Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -

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Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
Precision Medicine Informatics:
    Principles, Prospects, and Challenges
    Muhammad Afzal1, Member, IEEE, S.M. Riazul Islam2, Member, IEEE, Maqbool
    Hussain1, and Sungyoung Lee3
     Department of Software, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea
     Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea
     Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, South Korea

    Corresponding author: Muhammad Afzal (e-mail:
    This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), Korea, under the Information Technology Research Center (ITRC)
    support program (IITP-2017-0-01629) supervised by the Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP).
    This work was supported by an IITP grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (no.2017-0-00655).

    Abstract Precision Medicine (PM) is an emerging approach that appears with the impression of
    changing the existing paradigm of medical practice. Recent advances in technological innovations and
    genetics, and the growing availability of health data have set a new pace of the research and imposes a
    set of new requirements on different stakeholders. To date, some studies are available that discuss about
    different aspects of PM. Nevertheless, a holistic representation of those aspects deemed to confer the
    technological perspective, in relation to applications and challenges, is mostly ignored. In this context,
    this paper surveys advances in PM from informatics viewpoint and reviews the enabling tools and
    techniques in a categorized manner. In addition, the study discusses how other technological paradigms
    including big data, artificial intelligence, and internet of things can be exploited to advance the potentials
    of PM. Furthermore, the paper provides some guidelines for future research for seamless implementation
    and wide-scale deployment of PM based on identified open issues and associated challenges. To this
    end, the paper proposes an integrated holistic framework for PM motivating informatics researchers to
    design their relevant research works in an appropriate context.

    INDEX TERMS: Precision Medicine; Bioinformatics; Informatics; Artificial Intelligence; Internet of
    Things; Big Data; Clinical Decision Support; Deep Learning; Machine Learning.

Precision Medicine (PM) is one of the fledging paradigms                        A. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF PRECISION MEDICINE
that the next generation healthcare solutions sprouting                         The concept of PM emerged as a healthcare-aligned
towards. It helps us grow more knowledge on human                               mainstream discipline through its formal launching in
physiology by means of genomic insights and advances in                         2015 as the prevention and treatment that consider the
technology. PM is an attention-grabbing area of research                        individual variability [1]. To put it simply, PM refers to
for medicinal community with various multidimensional                           serve the right patient with the right drug at the right time,
prospects. At the same time, it is quite exciting for                           by considering the molecular events that are accountable
informatics community with enormous potential to                                for the disease [2]. The term precision medicine is often
research and exploit the technological perspective for the                      muddled with personalized medicine [3], [4] due to the
common goals. It is however challenging for either                              inclusion of the word “Individual” in the definition of the
community to absorb the technicalities involved in                              PM itself.       However, the PM provides a more
drawing relationships among different prospects in this                         comprehensive and precise meaning to what
cross-disciplinary research field. From informatics                             individualized and personalized medicine were
                                                                                representing over the years. Unlike personalized
viewpoint, PM introduces a new level of challenges on the
                                                                                medicine, the notion of PM is to combine clinical data
developing informatics solutions including omic
                                                                                with       population-based        molecular        profiling,
informatics and health informatics for a more focused and
                                                                                epidemiological data and other data so as to make clinical
precise patient care.                                                           decisions for the benefit of individual patients [5]. The
                                                                                personalized medicine terms is used dominantly in some
Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
regions of the world and in a commentary, the authors                 integrated expertise on the different but interrelated
termed PM as a part of personalized medicine [6]. The                 domains including, to the minimum, physicians,
other terms they mentioned include “individualized                    biologists, and computer scientists. It is clear that two
medicine,” “genomic medicine,” “stratified medicine,”                 aspects of participation in PM are taken of utter
“pharmacogenomics,” and “P4 medicine”. This study,                    importance: (i) the healthcare system in order to deliver
however, uses the term “precision medicine” as a main                 precise diagnosis and therapies and (ii) the scientists to
subject in the search queries and focuses on the same in              develop the infrastructure, principles, and insights into PM
the contents to avoid any confusion with other competitive            [9].
The paradigm shift to PM from the traditional medicine                B. STUDY OBJECTIVE AND CONTRIBUTIONS
approaches can be thought of as a movement from                       In this study, we explore an informatics perspective of PM
generalization to personalization. In other words, unlike             describing principles, issues, challenges and prospective
the current approaches that consider a general                        solutions. Moreover, we include different initiatives
understanding based on the average conditions and                     around the world on the subject and a historical journey to

                  FIGURE 1. Traditional and PM approaches with key differences on classification factors and treatment

clinical outcomes for the patients of interest, the PM                create a case for bridging the current evidence-based
approach works based on the individual variability in                 medicine (EBM) with PM. The existing studies [8][10]
genes, environment, and lifestyle [4]. Consequently,                  provide a big picture of an informatic research and
whereas current approaches might be successful for one                envision the need of advanced tools and technologies to
group of patients and not for the other, PM-based                     support PM. Also, we can find a fair set of literature
approaches are more likely to be effective for each group             [11][12] that discuss about the PM realization and
of patients. The abstract level comparison of PM with                 implementation issues and challenges. The larger set of
current approaches is depicted in Figure 1. The schematic             existing studies is available on the molecular and -omic
shows the key differences between traditional and PM                  information in terms of efficient algorithms and methods
approaches in terms of classification of patient population           for genome mapping, alignments, variant callings, and
– whereas PM classifies the patients based on risk and                annotations. Similarly, the clinical aspect has been
identifies the surveillance for preclinical disease,                  researched and implemented in the long run without
conventional approaches look for the signs or symptoms                aligning the focus to consider the other aspects of PM -
and deal the patients equally if they share the same                  genome and environmental data. Moreover, PM is
symptoms [7]. Because of this generalization, in                      recognized as tantamount to a technology-driven approach
conventional approaches the benefits are not reached out
to all the patients; however, in PM, each group of patients
get equal level of benefits as they are treated rightfully
with the right treatment.
The PM approach attracts multiple stakeholders in the
biomedical enterprise, including care providers, payers,
researchers, and patients [8]. Also, it seeks for the
Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
FIGURE 2. PRIMA flow diagram for literature survey of the articles included in the study.

