International projects on sustainable forest management - Issue 7 - January 2019 - BMEL
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greet ings Dear Readers, Our forests are one of nature’s most valuable resources and it is therefore of great importance that we actively work to preserve them. This project letter on internationally sustainable forest management will give you an insight into the ways in which my ministry is actively working with other institutions to protect forests internationally, campaigning for their sustainable cultivation and reforesting woodlands that have been destroyed. One thing is certain: without our forests to act as gigantic carbon reservoirs as well as the sustainable use of wood as a climate-neutral and versatile raw material, we will never achieve international climate goals. It is vital that we implement internationally coordinated strategies to successfully adapt our forests to new climatic challenges, to stop illegal logging and wherever possible promote the regeneration of destroyed forests and sustainable forestry. Bringing specialists and experts together through networking and supporting the exchange of scientific knowledge play a fundamental role. 2
greet ings Working together with international organisations and partners from the scientific, industrial and political fields, my ministry promotes knowledge transfer and expert networking. We are active in European as well as worldwide committees and lobbies thereby helping to shape the political processes that promote sustainable forestry and preserve multi-functional forests and a legal and fair wood trade. Our dedication is providing a substantial contribution to the goals of the inter- national community formulated, for example, in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests adopted in 2017. In the following pages you will find some examples of our activities and our numerous projects. Wishing you an enjoyable and exciting read! Yours, Julia Klöckner Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture 3
Contents Contents Greeting 2 Introduction 6 1 International forest policy 8 2 Sustainable forest management 12 3 Resilience and adaptation to climate change 16 4 Combating illegal logging 20 5 Knowledge transfer, network building and research 24 Project list 28 Abbreviations 31 Imprint 32 4
MAP OF BMEL INTERNAT IONAL SUSTA INABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT PROJEC TS Russia Ukraine Serbia China Marocco Myanmar Laos Belize Thailand Philippines Cambodia Viet Nam Trinidad and Tobago Guyana Malaysia Suriname Ecuador Kenya Indonesia Republic of the Papua Peru New Guinea Congo Zambia Cooperation projects with selected partner countries (bilateral projects) Measures of projects with international organisations (pilot projects) Bilateral and pilot projects 6
INTRODUC T ION Introduction sustainable forest management worldwide and combat illegal logging and illegal timber trading. Expertise in appropriate, long-term use of forests is disseminated Around the world, forests fulfil a pivotal function in worldwide through research and initial and continuing mitigating climate change, protect soils against erosion training measures. Projects, which are usually pilot and make an important contribution to food secu- schemes, are based on the principle of ‘conservation rity. Timber is a high-quality construction material through use’. The findings and results are disseminated and an alternative source of fuel and, alongside many via publications, workshops and follow-on projects to non-wood products, can be made available through enable as many people as possible to benefit. sustainable forest management without damaging the complex ecosystem that forests represent. Forests on On the project development and implementation side, the outskirts of towns and cities also fulfil an important BMEL receives technical and administrative support recreational function. Maintaining or, where necessary, from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale restoring multi-functional forests requires measures Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, GFA Consulting Group tailored to local circumstances and needs. Extreme GmbH and Germany’s Federal Office for Agriculture weather events can cause enormous damage as the and Food (BLE). result of storms, fires and pest infestation. We can and must respond to these risks with targeted silvicultural As well as cooperating with international organisations, measures. Research, policy and practice all have a part BMEL implements cooperation projects in the field of to play in tackling these challenges. BMEL’s interna- food and agriculture with selected partner countries tional projects support partner countries and partner as part of its bilateral cooperation programme (www. institutions in this vital work. Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) finances projects that promote the concept of 7
