Page created by Thomas Mullins

Welcome to the Intramural Sports Program!

This handbook has been created in order to give our participants a single destination to find all of the policies and
procedures governing the intramural sports program. Although we intend this handbook to be comprehensive, it may only
be updated on a yearly basis. Participants will be notified of changes or updates to policies and procedures via email in the
time between publications. Please note, this handbook does not contain the rules for each intramural activity. Specific rules
for each activity can be found on IM Leagues, which can be accessed via the Intramural Sports website. If you have any
questions regarding specific policies or procedures that are listed in this handbook, or if you have any suggestions for
additional areas you’d like to see included, please contact me directly. I hope that you enjoy your experience as a
participant in the Intramural Sports program!


Matthew Nuesell
Assistant Director for Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs

                                           2020-2021 Contact Information

Office Location: Room 1201, Student Life Center

Julian Wright, Director of Recreational Sports
Office: 607-753-5585

Matt Nuesell, Assistant Director for Intramural Sports
Office: 607-753-5704

Theresa Montez, Secretary of Recreational Sports
Office: 607-753-5585

Graduate Assistant for Intramural Sports
Office: 607-753-5489

Table of Contents

Assumption of Risk ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

General Information ............................................................................................................................................................... 4

Free Agents ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

How to Become Involved........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Uniforms ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Roster Requirement ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

Competition ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Mercy Rules ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Sportsmanship Rating System ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Head Injuries/Concussions ................................................................................................................................................... 11

Forfeit/Cancellation Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 12

Forfeit Fines .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Grace Period ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Protest Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 13

Late-Night Event Participation Policy ................................................................................................................................... 13

One-Night Waivers ............................................................................................................................................................... 14

Scheduling............................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Participation Eligibility .......................................................................................................................................................... 15

Employment with Intramural Sports .................................................................................................................................... 17

eSports Participation Policies ............................................................................................................................................... 18

COVID-19 and Intramural Sports .......................................................................................................................................... 20

Assumption of Risk
By registering for/accepting an invitation to participate in any Intramural Sports activity, you understand that:

    •   Inherent risks are associated with every recreational activity, including participation in intramural sports, and that
        the potential for personal injury exists.
    •   You are voluntarily assuming the risk for personal injury by participating.
    •   You are advised to possess a personal health insurance policy to assist with medical bills incurred as a result of any
        injuries you sustain while participating in intramural activities.
    •   You are advised to visit your physician for a pre-participation physical examination to determine your readiness to
        participate in intramural activities.
    •   SUNY Cortland is not financially responsible for any medical bills incurred as a result of injuries you sustain while
        participating in intramural activities.
    •   Recreational Sports will not have medical experts available to answer specific questions related to participation
        with injury or illness.
    •   Individuals who are suspected of sustaining a head injury/concussion will be immediately removed from intramural
        participation and may not return to participation in any intramural sports activity until cleared by Student Health
        Services or a physician.

General Information

All students and faculty/staff are encouraged to participate in as many intramural events as possible. However, participants
are expected to behave in a mature, sportsmanlike manner. To encourage this kind of atmosphere, the following rules will
be enforced:

Any player ejected form an Intramural contest is automatically suspended from his/her team's next two games and must
meet with the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports and Graduate Assistant of Intramural Sports before being

Any player or spectator making physical contact or threatening an Intramural staff member will be immediately suspended
from all Intramural activity indefinitely and must meet with the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports and Graduate
Assistant of Intramural Sports before being reinstated. That person may also be referred to the Student Conduct Office.

Playing under an assumed name/using someone else's ID constitutes a blatant violation of the Honor Code. Such violations
will be referred to the Student Conduct Office for action.

Alcoholic beverages, drugs, and tobacco products are strictly prohibited in any recreational facility and any participant
playing under the influence will be immediately ejected and referred to the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports and
Graduate Assistant of Intramural Sports. Captains are responsible for the behavior of their players, as well as their

Free Agents

Students having trouble finding a team to play with may register themselves as a free agent on the IM Leagues. Likewise,
team captains looking to add additional players to their rosters can browse the registered free agents on IM Leagues or may
leave their teams “open” for free agents to join. Captains may elect to allow free agents to join their teams with or without
permission from the captain. Free agents may also create their own teams and leave them open for any other interested
students to join.

For all league events, Recreational Sports will offer assistance to all registered free agents with the process of forming their
own teams, comprised entirely of free agents. Several meetings will be held throughout the year for free agents to attend
for the purpose of being placed on a team. Attendance is mandatory if you would like to be placed on a team.

Due to COVID-19, the intramural sports program is unable to offer any team events during the fall 2020 semester.
Dates/times for free agent organizational meetings for future semesters will be posted once normal operations are
permitted to resume.

How to Become Involved

Most intramural activities* are offered to students and faculty/staff at no charge. Registration for all intramural events is
done online through IM Leagues. To become involved, visit the "IM Leagues (Event Registration)" page, find the event that
you would like to participate in, familiarize yourself with the policies and rules for that event, and follow the instructions to
create your team/register yourself.

