Inuvialuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of Beluga Whale (Delphinaterus leucas) in a Changing Climate in Tuktoyaktuk, NT - University of ...
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Inuvialuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of Beluga Whale (Delphinaterus leucas) in a Changing Climate in Tuktoyaktuk, NT By Devin Waugh A thesis presented to The University of Guelph In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Geography Guelph, Ontario, Canada © Devin Waugh, January, 2018
ABSTRACT INUVIALUIT TRADITIONAL ECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE (TEK) OF BELUGA WHALE (DELPHINATERUS LEUCAS) IN A CHANGING CLIMATE IN TUKTOYAKTUK, NT Devin Waugh Advisor: University of Guelph, 2018 Dr. Tristan Pearce Committee Members: Dr. Ben Bradshaw Dr. Sonja Ostertag Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) are an important food source for Inuvialuit, Indigenous peoples of the western Canadian Arctic. This thesis documents Inuvialuit TEK about the ecology and behaviour of the beluga whale, hunting techniques, food preparation and values, in the context of changing climatic conditions in Tuktoyaktuk, NT. Data were collected using semi-directed interviews with 17 Inuvialuit beluga harvesters and participant observation, and thematic analysis methods were used to code data. The research found that Inuvialuit harvesters possess detailed rational knowledge of beluga, particularly regarding hunting techniques and food preparation, and are guided by a moral code about how to behave with respect to beluga. Inuvialuit are observing rapid changes in the environment, some with implications for beluga hunting and food preparation but are coping thus far. This research contributes to addressing gaps in the literature on Inuvialuit perspectives on beluga, particularly in the context of rapid climatic change.
iii Acknowledgements This research would not be possible without the willingness of the community of Tuktoyaktuk to be open and supportive of the research. I would particularly like to thank the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee for supporting the research and providing feedback throughout the research process. I would also to thank Verna Pokiak for her hard work and professionalism throughout the field season as research assistant, and her sage advice over many cups of tea and coffee. I thank Charles Pokiak, Frank Pokiak, James Pokiak, Lucky Pokiak, Nellie Pokiak, Peter Nogasak, Randall “Boogie” Pokiak, Raymond Cockney, Raymond Mangelana, Ron Felix, Roy Cockney, Sam Gruben, Sam Pingo, Wayne Cockney, Willy Carpenter, and two anonymous participants for graciously sharing their incredible knowledge of beluga, just a small facet of the collective knowledge of the environment in the community. The participants’ kindness and enthusiasm for beluga made the research a pleasure to undertake. Thanks to Sonja Ostertag and Lisa Loseto for introducing me to the community, and for their support and expertise on our several trips in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR). I would also like to thank my parents, Neil and Rosanne, my sister Emily, and my girlfriend Leah for their love and support over the last two years. Thanks to Office 351 and the rest of the Hutt family for the on-campus comradery and support throughout this journey. Thanks to Tristan and Ben for taking me on as a student, and guiding me through the incredible experience that has been arctic research; and to Peter Collings for providing excellent intellectual guidance in the production of a manuscript from this work. Finally, I acknowledge financial support from the Aurora Research Institute, the Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP),
iv SSHRC, NSERC, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and ArcticNet Project 1.8 - Knowledge Co-Production for the Identification and Selection of Ecological, Social, and Economic Indicators for the Beaufort Sea.
v Table of Contents Chapter I – Introduction.................................................................................................1 1.1 Research Context............................................................................................1 1.2 Research Aim and Objectives..........................................................................4 1.3 Thesis Organization.........................................................................................4 Chapter II – Literature Review.......................................................................................6 2.1 Climate Change in the Arctic...........................................................................6 2.1.1 Snow Cover........................................................................................7 2.1.2 Sea Ice...............................................................................................8 2.1.3 Marine Ecosystems............................................................................9 2.1.4 Terrestrial Ecosystems.....................................................................10 2.2 Beluga Ecology and Behaviour......................................................................11 2.3 Traditional Ecological Knowledge..................................................................14 2.3.1 TEK of Arctic Wildlife........................................................................17 2.4 TEK and Wildlife Management......................................................................20 2.4.1 Co-Management Frameworks..........................................................22 Chapter III – Case Study Location...............................................................................24 3.1 Inuvialuit.........................................................................................................24 3.2 Inuvialuit Settlement Region..........................................................................24 3.3 Tuktoyaktuk, NT.............................................................................................27 Chapter IV – Methodology...........................................................................................30 4.1 Community Researcher Relations.................................................................30 4.1.1 Early Communication.......................................................................31 4.1.2 Community Involvement in Research and Design...........................32 4.1.3 Opportunities for Local Employment................................................32 4.1.4 Dissemination of Results..................................................................33 4.2 Research Participants....................................................................................33 4.2.1 Number of Research Participants....................................................34 4.3 Mapping.........................................................................................................35 4.4 Semi-Structured Interviews............................................................................35 4.5 Participant Observation and Phased Assertion.............................................37 Chapter V – Results......................................................................................................40 5.1 Beluga Ecology and Behaviour ....................................................................40 5.2 Hunting Techniques .....................................................................................42 5.3 Food Preparation..........................................................................................45 5.4 Values...........................................................................................................49 5.5 Observations of Change...............................................................................51 Chapter VI – Discussion...............................................................................................56 6.1 Implications for Co-Management of Beluga in the ISR.................................64