Kolumnent i tel 1 International forest policy Around the world, forests play a vital role. The timber trade crosses national borders. The conservation, enhancement and expansion of the various functions of forest ecosystems – ranging from climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation to economic factors – are enshrined in international regulations and agreements. 8
INTERNAT IONAL FOREST POL IC Y Besides oceans and soil, forests are the most important The international community has agreed to protect ecosystems when it comes to regulating Earth’s carbon and sustainably manage existing forests and to reforest sinks, so they make a major contribution to climate and rehabilitate damaged forests. European policy change mitigation. This contribution is reflected in the processes such as the Action Programme to Combat Paris Climate Agreement and in the Sustainable Devel- Illegal Logging and international agreements are opment Goals laid down in the 2030 Agenda. designed to help conserve forests and their multifunc- tionality in the long term. BMEL coordinates the German Federal Govern- ment’s international forest policy; it is a member of a variety of international bodies concerned with this issue and is involved in negotiations. The German Government’s aim in this context is to work with its EU partners to make interna- tional processes more coherent and to harness potential synergies when implementing national obligations. Tropical rainforest in Brazil 9
INTERNAT IONAL FOREST POL IC Y The following projects contribute recent research find- erosion. Reforming forest and timber trade policies ings to policy-making and help disseminate interna- is essential to this. To intensify the dialogue, BMEL tional targets for forest conservation. has set up a permanent forest policy advice centre within the Sino-German Agricultural Centre. Pilot → Political dialogue and bilateral exchange with part- approaches to multi-functional forest management ner countries to support reform initiatives, intensify are being trialled in a number of provinces in China cooperation and, where desirable, facilitate advice. and the results disseminated via the country’s State BMEL’s existing agricultural policy dialogue with Forestry and Grassland Administration. Ukraine and Russia has been expanded to include a Sino-German Forest Policy Dialogue Intensification forestry component. In Russia, the project promotes discussion of issues of forest policy and an exchange → Financed by a trust fund with contributions from of forestry professionals. In Ukraine, it gives prior- several European countries, forestry research ity to a national forest inventory as a crucial policy findings are evaluated and presented to political management tool. decision-makers. Through events with high-ranking Russian-German Agricultural Dialogue – participants and publications on current issues in Forestry Component forest management, this supports political deci- Ukrainian-German Agricultural Dialogue – sion-making with sound academic knowledge. Forestry Component The fund is administered by the European Forest Institute (EFI). → China is facing major challenges in its forest sector. Multi Donor Trust Fund for Policy Support Restoring and developing productive, multi-func- tional forests and managing them sustainably is intended to preserve timber stocks in the long term. Moreover, forests can help to mitigate cli- mate change, preserve biodiversity and combat 10
INTERNAT IONAL FOREST POL IC Y → In Ecuador, the Philippines and Zambia, the efficien- → Which challenges does international forest policy cy of procedures for managing deforestation and face? What has been the experience of experts, and afforestation processes is being studied. The contri- what might possible future strategies and options bution made by forests to ecosystems is assessed fi- look like? The European Forest Institute has dis- nancially and the impact of compensation payments cussed these questions with 35 high-ranking re- for forest maintenance and reforestation is being searchers and practitioners from various countries. researched. Possible scenarios for forest develop- Using the innovative project approach comprising ment are simulated using geoinformation systems, surveys, an online study and a workshop, the input remote sensing data and household surveys. from the experts has been evaluated scientifically, Towards policy approaches for improving livelihoods, promoting exchange between the stakeholders sustainable forest management and conservation in involved and particularly between academics and selected countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa practitioners. The ideas and survey results generated (LaForeT) are being compiled in a publication to be launched in early 2019 as part of two events. New frontiers in global forest governance – from lessons learned to future options Processing timber within the forest 11
Kolumnent i tel 2 Sustainable forest management ‘Sustainable forest management as a dynamic and continually developing concept aims to maintain and enhance the economic, social and environmental value of all kinds of forest for the benefit of present and future generations.’ (United Nations Forum on Forests 2007) 12
