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International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
                                                                                 ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                             Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020


                               Rusman Roni1 and Widya Caterine Perdani2
                                    University of Tridinanti of Palembang
                                       University of Brawijaya Malang

The current study has focused on Indonesian translation problems in English political and non-
political euphemisms using discourse analysis and cross-cultural pragmatic. The product and process
of English political and non-political euphemisms as a potential error when translated to the target
language namely Indonesian were analyzed. This recent study is focused on translation as a cognitive
product of a translator. The data used in the present study were diachronically collected from the
corpora of Newsweeks and times as well as Jakarta Post that contains English political and non-
political euphemism Data analysis typically used descriptive-qualitative method with discourse
analysis model. The data source of this present study consisted of the English euphemism in news
media The purposive sampling technique was employed, with the sample of the English political and
non-political euphemism in news media. The results revealed that discourse devices such as
knowledge of the world, culture knowledge, topic framework, co-text, mental model, implicature,
context, coherence, cohesion could be used to translate English political and non-political
euphemisms into Indonesian. The results presented here may facilitate improvements in the
translation and reading comprehension as well as semantic, discourse analysis.

KEYWORDS: English political and non-political euphemisms, Discourse analysis, Translation

In this study, the Indonesian translation problems were analyzed. This article presents an exhaustive
review of these studies and suggests a direction for future developments in relation to the
methodology of translation. This recent study is focused on translation and interpretation as a
product of a translator. The data utilized in the current study were diachronically collected from the
corpora of Newsweek’s and times as well as Jakarta Post that contain English political and non-
political euphemism

 The findings of studies examining the Indonesian translation problems of euphemisms have been
mixed. Studies by Roni. R (2019) claimed that in translating taboo expressions, direct translation and
or indirect, namely euphemistic translations were used and Sanaty, Behnaz Pour (2010) claimed that
culture can place more emphasis on the use of euphemistic expressions, while a translator is
translating from one language into another. In accordance with the finding Albarakati, Mohammed (
2014 ) stating that translation process involves two major phases: 1- comprehension of the message                                                                              Page 1
International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
                                                                                   ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                               Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

in the source language and 2- reproducing the message in the target language. In addition, Shehab,
E., Qadan, A., & Hussein, M. (2014). Found that the role context plays in determining the translation
strategies pursued by translators of Arabic euphemisms into English. Due to different cultural
backgrounds, adherence to the employment of euphemism in a social context may differ in both
Arabic and English. Unlike those studies above, this study deals with the use of discource devices in
translating euphemism In news media. Although much work has been done to date, more studies
need to be conducted to ascertain the lack of such information of the methodology of translation
representing a gap in our knowledge of translation systems.

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the use of discource devices in translating euphemims
In news media. Euphemisms are words (or phrases) substituted for other words thought to be
offensive to avoid the loss of face: either one’s own face or, that of the audience, or of third party
(Allan and Burridge, 1991, Spears, 1991, Wardhaugh, 1986, Gairns and Redman, 1986). The
unpleasant or offensive expressions may be taboo, fearsome, distasteful, or for some other reason
have too many negative connotations to execute a speaker’s communicative intention on a given
occasion or context. Politics often deals with decision-making in the context of the states. lt includes
the struggle for power and the attempt in influencing the decision making of the government (Hans,
1969: 25, Alhakim and Cahyono, 1982: 262). Political euphemism in this study refers to euphemism
used by politicians who deal with political affairs dealing with the context of government policy
(health, economics, politics, social and education), in relation to bureaucrat, Human Rights (HAM),
human resources institute, 99 general election campaign (48 Political Parties Campaign), Military
Force, Religion, government administration and diplomacy. To conclude, the use of euphemism is an
attempt to manipulate the emotional response and or dispreferred expressions to avoid the possible
loss of face. And the dispreferred expressions may be taboo, negative connotation, direct naming or
some other reasons that are considered unpleasant.

