Top-down Enhancement and Suppression of the Magnitude and Speed of Neural Activity
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Top-down Enhancement and Suppression of the Magnitude and Speed of Neural Activity Adam Gazzaley, Jeffrey W. Cooney, Kevin McEvoy, Robert T. Knight, and Mark D’Esposito Abstract & Top-down modulation underlies our ability to selectively provide converging evidence that both the magnitude of attend to relevant stimuli and to ignore irrelevant stimuli. neural activity and the speed of neural processing are Theories addressing neural mechanisms of top-down modu- modulated by top-down influences. Furthermore, both en- lation are driven by studies that reveal increased magnitude hancement and suppression occur relative to a perceptual of neural activity in response to directed attention, but are baseline depending on task instruction. These findings reveal limited by a lack of data reporting modulation of neural the fine degree of influence that goal-directed attention processing speed, as well as comparisons with a perceptual exerts upon activity within the visual association cortex. We (passive view) baseline necessary to evaluate the presence of further document capacity limitations in top-down enhance- enhancement and suppression. Utilizing functional MRI ment corresponding with working memory performance (fMRI) and event-related potential recordings (ERPs), we deficits. & INTRODUCTION perceptual activity, and neural correlates of limitations in Human interaction with the environment involves a top-down resources. fluid integration of internally driven, goal-directed deci- We tested three main hypotheses: (1) instruction to sions concerning encountered stimuli (top-down mod- remember a stimulus results in modulation of both the ulation) and externally driven, perceptual influences magnitude of neural activity and the speed of cortical that demand attention based on stimulus salience processing, (2) modulation occurs relative to a percep- (bottom-up processes) (Bar, 2003; Frith, 2001). Top- tual baseline, with both enhancement (above baseline) down modulation thus underlies our ability to selec- and suppression (below baseline) manifest depending tively focus on relevant stimuli and ignore distracting on task instruction, and (3) top-down modulation is stimuli, establishing a foundation for attention and resource limited and, when capacity is exceeded, the memory. The theoretical framework for the neural degree of attainable enhancement is compromised. To basis of top-down modulation relies on extensive evi- explore these issues, we employed both event-related dence from single-cell physiology, functional neuroimag- functional MRI (fMRI) and event-related potential re- ing, and electroencephalography (EEG) data, revealing cordings (ERP) to capitalize on the high spatial and increased activity in specialized posterior cortical re- temporal resolution attained when coupling these tech- gions—the presumed sites of neural representation— niques. Eighteen participants performed the same ex- when attention is directed toward a stimulus or stimulus periment in two counterbalanced sessions while blood attribute (Pessoa, Kastner, & Ungerleider, 2003; Kastner & oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal and electrical Ungerleider, 2001; Barcelo, Suwazono, & Knight, 2000; activity were recorded with fMRI and ERP, respectively. Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, & Petersen, 1990; Although both measures are thought to reflect cortical Moran & Desimone, 1985; Hillyard, Hink, Schwent, & activity driven by local cortical processing and the Picton, 1973). Despite the wealth of information charac- summation of postsynaptic potentials on synchronously terizing this important phenomenon, basic mechanistic active, large ensembles of neurons (Logothetis, Pauls, details of top-down modulation have not yet been com- Augath, Trinath, & Oeltermann, 2001; Chawla, Lumer, & pletely elucidated, such as the temporal dynamics of Friston, 1999; Silva, 1991), changes in BOLD signal can activity modulation (i.e., the speed of cortical process- be localized to cortical regions separated by millimeters ing), the relationship of modulation to stimulus-driven, and ERP can resolve activity changes in the millisecond range. Thus, these techniques offer complementary but unique information to study the modulation of activity at University of California, Berkeley the neuronal population level. D 2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17:3, pp. 507–517
