Richland Futbol Club Est. 2017 - Constitution and Bylaws Updated Feb. 2021

Richland Futbol Club Est. 2017 - Constitution and Bylaws Updated Feb. 2021
Richland Futbol Club

       Est. 2017

Constitution and Bylaws
                          Updated Feb. 2021
Amendment History
2.12.18   V. Miller   Addition of Tournament Director

2.12.18    V. Miller   Addition of Tournament Director
4.7.19                V. Miller   Amended to direct to FIFA/MSA in
                                  order to condense

RFC Policies & Procedures Manual – Table of Contents

Policy 101 – RFC Board Members....................................................................... 4
      1.2. KidSafe Risk Management Program .................................................... 4
      1.4. Financial Policies…………………………………………………….….…. 5
      1.5. Field Closure……………………………………………………….……….. 5
      1.6. RFC Seasonal Year ……………………………………………….....                                                  5

POLICY 102 Membership, Board of Directors …….…………………..……..                                                     6
     2.1.3. RFC Board …………………………………………………………..                                                                 6
     2.1.4. Membership …………………………………………………………….                                                                6
     2.2. Authority …………………………………………………………………..                                                                7
     2.3. Appointment ………………………………………………………………                                                                 8
     2.4. Removal from Office ………………………………………………...….                                                          8
     2.5. Officer Duties …….……………………………………………………….                                                             8
     2.6. Vacancy ……..…………………………………………………………….                                                                 10
     2.8. Meetings …………………………………………………………………..                                                                 10
Policy 103 Registration ....................................................................................   11
     3.1 Player Registration Fees......................................................................        11
     3.2 Sponsor Fees ……………………………………………………………..                                                                12
     3.3 RFC Play-up Policies ……………………………………………………                                                             12
     3.4 Uniforms Policies ………………………………………………….………                                                             12

Policy 104 Programs.........................................................................................   13
     4.1 Division III – Recreational Soccer.........................................................           13
     4.2 Division III Team Formation (Draft).......................................................            14
     4.3 Draft Disclosure Policy ……………………………………………………                                                          14
     4.4 Division II/Rec. Plus – Intermediate Program........................................                  14
      4.6 Rules for 3 v 3 (U4, U5, U6)................................................................         17
      4.7 Rules for 4v4 (U8)…………………………………………………………                                                             18
       4.8 Rules for 7 v 7 (U10) .........................................................................     20
     4.9 Rules for 9 v 9 (U12) ...........................................................................     22
     4.10 Rules for 11 v 11 (U14, U16, U19) ………………………………..……                                                   23

Policy 105 Coaching Programs ......................................................................            24
     5.1 Coaching Program Information ..........................................................               24
Policy 106 Tournaments....................................................................................     26

Position             RFC Board Member            Email/Cell Phone
President            Virginia Miller   

Vice President                Chris Bridges
Director of Coaching                             601-906-1459
Tournament Director

Secretary/Treasurer           Erica Sutphin

Registrar/KidSafe             Joe Miller
Coordinator (non-                                601-594-8451
voting/non-board member)

Master Scheduler              Melodie Patrick

Uniform Coordinator           Emily Chance

Mini Kicker Coordinator       Kim Harrell

PR/Social Media               Renee Moha
Representative                                   601-624-5207

Representative                Alfonso Gonzales

Representative                Andy Pepper

Representative                Parrish Patrick

Representative                Danielle Miller

Director of Parks and         Cole Smith
Recreation                                       601-757-1173

Assistant Director of Parks   Guy Smith
and Recreation                                   601-953-5102

Head Referee/Referee          Skip Bishop
Assignor (non-voting/non-                        601-624-4539
board member)

       1.1.1. General

                                                     4 The US Youth Soccer KidSafe program is designed to promote the
                   welfare of youth players and to protect volunteer coaches, program
                   administrators and the organization. To identify all coaches To develop and communicate the KidSafe guidelines to all Coaches
                   and Program Administrators. To monitor the implementation of the above objectives. Intent - It is the intent of USYS and its affiliated organizations to exclude from
           participation in USYS activities, at a minimum, all persons who have been
           charged of crimes of violence or crimes against persons. Further, it is the intent
           of the RFC membership to exclude any one charged and/or convicted of any
           other violation of the law that the RFC Board of Directors deems detrimental to
           the health and safety of the players, including those outlined in the MSA
           Criminal Conviction Matrix. Program elements - The U S Youth Soccer KidSafe program seeks to: Foster safe circumstances for every person, and especially every child
                   who participates in all US Youth Soccer affiliated activity. Inform all U S Youth Soccer volunteers and employees concerning the
                   risks associated with youth programs

1.1.2. Online Registration – The Kidsafe form must be completed online at the MSA
       website (GotSoccer) once the Registrar/KidSafe
       Coordinator and/or Director/Asst. Director provides logins and passwords to
       individual coaches and any others that interact with players.

1.1.3. Deadlines No volunteer, coach, assistant, trainer or manager is allowed to have contact
            with his/her team until he/she has become cleared in the MSA
            GotSoccer/Kidsafe system. With the exception of replacement coaches, assistant coaches, managers or
            trainers, any coach, assistant coach, manager or trainer added to the MSA
            Kidsafe system after the start of the organizations league play, shall be
            assessed a $10 surcharge for each addition. Fines may be assessed through
            MSA if rosters are not submitted by deadline with KidSafe certified coaches.

1.1.4. Penalty - Any organization not in compliance with KidSafe policy will be considered
       a “member not in good standing” and ineligible for further participation in any and all
       MSA sanctioned-events including competition at any level with any MSA or USYS
       member until full compliance is achieved.

