Intramural Sports Handbook 2020-2021 - Valparaiso University

Page created by Harold Goodman
Intramural Sports Handbook 2020-2021 - Valparaiso University
Intramural Sports Handbook
Table of Contents

Recreational Sports Staff                                       3
Mission                                                         4
Student Leadership                                              5
Participation                                                   6
Equipment                                                       6
Medical, Accident, Injury Policies                              6
Eligibility                                                     7
Registration Fees & Forfeit Deposit                             9
How to Create an IMLeagues Account                              10
How to Create a Team for an Intramural Sport (Desktop)          11
How to Create a Team for an Intramural Sport (Mobile)           12
How to Join a Team or Join as a Free Agent (Desktop)            13
How to Join a Team or Join as a Free Agent (Mobile)             14
Sportsmanship                                                   15
Player Conduct                                                  16
Sanctions                                                       16
Appeals                                                         17
Protests                                                        17
Reschedules & Postponements                                     18
Forfeits                                                        18
Sport Classifications                                           19
Points Breakdown                                                19

Recreational Sports Staff
              Tristan Leonhard
      Director of Recreational Sports

             Christopher Smith
 Assistant Director of Recreational Sports

               Abigail Johnson
 Graduate Assistant of Recreational Sports

                 Chloe Kiser
Recreational Sports Administrative Assistant

            Recreational Sports Office
     1109 Union Street, Valparaiso, IN, 46383

       The mission of Recreational Sports at Valparaiso University is to provide a
comprehensive and varied program of both competitive and recreational experiences. Our
program is designed to meet the needs and interests of Valparaiso University students, faculty,
and staff.
        Competition is provided in the form of leagues, tournaments, or special events. Team or
individual sport experiences are provided. The format established for competition is based upon
student interest in any given activity with space availability.
        The following objectives and guiding principles give direction to the Recreational
                        Sports Programs at Valparaiso University:

   1. To encourage self-participation and transform spectators into active participants.
   2. To offer a variety of physical activities balanced between vigorous and light exercise and
      team and individual sports which meet present interests and future needs.
   3. To provide incentive for a larger number of students in need of physical recreation
      experiences on an equal basis with fellow participants.
   4. To provide an arena whereby social relations and attitudes can be developed and high
      standards of sportsmanship encouraged.

The policies and procedures stated in this handbook will be used as guidelines to apply toward
the Valparaiso University Intramural Sports Program. The Recreational Sports Office reserves
 the right to modify and/or remove any of these guidelines or rules for the improvement of the
 program. All participants are expected to comply with these rules and policies that are stated
                                    within this publication.

Student Leadership

       The Recreational Sports Department recognized the importance of two student groups
that contribute greatly to the Intramural Sports program at Valparaiso University:

1. Intramural Sport Coordinators, Officials, and Rec Sports Staff are an integral part of the
   Intramural Sports program.

       A. Sport coordinators are placed in charge of a specific sport throughout the year. The
          responsibilities include the training, supervising, scheduling, and evaluating of
       B. Officials are very important to the Intramural Sports program. Training clinics are
          offered prior to each sport to ensure quality officiating is taking place. Classroom
          discussion, written tests, and on court/field instruction are required.
       C. The Athletics-Recreation Center uses students to supervise the various activity areas
          in the building. Positions include Building Supervisors, Fitness Class Supervisors,
          and Lifeguards.
       D. Any student interested in working for the Recreational Sports department should visit
 to request a student application.