All other players listed on your entry form will receive an email informing them that they have been listed as a member of
your team. Each player must follow the instructions in that email to confirm their participation on your team before they
will be listed as an active member of your roster. You team will not be approved until the minimum number of participants
required to compete in the league/event have accepted the invitation to participate on your team. Entries that do not have
the minimum number of participants confirmed by the entry deadline will not be included in the event, so it is important to
follow up with your teammates to make sure they confirm their participation! Information regarding the minimum number
of participants for each event is included in that event's information packet, which is available on IM Leagues.

If you are experiencing difficulty registering for intramural events, please stop by the Recreational Sports office between 8
a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or call 753-5704/753-5489 for assistance.

* Softball League, Bowling, and Golf events have registration fees associated with participation.

Uniforms are required to participate in most leagues. A legal uniform consists of a numbered T-shirt or jersey with the
following guidelines:

    •   Numbers on the front of the shirt must be at least 4” high.
    •   Numbers on the back of the shirt must be at least 6” high.
    •   Numbers may only be screen printed or ironed onto the shirt; they may not be drawn, painted or taped on.
    •   Each member must have a different number.
    •   In all leagues except 4 on 4 volleyball and 6 on 6 volleyball, team members must wear the same color shirt.

Companies that you can order shirts from (generally $10-$15 each):

    •   Graph-Tex, 756-7791
    •   Bernard’s Custom Logo, 756-5951

Plan ahead. You must have proper uniforms for all games (even the first one). It takes approximately one week to receive
an order. If you choose not to purchase jerseys or if you are waiting for your order, a limited number of jerseys are available
for rent at $1.00 each per day at the Equipment Checkout Desk in the Student Life Center. NO REFUNDS on jerseys, for
forfeits or any other reason. Please keep 2 things in mind if you choose to rent jerseys from our Equipment Checkout Desk.

    1. It is not Recreational Sports’ responsibility to ensure that there are enough jerseys available to rent on a nightly
       basis – when we run out of clean jerseys to rent, we run out. During busier times of the year when there are
       multiple leagues running at one time, it is more likely that we will run out of jerseys. If your team has to forfeit a
       scheduled contest because you were not able to secure proper uniforms by game time, your team will be charged
       the mandatory forfeit fine, no excuses. Recreational Sports strongly encourages all teams to purchase their own
       uniforms in order to avoid these issues!

    2. Please be aware that evenings are a busy time in the Student Life Center, especially at the Equipment Checkout
       Desk. If you know that your team will need to rent jerseys, plan accordingly and allow enough time to wait in line,
       rent the jerseys, and travel to the facility that your game is being played in. Remember, game time is forfeit time,
       and mandatory fines will be issued to teams who do not arrive on time in accordance with our Forfeit/Cancellation
       Policy (see below). We will not accept excuses such as “my teammates are on their way” or “there was a line in the
       Student Life Center.” Do not expect that exceptions will be made for your team, regardless of how much money
       you just spent on jersey rentals. In all cases, you will have known about your scheduled game at least 24 hours in
       advance, so come down to rent jerseys earlier in the day if you think you may be cutting it close.

Roster Requirement

To be accepted, rosters must be submitted online via IM Leagues on the Intramural Sports website by the registration

Only individuals listed on the original roster or those officially added via IM Leagues or through a One-Night Waiver (see
below) are allowed to participate. Dropping/adding players via either method to a team roster is allowed through the first
three or four weeks of competition only. A complete list of drop/add deadlines for each of our leagues is included below.
Closing rosters prior to post-season competition prevents teams from stacking their rosters and ensures fair competition.
Team captains can manage their rosters online via IM Leagues during the listed drop/add periods only. Except for those
individuals utilizing a one-night waiver, players listed on a roster will not be allowed to participate until they officially accept
the invitation to join a team. Teams are limited to the number of roster spots available on the entry form.

Drop/Add & One-Night Waiver Deadlines

Due to COVID-19, the intramural sports program is unable to offer any team events during the fall 2020 semester.
Drop/add & one-night waiver deadlines for future semesters will be posted once normal operations are permitted to

All players must present a current, valid SUNY Cortland Photo I.D. card prior to each game in order to participate.
Participants with the IM Leagues app may also present their virtual ID card to check in.

In order to meet the needs of students with varying amounts of time, some sports are offered as single elimination/one day
tournaments, while others are offered in a league format. Recreational Sports reserves the right to move a team up to the
All-School division if their performance against other teams indicates that they are an All-School caliber team.

In league play, Recreational Sports will attempt to provide each team/individual with at least five league games. Although
all teams may not qualify for playoffs, all teams will eligible for playoffs, provided that they play in the minimum number of
required games for that particular league, do not forfeit/cancel more than one game, and finish the regular season with a
sportsmanship rating average of at least 2.5 (see below for full details regarding the Sportsmanship Rating System).

For most sports, students may choose from two levels of competition: All-School (highly competitive) and Recreational
(mostly for fun). Although awards are given to the winners of each level, the All-School division winners are the official
campus champions.

Uniforms are required to participate in team sports. This makes it easier for officials and teammates to distinguish one team
from another. It also enables proper game administration such as recording fouls, substitution of players, and penalty
enforcement. Having uniforms also promotes team spirit and pride.

