YEAR OF THE
                             NURSE AND MIDWIFE

P3 NEWS                  P7 OPINION           P10 FEATURE          P17 CAREERS

ISSUE NO. 383 JANUARY 2020                                         RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN

                                                                                           We’ll hold new
    The RCN represents nurses
    and nursing, promotes                                                                  government to account
    excellence in practice and                                                             over pre-election
    shapes health policies.
                                                                                           health pledges
    Editor: Kim Scott
    Email:                                                             The RCN has written to MPs elected in
    Web:                                                               December’s general election, stressing the
    Address: 20 Cavendish Square,                                                          urgency of the nurse staffing crisis and
    London W1G 0RN                                                                         reiterating what needs to happen to support
    Nurse recruitment advertising                                                          the future of the profession.
    Tel: 020 8423 1333
    Email:         Safe staffing makes history                        Responding to the election outcome, RCN
    Acceptance of an advertisement                                                         Chief Executive & General Secretary Dame
    does not constitute an              We’re looking for volunteers to help interview     Donna Kinnair said: “The prime minister must
    endorsement of a product,           and record members involved in our safe            remember that the government’s new mandate
    service or company, either by       staffing campaign to create oral histories for     was secured on the back of health and care
    the RCN or RCN Publishing.          the RCN archive. It’s part of a project led by     pledges over which we will hold them to account.
                                        RCN President Professor Anne Marie Rafferty,
    For RCN country and regional        the History of Nursing Forum and the archive       “Nursing cannot afford any more piecemeal
    contact details visit               team to capture campaign activity. You’ll          workforce planning, nor underfunding and or call RCN Direct                                                          working conditions that both put off new
                                        receive training and have expenses covered as
    on 0345 772 6100.
                                        you travel to speak to inspirational members       recruits and cause experienced nurses to leave
    © Copyright 2020. RCN               who’ve been fighting to secure safe staffing       the profession they love. Much was said about
    Publishing Company Limited and      across the UK. You’ll also gain active listening   nursing during the election campaign, and
    The Royal College of Nursing.       and interviewing skills as you play a part in      now the profession must be at the heart of the
    Printed on 100% recycled paper      preserving the RCN’s rich history. To find out     debate. Any attempts to row back from what
    manufactured in the UK.             more, visit           patients need will be met with short shrift from
                                                                                           the nurses who serve them.”

                                          Nominate now to recognise
  Bill busting deals!                     advanced practice
                                          This year’s RCNi Nurse Awards feature
                                          a new category for advanced nurse
                                          practitioners. Nominating yourself or
                                          a colleague is a chance to recognise the
                                          impact advanced nurse practitioners make
                                          as individuals, in teams, on patient care
                                          and nursing practice in all settings.

                                          Nominations are also open for nurses,
                                          students and nursing support workers to
                                          share their innovations and expertise in
                                          nine other categories.                           Is nursing work damaging
                                                                                           your hands?
Don’t let the cold snap                   Members of the public are invited to
break the bank                            nominate a nurse or health care assistant        If so, we want to hear from you. We’ve
                                          who has changed their life for the Patient’s     launched a survey to find out about your
Visit RCNXtra for the best deal on        Choice award as well.                            experiences of caring for your hands at work
your gas and electricity when you                                                          and what support you’ve been offered if you’ve
switch supplier and earn loyalty          The overall winner of the awards is              developed a skin issue. We want to know how
points to redeem on future purchases.     crowned RCN Nurse of the Year.                   poor skin health affects you doing your job and
                                                                                           what steps are taken to reduce the risk of you
Xtra benefits. Xtra easy.                 The deadline for entries is 17 January.          developing work-related dermatitis.
Register now at           Visit to nominate.         Complete the survey before 12 January at

    RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                      RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020

£5k student grants
welcome, but tuition fees                      NI members poised to
must be scrapped too
Nursing students in England will receive
                                               strike again
at least £5,000 a year to help with living
costs from September, the government has
said. This will be supplemented by up to
£3,000 for students entering specialties
that struggle to recruit and for those
living in places where nursing degree
acceptances have fallen. An additional
child care allowance will also be available.

RCN student members have been
campaigning for more funding after
the bursary, which covered university
tuition fees and provided means-tested
maintenance support, was scrapped in
2016. Since then applications to study
nursing have dropped by 25% in England.

RCN Chief Executive & General Secretary
Dame Donna Kinnair said: “With tens of
thousands of vacant nurse jobs, serious
measures are needed. This grant is a first
victory for our campaign, but we will          Nursing staff working in Health and Social Care (HSC)
continue to call for nursing students not
                                               services will go on strike on 8 and 10 January, unless there’s
to pay tuition fees up-front. Any barriers
for people wanting to enter nursing must       a last-minute breakthrough in pay negotiations
be removed.”
                                               As RCN Bulletin went to press, members        RCN Northern Ireland Director Pat Cullen
                                               in Northern Ireland were preparing to         said: “Members are angry that no-one
                                               join picket lines after their pre-Christmas   appears to be taking the crisis in our health
  Wales safe staffing                          strike didn’t result in a pay offer that      service seriously. We have written to the
  law extended to                              would see them get paid the same as           secretary of state to say we’re extremely
                                               nursing staff in the rest of the UK.          disappointed that talks with party leaders
  children’s wards                                                                           have failed to produce any resolution to
  Last month, we celebrated another            The strike on 18 December made                the safe staffing and pay parity issues that
  victory in our campaign for safe staffing    headline news, with chronic nurse             form the basis of our action. We’re also
  in Wales. Following the implementation       shortages highlighted in the national         disappointed that attempts to negotiate an
  of the Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act     media. But despite a joint letter from        agreement leading to the restoration of the
  on adult wards in April last year, further   leaders of the five main political parties    devolved institutions has failed.
  campaigning led to the announcement          in Northern Ireland urging Secretary
  that legislation would be extended to        of State Julian Smith to intervene to         “Although we wish to see political leadership
  include paediatric inpatient services by     stop the strike, he refused, saying he        and accountability in Northern Ireland
  April 2021, subject to approval by the       didn’t have the powers to promise a pay       restored, nurses deeply resent the link that
  National Assembly.                           rise. Subsequent talks didn’t deliver a       is being made between this and resolving
                                               resolution either.                            the crisis in health care. Sorting out this
  While this is welcome progress, we’ll                                                      crisis is a priority regardless of our political
  continue to fight for the law to cover       The government in Northern Ireland            situation, which has been in disarray for the
  more health care settings. RCN Wales         collapsed in January 2017 and has been        past three years. We do not have another
  Director Helen Whyley said: “This            unproductive since, meaning health            three years to wait. How much longer can
  is an encouraging step, but it is still      authorities have been unable to break         this inaction continue before somebody,
  disappointing that the act has not           the deadlock over the pay dispute.            somewhere, takes a decision to rectify the
  been extended to other areas such as         A breakthrough depends on parties             problems we are facing?”
  the community.”                              compromising to form a new government.
                                               Talks are ongoing.                            Visit

RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020                                                                                            RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN

Booking for RCN Congress now open
                                                            list, make sure you book your       • Attend fringe events which
                                                            place at RCN Congress now.            cover a broad range of
                                                                                                  specialist areas of practice,
                                                            What can you do at Congress?          workplace issues, careers
                                                                                                  advice, health and wellbeing
                                                            • Take part in, or if you prefer      and networking. It’s a great way
                                                              watch and listen to topical         to develop your professional
                                                              discussions. The debates cover      knowledge and can help with
                                                              a range of professional issues      meeting your NMC revalidation
                                                              covering clinical, staffing,        requirements too.
                                                              financial, social and political
                                                              matters. What we debate is        • Look around the largest,
                                                              important – the issues are          most comprehensive, nursing
                                                              often reported in the media         exhibition of its type. If
                                                              direct from Congress, and they      you want to, you can meet
                                                              lead to wide-ranging work           employers, universities,
                                                              carried out by the RCN.             recruitment agencies and
                                                                                                  health care providers or see
                                                            • We’ve not yet announced             many of the latest innovations
                                                              the keynote speakers but in         relating to your work.
Secure your free place at the                                 past years our speakers have
UK’s biggest nursing conference                               captivated audiences. For many    So, what’s the catch? There really
in Liverpool this June                                        the highlight of last year’s      isn’t one.
                                                              event was hearing quadruple
It’s new year resolutions time.        Book your place,       amputee Tom Ray talk about        It’s free to attend and runs from
If developing your professional     submit an idea for an     the impact sepsis had on          Sunday 7 to Thursday 11 June.
knowledge, jump-starting your       emergency debate,         him and how he developed          Even if you only come for the
career, or doing more interesting   and find out more at      resilience to overcome its        day, you’re sure to get a lot out
things are high on your must-do       devastating effects.              of it.

                                    Dee determined to make nursing voice heard
 Nurses top trust
 survey again                                                                                   Dee Sissons has been elected to
 Nursing has been revealed                                                                      lead the RCN’s governing Council
 as the UK’s most trusted                                                                       from this month. She’ll chair the
 profession by an annual                                                                        group of 17 members, elected by
 survey. Nurses have topped                                                                     you, to provide direction for the
 the list four years in a row                                                                   organisation.
 and are now more trusted
 than ever, with 95% of British                                                                 Dee has nursing experience
 adults saying they trust                                                                       spanning four decades and has
 nurses to tell the truth, up                                                                   recently taken up the position
 from 93% in 2016.                                                                              of Chief Executive Officer at
                                                                                                Rainbows Hospice for Children
 Dame Donna Kinnair, RCN                                                                        and Young People.
 Chief Executive & General
 Secretary, said: “Trust is an                                                                  She said: “I am honoured to
 essential part of a nurse’s                                                                    be elected to this role by my
 relationship with patients, and                                                                colleagues on RCN Council. I
 nurses know not to take this                                                                   am determined that the voice
 privileged position lightly.”                                                                  of nursing is heard at the very
                                                                                                highest level.”

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                  RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020

The big picture                                                                                                 MEET THE

                                                                                                               Each month RCN Bulletin asks a member
                                                                                                               to share a little bit about themselves

                                                                                                               Name: Sagila Thiruthanikasalan
                                                                                                               Role: Nursing associate

                                                          From the heart                                       Sum up what you do in a sentence:
                                                                                                               Try to make patients’ and colleagues’
                                                                                                               lives a bit easier.
John, from Birmingham, talks to RCN members and staff about our campaign in England to address chronic
nursing shortages. He was one of hundreds to sign our safe staffing petition at an event in the city’s Grand
                                                                                                               Describe your job in three words:
Central shopping centre last month. You can sign the petition          from here
                                                                                                               Fulfilling, busy, emotional.

                                                                                                               How long have you been nursing?
                                                                                                               13 years.
     PATIENT PERSPECTIVE                                  Feedback
                                                                                                               How did you get to where you are
                                                                                                               now? I started as a GP receptionist,
  Thea has a rare genetic condition                     These days the condition affects
                                                        almost  everything.                                    which took me into administration in
  called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome                           Call to action
                                                                                                               the emergency department. In 2008,
  (EDS). She talks about how                                                                                   I was encouraged to develop into
                                                        I spend a lot of time in hospital and my
  important it is that nursing staff                    inpatient experiences have been mixed.                 an emergency team assistant. Nine
  understand her needs                                  AtWhat
                                                           their best, my care has been really well
                                                                  I’m thinking
                                                                                                               years later I became a trainee nursing
                                                        co-ordinated, driven by senior nurses who              associate, on a surgical ward, dealing
  As soon as I could talk, I complained                 understand that I have very unique needs               with complex wounds. I qualified as a
  about my knees hurting. My parents                    and must not be moved by untrained                     nursing associate in 2019.
  kept taking me to the doctor, but for                 staff.
                                                          On When    they’ve been bad it’s mainly
                                                               the web                                         If you weren’t a nursing associate,
  years my pain remained unexplained.                   because things have been rushed or there
                                                                                                               what would you be? A life coach.
  I was 10 before I was diagnosed.                      has been a lapse in communication. Shift
                                                        changes can feel particularly worrying.
                                                                                                               What’s the best bit about your job?
  EDS affects connective tissues that                   Staff
                                                          Theon  one shift
                                                                month       can totally nail it, but
                                                                        ahead                                  The sense of fulfilment I get from
  provide support in skin, tendons,                     the next shift is a different story.
                                                                                                               doing something worthwhile.
  ligaments, blood vessels, internal
  organs and bones.                                     As a patient, you can really tell when                 And the worst? Politics.
                                                          In theare having a bad day. It’s
  By my teenage years, my knees would                   usually because they’re short-staffed                  What helps you through a difficult
  slide around my leg really easily and                 and stressed, but it does affect their                 day at work? There will always be one
  dislocations became an issue. Then I                  levels of empathy. It makes a huge                     person or one situation that’ll provide
  started to have autonomic problems,                   difference
                                                          In my day when
                                                                      job you have a lovely                    something positive in the day.
  so would keep passing out. At 19 I                    nurse, but it’s much easier to be lovely
  was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.                when you’re not over-worked.                  