vi Chapter VII – Conclusion.............................................................................................68 7.1 Summary of Results.......................................................................................68 7.2 Scholarly Contributions..................................................................................70 7.3 Practical Contributions...................................................................................71 7.4 Future Research............................................................................................72 Bibliography..................................................................................................................73 Appendix I – Interview Guide.......................................................................................83 Appendix II – Interview Consent Form.......................................................................85 Appendix III – Northwest Territories Research License...........................................90 Appendix IV – University of Guelph Ethics Approval...............................................92
vii List of Tables Table 4.2 – Demographics of Research Participants.....................................................35 Table 4.3 – Sample Interview Questions from Interview Guide.....................................37 Table 5.1 - Summary of Scientific and TEK Understandings of Environmental Change in Tuktoyaktuk .........................................................................................................55 Table 6.1 - Harvesters’ Observations of Environmental Change and their Observed and Potential Impacts on Beluga Harvesting..............................................................62 List of Figures Figure 3.1 – Location of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and Tuktoyaktuk, NT...........26 Figure 3.3 - Location of Tuktoyaktuk and Kittigaryuit Marine Protected Area (MPA).....29 Figure 4.1 - Key Considerations for Engaging Arctic Communities in Collaborative Research.. ...........................................................................................................31 Figure 5.1 - Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Environs and Kittigaryuit Marine Protected Area (MPA)...................................................................................................................41
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.1 Research Context Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) are widely distributed across the Arctic, and are hunted by many Indigenous peoples. The eastern Beaufort Sea stock is one of Canada’s largest beluga populations, migrating between the waters off Alaska, Russia, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut throughout its annual cycle (DFO, 2002; Harwood & Smith, 2002; Harwood & Kingsley, 2013). The migratory pattern of this population brings it into close proximity to communities in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) from late May to September. Beluga is an important food source for the Inuvialuit, Inuit of the western Arctic, and the harvesting, preparation and sharing of the species is an important cultural activity. All communities within the ISR hunt beluga but the community of Tuktoyaktuk, located on the east side of Kugmallit Bay in the Mackenzie River Estuary, is typically the most active (Harwood et al. 2002). Inuvialuit in Tuktoyaktuk possess detailed bodies of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of beluga whales, including ecology and behaviour, hunting techniques, and food preparation methods. This body of TEK has been developed through an accumulation of location-specific observations and refinement of techniques over time, passed down through generations. This knowledge is continually updated to reflect new observations and to take advantage of new technologies (Wenzel, 1991; Aporta & Higgs, 2005). This thesis dissertation focuses on documenting these facets of TEK about beluga that are not well represented in the literature and go beyond knowledge of beluga ecology and behaviour, to also include knowledge of how Inuvialuit currently use and value beluga (Usher, 2000). 1
This research builds on a body of scholarship on Inuit TEK of different species of wildlife in the Arctic. Previous studies have examined aspects of bodies of TEK around various species, including, for example, eider duck by Nakashima (1986) in northern Quebec, polar bear by Wenzel and Tyrell (1983) in the NWT, beluga by Huntington et al. (1999) and Mymrin and Huntington (1999) in Alaska and Russia, Greenland shark by Idrobo and Berkes (2012) in Pangnirtung, caribou by Ferguson and Messier (1996) on Baffin Island, and ringed seal by Furgal, Innes, & Kovacs (2002) in Arctic Bay. Outside of Canada, a handful of studies have documented TEK of beluga in the Chukchi and Northern Bering Sea working with communities in Alaska and Russia (Huntington, 1999; Mymrin & Huntington, 1999). These studies examined TEK of the natural history of beluga, including distribution, migration, abundance, feeding, calving, molting, and response to anthropogenic disturbance. Hunting and butchering techniques of beluga have also been examined in Alaska in the community of Buckland (Marseth, 1997). However, despite a long history of Inuvialuit interaction with beluga and its continued nutritional and cultural importance, there has been limited documentation of Inuit knowledge of beluga whale in the Canadian Arctic (Breton-Honeyman, Furgal, & Hammill, 2016). This lack of documentation is particularly relevant at time when the Arctic is experiencing rapid climate change with uncertain consequences for beluga and Inuvialuit hunters, and a dataset on beluga that is limited to scientific measurements. These factors have contributed to an increasing interest from Inuit and non-Inuit alike to study and incorporate Indigenous perspectives into the scholarship on beluga and other important arctic species. Average circumpolar temperatures have risen approximately twice as much as average global temperatures since 1981 (Screen & Simmonds, 2010). 2