1.1.5. Confidentiality – Background checks shall be stored securely and that information
       on them and cases arising from them shall be handled with the highest possible
       level of confidentiality. Only the organizations’ KidSafe coordinator or the
       designated alternate shall have access to the background checks.

1.1.6. Disposition of Background check “Hits” - Any substantiated reports of abuse or
       allegation returned to RFC on one of its applicants shall be cause for immediate
       suspension of the individual in question. A copy of the report received from the
       system shall be kept on file by RFC. The individual suspended as a result of the
findings of the agency may appeal his/her suspension according to guidelines
          outlined in this manual. Persons that have been placed into a pended mode shall be
          sent a notice of that action with a request to contact the MSA Kidsafe Coordinator
          within 10 days or be automatically suspended.

   1.1.7. USYS KidSafe Program limitations - The USYS KidSafe Program is a minimal set
          of standards and practices. Local organizations, may, after consultation with local
          legal, law enforcement and Human Services consultation may develop and publish
          a more rigid set of standards. Local organizations are required to submit the forms
          provided by USYS; however, locally developed forms may be used in conjunction
          with the USYS form. KidSafe brochures and Volunteer Disclosure forms are
          available through the state office and U S Youth Soccer. All coaches should receive
          a copy of the USYS brochure for their review.

    1.2.1. RFC will abide by . . . City of Richland’s financial policies and direction of Parks and
           Recreation Director. RFC will provide recommendations as determined by RFC
           board to Parks and Recreation Director. Final decision/authority is City of Richland

    1.3.1. To ensure safety of the children, fields identified as unplayable due to dangerous
           conditions, inclement weather, scheduling conflicts with school activities will be
           considered closed.
    1.3.2. RP&R is responsible for opening or closing fields at all RFC fields/facilities. RFC will
           communicate field closures through social media (RFC FB, city FB, Instagram, and
           city [601-420-3400]). No coaches and/or teams may practice on closed fields. Rain out updates will be made by 2:00 PM. In the event that fields are open
                 but become unplayable due to inclement weather during games, the head
                 referee may close the fields in order to ensure safety of the players. RFC
                 President, Vice President, and/or Referee Assignor may determine the fields
                 unplayable once games/practice begins.

    1.4.1. RFC seasonal year will be in accordance with and in concurrence with the MSA
           seasonal year, which is August 1 through July 31.

   2.1.1. Each family that has a child duly enrolled to participate in the RFC soccer program
          is considered a member of RFC
   2.1.2. Each family shall be considered as one vote at the AGM, or any vote during the
          year as called for by the board, regardless of the number of children in the league.

   2.1.3. RFC Board Members in elected positions must have at least one year prior experience on
               the board. *However, in the event of an emergency (unexpected resignation,
               immediate dismissal, or other extenuating circumstances deemed as such by
               the RFC board), the RFC board may nominate and vote to elect a current
board member with at least six months experience and an undeniable
              commitment to the RFC program to a position on the executive council. RFC shall be administered by the guidance of the Board of Directors. The board will be composed of up to seven (7) members (possibly more).
               Positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be
               elected at the RFC AGM. Positions of elected officers require at least (1) year
               prior experience on the Advisory Board (*SEE Elected board
               members will work with RP&R to appoint the remaining board members. The RFC Board will be made up of, but not limited to, the following positions: President (Elected) Vice President/President-Elect (Elected) Secretary (Elected) Treasurer (Elected) Master Scheduler (Appointed) Director of Coaching (Appointed) Tournament Director (Appointed) Representative(s) (Appointed) Registrar and Referee Assignor (Appointed/contracted by the RFC
                   Board – Non-voting/non-board member) Academy Coordinator (Appointed by the RFC Board – Non-voting/non-
                   board member) RFC Board shall be listed in RFC Policies and Procedures, including
                   elected/appointed positions.

  2.1.4. Member Voting Policies AGM Voting Policies Each family shall be considered as one vote regardless of the number of
                   children from said family in the league Said family shall have at least one child duly enrolled during the fall or
                   the spring season in the RFC organization at the time the AGM is held to
                   have voting privileges. Attendees at the AGM shall be vetted and given official ballots RFC Board Voting Policies Each voting member shall cast one vote in all properly and considered
                   matters. The president will not cast a vote except to break a tie vote. All matters are determined by a majority vote of the meeting quorum,
                   except where designated differently in the Constitution and by these By-
                   laws. A quorum is constituted by greater than fifty percent (50%) of the
                   members of Board of Directors. The RFC Board of Directors will have no voting alternate at any of the
                   RFC meetings.

2.2. AUTHORITY – The RFC Board of Directors will have authority subject to:
   2.2.1. Transact all business of RFC.
   2.2.2. Serve as point of contact to players, parents, coaches, and referees for RFC.
   2.2.3. Support RFC tournaments and fundraising activities.
   2.2.4. Delegate its authority of such person or persons whom it may determine should
          accomplish one or more of its delegated responsibilities.
2.2.5. Enforce the Constitution, By-laws and administrative rules of MSA and RFC.
  2.2.6. Arrange games of any nature whatsoever, and to that end, it may request the
         support of the RFC membership.
  2.2.7. Suspend, expel and/or impose such penalties upon any team and/or person under
         its jurisdiction who violates or breaches the Constitution, Bylaws and Administrative
         Rules of MSA and/or RFC.
  2.2.8. Mediate all disputes between two or more RFC Members.
  2.2.9. Make decisions on all controversial matters subject to MSA Appeals and Decisions

   2.3.1. All RFC elected Officers shall hold office for one (1) year or until replaced by RFC.
   2.3.2. All RFC appointed Board of Directors shall hold office for two (2) years or until
          replaced by RFC.
   2.3.3. There is no limit to the number of terms an RFC Board Member may serve.
   2.3.4. RFC Board will be responsible for replacing any board position that is vacated by
          board member or by RFC board dismissal as needed.
   2.3.5. Existing board shall serve until May 1st.
   2.3.6. New board to take office immediately upon appointment; however, voting powers
          shall begin July 1st.