                                                          The way things were


   THE VIEW                                     What you’ve been saying
                                                Solidarity with nurses in                          The nurses in Northern Ireland are
                                                Northern Ireland                                   facing a lot of the same issues we are on
                                                                                                   the mainland, but it’s being exacerbated
                                                I totally support our nursing staff in Northern    by the complete lack of leadership from
                                                Ireland. Understaffing and lack of investment      the Stormont Assembly whose members
                                                have removed goodwill, and nurses                  haven’t worked in over three years, and
                                                themselves know it’s unsustainable due to          still get paid.
                                                patient safety. The UK government needs to
                                                implement parity of pay and properly fund               Darren on Facebook
                                                our education and NHS after a lot of reform.

                                                      Helen on Facebook                            Sort out student funding
                                                I feel for the Northern Ireland nurses who         No-one becomes a nurse to get rich, at
 Nicola Moore                                   have struggled on for so long without the          least not financially, but it is the most
 Nutritional therapist                          government ensuring that the carers are            wonderful, rewarding job. When I trained
                                                cared for. Breaking point has determined           as a nurse 40 years ago, we got paid while
  If 2020 is the year you want to improve
                                                their actions. They are chronically                studying and were provided with affordable
  your diet and overall wellbeing, it might
                                                understaffed and paid less than nurses in          accommodation. It breaks my heart that
  be best to start with small changes.
                                                the rest of the UK. Are we not one nation          people really have to struggle if they enter
  Firstly, focus on getting more protein in     after all? How can this be acceptable?             the nursing profession nowadays.
  your meals to fill you up for longer and
  help stop those snacking temptations.               Tina on Facebook                                 June by email
  This will help you keep going when
  you’re on your feet throughout your shift
  and improve your mental health and
  energy levels.
                                                QUOTE OF THE MONTH

  Think about the protein you have in your                     The new government must take decisive and
  regular meals. Any fish, eggs, meat, nuts
  or seeds? There’s protein in vegetable                       urgent action to address the growing shortage
  sources like quinoa and frozen peas too.                     of nurses and fix the crisis in social care
  Just focus on one meal to start with. If
  you’re grabbing a croissant and a coffee      Dame Donna Kinnair, RCN Chief Executive & General Secretary, on what needs to
  for breakfast, perhaps it’s time for a        happen now to secure the future of the nursing profession
  change. The protein in boiled eggs would
  be a great way to keep your energy levels
  up throughout the day.
                                                  FOUR THINGS TO DO IN JANUARY
  Finally, try to have three meals a day.
  Challenging when you’re working shifts,        1.     Celebrate nursing by entering             3.   Start your professional development
  I know. But, having a proper meal before              yourself or a colleague for the RCNi           this year by finding the right RCN
  you start a night shift will help your body           Nurse Awards 2020:                             event for you:
  adapt and support your long-term health.                    
                                                 2.     Complete our skin health survey           4.   Visit the new RCN Library and Archive
  There’s a direct link between how we                  before it closes on 12 January and tell        exhibition exploring the cultural
  feel and the food we put into our bodies.             us your experience of work-related             context of emotions in nursing:
  Remember that changing your diet                      hand dermatitis:      
  doesn’t need to be something you dread.
  It’s something that could make you feel
  so much better.
                                                       GOT SOMETHING TO SAY?
                                                  The RCN Magazines team is always looking for members to contribute to the
 @nicolamoorenutrition                            opinion pages. If you’re keen to share your views, email

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                              RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020
Share your thoughts on nursing issues.

                                                                                               TO MEMBERS

                                                                                               Dame Donna Kinnair
                                                                                               RCN Chief Executive &
                                                                                               General Secretary
                                                                                               2020 is a momentous year for nursing.
                                                                                               Designated the International Year of the

‘I’m caught in the middle of student                                                           Nurse and Midwife by the World Health
                                                                                               Organization, it’s an opportunity to
funding mistake’                                                                               showcase what nursing is, and the difference
                                                                                               it makes, today. Too often nursing is still
                                                                                               perceived to be a role by the bedside,
                                                 degree that I’m proud of, but I’m also
                                                                                               holding patients’ hands, and providing basic
                                                 going to leave with £50,000 worth of
                                                                                               care. While our compassion is what we’ve
                                                 debt despite working 40-hour weeks in
                                                                                               become famed for, our profession is so much
                                                 the NHS while on placements.
                                                                                               more these days. We are leaders, innovators,
                                                                                               problem solvers, advocates. We prescribe,
                                                 I’m going to leave an exhausted, utterly
                                                                                               we perform procedures and we push the
                                                 drained and completely different person to
                                                                                               boundaries of what is possible. We are
                                                 the one I was just over two years ago.
                                                                                               nursing staff and we are amazing.