The experiment consisted of four tasks in which the Although not reflecting activity limited to the FFA, it is a participants viewed a series of four sequentially pres- reliable measure of VAC activity with face specificity. ented stimuli—two faces and two scenes—in a ran- Peak latency and peak amplitude of the N170 compo- domized order (Figure 1). The tasks differed in the nent generated in response to face stimuli were calcu- instructions informing the participants on how to pro- lated and compared across tasks. cess the stimuli: (1) Remember Faces and Ignore Scenes, (2) Remember Scenes and Ignore Faces, (3) Remember Both faces and scenes (dual task), and (4) Passively View RESULTS faces and scenes, without attempting to remember or evaluate them. All trials were followed by a delay period Magnitude and Speed of Neural Activity and, in the memory trials, a response period requiring In addressing our first hypothesis, analysis revealed that them to report whether the stimulus matched one of the BOLD activity in the scene-selective PPA was greater for previously presented, relevant stimuli. It is important to Remember Scenes than Ignore Scenes (left PPA and note that all four tasks have equivalent perceptual, bot- right PPA: p < .00001; Figure 2A and B) and activity in tom-up information in the stimulus presentation stage, the right face-selective FFA was greater for Remember thus allowing us to selectively probe top-down processes. Faces than Ignore Faces ( p < .005; Figure 2C and D). Accordingly, only data from the stimulus presentation This activity difference within the stimulus-presentation stage are discussed: for fMRI data, activity from the 4-sec stage must be driven by top-down modulation mediated block of stimuli, and for ERP data, waveforms time- by task instruction because the conditions were percep- locked to the onset of individual face stimuli. In addi- tually balanced. This effect was remarkably consistent, tion, all data were obtained from select regions of present in all 18 participants in the left PPA, 17 of 18 interest (ROIs) that serve as our activity markers. For participants in the right PPA (Figure 3A), and 14 of 17 fMRI data, an independent functional localizer task was participants in the right FFA (Figure 3B). The left FFA administered to identify regions in the visual association was not consistently identifiable across subjects and so cortex (VAC) selective for faces (fusiform face area was not evaluated in the group analysis. Evidence that [FFA]; Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997; Puce, participants effectively ignored the stimuli when in- Allison, Gore, & McCarthy, 1995) and scenes (parahip- structed to do so was obtained by way of a postexperi- pocampal place area [PPA]; Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998). ment recognition memory test, which revealed that The magnitudes of the BOLD signal within these ROIs faces and scenes to be ignored were less recognized were calculated and compared across tasks to address than faces and scenes to be remembered (faces, p < the specific hypotheses. For ERP data, limitations in .001; scenes, p < .001). spatial resolution make it impossible to measure activity ERP analysis also revealed activity magnitude mod- specifically within the FFA and PPA. However, viewing ulation, comparable to the fMRI FFA data, with an faces induces a negative component localized to poste- increase in the amplitude of the face-selective N170 com- rior occipital electrodes, the N170, which is specific for ponent for Remember Faces versus Ignore Faces (bilat- faces (Bentin, Allison, Puce, Perez, & McCarthy, 1996). eral N170, p < .05). There was no significant modulation Figure 1. Experimental design of the fMRI and ERP tasks. Tasks differed in the instructions given at the beginning of each run and in the response requirements. Participants were instructed to (1) Remember Faces and Ignore Scenes, (2) Remember Scenes and Ignore Faces, (3) Remember Both Faces and Scenes (dual task), and (4) Passively View both Faces and Scenes, with no attempt to remember or evaluate them. In the memory trial response period, a face or scene stimulus was presented (depending on the condition), and participants were required to report with a button press whether the stimulus matched one of the previously presented stimuli. During the response period of the Passively View task, an arrow was presented and participants were required to make a button press indicating the direction of the arrow. 508 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 17, Number 3
