Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...

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Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
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                                     United States Department of the Interior
                               Invasive Species Strategic Plan
                                                                           2021 - 2025
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
Invasive Species Cover Images
Cheatgrass, Bromus tectorum (photo credit U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Brazilian Elodea, Egeria densa (photo credit Barry Rice,,
Grass Carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (photo credit U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Nutria, Myocastor coypus (photo credit U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (photo credit U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Brown Treesnake, Boiga irregularis (photo credit U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service-Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center)

Suggested Citation
U.S. Department of the Interior. 2021. U.S. Department of the Interior Invasive Species Strategic Plan,
Fiscal Years 2021-2025. Washington, D.C., 54p.

                                                                         Invasive Species Strategic Plan
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...

Key Terms .......................................................................................................................................    i
Executive Summary .........................................................................................................................         ii
Invasive Species Strategic Framework at a Glance ........................................................................... iv
  I. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................   1
     Economic Impact of Invasive Species ...........................................................................................                4
     Interior Involvement in Addressing Invasive Species .......................................................................                    7
 II. Plan Development, Implementation, and Reporting ...................................................................... 10
III. Invasive Species Management Mission and Vision ....................................................................... 12
IV. Crosscutting Principles .............................................................................................................. 13
 V. Goals, Objectives, and Strategies ............................................................................................... 14
     Goal 1: Collaborate across Interior and with others to optimize operations through leveraging
     partnerships, joint educational efforts, and shared funding ............................................................ 14
     Goal 2: Cost-effectively prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species into and
     within the United States .............................................................................................................. 17
     Goal 3: Implement early detection and rapid response efforts in coordination with other
     Federal agencies, States, Tribes, Territories, and other partners to reduce potential damage
     and costs from new infestations becoming established ................................................................. 19
     Goal 4: Cost-effectively control or eradicate established invasive species populations to
     reduce impacts and help restore ecosystems ............................................................................... 21
     Goal 5: Improve invasive species data management for decision-making at all levels of
     government ................................................................................................................................ 24
VI. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix A: Bureau and Offce Missions and Roles in Invasive Species Management ............................ 26
Appendix B: Department of the Interior Regions .................................................................................. 33
Appendix C: Examples of Invasive Species Plans, Agreements, and Federal Coordination ...................... 34
Appendix D: Invasive Species Strategic Plan Metrics ........................................................................... 37
Appendix E: Laws and Policies Guiding Invasive Species Management at the Department
of the Interior ................................................................................................................................... 39
Contributors .................................................................................................................................... 45

                                                                                                    Invasive Species Strategic Plan
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
Key Terms

  Invasive species: With regard to a particular ecosystem, a non-native organism whose introduction
  causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human, animal, or plant

 Invasive species management: Activities including, but not limited to, planning (identifcation and
 inventory, prioritization, establishing action thresholds), monitoring, prevention, early detection, rapid
 response, eradication, control, restoration, research, and regulatory approaches used to minimize
 the threat of invasive species.

 United States: The 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Territories of American Samoa, Guam,
 the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and
 U.S. insular possessions, including Midway Island, Wake Island, Palmyra Island, Howland Island,
 Johnston Island, Baker Island, Kingman Reef, Jarvis Island, and other U.S. islands, cays, and reefs
 that are not part of the 50 States.

                                                                        Invasive Species Strategic Plan       i
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
Executive Summary

Invasive species pose a signifcant threat to the         Interior identifed the following fve goals to advance
ecological, economic, and cultural integrity of          invasive species management:
America’s lands and waters and the communities
they support. Controlling them can be complex,           1. Collaborate across Interior and with others
expensive, and often continues indefnitely. In              to optimize operations through leveraging
some cases, invasive species cause harm which is            partnerships, joint educational efforts, and shared
potentially irreversible. Strategic solutions advanced      funding.
in collaboration with partners can often successfully
                                                         2. Cost-effectively prevent the introduction and spread
resolve or forestall invasive species impacts.
                                                            of invasive species into and within the United
The Department of the Interior’s (Interior) Invasive
Species Strategic Plan (Plan), developed pursuant to     3. Implement early detection and rapid response
the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management,          efforts in coordination with other Federal agencies,
and Recreation Act (Public Law 116-9), provides             States, Tribes, Territories, and other partners to
an overarching framework for the broad spectrum             reduce potential damage and costs from new
of activities that are performed by ten of Interior’s       infestations becoming established.
Bureaus and multiple offces. The Plan includes           4. Cost-effectively control or eradicate established
goals, objectives, strategies, and performance              invasive species populations to reduce impacts and
measures, as well as crosscutting principles that           help restore ecosystems.
guide its implementation. The strategies refect
                                                         5. Improve invasive species data management for
both work that is ongoing and opportunities to focus
                                                            decision-making at all levels of government.
on emerging priorities. While Bureaus often have
their own invasive species management plans, this
                                                         Partnering is critical to success in managing invasive
Plan, for the frst time, outlines a comprehensive
                                                         species; thus, collaborative conservation is central to
approach across Interior that both builds upon
                                                         the Plan and included as a crosscutting principle that
existing plans and serves as an overarching
                                                         applies to implementation of each of the Plan’s goals.
strategy. This Plan provides higher level direction
                                                         When the Plan refers to collaborating “with others,”
than Interior’s more tactically oriented Departmental
                                                         or “partners,” this includes working with State, Tribal,
Manual chapter on invasive species policy. It is
                                                         Territorial, and local governments, other Federal
narrower in scope than the Department of the
                                                         agencies, academia, industry, non-proft organizations,
Interior Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2022,
                                                         land managers, landowners, and the public. Due to
developed pursuant to the Government Performance
                                                         the evolving nature of partnerships and the extensive
and Results Modernization Act of 2010, which does
                                                         and varying collaborations in which Interior is engaged
touch on invasive species in the broader context of
                                                         across the Nation, specifc groups are rarely specifed
Interior’s multi-faceted mission.
                                                         in this Plan; however, the importance of partnerships
                                                         in invasive species management, and the need for
                                                         Interior’s active involvement in those partnerships,
                                                         cannot be overstated.