                                                 So why do I continue to do it? I have a       That’s why we must be valued and
                                                 love, and genuine passion for what I do.      invested in. Many promises were made
This photo sums up how I’m feeling. I’m          I’m in a position to make a difference to     ahead of the general election and some,
smiling on the outside, but inside I’m           the lives of sick and vulnerable children     such as student funding in England, are
struggling to keep my cool. I am in fact,        and there’s not much more rewarding           starting to come to fruition. We now need
pretty furious. This here is an exhausted,       than that. But I feel the government has      nursing student tuition fees to be scrapped
physically and emotionally drained student       taken advantage of student nurses like me,    in full and for there to be more incentives
paediatric nurse, desperate for recognition      thrown us into the deep end knowing our       for nurses to want to stay in the profession.
of the effort she puts into our NHS.             drive will see us swim without support.
                                                                                               Unsafe staffing levels are threatening
When I began my course in September 2017,        I’m swimming and I won’t give up, but I’m     our ability to provide quality care. We’ll
I was one of the first cohorts to miss out       crying out for help. I keep going because I   not stand for this. Before Christmas I
on the bursary and course fee exemption.         have no choice, but that doesn’t make my      joined our members on the picket lines in
However, I wanted to do it. I desperately        struggles right, fair or necessary.           Northern Ireland. For the first time in the
wanted to make a difference, so I applied in                                                   RCN’s history, they felt compelled to strike.
the hope that when uptake started to fall, the   This is an extract from Jess’s student        I was so proud to be among them, fighting
situation may be rectified.                      nurse mummy blog on Facebook.                 for safe staffing and fair pay. Please, this
                                                 The RCN is seeking further detail             year, be part of our campaign to secure safe
As it happens, I’m probably one of a few         on whether maintenance loan debt              nurse staffing levels across the UK.
thousand student nurses caught in the            incurred by nursing students between
middle of a huge government mistake.             2017-2020 will be written off.      
I’m going to leave university with a             See for more.

RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020                                                                                            RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN

10 tips for job searching
Will 2020 be the year you make a fresh start in your career?
Julie Watkins, RCN careers coach, shares her top tips for
looking for a new role

  1                                       5                                       8
        Feel inspired                             Save time by setting                     Get a LinkedIn account
        If you’re not sure what kind              up job alerts                            Use this online
        of role you’re after,                     Register your job                        professional network to
 take a look at the RCN’s                     preferences with a job search       join relevant discussion forums
 online careers pages for                     website by submitting               or contact people that you might
 inspiration: tinyurl.                         information like job title,        not otherwise have access to.
 com/rcn-career-                              field, pay, or location. The jobs   Make sure your profile is up-to-
 crossroads                                  website will notify you by email     date so potential networks get
                                             or text when jobs that match         an insight into your professional
                                             your description come up.            qualities, skills and experience:

          the job
          market                                  TOP TIP

 and opportunities                                 If you’re a                              Be proactive
 out there                                        registered nurse,                         Don’t wait until you
 Consider where you’ll                     always make sure you’re                          see a vacancy. Contact
 search for jobs. Start by visiting        acting within the NMC                  employers and attend job fairs.,             Code when using social media             Build your network and enquire
 where you’ll find links to help you.                                             about potential vacancies. RCNi
                                                                                  Nursing Careers and Jobs Fairs are

                                                                                  held in different cities throughout

                                                  Twitter time
            Use this copy of                      Follow an                          the year and are free to attend.
            RCN Bulletin                          organisation                        The first is in Manchester
            Turn to page 17 to see job   that advertises jobs on                         on 6 February. Visit
 ads for different nursing specialties   Twitter. Follow the                               careersandjobsfair.
 or visit          RCN too and you might                              com. Read more about
                                         see useful courses                                  networking at tinyurl.

                                         running in your local
           Get smart about how           RCN office to help you
           you browse for jobs           get your dream job:

           online                        @theRCN                                                        Try before
 Use inverted commas if you want                                                                        you buy
 to search for a specific phrase,                                                                       Arrange an

 or a specific order of words. For                Don’t forget                          informal visit or shadowing.
 example, if you type “practice                   traditional                           It’s so important to see if the
 nurse”, you should get results that              adverts                         role is one that will suit you, your
 contain this specific term, instead     Many jobs are still printed in           values and strengths. Visit tinyurl.
 of results that contain the word        journals, newspapers and in the          com/rcn-informal-visits for
 “practice” and the word “nurse”.        local press.                             advice on how to go about it.


RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                          RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020
                                                                            FEATURES 9

Torn but determined
For the first time in the 103-year history of the RCN, members have been on strike.
Nursing staff in Northern Ireland talk about how it felt to be on the picket line last month

 “It’s cold, wet and windy, but we’re
 determined to see this to the bitter end.
 The public support has been amazing.
 It’s humbling to know how much support
 we have. Nursing staff in Northern                                                                                This is the
 Ireland have had enough of being                                                                                  saddest day of
 treated differently from our colleagues                                                                           my career
 in the rest of the UK. Ministers in
 Northern Ireland need to get back into
 government and sort this mess out.”

 Dennis Greer

                                             “As I listened to the six o’clock news
                                             on my drive to work on the day of the
                                             strike, I cried. I never thought we’d
                                             get to this point. I felt devastated, but
                                             we’ve been left with no other choice.

                                             “Unsafe staffing levels are having
                                             such a detrimental impact on patient
                                             care and nursing staff. We feel totally
                                             disheartened and it’s getting worse.

                                             “We know staffing issues can’t be solved overnight – but there’s nothing happening about
 “After almost 30 years in nursing I         the concerns we’ve raised. We all just want to provide quality care for our patients.”
 have seen some of the most heart-
                                             Lyndsay Thomson
 breaking things you could imagine and
 cried many tears. I can honestly say
 this is the saddest day of my career.”
                                                        It’s just unbearable to
                                                                                             “I haven’t slept, I feel sick, but we are
 Roisin Devlin                                          work in these conditions             doing this for our patients. We have
                                                                                             to be heard – nobody’s listening to us.
                                                                                             This has been going on for years now
                                                                                             and I just can’t tolerate it.

                                                                                             “After 41 years of nursing, at the top
                                                                                             of band 5, I’m worth £14.99 an hour.
                                                                                             We are prepared to take further action
                                                                                             if we need to. It’s just unbearable to
                                                                                             work in these conditions.

                                                                                             “Please, please, politicians, listen to us
                                                                                             as nurses. We can’t go on like this.”

                                                                                             Eleanor McWilliams

RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020                                                                                         RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN

Knife crime: how nursing can
help stop the cycle of violence
Specialist nurse Dorcas Gwata explains the potential for nurses to prevent stabbings and
help turn young lives around

                                                                                                   “We know young people affected
                                                                                                   by knife crime suffer from post-
                                                                                                   traumatic stress disorder,” she
                                                                                                   says. “They’re anxious and more
                                                                                                   likely to use drugs. If their mental
                                                                                                   health trauma is not addressed,
                                                                                                   they’re also more likely to
                                                                                                   continue carrying knives and be
                                                                                                   involved in further violence.