2. The Intramural Team Captains are a vital link between the Recreation Sports Department
   and the team or organization they represent. This person should possess strong
   communication skills.
   Responsibilities for the captain include:
       A.   Organize teams and enter them into competition before the deadline dates.
       B.   Encourage participation in all intramural activities.
       C.   Check eligibility of all players.
       D.   Notify teams and players of date, time, and location of scheduled contest.
       E.   See that an organization or team does not forfeit. Two forfeits shall exclude a team
            from tournament play.
       F.   Attend all scheduled captain’s meetings and rule clinics. Captains will be held
            accountable for all information discussed at these meetings. If the captain is unable
            to attend, they may send a team representative in their place.
                1. If no one attends the captain’s meeting, then the captain will be required to
                    meet with the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports to discuss league
       G.   Check IMLeagues on a weekly basis.
       H.   Make sure all contact information is accurate on the IMLeagues website.
       I.   Accept all responsibility for the conduct of team members before, during, and after all
            intramural programs.
       J.   Provide feedback on programs and officials when requested.
       K.   Agree to all rules, guidelines, and policies stated within this publication.


All Valparaiso University students, faculty, or staff are encouraged to participate. You may
choose to participate with a fraternity/sorority, residence hall, join as a free agent, or create an
independent team. Faculty/Staff spouses are also encouraged to participate.
NOTE: Participation for alumni is limited to one alumnus per team in team sports, and unlimited
participation in individual sports/special events. *Under current COVID-19 restrictions, alumni
are not allowed to participate in recreational programs until further notice

                        For more eligibility questions, please see Eligibility


   A. Fall 2020 COVID-19: Face coverings are required at all intramural events/programs.

   B. Appropriate attire, based on sport, must always be worn. Billed hats, metal bracelets,
      necklaces, rings, earrings, or watches are not allowed. Jewelry must be taped in the
      case that the jewelry cannot be removed. Frontward facing billed harts will be allowed for
      softball/kickball. Other rule modifications for equipment can be found in the league rules
      for each sport.

   C. Failure to comply with the equipment rules can result in the term forfeiting the game.

   D. Any player, coach, or spectator who negligently causes the destruction of, or damage to
      equipment belonging to Valparaiso University shall be held responsible for all
      subsequent damages and any costs of repairs/replacement. In some cases, the
      Valparaiso University Police Department may be contacted.

                       Medical, Accident, Injury Policies

   A. Physical Examination: All students are encouraged to have a physical examination by
      a health care provider prior to participating in the Intramural Sports program. Those
      participating in Intramural Sports do so at their own risk and Valparaiso University
      accepts no responsibility in the case of an accident. This physical can be done at the
      Student Health Center or a family doctors office.

   B. Voluntary Participation: Since participation in the Intramural Sports program is on a
      voluntary basis, neither Valparaiso University nor the Recreational Sports department
      will accept responsibility for injuries sustained while participating in scheduled intramural
      contests, or in the general recreation program. The field and court supervisor must be

consulted in case of injury on the field or court and an accident/injury report must be
   filled out.

C. Valpo Rec Sports Impaired State Policy: No intramural athlete should participate
   under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. This will be a zero-tolerance policy.

D. More information regarding Valpo student health insurance can be found on the Valpo
   Student Health center website (, or by


A. Guidelines for Eligibility: Eligibility rules exist for the protection of each team and
   player in order to fulfill the general and specific objectives of the various intramural
   programs. All students, faculty, staff, and alumni* are eligible to participate in intramural
       a. *Under current COVID-19 restrictions, alumni are not allowed to participate
           in recreational programs until further notice

B. Identification: All Recreational Sports participants must provide a valid university ID or
   courtesy card to be eligible to participate in department programs. NO ID, NO PLAY.
      a. Any player using an assumed name shall be banned from that sport and related
           sports for one calendar year.

C. Responsibility for Eligibility: Each participant is responsible for their own eligibility.
   The Recreational Sports department will only check eligibility of participants when it is
   brought to attention by team captains, players, or when obvious infractions are noticed
   by the Rec Sports professional staff, or intramural staff.