   2.4.1. Any elected or appointed Board member who misses three (3) scheduled board
          meetings in a seasonal year without communicating with the president AND vice-
          president beforehand could be automatically removed from office.
   2.4.2. Any member may be impeached and removed from office by seventy-five (75%)
          percent of the total RFC board members.

   2.5.1. Each officer shall accomplish the tasks described in the following sections The President Shall:
 Preside at all RFC meetings
 Appoint (with the help of elected RFC Board Members) all RFC non-
                    elected positions, committees and appeal boards with the goal of
                    equitable representative among the member organizations.
 Serve and cast one vote as an ex officio member of all appointed RFC
                    committees and appeal boards.
 Serve as or appoint to all RFC committees any non-voting ex officio
 Have access to all member organization meetings.
 Serve as the RFC delegate to all MSA meetings unless he/she chooses
                    to appoint an alternate delegate due to the inability to fulfill the obligation.
 Coordinate, with RFC Board Members, appointment of temporary
                    successor for any vacant officer positions except the president until the
                    next general membership business meeting when the membership shall
                    fill the position in the manner prescribed for officer elections.
 Serve as a member of the RFC Board.
 Have signature authority for RFC bank account.
 Have served at least one (1) year on the advisory board.
                                               8 The Vice-President/President Elect Shall: Assume the office of president in his/her absence. Appoint (with the help of elected RFC Board Members) all RFC non-
             elected positions. Approve Division III organization tournaments. Have signature authority for RFC bank account (if needed). Help organize and direct all RFC tournaments, cups and games. The Secretary Shall: Record and distribute the minutes of all RFC Board meetings. Appoint (with the help of elected RFC Board Members) all RFC non-
             elected positions. Maintain all RFC records and mailing lists. Distribute routine correspondence to the Board and general mailings to
             the membership. Maintain and distribute changes of the RFC Constitution. Respond to correspondence directed to RFC. Provide administrative assistance to the RFC Board of Directors. Have access to all RFC meetings for the purpose of recording the
             minutes. The Treasurer Shall: Develop and maintain all financial records for RFC. Develop and maintain budget for RFC. Distribute routine correspondence to the Board and general mailings to
             the membership regarding RFC finances. Assist with all tournament and fund raising budgets. Have signature authority for RFC bank account. Serve as a voting advisor on the RFC Board of Directors. The Social Media/PR Rep Shall: Update Facebook, Website, social media outlets (along with others who
         volunteer). Correspond with local newspapers, television/radio stations, etc. The Registrar Shall:
   2. Administer all RFC rules and regulations for player registration in
          accordance with the rules and guidelines of MSA and its affiliations. Maintain records and detailed reports on the number of players
              registered. Respond to all correspondence about RFC registration matters. Accomplish all required RFC approval/disapproval actions such as
              player passes, player releases, player transfers, player drops, etc.
              according to MSA guidelines. Upon receipt of the organizations registration materials, the Registrar
              shall review those materials for any errors, omissions or violations of
              RFC and MSA registration policies and procedures. The Registrar shall

advice the organization of any errors, omissions or violations. This may
                     include but is not limited to:
    Divisional assignments
    Team balance variations
    Other alleged violations
    Obtain appropriate RFC and MSA certifications as Registrar.
 The Registrar is subcontracted by RFC Board but is not a voting
                     member or at all affiliated with the RFC board.
 The Registrar shall be a paid position as follows: Registrar will receive
                     $3 per player registering in the fall season. Registrar will be paid $2 for
                     returning players in the spring season and $3 for any new players. (as
                     approved by the City June 2017) The Head Referee/Assignor Shall:
 Assign all Division II (Rec. Plus) and III (Rec.) league games.
 Arrange for entry level and in-service referee clinics.
 Verify all referee payments and address any issues related to referee
 Serve as Head Referee/Assignor for all RFC tournaments.
 Ref Assignor will be selected & approved by the RFC Board by simple
 Ref Assignor may or may not be a member of RFC.
 Adhere to the Ref Assignor Contract The Director of Coaching Shall:
 Communicate with coaches for all Division II (Rec. Plus) and III (Rec.)
 Arrange for coach certification clinics.
 Establish/maintain a local training program and lessons for distribution.
 Serve as tournament committee member for all RFC tournaments.
 Serve as a voting advisor on the RFC Board of Directors. The Tournament Director Shall:
 Register teams for tournaments
 Distribute rules via email
 Communicate expectations and needs to the board
 Oversee the collection of tournament fees to be counted alongside the
          treasurer and to be handed over to him or her for deposit

   2.6.1. The president shall appoint with the elected Board approval a temporary successor
          for any vacant officers’ position except the president, until the next general
          membership meeting when the membership shall fill the position in the manner
          prescribed for officer elections.

   2.7.1. General meeting: RFC general meeting (AGM) shall be held one time per year at
          times most convenient for the purpose of imparting information, training and
preparing personnel, adoption of proposals and elections of officers. AGM policies
           include: The secretary shall give electronic notice to all RFC members. The president or majority of members may allow guests to attend and/or
                 speak. The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be used to conduct meetings. Meeting agenda will be provided to general meeting participants.