                                                                          Invasive Species Strategic Plan    ii
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
Interior’s invasive species priorities will vary                          partnering, science-based decision-making, planning,
regionally based on the priorities of its 12 standard                     and strategic on-the-ground action to reduce the
regions and State Governors, Tribal leaders, local                        threat of invasive species. Implementation of the
governments, and other partners, so that Interior                         Plan will require effective and cost-effcient strategies
remains as adaptable as possible to address                               to prevent the introduction and inhibit the spread of
current and emerging needs. The Plan underscores                          invasive species and help protect the Nation’s lands
the importance of integrating efforts across a                            and waters, as well as the livelihoods that rely upon
diverse array of stakeholders at multiple scales.                         them.
It emphasizes coordination, communication,

Preventing the introduction of invasive species helps protect sensitive ecosystems, such as those in the Haleakala Crater, which has endangered
silversword plants, Haleakala National Park, HI. (NPS)

                                                                                                 Invasive Species Strategic Plan                  iii
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Invasive Species Strategic Framework at a Glance
                                                                                                         Implement early detection
                                                                                                         and rapid response efforts
                                   Collaborate across Interior       Cost-effectively prevent the        in coordination with other            Cost-effectively control         Improve invasive species
                                   and with others to optimize       introduction and spread of           Federal agencies, States,            or eradicate established           data management for
                                        operations through            invasive species into and         Tribes, Territories, and other      invasive species populations       decision-making at all levels
                                     leveraging partnerships,         within the United States.         partners to reduce potential         to reduce impacts and help               of goverment.
                                  joint educational efforts, and                                           damage and costs from                 restore ecosystems.
                                         shared funding.                                                 new infestations becoming

                                     Increase engagement in
                                     partnerships at multiple                                                                                    Control or eradicate
                                                                       Increase the use of cost-
                                    scales and "do our share"                                                                                established invasive species
                                                                        effective approaches to
                                        to advance mutual                                                                                        on Interior-managed
                                                                      prevent the introduction of
                                             priorities.                                                                                        lands and waters and
                                                                       invasive species into the         Engage in coordinated, early
                                                                                                                                              across jurisdictions, where           Promote user-friendly,
                                                                             United States.               detection biosurveillance
                                                                                                                                                     practicable.                 interoperable databases.
                                      Increase information                                               efforts that inform decision-
                                    exchange across Interior                                             making for rapid responses.
                                    and with others to share
                                      expertise on invasive                                                                                  Reduce the role of invasive
                                       species science and                                                                                  species in wildfre frequency,
                                          management.                    Prioritize prevention                                                 intensity, and extent.
                                                                        practices to inhibit the
                                                                     secondary spread of invasive
                                    Increase understanding
                                                                          species within the
                                   about invasive species and                                                                                   Leverage research and
                                                                            United States.
                                   motivate actions to address                                                                                innovation to develop safe
                                             them.                                                                                             and cost-effective tools,
                                                                                                                                             technologies, and methods
                                                                                                            Engage in coordinated,              to control or eradicate           Increase invasive species
                                      Increase partner and
                                                                                                            rapid response efforts             invasive species, restore            data collection and its
                                  internal awarness of Interior
                                                                         Leverage research and              based on the outcome              ecosystems, and adapt to           accuracy, consistency, level
                                      funding opportunities
                                                                          innovation to develop               of early detection                environmental change.              of reporting, and utility
                                                                           cost-effective tools,               biosurveillance.                                                         across Interior.
                                    Increase coordination of           technologies, and methods
                                   resources and investments           to prevent invasive species                                              Increase effciency of
                                     across Interior and with         introductions and secondary                                             conducting environmental
                                    others to support mutual                     spread.                                                      compliance for control or
                                            priorities.                                                                                         eradication activities.

                                    Crosscutting Principles: Promote and engage in collaborative conservation; Leverage science; Adaptively manage; Manage on a watershed or ecosystem scale, including
                                   islands and other isolated or contained geographies; Promote innovative solutions; Apply integrated pest management; Prioritize cost-effectiveness; Streamline regulatory
                                                                                       and decision-making processes; and Demonstrate accountability.

Invasive Species Strategic Plan
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
Invasive Phragmites australis, Middle Ground Island, MI (USGS)

                                                                 Invasive Species Strategic Plan   v
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
I. Introduction

Invasive species are non-native organisms whose                                and other partners, as policy and program needs
introduction to a particular ecosystem causes or is                            will vary across geographies. Those priorities are
likely to cause economic or environmental harm, or                             largely informed by the potential adverse impacts to
harm to human, animal, or plant health (Executive                              human health, the economy, cultural heritage, and
Order 13751). They are a signifcant threat to the                              biodiversity, and the associated likelihood of invasive
ecological, economic, and cultural integrity of                                species establishment based on habitat suitability
America’s lands and waters and the communities                                 and pathways of introductions.
they support. While the scale of the problem is
daunting, opportunities exist for the Department of                            Managing invasive species facilitates Interior’s
the Interior (Interior) to take a more coordinated and                         ability to achieve its mission for the beneft of the
effective approach to managing invasive species.                               American people and thereby advances a number
                                                                               of Interior’s broader Government Performance and
Interior’s Invasive Species Strategic Plan (hereafter                          Results Modernization Act strategic plan goals.1
referred to as the Plan) recognizes invasive species                           These goals include utilizing science in land, water,
management as an important endeavor and critical                               species, and habitat management to support
factor in Bureau missions to protect and manage                                decisions and activities; fostering partnerships to
natural, cultural, historic, and Tribal resources.                             achieve balanced stewardship and use of our public
The Plan outlines activities that Interior is currently                        lands; managing grazing resources; expanding
undertaking and those that it will pursue to                                   hunting, fshing, and other recreation on Interior-
strengthen invasive species management efforts. It                             managed lands and waters; managing wildland
calls for promoting partnerships to bolster mutual                             fre to reduce risk and improve ecosystem and
priorities, raising awareness to motivate action,                              community resilience; and reducing administrative
strengthening prevention practices to avoid invasive                           and regulatory burden.
species introductions and spread, improving
the coordination of early detection and rapid                                  It is worth noting that not all non-native species
response efforts across jurisdictions, leveraging                              are invasive. Many non-native species have been
opportunities for targeted control and eradication,                            intentionally introduced for benefcial uses such
and improving data collection and data management                              as food production or landscape restoration. Most
to facilitate more effective decision-making.                                  species are benign in their native range, yet when
It also calls for a more strategic, coordinated                                introduced into a different ecosystem, some may
approach to leverage resources and ensure that                                 become problematic when habitat and biological
programs and policies are aligned and applicable                               interactions, such as competition, predation, and
to all invasive species taxonomic groups including                             disease, are no longer present to regulate their
plants, animals, and pathogens across aquatic                                  populations. In some cases, a non-native species
and terrestrial ecosystems. Importantly, the Plan                              may be viewed as benefcial by one sector of
promotes fexibility to be responsive to priorities                             society yet considered invasive by another sector
of Governors, Tribal leaders, local governments,                               in the same geography. For instance, striped bass,