[13], therefore, it embroils algorithm and technology in its                        PM and presented a conceptual model that
meaning.                                                                            integrates both the paradigms.
This study provides an overview of existing efforts on PM                     •     The study analyzes the implementation
informatics agenda, tools and techniques in three areas of                          challenges of PM and highlights the design
informatics – bioinformatic, clinical informatic, and                               issues of clinical decision support systems. It
participatory health informatic, security, standardization,                         takes into account the integration and
integration, and implantation challenges, and the design of                         standardization challenges in terms of data
holistic PM framework to enlighten the futuristic                                   privacy, safety, security, and exchange
endeavors in the area of informatic research and                                    standards for interoperability, and issues of
implementation. In this regard, the contributions of this                           realization and design of an ecosystem for PM.
paper are outlined below:                                                     •     Based on identified limitations on PM
     •     To encourage the principle of ‘learn to exist’                           implementations, we propose a holistic
           rather than to compete, this study compiles the                          integrated PM framework that assists computer
           state-of-the-art views on PM to achieve a                                scientists, health- and bio-informaticists to carry
           pragmatic balance among the existing                                     forward the challenge of successful realization
           approaches. The study adds on the                                        of PM.
           reconciliation strategies between the existing
           evidence-based medicine (EBM) and emerging                   C. LITERATURE SURVEY METHODOLOGY
           PM approaches.                                               Objectively, we employed the PRISMA (Preferred
     •     To cover an inclusive picture of PM from tools               Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta
           and technologies perspective, we elaborate and               Analyses) [14] method for literature survey based on the
           generate a comprehensive summary of                          process followed in [15] with additional customizations in
           prominent programs, tools, frameworks, and                   the inclusion/exclusion criteria. We ran search queries on
           platforms in three aspects of informatics:                   two search engines viz. Web of Science and PubMed and
           bioinformatics, clinical informatics and                     linked all the search results into a local repository. A bulk
           participatory informatics.                                   of peer-reviewed articles are checked for duplication and
     •     The lifelines of PM- Big data and artificial                 the abstracts are screened to exclude all those articles that
           intelligence (AI) are included and elaborated in             are focused either on biology, molecular and/or clinical
           the study to draw a useful relationship model                perspective or unavailability of the full-text documents.
           with PM.                                                     The rest of the articles are checked for eligibility criteria
     •     The internet of things (IoT)-enabled healthcare              to include articles focusing on the topics noted earlier with
           has potentials to be a part of PM. In this context,          PM as a primary content. It should be noted that some of
           we briefly discussed advantages of IoT-aided                 the articles are cited just for general reference on the topic
Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
even though the central content therein is not PM. For                     from the perspective of EBM proponents. As we learned
example, [16] that talks on IoT in healthcare is a topic-                  in the preceding section, PM focuses mainly on the
oriented citation rather than a PM-focused citation.                       individualistic behavior, a deviating scenario from the
Similarly, we also referred to few popular websites and                    EBM. As shown in Figure 3, there also exist differences
blogs, particularly, where the contents were of                            between EBM and PM in terms of the basic elements in
introductory nature such as PM global initiatives. The                     decision-making process. However, both share similar
Figure 2 explains the steps taken in the entire literature                 characteristics on multiple grounds. In an editorial,
survey process. The number of articles excluded at                         authors opinioned that EBM and PM can be more
different stages and the final set of articles included in the             advantageous if they can adopt the principle of ‘learn to
study are explicitly mentioned.                                            exist’ in a symbiotic relationship to attain a pragmatic
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2                  balance between them [18].
describes the need of bridging the gap between EBM and
PM. Section 3 explains the enabling tools and techniques                   They further hinted to an important factor of bridging the
of PM. Section 4 is dedicated to discuss the Big Data and                  two paradigms – if we fail to do so it might turn out with
AI in PM followed by section 5 that highlights the role of                 non-integrable outputs to address the health requirements,
IoT in PM. Section 6 analyzes the implementation                           they originally set out to address. Similarly, authors
challenges while section 7 focuses on the global initiatives               concluded in their study [19] that EBM and PM
regarding PM. In section 8, we provide the future direction                complement rather than oppose one another although
and presented our proposed integrated framework for PM.                    these approaches have their own merits and shortcomings.
The final section concludes this systematic survey.                        However, the efforts to reconciling EBM and PM demand
                                                                           a clear understanding of the fundamental differences
II. BRIDGING EBM AND PM                                                    between them. We investigate the differences and
EBM has long been utilized in healthcare environment to                    similarities between EBM and PM and present the
serve different purposes like supporting clinical decisions,               findings in Table I.
medical education, and health awareness. According to the
                                                                           The co-existence of EBM with PM amid the differences
comprehended definition described in [17], EBM is the
                                                                           mentioned in Table 1 raises several challenges in terms of
use of evidence collected from well-made research
                                                                           volume, format, and structure of data. We turn out few of
formulated in primary studies such as meta-analyses,
                                                                           the challenges that are certainly required to be sorted out
systematic reviews, and randomized controlled trials used
                                                                           making the amalgamation of EBM and PM a success. In
for improved decision-making in medicine. In this way,
                                                                           Table II, some of the challenges are presented with
EBM approximating the “one size fits all” implies the
                                                                           tentative solutions with the aim of bridging the two
scenario of applying to all although it may not be exact

   FIGURE 3. The decision-making basic elements of EBM in (a) and PM in (b); which indicates that all the elements in (a) are included in (b).
Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
                                           SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EBM AND PM

    • Both EBM and PM have the objective of providing better decision on patient health problem.
    • Both demand high quality and reliable evidence for the care of patients. However, the meaning of evidence
        could be different in two paradigms.
    • Respecting patient in terms of either preferences or lifestyle is a part of both EBM and PM decision-making
        basic elements.
    • EBM projects “one size fits all” approach and does not provide adequate solution for outliers. By contrast, PM
        deals with the outliers and projects the idea of “one size doesn’t fit all” scenario [20].
    • EBM is cognitive-biased on occasions where clinicians set the goal and question for the trials and may favor
        the publication based on reputation, the product of manufacturer who funds the study to be conducted [21],
        [22]. PM, on the other hand, relies on patient information that are existed rather than to rely on hypothesis only.
    • Since EBM relies on RCTs, outcome of RCTs are received in the form of either benefit, no effect, or adverse.
        In case of PM, the outcomes shall always be beneficial because they are target oriented that may leads to invent
        a new drug for the treatment [23].
    • EBM over-emphasizes the clinical consultation and is mainly concerned about the people who seek care. It
        underestimates the power of social networks where people can inform each other about their health problems
        [24]. Since it focuses on individual preferences, PM thus encourages the emerging ways of data curation from
        diverse sources.