The rise in average temperature has altered numerous characteristics of the physical environment, such as sea ice extent and thickness, snow cover, permafrost, precipitation and wind patterns (Larsen et al., 2014). These changes, in turn, have impacted ecosystems, marine and terrestrial animals, and the Inuit communities that depend on them. As the distribution, abundance, and composition of prey communities are affected, the health and availability of marine and terrestrial wildlife at higher trophic levels that Inuit communities rely on for subsistence are also impacted (Litzow et al., 2006; Pearce et al., 2010). Biological studies, followed by studies on management/co-management, make up much of the literature on beluga (Breton-Honeyman et al., 2016). Outside of these published studies, Inuit knowledge of beluga has contributed greatly to the understanding and management of the species in co-management settings, but the literature does not reflect this (Breton-Honeyman et al., 2016). This lack of published documentation has real implications for the visibility of Inuit perspectives, and for the equitability of co-management arrangements that draw on bodies of scholarship dominated by western scientific studies. This research responds to this knowledge need and documents what Inuvialuit know about beluga and how they use and value beluga, focusing on knowledge of beluga behaviour and ecology, hunting techniques, and subsistence food preparation. The research then examines these facets of Inuvialuit TEK of beluga in the context of ongoing climatic changes in the region to understand how these changes are affecting Inuvialuit, beluga, and beluga harvesting activities. 3
1.2 Research Aim and Objectives The aim of the research is to document Inuvialuit traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of beluga whale in the context of changing climatic conditions in Tuktoyaktuk in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR). The aim is realized through three objectives: 1) document Inuvialuit traditional ecological knowledge of beluga whale ecology and behaviour, hunting technique and subsistence food preparation; 2) identify changing environmental conditions affecting Inuvialuit-beluga interactions; and 3) examine if and how these changing environmental conditions are affecting Inuvialuit, beluga and beluga harvesting activities. 1.3 Thesis Dissertation Organization The thesis dissertation is organized into seven chapters. Chapter Two, Literature Review, presents a review of relevant literature to broadly situate the research, including scholarship regarding climate change in the Arctic, beluga ecology and behaviour, traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), and wildlife co-management. Chapter Three, Case Study Location, reviews the geographical context of the research including the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) and Tuktoyaktuk, NT. Chapter Four, Methodology, presents the methodological approaches utilized in the research. Chapter Five, Results, describes what was found through the research that addresses objectives 1-3, in addition to highlighting Inuvialuit values around beluga, and changes that are being observed in the whales and the broader biophysical environment. Chapter Six, Discussion, considers the significance of the results in the context of each body of 4
scholarship and addresses objectives 2 and 3. Chapter Seven, Conclusions, summarizes, and highlights the implications of, the key research findings, outlines the scholarly contributions of the research, and suggests future research opportunities. 5
Chapter 2 - Literature Review This thesis dissertation engages with scholarship on climate change in the Arctic, beluga behaviour and ecology, traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), and wildlife co- management. This chapter reviews all four bodies of scholarship, developing a theoretical and practical foundation for this research. 2.1 Climate Change in the Arctic There is consensus amongst scientists that climate change induced by human activity is occurring (Larsen et al., 2014). Greenhouse gas emissions, mainly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, have increased steadily since 1750, leading to atmospheric concentrations that “are unprecedented in the last 800,000 years” (Larsen et al., p.4, 2014). These emissions have altered the composition of the atmosphere, leading to warming of the oceans and atmosphere, reductions in ice and snow, changes in land cover, and a rise in sea level (Larsen et al., 2014). The relatively rapid changes in the global climate system that are occurring have increasingly serious implications for natural and human systems around the globe (Larsen et al., 2014). These implications are even more concerning for the Arctic where warming is noted to be occurring at a faster rate and greater extent compared to the rest of the world (Larsen et al., 2014). Arctic near surface air temperatures have risen at nearly twice the rate of the global average through ‘arctic amplification’ processes, namely through positive snow and ice albedo reduction feedbacks (Screen & Simmonds, 2010). Numerous biophysical environmental changes have already been observed in the Arctic including reductions in sea ice, increased coastal erosion, thawing permafrost, 6
ocean acidification, changes in river inflow, and changes in fish and wildlife distribution and health (Larsen et al., 2014; Stroeve et al., 2012; Overeem et al., 2011; Callaghan et al., 2011; Steiner et al., 2013). In addition to the changes observed, there is a threat of several positive feedback mechanisms in the Arctic that may contribute to accelerated warming at the local and global levels. These mechanisms include increased energy absorption from reduced snow and ice albedo, release of stored carbon from thawing permafrost layers, and the release of stored seabed methane hydrates (Brown, Derkson & Wang, 2010; Whiteman, Hope & Wadhams, 2013; Schurr et al., 2013). The northern permafrost zone is estimated to 1700 gigatonnes (Gt) and stored seabed methane is estimated at 50 Gt making them both major concerns as they are liberated by warming temperatures (Whiteman et al., 2013; Schurr et al., 2013). Environmental changes in the Arctic are predicted to exhibit spatial heterogeneity and vary in rate and magnitude (Van Hemert, 2015). Four prominent sub-areas of research on climate change in the Arctic will be covered, including effects on snow cover, sea ice, marine ecosystems, and terrestrial ecosystems. 2.1.1 Snow Cover The steady decrease in indicators of snow cover such as snow cover duration (SCD), snow cover extent (SCE), and snow water equivalent (SWE), over the last number of decades is expected to continue in the Arctic (Callaghan et al., 2011). Over the last 50 years in the Canadian Arctic, snow cover duration (SCD) has decreased at a rate of approximately 2.8 days per decade, and maximum snow depth has decreased at a rate of approximately 1.9 cm per decade (Callaghan et al., 2011). SCE and SWE have 7