    2.7.2. Council meetings: RFC Board of Directors meetings shall be held at the day
           designated by RFC Board. RFC Board meeting will be held on a monthly basis
           during the soccer season (normally the second Monday of every month) and as
           needed for the efficient conduct of RFC business in the offseason. Council meeting
           policies include: RFC shall give electronic notice to all Board members. All necessary
               documentation will be provided to Board members at the meeting. RFC may allow guests to attend and/or speak to them. The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be used to conduct
               meetings. If deemed necessary, RFC may appoint a parliamentarian to serve
               as an advisor on the application of Robert’s Rules of Order upon request. RFC meeting minutes will be presented to Directors, President, Vice-
               President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Minutes may be provided to remaining
               board members as requested. RFC parents may also request a copy of meeting
               minutes. RFC Secretary will remove any internal/confidential text from meeting
               minutes before providing to RFC parents. MSA’s AGM is once a year at designated times and locations. All RFC board
               members are encouraged to attend sessions, but the president or the vice-
               president must attend Sunday’s business meeting for voting purposes.

    2.7.3. Special meetings: Meetings of any type may be called by the President of RFC, or
           upon written demand of one third (⅓) of the total membership in good standing.
           RFC shall call any properly demanded meeting within two weeks of the receipt of
           the mandatory registered demand letter legibly signed by at least required number
           of members in good standing

    2.7.4. Order of Business – Meetings will be managed with the following order of
                   Roll Call
                   Review minutes of the previous meeting
                   Treasurer’s report
                   Other Reports
                   Old Business
                   New Business

     3.1.1. RFC encourages all eligible children to join.
     3.1.2. RFC registration policies include: Fall Registration period: Determined by director(s)

                                              11 Spring Registration period: Determined by director(s)

   3.1.3. Division III (Rec.) Registration fees – Registration fees per season based on city’s

   3.1.4. Division II (Rec. Plus) Registration fees – Registration fees per year per age will
        vary. An estimate may be distributed at the beginning of the season; an updated
        version will be expected at the time teams are announced.

   3.1.5. Out of city fees – RFC will assess a $5.00 per player fee for players that register
          from areas outside of the City of Richland boundaries

   3.2.1. Sponsorship fees will be used to offset the cost of uniforms for RFC teams and
          players. Sponsor receipt/letter will be provided by RFC. Sponsorship will include
          fall and spring seasons. Sponsors for teams formed in the spring season will pay
          same sponsorship price. Sponsorship fees are:

       Div III (Rec.) - $300

   3.3.1. Richland Futbol Club (RFC) has the responsibility to address requests from players
           and parents to allow children to play in age classifications above the child’s
           natural age level. In order to address these requests, RFC has adopted the
           following policies: All requests to play up must be noted at registration. Requests to play up can be submitted during fall and spring registration and
                will be reviewed prior to the drafting of teams by director(s) and RFC Board. RFC will notify parents/players of board decision. Board decisions will be
                noted in RFC meeting minutes. Requests will be reviewed by director(s) and RFC on a case-by-case basis.
                Decisions will be made based on the following criteria:
 Actual need to move players up – Focus of board relates to necessary
                       movement to fill teams in certain age group.
 Family considerations – Provide opportunity for families to minimize
                       travel, practice schedules, etc.
 Player ability and maturity
 Issues/considerations to be reviewed by RFC regarding play up
    Number of players in current age group – If requesting player’s
                             current age group is unable to field a team based on overall
                             registration, player will not be allowed to move up.
    Number of players in age group player is moving up to – Player
                             moving up cannot result in an existing player not playing in their
                             natural age group.
    RFC may request play-up players to fill an age group to fill teams.
                             This is dependent upon the league’s ability to still field teams from
                             age group player is moving from.

                                              12 Coach/Board feedback – Decisions to move players up will include
                           feedback from coaches and board members.
    Player talent level – Decision will be made on a case-by-case basis
                           with focus on player’s talents and maturity. Director(s) and RFC will be the final decision maker on play-up decisions
                based on information presented to the board in discussion of players. No players will be allowed to play up more than two age groups.

     consider three quotes before voting on uniforms)
   3.4.1. The City of Richland provides a uniform for each registered child. RFC may advise. Shirts – Uniform shirt will be same style for all age groups with an assortment
                of color options for youngers and traditional RFC red and blue for U8 and up.
                Players wear red for home games and blue for away games. Shirts will
                range in size from youth extra small up to adult extra large. Shorts – Uniform short will be same style for all younger age groups (U6 and
                below) with an assortment of color options (where applicable). Shorts will
                range in size from youth small up to adult extra large. No shorts will be
                ordered for olders (U8 and up). Socks – Uniform sock style will be same style for all age groups with an
                assortment of color options for youngers (U6 and below). Socks will range in
                size (where applicable) for youth. No socks are ordered for olders (U8 and
                up). Game Ball – Two game quality soccer balls will be included per team (ball
                size based upon age group). Coach shirts – Bid will include two (2) coach shirts per team. Coach shirts will
                all be same shirt style and color with RFC logo and text. Shirts will range in
                size from youth large up to adult XX-large. RFC logo will be provided. Artwork – Shirt artwork will include color screen for sponsor logo/name
                and/or team name on front/back as designated in the order (front center,
                front lapel, etc.). Logo artwork will be provided via attachment, business card,
                or other acceptable means. Logo may be a company trademark. Shirt will
                include number on the back and possibly sponsor (which may be on sleeve
                instead). Numbers may be requested but are not guaranteed. RFC logo will
                be provided. Shipping – Bid will include separate pricing for normal and expedited
                shipping costs. RFC will determine if normal or expedited shipping is
                required. RFC will not be responsible for expedited shipping costs if shipment
                is delayed due to back order of uniform/equipment, problems with vendor
                processes to complete order. Bid Acceptance/approval – Bids will be accepted based on RFC minimum
                  criteria: uniform style/quality, fair/competitive price, delivery options, ability
                  to provide screen/art work, and prior history with the vendor.