Generally euphemism can be classified on the basis of its uses. Allan and Burridge (1991:14)
propose thirteen types of euphemisms. The first type refers to metaphor, which indicates something
contrasted to the literal meanings. For example, She is an old bag means “She is an unattractive, old
woman”, when it issued in the right context. In this context, metaphor is not a device of poetic
imagination but it is used as an ordinary language. Metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in
language but in thought and action (Lackofli 1980). The second is the idiom, an expression
functioning as a single unit whose meaning cannot be worked out from its separate parts. Many
idioms are euphemistic when they deal With unpleasant things Some examples of Indonesian
metaphorical idioms are: lengser keprabon (step down), Arjuna (playboy), pol itik jalan buntu
(deadlock), jaksa mata hyau(bribe1y). In English (American) euphemisms are for example: put one 's
foot in one 's mouth (verbally blunder), shake a leg (hurry), pull someone ’s leg (deceive teasingly,
make fun of, victimize), chew the fat (talk), shoot the breeze(talk), kick the bucket (die), roll in the
hay (fornicate), shake the dew of" the lily(urinate), South-South meaning developing and or
emerging cotuitries( Krisna, 1993).                                                                                Page 2
International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
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                                                                                Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

Many although not all idioms are used as euphemism for things we feel uncomfortable speaking of
International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
                                                                                 ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                             Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

said, “PNI tidak menggunakan money politics (3) Unfulfilled expectation; that is, a denial used
when the writer wants to express an unfulfilled expectation of which he makes the
readercopaiticipant. For instance, Gus Dur said, “T idak ada merdeka buat Aceh. (4) Contrast: that
is, a denial used to compare or contrast two or more items. For example, Akbar Tanjung said,
“Golkar tidak pecah, hanya berbeola penclapat 5) Modality. Eg. The Baligate may be not so
dangerous. Gus Dur said: Belum tentu benar berita tentang Bulog itu, 6) Apology. Please, apologize
to my policy for bombing Saddam. That is an accident. Clinton said. Maafdan alasan Clinton atas
pengeboman Pasukan Iraq. Maaf Akbar Tanjung atas kesalahan Golkar di masa lampau. 7) Please, as
a refusal. such as Gus Dua ‘f“i s aid: Silakan Protes, mereka kan tidak tahu persoalannya. Begitu aja
kok, repot. Please, make a fair election, U" you want an IMF Ioan. Albright said, 8) Comment as a
refusal. Take the example of President 'Richard M. Nixon, who shortly before resigning as President
of the United States said at a press conference, “ I am not a crook Instead of saying “ I am an honest
man Next, Gus Dur said: Perlu pinjam semprotan pada tetangga untuk memadamkan gejolak di
Aceh, (9) Thank as a denial. T erima kasih GOLKAR dan PKP alcan tolak tiga. Akbar Tanjung
said.,l0) Conditional as refusal. Habibie said: Saya akan mundur asal konstitutional Please, settle
Baligate scandal, #you want the mesh fund from IMF . Albright saicl ll) Altemative as refusal.
Megawati masih bisa jadi alat pemersatu sungguhpun tidak menjacli ketua umum PDI-P. Al -Gore
can be a president of the USA, as long as he is a green state. Clinton saia1l2)Correction. I don ’t
make love with Lewensky. Clinton said Denial and refusal can be both neutral and euphemistic. For
example, A: would you vote for our party? B: l) No, I will not (neutral), 2) Sorry, I would not but
next time would be OK.(euphemistic). The second answer is milder: “'therefore, the second answer
will be a euphemistic refusal. The tenth refers to euphemistic dysphemism that shows the locution in
euphemism but the illocution on dysphemism. For example, Amien Rais sai¢L “Pak Habibie akan
menjadi tuna kuasa setelah Pemilu 99.” In addition, the eleventh type refers to dysphemistic
euphemism that shows the locution in dysphemism while the illocution in euphemism. For instance,
Teten Masduki said, “Pak Andi M Ghalib masih melakukan pungl i atau seorang Jaksa bermata
hyau. ” Next, the eleventh refers to the metonymy, which refers to the naming only a part, such as
the inventor of the owner since the meaning is clesely related. ‘For example, in political euphemism
coblos nomor I I means “coblos partai PDI-P nomor ll”_ The twelfth refers to synecdoche. By
synecdoche is meant general to specific and specific to general. For example pembalut wanita refers
to the women’s specific area and “mahasiswa yang diamanakan itu ada di pundak Prabowo” refers to
Prabowo°s responsibility. In . The thirteenth refers to the associative engineering that shows the
change of semantic or meaning of the words or phrases and meanings can be classified into
denotative and cormotative meanings. Hayakawa and Hayakawa (1990) propose that there are two
kinds of connotations, namely informative and affective connotations. In addition, meanings can be
categorized into literal and figurative meanings or denotative and connotative (affective, emotive and
evaluative) meanings (Keraf,1996, Tarigan, 1993, Shepherd, 1987, Richards, et al. 1985). Leech
(197419) explained that there are five types of associative meanings. They are l) connotative
meanings referring to the meaning of what is referred to (for example, people ’s democracy to
referfto faci~st~or communist), 2) Stylist meanings referring to the meaning of what is                                                                              Page 4
International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
                                                                                  ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                              Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

