International Insolvency Law Bibliography 2015

International Insolvency Law Bibliography 2015

Prepared by Bob Wessels
Emeritus professor of international insolvency law
University of Leiden, Leiden Law School

January 2015

International Insolvency Bibliography 2015 forms a section of the book:
Bob Wessels, International Insolvency Law, 4th ed., Deventer: Kluwer 2016


   The literature section in this book follows an alphabetical order according surnames of authors.
   Most sources date from the mid 1990s until December 2014. Publications from an earlier date will
   be listed in the Bibliographic sources mentioned below.
   Throughout the book references are made to the sources based on [surname][(year)], [number], for
   instance: Ailola (2002), 216, in the text refers to: Ailola, D.A., The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross
   Border Insolvency: Its Efficacy and Suitability as a Basis for a SADC Convention, in: Stellenbosch
   Law Review 2000, p. 216.
   When an author has several publications in a year, the reference to the year will include a letter,
   e.g. Omar (2004e), which refers to the fifth publication in 2004, included in this Bibliography of:
   Omar, Paul J., Themes and movements in international insolvency law, in: 12 Insolvency Law
   Journal 2004, 159 (2004e).

Bibliographic sources
American Bar Association International Bankruptcy Subcommittee, Section on Business Law
    Bibliography of International Insolvency, May 31, 1994, compiled by: Brooke Schumm III and
    Debbie L. Fish.Consolidated Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
    (1968-2009), IX. Insolvency,
Davis, Jean J., and Victoria J. Szymczak, Selected Insolvency and Bankruptcy Recourses, in: 23
    Brooklyn Journal of International Law 1997, 183ff.
Morrisson, Edward R., The Economics of Bankruptcy: An Introduction to the Literature, December 30,
    2009, Columbia Law School Working Paper Series, No. 366,
Pannen, Klaus (ed.), Bibliography, in: European Insolvency Regulation, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter,
    2007, XXXVff.
Pratter, Jonathan, International insolvency bibliography: commentary in books and journals, Tarlton
    Legal Bibliography Series, No. 40, 1995, Tarlton Law Library, Jamail Center for Legal Research,
    University of Texas, Austin, USA.
Select bibliography, in: Australian Law Reform Commission, ‘Legal Risk in International Transactions’,
    Report No. 80, 1996 (
Select bibliography: International Insolvency: secondary sources in English, 1995-1997, in: 33 Texas
    International Law Journal 1998, 227ff (compiled by Amy Pullen and Geralyn Trujillo).
Select bibliography, in: Law Commission New Zealand (Te Aka Matua O Te Ture), ‘Cross-Border
    Insolvency. Should New Zealand adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency?’,
    Report 52, February 1999, Wellington, New Zealand (


Aasaru, Epp, The Desirability of ‘Centre of Main Interest’ as a Mechanism for Allocating Jurisdiction
   and Applicable Law in Cross-Border Insolvency Law, in: Eur. Bus. Law R. 2011, 349ff.
Abe, S., Recent developments in Insolvency Laws and Cross-Border Practices in the United States and
   Japan, in: 10 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review, Spring 2002, nr. 1
Abbott, Kenneth W., and Duncan Snidal, Hard and Soft Law in International Governance, in: Kirton,
   John J., with Jelena Madunic (ed.), Global Law, Ashgate 2009, pp. 257-292.
Abeln, Rufus F., and Tom G. Abeln, The Future of the European Insolvency Regulation, European
   Review of Private Law 5-2011, 697ff.
Adam, Dietmar, Zuständigkeitsfragen bei der Insolvenz internationaler Unthernehmensverbindungen,
   Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2006.
Adeline, A., Les créaniers en matière de faillite internationale: information/déclaration de
   créances/recouvrement, Petites Affiches, du 13 mars 2007.
Adriaanse, J.A.A, N.J.H. Huls, J.G. Kuijl, P. Vos, Informele reorganisatie en het perspectief van
   surseance van betaling, WSNP en faillissement, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en
   Documentatiecentrum (WODC), ’s-Gravenhage, serie Onderzoek en beleid 224, 2004.