4 POLICY 104           PROGRAMS
   4.1.1 Purpose

                                               13 The Division III - Recreational Level is the MSA entry playing level for boys and
             girls Under 4 through Under 16 teams, and Under 19 Teams. It is the
             recreational playing division, which U.S. Youth Soccer requires its state
             Associations to provide.
  4.1.2 Program: To be considered a Division III program, it must be open to any and all
        players from its MSA-approved territorial boundaries and meet the following
        additional requirements. Conduct player registrations in accordance with this manual. Make player assignments to teams in accordance with policy. Accept all eligible youths desiring to play The game in the member
             organization, subject to reasonable terms of registration. Adjust the composition of its teams each seasonal year to ensure a competitive
             balance between all teams that would routinely play against each other in the
             member's Division III program. RFC must publicize spring registration procedures to ensure that all fall
             registrants are advised of the new season and makes restoring team strength
             the responsibility of league officials. Establish a written policy governing the players' rights to "play up" in a higher
             age group than their bona fide age group. This policy should include specific
             decision-making criteria if policy requires consideration on a case-by-case
  4.1.3 Objectives: Its registered teams are formed for the express purposes of teaching
        the necessary playing abilities and skills of The Game; maximum game and
        practice participation of each rostered player; physical and mental fitness; and the
        enjoyment of the game. Division III teams are not formed to play competitive level
        soccer. All programs in the Under 4/5, Under 6, Under 7 and Under 8 age groups
        shall play either 3v3 or 4v4 or 5v5 (for U8 competitive if RFC to allow goalie) play.
        Single year age divisions shall be used whenever possible for U4 – U8. U10 and
        above shall be played in dual age groups. Boys and girls programs should be
        separated though under special circumstances girls may be allowed to play in the
        boys division. For details, refer to MSA Admin regarding Small Sided Games.
  4.1.4 Older Division III Teams U16 7v7 is offered, and MSA’s small-sided rules apply. If fields are available and numbers allow, 11v11 may be offered, but MSHAA’s
             rules also apply To be a legitimately registered Under 16/19 Division III team within a member
             organization, the team roster cannot have seven (7) or more registered players
             outside the organization's MSA-approved territorial boundaries without MSA
             Council approval prior to team formation. Any team, which violates this policy,
             shall automatically be registered as a Division I for the seasonal year. All
             U16/U19 players require player passes.

  4.2.1 RFC Team Selection Guidelines – RFC draft focus is to equitably divide teams
        within the league. The RP&R Director(s) use a blind draft to assign teams,
        honoring requests when possible. In the event numbers allow for more than one
        team in a certain age group and gender and the blind draft causes concern, the
        RFC president and/or a non-biased RFC board member may schedule an
        evaluation for coaches to observe players’ basic skills (dribbling, passing, shooting,
and defending) with a draft to follow. The RFC president and/or a non-biased RFC
        board member may schedule and will oversee a draft of players using registration
        forms and based on knowledge of players while attempting to honor requests. To
        ensure the team selection process remains fair, the RFC Drafting Policy may be
        requested before first team meeting.
  4.2.2 The RFC Drafting Procedure is as follows: The RFC President and/or non-biased RFC board member will have coaches
             flip a coin or “pick a number” to see who gets first pick In the first round, coaches pick in the determined order and may select ANY
             player (not another coach’s or assistant coach’s child) from the registration
             pool. The second round will be the second coach’s first pick and must be the coach’s
             own child for each team. The third round must be the assistant coach’s child. If there is no assistant
             coach, the pick is open. In the event a third team is made, the coaches will pick 1-2-3, 2-3-1, 3-1-2, 1-2-
             3, and so on for more picks/teams.

  4.3.1 Coaches will not share any discussion of players that occurs during the draft with
        any players, parents, and/or coaches. What is stated within the draft remains in the

  4.4.1 Purpose Division II (Rec. Plus) is the RFC Intermediate playing division for Boys and
             Girls Under 9 through Under 19 teams. It is a combination developmental and
             all-star division designed to result in a more competitive level of play.
             Organizations must maintain recreational soccer program, in each age/gender
             group in which it intends to form a Division II team, to remain a full member of
             MSA (U8 may form River League-like teams)
  4.4.2 Participation Players who participate in the RFC D2/Rec. Plus program must be primarily
             rostered on a DIII Recreational team. There are no age requirements for a D2 pool or team.

  4.4.3 Program The RFC D2/Rec. Plus program shall be composed of developmental player
             pools made up of secondarily rostered recreational players. Each pool shall be organized by age and gender. DII (Rec. Plus) teams may require other club participation in tryout process in
             order to form teams, so additional tryout dates may be added depending on the
             approval of the RFC Board. The formation of pools are advised when attending tournaments before Mar. 1
             as opposed to taking maximum number and submitting for official roster. RFC players may try out for DII (Rec. Plus) at other clubs, but all are
             encouraged to remain with RFC if numbers are sufficient in forming a
             competitive DII (Rec. Plus) team.

                                            15 If players join other clubs’ DII (Rec. Plus) teams, parents must log in to Got
          Soccer and Release Players for DII at their own expense. Players cannot be
          added to DII (Rec. Plus) rosters and player passes cannot be ordered until
          proper procedures are followed. Players cannot play DII (Rec.Plus) unless they are rostered for DIII (Rec.).
          **Transfers are required when changing clubs completely.