communicated in a social condition (for example, paduka, sri baginda to refer to the style of a polite
greeting), 3) affective meanings referring to the meaning of what is reflected in the feeling and
attitude such as Ando seperti Arjuna (playboy) for the speaker or writer to express his feeling toward
the reader or hearer) the symbol Arjuna is used to signify the character of Arjuna in having more
than one wives. Bysymbolism is meant the art of thinking in images (Cirlot, 1962,Achen, 1981), 4)
Reflected meaning referring to the meaning of what is associated with the thing, suchaarswburung
for peniiss 5) Collocative meaning referring to the meaning which associates with other words, such
as pretty girl, handsome boy, 6) conceptual meaning referring to the definition or denotative
meaning, for instance: apartheid meaning separate hood. One word or expression may have more
than one image or meaning such as exceptional child meaning abnormal child and procrastinate
meaning to put things off and leave (Palmer, 1981, Parera, 1990, Salomon, 1966). In contrast, two
expressions may have the same image (Kempson, 1977). Other political euphemistic examples are
apartheid, emergent nation or developing countries, emerging countries. 'In summary, the
euphemisms can be categorized into twelve types that can be-used for all kinds of euphemism.

This section presents the research methodology and the procedures designed to answer the research
questions. The discussion covers: the research design, data sources, and the instrument, the
procedures of the data analysis and the data analysis technique, as well as the triangulation. This
study utilized a cross-cultural. discourse design to compare and contrast between Indonesian and
American news media in the respective languages. The aspects compared and contrasted were (a) the
categories of political euphemism, (b) the function, (c) the interpretation, (micro, macro, ideational
and interpersonal), mental model, knowledge of the world, (e) usage, (f) style, (g) degree of
politeness, (li) choice of perspective, (I) illocutionary transparency, ) the underlying principles and
values. The comparison focuses on the political euphemism in the news media. The news media
were selected from the local and national news media, including newspaper and newsmagazine. The
texts written by Indonesian and American writers in the respective languages were selected from the
texts written in the reform era. The texts written in the refonn era were employed to assure the uses
of both alive and dead political euphemisms. For both Indonesian and American English. This study
basically aims at describing the data in the form of words or euphemistic expressions that are
language in the form of written text, rather than numbers. From the point of view of the sources of
data, the analysis can be categorized as 3 documentary analysis. This analysis is also referred to as a
content analysis study in which the investigator analyzed the content of the existing corpus of the
Indonesian and American news media (Borg and Gall, 1979: 361) because the main sources of data
were documents which already existed prior to the onset of the study. The raw material for this study
was written material. According to Holsti (l969: 42 - 43) content analysis can be used; (1) to describe
the characteristics of content, (2) to make inference about the causes of content, and (3) to make
inferences about the effect of content. The technique was adopted (l) to analyze the content of the
message employed in editorial and comments in the news media written in Indonesian and American
English, and (2) to make inference about the cultural differences in underlying principles of using the                                                                               Page 5
International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
                                                                                   ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                               Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

euphemism. From the point of view of process, this study is viewed as discourse analysis, because it
needs the process in analyzing or Lmderstanding the written text. Thus, many devices were used in
understanding the written text. In communication process, the decoder tries to understand what the
writer in the text encodes. Consequently, there is a process in the interactive activity between the
reader and the writer. The source of the data in this research is the news media written by Indonesian
and American writers. Editorial, opinion and comment sections taken from Indonesian news media
and American Newsmagazines supplement it. The texts were selected from the texts written in
reform era that is from the fall of president Soeharto on May 21, 1998 to March 31, 2000.