                                                                TABLE II

                           Challenges                                                        Prospect solution
   •    Analysis of voluminous data resided in different              •     The proponent experts from both EBM and PM
        databases                                                           paradigms need to form a consortium/body to
   •    Bringing together data of various formats such as                   construct a unified architecture on the common
        clinical and molecular.                                             grounds to revise the basic elements of clinical
   •    Lack of standardization of data entry and storage                   decision making.
   •    Understanding the paradigm shift from therapy to              •     Revisions and update of the guidelines of
        prevention, thus ultimately leading to clinician-to-                developed for EBM, for instance, the criteria of
        patient communication and citizen-centered                          RCTs structure, conducting, and evaluations.
        healthcare [25].                                              •      Devising a method to include patient input in the
   •    Current published research has minimal patient input                future research publishing.
        [24], thus it requires to include larger patient input in
        the future publishing.

III. PM Enabling Tools and Techniques                                sharing. In order to describe the diverse set of PM enabling
Precision Medicine introduces a new level of challenges for          tools and techniques, we classify the tools in Figure 4 based
developing informatics solutions including –omic                     on three areas of informatics: bioinformatics, clinical
informatics and health informatics for a more focused and            informatics, and participatory health informatics.
precise patient care. The informatics solutions range from
data curation to processing, interpretation, integration,            A. Bioinformatics Tools
presentation, and visualization. The need for such enabling          Bioinformatics refers to the establishment of an
informatics solutions have been realized and discussed in            infrastructure to provide means for storing, analyzing,
array of studies [2], [26]–[30] with a central point of              integrating, and visualizing large amounts of biological data
requirement of tools and techniques for voluminous,                  and related information and providing access to it using
complex, and heterogeneous data processing, integration,             advanced computing, mathematics, and different
and interpretation as well as knowledge acquisition and              technological platforms [31]. The term ‘big data’ resonates
Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
FIGURE 4. Classification of enabling tools and techniques in three areas of informatics: clinical
                                  informatics, biomedical informatics, and participatory health informatics

in the contents while talking about bioinformatics because              and other computational tools [49]. On top of that, there
big data technologies are required to process and analyze               exist a few other language-specific tools, libraries, and
large genomic data sets [32]–[34]. Several tools are                    software packages in bioinformatics such as BioJava [50],
designed to work on genomic data at different levels. For               BioPHP, BioPerl [51], PioRuby [52], and BioPython [53].
instance, GMAP (genomic mapping and alignment
program) [35] is a tool for next generation sequencing with             B. Clinical Informatics Tools
a key functionality of sequence mapping and is designed to              Clinical informatics is a subfield of health informatics,
work on genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic data.                   which focuses on the usage of information in support of
Other similar tools used for –omic data processing,                     patient care [54]. Over the last two decades, clinical
searching, and alignments include BWA (Burrows-Wheeler                  informatics has progressed with an array of tools and
aligner) [36], STAR (spliced transcripts alignment to a                 techniques including computerized entry systems,
reference) [37], GATK (genome analysis toolkit) [38],                   analytical tools, decision support tools, and other clinical
BLAST [39], DIAMOND [40] and others. The                                reporting techniques appeared to assist healthcare
OmniBiomarker is a web-based application developed for                  professionals in different aspects. One of the related areas
biomarker identification that utilizes a curated knowledge              in clinical informatics is clinical information extraction, on
base of cancer-genomic for analysis of high-throughput                  which a significant volume of research had been conducted
data [41]. Similarly, a number of tools are available for –             over the years. A methodological review [55] reported a
omic data modeling such as, CODENSE (coherent dense                     wide range of information extraction frameworks, tools and
subgraphs) [42], MEMo (mutual exclusivity modules in                    toolkits including cTAKES [56], MetaMap [57], MedEx
cancer) [43] and WGCNA (weighted correlation network                    [58] and others. Another related aspect of clinical
analysis) [44]. The leading tools available for the molecular           informatics is healthcare data analytics. The analytics area
and biological data analysis among others are Geneious                  itself is huge and we do not necessarily aim to cover every
Prime [45], Cytoscape [46], [47], and Gephi [48]. There is              aspect of it. However, the popular tools and techniques that
a cloud-based integrative bioinformatics platform for                   focused on clinical aspects of the medical data are
precision medicine called G-Doc Plus for handling                       discussed. This is to emphasize that healthcare data analysis
biomedical big data using its cloud computing resources                 area is not limited to clinical data analysis rather it
Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
encompasses the combined analysis of phenotypes and
genotypes. Data science tools in general have been used at
                                                                 IV. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
the same pace and importance as of clinical data analysis.       In medicine, the application of AI has two divisions: virtual
For instance, RapidMiner [59] and KNIME Analytics                and physical. Whereas the former is characterized by
Platform [60] are the leading data science tools that are        machine learning (ML) and/or deep learning (DL), the latter
equally applied for clinical data analysis.                      comprises physical objects, medical devices, and
                                                                 sophisticated robots [69]. In fact, the use of big data and AI
C. Participatory Health Informatics Tools                        is a central aspect of PM initiatives [70] and some even
PM expands the scope of medical care as most of the              phrased it “there is no PM without AI” because of its
population spends more time outside than the time in the         fundamental requirement of computing power, algorithms
physician’s office. It demands a deeper consumer                 machine learning and deep learning), and intelligent
participation to collect information about a person’s            approaches that uses the cognitive capabilities of physicians
lifestyle and environment e.g. physical activity, dietary        on a new scale [71]. Deep learning has been widely used for
information, sleeping patterns, and other environmental          clinical information extraction, phenotype discovery, image
conditions [8]. A significant number of systems and              analysis, and next generation sequencing [72], [73]. AI
applications is added to the portfolio of quantified-self        upsurges learning abilities and offers decision-making
programs and digital health in recent years due to the           capabilities at a scale to transform the healthcare future [74].
increasing trends in wearables and mobile technologies           Therefore, physicians in everyday practice get pressure to
[61]. Mining Minds (MM) project, is aimed at developing a        look around innovations spreading over faster than ever
novel framework for mining individual’s daily life data          through the use of disruptive technologies and exponential
produced from diverse resources [62]. The objective of the       growth of healthcare data- the “Big data” [75]. Big data has
MM project is in line with other endeavors such as Google        gained a growing attention from data-oriented enterprises in
Fit [63], Samsung Health [64], Fitbit [65], and Noom [66].       private and governmental sectors [76]. Despite the fact that
However, it is more comprehensive and novel in terms of          we are living the in the age of big data, however, the big
knowledge acquisition and context-aware personalized             data by itself is of no use without the processing using AI
knowledge-based service support. Currently, these tools          techniques which make it useful thus brings the potential to
and services are geared towards nursing user health status       transform the current clinical practice [77]. AI techniques,
for physical activities, diet, and somewhat sleep patterns       such as applications of machine learning on big data, are
and as well as the environmental factors. In the era of PM,      changing the way physicians make clinical decisions and
it is required to channelize such efforts in a way to supply     diagnosis. Big data analytics using PM platforms has
consumers' health monitoring and environmental                   therefore the potential to include data of millions of patients
information to their respective health providers for assisting   for exploration and validation [77]. It is of more importance
in decision making. The genomic information could better         to understand interrelationships among big data, AI (ML
be interpreted with this information and it will thus assist     and DL), and the PM. Developing a PM platform or relevant
the physicians to precisely diagnose a disease and treat.        tools and services requires access to big data and processing
There is a lot of other platforms and frameworks which           (big data needs AI approaches including ML and DL
cannot be put in a specific category rather then they are        variants. Figure 5 illustrates the relationship of big data and
enablers for data analysis such as platforms for big data        AI in PM derived from the illustrations presented in [70],
analytics including Apache Hadoop (MapReduce) [67] and           [77].
IBM Infosphere Platform [68]. A selected list of tools for –
omic data processing and biomarker identification is             Many technology companies including IBM with a flagship
                                                                 platform of IBM Watson, Google with DeepMind, and
provided in a study on -Omic and EHR Big Data Analytics
                                                                 others such as Apple and Amazon, are investing heavily in
for Precision Medicine [29].
                                                                 health care analytics to facilitate PM [70], [71], [77].
                                                                 Despite the facilitation and improvements powered by AI
D. Summary of PM Enabling Tools and Techniques
                                                                 for genomic and other omic data processing and analyzing,
The prominent tools and platforms to support PM in data
                                                                 there still exist various challenges. In a review [78], authors
processing, analysis, interpretations, sharing, and
                                                                 focus on AI applications of next generation sequencing and
visualization reported in various studies are available under
                                                                 cancer genomics testing required for PM. In Table III, we
public and commercial licenses. It is important to note that
                                                                 gathered a set of key benefits of AI in the era of PM and the
some of the available platforms and tools are domain
                                                                 associated challenges.
independent and are used for data analysis of any domain.
For instance, the RapidMiner Studio [59] is a cross-platform
data science tool, clinical informaticians use it for clinical
data analysis and very recently, bioinformatics tools start
integrating it in their workflows for enhanced data mining,
analysis, and visualization.
Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges -
FIGURE 5. Illustration of relationship between big data, artificial intelligence, and precision medicine