also been decreasing over the same period, with implications for albedo warming feedbacks from more exposed darker ground (Callaghan et al., 2011). Snow cover structure and the frequency of rain-on-snow events, which can both affect sub-snow cover animal feeding behaviour, have also been changing (Callaghan et al., 2011). Climate models predict a 10-20% decrease in overall snow cover along with decreases in other snow indicators by 2050, with changes most pronounced in coastal areas (Callaghan et al., 2011). 2.1.2 Sea Ice Sea ice is the dominant feature of polar oceans, and changes in sea ice conditions due to climate warming are one of the dominant influences on biophysical systems in the Arctic region (Larsen et al., 2014). Positive ice-albedo feedback loops leading to greater radiative warming account for the Arctic amplification phenomena that causes the Arctic to warm at approximately two times the average global rate since the 1980s (Larsen et al., 2014). This accelerated warming has led to an accelerating rate of decline in sea ice extent that has exceeded climatic models, resulting in record arctic summer ice minima several times in the last decade (Larsen et al., 2014; Stroeve et al., 2012). Sea ice helps to protect shorelines from erosion, and its reduction has accelerated thermal and physical weathering of the coastal interface, threatening infrastructure and municipal services (Overeem et al., 2011; Andrachuk and Smit, 2012). Change in sea ice also threatens communities that use sea ice as a platform for hunting, travelling and fishing (Nichols et al., 2004). 8
2.1.3 Marine Ecosystems Sea ice is a dominant habitat for arctic marine environments. Observed and predicted changes to sea ice distribution and extent in the growing season will likely shift the balance between ice algae, phytoplankton, and krill that form that base of arctic marine food webs (Larsen et al., 2014). At lower trophic levels, these changes will affect the duration, magnitude and species composition of primary and secondary production on which arctic food webs are based (Larsen et al., 2014). While productivity may increase due to more light and thus energy being available, the seasonal timing of sea ice freeze and thaw is the main factor for the primary production on which marine arctic ecosystems are based (Moore & Huntington, 2008; Van Hemert et al., 2015; Larsen et al., 2014; Laidre et al, 2008). These changes at lower trophic levels could lead to trophic decoupling and cascades, negatively impacting species at higher trophic levels (Moore & Huntington, 2008; Van Hemert et al. 2015). Sea ice provides habitat for numerous marine species at all trophic levels, including a number of charismatic megafauna like polar bears (Ursus maritimus), beluga whale, and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), that depend on sea ice as a platform for various life processes such as hunting, resting and reproduction (Moore & Huntington, 2008; Laidre et al., 2008; Larsen et al., 2014; Van Hemert et al., 2015). Although arctic species are well adapted to the high interannual variability of the climate in the region, the large unidirectional changes being observed and predicted by climate change models leading to loss of sea ice may overwhelm species resilience (Moore & Huntington, 2008). 9
2.1.4 Terrestrial Ecosystems Terrestrial ecosystems in the Arctic have begun to be affected by the various biophysical change caused by anthropogenic climate changes, with phenological responses attributable to warming apparent in most (Larsen et al., 2014). The land adjacent to the Beaufort Sea is exhibiting some of the greatest positive changes in plant productivity seen in the Arctic, driven by dramatic changes in temperature (Larsen et al., 2014). Northward movement of the tree line is associated with increased summer temperatures, and while the effect is difficult to predict, up to 50% of tundra environments are expected to be replaced by forest by 2100 (Callaghan et al., 2011). This dramatic shift in ecosystem is especially relevant for Tuktoyaktuk, which sits just north of the treeline. Increased summer temperatures and associated decreases in seasonality may benefit some species through greater primary productivity, lower thermal stress, lower energy burdens, longer reproductive seasons, and increased offspring survivability (Barton & Zalewski, 2007; Hersteinsson & MacDonald, 1992; Gallant et al., 2012). Increased temperature and precipitation have a number of negative implications for larger mammals as well. Declines in caribou and other large ungulates like muskox have been linked in part to climate warming, and can be attributed to increases in rain- on-snow events that restrict access to forage (Vors & Boyce, 2009; Larsen et al., 2015). It has also been proposed that warming induced trophic mismatches between forage and calving has and may continue to play a role in declines in caribou populations (Vors 10
& Boyce, 2009). The plight of these species that are highly important for local ecosystems and Inuit communities highlights the need for more studies to understand the complex interplay of climate change effects. 2.2 Beluga Ecology and Biology The beluga or white whale (Delphinapterus leucas), known locally in the Beaufort Sea as qilalugaq, is a toothed whale found throughout the Arctic (DFO, 2000). Beluga are distinct for their lack of dorsal fin and large forehead, or melon, as well as their characteristic white colour as adults (DFO, 2000). Calves, or nalungiait, are born light to dark grey in colour, 1.5m in length, and 50-80kg in weight, and grow to an average 4.3m and 1500-2000kg as adult males, or anguhalluit (DFO, 2000). Adult females, or nalungialiit, are slightly smaller, averaging 3.8m in length. Beluga lose all their skin pigment around the age of 7-9 years (DFO, 2000). The diet of Beluga has been inferred by examining stomach content, fatty acids profiles, and analysing nitrogen stable isotopes of harvested whales, due to the difficulty of direct observation of feeding behaviour in the wild (Loseto et al., 2009; Matley, Fisk, & Dick, 2015; Quakenbush et al., 2017). There are a number of populations of Beluga in the Canadian Arctic, and each migrate significant distances throughout the year. Sea ice conditions are believed to be the primary factor influencing the timing of migration, whereby beluga move out of seasonally ice covered regions before the fall freeze, and move into regions after ice break up in the spring (Asselin et al., 2012; Heide-Jørgensen, 2010). The Beaufort Sea population winters in the Bering Sea, where they interact with populations that summer 11