The data were collected by the snowballing technique. The data were collected as much as possible
(Bogdan and Biklen, 1982). Next, some of these data were discarded as irrelevant. To determine
when it was time to stop collecting and processing data, the researcher used the criteria proposed by
Guba and Lincoln (1985): exhaustion of sources and saturation of categories. The data in the form of
document, that is the texts from the news media were collected using the purposive sampling
technique, because the purpose of the this study is to investigate and develop a theory derived from
many data sources, such as 1) Jawa Post, 2) Malang Pos, 3) Kompas 4) Media Indonesia, 5) Gatra
(Magazine), 6) Tempo (Magazine), 7) Bangkit, 8) Suara Pembaman, 9) Surya, 10) Oposisi,
11)Tokoh, 12) Time magazine (weekly magazine), 13) Washington Post, 14) New York Post, 15)
Newsweek. The procedures used are: first, to classify the unit information of political( euphemism in
the form of coding operation such as the form (IND) for Indonesian political euphemism and the
fomi (AM-E) for the American English political euphemism from both texts in the respective
languages, second, to categorize the information unit of political euphemism above by categories,
third, to reduce the irrelevant data, fourth, to compare and contrast both texts written in the
Indonesian and American in the respective languages and fifth, to draw a conclusion. The study is
directed to investigate the euphemism found in news media in the Reform Era. The key instrument,
then, will be the investigator himself equipped with theory of discourse types that were focused on
the lexical and grammatical sentence levels but not in the rhetorical level. The linguistic aspects such
as vocabulary and grammatical usage were investigated in line with the political euphemism in the
text. Although the present study deals with the political euphemism found in news media in the
Reform Era, the processes underlying the appearance of euphemism cannot be neglected. The writer
recognizes and interprets the text because written discourse reflects about what to say and how to say
it (Van Diik and Kintsch, l983:263). The data were put in the data coding form IND for Indonesian
News Media and USA for American news media (See appendices A, C and D). In this study the
movement of ideas at the macro level or overall composition level and micro level or paragraph level
and sentence levels of the text were analyzed, To analyze the data at macro level, composition
aspects such as title, controlling ideas, supporting ideas, and conclusion were identified At the
vocabulary level, the culture-specific connotation, in light of form and content were identified. The
micro level was done by identifying the relationship between the clause around the political
euphemism. To analyze the problem wider study, linear and paradigmatic analysis as Suggested by
D’ Angelo (19803 79-93) was used to identify the logical progression ideas in the texts, to see how                                                                                Page 6
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                                                                                   ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                               Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

every sentence in the texts is related to every other sentence. The linear or chronological order of
ideas from one sentence to another and from one paragraph to another was described. This linear
technique was applied together with discourse analysis, by using some devices such as mental model,
knowledge of the world, topical framework, and interpersonal and ideational function.