SUSTA INABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT Commercial use of forests and the protection of bio- diversity are not mutually exclusive notions, nor does commercial use reduce the contribution of forests to mitigating climate change. Sustainable manage- ment preserves the multifunctionality of forests. This approach, which has long been in use in Germany, also promotes the long-term and multi-functional use of forests in other countries. Concepts that promote sustainable management and research findings that contribute to their sustainable use are the focus of the following projects: Training in the use of measuring instruments in Viet Nam 13
SUSTA INABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT → German development cooperation has been pro- While the Academy teaches theoretical knowledge, moting sustainable forest management in Viet Nam the neighbouring certified state forest operation for more than 10 years. In collaboration with the Truong Son offers practical training. Ongoing Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS), advisory services for this state-run forestry com- a wide-ranging curriculum and materials for pany are helping to ensure its long-term survival in-service training of teachers are being developed. as a demonstration plot. Promotion of sustainable forest management in state forest enterprises in Viet Nam → Agroforestry is not a significant sector in Europe. In many countries around the world, however, A tree nursery in Viet Nam forests not only produce timber but are also used to grow and harvest fruit, coffee and nuts, which is crucial to their preservation. Training for experi- enced smallholder farmers to equip them to operate as multipliers helps disseminate good agroforestry practices. At the same time, efforts are made to in- crease the number of trees managed by smallholder farmers to help stop exploitation of existing natural forests for charcoal production. Promotion of agroforestry for the production of wood and non-wood forest products in Zambia 14
SUSTA INABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT → Conservation of biodiversity and other aspects of nature conservation do not necessarily prevent the use of forests for commercial purposes. Training plots known as Marteloscopes and associated soft- ware demonstrate the scope for sustainable forest management and nature conservation. With this special software and expert guidance, forestry and nature conservation experts can use virtual train- ing to optimise biodiversity maintenance and at the same time use timber resources. Training plots enable forestry workers and conservationists alike in many European countries to access training oppor- tunities and to combine both sets of aims meaning- fully as part of multi-functional forest management. To ensure that decision-makers also have access to findings in this crucial area, a Europe-wide network called INTEGRATE is being supported. Integrated Forest Management Learning Architecture (InForMAr) Tablet with software to simulate environmentally sustainable timber use 15
Kolumnent i tel 3 Resilience and adaptation to climate change Extreme weather events in the European summer of 2018 and the devastating wildfires in many European countries have demonstrated that forests need to be adapted to changing conditions. 16
RESIL IENCE AND ADAPTAT ION TO CL IMATE CHANGE There is a growing risk of storms, forest fires and pest infestation as a result of climate change. To protect and preserve forests, long-term measures are needed to adapt to changing conditions: increasing the number of resilient species in healthy mixed forests is one way of countering these risks. However, even short-term measures can, for example, help protect against or fight large fires. Research in these areas, knowledge exchange and mutual support in tackling damage is designed to help increase forest resilience to climate change across Europe and to boost adaptation to its impact. Forest exercise in a Marteloscope in France 17
RESIL IENCE AND ADAPTAT ION TO CL IMATE CHANGE → With the aim of improving expertise in sustainable forest management in multi-functional forests and In its Resilience blog, the European Forest enhancing cooperation, the European Commission Institute (EFI) reports on projects, activities and is promoting forward-looking approaches. In five recent research findings. Contributions consider current projects as part of the Sumforest framework, the risks to forests and forest management from German research institutions work with Euro- a number of perspectives and explore options for pean neighbours to develop approaches to foster tackling them. Other issues include integrating resilience and adaptation to climate change and to nature conservation in sustainable forest manage- promote a joint forest policy. The following research ment and enhancing forest resilience to protect their projects are under way in cooperation with 13 Euro- long-term multifunctionality. Forests near towns pean countries: and cities are a further theme: they contribute to Polyfores, FOREXCLIM, REFORM, ForRISK, REFORCE our health and recreation. Pines following forest fires in Brandenburg 18