Mercy Rules
Recreational Sports has mercy rules in place for each of our intramural leagues. Mercy rules are categorized as either
automatic or elective. Details for each set of rules is included below. Specific mercy rules for each league can be found in
the event rules packet on the "Event Registration and Free Agents" page and are also included below.

Automatic Mercy = neither team has the option to continue playing. Once the set conditions are met, the game is declared

Elective Mercy = the captain of the team that is trailing will be given the option to discontinue the game once the set
conditions are met. Only team captains (or the individual who is serving as team captain) can make the decision to
discontinue a game. If the team that is trailing elects to continue playing, the game shall continue to its conclusion OR until
the conditions for an automatic mercy are met. When the elective conditions are met, the officials shall call an official’s
timeout, stop the clock and inform the captain of his/her choices. Play will resume from the point of interruption or in
accordance with the regular resumption of play rules.

  4v4 Basketball                    Automatic: None
                                    Elective: Team is trailing by 25+ points w/ 5’ left in the 2nd half
  4v4 Volleyball                    Automatic: None
                                    Elective: None
  5v5 Basketball                    Automatic: Team is trailing by 25+ points w/
Sportsmanship Rating System

General Guidelines

Recreational Sports at SUNY Cortland is committed to fostering a safe, healthy, and fun atmosphere for all participants
during Intramural Sports competition. We expect our participants to be on their best behavior and to hold their teammates
accountable for promoting good sportsmanship. Respect for teammates, opponents, officials, and all members of the
Intramural Sports staff is imperative for the enjoyment of competitions by all participants. For these reasons, a
Sportsmanship Rating System shall be implemented for all regularly scheduled team sports.

At the conclusion of each contest, the officials and scorekeeper will assign a score to each team based on the behavior,
actions, and attitudes exhibited during the course of play. In all cases, Intramural Sports Supervisors and the Intramural
Sports staff may provide input which could raise or lower an assigned rating. Captains must acknowledge their team’s rating
by signing the score sheet before exiting the contest venue. Teams may also view their sportsmanship ratings in the
Intramural Sports office during regular business hours or on IM Leagues.

Behavior before, during, and after an intramural contest will be factored into each team’s rating. It is the responsibility of
the team captain to inform his/her teammates and spectators about the rating system. Ratings will be given in whole
numbers on a scale of 0-4. Teams must maintain a minimum 2.5 rating in order to become eligible for post-season
competition. Teams must also maintain this rating during playoffs in order to advance.

Sportsmanship Rating Criteria

The Sportsmanship Rating System is based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:

(4.0) Four: Excellent Conduct and Sportsmanship

    •   Team members cooperate with and demonstrate good sportsmanship toward teammates, opponents, and all
        members of the Intramural Sports staff.
    •   Team captain exhibits control over his/her teammates and spectators; he/she converses calmly and rationally with
        officials regarding the interpretation of calls.
    •   Team members demonstrate proper respect for all equipment and the facility.
    •   Team members honor the spirit and intent of the intramural sport game rules and/or program policies.
    •   Team members accept judgment decisions made by the officials during the contest.
    •   The minimum number of team members needed to start the contest are present, checked in, and ready to play at
        least 5 minutes prior to game time. Teams who do not meet this standard are ineligible to receive a 4.0 rating.

(3.0) Three: Good Conduct and Sportsmanship

    •   Teams begin at this level, and if no positive or negative actions occur, the team will receive this score.
    •   Team members exhibit good conduct and sportsmanship for the majority of the contest.
    •   Team members verbally complain about some decisions made by officials and/or show minor dissension which
        does not merit a technical foul/unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Teams who receive one technical
        foul/unsportsmanlike penalty may not receive higher than a 3.0 rating.
    •   Team members do not show aggressive dissent toward the Intramural Sports staff or the opposing team.

(2.0) Two: Below Average Conduct and Sportsmanship

    •   Team shows verbal dissent toward officials and/or the opposing team which may or may not result in a technical
        foul/unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Teams who receive multiple technical fouls/unsportsmanlike conduct
        penalties may not receive higher than a 2.0 rating.
    •   Team captain demonstrates minor control over teammates/spectators and/or does not actively promote good
    •   Team members occasionally use profanity, although it is not directed toward staff/opponents.
    •   At game time, the team is not able to produce the minimum number of participants, resulting in a forfeit. The
        opposing team will automatically receive a 3.0 rating in this situation.

(1.0) One: Poor Conduct and Sportsmanship

    •   Team members continuously show dissent toward staff/opponents or use abusive/inappropriate language toward
    •   Team members are continuously “trash talking” opponents and/or intimidating staff/opponents or playing
    •   Team captain is unresponsive and uncooperative in helping staff members to control teammates.
    •   Teams that have a player ejected may not receive higher than a 1.0 rating.