                                                              TABLE III

                             Key benefits of AI in PM                                              Challenges

                                                                                Ground truth scarcity for validation of benefit
                  Variant calling                Literature Mining

             AI algorithms leveraged to      AI algorithms are utilized
            enable variant calling from        for entity and relation           Obtaining statistically significant patient
            NGS data.                        extraction from published                outcome data is challenging.
                                                                                       Transparency and reproducibility

                                                                              Companies, platforms, and publications offer
                                                                              limited information for public consumption.
                        Variant interpretation and reporting

                       AI algorithms are used to facilitate
                      the process of variant classification                              Patient / physician education
                      and to ease manual curation.                            Both patient and physicians should get
                                                                             precision medicine related education to
                                                                             enjoy the outcomes brought by AI and big

V.   Role of IoT in Precision Medicine                                     As noted in the early part of this paper, PM primarily
The internet of things (IoT) enables us to introduce                       involves three categories of data – clinical data, genome
automation in nearly every field and healthcare is one of the              data, and environmental data. On the other hand, a simple
most important and attractive application areas of this                    and brief description of how an IoT-based healthcare
auspicious technology. The IoT uprising is reshaping                       system works can be presented as follows. First, the IoT
modern healthcare with propitious technological,                           medical sensors and devices directly connected to the
economic, and social prospects. The role PM plays can be                   patient's body of interest. Sensors collect various
further enhanced by integrating the IoT.                                   physiological conditions and vitals. Accumulated data are
preprocessed and organized and are subsequently analyzed.      supply chain control and monitoring is important for all
The data are stored in the associated medical service          industries, it is more vital for healthcare industry in
provider's cloud storages for aggregation. Depending upon      general and PM in particular. For example, it will not be
the analytics and aggregation results, patients can be         possible to have a quick substitute when a shipment of
monitored from distant places and necessary actions are        medicine that is personalized for the DNA of a patient with
taken following predefined standard rules and guidelines.      a life-threatening illness is spoiled or stolen.
Interested readers are referred to the compressive study
reported in [123] to grow more knowledge on the IoT-based      C. Medical Error Minimization
healthcare. Clearly, the IoT can prominently assist PM by      The main objective of PM is to delivery of optimized
arranging the environmental data in an automated fashion       targeted stimulation. This is optimized, in the sense that
because the participating health data is mostly collected by   the therapy is tailored to individual patients. The targeted
physical sensors and actuators. In addition, a dedicated       stimulation does not allow a medication (e.g. taking a pill)
intelligent coordinator can exploit the cross-sectional data   to be metabolized throughout the patient's body. Instead,
consisting of IoT-provided data and clinical/genome data.      it stimulates the intended target in a controlled manner,
Here we present an overview of several possible avenues of     and thereby reducing any side-effects. With the use of
integrating the IoT with PM.                                   medical IoT devices, it is possible to steer the stimulation
                                                               to a particular target with a much higher degree of
A. Risk Minimization in ADR                                    precision [80]. As experienced in any system, the
The IoT can play a significant role in mitigating the risk     occurrence of medical error in healthcare in general is also
associated with adverse drug reaction (ADR) [123]. In          affected by a several factors. With the introduction of PM,
layman's terms, an ADR is an undesirable or injurious          this error margin increases exponentially because of
response experienced following the administration of a         modular clinical treatment approaches. For example,
drug or combination of drugs under natural conditions of       caregivers (e.g. hospitals) are usually at over-capacity and
use and the suspicion of the unwanted response is held         thus they face scalability issue to increase access to care.
accountable mostly to the drug/s administrated [40]. A         Co-morbidity supervision becomes even more difficult
substantial number of admissions to hospital are caused by     than before. To address this issue, we can establish an IoT-
ADRs and hospitalized patients often experience ADRs           based health network for an automatic patient caring
that muddle and extend their stay. Many of the ADRs can        process [81].
be avoided if the appropriate care is taken. An ADR will
usually require the drug to be discontinued or the dose        D. Automation in Gene Expression Measurement
reduced. For example, a simple sensing system can detect       Gene expression profile has widely been used to uncover
whether the dose or plasma concentration has risen above       the association of environmentally-swayed or disease
the therapeutic range. Such a concept of an IoT-based          phenotypes with the mRNA expression patterns [82]. Due
ADR is found in [74]. The work makes use of barcode or         to its incredible application in computable genotyping,
NFC-enabled devices so that the patient side recognizes        genetic variation of inter and intra organisms, early
the drugs. Then, an AI-based pharmaceutical system             finding of disease, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [83]
senses and analyzes the patient's health and molecular         and its subsequent derivatives are widely used to obtain
profiles. Eventually, the system performances matching         real-time gene expression profiling. Then, because of
comparison to conclude whether the suggested drug is           rapid progress in miniaturized electrochemical DNA
well-suited. In a normal clinical viewpoint, the nature of     biosensors, it is possible to generate transformed
ADR is characteristically generic i.e., not medication-        electronic signal from the sensitive bio-receptor through a
specific for a particular disease. Therefore, a generic        transducer (e.g. photo counter) in an automatic process,
software package termed ADR services is required. The          calling the need of an IoT-based health network, with a
ADR services is supposed to cover certain mutual               minimum involvement of technical personals in the close
technical issues and their generic solutions [123].            loop system. The system as a whole can eventually assist
However, the ADR services to be used in PM should be           PM to predict disease risks and even what foods to
