International Journal of Case Reports - (ISSN:2572-8776)

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International Journal of Case Reports - (ISSN:2572-8776)
Ali Al Bshabshe et al.,IJCR, 2021 5:226

Case Report                                                                                  IJCR (2021) 5:226

                     International Journal of Case Reports
PICC Insertion could be an optimal choice of central venous access
in prone position mechanically ventilated COVID-19 ARDS patient
Ali Al Bshabshe1, Ali Abdullah Kablan2, Nasser Mohammed Alwadai3, Omprakash Palanivel3,
Ghaida Nawi A. Alharthi4, Khloud Faleh S. Alahmari4, Hala Khamis S. Alghamdi4, Raghad
Abdullah M. Brkout 4, Lamees Abdullah M. Brkout 4, Lama Abdullah M. Brkout 4
 Intensive Care Consultant, Aseer Central Hospital & Professor, Department of Medicine/Critical
Care, College of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia. 2Intensive
Care Senior Specialist, Department of Intensive Care Unit, Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Aseer
Region, Saudi Arabia. 3Consultant Respiratory Therapist, Department of Respiratory Care Unit,
Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia. 4Medical Students, Department of
Medicine, College of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia.
During the management of critically ill covid-19 patients obtaining an        *Correspondence to Author:
appropriate centrally inserted central catheter (CICC) can be a prime         Ali Al Bshabshe
necessity. Traditionally, a CICC is inserted in a supine position. How-       Department of Medicine/Critical
ever, a CICC may not be possible in some COVID-19 patients with               Care, College of Medicine, King
severe hypoxia or sudden clinical deterioration who need urgent intu-         Khalid University, Saudi Arabia.
bation and immediate proning. Therefore, CICC in pronated COVID-19
ARDS patients is challenging. Recent studies limited to case reports          How to cite this article:
have shown that peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) are            Ali Al Bshabshe, Ali Abdullah Kab-
safer in pronated ARDS patients. PICC lines minimize mechanical               lan, Nasser Mohammed Alwadai,
complications and lower catheter-related bloodstream infections when          O mprakash Palanivel, Ghaida
compared to standard CICC. However, there is a scarcity of evidence           Nawi A. Alharthi, Khloud Faleh S.
showing the efficacy of PICC in pronated COVID-19 ARDS patients,              Alahmari, Hala Khamis S. Algham-
possibly due to the complex precautionary safety measures, insertion          di, Raghad Abdullah M. Brkout,
techniques, and expertise team deficit. Herein, we present a 57-year-         Lamees Abdullah M. Brkout, Lama
old male as a case of COVID-19 ARDS, mechanically ventilated in               Abdullah M.Brkout. PICC Insertion
a prone position with existing subcutaneous emphysema. Our case               could be an optimal choice of cen-
illustrates PICC insertion challenges in the prone position, ultrasound       tral venous access in prone position
guidance in PICC insertion to comprehend the vein’s diameter for ac-          mechanically ventilated COVID-19
curate vein needling in proportion to the external catheter diameter,         ARDS patient. International Journal
and intracavitary electrocardiographic (ECG) navigation method to             of Case Reports, 2021 5:226.
confirm catheter tip location. So that chest X-ray and radiology risk of
contamination is avoided. Long-term research urged to validate the ef-
ficacy of PICC in this group of patients.
Keywords: Central Venous access devices (VAD) Central venous
access devices (CVAD), Centrally inserted central catheter (CICC),
                                                                              eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA.
peripheral inserted central catheter (PICC), Blood gas analyses
(BGA), Subcutaneous emphysema (SE), Electrocardiography (ECG),
Intracavitary electrocardiography (IC-ECG).