D. Club Sports/Scout Team: Teams with club sport or scout team athletes, who are
   recognized by the Rec Sports/Athletics Department as members, will be limited in their
   participation within Intramural Sports. Any participant who is a member of a club sport at
   Valparaiso University will be recognized as an active member for that academic year.
       a. Leagues: There is no restriction on how many club sport or scout team players
           are allowed per team, however, there is a restriction on how many club sport or
           scout team players are allowed in the field of play.
                i. No more than 40% of the players participating in the field of play for a
                   single team may be club sport or scout team athletes. Please see the
                   specific sport rules for more information (IE: 4 players in Men’s Soccer, 2
                   players in Basketball, 2 in Volleyball, 4 in Softball, etc.).
               ii. If club or scout team players desire to play together, they may do so, but
                   will not be eligible to receive a win and will not be eligible for playoffs.
                   Teams will receive a default.

b. Special Events/Tournaments: Active club sport members will not be eligible to
           compete in the same, or similar, individual/dual special event tournaments. If the
           tournament is a team sport tournament, then the 40% rule above will apply.

E. Coaches/Graduate Assistants: An individual who is employed or volunteers as a
   Coach or Graduate Assistant may not participate in the sport(s) in which they are the
   Coach/Graduate Assistant.

F. Varsity Athletes: Any participant who was a member of a varsity squad at Valparaiso
   University, or any other Division 1 college or university, is ineligible for intramural
   competition in that sport, or similar sport, for a period of once academic year. Any
   individual who attends the university on athletic scholarship or is on the active roster with
   the Athletics Department shall be considered as a Varsity Squad member.
       a. Non-Varsity Award Winners: No regular member of freshman/JV, reserve,
           practice, or red-shirted players shall compete on intramural teams in the same
           sport or related sport(s) for that academic year.

                           Sport                  Sport Equivalent to
                           Football               Flag Football
                           Baseball/Softball      Softball
                           Basketball             Basketball
                           Soccer                 Soccer, Indoor Soccer
                           Volleyball             Volleyball
                           Hockey                 Floor Hockey
                           Bowling                Bowling
                           Golf                   Mini Golf, Golf
                           Esports                Esports Specific Game

G. Professional Athletes: Any participant who is ineligible for varsity competition because
   of loss of amateur status is prohibited from competing in the intramural sport in which
   they have obtained professional status.

H. New Member/New Recruit: New members must be new in the fraternity/sorority for an
   entire intramural season.

I.   Gender Restrictions: An individual may participate in a division of the opposite gender
     if Rec Sports does not offer a CoRec division or a division of the appropriate gender
     during the academic year. Requests will be addressed on an individual basis at the start
     of each intramural sports season. Please contact the Rec Sports office for further

J. Rosters & Roster Additions: All participants must be listed on the official team roster
   prior to participating in any intramural activity.
       a. Eastgate & Hospital Field Intramurals: All player additions must be completed
            and approved on the IMLeagues website prior to 2:00pm on the day of the
            contest, or by 4:00pm on Friday for all weekend contests for regular season.
       b. ARC/Brown Field, Guild-Memorial Court Intramurals: Additions to the roster can
            be completed up until the start of the game.
       c. Two-week deadline: Rosters need to be finalized two weeks after the start of the
            intramural season. After the deadline, all roster additions requests will need to be
            brought to the attention of the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports.
                 i. Fall 2020: The roster addition deadline has been moved to the end of the
                    regular season for Fall 2020 sports. See IMLeagues for more information.

K. Number of Teams: A player may participate on one CoRec team and one men’s or
   women’s team respectively for the same sport per season. Eligibility with a team is
   established once a player signs/checks in on the activity scorecard.

L. Transfer of Players: A player shall not be permitted to play with more than one
   intramural team in the same sport or to transfer from one intramural team to another
   after they sign-in for a scheduled game. The exception to this rule is as follows:
       a. A team forfeiting their first game or dropping from the league without having
           played a game.
       b. The request to transfer must be made prior to the roster addition deadline.

M. Playoff Eligibility:
      a. To compete in the playoffs, an individual must have participated in at least one
          league game for that team.
      b. A team is only eligible for the playoffs of any given league if they have competed
          and completed in at least 50% of the scheduled games through the season.
      c. Playoff seeding will be determined by Winning %, Sportsmanship Rating, Head
          to Head, and Point Differential.