    Interior’s strategic plans are available online at

                                                                                                      Invasive Species Strategic Plan   1
Invasive Species Strategic Plan - United States Department of the Interior 2021 2025 - US Department ...
introduced from the East Coast in the 1800s by         New invasive species continue to enter the United
State and Federal fsh and wildlife agencies, are       States, and some invasive species already present are
a popular sport fsh in the San Francisco Bay-          expanding their ranges, increasing their populations,
Delta of California, yet their predation on the        and in some cases hybridizing with native species.
threatened Delta smelt and endangered and non-         Management options for addressing invasive species
endangered salmonids marks them as invasive by         can be thought of in terms of their relationship to
California water managers and other interest groups.   the stages of the invasion process, with fewer and
Conficting management objectives require careful       more costly management options available as an
consideration of legal mandates and balancing          invasion progresses (Figs. 1, 2). Coordinated efforts
jurisdictional priorities in addition to effective     are essential to protect natural and cultural resources.
communication among affected entities to establish     Many of Interior’s programs have made advances in
and pursue mutually satisfactory outcomes.             invasive species management, and opportunities exist
                                                       to expand this work to ensure the most effective and
                                                       effcient use of available resources.

                  Invasion Process                                Policy and Management Options

                              Introduction                           Prevent arrival, release, or

                                                                       Detect Early, Eradicate

                                                                    Contain or Slow the Spread

                                                                      Control, Restoration, or
                 Ecological/Health Impact                               Human Adaptation
                         Economic Impact

  Figure 1. Invasion Process and Policy and Management Options (Adapted from Lodge et al. 2016. Risk
  analysis and bioeconomics of invasive species to inform policy and management. Annual Review of
  Environment and Resources 41:453-488). Stages common to all invasions by non-native species (left
  column) and general policy and management options (right column) that are most relevant to each stage of
  invasion. Arrow width refects the declining number of species reaching each stage of invasion.

                                                                        Invasive Species Strategic Plan      2
Long-term management

                                                                                                 d spr
 Area infested

                                                                                       l gr


                                                                                                                                   Control costs


 Species         Small number of          Rapid increase in                 Invasive species widespread and abundant;
 absent          localized populations;   distribution and abundance;       long-term management aimed at population suppression
                 eradication possible     eradication unlikely              and facility and resource protection

        Species                                            Time

Figure 2. Phases of the Invasion Curve (Adapted from Rodgers. 2010. Invasive Plants and Animals
Policy Framework. State of Victoria, Department of Primary Industries). Preventing the introduction and
spread of invasive species frst into and then within the United States is the most cost-effective defense
against biological invasion. The second line of defense is eradication, where the approach is to eliminate
founding populations of invasive species while doing so is feasible. Early detection and rapid response
actions are generally necessary to achieve eradication. When eradication is infeasible with existing
technologies, then containment or long-term control of an invasive species population is the remaining
management option. These programs often require substantial, if not indefnite, fnancial investments.
In some cases, eradication (such as in island ecosystems) or suppression of widespread established
invasive species (such as by using integrated pest management) are possible and can be successful late
in the invasion stages.

                                                                                                   Invasive Species Strategic Plan                 3
Economic Impact of Invasive Species

Invasive species impose substantial costs on                               impact the global economy, including an estimated
society. For example, they can drive native species                        $120 billion in environmental damages and losses
onto the Endangered Species list, resulting in                             annually in the United States.2 In Fiscal Year 2020,
associated regulatory costs; exacerbate the                                Interior invested an estimated $143 million to
threat of wildland fre that destroys property and                          manage invasive species.
threatens lives; increase the cost of delivering
water and power; damage infrastructure; and                                Table 1 presents examples of economic impacts
degrade recreation opportunities and discourage                            and management costs estimated for various high-
tourism. They also disrupt ecosystem functions                             profle invasive species. These estimates may not
including pollination, water fltration, pest control,                      include certain losses resulting from the ecological
and protection from erosion, wildfres, and other                           degradation caused by invasive species. Ecological
natural hazards. Invasive species can also deplete                         degradation includes losses that are diffcult
resources important to cultural heritage and                               to quantify but that can negatively impact and
subsistence living. They cause damages that                                ultimately impose costs on economic activities as
                                                                           well as on human health and property.3

Table 1. Examples of estimated adverse economic impacts and management expenditures of selected invasive
species. Estimates represent a wide range of regions, time periods, and types of adverse impacts and costs.
Dollar values are presented in nominal terms and have not been adjusted to a constant dollar-year. For these
reasons, it is not appropriate to sum these values. “Actual” estimates represent known or modeled adverse
impacts or costs related to current infestations. “Projected” estimates represent anticipated adverse impacts
or costs if an invasive species is unmanaged and spreads, or if an invasive species becomes established in an
area where the species is not currently found.