(0.0) Zero: Disqualifying Conduct and Sportsmanship

    •   Threatening/making physical contact in an aggressive manner toward staff/opponents.
    •   Team members are out of control, intoxicated/under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or show a complete
        disregard for authority.
    •   Team captain shows no control over the actions of his/her teammates.
    •   Multiple players are ejected from the contest.
    •   A team member misrepresents him/herself by using another student’s SUNY Cortland ID card.
    •   Team members damage/attempt to damage equipment or the facility.
    •   Any team whose member(s) take part in a fight, instigates a fight, or throws a punch (whether connected or not)
        will receive a 0.0 and those individual players will be indefinitely suspended from all Intramural Sports events.
        Those members must meet with the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports before they will be allowed to resume
        participation in any intramural sports event. Any team that receives 0.0 is subject to disqualification from
        participation for the remainder of that sport and possibly the semester or academic year. All players on a team
        receiving a 0.0 may be put on probation or suspended indefinitely and may be subject to further sanctions through
        the Student Conduct Office.

Sportsmanship Ratings & Post-Season Play

Teams must maintain at least a 2.5 rating throughout playoffs in order to advance. However, teams that are assigned a
rating of 1.0 in a postseason contest will not be advanced until a review is completed by the Assistant Director for
Intramural Sports; teams that receive a rating of 0.0 during playoffs will not be allowed to advance. In all cases, Recreational
Sports reserves the right to deny any team the opportunity to advance in the postseason, regardless of the outcome of the
game and/or the team’s average sportsmanship rating, if the team’s behavior is determined to be egregiously
inappropriate. All evidence will be considered before a judgement is rendered and all decisions are final. Appeals will not be
heard for postseason decisions that affect a team’s ability to advance.

Special Notes Regarding the Sportsmanship Rating System

    •   Teams that are suspected of intentionally losing games in order to secure a more favorable seed or placement into
        a less-competitive bracket will be automatically disqualified, regardless of the outcome of the game.
    •   Any team that receives a rating of 1.0 more than once at any point in the season must have their captain schedule a
        meeting with the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports before their next scheduled game.


Teams who disagree with an assigned sportsmanship rating may have their captain submit an appeal to the Assistant
Director for Intramural Sports. An email should be sent to by 1pm on the following day and
should include the team name, the date/time of the game, and a thorough explanation of the reason for the appeal. The
team captain will be contacted within one week to inform him/her of the result of the appeal. Postseason appeals will not
be considered.

A Special Note Regarding Head Injuries/Concussions
Intramural participants should be aware that specific policies exist governing how suspected head injuries and/or
concussions are handled by our staff. Individuals who are suspected of sustaining a head injury/concussion will be
immediately removed from intramural participation and may not return to participation in any intramural sports activity
until cleared by Student Health Services or a physician. Proof of clearance must contain the official stamp/signature of a
physician and should be submitted to the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs.

Once a head injury/concussion is suspected, the individual does not have a choice in the matter of whether or not to return,
regardless of their desire, how they state they are feeling, or how bad they judge their own potential injury to be. This
policy is not intended to punish teams or individuals for being hurt. Instead, it is with an abundance of caution that we
implement these policies. All head injuries are serious, regardless of their severity, and safety is our number one priority.

Additionally, it is our policy that injured participants must be escorted from the facility by a teammate or friend. If a
teammate or friend is unavailable, the injured individual, if able to, may wait until the conclusion of the contest or the game
will be halted to allow for the individual to be accompanied from the facility. All games that are in the second half of play at
the time of the injury may be counted as complete; if the game is not at least halfway through at the time of injury, and the
team is either unable to continue or believes that the removal of the injured player significantly affects their ability to
compete, the game may be rescheduled.

Injured participants are recommended to follow up with Student Health Services following any suspected concussion/head
injury in Van Hoesen Hall, Room B-26, Phone: 607-753-4811.

Forfeit/Cancellation Policy
Cancellations and forfeits are considered “events”. Any combination of 2 events shall result in no additional games being
added to the schedule and the removal of a team from the league.

Rescheduling for our activities is not allowed. If teams wish to cancel a scheduled game they must provide at least 24 hours
business notice (i.e., by 5 p.m. on the weekday prior to the scheduled competition) to the intramural sports office in
person, via IM Leagues, or via email/voicemail. The cancellation will be counted as the team’s first event, no fine will be
issued, and the team will remain eligible for continued participation in the league.

Participation in most intramural sports leagues is free of charge. However, by registering for a league, team captains must
understand that a fine will be assessed to his/her account following the forfeiture of an intramural sports contest without
following the cancellation procedure described herein. The amount of the fine shall be equal to or slightly less than the
wages paid to our intramural employees for the time of the forfeited game. Fines are mandatory and shall be enforced by
way of putting the team captain’s records on hold until the fee is paid. Forfeit fines can be paid by cash, check or credit card
in the Recreational Sports office in Room 1201 of the Student Life Center. Upon payment, teams will be given the option of
continuing to participate in the league or removing their team from further competition. Should the team elect the
continue participating in the league, the team captain assumes the risk for an additional fine if his/her team forfeits again.
Please note: teams that forfeit will not be assigned any new games until payment is received, but they are still expected to
play any remaining scheduled games unless they specifically request to cancel those games.