N. Special Events: Specific eligibility rulings may be made for special events/tournaments.
   Please see the special event rules for further clarification.

O. Exceptions: Any request for an eligibility exception must be made in writing to the
   Assistant Director of Recreational Sports (

P. Consequences: A team using a player who has been determined as ineligible will forfeit
   that game and be excluded from tournament play. The ineligible player shall be banned
   from further competition in that sport for the remainder of the season.

                     Registration Fees & Forfeit Deposit

All participants and teams are required to sign up online at Teams
will pay the sport entry fee in the Recreational Sports office, located at the North Entrance of the
Fitness Center during the 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. office hours. If teams have any questions, they
may contact the office by calling 219-464-5211.
Mandatory Captains Meeting: Captains that sign up a team for any league or special event will
be required to attend the captain’s or informational meeting for said sport league or special
League Fees & Forfeit Deposit
   A. When entering a sport league, a $25.00 entry fee and $25.00 forfeit deposit is required.
      This forfeit deposit will be refunded in May of the academic year in which it was given,
      provided the team does not forfeit during the league or tournament play. This deposit
      can be transferred from sport to sport under the captain’s name.

   B. Teams that forfeit will lose their deposit and will not be eligible for tournament play
      unless another $25.00 (non-refundable) deposit is received in the Recreational Sports
      office no later than 2:00 p.m. by the next the business day of their next game. Teams
      that fail to pay the non-refundable deposit will forfeit their next game, unless other
      arrangements have been made.

   C. Every time a team forfeits a game, they will eb required to pay a $25 non-refundable
      deposit. Two forfeits shall exclude the team from making the playoffs.
Special Events:
   A. When entering a special event, an entry fee may be required. Fees may vary based on
      the location of the event. Entry fee information can be found on the IMLeagues sport

                       How to Create an IMLeagues Account

   User Guide for IMLeagues – all participants are required to create an IMLeagues account.
 *IMLeagues now has a mobile app (called IMLeagues) that can be downloaded for free
  from the Apple Store and Google Play Store. It can be used to sign up and create/join

1. To create an IMLeagues account:

       a. Go to
       b. Go to and click SIGN UP
       c. Go to and click “Log in with Facebook” if you have a Facebook
          account with your email attached – this will automatically create an
          account, fill in your info, and join you to the network (steps 2-4).

2. Enter your information and use your school email ( and submit.

3. You will be sent an activation email. Click the link in the email to login and activate your
   IMLeagues account (check your spam email if it is not in your inbox).

          How to Create a Team for an Intramural Sport (Desktop)

1. Log in to your IMLeagues account.

2. Click the “Valparaiso University” button on the top left of the homepage.

3. Click the “Get Involved” button on the top right. The current offerings will be displayed. Click
   on the sport you wish to join.

4. Choose the league you wish to play in (Men’s, Women’s, CoRec, etc.)

5. If applicable, choose the division you’d like to play in (Mon/Wed, Tues/Thurs, etc.)

6. Scroll down, find the “+Create Team” button. On the next page, you will be asked to read &
   agree to the release of liability waiver.

7. Choose an appropriate team name (see team name policy on page #), logo, and color.

8. Determine whether or not you are auto-accepting members, looking for free agents, and/or
   wish to receive day of game updates.

9. Input your cell phone number (required for captains). You may choose to opt in or out of the
   text message updates.

10. Click create team.

11. Choose your team’s playing preferences. A minimum amount of time slots may be required.
    Click submit.
                           How to invite/add players to your team

1. On your team home page, you can click the “+invite” button to start inviting your teammates.
   Type the first and last name of the person you wish to invite. The list should auto-populate
   with their name.
         a.    If you do not see their name, it is because they do not have an IMLeagues
           account. You may send an invitation to their email directly.

2. Once the invites have been sent, your teammates will need to accept the invitation to
   officially be on the team.

3. Players may also request to join your team. You will see the team requests pop up as
   requests in the top right of the page. You may also access the team requests on the left-
   hand side of your team home page under requests.