                            IJCR:                    1
International Journal of Case Reports - (ISSN:2572-8776)
Ali Al Bshabshe et al.,IJCR, 2021; 5:226

Introduction                                             position.[5] In particular, patients with severe
                                                         hypoxia or any sudden clinical deterioration may
The rapid global transmission of novel
                                                         need urgent, rapid sequence intubation and
coronavirus has alarmed the health care system
                                                         immediate proning. Considering the proning
for urgent revision of current clinical methods. As
                                                         therapy in such a group of patients is vital as it
an outcome, many standard clinical maneuvers,
                                                         improves regional ventilation, oxygenation, and
treatment protocols, and policies are revised and
                                                         alveolar recruitment. Therefore, perfusion
refined to decrease the risk of virus exposures
                                                         redistribution increases and the recruitment of
and transmissions.[1] In particular, utilizing
                                                         perfused tissue of dorsal regions exceeds the
modern medical technologies and associating
                                                         ventral derecruitment and enhancing the
with the clinical procedures may enhance health
                                                         ventilation and perfusion ratio.[6] CICC is highly
care professionals' safety and patient safety,
                                                         recommended for the extended treatment of
thereby reducing morbidity, mortality, and cost
                                                         covid-19 ARDS patients. Since it holds long-life
values. The standard first-line invasive
                                                         durability, with various benefits of continuous
procedure of hospitalized patients is to obtain
                                                         multiple high flow infusions including sedation,
venous access through appropriate venous
                                                         muscle relaxants, vasopressors, and infusions
access devices (VAD). Generally, VAD is
                                                         of solutions with pH greater than 9 and lesser
classified into peripheral venous access device
                                                         than     4     (e.g.,   dopamine,       vancomycin,
(PVAD), central venous access device (CVAD).
                                                         levofloxacin), or hyperosmolar parenteral
The peripheral venous access (PVAD) is sub-
                                                         nutrition (whose osmolarity exceeds 800-900
classified into short peripheral cannula (15cm). Further, the central venous
                                                         jugular or subclavian vein) in mechanically
access device (CVAD) classified into a femoral
                                                         ventilated prone patients is challenging.
inserted central catheter (FICC), subclavian, and
                                                         Moreover, it is critical to turn the prone patient to
internal jugular centrally inserted central
                                                         supine as it may disrupt the regional ventilation,
catheter (CICC), and peripheral inserted central
                                                         resulting       in    oxygenation        impairment,
catheter (PICC).[2] According to the database of
                                                         hemodynamic instability, and life-threatening
the United States of America, approximately five
                                                         events. Recent studies have demonstrated that
million CVAD inserted annually.[3] Although the
                                                         PICC is safer in prone ARDS patients. It
absolute number of CVAD insertions in covid
                                                         minimizes the risk of pulmonary-pleural
patients has not been reported yet, it is vivid to
                                                         complications and catheter site contamination
believe that all critically ill COVID-19 ARDS
                                                         as it is isolated from the patients' oral and
patients claim a CVAD for the optimal
                                                         tracheal secretions. Additionally, it lowers the
management of their illness. COVID-19 ARDS is
                                                         exposure risk of a patient's nasal, oral and
relevant to the customary ARDS pathology. It
                                                         tracheal secretions to the operator, his
begins with increased capillary permeability and
                                                         associates and non-contraindicated to the
hyaline membrane formation characterized by
                                                         anticoagulated patients. Furthermore, PICC can
interstitial widening and edema, resulting in a
                                                         preserve the upper central regions (internal
protein-rich fluid collection in the alveoli of lungs
                                                         jugular and subclavian vein) for prospective
resulting in oxygen impairment as patients
                                                         dialysis and ECMO cannulation if needed.[8]
advance further into their covid sickness leading
to lung fibrosis which is the significant character      Herein, we report an innovative, unique, rare
of COVID‐19 ARDS. [4] Patients in ICU may need           PICC line insertion in a prone position
CICC, and the standard position of CICC                  mechanically ventilated patient with existing
insertion is supine. However, in some covid-19           subcutaneous emphysema to treat COVID-19
ARDS patients, CICC is not possible in a supine          ARDS disease. We describe our challenges