For teams that wish to continue being assigned new games in the league, the forfeit fine must be paid by 5:00
p.m. on Wednesdays in order to be included on the next schedule and your team will be dropped from further competition
until the forfeit fine has been paid. Teams paying forfeit fines after 5 p.m. on Wednesdays will not be guaranteed a
scheduled competition during the following week of play. During playoffs, forfeit fines will not be assessed to teams that
advance in the playoff bracket to a game date/time that is scheduled outside of their indicated team availability, so long as
the team notifies the Recreational Sports office by no later than 12 p.m. on the day of the next game.

Lastly, captains may manage their team’s availability through IM Leagues. All changes to team availability done by
Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. will be honored in the next weekly schedule. Changes made after that time will not be
accommodated until the following week’s schedule is released.

Forfeit Fines
* Subject to change

 4v4 Basketball                                  $31.00
 4v4 Volleyball                                  $25.00
 5v5 Basketball                                  $50.00
 6v6 Volleyball                                  $25.00
 Arena Football                                  $45.00
 Broomball                                       $30.00
 Flag Football (Co-Rec & M/W)                    $50.00
 Floor Hockey                                    $31.00
 Indoor Soccer                                   $45.00
 Outdoor Soccer                                  $45.00
 Softball                                        $45.00 + $140 Facility Rental Fee = $185

Grace Period
Please note that game time is forfeit time. However, in an effort to reduce the number of forfeited competitions and to
accommodate the busy schedules of our students, Recreational Sports will be implementing the following policy for weekly
scheduled league competitions: If the minimum number of participants are not present and ready to participate at the time
of their scheduled competition, the game clock will be started and the late team will be given a 3-minute grace period to
arrive. Of course, all team members must then check in with the scorekeeper and the captains’ meeting must be held
before play can begin. The game clock shall not stop during this process and extra time shall not be added to the game clock
to make up for lost time.

If the minimum number of participants has still not arrived by the end of the 3-minute grace period, the contest shall be
declared a forfeit and the aforementioned forfeit fine will be assessed to the team captain. Recreational Sports respectfully
asks that teams do not take advantage of this grace period and instead arrive at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time
of competition.

Protest Information

Protests may be filed over eligibility of a participant or misinterpretation of a rule. Protests concerning the judgment of an
official(s) will not be heard. See individual intramural entry materials for detailed procedures.

Late-Night Event Participation Policy
Participation in all late-night events is free. However, teams that choose to leave before the completion of round-robin play
will be assessed a $5.00/person fee to cover the costs associated with the tournament. Leaving prior to the completion of
round-robin play is disruptive to the tournament schedule and causes major inconveniences to the staff and to the
tournament participants. If a team does not want to participate in the playoff brackets that follow round-robin competition,
they should notify the Intramural Sports administrator on duty and they will be allowed to leave without penalty. For most
tournaments, round-robin play concludes at approximately 11 p.m.

One-Night Waivers
Team captains can elect to add any eligible SUNY Cortland student, faculty or staff member to their team immediately prior
to the start of any league game, regardless of their roster status with the team or any other team in the league. Team
captains must work with the individual to complete the waiver request form and the individual must present a current,
valid SUNY Cortland photo I.D. card prior to participation. The following restrictions apply:

    •   Only one non-roster individual may be added to a team per night. That individual may participate in all scheduled
        games for that team on the night the waiver is completed.
    •   Each individual may only participate on one additional team per night of competition.
    •   One-night waivers do not affect the roster status of the individual. Captains who wish to make changes to their
        rosters must still do so using the regular drop/add procedure.
    •   Teams may only add players if existing team members are not present at game time OR if a team has empty spots
        on their roster (of the required gender, where applicable).
    •   Once a game has started, all late players may only sign in if the maximum number of players allowed on the roster
        (and/or gender, where applicable) has not been reached.
    •   Players must be in compliance with all existing eligibility restrictions in order to be added to a team.
    •   Players are only allowed to use one-night waivers during the designated drop/add period. At the conclusion of the
        drop/add period, individuals will be locked onto whatever roster they are listed on.

For all intramural leagues, teams will only be officially scheduled to play in one game per week. If teams wish to participate
in additional games, there are two options available: using the open games feature on the intramural sports website (this is
also available on IM Leagues); or following the instructions in the opt-in emails captains receive every Tuesday during the
regular season. Each option will be explained in further detail at the mandatory organizational meeting that precedes the
start of each league.

Schedules are posted on Fridays by 2:00 p.m. on IM Leagues at Participants will also have the option
to receive push notifications from IM Leagues to remind them of upcoming events that they are registered for. Initial
preferences are entered during the account creation process, but may be updated any time on IM Leagues. It is solely the
responsibility of the participants to find out when they are scheduled to compete.

The schedule will consist of several weeks of round-robin play, followed (in most cases) by a single-elimination tournament
for each level of competition to determine champions. All teams that maintain at least a 2.5 overall sportsmanship rating
average during the regular season (see below) and that have played the minimum number of games required will be eligible
for inclusion in playoffs. For most leagues, the minimum number of games to be played in order to qualify for post-season
competition is 4 or 5.