           How to Create a Team for an Intramural Sport (Mobile)

1. Download the IMLeagues app from the Apple or Google Play store. Log in to your account.

2. Open up the navigation panel on the left side and click on “Intramurals.”

3. Available sports will be displayed. Find the sport you wish to join and choose the
   league/division you wish to play in.

4. On the bottom, click create team. On the next page, you will be asked to read & agree to the
   release of liability waiver.

5. Choose an appropriate team name (see team name policy on page #), logo, and color.

6. Determine whether or not you are auto-accepting members, looking for free agents, and/or
   wish to receive day of game updates.

7. Input your cell phone number (required for captains). You may choose to opt in or out of the
   text message updates.

8. Click create team.

9. Choose your team’s playing preferences. A minimum amount of time slots may be required.
   Click submit.

           How to Join a Team or Join as a Free Agent (Desktop)

   **If you are unable to find a team to join, please contact Assistant Director of Recreational
                   Sports, Christopher Smith (**

1. Log in to your IMLeagues account.

2. Click the “Valparaiso University” button on the top left of the homepage.

3. Click the “Get Involved” button on the top right. The current offerings will be displayed. Click
   on the sport you wish to join.

4. Choose the league you wish to play in (Men’s, Women’s, CoRec, etc.)

5. If applicable, choose the division you’d like to play in (Mon/Wed, Tues/Thurs, etc.)

6. On the league/division page, scroll down to find existing teams. You may click the “join
   team” button to send a request to join a team. You may also request to be a free agent,
   which allows teams to send you a request to join their team.

7. If you are approved, or sent an invitation, you will receive that through your email, or through
   the notification menu on the top right of the IMLeagues website.

            How to Join a Team or Join as a Free Agent (Mobile)

   **If you are unable to find a team to join, please contact Assistant Director of Recreational
                   Sports, Christopher Smith (**

1. Download the IMLeagues app from the Apple or Google Play store. Log in to your account.

2. Open up the navigation panel on the left side and click on “Intramurals.”

3. Available sports will be displayed. Find the sport you wish to join and choose the
   league/division you wish to play in.

4. On the league/division page, scroll down to find existing teams. You may click the “join
   team” button to send a request to join a team. You may also request to be a free agent,
   which allows teams to send you a request to join their team.

5. If you are approved, or sent an invitation, you will receive that through your email,
   IMLeagues app push notification, or through the notification menu on the top right of the
   IMLeagues website.


Recreational Sports’ mission is to provide exercise, recreation, and fun to participants in a
relaxed, yet structured environment. All participants are encouraged to play to the best of their
abilities. Cheating, verbal and physical abuse, and a “win at all costs” attitude is considered
inappropriate. Having these principles of sportsmanship in our foundation is necessary to
facilitate the spirit of competition. Therefore, a team sportsmanship rating has been developed
to encourage ethical conduct at all intramural sport contests.
Sportsmanship Rating System:
“5” – Excellent conduct and sportsmanship
“4” – Good conduct and sportsmanship
“3” – Average conduct and sportsmanship
“2” – Below average conduct, sportsmanship, and/or forfeit
“1” – Poor conduct and sportsmanship
  In order to qualify for the playoffs, a team must average at least a 3.0 sportsmanship rating.

Team Name Sportsmanship Guidelines:
The Recreational Sports department is committed to ensuring that Intramural Sports are free
from discriminatory, inappropriate, and disrespectful conduct or communication; therefore,
Recreational Sports reserves the right to disallow any team name that they feel may be
unacceptable due to it being racial, sexual, or otherwise degrading in nature. In the event a
team name needs to be changed, the captain will be contacted. If the name is not changed, an
appropriate team name will be selected for them.