further customized and fine-tuned to cover the respective      consume based on patients' genome and extracted
PM cohort.                                                     physiological sensors data [84].
                                                               The PM basically provides customized healthcare
B. Safe and Secure Medication                                  solutions to the individual cohort of patients. With the help
The safety of the medicine in PM is one of the unique          of IoT, this customization itself can be improved by
challenges that must be addressed by the pharmacists [79].     learning the individual's concerned physiological
Also, the need for an entirely connected and transparent       functions. For example, one can consider a possible way
global healthcare supply chain will continue to grow and       to improve the symptoms of a Parkinson's disease patient
this is where the IoT can be useful. The IoT devices can       through a better deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy
monitor a bunch of parameters, including location,             using IoT (Figure 6).
temperature, light exposure, humidity, as well as security
to guard against theft and forging. Although this sort of
FIGURE 6. A conceptual model of an IoT-aided personalized DBS therapy.

DBS is a neurosurgical procedure which uses a
neurostimulator that delivers electrical stimulation,              A. Redesign of Clinical Design Support
through implanted electrodes, to specific targets in the           Computer-based clinical decision support (CDS) are
brain for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders [85].        meant to enhance the decision-making capabilities by
To advance the DBS therapy, we need to understand how              utilizing the individual-specific information and clinical
individual's brain works. By sensing signals from the              knowledge [87]. It serves to facilitate different stakeholder
brain, we can learn more about how brain responds to the           like physicians, nurse, patients, and others in making
therapy. Low field potential (LFP) recording is promising          effective clinical decisions. Formally, a CDS is referred to
to enable detection, measurement, and collection of brain          “a process for enhancing health-related decisions and
signals [86]. The collected LFP signals along with other           actions with pertinent, organized clinical knowledge and
medical sensors data can then constantly be analyzed to            patient information to improve health and healthcare
improve the targeted DBS therapy [80]. This technology             delivery” [88]. Historically, the CDSs delivered promising
would eventually enable a precise adjustable algorithm             results in diverse systems and services such as the
which could lead a better understanding about various              reminder systems, the drug dosing and drug-drug
overwhelming neurological problems.                                interactions, the diagnoses and treatment, and the pharma-
                                                                   related fields [89]–[91]. Despite its potentials in
E. Summary and Insight                                             improving health and healthcare, CDS has several
Digital innovations collectively appear as a paradigm              challenges to accomplish its full promise [92]. Moreover,
changer of how healthcare organizations provide quality            the fresh developments in the medicine domain and the
patient services with enhanced clinical satisfaction while         presence of disruptive technologies pose a new set of
maintaining a safe and secure environment at each stage            challenges to develop models for CDS. This led us to put
associated with the ecosystem. In line with that, IoT can          question to ask, do we need to rethink about the CDS’s
potentially be integrated with PM to achieve improved              design in order to build a practical model for the PM era?
automation in general. In particular, the IoT-enabled PM           The answer is certainly positive based on the realization
is potential to offer several benefits such as real-time           by the researchers in their research works [8], [91], [93],
monitoring of adverse drug reactions and secured                   where they pointed out the need of a CDS design that
healthcare supply chain. Even, IoT can be utilized to              encompass a more comprehensive knowledge base (KB)
design innovative personalized therapies e.g., IoT-aided           to fulfill the key requirements of PM. Contemporary CDSs
personalized DBS therapy, conceptualized in the early part         serve a fraction of clinical care whereas a common
of this section.                                                   decision in PM shall require accumulating data from
                                                                   different components that are not integrated at one place.
                                                                   Researchers working in the area of informatics to advance
VI. Implementation Challenges                                      PM [8] stressed upon the designing of an all-inclusive KB
In this section, we discuss more of the design challenges          comprising information about disease subtypes and risks,
of futuristic PM system and services such as clinical              diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Nevertheless, the
decision support systems, ecosystem, and the challenges            available KBs are isolated from each other and are thus
exist in in the integration and standardization of data            unable to provide support for executing the federated
elements and processes.                                            queries. On that, in addition to flexibility and scalability,
                                                                   the KBs need to be revamped to support not only the
federated queries but also an extended reasoning                         versions of national guidelines. The group emphasized to
capability. In a study [91], authors pointed-out the data                step-forward to a national implementation by designing
isolation issue by highlighting the fact that the two sets of            and implementing futuristic resources.
data, clinical and scientific, are typically placed in                   We summarize the core limitations of the contemporary
different repositories as information silos. They need to be             CDSs in Table IV. Addressing these limitations while
linked and presented in a way that clinicians and other                  redesigning the CDSs in the era of PM, raises to a few
researchers can easily interact and review. This raises the              challenges to consider for their resolution. In a study [89],
requirement for a standard language and algorithm for                    we envisioned the conceptual architecture of the futuristic
executing     a     federated    query.      The    Clinical             CDS eligible to support the functional requirements of PM
Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC)                        services. In contrast to contemporary architectures of
Informatics Working Group is developing a standard                       CDSs, the futuristic CDS model incorporates the modules
guidelines for the effective implementation of                           of supporting federated queries, a supervisor KB that
Pharmacogenetics in the day-to-day medical care [94].                    holds the information of disease subtypes and risks,
This group also uncovered the limitation of present-day                  diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.
CDS issue of addressing single gene by relying on local
                                                                 TABLE IV