The development of ideas in the macro and micro level at the vocabulary and sentence level was
identified because the comprehension 'of the political euphemism is determined by the context. Then,
the researcher used. The devices developed by Halliday and Brown and Yule. There are three
rationales to adopt the Halliday’s Scheme and Brown and Yule’s devices in interpreting the political
euphemism. First, the Halliday’s Scheme has a wider function than that of the Brown and Yule’s
interpretation. Hopefully, it is more specific in differentiating the interpersonal function, ideational
(covert and overt function) and textual (micro and macro) function. Whereas, the Brown and Yule’s
devices comprise of only transactional and interpersonal function. Secondly, it covers three functions
that could be used in interpreting the vocabulary or euphemistic expression level, and grammatical
sentence level, therefore, it is more suitable for interpreting the political euphemistic expressions
which usually contain vocabulary and grammatical level in a discourse. Thirdly, it has been used by
many discourse analysts and proved to be appropriate for denial and euphemistic expressions. Thus,
the Halliday’s scheme is appropriate in interpreting some sources of political euphemism, more
specifically the denial, refusal functions. Aside from the Halliday’s Scheme, Brown and Yule’s
devices are also used, because political euphemisms are achieved through many sources, such as
denial, hyperbole, acronym, litotes (understatement) and metaphor. There are some considerations to
adopt the Brown and Yule’s devices in interpreting the political euphemism. First, it covers several
devices, which are the most appropriate in interpreting the fixed political expressions, namely co-
text, mental model, topical framework, knowledge of the world. Second, it has been used by many
discourse analysts and proved to be appropriate for analyzing the eeuphemistic expressions. At last,
the Brown and Yule’s devices are decided to be appropriate in interpreting some sources of fixed
political euphemi_sms in this study, because euphemisms much depend upon the context.
Consequently, both the Brown and Yule’s devices, and the Halliday’s schemes are used, because
political euphemisms are achieved through many sources, such as denial, hyperbole, acronym,
litotes, circumlocution and metaphor. In this study each corpus was analyzed at its vocabulary or
political expression level or micro level as well as in light of its macro or overall composition. The
corpora of the study were analyzed using the following procedure as suggested by Miles and
Huberman (1992). The Erst step is data reduction. The raw materials (the articles found inthe
selected magazines and newspapers) were selected. The raw materials were then paraphrased and
summarized. The irrelevant materials were discarded. The second step was displaying the data, The
data selected and pafaphrased data were organized and classified in certain categories. The third, the
Indonesian and American English texts were compared and contrasted whether they are the same or
similar in the aspects of categories, function, styles, usage, interpretation and underlying principles
or values. The last step was drawing.                                                                                Page 7
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                                                                                   ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                                Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

Furthermore, the categories of data are needed in classifying the collected data. There are some steps
in categorizing the data. They are 1) to decide which devices were appropriate in interpreting
therpolitieal euphemisms, 2) to check the classification of the collected data whether they are
complete or not. Before drawing conclusion, the Indonesian political euphemism and American
English political euphemism are compared and contrasted in terms of form and content. First, the
categories of political euphernisms are compared and contrasted, then, the functions, the style,
illocutionary transparency, choice of perspective, usage are compared and contrasted. Finally, the
underlying principles or values are compared and contrasted.

More specifically, the analysis is based on the grounded theory or constant comparative method. By
the constant comparative method is meant that one requires continual revision, modification and
amendment until all new units can be placed into an appropriate category and the inclusion of
additional units into a category provides no new information (Glasser and Strauss, 1967, Strauss and
Corbin, 1991). Next, 8T0unded theory is meant that the theory is obtained from the data or the
information about political euphemism found in news media. In addition, an interactive approach
Was used in this procedure. These steps (data reduction, data display, and conclusion To avoid bias
in the result of the study, the data must be verified. The purpose of verifying the data is to check the
tnistwortliiness, the validity and the reliability of the data. The technique used in V€I`l_l3’lIlg the
data is by doing triangulation. The complexity of the document analyzed and of the situation in
which they interact must be explained Exclusive reliance on one method may be biased and distort
the researchers picture of the particular slice of reality he is investigating (Cohen and Manion,
1994233). The use of two or more methods of data collection, is taken. Therefore, triangulation,
which can enhance transferability, is done to guarantee valid results. There are several types of
triangulation: time triangulation, space liliangulation, combined levels of triangulation, theoretical
triangulation, investigator triangulation, and methodological triangulation (Cohen and Manion,
1994). The types of triangulation applied in this proposed study are theoretical triangulation,
investigator triangulation, and methodological triangulation. Theoretical triangulation is done using
several relevant theories instead of one. Theories applied will be theory of writing, discourse
analysis, and discourse across Culturess lnvestigator triangulation is done by engaging more than one
news media. There will be many sources as references for finding the euphemisms in the news media
(Guba & Lincoln, 1981). After the selected data have been collected, the political euphemism in the
news media is analyzed. To maintain validity and avoid personal bias, three persons analyzed the
collected data; the investigator and two political journalists meet regularly to eheck their findings and
reasoning out agreement to different findings (Miles and Hubennan, 1992). By having such an
activity, contirmability can be achieved The methodological triangulation is done by applying
different methods such as transcripts of the process of writing as reflected in the product of the
writing in newspapers and magazines and interviews with participants on the same obj ect of the
study. In addition, three persons analyzed the collected data. The first one was the investigator
himself and the second one was a scholar of letters whose knowledge in politics, and the political                                                                                 Page 8
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                                                                               Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