                             IJCR:               2
International Journal of Case Reports - (ISSN:2572-8776)
Ali Al Bshabshe et al.,IJCR, 2021; 5:226
concerning the prone patient, operator, and             mmHg. Oxygen saturation on room air was 60 %
associates' precautionary safety measures.              treated with a non-rebreathing mask of 15 l/min.
Also, ultrasound guidance is essential to               Oxygen saturation rose to 88%. Initial blood gas
determine the vein's diameter for cannulation           analyses were Ph; 7.39 Pco2; 45.7 Po2; 56
combining modified seldinger technique                  HCO3; 25 So2; 68.7. On physical examination,
approach for accurate vein needling. Following          mild jugular distension, the weight of 90kg, the
insertion, it is imperative to check the location of    height of 174cm, and BMI of 29.7 kg/m2. On
the tip of the central venous catheter by non-          auscultation, severe bronchospasm and diffuse
radiological methods, such as intracavitary             bilateral wheezes. Anterior-posterior x-ray
electrocardiography (IC-ECG). Thereby, x-ray            reveals COVID-19 pneumonia. In ED, two short
radiation is avoided.                                   peripheral venous access obtained on both
Case report                                             hands to administer intravenous fluids and
                                                        methylprednisolone of 120 mg/kg and repeated
The 57-year-old male COVID-19 positive with a
                                                        back-to-back nebulized salbutamol 2.5 mg,
medical history of diabetes mellitus type 2
                                                        ipratropium bromide 0.5 mg, and budesonide 0.5
presented to the emergency department (ED)
                                                        mg were given for his bronchospasm. The
after 6 days of home quarantine with symptoms
                                                        repeated ABG showed pH: 7.29 PaCO2:50.7
of progressive shortness of breath, chest
                                                        PaO2: 48 HCO3; 20.7 So2 63.6. Despite the
tightness, dry cough, fever, and myalgia. His
                                                        therapy, the patient's condition deteriorated, and
initial vitals are Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
                                                        he was diagnosed with acute hypoxic respiratory
15/15, respiratory rate 36 breath per minute
                                                        failure associated with COVID-19 pneumonia
(bpm) using accessory muscles, temperature 39
0                                                       and transferred to ICU for close observation.
  C, heart rate 116 bpm, blood pressure 130/88

       Figure 1 Depicts COVID-19 ARDS X-ray with diffuse subcutaneous emphysema

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International Journal of Case Reports - (ISSN:2572-8776)
Ali Al Bshabshe et al.,IJCR, 2021; 5:226

                 Figure 2 A view of a prone patient with right arm tourniquet

A high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) 60LPM with          the patient complained of sudden chest
fio2 100% was initiated, and the patient             tightness, difficulty breathing, restlessness with
admirably responded, with spo2 of 91%. After 48      spo2 of 68%, respiratory rate of 50 bpm, and
hrs of HFNC, the patient started to deteriorate      hypotension.          Dexmedetomidine         was
with spo2 of 70% and an increased respiratory        commenced on 0.4 mcg/kg/hour, and inotropes
rate of 48 bpm using accessory muscles. We           (non-adrenaline) escalated to a maximum of 16
decided to hook the patient on NIV (CPAP)            mcg/per minute on short periphery venous
ventilation with a peep of 8 cmh2o, pressure         access to reach targeted mean arterial blood
support of 15 cmh2o to promote oxygenation           pressure. Repeated BGA showed metabolic
and reduce work of breathing. The patient is         acidosis (Ph; 7.23 pCO2;65 PO2 52.9 HCO3;
subjected to nursing in proning and lateral          20.7 So2; 69.9), and Chest X-ray revealed
positions periodically. Repeated BGA after 1         subcutaneous emphysema with severe ARDS.
hour of NIV was satisfactory. On 3 days of NIV,      (Figure 1)

Figure 3 A view of basilic vein (white arrow depicts PICC line) through ultrasound guidance
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International Journal of Case Reports - (ISSN:2572-8776)
Ali Al Bshabshe et al.,IJCR, 2021; 5:226

Figure 4 Navigation ECG technology showing the patient electrocardiogram tracing above
and the intravenous tracing below showing maximal P-wave confirming superior vena cava