4.4.4 Pool Selection - According to MSA D2/Rec. Plus guidelines, D2/Rec. Plus teams
      may be formed in any manner, including tryouts at any time between August 1 and
      March 1. In order to form a RFC D2/Rec. Plus pool at any age group, the following
      procedures will be followed. All interested players and/or parents will be invited to attend an informational
           meeting to gauge their interest. Two tryout dates will be set in the fall and spring (normally two academy
           sessions). The D2/Rec. Plus coaches with assistance from the academy trainers and
           Director of Coaching will evaluate players and determine which players will
           remain in player pool, make the team, and/or be allowed train-only status with
           potential to be added to official roster. Rec. coaches (current and past) as well
           as other club recommendations may also be considered. Each team will have at least 1 assessment in the fall season, and 1
           assessment in the spring season. Any age can form multiple D2/Rec. Plus teams, in this case a secondary team
           can only be formed after primary team has been formed. Once primary team is
           formed, if there are enough interested players then remainder of players may
           be registered on secondary D2/Rec. Plus team or an all-star rec. team. Player pools will be evaluated through academy training sessions, which will
           take place over a six-week period. Potential D2/Rec. Plus players must attend
           a minimum of two sessions to be considered for the D2/Rec. Plus team.
4.4.5 Coach Selection - Any candidate for a D2/Rec. Plus coaching staff position in RFC
      must meet the following minimum criteria. S/He must have (or be willing to get) the appropriate MSA license for the age
           group they will be involved in. S/He must be knowledgeable of appropriate coaching strategies for the age
           group s/he will be involved in including technical and tactical skills. Most
           importantly the coach should always use positive coaching techniques to
           promote a fun and safe experience for the players and provide RFC with any
           lessons and intended mass communication between coach and team. Any coach interested in becoming a D2/Rec. Plus manager/coach is required
           to turn in an intent to coach for to the RFC Board after tryouts. The RFC board will select the best possible coach for the D2 teams in each
           age group. All D2 (Rec. Plus) coaches and managers must be Kidsafe certified and on the

4.4.6 Pool Registration The manager/coach of each D2/Rec. Plus team is responsible for turning in
           player info to registrar in order to get rosters completed.

                                         16 The manager/coach is responsible for getting player passes for each
              registered D2/Rec. Plus player and coach/manager as well as registering for
              tournaments, collecting Medical Release Forms, copies of birth certificates,
              and copies of insurance cards for each player.

   4.4.7 Training Teams could be assigned a trainer/coach that is best suited for formed team at
              the expense of the team. It is required that each manager/coach utilize assigned trainer/coach for player
              development. Any trainer/coach will have to meet all criteria set forth by RFC.

   4.4.8 Scheduling Because D2/Rec. Plus teams are secondarily rostered, recreational
              games/practice take precedence. D2 should not conflict with regularly
              scheduled games/practices.

   4.4.9 Fees Secondary registered Division II teams (Rec. Plus) will pay for all costs
              associated with DII (Rec. Plus) teams. All games scheduled will be coordinated with the appropriate RFC Master
              Scheduler. Division II/Rec. Plus team uniforms (if needed) are the responsibility of the
              team, not the RFC. Tournament fees for all other tournaments will be the responsibility of the team.

4.5 U4/U5/U6 – 3v3 GUIDELINES:
   4.5.1 The field:
           Field Length – 25-35 yards
           Field Width – 15-25 yards
           Goal Size – 4-ft high by 6-ft wide
           Goal Safety – Goals must be anchored securely to the ground. Portable goals
           may only be used if they satisfy this requirement.
           Goal Area – None
           Penalty Area – None
           Halfway Line – A halfway line shall divide the field into two halves with a center
           mark indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line.
           Center Circle – Four (4)-ft radius drawn from the center mark.
           Corner Arc – Conform to FIFA.
           Flag Posts – None.
   4.5.2 Ball Size: Size three (3)
   4.5.3 Number of players – Maximum number of players on field at one time is three (3)
   4.5.4 Roster Size: Minimum roster size should not be less than four (4) and the maximum
         not exceed six (6).
   4.5.5 Goalkeepers – None.
   4.5.6 Substitutions – At any stoppage of play and unlimited.

4.5.7 Playing Time – Players will play 50% of each game. Coaches from both teams
          need to be aware of a child’s desire to ‘not play’ while encouraging children to
          participate. Abuse of this will not be tolerated.
   4.5.8 Coed teams – Teams and games may be coed, but are considered boys teams.
  4.5.9 Player's Equipment: Conform to FIFA. Non-uniform clothing is allowed based on
          weather conditions, but uniforms must still distinguish teams. Players may use
          tennis shoes or soft-cleated soccer shoes. SHINGUARDS ARE MANDATORY.
  4.5.10 The Referee: Each opposing coach will ‘referee’ the game for one half. One coach
          for each team will be allowed on the field (including the ‘referee’). There will be no
          more than two (2) coaches/adults on the field at any time. All infringements shall be
          briefly explained to the offending player.
  4.5.11 Assistant Referee: None.
  4.5.12 Duration of Game: Four equal quarters of 8 minutes each with 5-minute halftime
          break and a break of 2-minutes each between the quarters per half.
  4.5.13 Start/Restart of Play: Conform to FIFA. With the exception that opponents of the
          team taking the kick are at least four (4) yards away from the ball until it is in play.
  4.5.14 The ball is out of play when: It has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in
                the air Play has been stopped by the referee
   4.5.15 The ball is in play when: It rebounds from a goalpost, crossbar, or corner flag post and remains in the
                field of play
  4.5.16 Method of Scoring: A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the
         goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar, provided that no
         infringement of the Laws of the Game has been committed..
  4.5.17 Offside: None.
  4.5.18 Fouls & Misconduct: Conform to FIFA, with the exceptions that all fouls shall result
         in an indirect free kick. The referee/coach/parent must explain ALL infringements to
         the offending player. No cards are shown for misconduct.
  4.5.19 Free Kicks: Conform to FIFA with the exception that all free kicks are indirect with
         the opponents four (4) yards from the ball until it is in play.
  4.5.20 Penalty Kicks: None.
  4.5.21 Kick-In: The Kick-In is considered as an direct free kick with the opponents four (4)
         yards from the ball until it is in play.
  4.5.22 Conform to FIFA. Opponents will line up four (4) yards from the ball until it is in
  4.5.23 Goal Kick: The goal kick should be taken within 2 to 3 yards of the goal line
         anywhere across the width of the field of play at the nearest point from where the
         ball was retrieved. Opposing players must be four (4) yards away from the ball until
         it is in play.
  4.5.24 Corner kick: Conform to FIFA with the exception that opponents remain at least
         four (4) yards from the ball until it is in play.
  4.5.25 A player must be on his own offensive side of the field to score a goal.