 Current CDSs Limitations           Challenges                           Prospect Solutions
 The     knowledge     bases of     How to design a comprehensive        •    Allowing data sharing and consensus on clinical
 contemporary CDSs are isolated     KBs to integrate information about        interpretations and multiscale data.
 from one another and they are      various features such as disease     •    Enabling effective ontological modeling, knowledge
 unable to support federated        subtypes, disease risk, diagnosis,        provenance, and maintaining the integrated KB.
 querying [8].                      therapy, and prognosis.              •    Utilizing a set of novel computational reasoning approaches
                                                                              to allow efficient federated queries.
 Isolation between scientific and   How to establish a meaningful        •    Applying standard vocabularies and data formats to
 clinical data [91].                connection between patient data           integrate disparate data sources.
                                    and primary literature when the      •    Developing new research platform with a set of methods and
                                    EHR databases are considered as           tools to enable analysis and visualization of not only a
                                    information silo themselves?              massive amount of raw data generated in clinical set ups, but
                                                                              also the data resides in different databases of biomedical
genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, which currently include over
B. Design of PM Ecosystem                                               100 research scientists and clinicians from 19 different
As noted above, we briefly mentioned about the three core               countries. Similarly, ClinVar [98], an archive partner of
aspects of informatics (i.e., bioinformatics, participatory             ClinGen project is an archive (freely available) for
health informatics, and clinical informatics) with their                variants’ clinical significance interpretations. National
basics and provided information on selected set of tools                Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has
and techniques. Nevertheless, it is also important to                   provided an explorer tool to facilitate identification of
discuss the informatics solutions for PM which requires a               clinical significance discrepancies in ClinVar [99]. In one
holistic overview of working together as outlined below:                of the reports [11] there is given a set of fundamental
• Curation of data generated via participatory health                   aspects of PM and describes the key aspects of
     using mobile devices, sensors, social media, and other             computational infrastructure built on clinical-grade
     IoT devices as well as environmental factors’ data at              genomic sequencing. Authors therein emphasized on the
     a point of care for the assistance of genomic data                 integration of PM program into a medical institution’s
     interpretation which ultimately could help in precise              clinical system to facilitate billing and reimbursement.
     patient care.                                                      The proposed PM infrastructure integration with existing
• Creating a synergy between bioinformatics and                         electronic health record infrastructure is shown in Figure
     clinical informatics by developing infrastructure,                 7. The existing EHR infrastructure depicted on the left is
     tools, techniques and applications that bridge the two             integrated with PM infrastructure on the right through
     areas and allowing the sharing of data to offer                    passing the patient specimen information to the laboratory
     integration of individual patient data into the clinical           information management system (LIMS) in order to
     research environment [95].                                         process, sequence, and analyze the specimen data. The
• Development of a comprehensive framework that                         LIMS component of the PM infrastructure sends back the
     facilitates tools and techniques to integrate, process,            report formed over the specimen data to the pathology
     and analyze data curated from diverse sources in all               system of the EHR infrastructure.
     three areas; clinical, genomic, and lifestyle &
     environmental factors to enable one-point decision in              C. Integration and Standardization
     a precise manner.                                                  For successful data integration and exchange, data and
• Development of a coherent framework for dealing                       metadata standards are required. However, there are
     with multi-scale population data including the                     several issues to achieve this goal in terms of either
     phenome, the genome, the exposome, and their                       lacking of such standards or inconsistent use of existing
     interconnections [96].                                             standards, particularly in “omics” domain [8]. Prior to
A series of efforts have been made to provide informatics               frame these issues for discussion, we first describe the
solution to support PM in a comprehensive manner. For                   meanings of what constitutes a ‘data standard’ in order to
instance, the network ENIGMA (Evidence-based network                    avoid confusion as different groups and individuals have
for the interpretation of germline mutant alleles) [97] is an           different definitions for standards. According to the
international consortium for assessing clinical                         International Organization for Standardization, a standard
significance and risk related to sequence variation in                  is, ‘… a document that provides requirements,

