more stable returns compared with other
                                                  CBD office markets and enjoys diverse
The State Government has streamlined
                                                  quality tenants.
the proposal process for large-scale
developments in particular through red tape
reduction, modified planning processes,
improved infrastructure, engagement with
industry groups and community consultation.

INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

Adelaide’s ambitious goal of doubling          Adelaide City Council is committed to              “There’s a new energy in the city at
the City’s population by 2040 will             facilitating the growth of supply and demand       the moment, a feeling that anything is
require a great deal more residential          for residential growth in the City, working with   possible with the right vision and some hard
development to support the forecast            the State Government.                              work,” Starfish managing director Damon
growth.                                                                                           Nagel said.
                                               Demographic studies indicate that the
Already, Adelaide is the second fastest        proportion of South Australia’s population         Starfish Developments is also behind the
growing local government area in the state     over 65 will rise dramatically causing two         Bohem project on Wright Street in the
with a consistent growth rate of 3 per cent    outcomes: a multi-generational workforce           City’s West End that will feature 220 one,
in recent years.                               and a new wave of retirees looking for             two and three bedroom apartments. The
                                               lifestyle driven accommodation options.            design features two buildings with scaled
Four of the State Government’s strategic                                                          heights from 12 to 17 storeys and a two
priorities are centred around housing and      This has already become evident in the mix         metre vertical garden facade. The $105
housing issues, favouring urban renewal        of buyers for off-the-plan apartments Vue          million development will begin construction
over urban sprawl, ensuring medium to          on King William Street. The $100 million           in early 2015.
high density developments will be the way      205-apartment development will become the

of the future.                                 city’s tallest residential tower at 27 storeys.

These housing options will accommodate         The project, led by Adelaide-based Starfish                                     HOUSES
city residents from workers and young
professionals to retirees, baby boomers
and students.
                                               Developments in collaboration with Asian
                                               Pacific Group, has been well received.             5.5%                            UNITS
                                                                                                  Residential median prices
                                                                                                  average annual growth since 2000
                                                                                                  (Adelaide local government area)

INVEST ADELAIDE A great place to do business -

      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

Adelaide is an emerging global start-up      Many of Adelaide’s business leaders are         Global technology leader Microsoft
community. It has developed a strong         actively engaged in mentoring young             launched its second Australian Innovation
culture of innovation and collaboration      entrepreneurs, both independently and           Centre in Adelaide in 2015.
among the business community. It has         through structured programs. There are
the best coordinated entrepreneurial         seven coworking spaces in the CBD alone         “We felt South Australia gave us a unique
ecosystem in Australia.                      that support innovation through collaboration   opportunity in terms of access to talent and
                                             and networking. Some spaces are industry        – probably more importantly – a joined-up
With low overhead costs, extensive           specific and many have been the birthplace      ecosystem between industry, government
networking opportunities and formidable      of successful technical, creative and           and academia to make a go of it,” Microsoft
support from government and the              professional ventures.                          state director Brian Kealey said at the time.
business community, entrepreneurs are

readily embraced by the community and        The coworking communities work in closely
encouraged to expand their opportunities     with local businesses and with Adelaide’s
and build their businesses in Adelaide.      universities , many of which offer their own
                                             accelerator programs and coaching.              Programs supporting
Both the Adelaide City Council and State                                                     entrepreneurs
Government are committed to nurturing        Adelaide has well-deserved reputation as
innovators; there are more than 100          a city that is open to innovation and a safe

programs supporting entrepreneurs and        environment to introduce and test new
the majority of these are coordinated by     products and services.
Adelaide’s own entrepreneurial community.
                                                                                             Businesses entries
                                                                                             for SA 2013-14
                                                                                             ABS 8165.0 - Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits,
                                                                                             Jun 2010 to Jun 2014


      Invest Adelaide
      Fact Sheet

With the increasing population and
growth of other industry sectors comes
                                                Rising incomes in foreign markets,
                                                substantial infrastructure projects in SA and   $6,831 40%
the inherent need for support from              the ever-increasing demand for technologies
professional services.                          and services are being tracked by the                                      of economic
                                                Adelaide City Council as potential launch                                     activity by
Building a local economy is only possible       pads for growth.                                Value Add (Economic        professional
with the expertise of lawyers, accountants,                                                     Contribution) 2012-13 services industry
architects, engineers, management               Streamlining legislative and tax regimes to
and consultant services, media and              reduce red tape and stimulate business is a

                                                                                                37,470                    32%
communications, information technology          priority of all levels of Government.
specialists and many more.
                                                In 2012 Ernst and Young’s independent
Other industries rely on these services to      assessment of savings achieved by the                                      Proportion of
allow them to establish themselves and focus    Government’s red tape reduction program                                     employment
on their own specialist fields.                 confirmed savings to businesses and the                                  by professional
                                                                                                Employment (2011)      services industry
                                                community of $151 million. These aspects
                                                further cement Adelaide as one of Australia’s
                                                most affordable capitals to do business.

to join 5,500 other Adelaide CBD businesses
       Top 5
     to invest
                               Metro population
                                                         Forecast population 2026        151,401
 Strong forecast economic                                                                Employed in the CBD
  and population growth

                                                             City economy

  Highly skilled workforce

                                  1.3m Free                                                    Adelaide
                                                                                         average annual wage
                               square metres of office      WiFi across the City
                                  space in the City
    Excellent transport
  and trade infrastructure

                                                                                            South Australia
                                                                                         average annual wage
  Affordable commercial
  and residential property

                                $3.5b                         $36b
  One of the most liveable
                                   Current major
                                                              Planned transport
                                                              expenditure next
   city’s in the world (5th)                                      30 years
                                                                                         average annual wage

86,000                                    18.3% 46.8% 36.8%
                                           7.5% SA 8.1% AUS         29.4% SA 29.4% AUS
Students at City schools,                                                                 14.1% SA 36.1% AUS
universities and colleges                     Post Graduate               Bachelor           Cert/Vocational

220,000                        10 mins                              50+                  7,000+
 Daily visitors to the CBD      Drive from City centre to           City hotels and         Hotel rooms
                                    Adelaide airport               accommodation            in the CBD
The Adelaide City Council is committed
to assisting investors and businesses to
achieve success and realise their goals.

The Council’s City Growth and Investment
team has close ties with local industries
and provides focussed services and sound
advice, based on experience, during all
stages of the investment lifecycle.

The Council facilitates investment
opportunities as well as provides assistance
to access established and emerging
networks in business, media, government
and niche sectors, as well as informing
property solutions and links to relevant
grants, sponsorships and incentives.
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