4.6 U7/U8 – 4v4 GUIDELINES
   4.6.1 The field: Field Length – 25-35 yards
                                             18 Field Width –15-25 yards Goal Size – 4-ft high by 6-ft wide Goal Safety – Goals must be anchored securely to the ground. Portable goals
          may only be used if they satisfy this requirement.
       Goal Area – A goal area is defined at each end of the field as follows: Two lines
       are drawn at right angles to the goal line, three (3) yards from the inside of each
       goal post. These lines extend into the field of play a distance of three (3) yards and
       are joined by a line parallel to the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and
       the goal line is the goal area. Penalty Area – None Halfway Line – A halfway line shall divide the field into two halves with a center
          mark indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. The build out line will be marked halfway between the penalty area line and the
          halfway line and from one touch line to the other across the field of play. The
          line will be of a different color than the other markings on the field and will be
          painted as a dotted (or dash) line. Center Circle – Four (4)-yard radius drawn from the center mark. Corner Arc – Conform to FIFA. Flag Posts – None.
4.6.2 Ball Size: Size three (3)
4.6.3 Number of players – Maximum number of players on field at one time is four (4) in
      4v4. Roster Size: Minimum roster size should not be less than five (5) in 4v4 and
           the maximum not exceed eight (8) in 4v4.
       Goalkeepers: None in 4v4. No free substitution will be allowed. Substitutions will be made at quarter end
   and at the half except for injured players. Playing Time – Players will play 50% of each game. Coaches from both teams
           need to be aware of a child’s desire to ‘not play’ while encouraging children to
           participate. Abuse of this will not be tolerated.
4.6.4 Coed teams – Teams and games may be coed, but are considered boys teams.
4.6.5 Player's Equipment: Conform to FIFA. Non-uniform clothing is allowed based on
      weather conditions, but uniforms must still distinguish teams. Players may use
      tennis shoes or soft-cleated soccer shoes. SHINGUARDS ARE MANDATORY.
4.6.6 The Referee: Registered referee, especially Grade 9. Coaches are not allowed on
      the playing field. All infringements shall be briefly explained to the offending player.
      However, if referee numbers are low and do not allow for a referee to officiate an
      interleague U8 game, RFC coaches may call the game. They must agree to play
      either halves or quarters at the beginning of the game. A coin toss will determine
      particular quarters/halves of the game to be called by each coach. If a coach
      forfeits his or her opportunity to call the game, one coach can referee the whole
      game as long as agreed upon at the beginning of the game.
4.6.7 Assistant Referee: None.
4.6.8 Duration of Game: Four equal quarters of ten (10) minutes each with 5-minute
      halftime break and a break of 2-minutes each between the quarters per half.
4.6.9 Start/Restart of Play: Conform to FIFA. With the exception that opponents of the
      team taking the kick are at least four (4) yards away from the ball until it is in play.
4.6.10 Ball in & Out of Play: The ball is out of play when:
                                          19 It has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in
             the air Play has been stopped by the referee The ball is in play when: It rebounds from a goalpost, crossbar, or corner flag post and remains in the
             field of play Method of Scoring: A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over
             the goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar, provided that no
             infringement of the Laws of the Game has been committed.
  4.6.11 Offside: None.
  4.6.12 Fouls & Misconduct: Conform to FIFA, with the exceptions that all fouls shall result
         in an indirect free kick. The referee/coach/parent must explain ALL infringements
         to the offending player. No cards are shown for misconduct.
  4.6.13 Free Kicks: Conform to FIFA with the exception that all free kicks are indirect with
         the opponents four (4) yards from the ball until it is in play.
  4.6.14 Penalty Kicks: None.
  4.6.15 Throw-in: Conform to FIFA with exception that an improperly performed throw-in
         can be retaken once.
  4.6.16 Goal Kick: None in 4v4.
  4.6.17 Corner kick: Conform to FIFA with the exception that opponents remain at least
         four (4) yards from the ball until it is in play.
  4.6.18 A player must be on his own offensive side of the field to score a goal.
  4.6.19 A player cannot deny an opponent a goal by intentionally handling the ball if
         playing 4v4.