euphemistic expression are good. The third one was an American social. and political science teacher
whose knowledge in politics is good. Furthermore, peer debriefing was done to analyze and
compare the results of the study with researcher’s friends discussing similar topic. Guba and Lincoln
(1985 308) state that peer debriefing may be aimed at helping the researcher to probe diapter five,
and chapter six, and letting them read the summary for some days. Afterwards, a session of
debiieting was held. Some comments, criticisms, and suggestions from the parts of the debriefers
were taken into account. The term negative case anah/sis or discrepant data refer to a situation, social
scene, or paiticipantfs view that contradicts the emerging patterns of meanings (McMillan and
Schumacher, 1993, Berg, 1989, Strauss and Corbin, 1991). The process involves developing
hypotheses based on extensive fieldwork and then searching for cases or instances Within the
hypothesis. If no contradictory cases are fotuid after extensive searching, the hypotheses are
considered more credible because no evidence has been found to negate them. If such evidence is
found, the hypotheses are modified to account for the nevv data associated with the negative cases.
This process continues until the hypotheses have been modified to account for all negative cases and
no new negative cases can be found.

Based on the data obtained, the followings were the results of this study.

In understanding political euphemism, the co-text plays an important role. By co-text is meant, the
term that denotes the linguistic context of a given expression (i.e. the text that surrounds it). Allan
and Burridge (l99l:237) state that utterances link up withtheir co-text by including devices to mark
topic continuity, like pronotms and anaphoric expression. As a result, co-text is an appropriate device
in interpreting political euphemism. Allan and Burridge (l99l: 4) state that in understanding a text,
more specifically political euphemism, the mental model of the world is needed in order to
understand the political euphemismcorrectly. See corpus no 1.
Jawa Pos 26 Agustus, 1999: Hal 4. kol l

Pagar Makan Tanaman
SKANDAL Bank Bali (BB) dalam pandangan Prof Dr. Sri Edi Swasono justru memberi kesempatan
B.J Habibie untuk memulihkan citra pemerintahannya. Dia juga mengungkapkan , salah satu
pertimbangan politik mengapa skandal BB sukar diungkap adalah karena kasus ini ibarat pagar
makan tanaman, Pemerintah, tegas dia, secara terbuka telah gagal melindungi beieid politik ekonomi
dari gangguan konspirasi yang hendak mempertahankan status quo lewat cara-cara berpolitik tidak

From the text we could conclude that the expression, such as pagar makan tanaman is considered as a
kind of political euphemism. It is confirmed by the co-texts, indicating the government elite
bureaucrats try `to maintain the status quo. The bureaucrats are very intricate to expose the Baligate                                                                                Page 9
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                                                                            Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

from the perspective of the government, therefore, it can be inferred thatpagar makan tanaman
signifies the employers and or politicians who are in charge of handling and keeping the government
money axe taking a profit §‘om the opportunity. In other words, in internal or deep meaning of the
expression pagar makun fanaman means totake an advantage from the job that is obliged to do.
Furthermore, the expression pagar ma/can tanaman does not mean ar knce eating its plant.

Knowledge of the World
Knowledge of the world can be used as device in judging political euphemism and it is used when
the anlysis is based on the relevant socio-political context. Then the analysis is based on the
coherence of the politician’s sentences or intention, especially the politician’s decision making in
each department of the government. The government of the world deals with the knowledge and past
experience of the writer and the reader and that’s why it is an appropriate device in understanding
political euphemism. Allan and Buriedge (1991:14) state that in understanding a text, more
specifically political euphemism, the knowledge of the world is required to judge whether it
iseuphemism or a dysphemism. Text : Jawa Pos 8 Juli,99. Hal 1 kol 1.