                                                                                                   “News also travels fast online. If
                                                                                                   you’re angry with somebody and
                                                                                                   want to humiliate them, you can do
                                                                                                   that very quickly on social media.
                                                                                                   For someone with no emotional
                                                                                                   buffer, a social media post can
                                                                                                   be an invitation to war. Combine
                                                                                     Stock image   fast information with impulsive
                                                                                                   behaviours, and life becomes very
                                                                                                   dangerous for these young people.”
This time last year, on 8 January,     Ayoub was officially designated
14-year-old Jaden Moodie was           a “modern slave” by the National                            Dorcas is speaking from
knocked off his moped in East          Crime Agency in 2018 amid                                   experience. As a specialist mental
London, set upon by four youths        concerns he was being groomed by                            health nurse in Westminster’s
                                                                              A post on social
and stabbed nine times. The fatal      more sophisticated adult offenders.                         Integrated Gangs Unit, she
attack lasted seven seconds.           His father, also a drug dealer, died   media can be an      works alongside the police, social
                                       in 2015 after being stabbed in his     invitation to war    services, youth workers and
Known to police, Jaden had             flat, which was then set on fire.                           former gang members to reach
been dealing drugs for a gang                                                                      out to young people affected by
called the Beaumont Crew. His          Jaden was vulnerable too.                                   knife crime.
convicted killer, 19-year-old          Excluded from school multiple
Ayoub Majdouline, had been             times, he was moved from                                    Her aim is to create a safe
acting for a rival gang.               Nottingham to London in an                                  space for young people to talk,
                                       attempt by his family to get him                            encourage them out of drug
The story is tragic but all too        away from trouble. These factors,                           dealing and into employment. In
common. Latest stats show knife        RCN member Dorcas Gwata                                     the face of austerity, however, the
crime offences are at a record high,   believes, play into the cycle of                            unit is facing an uphill struggle.
up 7% to just over 44,000 in the 12    violence which is devastating
months to the end of June 2019.        thousands of families.                                      “There’s a direct link between
                                                                                                   service cuts, social inequality and
Though Jaden’s murder was              When asked what she feels                                   violent crime,” says Dorcas. “Many
senseless, a deeper look into his      is responsible for the spike                                young people I work with come
and his attacker’s backgrounds         in stabbings, she lists school                              from refugee families who have
shows they were arguably failed        exclusions, lack of mental                                  fled Syria, Somalia, Congo or Iraq
by a society not set up to support     health support and social media                             to seek safety in the UK. Their
them when they needed help most.       as key issues.                                              parents are often dealing with

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                     RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020

pre-migratory trauma, while trying       the service is stretched, and her                                and confidence to enrol in college
to adjust to life here in the UK.        role is unique. There needs to be                                when they had previously been
Tough choices have to be made and        more multi-agency units across                                   housebound for four months
children can be left to find their own   the UK, making the most of mental                                crippled with fear, that’s the
path. When there’s hard austerity,       health nurses who can bring            I sleep better            difference you’re making. That’s
the vulnerable suffer most.”             specialist skills to help prevent      knowing that I’m          what I do the job for.”
                                         violent crime, Dorcas insists.         part of change
For every young person involved                                                                           Dorcas is a Mary Seacole
in knife crime, there’s a story that     “We have a lot of work to do to                                  award scholar who has
explains their situation, Dorcas         scale-up these services,” she says.                              recently completed research
believes. Turning lives around           “I believe I’m the only nurse in the                             into improving mental health
is about understanding the full          country doing this sort of work.                                 interventions for young people
spectrum of their experience and         It’s not enough. We need to keep                                 from black and minority ethnic
adapting support to them.                young people safe in other cities                                backgrounds affected by gang
                                         too. I want what works for London                                culture. She is due to publish a
“Mainstream services aren’t              to work for every child in the UK.”                              report of her findings soon.
designed for these young people,”
says Dorcas. “Safety is a real           Having said that, Dorcas admits                                  Dorcas leaves her current role
concern for them so going from           her role requires a sophisticated                                this month but will continue
postcode A to postcode B to attend       understanding of cultural issues                                 to work with the RCN to help
an appointment, or go to school,         and can be difficult to deal with.                               identify solutions to how nursing
can be an issue. We must mould                                                                            can help stop the cycle of violent
ourselves around them and be             “There’s some graphic and                                        youth crime. She is one of 17 case
innovative to reach out.                 unsettling stuff that you witness,”                              studies in an RCN report which
                                         she says. “Seeing a young person                                 demonstrates how nursing helps
Adapting services                        with a stab or gunshot wound can                                 to achieve the United Nations
                                         feel uncomfortable. Supporting                                   sustainable development goals.
“For me, it means adjusting my           someone paralysed by fear,             Words by Kim Scott.       This is being published as part
working hours, meeting them              equally so. And being with a           Picture of Dorcas by      of celebrations for International
where they want and using                mother, who is relieved one son        Gareth Harmer             Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
WhatsApp to set things up. I             is still alive but worried about the
align my interventions to what           next, can rock you to the core.
                                                                                                                                 Dorcas Gwata
they respond to, so just talking a
lot of the time, as many of these        “That’s why it’s so important for
kids can’t read or write well.           staff working with violence and
                                         trauma to have close clinical
“My questions cover what you’d           supervision, reflective practice
usually expect in clinic. The            and opportunities to step away
conversation goes something like         from the frontline. They must have
this: How are you sleeping? I’m not      chance to focus on their personal
sleeping. Why are you not sleeping?      and professional development
Because I’m scared. Why are you          as well as get support to process
scared? Because my mate was              what they’ve been through. Team
stabbed last week, and they posted       development is also crucial, so
on social media to say I’m next.         I’m very grateful to my manager
                                         who understands the strength and
“So, these young people are very         importance of teamwork, as well
open, when we are open. They’re          as my clinical supervisor who is
                                                                                  Could you be part of the conversation?
just children looking for you to         always looking out for me.
understand them. They want                                                        We’re keen to hear from members involved in work to
to be able to trust you and get          “I’m grateful too for the young          prevent youth violence and knife crime. It’s to help us
reassurance that they’re going to        people I work with. Their                get a better understanding of the issues in different parts
be OK.”                                  vulnerability and resilience push        of the UK so we can lobby the government to invest
                                         me on. And I sleep better knowing        in preventative services. This follows an emergency
Dorcas’s unit has had success,           that I’m part of change, that I’m        resolution at RCN Congress last year, in which members
providing interventions at the           doing something about it. When           voted in favour of campaigning on the issue. To get
right time, and steering young           finally, you give a young person         involved email
people onto a different track. But       enough encouragement, support

RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020                                                                                                RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN

Inspiring the next generation
Six months since the official launch of the RCN Prince of Wales nursing cadet scheme, we speak
to Luke, a nursing cadet who has his sights firmly set on a career in mental health nursing

                                                                                                      like the fact that the younger
                                                                                                      generation is interested in this
                                                                                                      kind of work.