Participation Eligibility
Certain restrictions apply to varsity, JV, and sport club athletes when attempting to compete in comparable intramural
sports. Varsity/Club sports that are considered comparable are listed below:

Varsity/Club Sport                         Intramural Sport

Baseball                                   Wiffleball

Basketball                                 Basketball (4v4, 5v5 & tournaments)

Field Hockey                               Floor Hockey, Broomball (league & tournaments)

Football                                   Flag Football (Indoor & outdoor)

Ice Hockey                                 Floor Hockey, Broomball (league & tournaments)

Roller Hockey                              Floor Hockey, Broomball (league & tournaments)

Soccer                                     Soccer (Indoor & outdoor)

Softball                                   Softball, Wiffleball

Tennis                                     Tennis

Ultimate Frisbee                           Ultimate Frisbee

Volleyball                                 Volleyball (4v4, 6v6 & tournaments)

For all comparable sports listed above, varsity/club athletes are ineligible to participate in the corresponding intramural
sport(s) for the academic year if:

    •    The athlete is listed as a member of the varsity/club sport for a full season OR
    •    The athlete is listed as a member of the varsity/club sport beyond the 4th full week of scheduled
         activities/competitions OR
    •    The athlete has participated in/been made available for at least 3 scheduled events/competitions OR
    •    The athlete is a professional, as recognized by the NCAA/AAU or the governing body for that particular sport.

In this instance, ineligible athletes may return to intramural competition in the succeeding academic year.

For all comparable sports listed above, varsity/club athletes are ineligible to participate in the corresponding intramural
sport(s) for the current semester if:

    •    The athlete removes him/herself from the team prior to the start of the 5th full week of scheduled
         activities/competitions OR
    •    The athlete has participated in/been made available for fewer than 3 scheduled events/competitions OR
    •    The athlete can provide documented proof of an injury/illness/medical condition that has prevented him/her from
         fully participating in team activities for a significant portion of the season AND
    •    The athlete is removed from all official varsity/club rosters prior to reinstatement.

In this instance, ineligible athletes may return to intramural competition in the succeeding semester.

All contests that an ineligible player participates in will result in the immediate suspension of that player, removal from the
team roster, and the forfeiture of wins for all games he/she participated in. In addition, that team will be required to pay
the set forfeit fine in order to continue in the competition.

In certain sports, exceptions may be made that allow varsity/sport club athletes to participate with specific limitations in
comparable intramural sports. A complete list of exceptions and limitations is listed below:

 Varsity Sport/Sport Clubs      Comparable Intramural Sport         Specific Rules/Limitations
                                                                   Teams may have no more than 4 students who are listed
                                                                   members of the aforementioned teams.
                                                                   Those individuals may be in any combination regardless
                                                                   of gender (i.e., 4 males, 2 males/2 females, etc.) or team
                                Broomball League                   (3 ice hockey club members and 1 roller hockey club
 Field/Ice/Roller Hockey
                                & Tournaments                      member, etc.). However, teams that have at least 2 of
                                                                   these individuals in any combination are required to play
                                                                   in the All-School division. Teams that only have 1 of
                                                                   these individuals will not be required to play in the All-
                                                                   School division, but may choose to do so.
                                                                   Teams may have no more than 2 students who are listed
                                                                   members of the aforementioned teams. Those
                                                                   individuals may be in any combination (i.e. 1 ice hockey
                                                                   club member and 1 roller hockey club member,
 Field/Ice/Roller Hockey        Floor Hockey League                etc.). However, teams that have two of these individuals
                                                                   in any combination are required to play in the All-
                                                                   School division. Teams that only have one of these
                                                                   individuals will not be required to play in the All-School
                                                                   division, but may choose to do so.
                                                                   Teams may have no more than two (2) students who are
                                                                   listed members of the club soccer teams. Those
                                                                   individuals may be in any combination regardless of
                                                                   gender. However, teams that have 2 of these individuals
                                                                   are required to play in the All-School division. Teams
 Soccer                         Indoor Soccer
                                                                   that only have 1 of these individuals will not be required
                                                                   to play in the All-School division, but may choose to do
                                                                   so. Members of the varsity soccer teams are ineligible to
                                                                   participate in this league. Please note that both varsity
                                                                   and club soccer players are ineligible for outdoor soccer.
                                                                   Members of the varsity/club volleyball teams are
                                                                   ineligible to participate in leagues. Members of the
                                                                   varsity/club volleyball teams are eligible to participate in
                                                                   late-night events. However, teams that have two of
 Volleyball                     Volleyball Leagues
                                                                   these individuals in any combination are required to play
                                                                   in the All-School division. Teams that only have one of
                                                                   these individuals will not be required to play in the All-
                                                                   School division, but may choose to do so.