4.7 U10 – 7v7 GUIDELINES:
   3.4.2. The field: Field Length – 55-65 yards Field Width – 35-45 yards Goal Size – 6.5-ft high by 18.5-ft wide Goal Safety – Goals must be anchored securely to the ground. Portable goals
             may only be used if they satisfy this requirement. Goal Area – Conform to FIFA. A goal area is defined at each end of the field as
             follows: Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, three (3) yards
             from the inside of each goal post. These lines extend into the field of play a
             distance of four (4) yards and are joined by a line parallel to the goal line. The
             area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal area. Penalty Area – A penalty area is defined at each end of the field as follows: Two
             lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, ten (10) yards from the inside of
             each goal post. These lines extend into the field of play a distance of ten(10)
             yards and are joined by a line parallel to the goal. The area bounded by these
             lines and the goal line is the penalty area. Halfway Line – A halfway line shall divide the field into two halves with a center
             mark indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. Build out line: The build out line will be marked halfway between the penalty
             area line and the halfway line and from one touch line to the other across the
             field of play. The line will be of a different color than the other markings on the
             field and will be painted as a dotted (or dash) line.
                                             20 Penalty Mark – Within the penalty area a penalty mark is made seven (7) yards
           from the midpoint between the goal posts and equidistant to them. Penalty Arc – Seven (7)-yard radius Center Circle – Seven (7)-ft radius drawn from the center mark. Corner Arc – Conform to FIFA. Flag Posts – None.
3.4.3. Ball Size: Size four (4)
3.4.4. Law 3 – Number of players – Maximum number of players on field at one time is
     seven (7) one of whom is the goalkeeper. Roster Size: Minimum roster size should not be less than seven (9) and the
          maximum not exceed thirteen (14).
        Substitutions – At any stoppage of play and unlimited for Division II. Division III will
        substitute on quarters except for injured or cautioned players. Playing Time – Players will play 50% of each game. Coaches from both teams
          need to be aware of a child’s desire to ‘not play’ while encouraging children to
          participate. Abuse of this will not be tolerated. Coed teams – Teams and games may be coed, but are considered boys
          teams. There will be no punting/drop kicking of the ball by the goalkeeper. The ball
          may be thrown or placed on the ground and kicked back into play, both will be
          considered indirect and must touch another player before entering the
          opponent’s goal.
3.4.5. Player's Equipment: Conform to FIFA. Non-uniform clothing is allowed based on
     weather conditions, but uniforms must still distinguish teams. Players may use tennis
     shoes or soft-cleated soccer shoes. SHINGUARDS ARE MANDATORY.
3.4.6. The Referee: Registered referee, especially Grade 9. Coaches are not allowed on
     the playing field. All infringements shall be briefly explained to the offending player.
3.4.7. Assistant Referee: Registered Referee, especially Grade 9. May use club
     linesmen/lineswomen if desired, except for State Cup Games, e.g., District
     Tournaments and State Recreation Tournament. Club linesman shall not call offside
3.4.8. Duration of Game: For Division III, the match shall be divided in to four (4) equal,
     twelve (12) minute quarters. There shall be a two (2) minute break between quarters
     one and two and another two (2) minute break between quarters three and four.
     There shall be a half-time interval of five (5) minutes. Division II will conform to FIFA
     with exception of the match being divided into two (2) equal halves of twenty-five
     (25) minutes each. There will be a halftime interval of five (5) minutes.
3.4.9. Start/Restart of Play: Conform to FIFA. With the exception that opponents of the
     team taking the kick are at least eight (8) yards away from the ball until it is in play.
3.4.10.        Ball in & Out of Play: Conform to FIFA.
3.4.11.        Method of Scoring: Conform to FIFA with the exception that the goalkeeper
     punting/kicking the ball from his/her goal area, may NOT score directly into the
     opponent’s goal. Balls played from the goalkeeper MUST be touched by another
     player on the field in order to score.
3.4.12.        Offside: Conform to FIFA.
3.4.13.        Fouls & Misconduct: Conform to FIFA. Briefly explain ALL infringements to
     the offending player.
3.4.14.        Free Kicks: Conform to FIFA with the exception that all opponents are at
     least eight (8) yards from the ball until it is in play.
3.4.15.       Penalty Kicks: Conform to FIFA with the exception that the penalty mark is
        at seven (7) yards from the goal line and that players other than the kicker and
        defending goalkeeper are at least eight (8) yards from the penalty mark.
   3.4.16.       Throw-in: Conform to FIFA.
   3.4.17.       Goal Kick: Conform to FIFA with the exception that all opponents are
        outside the build out line.
   3.4.18.       Corner kick: Conform to FIFA with the exception that opponents remain at
        least eight (8) yards from the ball until it is in play.

3.5. U12 – 9v9 GUIDELINES:
   3.5.1. The field: Field Length 70-80 yards Field Width – 45-55 yards Goal Size – 6.5-ft high by 18.5-ft wide. Goal Safety – Goals must be anchored securely to the ground. Portable
                   goals may only be used if they satisfy this requirement. Goal Area – Conform to FIFA. A goal area is defined at each end of the
                   field as follows: Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, four (4)
                   yards from the inside of each goal post. These lines extend into the field of
                   play a distance of four(4) yards and are joined by a line parallel to the goal
                   line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal area. Penalty Area – A penalty area is defined at each end of the field as follows:
                   Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, eight (8) yards from the
                   inside of each goal post. These lines extend into the field of play a distance
                   of twelve (12) yards and are joined by a line parallel to the goal line. The
                   area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the penalty area. Halfway Line – A halfway line shall divide the field into two halves with a
                   center mark indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. Penalty Mark – Within the penalty area a penalty mark is made eight (8)
                   yards from the midpoint between the goal posts and equidistant to them. Penalty Arc – Eight (8)-yard radius (6 yards from goal line) Center Circle – Eight (8)-ft radius drawn from the center mark. Corner Arc – Conform to FIFA. Flag Posts – None.
   3.5.2. Ball Size: Size four (4)
   3.5.3. Number of players – Maximum number of players on field at one time is nine (9)
         one of which is the goalkeeper. Roster Size: Minimum roster size should not be less than eleven (11) and the
              maximum not exceed eighteen (18).
           Substitutions – At any stoppage of play and unlimited for Division I and Division II.
           Division III will substitute on quarters except for injured or cautioned players. Playing Time – DIII players will play 50% of each game. Coaches from both
              teams need to be aware of a child’s desire to ‘not play’ while encouraging
              children to participate. Abuse of this will not be tolerated. Coed teams – Teams and games may be coed, but are considered boys
   3.5.4. Player's Equipment: Conform to FIFA. Non-uniform clothing is allowed based on
         weather conditions, but uniforms must still distinguish teams. Players may use tennis
         shoes or soft-cleated soccer shoes. SHINGUARDS ARE MANDATORY.
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