in Bristol Bay, Norton Sound and the Eastern Chukchi Sea (Citta et al., 2017). Studies estimate the population at 20,000-40,000 individuals, although the current population size is likely larger, and is considered to be stable or increasing (DFO, 2002; Harwood & Kingsley, 2013). Norton and Harwood (1986) indicate the Beaufort population migrates east along the north coast of Alaska in spring, following the seaward edge of land-fast ice (DFO, 2002). Visual, aerial, and satellite tracking indicates that the population then concentrates in the Mackenzie estuary in the summer, with segments of the population moving offshore, or further east into the Amundsen Gulf and Viscount Melville Sound areas by late summer (DFO, 2002). Laidre et al. (2008) notes that Beaufort beluga prefer heavy sea ice cover and deep water, but they are also believed to use ice edges for foraging, avoiding predation from killer whales, and for refuge in windy conditions (Harwood & Kingsley, 2013; Harwood et al., 2002; Hornby et al., 2016). Laidre et al. (2008) also believes beluga to be resilient to climatic changes and reductions in sea ice, and several observations support this theory (Asselin et al., 2012; Heide-Jørgensen, 2010). Although the ice adapted arctic cod is a primary prey species, beluga are known to prey on a wide range of species, which they can target based on changing abundance (DFO, 2002). However, the observed declines in beluga body condition over the last few decades indicate a possible effect of beluga switching between less favourable prey species (Harwood, Kingsley, & Smith, 2014; Choy, 2014; Choy et al., 2017). Ice edges are noted to have high primary productivity and concentrations of prey, and observations indicate that beluga may be increasingly taking advantage of these structures (Asselin et al., 2012). Beluga are also increasingly abundant offshore in the Beaufort during ice free periods (Harwood & Kingsley, 2013). It is believed that the 12
whales may be taking advantage of greater pelagic marine productivity predicted by climate change models, or are less deterred from the area due to significant decreases in disruptive industrial activity (Harwood & Kingsley, 2013). In addition to climatic stressors, Beluga are increasingly at risk from pollutants in the arctic environment. Pacyna et al. (2006) indicates that anthropogenic mercury from industrial activity, transported via the atmosphere and hydrosphere from populated areas, has increased naturally occurring mercury concentrations throughout the world (Krey, Ostertag & Chan, 2015). Mercury is taken up by organisms through their diet, accumulates within body tissue, and biomagnifies through trophic levels (Krey et al., 2015; Loseto et al., 2008). As arctic marine predators, belugas can accumulate high levels of mercury in their body tissue, potentially affecting their health and the health of polar bears and Inuit who hunt them (Krey et al., 2015; Loseto et al., 2008). Clarkson and Magos (2006) note that acute mercury poisoning affects the kidneys of mammals, while chronic exposure can cause permanent damage to the central nervous system (Krey et al., 2015). Persistent organic pollutants like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), and chlordane are also chemicals of concern in Beluga (Kuhnlein & Chan, 2000; Ostertag et al., 2009). The anthropogenic contaminants that beluga are exposed to in the Arctic represent a potential threat to the health of the animals themselves and the Inuit that rely on them for subsistence. Studies of biomarkers indicate that mercury levels in Beaufort beluga may be at or above neurotoxic thresholds, which can lead to neurobehavioral change, impacting the survival of animals (Ostertag et al., 2014; Krey 13
et al., 2015). However, it is noted that the actual effects of mercury toxicity on animals in the wild are difficult to determine, and that more studies are needed for effective risk assessment (Ostertag et al., 2014; Krey et al., 2015). Modern day hunts in the region average around 180-190 whales removed from the stock each year, representing less than 1% of the conservatively estimated population of around 20,000 individuals (DFO, 2000; Harwood et al., 2002). McGhee (1988) notes that evidence of beluga whale hunting in the western Arctic extends back at least 500 years (DFO, 2000). With the rate of modern harvesting well under the sustainable take of 2-3% per year and the ongoing presence of large, mature beluga despite centuries of harvest, it is safe to assume that subsistence harvesting is not a threat to beluga populations (Harwood et al., 2002; DFO, 2000). 2.3 Traditional Ecological Knowledge There has been widespread recognition of the existence of numerous knowledge systems amongst various groups in human society (Berkes, 2008; Raymond et al., 2010). Knowledge systems can be distinguished from one another by characteristics such as the level of formal processes used to generate the knowledge, extent of expertise, extent to which knowledge is articulated or available to others, and the extent to which knowledge is embedded in and reflects traditional cultural rules and norms derived from generations of past experience (Raymond et al., 2010). Indigenous groups within states typically have knowledge systems that are distinct from the predominant knowledge systems of the settler or colonial societies in which they are embedded. Indigenous, or traditional knowledge, is a body of knowledge, skills, and values 14
characterized in particular by being unique to a particular indigenous group, informal, highly localized, embedded with values and cosmology, and passed down through inter- generational transfer (Warren et al., 1995 in Raymond et al., 2010). ‘Local knowledge’ differs from traditional knowledge in that it borne out of more recent human interactions with the environment, as opposed to being embedded in deeper and older cultural practices (Raymond et al., 2010). Traditional ecological knowledge, or TEK, is a subset of traditional knowledge that pertains more specifically to human interactions with, and knowledge of the biophysical environment (Berkes, 2008; Berkes, 2009; Wenzel, 1999; Usher, 2000). TEK is more than just facts or knowledge about the environment. Some scholars note that it also includes practices and beliefs, while others divide TEK into factual/rational knowledge about the environment, factual knowledge about the use of the environment, culturally based moral and ethical value statements, and culturally based cosmology (Berkes, 2008; Nadasdy, 1999; Reo & Whyte, 2012; Usher, 2000). The division of TEK into these categories have assisted in efforts to bring together TEK and scientific knowledge, but critics argue that the division of factual TEK away from its holistic nature and cultural and local context can cause problems (Usher, 2000; Nadasy, 1999; Berkes, 2008; Tester & Irniq, 2012). TEK is considered to be multi-faceted and holistic, imbedded with values and beliefs about the environment beyond simple facts (Berkes, 2008; Nadasdy, 1999; Reo & Whyte, 2012; Usher, 2000). This holistic approach to knowledge adds a dimension of complexity that continues to challenge efforts seeking to compare, integrate or equate these knowledge types with western, reductionist knowledge types. 15