                                                                             My clinical              What’s the main thing
                                                                             placements have          you’ve learned?
                                                                             shown me the
                                                                             importance of            I’ve developed a respect for
                                                                                                      everyone working in health care.
                                                                             being friendly
                                                                                                      I can see how hard they all work.
                                                                             but professional
                                                                                                      Would you recommend the
                                                                                                      course to other cadets?

                                                                                                      Absolutely. The RCN provides
                                                                                                      such a welcoming environment
                                        Luke’s nursing cadet cohort. He is                            and you’re treated with respect. I
                                          pictured on the back row, right
                                                                                                      tell others to give it a go because
                                                                                                      it’s an opportunity to develop
Why this scheme?                      handling, infection control,              Find out more at      your knowledge and find out
                                      communications, leadership         which way you want to take your
I entered a first aid competition     skills and teamworking. My             cadets                   career in health care.
in army cadets which got me           clinical placements have shown
interested in health care, nursing,   me the importance of being
and patient care. I thought this      friendly but professional.
                                                                               How does the scheme work?
was a great opportunity to find out
more and get practical experience.    How has the course helped                The RCN and army cadet instructors work together
                                      you make career choices?                 to give young members of uniformed organisations
Is being a nursing cadet a                                                     an introduction to potential careers in nursing and
full-time role?                       I had to read about roles as             other health care professions. Supported by HRH
                                      part of my coursework so that’s          The Prince of Wales, the scheme aims to develop and
No. I still go to school. I’m in my   helped me understand what’s              prepare cadets for life and to support them towards
final year (upper sixth) and am       out there and the kind of role I         employment in nursing.
studying health and social care,      want. Next year I want to go to
3D design and drama – through         Cardiff University to train to be a      The scheme involves 105 hours of guided experiential
the Welsh Baccalaureate scheme.       mental health nurse. I really like       learning. This includes learning modules and a
I also still attend cadet meetings    the idea of working with patients        clinical observational placement. At the end of the
twice a week where, as a member       to help them overcome their              scheme cadets submit a portfolio of reflection and
of the senior section, holding the    mental health problems. I feel           are awarded a completion certificate. They’re then
rank of sergeant major, I lead        this course has given me a really        supported to take decisions on next steps, which can
meetings and help younger cadets      good foundation for the rest of my       include a level 2 or 3 related diploma.
develop their skills.                 nursing studies and career.
                                                                               The pilot is currently running in Wales in conjunction
What have you learned about           What kind of reaction have               with the Army Cadet Force Wales. As part of this pilot,
on the nursing cadet scheme           you had from nursing staff               army cadets in Wales are offered the guarantee of an
so far?                               and patients?                            interview to be a bank health care support worker. A
                                                                               second pilot has now started in Wales and discussions
Since last March, when I started,     Very positive. They see the red          are underway for a wider UK rollout.
I’ve learned about manual             branded T-shirt I wear and

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                        RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020
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Social solution
General practice nurse manager Joyce Pickering has created a new model for social
prescribing that encourages patients with long-term conditions to improve their wellbeing

                                                                                                      are booked in for half an hour,
                                                             Stock image
                                                                                                      giving them a chance to open up.
                                                                                                      Each person is offered 12 weekly
                                                                             Patients feel
                                                                             in control and           So far, Joyce and the team have
                                                                             motivated                focused on people experiencing
                                                                                                      low mood. Some were anxious,
                                                                                                      feeling overwhelmed after cancer
                                                                                                      treatment, or struggling to
                                                                                                      manage their weight or diabetes.

                                                                                                      Other cases forced them to
                                                                                                      think outside the box: “We had
                                                                                                      somebody absolutely distraught
                                                                                                      that her pet had died. She was
                                                                                                      an elderly lady, her husband had
                                                                                                      died a few years before and when
“Patients have said they feel           changes are unlikely to attend                                their pet died, that was a massive
positive, they’re more motivated        external appointments. “For                                   thing for her. Sharon found pet
and have more energy,” says             some patients it’s fear of the                                bereavement counselling for her.”
Joyce Pickering, nurse manager at       unknown,” she explains. “They
Cricketfield Surgery in Devon.          get anxious if they’ve got to meet                            Exercise has also helped many
                                        other people, or they don’t have                              people – one woman in her 70s
Following an RCN leadership             transport to get there.”                                      started ballet classes, others began
course in 2018, Joyce, a member                                                                       swimming for the first time, while
of the General Practice Nursing         Joyce decided to create a                                     walking football is very popular.
Forum, created a programme              practice-based model of social
for her patients that’s had             prescribing, where health care          Find the GP           Joyce has big ambitions. “We’re
spectacular results. Alongside          assistant Sharon Allison leads       Nursing Forum and        looking at group consultations,” she
improved wellbeing, there               sessions at the GP surgery one       start conversations      says. “For example, we’ve got a high
have been reductions in blood           day a week. Joyce and Sharon         about best practice at   percentage of single, young mums,
pressure, blood glucose levels,         both completed health coaching        and some become isolated as our
weight and alcohol consumption.         and created a “de-medicalised”                                area is quite rural. We’ll be looking
                                        space for appointments, with         Words by Rachael         at them and other groups that may
What’s the secret behind the            sofas, cushions and pictures.        Healy                    benefit from social prescribing.”
results? Social prescribing.
                                        “We weren’t asking patients to
It’s a holistic approach, addressing    go to a strange place with people
                                                                               What does the future hold?
mental and social needs that            they hadn’t met before,” says
can have an impact on physical          Joyce. “That’s one of the reasons      The UK government says 60% of clinical
ailments, particularly for people       why this has been successful. Our      commissioning groups currently use social prescribing
with long-term conditions.              DNA (did not attend) rate is very      to help tackle anxiety, mental health problems and
Social prescribing often involves       low and in the first three months      dementia. Last year health secretary Matt Hancock
referring a patient to a link worker,   we saw 48 patients, many of them       promised to recruit 1,000 social prescribing link
who then connects them to groups,       multiple times.”                       workers and pledged £5m for a new National Academy
services and information. But                                                  for Social Prescribing. The aim is to give 900,000 more
in Joyce’s experience, people           Rather than the standard               patients access to social prescribing by 2021.
already struggling to make lifestyle    10-minute appointment, patients