Player Conduct

A. Participants and/or spectators that choose to practice unsportsmanlike behavior before,
   during, or after a contest, directed toward a participant, official, or staff member, may be
   ejected from that contest.
       a. Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct which will result in ejection include, but are
           not limited to, the use of profanity, vulgar and abusive language, disrespect
           toward an official or Rec Sports staff member, unnecessary roughness, two
           technical fouls, flagrant actions toward an opponent, official, Rec Sports staff,
           and/or a fight/physical altercation.

B. When a player, spectator, or coach is ejected, they are required to exit the facility.
   Failure to cooperate may result in the intervention of the Valparaiso University Police
   Department (VUPD).

C. Any individual who has been ejected from an intramural event is not eligible to return
   until a meeting has been set up with the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports to
   discuss reinstatement.

D. Destruction of property: Any player, coach, or spectator who negligently causes the
   destruction of or damage to equipment belonging to Valparaiso University shall be held
   responsible for all damages and any costs of repairs or replacement. In some cases,
   VUPD may be called.

E. Abuse or Attempted Abuse: Any player, coach, or spectator who verbally threatens,
   strikes, or physically abuses any Rec Sports staff member, official, or opponent will be
   immediately suspended from all participation in Rec Sports activities for a minimum
   period of one year. This also includes an attempt to strike, even if physical contact is not
        a. Such actions may result in the intervention of the Valparaiso University Police
           Department, possible criminal charges, and/or the case submitted to the Dean of
           Students for review.

F. Fighting/Physical Altercation: Any team, spectator, or individual player(s) that strike or
   attempt to strike, elbow, kick, or handle an opponent, teammate, and/or spectator shall
   be automatically suspended from Rec Sports programs for a minimum of six (6)
   consecutive games with the possibility of indefinite suspension.


A. Suspensions: A player disqualified from the game for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be
   suspended for a minimum four (4) consecutive games in in that specific sport.
      a. No individual may participate and/or spectate any intramural activity during their

b. In the case the suspension cannot be completed in that specific sport, the
             suspension may be served in the next intramural sport they participate in.
          c. Fighting/physical altercation disqualifications will result in a minimum of six (6)
             consecutive games with the possibility of indefinite suspension.

   B. Probation: Any disqualified individual will be placed on probation for a certain period of
      time. If it is considered to be late in the school year, then the probationary period may
      carry over into the next semester.
          a. If an individual is suspended as a result of any unsportsmanlike conduct, the
               team or organization that the individual represents could also be placed on
               disciplinary probation.
          b. If during this probationary period the ejected participant is involved in any further
               disciplinary proceedings, they may be subject to further suspension once the
               current suspension is served.


   A. Eligibility: Any individual who does not meet the criteria necessary to play in an
      intramural event has the option to petition the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports.
      Eligibility appeals will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
          a. All requests must be made in writing to Christopher Smith
                (, Assistant Director of Recreational Sports.


Protests will not be received or considered if they are based solely on a decision involving
accuracy of judgment on the part of a game official. Protests will be received and considered
when concerning the following:
   A. A misinterpretation of a playing rule.
   B. A misapplication of a rule to a given situation.
   C. Failure to impose the correct penalty for a given violation.
   D. Matters of player eligibility. (See Eligibility section for more information)
To protest, the following procedures must be strictly observed:
   A. Notification of intent to protest must be made at the point the matter in question occurs,
      and immediately before play continues. The captain of the protesting team shall notify
      the officials/coordinator on site that they wish to protest the previous play.
   B. The sport coordinator on duty will then render a decision and play will continue. The
      sport supervisor will record the current game conditions (score, time, possession, etc., if

C. If the captain wants to protest the decision rendered by the sport supervisor, then a
   statement concerning the protest must be submitted.
D. A formal protest can be filed by contact the Assistant Director of Recreational Sports
   ( by 10:00 a.m. the business day following the incident.
  The Recreational Sports department does not assume responsibility for investigating the
       eligibility of all participants, but will investigate any properly protested cases.