Politics play an important role in the relationships between different knowledge systems and the societies that generate them. Interactions between colonial powers and myriad indigenous cultures throughout the world have highlighted how knowledge has and continues to play a central role in how power imbalances are developed and perpetuated. Even the term “traditional” in the context of traditional knowledge is considered by some scholars to negatively imply static and unchanging, as an antonym of modern (Berkes, 2008). This is one of the more problematic aspects of the term, and has led to debate regarding contemporary knowledge being considered part of TK. The adaptive and cumulative nature of TK means that new knowledge is incorporated into the old to produce new insights; the phenomena of adopting new technology is not by any means unique to recent times (Aporta & Higgs, 2005; Berkes, 2009). The perception and politics of “traditional” Inuit culture is essentially a frozen, arbitrary image drawn from early European contact literature, when in fact Inuit culture continues to change and adapt to this day (Wenzel, 1991; Aporta & Higgs, 2005). This notion of Inuit culture has been used to de-value Inuit knowledge in the past, particularly in the important area of wildlife management of subsistence species such as caribou (Usher, 2004). Modern wildlife management has moved towards a more equal integration of scientific and traditional knowledge, with widespread use of co-management arrangements in the Arctic (Usher, 2000; Wenzel, 2004). However, constructive integration of knowledge systems continues to be challenged by the epistemological differences between them (Usher, 2000). That being said, problems with integration are noted to be more about the need for greater mutual understanding between knowledge 16
holders than some inherent incompatibility, but power dynamics continue to play an important role in knowledge integration, where decisions regarding what constitutes “useful”, what knowledge is used or privileged, and final decisions about laws are usually in the hands of non-Inuit (Tyrell, 2007; Raymond et al., 2010; Berkes, 1993; Nadasy, 1999; Tester and Irniq, 2008). 2.3.1 TEK of Arctic Wildlife TEK has been studied in various contexts throughout the Arctic as an area of inquiry. Documentation of TEK has been noted to extend back to some of the earliest European explorers like Boas, Jenness, Stefansson, and Rasmussen, who described Inuit knowledge of local ecology (Wenzel, 1999). Boas, for example, examined the relationship between sea ice type, ringed seal abundance, and Inuit settlement patterns in one of the earliest non-Inuit inquiry into TEK (Wenzel, 1999). Since the 1970s, TEK has come to form a significant component of cultural ecological research in the Arctic, as well as a central ethical and information role in interactions with researchers (Wenzel, 1999). Inuit TEK of various species has been examined throughout the Canadian Arctic. TEK of eider ducks have been examined by Nakashima (1990) in northern Quebec, polar bear by Wenzel (1983) in the Northwest Territories, beluga by Huntington (1999) and Mymrin & Huntington (1999) in Alaska and Russia, Greenland shark by Idrobo and Berkes (2012) in Pangnirtung, caribou by Ferguson & Messier (1997) in the Northwest Territories and Baffin Island, and ringed seal by Furgal, Innes, & Kovacs (2002) in Arctic Bay. These studies vary widely in the aspects of TEK that they focus on examining. Scholars like Idrobo and Berkes (2012) examined how TEK is 17
produced, while others like Wenzel (1983) examined hunting strategies and broader values and beliefs. Many TEK studies, like Huntington (1999), Mymrin and Huntington (1999), Ferguson & Messier (1997), Honeyman et al., (2016), focus primarily or entirely on the factual/rational aspects of TEK, such as wildlife behaviour and ecology. Scholars like Usher (2000) and Tester & Irniq (2008) have noted that the focus on this area of TEK can be attributed in part to its ease of access, and for its similarity to scientific data that can be more easily integrated into management frameworks. While some scholars like Ferguson & Messier (1997) have examined TEK in the context of change in a species over time, there remains few or no studies of specific bodies of TEK of wildlife species in the explicit context of climate change. Rather, scholars like Pearce et al., (2010; 2015) and Ford et al. (2007) have examined TEK in the context of climate change as an aspect of adaptive capacity, and the role it plays in the context of vulnerability and adaptation. Other scholars, like Wenzel (2009) have examined how subsistence hunting and sharing structures, are changing in response to climate change, and Tyrrell (2006) has documented differences in Inuit and non-Inuit knowledge and perspectives on changing polar numbers in the context of climate change. This area of inquiry into bodies of TEK is not without its controversies, such as the methodological approaches utilized to conduct the research, use of the term TEK itself, neo-colonial ethical and moral considerations, and that non-Inuit are typically the primary investigators of Inuit TEK (Nadasdy, 1999; Davis & Wagner, 2003; Fernandez- Giminez, Huntington, & Frost, 2006; Wenzel, 1999). TEK of beluga has been documented explicitly in the academic literature in Russia, Alaska, and Nunavik, examining knowledge from a number of communities of 18
beluga populations in the Eastern Chukchi and Northern Bering Sea, and Nunavik in eastern Canada (Huntington, 1999; Mymrin & Huntington, 1999; Breton-Honeyman et al., 2016). These studies examined TEK of the natural history of beluga, including distribution, migration, abundance, feeding, calving, and molting, and response to anthropogenic disturbance. Several other grey literature studies have been conducted on TEK of beluga, both in the ISR and elsewhere in the Canadian Arctic. Two broad traditional knowledge studies in the ISR have included beluga within their scope. Hart & Amos (2004) examined the hunting and processing of beluga whales, as well as the changes in technology associated with the hunt over time. A second traditional knowledge study undertaken to fulfill the obligations of a proposed natural gas pipeline in the Mackenzie Delta region included knowledge and use of beluga whale in the region within its scope (Inuuvik, Tuktuuyaqtuuq, and Akłarvik Community Corporations,2006). Byers and Roberts (1995) conducted work in the ISR on TEK of beluga more specifically by documenting TEK of beluga at the time in Tuktoyaktuk, Aklavik and Inuvik, and reviewing the historical context of the beluga hunt. The study examines various facets of Inuvialuit TEK of beluga ecology including movement, reproduction, behaviour, and diet, as well as brief descriptions of hunting practices and consumption practices. A study conducted by Remnant and Thomas (1992) focused on Inuit TEK of beluga and narwhal distribution and biology in seven communities in the high eastern Canadian Arctic. However, only two of these four grey literature studies are publically available online, limiting their access to a wider audience. 19