Figure 2. Activity data for Remember and Ignore conditions: fMRI and ERP. A and C: Group-average beta values in the right PPA and right FFA revealing greater activity in Remember conditions versus Ignore conditions. B and D: A representative subject demonstrating the BOLD signal level within the masked right PPA and right FFA in Remember conditions versus Ignore conditions. E: Group-average peak latency for the right N170 in PO8 electrode revealing earlier latency for Remember Faces versus Ignore Faces. F: Grand-averaged waveforms of the time-locked ERPs to face stimuli revealing earlier latency for Remember Faces versus Ignore Faces. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean. of the P1 amplitude, possibly because this component is latency modulation has not been previously reported largely responsive to spatial attention (Hillyard & Anllo- and reveals that top-down influences can also modulate Vento, 1998), which was not a factor in our paradigm. the time course of neural activity. Because there was no identifiable scene-specific com- ponent and scene stimuli did not generate a consistent Enhancement and Suppression negative ERP in this latency range, waveforms generated in response to scenes were not further evaluated. We next investigated our second hypothesis that neural Notably, analysis of the ERP data also revealed a sig- activity may be differentially enhanced or suppressed if nificant instruction-dependent shift in the right N170 a stimulus is, respectively, attended or ignored. The peak latency (Figure 2E and F ). The peak latency was, passive viewing task used in this experiment established on average, 10 msec earlier for Remember Faces than a perceptual, bottom-up baseline from which activity Ignore Faces (171 vs. 181 msec, p < .05), a shift ob- in the remember tasks could be compared. Postexperi- served in 9 of 11 participants (Figure 4). No significant ment recognition memory testing confirmed that pas- P1 latency shift was observed. N170 attention-dependent sively viewed images were significantly less recognized Gazzaley et al. 509
Figure 3. Individual subject data for Remember and Ignore conditions: fMRI. Activity in the right PPA for Remember Scenes and Ignore Scenes and the right FFA for Remember Faces and Ignore Faces for the same 17 participants. A: Average beta values in the right PPA reveals 16 of 17 participants have greater activity for Remember Scenes versus Ignore Scenes. B: Average beta values in the right FFA from the same participants reveal 14 of 17 have greater activity for Remember Faces versus Ignore Faces. than those that were to be remembered during the would result in poorer working memory performance Remember trials (faces, p < .005; scenes, p < .001). and diminished top-down enhancement compared to fMRI data from the PPA demonstrated both signifi- remembering faces or scenes alone. Supporting our cantly higher activity magnitude for Remember Scenes hypothesis, we documented a performance deficit on than Passively View (left, p < .005; right, p < .05; Figure 5A) the dual task trials and observed significant enhance- and lower activity magnitude for Ignore Scenes than ment decrements for two of our activity markers, the left Passively View ( left, p < .001; right, p < .05; Figure 5B), PPA magnitude (Figure 6A) and the right N170 latency indicating the presence of both enhancement and sup- (Figure 6B). pression of activity relative to perceptual baseline. En- For the left PPA, the level of activity for Remember hancement was also observed in the FFA, as the activity Both was not significantly elevated above Passively View was significantly higher for Remember Faces than Pas- ( p = .11), indicating a lack of enhancement in the dual sively View ( p < .05), but suppression effects did not task above the perceptual baseline (Figure 6A). In addi- reach significance (Figure 5C). In addition, ERP analysis tion, significantly lower BOLD activity was observed for of the N170 latency revealed the presence of both en- Remember Both compared to Remember Scenes ( p < hancement and suppression of processing speed asso- .05), even though the same number of scenes were to be ciated with face stimuli, as the right N170 peak latency remembered in both tasks. This corresponded with a was earlier for Remember Faces than Passively View performance deficit in the fMRI working memory task ( p < .05) and later for Ignore Faces than Passively View for Remember Both compared to Remember Scenes ( p < .05; Figure 5D). (RT: 1452 vs. 1342 msec, p < .001; accuracy: 82% vs. 87%, p < .05). Post-experiment recognition testing also revealed that scenes to be remembered in Remember Competition for Top-down Resources Both were less recognized than scenes to be remem- Lastly, we addressed our third hypothesis that top-down bered in Remember Scenes ( p < .005). resources are limited and, when exceeded, modulation Complementary evidence of both diminished en- is compromised. Based on this hypothesis we predicted hancement and performance deficits in the dual task that instruction to remember both faces and scenes trials was present in the ERP experiment (Figure 6B). No during the same trial (Remember Both—dual task) significant N170 peak latency difference was evident 510 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 17, Number 3