Pembekuan Harta Soeharto
Jadikan Tersangka Dulu Mensesneg?Menkeh Prof Muladi mengumumkan akan membekukan harta
Soeharto di luar negeri setelah pemerintah mengetahui persis di mana saja kekayaan itudisimpan.
Kalau pembekuan itu berhasil, pemerintah segera mengambil langkah tegas dengan mentransfer
uang-uang tersebut ke Indonesia. Yang menjadi persoalan, mampukahpemerintah melakukan niat itu,
sementara hasil pelacakan kekayaan Soeharto di Austria dan Swiss nihil? Berikut wawancara
dengan tokoh Gempita. (Gerakan Masyarakat Peduli Harta Negara) Dr. Albert Hasibuan dan
Direktur Pelaksana Indonesian Corruption watch(ICW) Teten Masduki.

From the text, we could conclude that the knowledge of the meaning of pembekuan in the above
text’, pembekuan is perceived by the same comprehension between the writer and the reader. The
expression pembekuan in the above text means “pemerintah akan mengambil seluruh harta pak
Soeharto” from overseas especially in Swiss bank. In this context, the past experience and the
knowledge of the writer and the reader of the text are the same. Therefore, the reader is able to
understand the meaning of pembekuan through the use of “world knowledge’. In addition, it is
closely related to the view of the literal interpretation via words inthe text. –

The principle of local interpretation
The principle of local interpretation was applied in obtaining the intended meaning of euphemism,
consider an example used in a proper context in corpus 1:
(1) Text 1 (IND78) Surya 20.Juli, 98. Hal 1, kol 4
Kassospol ABRI, Letjen TNI(Purn)Bambang Triantoro, menegaskan, tidak menutup kemungkinan
nasib Letjen TNI Prabowo Subianto -mantan Danjen Kopassus- akan sama dengan Mayjen TNI                                                                           Page 10
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                                                                           Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

Sintong Pandjaitan, mantan Pangdam Udayana. Menurut catatan Surya, Mayjen TNI Sintong
Pandjaitan, dinonaktiikan setelah Dewan Kehormatan Militer (DKM) yang waktu itu diketahui
Mayjen TNI Feisal Tanjung-sekarang arena Polkam- menemukan bukti bahwa Sintong bersalah
dalam kasus Dili, Timor Timur. Karena itu, DKM lalu menonaktifkan Sintong.

From the text, we could conclude that principle of local interpretation of the meaning of PRABOWO
BISA DI-SINTONG-KAN in the above text’, disintongkan is perceived by the same comprehension
between the writer and the reader. The expression disintongkan in the above text means “ could be
put in jail in Timor Timur.–

Topic Framework
When we infer the expression into a topic framework, for example, the highest topic is often
expressed in the headlines, as in:

From the text, we could conclude that the topic framework of the meaning of PRESIDEN GUS
NAMUN MASIH CUCI PIRING in the headline above text’, he was successful as a President but
still doing a number jobs and it is perceived by the same comprehension between the writer and the

Conclusion and Pedagogical implication
From the discussion above; it can be concluded that euphemism is universal and there are several
discourse devices to be used in interpreting the euphemism such as mental model, knowledge of the
world , co-text, and context. The results indicated that discourse devices such as knowledge of the
world, culture knowledge, topic framework, co-text, mental model, implicature, context, coherence,
cohesion could be used to translate English political and non-political euphemisms into Indonesian.
Another findings showed that English euphemisms are the same as Indonesian ones in terms of
categories. But they are different on meaning, more specifically culture specific connotations. The
results presented here may facilitate improvements in the translation and reading comprehension as
well as semantic, discourse analysis The teacher can help the learner the specific culture of the
target language and he or she can use euphemism as a teaching strategy or technique. More
specifically, the strategy used could be compensation, comprehension strategy in the process of
teaching and learning.

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International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
                                                                            ISSN 2581-5148

                                                                         Vol. 3, No. 04; 2020

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