       FIGURE 7. Components of an integrated precision medicine workflow illustrating existing HER and novel PM infrastructure- (QC:
                                                            Quality Control)
specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be      Expression’ appeared in the form of Object Model
used consistently to ensure that materials, products,          (MAGE-OM), Markup Language (MAGE-ML) [106],
processes and services are fit for their purpose’ [99].        and a Controlled Vocabulary called the MGED Ontology
There is further division in standards as data standards for   [107]. These standards resulted the creation and evolution
integration and exchange and data standards for security,      of a several interoperable databases and repositories [105].
privacy, and integrity, covered as one of seven key areas
in the research work [8]. The research emphasized on the       For seamless integration and information exchange,
need of extending the scope of the existing standards          recently Health Level Seven (HL7) extended the efforts on
rather to invent a new. For that, the individuals or           Genomic data working group with its newly invented
organization seek to adopt an existing standard should         popular standard called Fast Health Interoperability
work closely with the owner of that standards to extend        Resource (FHIR) [108], [109]. One of the main FHIR
the scope. Not only co-working, relevant stakeholders          resources is a Sequence resource which is designed to
should focus on outreach and education/training to             describe an atomic sequence containing the alignment
educate the potential adopters of understanding and using      sequencing test result and multiple variations [110]. For
existing data standards. Data standardization for              the facilitation of standardized clinic-genomics apps, a
integration and exchange is required for correct               framework called Substitutable Medical Applications &
interpretation of the data elements. The motivation for        Reusable Technologies (SMART) on FHIR Genomics is
data standardization on security and privacy comes from        developed which specifies genomic variant data resource
the notion of developing mutual consensus on the level of      definitions [111]. SMART on FHIR Genomics
data as well as the protocol definition for sharing.           specification offers developers a unified framework to
                                                               work with multiple resources of genomic and clinical data
A number of initiatives have been taken place to facilitate    to facilitate the type of apps required for precision
the adoption of data standards especially in the ‘omics’       medicine. A brief summary of pertinent initiatives on
discipline. One of these initiatives is BioSharing that        standardization in the area of PM is provided in Table V.
works to ensure the standards are searchable and
                                                                                                TABLE V
informative by mapping the landscape of community              CLASSIFICATION OF STANDARD INITIATIVES IN THE DOMAIN OF PRECISION MEDICINE
developed standards in the life sciences including
biomedical sciences [100]. BioSharing facilitates those          Initiative         Year      Standard Body          Scope
who are looking for information based on the existing            Name
standards, finding duplications or gaps, encourage               Biosharing         2011      FAIRsharing
harmonization to avoid reinvention, and developing               [100]                        team, Oxford
criteria items for evaluating standards for adoption. The                                     e-Research
American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics                                             Center.
(ACMG) together with Association of Molecular                    MIAME              2001      FGED-
Pathology (AMP) and College of American Pathologists             [104]                        Functional             Integration
members formed a workgroup with the goal of developing                                        Genomics               and Exchange
a classification of sequence variants using criteria                                          Data Society
informed by expert opinion and empirical data [101]. This        SMART              2015      HL7           ®
workgroup is aimed at providing detailed variant                 on FHIR                      International
classification guidance to update the recommendations on         Genomics
interpretations of sequence variants previously provided         [109]
by the ACMG. The Canadian Open Genetics Repository               PMI Data           -         ONC – Office
is an endeavor aims to establish collaboration of Canadian       Security                     of the National
laboratories with other countries to support the                 Principles                   Coordinator
development of tools for sharing laboratory data in              Guide                        for     Health
addition to the collection, storage, sharing and robust                                                              Privacy and
                                                                 [112][113]                   Information
analysis of variants in the laboratories across Canada                                                               Security
[102]. There are other initiatives have been established to      PMI-               2016      GSWG
ensure data security and privacy through standardization.        AURP
For instance, a framework is established that provides           [114]
guidance for responsible sharing of genomic and health-          HGNC               2007      HUGO
related data including personal data [103]. The Minimum          database
Information About a Microarray Experiment (MIAME)                [115]                                               Vocabulary
[104] provides guidelines for the minimum information to                                                             and/or
                                                                 UMLS ®             -         U.S. National
describe the experiment details of DNA microarray data                                                               Nomenclature
                                                                 [116]                        Library    of
so that the experiment could either be reproduced or
analyzed the data de novo [105]. Similarly, data modeling
and XML-based exchange standards ‘Microarray Gene
D. Summary and Insight                                         Precision Medicine is included as part of China’s five-year
At a granular detailed level, there exist a lot of             plan with an expected investment of more than $9 billion
implementation challenges that are highlighted in various      for research. Among 40 countries where there are
studies ranging from genotype data preprocessing,              initiatives related to PM, China is on the top from
mapping and alignments, unstructured clinical text             investment perspective. Compared to the United States
processing, image processing and environmental data            PMI investments, China is spending $43 for every $1 of
acquisition and synchronization. In this section, we           US, thus making China as a global leader in PM [123]. The
focused on generalized implementation challenges that          Beijing Genome Institute (BGI) [124] is the world’s
exist irrespective of individuals' realizations of PM. The     largest genomic organization with a focus of genetic
challenges are mostly related to the rethinking on a new       sequencing. Affiliated to BGI, the China National
design for the clinical decision support systems to include    GeneBank [125] has over 500 million genetic sequences
information from the other aspects of PM – molecular, -        stored in more than 40 databases, as of early 2017. Sichuan
omic and environmental in order to produce the right           University’s West China Hospital which is ranked the first
decision for the right patient. We included the designs in     among all Chinese hospitals for four consecutive years in
the existing studies and provided the abstract                 science & technology influence, plans to sequence 1
representation of an ecosystem of PM for enhancing the         million human genomes itself [126], [127]. AliCloud by
design of existing electronic health record systems with       Alibaba Group partnered with BGI and Intel Corporations
genome. We deliberated the integration challenges at data      have launched Asia’s first cloud platform for precision
and process levels and the standardization efforts at global   medicine and its applications with a vision to accelerate
spectrum.                                                      the advent of precision medicine [128]. More to PM
                                                               initiative, it is anticipated that leading institutes, including
VII. PM Global Initiatives
                                                               Fudan University, Tsinghua University, and the Chinese
PM is spreading globally with a fast pace and is thereby
                                                               Academy of Medical Sciences, are trying to establish
creating a multibillion market. According to a report
                                                               precision-medicine centres [126].
issued by Persistence Market Research, global PM market
is expected to approach $ 172.95 Billion by the end of
                                                               C. United Kingdom
2024 [117], [118]. Different countries share this market by
                                                               United Kingdom has started a well-known project
initiating innovative projects to support PM in terms of
                                                               ‘100,000 Genomes Project’ in 2013 with a goal to
establishing infrastructure, research centers, working
                                                               sequence 100,000 genomes from around 70, 000 people
groups, and standardization bodies. Different countries
                                                               from the participants of National Health Service (NHS)
allocated different sort and amount of funding to support
                                                               patients having a rare disease [129][130]. This project is