Figure 4. Individual subject data for Remember and Ignore conditions: fMRI & ERP. Activity in the right FFA for Remember Faces and Ignore Faces and the right N170 (PO8 component) for Remember Faces and Ignore Faces in the same 10 participants with sufficient data in these ROIs. A: Average beta values in the right FFA reveal 9 of 10 participants have greater activity for Remember Faces versus Ignore Faces. B: Average N170 peak latency values from the same participants reveals 9 of 10 have an earlier latency for Remember Faces versus Ignore Faces. between Remember Both and Passively View (177 vs. Desimone, 1985; Hillyard et al., 1973). In this study, 178 msec, p = .83), such as existed for Remember Faces we extend the mechanistic basis of top-down modula- and Passively View (171 vs. 178 msec, p < .005), tion in three regards by revealing that (1) both activity indicating a lack of enhancement in the dual task above magnitude and the speed of processing are modulated the perceptual baseline. Accordingly, the N170 peak by top-down influences, (2) modulation occurs both latency for Remember Both was not as early as the above (enhancement) and below (suppression) a per- latency for Remember Faces (177 vs. 171 msec, p < ceptual baseline, and (3) modulation of both activity .005). This is a remarkable finding considering that the magnitude and speed of processing exhibits capacity ERP data only reflect activity in response to faces, and in limitations that correspond with impaired working mem- both tasks the participants were remembering faces. The ory performance. only difference between the two tasks was that during the Remember Both condition, participants had also Magnitude and Speed of Neural Activity been instructed to remember scenes during the same trial. Again, a corresponding working memory perform- Our fMRI and ERP evidence of greater VAC activity ance deficit was observed in the ERP working memory magnitude for the remember conditions versus the task, with performance on Remember Both impaired ignore conditions is consistent with reports from previ- relative to Remember Faces (RT: 1263 vs. 1105 msec, ous studies. fMRI experiments have revealed activity p < .001; accuracy: 91% vs. 97%, p < .05). magnitude differences between attend and ignore con- ditions within category-specific VAC (Vuilleumier, Ar- mony, Driver, & Dolan, 2001; O’Craven, Downing, & DISCUSSION Kanwisher, 1999; Wojciulik, Kanwisher, & Driver, 1998) Top-down modulation of the magnitude of neural activ- and ERP studies have reported attention-mediated am- ity, as revealed through diverse experimental paradigms plitude changes in the N170 (Holmes, Vuilleumier, & and physiological techniques, has represented the foun- Eimer, 2003; Eimer, 2000), as well as other early event- dation for our understanding of the mechanism of goal- related components such as the P1 and N1 (Hillyard & directed control of cortical activity (Pessoa et al., 2003; Anllo-Vento, 1998). However, studies of selective atten- Barcelo et al., 2000; Corbetta et al., 1990; Moran & tion frequently assess activity modulation by using task Gazzaley et al. 511
Figure 5. Activity data for Remember, Passively View, and Ignore conditions: fMRI and ERP. A and B: Group- average beta values reveal greater activity in the right and left PPA for Remember Scenes versus Passively View and lower activity for Ignore Scenes versus Passively View. C and D: Group data for the right FFA and the right N170 (P08 electrode) from the same 10 participants with sufficient data in both fMRI and ERP experiments. C: Group-average beta values reveal greater activity in the right FFA for Remember Faces versus Passively View and a trend (not significant) to lower activity for Ignore Faces versus Passively View. D: Group-average peak latency of the N170 in PO8 electrode reveals an earlier latency for Remember Faces versus Ignore Faces and a later latency for Ignore Faces versus Passively View. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean. relevancy to resolve competition between multiple absence of a documented N170 latency shift in previous simultaneously presented stimuli (Vuilleumier et al., ERP selective attention studies (Holmes et al., 2003; 2001; O’Craven et al., 1999; Wojciulik et al., 1998), and Eimer, 2000) suggest that our findings may either be so modulation is inferred to be driven by competition specific for attention directed at memory encoding or for limited perceptual processing resources. In contrast, driven by a task demanding greater attention. our findings reveal that modulation of activity magni- It has been proposed that amplification of activity tude can occur based on differential attention to se- magnitude improves the signal-to-noise ratio, allowing quentially presented stimuli, without competition for more information to be extracted from relevant stimuli perceptual processing resources. In our design, task (Hillyard, Vogel, & Luck, 1998). Likewise, faster process- relevancy was used to resolve competition for limited ing speed reflects an augmentation in the efficiency of working memory resources. This finding supports a neural processing, further facilitating information extrac- more general model of top-down modulation in which tion. By modulating activity magnitude and processing goal-directed decisions modulate activity levels to resolve speed, top-down signals bias the likelihood of successful competition for limited resources, whether perceptual representation of relevant information in a competitive or mnemonic (Ranganath, DeGutis, & D’Esposito, 2004; system. Luck, Chelazzi, Hillyard, & Desimone, 1997). Our ERP analyses also revealed a latency modulation of the N170, suggesting that in addition to modifying Enhancement and Suppression activity magnitude, top-down influences modulate the speed of neural processing as reflected by a shorter time Inherent to theories of top-down modulation is the to reach maximal synchronized neural activity. An ERP concept that neural activity is modulated relative to a latency shift reflects the summed contribution of large level of activity generated by the bottom-up, perceptual ensembles of neurons in the VAC, a population measure influence of a stimulus. Neural activity in response to of processing speed that may not be readily observable at viewing a stimulus may be differentially enhanced or the single-neuron level (Silva, 1991). This may account suppressed relative to this level of activity if it is for the lack of latency differences in attention studies attended or ignored. Despite this logic, modulation using single-cell-recording techniques, which often re- relative to a stimulus-present baseline has rarely been cord spike activity and not local field potentials. The evaluated, and comparisons are usually made between 512 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 17, Number 3
tion. This combination of enhancement and suppression provides a contrast for sculpting neural processes. Competition for Top-down Resources Behavioral studies suggest that many cognitive process- es have limited capacity, such that increased demands (e.g., dual task and load paradigms) result in diminished performance (Kahneman, 1973). Both activity and work- ing memory performance data from our fMRI and ERP experiments converge to suggest that the increased memory load in the dual task condition exceeds the resources needed to complete the task on par with the simpler memory tasks, and is associated with a reduction in the level of attainable top-down enhancement. This finding was obtained by holding the perceptual load constant and varying only the mnemonic load, differen- tiating this study from others that have explored capac- ity limitations of working memory by varying perceptual load (Todd & Marois, 2004; Vogel & Machizawa, 2004). In addition to revealing a neural correlate of limitations in top-down resources, these data imply a link between top-down enhancement generated during working memory encoding and subsequent memory perform- ance. Given that stimuli were presented sequentially Figure 6. Activity data for Remember Both, Remember, Passively rather than simultaneously, the enhancement deficit is View and Ignore conditions: fMRI and ERP. A: Group-average likely the result of competition for limited top-down beta values in the left PPA reveal no significant difference between or mnemonic resources, rather than competition for Remember Both and Passively View and greater activity for Remember limited perceptual processing resources as proposed Scenes versus Remember Both, and so there is no significant by the biased competition model for simultaneously enhancement when both faces and scenes were to be remembered. B: Group-average peak latency of N170 in P10 electrode reveals no presented stimuli (Desimone & Duncan, 1995). significant difference between Remember Both and Passively View Although this study focused exclusively on a site of and an earlier