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                        RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020
Highlighting the work of the
RCN’s specialist forums and networks

    IN THE SPOTLIGHT                                                                         WHAT I’M
    Women’s Health Forum
                                                into one. They will continue to work
    Who’s the Chair?                            with the Royal College of GPs to help
    Debby Holloway, a nurse consultant          promote women’s health in general
    in gynaecology, has been Chair of the       practice, and aim to keep lobbying
    forum for nine years.                       government to act on issues around
                                                menopause and menstruation.
    Recent highlights?
    The forum has produced publications         Why join?
    on menopause, termination of                “Women’s health spans so much –
    pregnancy, menstrual wellbeing,             from cancer to neuro-gynae, primary
    female genital mutilation (see below)       and secondary care – so it can be
    and more. “Our pocket guides are            hard to keep up,” Debby says. “The
    particularly popular,” says Debby. “I       forum helps give you a good overview
    also loved helping to develop the RCN       of everything happening in women’s         Clare Mechan
    Wandering Womb exhibition, where            health. We now have more than 1,000        General Practice Nursing Forum
    we had a chance to highlight women’s        members of our Facebook group and
    health to other nursing staff and to        there’s always someone to help when        Nearly 4.5 million women are invited for
    the public, showing the progress that’s     you need advice on job descriptions,       cervical screening every year, but around
    been made since the 19th century.”          setting up clinics, best practice or       18% won’t attend. That’s why Cervical
                                                anything else.”                            Cancer Prevention Week (20-26 January) is
    What’s coming up?                                                                      still so important.
    Following a successful and over-            Join the Women’s Health Forum at
    subscribed women’s health conference                          At my practice, we have our nursing staff
    in 2019, the forum is planning                                                         trained in cervical smear testing, and
    another for this year. They’re also         Find them at          display information in waiting rooms. Yet
    looking to update and combine their         RCNWomensHealthForum and on                our attendance data for cervical smears was
    three women’s health pocket guides          Twitter @RCNWomensHealth                   below the national target.

                                                                                           We decided to try something new – an
                                                                                           evening focused on women’s health. The

Updated FGM guidance                                                                       night was run by women, for women.
                                                                                           Around 18 women attended the first night,
We’ve recently published updated guidance                                                  including four who said they wouldn’t have
on female genital mutilation (FGM) with                                                    usually made an appointment.
help from experts from the Women’s
Health Forum. The clinical professional                                                    After the success of the first event, we made
resource aims to raise awareness of FGM                                                    it monthly. We’ve held a women’s health
among nursing staff so victims living in the                                               evening in each of the past five months and
UK can be better supported.                                                                plan to do so for at least a year.

It stresses that FGM is an illegal form of                                                 One woman in her mid-30s had never
child abuse and that the hidden nature of                                                  attended a smear before. She sat in her
the crime raises serious concerns around                                                   car outside the surgery for a long time, but
safeguarding. It says it’s vital that nursing   understanding of the socio-cultural,       when she was ready, she was able to walk
staff who come into contact with women,         historical, legal and health issues        straight in and had a cervical screening
children and families from communities          surrounding the practice,” she says. “We   done for the first time.
that practise FGM have adequate                 also outline the legal and professional
knowledge and understanding of the              role of nurses and midwives, not least     We now see between 18 and 22 women
issues in order to respond appropriately        the mandatory duty to report. Raising      each month in this dedicated clinic, and
and act within legal frameworks.                awareness is primarily about protecting    have already seen an increase in our
                                                and supporting girls and women.”           overall cervical screening numbers.
Ruth Bailey from the forum supported
this fourth edition of the guidance.            Download the resource at
“We wanted to provide insight and               publications (007 833)

RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020                                                                                        RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN
16 EVENTS                                                                                 For details of more events visit the
                                                                                          region and country pages of the RCN
                                                                                          website or go to


Managing pain in older people
                                             the impact of unrelieved pain on older
26 February                                  people. It will provide those attending
RCN HQ                                       with an understanding of the physiology,
20 Cavendish Square                          expression and assessment of pain; and
                                             the importance of documenting the effect
London W1G 0RN
                                             of any interventions within care records.
                                             It will also showcase non-pharmacological
If you’re a nursing professional             and pharmacological treatments and
responsible for identifying, assessing and   look at evidence on the use of validated
managing the pain of older people with       assessment tools for specific patient
complex medical needs, this workshop is      populations. This event is particularly
for you.                                     useful for nursing professionals working
                                             in primary care, residential and nursing
Delivered by the RCN Pain and Palliative     home settings.”
Care Forum, this informative event
will explore common causes of pain in        The workshop will be led by experts in the
older people and give practical advice       field of pain management in older people
and guidance.                                including Dr Julie Gregory, a former
                                             nurse educator who has developed a pain
Forum Chair Felicia Cox says: “This          assessment tool for older people with          To book visit
workshop aims to raise awareness of          cognitive impairment.                        workshop or call 02920 546 460.

 Wales                                                                                    Warrington

Learning about                                                                            Tackling
leadership                                                                                workplace bullying
30 January                                                                                30 January
National Botanic Garden of Wales                                                          The Engine Rooms
Llanarthne                                                                                Birchwood Park
Carmarthenshire SA32 8HN                                                                  Warrington WA3 6YN

Aimed at nursing staff and students
                                                                                          Bullying and harassment in the workplace
working in any sector, this afternoon
                                                                                          is a growing issue in health and social
seminar aims to raise awareness of
                                                                                          care with a record number of incidents
leadership in health care and highlight
                                                                                          reported in the NHS in recent times.
opportunities to make a difference in
                                                                                          With advice and information from a range
the workplace. Discussions will explore
                                                                                          of health care practitioners, academics
what leadership is, what sort of leader
                                                                                          and legal experts, this free conference will
you are, the different types of leadership
                                                                                          explore how bullying affects both staff
style, and the importance of resilience in
                                                                                          and patients; ways to create a healthy,
health care leadership.
                                                                                          inclusive and compassionate culture;
The closing date for applications is                                                      how to manage and work with difficult
Thursday 16 January.                                                                      behaviours; and provide legal updates.
   Visit                                                               To book visit
leadership or call 02920 546 460 to book.                                                 bullying-2020 or call 02920 546 460.