                       Reschedules & Postponements

A. Rescheduling: If a team is unable to attend a scheduled contest, but desires to play the
   game at another date or time, it may be possible to reschedule. Requests for scheduling
   must be received at least 24 hours in advance of the originally scheduled time of
   contest. There is no guarantee that a game will be rescheduled.

B. Rescheduling in Tournament Play: During tournament play, contests must be
   rescheduled within a period of time that will not delay progress in the tournament itself.
   Both teams must agree with the rescheduled time in a tournament setting.


A. All contests shall be played on the date and time scheduled. Teams not ready to play at
   their scheduled game time will be penalized. A forfeit will be declared if the team(s) are
   not present within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time. Specific sports have a point
   penalty that will be scored against a team that is late but arrived prior to a forfeit being

B. If a team does not have the minimum required number of players present within 10
   minutes of the scheduled start time, the team will be charged a forfeit and the team will
   lose their $25 forfeit deposit. Certain circumstances may apply.

C. Teams that are charged with a forfeit will receive a 2.0 sportsmanship rating.

D. Teams that forfeit twice during the season will not be eligible for postseason play.

E. A double forfeit will be charged if both teams are unable to provide the minimum number
   of players required to start a match.

F. 10 points will be deducted from Group I competition for teams that forfeit (see Sport

G. In the event that a team is unable to attend their match, but notifies the Assistant
   Director of Recreational Sports under the 24 hour reschedule policy, a default loss can

be given. A team will not be charged a forfeit, but will only be given a loss, only if the
       Rec Sports Staff is able to contact the opposing team and staff scheduled for the game.

                                   Sport Classifications

                            Leagues                  Special Events
                             Soccer                      Badminton
                             Kickball                   Racquetball
                             Softball                  Indoor Soccer
                           Basketball                     Billiards
                          Floor Hockey                    Foosball
                            Volleyball                  Table Tennis
                          Flag Football                  Dodgeball
                         Sand Volleyball                   Tennis
                                                     3 on 3 Basketball
                                                     Bags Tournament
                                                          Mini Golf
                                                      Sand Volleyball
                                                   Individual Basketball*
                                                     CoRec Softball**

*Individual Basketball combines the free throw, 3 point, and 1 on 1 tournament. In order to
receive points, participants must compete in all three events.
**Non-point event (CoRec events)

                                      Points Breakdown

              Leagues:                                              Special Events:
              1st place: 100 pts                                    1st place: 20 pts
              2nd place: 75 pts                                     2nd place: 15 pts
              3rd-4th place: 50 pts                                 3rd-4th place: 10 pts
              5th-8th place: 25 pts                                 5th-8th place: 5 pts
                                       Participation Points

Group I: 10 points will be deducted from each team forfeit.
Group II Non-Tournament: Any team/individual participating will receive a maximum of 10
participation points. (Two [2] per team/individual)
Group II Tournament: Any team/individual participating will receive a maximum of 5 participation
points. (One [1] per team/individual)
   *Teams that are points teams for Greek life, organization, or hall designated must be clearly
labeled on either IMLeagues or in the back office of the Fitness center when the fees are paid. If
 a team is not clearly labeled, it will be up to the discretion of the Rec Sports Office to determine
                                         if they qualify for points.
Note: Tournaments that are set up as double elimination will have slightly different point
  values for 3rd-8th place. Please contact the Rec Sports office for more specific point

                                  Special Event Clarifications
Individual sports include entries with only an individual champion being declared. Only the top
five individuals from a given organization can score points toward the organizations total. An
individual who forfeits twice loses all participation points. In the event of a forfeit or bye, an
individual must participate in the next game/match to receive advancement points for the forfeit
or bye.
In order for points to be awarded for special events, there must be at least 2 teams competing.
In the event of a forfeit or bye, a team must participate in the next game/match to receive
advancement points for the forfeit or bye.

   All participants in the Intramural Sports Program at Valparaiso University are expected to
   comply with Valparaiso University 2020-2021 Intramural Handbook. Any questions can be
                             referred to the Recreational Sports Office.
                                            Thank you,
                                         Valpo Rec Sports

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