latency for Remember Faces versus Remember Both, top-down modulation—the VAC—future analysis em- thus no significant enhancement exists for faces when scenes were ploying multivariate techniques may help identify corti- also remembered during the same trial. Error bars indicate standard cal regions differentially associated with enhancement error of the mean. and suppression in the frontal and parietal cortices, the presumed sources of such modulation (Pessoa et al., 2003; Barcelo et al., 2000). These data serve to extend attend and ignore tasks or relative to a resting baseline our understanding of the mechanisms of top-down without visual stimulation (Pinsk, Doniger, & Kastner, modulation as well as to establish important biological 2004; Holmes et al., 2003; Vuilleumier et al., 2001; Eimer, markers to investigate limitations in top-down enhance- 2000; O’Craven et al., 1999; Wojciulik et al., 1998; Rees, ment and/or suppression, which may underlie memory Frith, & Lavie, 1997). Without establishing a perceptual and attention impairments associated with normal aging baseline level of activity, it is not possible to interpret and neurological disease. top-down influences as representing enhancement or suppression. Although modulation both above and be- METHODS low a perceptual baseline has not yet been reported with neuroimaging data, the presence of enhancement and Participants suppression has been suggested in ERP studies of spatial Eighteen participants (10 men) with ages ranging from attention, which document a decreased amplitude of the 19 to 30 years (average = 23.3, SD = 2.4) participated in P1 component for ignored locations and an increased both the fMRI and ERP experiments after providing amplitude of the N1 component for attended locations, informed consent. Participants were prescreened, and both relative to a baseline obtained with ‘‘neutral’’ trials none used any medication with psychoactive, cardio- (Luck & Hillyard, 1995; Luck et al., 1994). Our fMRI and vascular, or homeostatic effects. All participants had ERP data reveal that top-down modulation of activity normal-to-corrected vision and were right handed, al- magnitude and processing speed occur both above and though two of the participants used their left hands for below a perceptual baseline depending on task instruc- some activities. Gazzaley et al. 513
Stimulus Material Experiment (ERP Specific) Grayscale images of faces and natural scenes were used The general protocol described above was followed. as stimuli. All images were novel across all runs of both Participants were seated in an armchair in a dark, the fMRI and ERP experiments. Stimuli were 225 pixels sound-attenuated room and were monitored by camera wide by 300 pixels tall, and subtended approximately 5 during all tasks. The screen was approximately 125 cm by 6 degrees of visual angle. Although scene stimuli had from the subjects’ eyes. Data were recorded during 12 identical attributes in each experiment, the face stimuli runs lasting 5.5 minutes each, for a total of 240 trials. used in the fMRI experiment were blurred along the contours of the faces, so that only the faces themselves were visible. Faces used in the ERP experiment did not Post-experiment Recognition Testing have blurred contours. Both male and female faces were Following completion of the fMRI experiment, partici- used, although the sex of the face stimuli used within pants were given an unexpected memory test to assess each trial was held constant. Only faces with neutral recognition of stimuli presented during the various expressions were used as stimuli. experimental conditions. Participants were presented with a sequence of 240 images (120 novel, 120 previ- ously viewed), and were asked to indicate on a 4-point Experiment (General) scale whether each stimulus was novel or previously All participants were read the same set of instructions viewed, as well as how confident they were with each and shown the same sample trials to help explain the judgment. All previously viewed stimuli used in the task. The experiment consisted of four tasks, presented postexperiment recognition test had been presented in an event-related design. In all tasks, participants only once during the course of the experiment (i.e., viewed four sequentially presented images (2 faces and stimuli that were presented as both cue and probe were 2 scenes). Each image was presented for 800 msec, with omitted), and represented a balanced combination of a 200-msec blank-screen interstimulus interval. Faces stimuli taken from each task condition. Only stimuli and scenes were presented in a randomized order. presented during the fMRI experiment were employed