         Invasive Species                    Impacted Sectors                    Estimated Adverse                    Estimated Management
                                                                                 Economic Impacts                          Expenditures
 Asian Carps                          Fisheries,                          Projected: $2.4 billion over ten years   Actual: $58 million in 2017 for Asian
                                      Recreation,                         (Great Lakes recreational fshery);       carps (Ohio and Upper Mississippi
                                      Tourism                             $102 million over ten years (Great       River Basins)5
                                                                          Lakes commercial fshery if grass carp
                                                                          become widespread)4

 Zebra, Quagga Mussels                Agriculture,                        Projected: $500 million per year         Actual: More than $13.2 million per
                                      Electric Power,                     (to the Pacifc Northwest region if       year (prevention eforts in the Pacifc
                                      Fisheries,                          invasive mussels become established)6    Northwest region)7
                                      Water Infrastructure

                                                                                                                                     Table continues...

  Pimentel, D. et. al, 2005. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecological
Economics 52:273-288.
  For example, cheatgrass or downy brome, an invasive annual grass, can signifcantly increase fre hazards. Fires in cheatgrass areas are more
intense and frequent than rangelands with native vegetation resulting in increased hazards to structures and human health.

                                                                                                   Invasive Species Strategic Plan                         4
Invasive Species                    Impacted Sectors                     Estimated Adverse                     Estimated Management
                                                                                   Economic Impacts                           Expenditures
 Elodea                                Fisheries,                           Projected: $159 million per year          Actual: $1.3 million in 20209
                                       Recreation,                          (Alaskan commercial sockeye
                                       Tourism                              fsheries if elodea is unmanaged)8

 Brown Treesnake                       Electric Power,                      Actual: $4.5 million per year             Actual: $8.2 million in 2019
                                       Recreation,                          (Guam)10                                  (Guam)12
                                       Tourism,                             Projected: $593 million to $2.1
                                       National Security                    billion per year (to Hawaii if brown
                                                                            treesnakes become established)11

 Feral Swine                           Agriculture,                         Actual: $190 million in 2014 (crop        Not available
                                       Infrastructure,                      production losses across ten States);13
                                       Livestock                            $40 million in 2017 (livestock
                                                                            damages across 13 States)14

 Nutria                                Agriculture,                         Projected: $2.9 million per year (to      Not available
                                       Recreation                           Chesapeake Bay region of Maryland if
                                                                            nutria are not removed and marshes
                                                                            are lost)15

 Cheatgrass                            Agriculture,                         Actual: Smoke impact from                 Actual: $18 million from 2015-2019
                                       Energy,                              wildfre; Regulatory impact from           (Interior-managed lands)16
                                       Infrastructure,                      wildfre destruction of habitat for an
                                       Healthcare                           Endangered Species Act-candidate-

 Emerald Ash Borer                     Agriculture,                         Actual: $60 million per year (timber      Projected: $10.7 billion over ten
                                       Electric Power,                      losses, nationwide); $380 million         years (nationwide, given a projected
                                       Forestry                             per year (residential property value      expansion of emerald ash borer from
                                                                            losses, nationwide),17 especially in      its distribution in 2009)18
                                                                            Midwestern States

  Includes estimated impacts of grass carp only as a result of reduced catches, reduced quality, diversity, and population size of native fsh species,
increased operational costs from commercial harvesters needing to travel greater distances, and decreased demand for recreational fshing.
  Includes Federal and State agency expenditures related to prevention and control; research and development; monitoring, early detection and rapid
response; interagency coordination; outreach; and law enforcement and regulatory actions. Although $58 million is spent in the Ohio and Upper
Mississippi River Basins, $53 million is related to expenditures for Great Lakes protection primarily in the Chicago Area Waterway System and Illinois
Waterway system.
  Represents the estimated annual economic impact if invasive mussels are introduced in the Pacifc Northwest, where they are not found as of the
writing of this Plan. This estimate is specifc to the Pacifc Northwest and does not include the economic impact that invasive mussels have on other
waterways throughout the United States.
  Represents average annual State and Provincial invasive mussel prevention effort costs, including watercraft inspection and decontamination,
outreach, and monitoring in the Pacifc Northwest.

                                                                                                      Invasive Species Strategic Plan                        5
    Represents the mean aggregate annual damages to commercial sockeye fsheries across Alaska if elodea is unmanaged.
 Represents cumulative costs by various partners in Alaska to manage elodea in 2020, per personal communication with A. Martin, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service.
   Represents the annual costs to Guam’s economy over a seven-year period due to electrical power outages caused by the brown treesnake. This
estimate does not include repair costs, damage to electrical equipment, or lost revenues.
   Represents the estimated potential annual damage from medical damages, power-outage costs, and the cost of a decrease in tourism in Hawaii if
the brown treensnake becomes established. The brown treesnake is not established in Hawaii as of the writing of this Plan, although since 1981, at
least eight brown treesnakes have been found on Oahu, transported on aircraft from Guam.
   Represents expenditures by Interior’s Offce of Insular Affairs and Department of Defense to support the brown treesnake program in Fiscal Year
2019, per the Brown Treesnake Technical Working Group 2019 meeting and personal communication with M.J. Mazurek, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
     Represents crop production losses for corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, sorghum, and peanuts in AL, AR, CA, FL, GA, LA, MS, MO, NC, SC, and TX.
  Represents the direct costs in terms of deaths and medical expenditures resulting from feral swine presence for livestock producers in AL, AK, CA,
FL, GA, LA, MS, MO, NC, OK, SC, TN, and TX.
   Represents losses to commercial fshing, sportfshing, hunting, and wildlife viewing in Maryland if marshes are lost at an increased rate due to the
presence of nutria.
   This estimate is based on a keyword search of the Interior fuels treatment database and associated planned costs of projects that involved
the reduction, prevention, and monitoring of cheatgrass for the purposes of wildland fre management on Interior-managed lands. Thus, this likely
represents a lower-bound estimate. In addition, planned costs may not refect the actual costs and the accuracy of planned cost estimates is not
known. Does not include non-fre cheatgrass expenditures.
   Represents residential property value losses and timber value losses to forest landowners of dead and dying trees affected by emerald ash
borers. Changes in property values due to changes in tree health were based on economic welfare estimates obtained from published non-market
valuation studies. Changes in timber harvesting levels were based on estimates of timber mortality from non-native forest insects, and mortality
induced harvest reductions were small enough to have no impact on timber prices. Economic impacts were estimated using spatial data and
dynamic models of infestation extent.
     Represents the mean discounted cost of treating, removing, and replacing 17 million ash trees across 25 States over ten years.