the PM initiative. In this section, we briefly elaborate
                                                               considered currently as the world’s largest national
country-wise initiatives with their goals and way of
                                                               sequencing project of its kind. A program Coordination
                                                               Group led by Innovative UK is active in precision
                                                               medicine to bring together representatives from UK public
A. United States
                                                               sector and charity funders and through this group, a dataset
United States of America took the lead launching the idea
                                                               of over 400 infrastructure investments in precision
of Precision Medicine under the Obama administration
                                                               medicine has already been developed [131], [132].
back in 2015 [1]. The idea was taken further by the
                                                               Innovate UK is envisioned to invest up to £6 million in
National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other partners.
                                                               precision medicine technologies related innovation
Initially, a budget of $215 million investment has been
                                                               projects [133]. Overall, the UK government has invested
announced in the President’s 2016 Budget. NIH-funded
                                                               more than £1 billion in developing precision medicine
resource ClinGen is dedicated to constructing an
                                                               research infrastructure [134].
authoritative central resource      to establish clinical
relevance of genes and variants for the convenient use in
                                                               D. Japan
precision medicine and research [119][120]. Ensuring the
                                                               Like other countries, Japan is also contributing to support
accuracy of NGS tests, US FDA is working on three
                                                               the development of personalized and precision medicine
aspects; guidance for Databases to allow developers to use
                                                               (PPM) [135]. Japan has established three biobanks to
data from FDA-based databases of genetic variants,
                                                               collect genome data; Bio Bank Japan, National Center Bio
recommendations for designing, developing, and
                                                               Bank Network, and Tohoku Medical Megabank. All these
validating NGS tests, and support to develop
                                                               three banks work together, however Bio Bank Japan being
bioinformatics tool to engage users across the world to
                                                               the largest of the thee, plans to collect data from 300,000
experiment, share data, and test new approaches [121].
                                                               people alone. The total budget of $ 103 million is allocated
PrecisionFDA [122] as a community platform for NGS
                                                               in 2016 for the plans like clinical trials, research on
assay evaluation and regulatory science exploration, has
                                                               genomic care, and establishing seven core hospitals to
resulted as an outcome of FDA efforts.
                                                               support the provision of genomic medical treatments
                                                               [135]. Additionally, Japan has established the most
B. China
                                                               successful National Cancer Genome Screening System
(SCRUM-Japan) project under the supervision of National       with other associated countries and stakeholders, have
Cancer Center Hospital, Japan [136], which assists            developed a European strategy framework for
hospitals and pharmaceutical companies develop PPM for        personalized medicine [6]. PerMed [148] is Coordination
cancer. The aim of SCRUM-Japan trials is to enroll 4750       and Support Action (CSA) of 27 partners including
patients with cancer in about 2 years’ plan starting in       European key stakeholders and decision makers to allow
February 2015 and ending in March 2017 [136].                 synergies, avoid duplication, and ensure maximum
                                                              transparency preparing Europe for leading the global way
E. South Korea                                                [149]. The International Consortium for Personalized
South Korea introduced itself with the International          Medicine (ICPerMed) is a voluntary, EU Member states-
Precision Medicine Center (IPMC) as the world’s first         led collaboration that brings together over 30 European
Precision Medicine center focused on Cell Therapy. The        and international partners to work on coordinating and
IPMC is envisioned to take a pioneering role in               fostering research to develop and evaluate personalized
standardization of future medicine with a focus on genome     medicine [150][6].
and bio convergence technology [137]. The Korean
scientists are succeeded to produce a de novo genome          G. Australia
assembly for a Korean individuals and the results are         Australia perhaps the world’s first country having center
published in Nature [138]. The Korea’s biobanking             specializing in precision medicine for infants and your
system is currently operating a nationwide network of 17      children which is funded at Murdoch University and have
university-affiliated hospitals to collect bio-specimens      received $473,000 in funding from the WA Department of
from patients and then National Biobank of Korea has          Health [151]. Precision medicine has the potential to
collected biological samples from some 770, 000 people        transform Australia’s health care system as described in a
and distributed them to 1,915 research projects which         report released by the Australian Council of Learning
resulted in a total of 751 research papers as of the end of   Academies (ACOLA) [152]. ACOLA has started a project
December 2016 [139], [140]. From industrial sector, the       on precision medicine with a goal to explore the current
information erupted that the Syapse – a leading precision     trends in precision medicine technologies and a broader
medicine company joined hands with Seoul National             implementation in the Australian context. In the ACOLA
University Hospital (SNUH), Korea to launch a precision       detailed report, there are 12 potential areas are highlighted
oncology program for cancer care improvement in Korea         where precision medicine is likely to show significant
[141]. Moreover, the Korean National Cancer Center with       impact in the next five to ten years [153]. Australian
the U.S. National Institutes of Health announced to           Genomics is a national network of clinicians, researchers,
establish a large-scale precision medicine cohort on cancer   and diagnostic geneticists and is made up of more than 70
[142]. In summary, the Korean government plan is to           partners organizations with a vision to integrate genomic
invest $55.7 million in Precision Medicine until 2021         medicine into healthcare across Australia [154]. National
[143].                                                        Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC)
                                                              awarded a $25 million grant in 2015 to Australian
F. Europe                                                     Genomics for a targeted Call for Research into Preparing
European Union (EU) is put forwarding numerous efforts        Australia for the Genomics Revolution in Healthcare.
to promote precision medicine in the Europe region. As
the world’s biggest public-private partnership between EU     Precision Medicine is largely endorsed by other parts of
and the European pharmaceutical industry, the Innovative      the world such as African, Middle East, and others Asian
Medicine Initiative (IMI) facilitates collaborations          countries in their own capacity and scope. Orion Health
between the stakeholders and provides grants and other        Canada, for instance, has developed a care coordination
financial support to major research projects [144]. IMI in    tool that allows patients to digitally create, update and
phase 2 that is IMI 2 program (2014-2020), will get a total   share their personalized care plan as well as the clinicians
budget of €3.276 billion, of which €1 billion came from       are provided with the cognitive support to make the best
the Health theme of the EU's Seventh Framework Program        decisions possible [155][153]. Similarly, the Precision
for Research (FP7) and €1 billion came from in-kind           Driven Health initiative (PDHI) in New Zealand is
contributions by EFPIA companies [145]. According to a        contributing to the growing body of international research
report by ZION, Europe precision medicine market is           to enable the practice of the precision medicine while
expected to reach approximately USD 72,800.0 Million by       including genetic data, as well as information from
2022 [146]. Under EU’s Horizon2020 Program,                   exogenous sources such as an individual's diet and social
Barcelona has started European three-dimensional (3D)         circumstances [156].
genomics project “Multi-scale complex genomics” with a        A wide array of international initiatives and consortiums
goal is to standardize experiments in 3D genomics and         have established to form guidelines for the responsible and
relevant activities like storage of data. The project is      homogeneous approach to data movement from one place
allocated a budget of €3 million and will be conducted        to another place [5]. For instance, the Global Alliance for
over three years [147]. The EU funded project “PerMed”,
where representatives from EU Member States together
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