Following this sudden clinical deterioration, our      therapy is required to improve his oxygenation.
team decided on elective intubation as a life-         We considered that the insertion of CICC in the
saving emergency. With complete personal               supine position would interrupt the prone
protective equipment (PPE), the intensivist            therapy      and    consequently      hinder     the
intubated the patient with a 7.5 Endotracheal          improvement of oxygenation. In this clinical
tube (Portex, USA) at 22cm level respectively          setting, we decided to insert PICC in the prone
from central incisors and connected to the             position provided that potential benefits are
mechanical ventilator (Maquet servo-i) with            more than standard central venous catheters
PRVC mode tidal volume of 420 ml, peep 12              (CVC). After guaranteed mechanical ventilation
cmh2o, RR 20 with I:E of 1.2.5. Despite all these      stability in the prone position, the patient's right
measures, oxygen saturation is
International Journal of Case Reports - (ISSN:2572-8776)
Ali Al Bshabshe et al.,IJCR, 2021; 5:226
With precautionary safety measures, a maximal          The advancement of the healthcare system in
barrier drape was placed to cover the patient and      this century has extended the human life span
mayo table used at the procedure. Then a sterile       significantly. However, the emergence of diverse
PICC tray was prepared (PowerPICC catheter             co-morbidity, new clinical diseases, and its
with sherlock Tip positioning system, 5 Fr, triple     severity has increased frequent hospitalization,
lumen, US). An estimated PICC length was               and in such circumstances obtaining long-life
measured was from the tip of the 3rd finger to         venous access through appropriate central
the middle of the elbow crease to the most             venous access devices (CVAD) for critically ill
prominent point of the acromion process to the         patients is imperative. In this perspective, CVAD
sternal head of the clavicle and to the end of the     has become the standard first-line device for
xiphoid process to place the catheter tip in the       central venous access. Studies before the
superior vena cava and avoid the invasion              COVID-19 pandemic has shown that annually
catheter tip into the right atrium. The ultrasound     Clinicians insert millions of CICC, with an overall
probe was draped with a double sterile plastic         complication rate of 15% (5% to 19%). such as
cover, and the depth was set to 3.5cm. Through         catheter-related infection (5% to 26%), a
ultrasound guidance, the patient's right basilic       thrombotic event (2% to 26%) and power-driven
vein accessed by a short-axis out of plane             mechanical complications (5% to19%).[9] Power-
approach followed by a 22 G over needle                driven mechanical complications usually happen
catheter penetrated the superficial basilic vein       in the following circumstances 1. insertion of
using a long axis in-plane approach (6-15 MHz,         CVAD in an emergency, 2. inserting large
SonoSite Edge, SonoSite Japan Co., Tokyo,              catheters size (dialysis), 3. increased number of
Japan) using modified seldinger technique.             needle pricks, 4. complex central vein anatomic
Next, a triple lumen PICC catheter (proximal)          anomaly, 5. inexperienced operator, which
advanced into a basilic vein, and with the ECG         results       in    hematoma,         hemothorax,
navigation assistance method, reached the              pneumothorax, arterial-venous fistula, air
superior vena cava (superior Cavo atrial               embolism, nerve injury, left side thoracic duct
junction) until the maximal P-wave was noticed         injury, intraluminal dissection, punctured aorta,
on the screen (Figure 4).                              and jugular. [10] However, pneumothorax is one
Furthermore, distal PICC lumens were towards           of the prime complications of CVAD insertion
the arm's posterior aspect placed with a sterile       serving up to 30% of all power-driven
dressing (Figure 5). Overall, the procedure time       mechanical adverse complications. [11]
was 20 minutes, resulting in 100% technical            Likewise, covid-19 patients admitted through
success and obviating the necessity for a chest        this current pandemic were more likely to require
radiograph. The PICC line was used for 21 days         high critical care support with prolonged
continuously. Patients did not develop catheter-       hospitalization and prolonged ICU stay with the
related bloodstream infections or upper                provision of a long-life span of venous access,
extremity deep venous thrombosis related to            which may put them at greater risk of power-
PICC placement. No line malfunction was                driven mechanical complications and central
reported, and no requests were received to             line-associated      bloodstream       infections
replace PICC. Institutional anticoagulation            (CLABSI). Moreover, the timeline from COVID-
protocol based on d-dimer levels and PTT ratio         19 diagnosis to the incidence of CLABSI is 18
was followed. the patient was tracheostomized          days on average [12], implying that the CLABSI
and weaned from the mechanical ventilator and          episodes can befall COVID-19 patients with
discharged to peripheral hospital on day 22 for        prolonged hospitalization. According to the US
rehabilitation and nursing care.                       nation's surveillance system for healthcare-
Discussion                                             associated infections (HAIs) reports during