2.4 TEK and Wildlife Co-Management The ongoing integration of TEK and scientific knowledge in wildlife management continues to play a central role in improvements to Inuit/federal relationships in the Arctic, and improvement of wildlife management in the north. TEK has been used to understand wildlife and the biophysical environment more completely and in greater detail than would be possible with scientific knowledge alone (Berkes, 2009; Berkes, 2001; Armitage et al., 2009). This is due in part to the continual evolution of TEK through “learning-by-doing, experimenting, and knowledge building” through locally relevant human interactions with the land and resources (Berkes, 2009). In bringing together different knowledge holders, co-management arrangements necessitate co- production of knowledge from a plurality of knowledge systems. (Dale & Armitage, 2011). This co-production aims to improve understandings of complex natural systems and address problems within those systems better than with one knowledge system in isolation (Armitage et al., 2011; Dale & Armitage, 2011). Wildlife management in the north especially is challenged by incomplete information particularly about species’ life histories and distribution, and is challenged further by the climatic changes that are continuing to alter the distribution, migration, abundance, reproductive success, prey abundance, and survival of many species (Breton-Honeyman, Furgal, & Hammill, 2016). In addition to practical improvements of co-management, inclusion of TEK is considered to improve trust building and social learning between parties (Dale & Armitage, 2011). While the inclusion of TEK in co-management arrangements is generally considered to result in “better, more equitable, flexible, or sustainable decisions,....there are significant challenges and risks associated with knowledge inclusion” (Dale & 20
Armitage, p.441 2011). Engagement of TEK and TEK holders is represented by a spectrum of interactions, ranging from token consultation to legitimate devolution of power to Inuit rights-holders. It has been noted that at worst, token engagement with TEK is only undertaken because it is “politically expedient” to do so, and there is a “hidden discourse” of racial and political reasons little discussed through official channels on why TEK and science are sometimes seen to be at loggerheads (Nadasdy, p.3 1999). Effective engagement with TEK in co-management goes far beyond simply including it as additional data that can be slotted into place. The most democratic form of management involves maximizing flows of information between participants in equitable arrangements characterized by genuine power sharing, while avoiding intentional or unintentional neo-colonial forms of exploitation and co-optation (Nadasdy, 1999; Fernandez-Gimenez et al., 2006). Biological studies, followed by studies on management/co-management make up much of the literature on beluga (Breton-Honeyman et al., 2016). While TEK of beluga has been used opportunistically in biological studies, the explicit academic study and documentation of TEK of beluga in the Arctic has been limited to a handful of studies in the eastern Chukchi and northern Bering Seas, on knowledge from a number of communities in Alaska and Russia (Huntington, 1999; Mymrin & Huntington, 1999). These studies examined TEK of the natural history of beluga, including distribution, migration, abundance, feeding, calving, and molting, and response to anthropogenic disturbance. Where grey literature on TEK of beluga exists, it is often in the form of narrowly disseminated hard copy reports that are not publically accessible online. Outside of these studies, Inuit knowledge of beluga has contributed greatly to the 21
understanding and management of the species in co-management settings, but the published literature does not reflect this (Breton-Honeyman et al., 2016). This lack of documentation has real implications for the visibility of Inuit perspectives, and for the equitability of co-management arrangements that draw on bodies of scholarship dominated by scientific studies. Henry Huntington notes, “The use of TEK is often hindered because it is unavailable to or considered irrelevant by a broad audience. In the absence of wide access, the influence of TEK extends only as far as the influence of those who hold it. Holders of TEK may be able to speak, and speak forcefully, at public hearings and in other fora, but the undocumented information is not portable, and the influence of such spoken testimony diminishes with distance in time and space. Documentation is one means by which TEK can be made more accessible, allowing it to be considered in parallel with other information, typically from scientific studies, that is written.” (Huntington, p.238, 1998). Inuit and scholars alike have noted that management of beluga that are so important to some Inuit communities demands improved study of TEK (Huntington, 1999; Mymrin & Huntington, 1999; Breton-Honeyman, Furgal, & Hammill, 2016). 2.4.1 Co-Management Frameworks There are a number of prominent co-management arrangement structures that are utilized in the Canadian Arctic to manage wildlife species. These frameworks are a response to the need to address complex socio-ecological management dilemmas 22
where a multiplicity of actors are involved (Armitage et al., 2009). Some key features of co-management frameworks include their ability to learn from and adapt to socio- ecological feedbacks from the system of interest, and to develop vertical and horizontal linkages between local, regional, national, and international institutions (Armitage et al., 2009; Berkes & Jolly, 2001). The adaptive and flexible nature of co-management arrangements makes them “suited to conditions of uncertainty and conflict” (Armitage et al., 2009). Learning is a key factor to this ability, whereby various types of knowledge from a range of actors can be brought together through knowledge co-production to continuously improve understandings of the system of interest (Dale & Armitage, 2011). This also has the added benefit of creating a better understanding than could be achieved by one source of knowledge alone, whilst fostering trust and understanding between actors (Armitage et al., 2011; Dale & Armitage, 2011). 23