Sources in order of reference:
Hayder, S. 2019. Socio-economic risk assessment of the presence of grass carp in the Great Lakes Basin. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Policy and
Economics DFO/2019-2032;
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2017. Annual Report to Congress: Annual summary of activities and expenditures to manage the threat of Asian carp
in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River Basins;
Pacifc States Marine Fisheries Commission and Pacifc Northwest Economic Region. 2015. Advancing a regional defense against Dreissenids in the
Pacifc Northwest;
Schwoerer, T. et al. 2019. Aquatic invasive species change ecosystem services from the world’s largest wild sockeye salmon fsheries in Alaska.
Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics 6:1-31;
Fritts, T. H. 2002. Economic costs of electrical system instability and power outages caused by snakes on the Island of Guam. International
Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 49:93-100;
Shwiff, S. et al. 2010. Potential economic damage from introduction of brown treesnakes, Boiga irregularis (Reptilia: Colubridae), to the islands of
Hawaii. U.S. Department of Agriculture National Wildlife Research Center - Staff Publications 967;
Brown Treesnake Technical Working Group. 2015. Brown Treesnake Strategic Plan;
Corn, M. L. and R. Johnson. 2013. Invasive Species: Major law and the role of selected Federal agencies. Congressional Research Service;
Southwick Associates for Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2004. Potential economic losses associated with uncontrolled nutria
populations in Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay;
Anderson, A. et al. 2016. Economic estimates of feral swine damage and control in 11 U.S. States. Crop Protection 89:89-94;
Anderson, A. et al. 2019. Predation and disease-related economic impacts of wild pigs on livestock producers in 13 States. Crop Protection
Aukema, J. E. et al. 2011. Economic impacts of non-native forest insects in the continental United States. PLoS ONE 6:e24587; and
Kovacs, K. F. et al. 2010. Cost of potential emerald ash borer damage in U.S. communities, 2009 – 2019. Ecological Economics 69:569-578.

                                                                                                    Invasive Species Strategic Plan                    6
Interior Involvement in Addressing Invasive Species

USGS and NPS remove Burmese pythons from Big Cypress National Preserve, FL, as part of ongoing research and management efforts. (USGS)

Interior manages much of the Federal lands, waters,                      Activities by employees, contractors, partners, and
and minerals, including providing access to more                         visitors to Interior-managed lands and waters can
than 480 million acres of land, 700 million acres                        unintentionally act as pathways, including the use
of subsurface minerals, and 2.5 billion acres of                         and transport of vehicles, equipment, and materials.
the Outer Continental Shelf. It stewards about                           Coordination and collaboration across Bureaus and
20 percent of the Nation’s land base, including                          across jurisdictions with other Federal agencies,
national parks, national wildlife refuges, and other                     States, Tribes, Territories, local governments, and
public and Tribal lands; manages resources that                          other landowners and land managers are crucial to
supply 18 percent of the Nation’s energy; manages                        strategically stem the spread of invasive species.
some of the water in the 17 Western States; and
generates 15 percent of the Nation’s hydropower                          Interior has been actively engaged in managing
energy;19 and upholds Federal trust responsibilities                     invasive species for more than 60 years. Due
to 574 federally-recognized Indian Tribes. The lands,                    in large part to Interior’s action, sea lamprey
waters, and facilities that Interior manages are                         populations in the Great Lakes have been reduced
vulnerable to biological invasions and can in turn be                    by more than 90 percent from peak levels
a source for invasive species introductions to other                     observed during the 1960s. This contributed to
lands and waters.                                                        the remarkable recovery of fsheries, including the
                                                                         restoration of self-sustaining lake trout stocks in
Most of Interior’s Bureaus have a role in invasive                       Lake Superior and successful spawning of landlock
species management (Appendix A) and infuence                             Atlantic salmon in Lake Champlain tributaries for
the introductions and spread of invasive species.                        the frst time since the 1800s. Other successful

     U.S. Department of the Interior 2020/2021 Annual Performance Plan and 2019 Report (APP&R)

                                                                                                 Invasive Species Strategic Plan         7
management efforts can be found on islands. Island                          States. In addition, through its Department Manual
ecosystems are especially vulnerable to biological                          Chapter on invasive species policy, Interior directed
invasion but also present favorable opportunities                           the use of best practices to prevent the spread of
for invasive species prevention and eradication.                            invasive species.20
Interior programs to eradicate invasive species
such as feral swine and black rats from islands led                         Signifcant challenges remain in managing existing
to the recovery of seabird and lizard populations in                        and newly introduced invasive species. Less than
Channel Islands National Park and the U.S. island                           one percent of the acres infested by invasive plant
Territories.                                                                populations and approximately 10 percent of invasive
                                                                            animal populations on Interior-managed lands and
In addition, U.S. Geological Survey research on                             waters are currently under control,21 and the number
Burmese pythons, brown treesnakes, and other                                of new species introductions continues to rise.
invasive species has helped inform solutions for
reducing the spread of these species and has
provided quantitative data on invasive species
impacts on native ecosystems. The Bureau of
Reclamation is leading research efforts to control
quagga and zebra mussels in hydroelectric and
irrigation facilities to ensure continued economical
renewable power generation and water delivery
to cities and farms. These examples are among
numerous other efforts underway by Interior to
combat invasive species.