The tasks differed in the instructions given at the in the recognition testing. beginning of each run. Participants were instructed to (1) Remember Faces and Ignore Scenes, (2) Remember Scenes and Ignore Faces, (3) Remember Both Faces and fMRI Acquisition and Processing Scenes (dual task), and (4) Passively View both Faces MR data were acquired with a Varian INOVA 4T scanner and Scenes—with no attempt to remember or evaluate (Palo Alto, CA) equipped with a transverse electromag- them. Presentation of stimuli was followed by a 9-sec netic (TEM) send-and-receive radio frequency (RF) head delay period, after which a fifth stimulus was presented coil. Functional data were obtained using a two-shot for 1 sec. In the memory trials, a face or scene stimulus T2*-weighted echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence sen- was presented (depending upon the condition), and sitive to BOLD contrast (TR = 2000 msec, TE = participants were required to report with a button press 28 msec, FOV = 22.4 cm2, matrix size = 64 64, in- whether the stimulus matched one of the previously plane resolution = 3.5 3.5 mm). Each functional presented stimuli. In the Passively View task, an arrow volume consisted of eighteen 5-mm axial slices sepa- was presented, and participants were required to make a rated by a 0.5-mm interslice gap and provided nearly button press indicating the direction of the arrow. whole-brain coverage. Two T1-weighted anatomical Presentation of the probe stimulus was followed by a scans were also acquired. In the first, anatomical images 10-sec ITI in the fMRI experiment, and by a 3sec ITI in coplanar with the EPI data were collected using a the ERP experiment. gradient-echo multislice (GEMS ) sequence (TR = 200 msec, TE = 5 msec, FOV = 22.4 cm2, matrix size = 256 256, in-plane resolution = 0.875 0.875 mm). Experiment (fMRI Specific) In the second, high-resolution anatomical data were The general protocol described above was followed for acquired with an MP-FLASH 3-D sequence (TR = 9 msec, all participants performing the fMRI sessions. Partici- TE = 5 msec, FOV = 22.4 22.4 19.8 cm, matrix pants performed the experiment while lying on the size = 256 256 128, resolution = 0.875 0.875 scanner bed in the Varian 4T scanner. Head movement 1.54 mm). was restricted by using foam cushioning. Stimuli were Following acquisition, MRI data were converted to back-projected onto a screen located at the subjects ANALYZE format. Data were corrected for between-slice waist (90 cm from the subjects’ eyes), and were viewed timing differences using a sinc interpolation method and via a mirror located inside the head coil. Data were were interpolated to 1-sec temporal resolution (half of acquired during 12 runs lasting 4.5 minutes each, with a the total repetition time) by combining each shot of half total of 120 trials. k space with the bilinear interpolation of the two flank- 514 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 17, Number 3
ing shots. Subsequent processing was performed using ROIs (PPAs) were identified bilaterally within the para- SPM2 software ( run under hippocampal gyrus and/or anterior lingual gyrus. Each Matlab 6.5 ( Functional data were ROI was defined as the cluster of seven contiguous realigned to the first volume acquired and were spatially voxels (within the predetermined anatomical structures) smoothed with a 3-D Gaussian kernel (8 mm full width with the highest t values from the face–scene or scene– half maximum). face contrast, respectively. On the rare occasions when the seven voxels with the highest t values did not form one contiguous cluster, the ROI was defined as the fMRI Data Analysis seven contiguous voxels with the highest mean t value. A detailed description of the methods used for the PPAs were identified bilaterally for all 18 subjects, and analysis of brain activation (i.e., BOLD signal) within a right FFAs were identified in 17 of the 18 subjects. One trial have been presented elsewhere (Postle, Zarahn, & subject was excluded from the FFA analysis due to lack D’Esposito, 2000) and are summarized below. Changes of an identifiable face-selective region within the fusi- in BOLD signal were modeled with independent regres- form gyrus. sors for each stage of each condition of the cognitive tasks (e.g., Remember Faces—stimulus-presentation pe- EEG Recording riod). Because the stimulus-presentation period of each trial lasted 4 sec, the regressor for this period consisted EEG was recorded simultaneously with a sampling rate of a 4-sec boxcar function. Only trials with correct of 256 Hz from 64 scalp locations using Ag–AgCl-tipped responses were incorporated in the analysis; trials with