Employment with Intramural Sports
Intramural Sports is always seeking talented, motivated young men and women to work as intramural officials and
scorekeepers. These positions offer highly active, highly engaging opportunities and afford students the chance to learn
marketable skills that can translate into employment in related fields outside of the college setting. Some basic information
regarding employment with the intramural sports program:

    •   Employees are scheduled on a week-to-week basis, typically 2-3 nights per week for a total of 10-12 hours. During
        busier seasons, employees may be asked to work more. During quieter times of the year, hours may be more
        limited. New employees are also required to attend training sessions for each sport they are required to work, but
        only during the first season of employment in that sport. These training sessions are in addition to your regularly
        scheduled shifts, and typically occur early in each semester. You will be paid for your attendance at all training
    •   Employees are encouraged to participate in the intramural sports program while they are employed! We strongly
        believe that by exposing yourself to “the other side”, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the difficulties inherent
        in officiating, as well as assisting us to advocate for our program. Participation also gives you the opportunity to
        model respect for your fellow employees and sportsmanlike play. However, we do ask that if you participate while
        you are employed, you do so with the realization that the more you participate in, the more likely you are to
        encounter conflicts. We do our best to avoid work/play conflicts, but they are unavoidable at times. In these cases,
        we ask that you prioritize work over play, unless you are able to find a substitute for the time you are scheduled to
    •   Employees are expected to work a minimum of 3 sports in order to secure a position in our program. Upon hiring,
        contracts are signed that clearly lay out which sports you would be expected to work. This is done to reduce
        ambiguity regarding your responsibilities and to allow you the opportunity to properly plan for attending the
        scheduled training sessions. We do take into consideration your preference for sports, although we may challenge
        you with a sport that you’ve never tried, depending on our staffing needs.
    •   Employees who have worked for us for at least 2 semesters are eligible to apply for a promotion to a supervisory
        position. Intramural Supervisors have increased responsibilities, a greater role in the administration of the
        intramural program, and gain a deeper understanding of the intramural sports program from a “behind the scenes
    •   Applicants do not need to have any prior experience officiating in order to be considered for employment. While
        experience is nice to have, we generally consider other factors beyond experience first when making final hiring
        decisions. Personality, intrinsic motivation, a desire to continually learn and improve, receptiveness to feedback, a
        positive attitude…we’ll take a good person over an experienced person any day! If you feel that you have the
        aforementioned abilities and personality traits and you enjoy a challenge, we are confident in our ability to teach
        you to become a great official or scorekeeper!
    •   Applications are generally available toward the end of each semester for employment during the following
        semester. To apply, visit If you are a first-time user, you will need to create an account before
        you can formally apply. Applicants who we have an interest in will be contacted for a brief interview prior to hiring.

    Think you’ve got what it takes to be an intramural sports official or scorekeeper?! Please consider applying!

    We’d love to have you on our team!

eSports Policies
All individuals who register for any eSports league/tournament are expected to comply with the following rules:

All players should list their gamer tag as their team name. A full list of gamer tags will be shared with all players via email
once the league has been locked.

    1. Players should expect to be assigned for up to 2 matches each week for the duration of the regular season (typically
       3-4 weeks). Depending on the league/tournament, winners may be determined by a single (or possibly) double-
       elimination playoff, or simply by the final standings for events that involve a full round-robin schedule.

    2. For certain leagues, winners may have the opportunity to participate in additional intercollegiate events with
       winners from other schools. See event rules packets for specifics regarding intercollegiate opportunities.

    3. Players will have the opportunity to indicate their availability for matches when they register on IM Leagues.
       Specific match times based on each player’s availability will be assigned each week.

    4. All players must be present and ready to play within 10 minutes of the scheduled match time. After 10 minutes, a
       forfeit can be declared and any players present should report it as such. Forfeit wins and losses for eSports events
       will count in the standings and those matches will not be rescheduled.

    5. Although forfeit fees will not be charged for this league, players should be aware of the following rules regarding
           1. Forfeits are assigned set scores (e.g. 5-0) and are recorded as wins and losses in the standings.
           2. Forfeited matches will not be rescheduled.
           3. Players who forfeit twice during league play will be eliminated from all future competition in the league,
                 and are banned from participation in all eSports events for the remainder of the semester.
           4. All disputes involving forfeits should be brought to the attention of the league administrators for review.

    6. The player listed as being the “Home” team will be responsible for setting up the match lobby and inviting all
       players to the match. For team events, the captain of the “Home” team will assume this responsibility.

    7. The winner of an assigned match (or at least one player from each team for all activities that are played in a team
       format) must report all scores for weekly assigned matches no later than each Thursday morning no later than
       9am. We recommend that the winner report the score immediately following the completion of the match. This can
       be done through your IM Leagues account or by using the IM Leagues app.

    8. Settings for the match must follow specific guidelines. See event rules for specifics regarding settings. Any settings
       that are not specified can be determined and used by the players if mutually agreed upon.

    9. Pausing matches once competition has begun is not generally preferred, but when done infrequently, may be
       understandable. Players are asked to do their best to avoid pausing matches for extended periods of time. Please
       report all issues directly to our office.

    10. Coms (headsets, in-game chat, etc.) are not required to participate in these leagues/events, but may be used if both
        players would like to use them. When coms are used, players are expected to participate in a sportsmanlike

    11. Players may not attack any other player through any form of communication (including in-person) based on race,
        religion, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Taunting,
        harassment, racist remarks/behavior, etc. is unacceptable and may result in removal from the league and referral
through the Student Conduct Office. Please report all incidents of unsportsmanlike conduct to our office.

12. Any form of collusion (i.e. a secretive agreement between teams to allow one team to win) between teams is
    strictly forbidden.