Interior’s invasive species management activities
are extensive, and key among them is prevention.
At the international level, a range of Nations
are increasingly concerned about the impacts
of invasive species on health, agriculture, and
biodiversity. Interior exercises its authorities to
manage pathways of introduction of invasive species
into the United States. For example, the injurious
wildlife provision of the Lacey Act, 18 U.S.C. § 42
provides authority to the Secretary of the Interior
to prohibit importation and some transport of
wild vertebrates and invertebrates specifed to be
injurious to humans or agriculture, horticulture,
                                                                            USFWS and volunteers control kudzu at the Rappahannock River Valley
forestry, wildlife, and wildlife resources of the United                    National Wildlife Refuge, VA. (USFWS)

   The Departmental Manual Chapter on invasive species policy provides guidance to Interior Bureaus and offces on invasive species management
approaches and associated practices, which will be instructive in the implementation of the strategies included in this Plan. The chapter is available
online at
     U.S. Department of the Interior 2020/2021 Annual Performance Plan and 2019 Report (APP&R)

                                                                                                    Invasive Species Strategic Plan                 8
Invasive species and their impacts will likely                          Secretary, facilitates joint action and resource-sharing
increase in the coming decades as the global                            across Bureaus and better serves partners, which
movement of people and materials and increased                          will help achieve invasive species management goals
tourism and trade further disperse species around                       across public and private lands at multiple scales.
the world. In addition, the impact of climate change
and associated alterations in weather patterns,                         Understanding biological invasions and the
precipitation, and extreme weather events disrupts                      consequences of world-wide species movements is a
ecosystems and makes them more susceptible to                           rapidly evolving science and management discipline.
biological invasions.                                                   These and other efforts underway are critical to
                                                                        successfully prevent the next invasion, and to more
Given these challenges, strategic action through                        effectively manage established invasive species.
this Plan will focus Interior’s resources and activities
on those efforts that position Interior and our
partners for success. Sharing resources among
Bureaus and with Federal, State, Tribal, Territorial,
local governments, and other partners is needed,
and Interior is responding accordingly. Between
Fiscal Years 2016 and 2020, Interior spent an
average of $116 million annually to manage invasive
species. These investments were largely directed
to feld-based programs and partners to address
invasive species on the ground. Going forward,
Interior will continue to leverage investments to
maximize benefts. Interior’s policy on invasive
species provides guidance for applying a consistent
and comprehensive management approach
across Interior and emphasizes collaborative
conservation.22 In addition, Interior can contribute
signifcantly to a coordinated intergovernmental
approach by developing, maintaining, and sharing
invasive species geospatial distribution information
and decision-support tools. A concerted effort is
underway by Interior and its partners to standardize
data and promote common technology platforms for
sharing information that aids in managing biological
invasions. Furthermore, Interior’s organization into
12 standard regions (Appendix B), each coordinated
                                                                        USFWS hangs panel traps to survey for coconut rhinoceros beetle, HI.
by a Field Special Assistant appointed by the                           (USFWS)

 The Department Manual Chapter on invasive species policy is available online at


                                                                                              Invasive Species Strategic Plan                  9
II. Plan Development, Implementation, and Reporting

Interior developed this Plan to implement the John      be adaptable to varying regional needs, rather
D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and           than be too prescriptive in identifying specifc
Recreation Act [Act] of 2019 [Public Law 116-9,         invasive species to address; in response, the Plan
as amended by the America’s Conservation                emphasizes strengthening partnerships, promoting
Enhancement Act of 2020 [Public Law 116-188]].          cross-boundary collaborative conservation, and
Title VII section 7001, section 1, section 10 c) of     advancing mutual priorities. Prior to fnalization,
the Act directed the Secretary of the Interior to,      Interior requested public comment on the Plan
“develop a strategic plan that will achieve, to the     through the Federal Register and conducted
maximum extent practicable, a substantive annual        two consultations with Tribes and Alaska Native
net reduction of invasive species populations or        Corporations, two public listening sessions, a
infested acreage on land or water managed by            Congressional briefng, and presentations at various
the Secretary.” It also directed that the plan be       meetings. The input from this public comment period
developed in coordination with relevant Federal         refned the content of the fnal Plan.
agencies, States, political subdivisions of States,
in consultation with stakeholders, including            The Plan serves as Interior’s overarching strategic
non-governmental organizations and industry,            direction for the next fve years. It refects both core
and federally-recognized Indian Tribes, and in          activities that are in progress across Interior and
accordance with the priorities of State Governors.      emerging priority areas. It promotes coordination
Furthermore, the Act directed that the plan take into   and collaboration among Bureaus and offces and
consideration the economic and ecological costs of      their programs, in the allocation of resources,
action or inaction, as applicable.                      and with partners and stakeholders. The broad
                                                        framework provided by the Plan also serves as a
While Interior’s Bureaus have numerous invasive         foundation for the development and implementation
species management plans and other planning             of more specifc regional or issue-specifc
documents at multiple geographic and organizational     operational plans.
levels, often developed with input from
stakeholders, Interior did not have an organization-    At the national level, Interior’s Invasive Species
wide invasive species strategic plan prior to this      Task Force (composed of Bureau national program
Plan.                                                   leads), together with senior leaders, provides an
                                                        institutional mechanism to coordinate across
At the onset of planning, Interior conducted eight      Bureaus and guide implementation of the Plan. At
teleconference listening sessions with federally-       the regional level, Interior’s Field Special Assistants
recognized Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations,      provide a mechanism for inter-Bureau coordination
States, counties, Territories, the Commonwealth         to advance priorities (Appendix B). For example, in
of Puerto Rico, Alaska Native Corporations, and         the Southwest, the Interior Field Special Assistant
the Native Hawaiian Community. The issues raised        (Region 8) and the associated inter-Bureau executive
in those sessions and through written comments          team identifed addressing aquatic invasive species
substantively infuenced this Plan. For example,         as a priority. Subsequently, they are developing a
collectively, the Governors’ representatives in their   strategy to manage quagga and zebra mussels in
listening session asked Interior to have this Plan      the Lower Colorado Region, in collaboration with