electrodes attached to an electrode cap using the 10/20 incorrect responses were modeled separately and ex- labeling system. Recordings were made with the Active- cluded. Each regressor was convolved with the canonical Two system (BioSemi, Amsterdam, Netherlands), which hemodynamic response function (HRF) provided by does not require impedance measurements, an online SPM2, with the result entered into the modified gener- reference, or gain adjustments. Additional channels alized linear model (Worsley & Friston, 1995) instanti- recorded the electrooculogram (EOG) from the infraor- ated in SPM2. Data were proportionally scaled on a bital region of the right eye, the outer canthus of the voxelwise basis to account for differences in mean signal right and left eye, and the right and left mastoid process. values and were corrected for linear signal drift within Both the EEG and the EOG were referenced off-line to scanning runs. A high-pass filter (cutoff period = 128 sec) an electrode placed on the tip of the nose. was applied to remove low-frequency effects from the data. Maps of parameter estimates (b values) were ERP Analysis computed from the generalized linear model to assess the magnitude of activation during each stage of the Segments were time-locked to the onset of face and task. The mean parameter estimate of each regressor scene stimuli automatically recorded by triggers sent to was then calculated within functionally defined ROIs for the recording system. ERPs were segmented separately each subject. Statistical analyses with planned compar- for face and scene stimuli. All data presented in this isons (two-sided, paired-sample t tests) were used to test article are for responses time-locked to faces. Artifacts significance of differences ( p < .05) between the param- due to eye blinks or movements were excluded from eter estimates from the tasks for a priori hypotheses. analysis by using an automatic rejection algorithm that removed segments with an 80 AV maximum difference over a 150-msec period for vertical eye movements fMRI ROI Selection (EOG), 70 AV maximum difference over a 100-msec ROIs representing face- and scene-selective voxels were period for horizontal eye movements (EOG), a 110-AV functionally defined for each subject using an ROI- maximum difference over 200 msec for all channels localizer task. Before beginning the memory experi- (EEG ), or for an amplitude greater than ±100 AV ments, subjects performed a 1-back task in which they (EEG). Only recordings from correct trials were includ- were presented with seven 16-sec blocks of face stimuli, ed in the analysis. Epochs without artifacts beginning scene stimuli, and rest. Subjects were instructed to 100 msec before a stimulus and ending 800 msec after attend to the stimuli and to indicate when each 1-back were averaged, filtered using a band pass of 1 Hz to 20 Hz match occurred by depressing a button with each (12 dB/octave), and baseline corrected. Analysis of the forefinger. MR data were processed as described above, data with several different levels of filtering (0.1–30, 0.1– and the face- and scene-stimuli regressors were con- 70, 0.5–30 and 0.5–70 Hz) determined that the latency of trasted to generate SPM[T] images. A face-selective ROI the N170 was unaltered by the level of filtering. Peak (FFA) was then identified within the right fusiform gyrus latency and amplitude magnitudes were collected for all of each subject. A face-selective region within the left cap electrodes by automatically selecting the most pos- fusiform gyrus was weak or absent in many subjects and itive peak between 75 and 140 msec (P1), and the most was not included in the group analysis. Scene-selective negative peak between 140 and 205 msec (N170). Sub- Gazzaley et al. 515
jects with an average of less than 45 segments of a single brain potentials sensitive to faces. Cognitive type (e.g., face stimuli during correct trials) were ex- Neuropsychology, 17, 103–116. cluded from averaging, leaving 11 subjects (6 men) with Epstein, R., & Kanwisher, N. (1998). A cortical representation of the local visual environment. Nature, sufficient usable data (average age = 23.7, SD = 3.4). 392, 598–601. The average number of segments left for all subjects was Frith, C. (2001). A framework for studying the neural basis of 80.2 (SD = 22.2). Three of the removed subjects had attention. Neuropsychologia, 39, 1367–1371. large alpha waves resulting in too few usable segments Hillyard, S. A., & Anllo-Vento, L. (1998). Event-related or unidentifiable P1 and N170 peaks; the other 4 re- brain potentials in the study of visual selective attention. 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