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                     RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020
                                                                                                                     RCNi, THE HEIGHTS,
                                                                                                                     59-65 LOWLANDS ROAD,
                                                                                                                     HARROW-ON-THE-HILL, HA1 3AW

                                                                                                                     to advertise call 020 8423 1333
                                                                                                                     or email

general                                                           17 & 19-21 & 23             rcni learning                                             28

conference save the date                                                             22       register for the latest news                              29

nursing older people                                                                 23       rcn bulletin jobs                                         30

management                                                                           23       publish with nursing standard                             31

training                                                                        24-25         nurse awards                                              32

jobs fair manchester                                                            26-27




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       comprises of 8 acute care beds,       both independently and as part
       14 elderly care, and minor injuries   of a team we would like to hear                             To find out more, visit
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       ‘community style’ care for
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       Nurses to join their team with       addition to our competitive pay,
       post registration experience.        annual bonus and our additional
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       appointed would be expected,         payable after two and four years.
       after training, to participate in    Furthermore we offer subsidised
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       unqualified nursing staff.

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Treating young hearts
Meet Cath Renwick, the UK’s first consultant nurse in paediatric electrophysiology and
inherited cardiac conditions

When asked what advice she                                                                          her interest in arrhythmias and
would give to nurses starting                                                                       becoming the link for arrhythmias
out, without hesitation Cath                                                                        in the cardiac nurse specialist team.
Renwick says it is important to
seize every chance to boost your                                                                    “I worked closely with Dr Till
skills through further study.                                                                       in clinics, learning as much as I
                                                                                                    possibly could.”
Cath has become the UK’s first
consultant nurse in paediatric                                                                      A dedicated nurse post
electrophysiology and
inherited cardiac conditions,                                                                       Then in 2008, The Ben Williams
a post funded by The Ben                                                                            Trust offered to fund the post of
Williams Trust.                                                                                     a nurse dedicated to children’s
                                                                                                    arrhythmias. “Ben Williams
She has worked at the Royal                                                                         sadly died from an inherited heart
Brompton and Harefield NHS                                                                          condition in 2006 and his parents
Foundation Trust for 20 years,                                                                      wanted to do something in his
where she has led the paediatric                                                                    memory,” says Cath. “The charity
inherited cardiac conditions                                                                        raised the funds to support a
and electrophysiology service                                                                       dedicated nurse.”
for the past four years.
                                                                                                    Cath has run a nurse-led
Not a natural academic                                                                              clinic and been a nurse prescriber
                                                                                                    for the past 10 years. In her new
Yet Cath didn’t always consider       She then joined the Royal                                     role she will lead new research
herself student material. “I did      Brompton Hospital, where her                                  and educate other staff in this
Project 2000 training instead         interest in arrythmias began                                  relatively new field.
of doing a degree,” she says.         while she was working on the
“Back then, I didn’t think I was      intensive care unit. While there,     There are so            “We’re hoping we’ll be able to
academically good enough to           she met consultant paediatric         many interesting        develop a science programme
get through a degree.”                electrophysiologist and divisional    areas to research       supporting nurses through any
                                      director of children’s cardiac                                research they are doing and
At school, Cath knew she wanted       services Jan Till, an international                           assisting any who want to have
to work with children, so she did     expert in this field.                                         an academic clinical career in the
a work experience placement in                                                                      longer term,” she says.
a nursery. “I enjoyed it but felt I   “I was in awe of Dr Till,”               The Ben Williams
wouldn’t be able to progress far      says Cath. “She was a female          Trust supports          Once she can settle on a research
with it,” she says.                   cardiologist among a lot of men       children with           topic, Cath plans to apply to
                                      working in this highly specialist     arrhythmias and         do a PhD. “I have a different
Aged 21, she decided to train as a    area and that was amazing. She        their families. Visit   idea every week. It may be
children’s nurse, securing a place    has been a fantastic role model.”     benwilliamstrust.       something around quality of
at Thames Valley University                                                         life for teenagers with inherited
(now the University of West           In 2004, Cath became a cardiac                                conditions. There are so many
London), based in Ealing.             liaison nurse, further developing     Words by Anne Horner    interesting areas I could choose.”

    This article first appeared in Nursing Children and Young People, a journal produced by RCNi.
    For more go to

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                      RCN BULLETIN JANUARY 2020

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                                                                                 self-employed nurse network. You will be responsible for undertaking
                                                                                 ad-hoc domiciliary insurance medicals & pathology tests for applicants of
                                                                                 Life Insurance at a scheduled appointment that is mutually convenient to
     Due to new investment we are expanding our mental health                    you and the applicant. Each visit takes between 15-40 minutes depending
     urgent care services in Oxfordshire which has resulted in the               upon the requirements of the case. MSS will provide full operational
     following opportunities becoming available:                                 training as well as any ongoing assistance required through our friendly
                                                                                 and dedicated nurse support team.
     • Crisis Clinicians, Band 6 You will be instrumental in
       establishing our new Crisis Resolution Home Treatment service             Interested applicants will need to:
       and delivering intensive treatments, alongside senior support             • have an active Registration and Indemnity
       workers, to service users in their own place of residence.                • have experience in phlebotomy (desirable, but not essential)
                                                                                 • have transport and sufficient flexibility to conduct regular
     • Psychiatric Liaison Nurse, Band 7 You will work closely                   appointments at your convenience
       with colleagues in Oxford University Hospitals NHS
       Foundation Trust to support and manage the acutely unwell                 You will be paid monthly for all completed cases.
       patient with mental health needs attending the Emergency                  For an information pack please e-mail Julie Collett including a current
       Departments of the John Radcliffe and Horton hospitals.                   CV if available.
     For further information and to apply please visit:                                  Email: Tel: 0118 467 0555                                                

     Closing Date: 30 January 2020

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