                                                                         Invasive Species Strategic Plan     10
States, Tribes, and other partners. Their work will                     strategic plan, inform Interior’s budget formulation
beneft stakeholders across the West by limiting the                     with respect to invasive species programs, and inform
spread of these invasive species. In Alaska, where                      Interior’s position on related legislation.
there are fewer invasive species established than
in other States, the Interior Field Special Assistant                   Recognizing that efforts to manage invasive species
(Region 11) and Bureaus are working closely with                        span across the Federal government, Interior will
partners to bolster intergovernmental cooperation on                    work through established mechanisms to promote
prevention and early detection and rapid response.                      coordination. To optimize implementation, Interior’s
Through this work, the partnership is prioritizing                      Plan will inform priorities shared with the National
which invasive species to direct resources towards                      Invasive Species Council, the Aquatic Nuisance
and also prioritizing which pathways to address to                      Species Task Force, and other interagency
best minimize invasive species introductions and                        coordinating bodies (Appendix C). Since this Plan
spread. Taking a regional view—either by Interior’s                     stresses responsiveness to partners, the collective
regions or by geographical regions in which partners                    priorities of these and other interagency bodies will
have mobilized (e.g., Great Lakes, Columbia River                       also inform Interior’s activities. Interior intends to
Basin, Pacifc Islands)—enables identifying those                        revisit the Plan every fve years, with stakeholder
priorities that are mutually benefcial to multiple                      input, to ensure that it refects any shifts in partner
entities and also cost-effective, especially those                      priorities or technological developments. Interior will
where there are opportunities to leverage Federal-                      track implementation of the Plan through performance
State-Local-Tribal resources and share costs.                           reporting (Appendix D).

More broadly, the Plan will inform development                          The Plan addresses only those activities authorized by
of Interior’s Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Government                         Federal law as of its writing (Appendix E).
Performance and Results Modernization Act

          Spokane Tribal Fisheries staff suppress invasive populations of Northern pike by gillnetting in Lake Roosevelt, WA.
          (Spokane Tribe of Indians/BIA)

                                                                                               Invasive Species Strategic Plan   11
III. Invasive Species Management Mission and Vision

To manage resources and partner with others to cost-effectively protect the Nation's economy, environment,
public health, infrastructure, natural resources, and cultural heritage from the harmful impacts of invasive
species for the beneft of current and future generations.

The Department of the Interior strives to fulfll a vision to:
 • prevent invasive species from entering and spreading within the United States;
 • collaborate with partners in establishing early detection and rapid response capabilities to eradicate
   newly detected species or small populations to prevent them from spreading;
 • manage established invasive species to limit their spread and reduce negative impacts;
 • support and use scientifc and technological innovation that make the management of invasive species
   more feasible;
 • avoid having Interior-managed lands and waters become a source of invasive species that damage the
   lands, waters, and resources of our neighbors;
 • share information and raise awareness to mobilize action to address invasive species;
 • manage Interior lands and waters so they are resistant to invasive species infestations and are resilient
   to disturbance;
 • integrate invasive species work into other Interior activities on regional and national levels to promote
   effectiveness and effciency;
 • engage with partners to address mutual invasive species priorities, including those identifed by State,
   Tribal, Territorial, and local governments and other Federal agencies; and
 • incorporate cost-effectiveness in all actions we undertake to achieve Interior’s invasive species
   management mission.

                                                                         Invasive Species Strategic Plan       12
IV. Crosscutting Principles

The following crosscutting principles are fundamental to successful invasive species management and are
to be applied in the implementation of the Plan’s activities where applicable.23

Promote and engage in collaborative conservation: Coordinate and cooperate across Interior and with
other Federal agencies; the National Invasive Species Council, Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, and
other interagency bodies; Tribal, State, local, and Territorial governments, Alaska Native Corporations,
and the Native Hawaiian Community; and other entities such as academic institutions, the private sector,
landowners, hunters and anglers, ranchers and farmers, local invasive species cooperatives, non-
governmental organizations, and others. Leverage staff and funding across these groups to manage
invasive species effectively and effciently.

Leverage science: Use relevant and reliable science, including peer-reviewed and traditional knowledge,
without bias, to inform and infuence understanding of invasive species, their impacts, and how to manage

Adaptively manage: Use adaptive management, as appropriate, to improve invasive species management
and policies. Use management outcomes, monitoring, evaluation, risk assessment, research, and
innovation to inform adjustments to the strategies implemented in this Plan.

Manage on a watershed or ecosystem scale, including islands and other isolated or contained
geographies: Use a systems approach that emphasizes the importance of maintaining ecological processes
to restore or recover ecological communities previously invaded or to maintain the resistance and resilience
of relatively intact ecological communities, while balancing economic, cultural, and environmental priorities.

Promote innovative solutions: Encourage innovative science and technologies to create new options to
address diffcult challenges where few or no viable or effective options currently exist.

Apply integrated pest management: Apply integrated pest management principles in a manner that
balances risks to human health and the environment from invasive species management activities with the
risks of failure to act expeditiously to control invasive species.

Prioritize cost-effectiveness: Apply a deliberate decision-making process to evaluate the full range of
methods and tools available to achieve resource management objectives in a particular geography and
select the one that achieves those objectives with the least expenditure of Interior funds.

Streamline regulatory and decision-making processes: Ensure appropriate management actions are taken
that are commensurate with the potential to avoid harm, while maintaining appropriate and necessary
consultations with State, Tribal, and local governments, and the public.