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Ali Al Bshabshe et al.,IJCR, 2021; 5:226
(COVID-19) pandemic has exhibited the                   required immediate central venous access.
standardized infection ratio (SIR) of CLABSI rate       Generally, intensivists prefer to use Internal
has increased to 39% in the critical care unit.[13]     jugular, subclavian, femoral vein (CICC) rather
similarly, a study conducted by Kathleen M. et al.      than PICC in covid patients. However, few
reported that in 2 hospitals where the study was        studies report the effectiveness of PICC for
conducted report the highest impact on the              central venous access in critically ill patients. [18]
healthcare-associated        infection   (HAI)    is    CICC insertion with existing SE can worsen
expected to be CLABSI rates. With the marked            further. Furthermore, in the pronated patient, the
increase in CLABSI rates in both hospitals of           dressing of a CVAD is inevitably more
420% increase to rate = 5.38 cases per 1,000            uncomfortable to manage with difficulty in
central line days, and a 327% increase to rate =        periodic monitoring of the exit site and the
3.79 cases per 1,000 central line days. Also, the       connection/disconnection of the infusion lines.
proportion of COVID-19 patients with CLABSI             During the maneuvers of pronation-supination, it
events was 5 times greater than for non–COVID-          can result in stretching, drawing, and kicking at
19 patients during the pandemic period. [14]            CVAD insertion sites. [19] However, no case was
Based on the recent studies above, we decided           reported previously about PICC insertion in the
to keep our patient on limited short peripheral         prone position with existing SE like the case we
venous access in the ICU since the patient had          present in this paper.
hemodynamic stability with GCS15/15 and no              Intensivists must contemplate the jeopardies of
inotropes requirement. Although barotrauma              catheter-related complications in selecting the
incidence is rare in NIV, a recent single-center,       CVAD, which incorporates deep vein thrombosis
retrospective, observational cohort study has           and bloodstream infections. Although there are
shown that 21% of 75 patients with COVID-19             no variations in infectious complications
treated in an intensive care unit (ICU) sustained       between PICC and CICC approaches in critically
barotrauma          (including       pneumothorax,      ill patients. [20] Still, there remains a controversy
pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, and               concerning the thrombotic complications
subcutaneous emphysema). In that, 33% of                between these approaches of PICC and CICC.
patients receiving IMV, 8% of patients receiving        Apart from barotrauma, induction of a CICC in
(NIV). [15] Similarly, our patient-reported surgical    sitting or upright positions carries a risk of air
emphysema on standard NIV recommended                   embolism. Contrarily, there was no report of
settings and SE were managed conservatively             PICC-related air embolism. Usually, PICC is
by lowering the NIV pressure. However, our              inserted in a peripheral vein. A peripheral vein
patient's condition has worsened suddenly with          pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure,
a spo2 of 68%. The patient was intubated on 3rd         resulting in no air embolism during PICC
day of his hospitalization and required                 insertion. [21] Hence, a patient in the prone
immediate prone positioning for severe hypoxia.         position with existing SE can be secured safely
Consequently, spo2 rose to 94%, and the P/F             by PICC. The Perception of PICC insertion in
ratio was 114, which correlates to the data             COVID 19 patients in the prone position is
presented by Atsushi et al., that among 125             feasible and straightforward with ultrasound
patients, 121 patients (96.8%) are intubated            guidance. The number of failed attempts
within 14 days of their clinical onset. [16] Also,      decreases to 86% with ultrasound by decreasing
Tyler et al. stated that after the first prone          the number of attempts and procedure time-
positioning session, the Pao2/Fio2 ratio                outs. Also, several clinical studies have
increased from 17.9 (7.2) to 28.2 (12.2) kPa            demonstrated a high precision rate for ECG-
within 81 (61–119) minutes in 36 subjects. [17]         guided CVC placement with 97.3% sensitivity
Although       prone       positioning    improved      and 100% specificity. [22]
oxygenation instantly, severe hypotension
                            IJCR:                7
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