RESIL IENCE AND ADAPTAT ION TO CL IMATE CHANGE → The persistent drought in 2018 in Europe caused extensive forest fires, including regions previously unaffected by such fires. A further consequence of the drought is a serious bark beetle infestation of trees weakened by a shortage of water. These exam- ples illustrate the need to respond to forest damage and to take measures to minimise losses. A Europe- an network of researchers and forest practitioners is intended to promote a rapid and targeted exchange in these topics. Experts also make their knowledge and experience available when new cases of damage arise and provide advice on controlling this or the reforestation of affected areas. Sustaining and Enhancing Resilience of European Forests (SURE) Controlled fires to reduce fine combustible material 19
Kolumnent i tel 4 Combating illegal logging Illegal logging hampers sustainable forest management and development of forest management that enables individuals to earn a living and protect nature and the climate in the long term. 20
COMBAT ING ILLEGAL LOGGING Illegal logging harms forest management at local level. These methods can support the implementation of Since it pursues short-term goals and fails to take statutory measures on legal trading between timber sufficient account of environmental aspects and long- supplying counties and the European Union (EUTR). term goals, it is incompatible with sustainable forest They also make a major contribution to the EU’s part- management. Timber is traded on the world market, nership agreement with producer countries (FLEGT) so schemes to combat illegal logging and illegal timber and comparable regulations in other states. trading are also internationally based. A contribution to combating illegal logging and the illegal trade of timber, for example, is made by precisely tracing the origin of timber using laboratory processes across the supply chain, from raw timber to the pro- cessed final product. Tracing the illegal financial flows that arise from large-scale illegal timber trade can help to avoid them. Developing the skills of staff of the relevant agencies in export and import countries can help combat illegal trade in timber. Introducing traceability of timber supply chains in Morocco 21
COMBAT ING ILLEGAL LOGGING → The Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN) connects research bodies, specialist laboratories, non-governmental organisations and state bodies to collaborate to improve the identification and tracea- bility of timber. The network operates with innova- tive technologies such as DNA analysis, stable isotope analysis and mass spectrometry. The results enable the combating of illegal timber trade. An interactive internet platform helps to identify specialised labo- ratories and the institutions involved in the network. An open online database will shortly provide refer- ence data for a range of methods for identifying the origin of timber. These include, for example, genetic fingerprinting of many different tree species. Global Timber Tracking Network (Phase 2) GTTN interactive online platform 22
COMBAT ING ILLEGAL LOGGING → To increase the benefits from cedar forests in the wide interest and have already been run in a num- Ifrane National Park in Morocco, the project im- ber of South-East Asian countries. The approach – plements training for cooperatives in the areas of investigating environmental crime through illegal timber cropping and occupational safety. A further financial flows – is also used in other sectors, such as focus of the project is a traceability system for cedar the ivory trade. wood to prevent illegal logging and illegal timber To establish a regional training initiative in South trading. Using the appropriate technical equip- East Asia and build capacity for member countries to ment and following skills development for all staff, conduct investigations of illegal logging proceeds around 20,000 trees to be felled were recorded and barcoded in 2018. Extending the traceability system to national level is currently at the planning stage in cooperation with the Moroccan High Commissioner for Water, Forests and Anti-Desertification. Contribution to the Sustainable Management Documenting timber of Cedar Forests in Ifrane National Park origins in Peru → For the densely forested countries of South-East Asia, the timber trade makes an important contri- bution to the economy. Hence, stopping illegal trade in timber is crucial. INTERPOL carries out training courses designed to investigate crime involving illegal financial flows in the forestry sector. Raising awareness and developing the skills of staff of offi- cial agencies and state prosecutors can curb illegal timber trading. The training courses have attracted 23
Kolumnent i tel 5 Knowledge transfer, network building and research 24