Demonstrate accountability: Develop and use specifc, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, and time-
fxed (SMART) performance metrics to evaluate invasive species management activities. Aim for substantive
annual net reduction of invasive species populations or infested acreage on Interior-managed lands and
waters. Report annually on performance results and share with Federal and non-Federal partners, other
interested parties, and the public.

  The full list of crosscutting principles that are included in the Departmental Manual Chapter on invasive species are available online at https://

                                                                                                    Invasive Species Strategic Plan                    13
V. Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

Each goal in the Plan has objectives that provide detail about how to accomplish that goal. Each objective
has a list of strategies, or specifc activities, to achieve that objective. The order of the goals, objectives,
and strategies does not refect relative priority. Partnering is critical to success in managing invasive
species. When the Plan refers to collaborating “with others,” or “with partners,” this includes working with
State, Tribal, Territorial, and local governments, other Federal agencies, academia, industry, non-proft
organizations, land managers, landowners, and the public. Due to the evolving nature of partnerships and
the extensive and varying collaborations in which Interior is engaged across the Nation, specifc groups are
rarely specifc in this Plan; however, the importance of partnerships in invasive species management, and
the need for Interior’s active involvement in those partnerships, cannot be overstated.

Goal 1: Collaborate across Interior and with others to optimize operations
through leveraging partnerships, joint educational efforts, and shared

Invasive species are not constrained by jurisdictional boundaries. The most successful efforts to combat
invasive species are those that enlist a broad coalition of partners working across jurisdictions toward
mutual goals. Numerous interagency coordinating bodies and partnerships are operating at all levels—
international to local—across the Nation to advance appropriately scaled strategies. Collectively, these
interagency bodies and partnerships create a network of concerted action, information sharing, and
planning that strengthens society’s ability to manage invasive species (Appendix C). It is through these and
other networks that the identifcation of mutual priorities take place.

This goal emphasizes having effective coordination and communication mechanisms for identifying mutual
priorities, sharing information across Interior and with others, promoting invasive species education
campaigns, and working closely across Interior Bureaus and with our partners to leverage resources

Objective 1.1: Increase engagement in partnerships at multiple scales and “do our
share” to advance mutual priorities and promote effciency and cost-savings.


 a. Leverage existing interagency bodies, partnerships, and networks and establish new collaborative
    efforts, as needed, to better manage invasive species (e.g., feral swine).
 b. Develop and implement interjurisdictional management plans, in collaboration with others, that
    advance mutual priorities.
 c. Use Memoranda of Understanding, cooperative agreements, and other instruments, to strengthen
    collaboration to advance effcient management activities.
 d. Incentivize partnerships among Interior Bureaus and with others that work across jurisdictions to
    address mutual priorities.

                                                                          Invasive Species Strategic Plan     14
Objective 1.2: Increase information exchange across Interior and with others
to share expertise on invasive species science and management and promote
effciency and cost-savings.


  a. Use and enhance current mechanisms for coordination, communication, and reporting, including
     leveraging information technology for elements such as geospatial mapping and authoritative
     databases to expedite information-sharing.
  b. Enhance invasive species training opportunities.
  c. Share a nationwide network of Interior subject matter experts to provide training or technical
     assistance internally and to partners on invasive species management activities.
  d. Increase engagement with Tribes and indigenous communities to understand how culture, subsistence,
     and traditional ecological knowledge can be incorporated into management goals and activities.

Objective 1.3: Increase understanding about invasive species and motivate actions
to address them.


  a. Leverage and enhance national invasive species education and outreach campaigns and websites to
     educate the public and provide informational resources for managers.
  b. Leverage Interior capabilities to inform target audiences about invasive species, including information
     on distribution, impacts, and management solutions.
  c. Promote coordination among State, Tribal, Territorial, Federal, non-governmental organizations, and
     other invasive species and communication experts to ensure the public receives accurate, actionable,
     and consistent messaging about invasive species.
  d. Undertake studies to assess the ecological, economic, or human health impacts of invasive species
     and their management to inform decision-making.

NPS’s Southeast Coast Invasive Plant Management Team and partners   NPS partners with WA Department of Fish and Wildlife and Puddles,
hold a “Weed Wrangle” at Congaree National Park, SC. (NPS)          an invasive mussel sniffng dog, for aquatic invasive species watercraft
                                                                    inspections at Kettle Falls Marina, WA. (NPS)

                                                                                           Invasive Species Strategic Plan                15
Objective 1.4: Increase partner and internal awareness of Interior funding


 a. Ensure that Interior staff, partners, and stakeholders are aware of Interior fnancial assistance
    programs (e.g., grants) that may be available to fund invasive species management activities.
 b. Optimize fnancial assistance programs for invasive species management activities so that they are
    effcient, effective, and meet programmatic objectives.

Objective 1.5: Increase coordination of resources and investments across Interior
and with others to support mutual priorities.


 a. Improve reporting and analysis of Interior’s invasive species investments and other, related
    investments, particularly those allocated to high-impact species.
 b. Identify mutual priorities across Interior and with others and leverage investments and resources to
    address those priorities.
 c. Pursue possible synergies with programs with similar goals or activities, such as the wildland fre
    community, that are nontraditional partners in invasive species management.
 d. At the regional level, coordinate through Secretarial Field Special Assistants and their respective
    regional executive leadership teams in interagency priority-setting and budget execution on invasive
    species management activities of programmatic interest to more than one Bureau.
 e. At the national level, coordinate through Interior’s Offce of Policy Analysis to work with Bureaus
    to establish a select set of national invasive species program priorities, and advise the Assistant
    Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget on those issues.

    Goal Metrics: Appendix D
    Goal Outcome: Effective partnerships use the best available information and leverage resources
    to address national and regional invasive species priorities effciently and effectively.

                                                                        Invasive Species Strategic Plan    16
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