13. Players will need to keep any user accounts needed for participation in eSports events (e.g. PS Plus, Xbox Gold, etc.)
    in good standing. Any sort of ban or suspension will be grounds for ineligibility. If a player believes the ban or
    suspension placed on their account was unjust, they may contact the league administrators to make an appeal.

14. No player may partake, either directly or indirectly, in betting or gambling on any results of any matches.

15. Usernames may not explicitly or implicitly reference anything sexual, gang-related, drug-related, offensive, or
    anything slanderous to SUNY Cortland.

16. Third party software that actively interacts directly with the game and its file system is NOT allowed. Software
    created by peripheral manufacturers (Razer Synapse, Logitech Gaming Software, etc) are allowed, as long as players
    do not use any macros that may give them an unfair advantage. Players may not use any other software that
    modifies inputs and thus creates an unfair advantage.

17. If a player believes their opponent is cheating by abusing game programming glitches to gain an advantage, or is
    violating the parameters set by Recreational Sports, they should report it to league administration immediately.

18. Players are responsible for the integrity of their own video game consoles, PCs, and internet connections.

19. Lagging will not be tolerated as a reason to delay, pause, or remake any game. If a team encounters any sort of
    technical difficulty that cannot be fixed in a timely manner, they will forfeit the match to their opponents.

20. Streaming of matches is allowed if both captains agree to it before the match begins. While streaming, players must
    follow the rules set in the player conduct section of this rulebook, the streaming platform’s code of conduct, as well
    as the code of conduct set by SUNY Cortland.

21. In-game spectators are allowed if both teams agree to allow it. The team asking to allow spectators will be
    responsible for proving that the other team’s captain has given consent.

COVID-19 and Intramural Sports

The COVID-19 global pandemic will have significant impacts upon the operation of the intramural sports program. Team
sports and other events that cannot abide by current social distancing guidelines will be removed from our program for the
fall semester. While we hope that all of our students can return to the courts and fields sooner rather than later, we do not
know when that time will come. Until then, the following rules shall be in place, and we thank you in advance for your
understanding and cooperation.

            1. The use of an appropriate mask is required at all in-person intramural sports events, regardless of whether
               or not they are conducted indoors or outdoors, or whether a safe social distance of six (6) feet or great can
               be maintained. Masks must cover the mouth and nose and should not be removed for any other reason
               than to get a drink, which should also be done swiftly and a safe distance away from others. Bandanas,
               gaiter-style masks, face shields and buffs are all considered unacceptable face coverings. Cotton-based
               cloth masks or commercially available disposable masks are approved.

            2. All participants must remain at least six (6) feet apart from one another and intramural staff members at all
               times, including during the arrival period, active participation, and while packing up to leave. In some
               events, participants may be allowed to briefly come within six feet of one another during the course of play.
               All participants are expected to keep those encounters brief and should move to a safe social distance at
               the first opportunity. Intramural staff members will inform all participants about any safety rules in place at
               the beginning of each event.

            3. Participants can expect to be asked to show visual proof that they have completed and passed the daily
               screening requirement(s) set by SUNY Cortland before being allowed to participate in any in-person event.
               Showing an intramural sports staff member a “green screen” is required.

            4. Although drop-in participation may be possible for some events, participants are strongly encouraged to
               make use of pre-registration opportunities through IM Leagues. Capacity limits may be necessary for
               certain activities, so participants may be turned away from in-person activities if attendance reaches an
               unsafe level. Plan ahead, pre-register, and please comply with all instructions issued by intramural sports
               staff members.

            5. Participation in intramural sports is limited to current students, faculty and staff members only. Guests,
               alumni, and all other affiliates who are not current students, faculty or staff are prohibited from
               participating in all in-person intramural sports activities.

            6. Group celebrations (high-fives, handshakes, etc.) are prohibited from all intramural competition at this
               time. Instead, participants should use verbal encouragement to support teammates and to display good
               sportsmanship with opponents.

            7. Drinking fountains and/or running water may or may not be available for athletes in nearby facilities. All
               participants are advised to bring their own drink with them to our in-person activities, as well as an
               adequate supply of hand sanitizer.

8. High-risk social behaviors that might be considered commonplace during participation in recreational
   activities (e.g. spitting, chewing sunflower seeds, blowing in hands, licking fingers, etc.) are strictly
   prohibited at this time. Participants are expected to practice good hygiene during all in-person
   participation. For example, all participants should refrain from touching their face/mouth/nose, should
   wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently, and should cover coughs/sneezes with their elbow, among
   other things.

9. If asked, participants are expected to comply with sanitization of equipment or parts of the facility being
   used that are requested by the intramural sports staff. Although equipment will be properly cleaned and
   sanitized by intramural sports staff both before and after each use, it may be necessary to conduct some
   additional cleaning during the course of an event. All cleaning supplies and instructions will be given by
   intramural sports employees.

10. Participants who willfully, consistently, or recklessly show disregard for intramural sports staff and/or
    safety rules that are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will be asked to leave and can expect to be
    referred through the Student Conduct Office for further disciplinary action. The intramural sports program
    reserves the right to enact further penalties upon those participants, including but not limited to,
    suspension from future participation in intramural sports.

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