KNOWLEDGE TR ANSFER, NET WORK BUILDING AND RESE ARCH Forests in different climate zones, ecosystems and economic systems have different aspects. Preserving The Directive on Promoting Bilateral Research Co- and sustainably managing forests face challenges operation and Knowledge Sharing for International accordingly. Preservation and restoration of multi- Sustainable Forest Management (FinW) has been functional forests is of both local and international in existence since 2016. This instrument enables interest. research institutes, councils, associations and other organisations to apply for funding for research pro- As in many other areas, the forestry sector also benefits jects and subsidies for training, events and travel as from sharing approaches, experience and knowledge, part of the international exchange between forestry which help disseminate and strengthen positive trends. experts. Networks, training and exchange programmes sup- ported by BMEL are therefore focused both at local and It is currently being reviewed with a view to international level targeting forest practice and forest strengthening the sharing of knowledge in the area policy. This meets the high demand for German of forest management. forestry know-how. Information and forms are available from: Foerderungen-Auftraege/Internationale- Waldwirtschaft/internationale-waldwirtschaft_ node.html 25
KNOWLEDGE TR ANSFER, NET WORK BUILDING AND RESE ARCH → International exchange between forestry experts is as forest issues is supported through the exchange of well supported by funding consultations of German representatives of the German Forestry Council e.V. forestry experts at the request of a partner institution (DWFR). To strengthen responsible and sustainable abroad and by funding on the job training for foreign resource management, delegation visits in Kazakh- experts in Germany. Over the past year, a specific stan, Romania, Russia and Zambia were organised as issue or a current need for advice formed the basis part of the programme in 2018. for five bursaries and three official visits. Sharing of Forest Expert Program – Exchange for Sustainablity experience and knowledge transfer with a focus on ProInFo Training on using residual timber for cooking in Zambia At an international work camp, young adults considered sustainable forest use in the Amazonas region of Brazil and in Germany by means of bilateral visits. The experience and expertise surrounding sustainable forest management and use of different types of forest have fed into information and train- ing materials for students. These materials can be downloaded via the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald. 26
→ Storage of carbon by forests and soil can make a crucial contribution to mitigating climate change. International policy initiatives and financing mecha- nisms are intended to help realise the potential. The necessary knowledge is imparted in a three- week intensive course at Freiburg University. BMEL supports the participation of 15 forestry experts from developing countries and emerging economies, who act as multipliers. Capacity Building in the field of sustainable forest management and carbon forestry for international forest experts → Serbia’s Forest Directorate is given advice on inno- vative methods for forest management planning and monitoring. Initial and continuing training for forestry experts and technicians is supported by means of improvements to curricula and trainings. This support is embedded in the procedural rules of Serbia’s Chamber of Forestry and therefore ensures good training in the long term. Promotion of vocational education and training in the Serbian forest sector Training forestry experts in Serbia 27
List of projects Implementing organisation Project title Project term 1 German Institute Development of an ISO standard for supply chain certification of wood and 01.2014 – 12.2019 for Standardization e.V. wood products (global) 2 Thünen Institute Large-scale collection of genetic reference data for verification of the origin 10.2014 – 10.2019 of timber (Africa and South America) 3 FAO Ensuring long-term productivity of lowland tropical forests in the Caribbean 10.2014 – 09.2019 4 Hamburg University Contribution to the further development of an international standard for 11.2014 – 10.2020 timber-based value chains and to the ‘State of European Forests’ report 5 WWF Sustainable forest management in East Malaysia 12.2014 – 12.2018 6 Thünen Institute Towards policy approaches for improving livelihoods, sustainable forest man- 07.2015 – 06.2020 agement and conservation in selected countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America (LaForeT) 7 European Forest Institute SFM approaches to foster FLEGT and REDD+ interactions (SAFARI) 09.2015 – 12.2018 8 German Forest Society Forest Expert Program – Exchange for Sustainability 10.2015 – 12.2019 (Deutscher Forstverein e. V.) 9 UNIQUE forestry and land use and Promotion of sustainable private forest use in Kenya 12.2015 – 03.2018 Hessen-Forst 10 INTERPOL To establish a regional training initiative in South-East Asia and build capacity 04.2016 – 09.2019 for member countries to conduct investigations of illegal logging proceeds 11 European Forest Institute Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN – Phase 2) 11.2016 – 12.2019 28