Chapter 3 - Case Study This chapter serves to situate the research within its geographical and socio- cultural context, through a brief description of Inuvialuit, the Inuvialuit Settlement Area (ISR), and the community of Tuktoyaktuk. 3.1 Inuvialuit Inuvialuit, as with other contemporary Inuit populations, share common ancestry with the Thule migration that moved west to east across the Arctic from Alaska sometime around 1000 C.E. (Damas, 2002, p.6). However, the notable “biogeographical” richness of what is now the Inuvialuit Settlement Region supported a unique culture with high population densities distinct within the Arctic (Morrison, 1997, p.33). Approximately 2500 ancestral Inuvialuit known as the Siglit occupied what is now the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) in 6-8 distinct groups prior to contact with European explorers (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, 2015). From 1789 to 1840, interactions with early explorers like Mackenzie and Franklin, and the diseases and trade goods that accompanied them, stimulated cultural and demographic changes among the Inuvialuit (Morrison, 1997, p.44). Measles epidemics in 1900 and 1902 further reduced populations in the area, and by 1910 there were only approximately 260 inhabitants, half of whom were recent migrants from Alaska (Usher, 1971). 3.2 The Inuvialuit Settlement Region Located in the western Canadian Arctic, the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) was created by the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) and the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) 24
Claims Settlement Act on June 5, 1984. The agreements and the creation of the ISR resulted from 10 years of negotiation between the Inuvialuit, represented by the Committee for the Original People’s Entitlement (COPE), a small Inuvialuit volunteer organization originally formed to safeguard the environmental and economic interests of First Nations of the Mackenzie Delta/ Beaufort Sea area, and the Government of Canada (Saku & Bone, 2000). The region, home to approximately 10,000 residents spread across the six communities of Aklavik, Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Paulatuk, Ulukhaktok, and Sachs Harbour, covers 906,430 km2, of which the Inuvialuit own 90,643km2, with 77,694km2 of surface rights and both surface and sub-surface rights on the other 12,949 km2 (Fast, Mathias, Banias, 2001). The aims of the agreements were to “preserve Inuvialuit cultural identity and values within a changing northern society, to enable the Inuvialuit to be equal and meaningful participants in the northern and national economy and society and to protect and preserve the arctic wildlife, environment and biological productivity and for the payment to the Inuvialuit of certain compensation” (Government of Canada, 1984). The communities of the ISR have majority Inuvialuit populations that are highly dependent on the wildlife resources of the area for subsistence hunting, with public administration, sporadic resource development and exploration and limited tourism providing other economic opportunities (Pearce, et al., 2011). 25
Figure 3.1: Location of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and Tuktoyaktuk, NT. (Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre, 2017) The contemporary governance of the ISR falls under a number of corporate and co-management structures. The management and distribution of benefits from the IFA rests with the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) (Fast et al., 2001). The Inuvialuit Land, Investment, Petroleum and Development Corporations, along with six Community Corporations from each of the major communities in the ISR, complete the corporate 26
structure under the IRC. Resources within the ISR are co-managed by the Inuvialuit and the Canadian, Northwest Territories and Yukon governments through five organizations, including the Inuvialuit Game Council, Environmental Impact Screening Committee, Environmental Impact Review Board, Wildlife Management Advisory Council (WMAC) (NT), and Fisheries Joint Management Committee (Fast et al., 2001). In regards to wildlife management, the WMAC “has jurisdiction over the adjacent nearshore and offshore waters of the ISR related to wildlife policy and the management, regulation and administration of wildlife, habitat and harvesting”, the FJMC administers “rights and obligations relating to fisheries under the IFA, and [advises] the Fisheries Minister on the management of fisheries in the region”, and the six Hunter and Trapper Committees represent the interests of their respective communities (Fast et al., p.190, 2001). However, federal and territorial ministers have the ultimate decision in wildlife management, based on the advisement of the above mentioned joint Inuvialuit- government committees (Fast et al., 2001). 3.3 Tuktoyaktuk, NT Located in the Mackenzie River Delta in the northwest corner of the Northwest Territories, Tuktoyaktuk or “Tuk” (69°26′34″N 133°01′52″W), traditionally known as Tuktuujaartuq in Inuvialuktun, is one of the major population centers within the ISR (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, 2015). As of the 2011 population census, the hamlet had 855 residents, of whom 52.5% were men and 47.5% were women (Statistics Canada, 2017). Inuvialuit settled in the area after the Hudson’s Bay Company established Port Brabant in the mid 1930s to the service the fur trade that was the primary economic activity of the time (Pool, 2015). The 1950s brought increased 27
economic opportunity for the community with jobs in the construction and operation of a number of Distant Early Warning (DEW) line radar stations, built to detect Soviet bombers flying over the Arctic. The “Bar-3” station, a mid-sized radar facility, was built at Tuk in the mid 1950s (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, 2007). Oil and gas exploration around the same time discovered large reserves within the ISR, and rapid development proceeded in the 1960s as DEW lines were being decommissioned (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, 2007). The oil and gas boom of the 60s and 70s brought much needed employment and money to the region, but the Inuvialuit became concerned by the lack of control they had over development, in addition to mounting environment degradation and the disruption of cultural practices such as trapping and hunting (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, 2007). Pushback from Tuk residents over seismic testing off the coast, mobilized all the ISR communities against a proposed pipeline and demand for greater control over development in their traditional territory paved the way for the IFA land claim (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, 2007). Concerns for wildlife, particularly beluga, and the wider marine environment in the context of industrial activity led to the creation of the Tarium Niryutait Marine Protected Area (TNMPA), Canada’s first arctic MPA, in the area in 2010 (see figure 3.3) (Harwood et al., 2014). The TNMPA is made up of three areas in the Mackenzie Delta, include including the Niaqunnaq MPA, Okeevik MPA, and Kittigaryuit MPA (see figure 3.3) (Harwood et al., 2014). The current major economic prospect in the area is the 137 kilometer expansion of the Dempster highway that would see its terminus extended from Inuvik to Tuk (CBC, 2014). The extension is expected to be completed by 2017, at which time Tuk will be able to realize the benefits of road access to good and services previously only accessible by air or water. 28
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