L IST OF PROJEC TS Implementing organisation Project title Project term 12 German Forestry Council (DFWR) ProInFo – Transfer of German expertise for international sustainable 03.2017 – 12.2020 forest management 13 PIK – Potsdam Institute for The effects of climate change on European forests – the influence of abiotic and 03.2017 – 03.2020 Climate Impact Research e.V. and biotic factors on resilience of forests to prolonged drought (REFORCE) Regensburg University 14 Munich University Managing mixed plantations to improve resilience and reduce risk (REFORM) 03.2017 – 03.2020 15 UNIQUE forestry and land use Promotion of vocational education and training in the Serbian forestry sector 11.2017 – 08.2019 and Hessen-Forst 16 Munich University Effects of extreme events on forests in the context of climate change 03.2017 – 12.2020 (FOREXCLIM) 17 Freiburg University Risk assessment, economic evaluation and development of optimised treatment 03.2017 – 03.2020 strategies for adapting spruce and fir plantations to extreme drought (ForRISK) 18 Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Establishment of the Regional Fire Management Resource Center – 03.2017 – 07.2019 South-East Asia Region in Indonesia (RFMRC-SEA) 19 Freiburg University Decision-making support for forest ecosystem services (Polyfores) 03.2017 – 03.2020 20 Deutsche Forstservice GmbH (DFS) Promotion of sustainable forest management in state forest enterprises 04.2017 – 03.2020 and Hessen-Forst in Viet Nam 21 European Forest Institute Integrated Forest Management Learning Architecture (InForMar) 04.2017 – 03.2020 29
L IST OF PROJEC TS Implementing organisation Project title Project term 22 European Forest Institute Sustaining and Enhancing Resilience of European Forests (SURE) 09.2017 – 08.2020 23 SNV Netherlands Development Promotion of agroforestry for the production of wood and non-wood forest 11.2017 – 10.2020 Organisation products in Katete District, Eastern Province of Zambia 24 Eticwood Contribution to the Sustainable Management of Cedar Forests in Ifrane 12.2017 – 12.2018 National Park, Morocco 25 European Forest Institute New frontiers in global forest governance – from lessons learned to future 12.2017 – 12.2018 options (FuGo) 26 European Forest Institute Multi Donor Trust Fund for Policy Support 01.2018 – 12.2020 27 Ekosem Beratung GmbH Russian-German Agricultural Policy Dialogue – Forestry Component 03.2018 – 12.2018 28 IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH Ukrainian-German Agricultural Policy Dialogue – Forestry Component 04.2018 – 12.2018 29 Freiburg University Capacity Building in the field of sustainable forest management and carbon 11.2018 – 10.2021 forestry for international forest experts 30 International Tropical Timber Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Management of Teak Forests and Legal 11.2018 – 10.2021 Organization (ITTO) and Sustainable Wood Supply Chains in the Greater Mekong Sub-region 31 GIZ Sino-German Forest Policy Dialogue Intensification 12.2018 – 11.2021 32 European Forest Institute Global student networking and green jobs in the forestry sector 12.2018 – 11.2021 30
Abbreviations BLE Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung Federal Office for Agriculture and Food BMEL Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture DFS Deutsche Forstservice GmbH DFWR Deutscher Forstwirtschaftsrat e. V. German Forestry Council DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid; carries genetic information EFI European Forest Institute EU European Union EUTR EU Timber Regulation FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FLEGT Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH GTTN Global Timber Tracking Network ISO International Organization for Standardization REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation SDW Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald SFM Sustainable Forest Management WWF World Wide Fund For Nature 31
PUBLISHED BY Date Federal Ministry of Food Dezember 2018 and Agriculture(BMEL) Rochusstraße 1, D-53123 Bonn Design Phone: +49 (0)228/99529-3348 kippconcept gmbh, Bonn E-Mail: TEXT CONTACT BMEL Matthias Schwoerer Division 514 Printed by GmbH PROJECT CONTACTS Federal Office Photos for Agriculture and Food (BLE) Cover, p. 21: J. Laporte, p. 3: Bundesregierung / S. Kugler, Benjamin Poscher p. 5: M. Witz, p. 9: H. L. Truong, p. 11: SDW / K. Schlünder, Deichmannsaue 29, D-53179 Bonn pp. 13, 14: L. P. Cuong, p. 15: A. van der Goes, pp. 17, 18: EFI / Phone: +49 (0)228/6845-3418 A. Schuck, p. 19: R. Castañeda, p. 23: GIZ / A. Rodriguez Guerra, E-Mail: p. 27: UNIQUE / A. Weinreich GFA Consulting Group GmbH This document is published free of charge as part of Christian Aschenbach the public relations activities of BMEL. It may not be used Wallstraße 15, D-10179 Berlin by political parties or groups for electioneering purposes. Phone: +49 (0)30/275 81 74-30 E-Mail: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Silke Hertrich For further information, please visit: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 36, D-53113 Bonn Phone: +49 (0)228/4460-3664 @bmel E-Mail: Lebensministerium
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