Adriaanse, J.A.A., Restructuring in the Shadow of the Law. Informal Reorganisation in the Netherlands,
    doctoral thesis, University Leiden, Deventer: Kluwer, 2005.
Adriaanse, Jan, Bernard Santen & Jean-Pierre van de Rest, Avoiding international insolvencies:
    exploring a business rescue perspective using game theory, cultural dimensions and a teaching
    experience in Zambia, in: Perspectives on international insolvency law. A tribute to Bob Wessels,
    Deventer: Kluwer 2014, 177ff.
Aerts, K.H., De Insolventieverordening: lang gewacht, toch gekregen, in: Nieuwsbrief BW (NbBW)
    2002, 91.
Affaki, Georg, A European view on the U.S. courts’ approach to cross-border insolvency – Lessons
    from Yukos, in: Georges Affaki (ed.), Cross-border insolvency and conflict of jurisdiction. A US-
    EU Experience, Bruylant, 2007, 13ff (2007a).
Affaki, Georges, A European View on the U.S. Courts’ Approach to Cross-Border Insolvency: Lesson
    from Yukos, in: Georges Affaki (ed.), Faillite internationale et conflit de juridictions: regards croisés
    transatlantiques - Cross-border Insolvency and Conflict of Jurisdictions: a US-EU Experience,
    Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007 (2007b).
Affaki, G., Introduction, in: Faillite internationale et conflit de juridictions, Regards croisés
    transatlantiques, Bruylant, 2007 (2007c).
Agboyibor, Pascal K., Recent Developments in the Planned Harmonization of Business Law in Africa,
    in: International Business Law Journal (IBLJ) 1996, 301.
Agboyibor, Pascal, OHADA: Business Law in Africa, in: International Business Law Journal (IBJL)
    1999, 228.
Ahrens, Walter, Rechte und Pflichten auslándischer Insolvenzverwalter im internationalen
    Insolvenzrecht, diss. Freiburg, 1999; Schriften zum Prozessrecht, Band 170, Berlin: Duncker und
    Humblot, 2002.
Ailola, David, Recognition of foreign proceedings, orders and officials in insolvency in Southern Africa:
    a call for a regional convention, in: 32/1 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern
    Africa 1999, 54.
Ailola, D.A., The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency: Its Efficacy and Suitability as a
    Basis for a SADC Convention, in: Stellenbosch Law Review 2000, 215.
Alberts, Sam J., and Jeffrey Schmitt, Foreign Debtors Beware!, in: ABI Journal March 2005, 12.
Alderton, John, and Antoine Adeline, The EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: Streamlining
    cross-border Insolvency? The Contrasting Approaches of the Courts in England and France, 3 ICR
    2006, 257.
Alexander, Juraj, Avoid the Choice of Choose to Avoid,
Alexander, K., The Development of a Uniform Choice of Law Rule for the Taking of Collateral Interest
    in Securities, Part I, in: Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBLF), 2002, 436
Allegaert, V., Les droits des salariés et le droit européen des procédures d’insolvabilité, JCP S, 2007.
Alonso, José María, Private International Law Aspects of the New Spanish Insolvency Law. Paper
    presented at International Bar Association (IBA) conference, San Francisco, 14-19 September 2003,
Alonso, Ángel, EC Regulation 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on Insolvency Proceedings: A Five-Year
    Summary of its Application in Spain, in: 4 ICR 2007, 113.
Altman, Jamie, A Test Case in International Bankruptcy Protocols: The Lehman Brothers Insolvency,
    in: 12 San Diego International Law Journal 2011, p. 463ff.
American Law Institute, Transnational Insolvency: Cooperation Among the NAFTA Countries, 4
    Volumes, JP Juris Publishing, Inc., 2003 (1. Principles of Cooperation Among the Nafta Countries;
    2. International Statement of United States Bankruptcy Law, reporter: Jay Westbrook; 3. Inter-
    national Statement of Canadian Bankruptcy Law, reporters: E. Bruce Leonard and Jacob Ziegel; 4.
    International Statement of Mexican Bankruptcy Law, reporters: Miguel Angel Hernandez Romo and
    Carlos Sanchez-Mejorda y Velasco).
Ambach, Jördis, Reichweite und bedeutung von At. 25 EuInsVo, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2009.
Ancel, B., Le droit français et les situations d’insolvabilité internationals, Les responses du droit
    international privé, in: Gazette du Palais 1999, 479.
Andenas, Mads, Insolvency proceedings in Europe, in: The Company Lawyer 1999, 253.
Andenas, Mads, and Camilla Baasch Andersen and Ross Ashcroft, Towards a Theory of Harmonisation,
    in: Mads Andenas and Camilla Baasch Andersen (eds.), Theory and Practice of Harmonisation,
    Cheltingham: Edward Elgar, 2011, 572ff.
Andersen, Kent, The cross-border insolvency paradigm: a defense of the modified universal approach
    considering the Japanese experiment, in: 21 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Economic Law
    2000, 679.

Andersen, Kent, Testing the Model Soft Law Approach to International harmonization; a Case-Study
   examining the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, in: 23 Australian yearbook of
   international law 2004, 1.
Anderson, Colin, Some Cross-Border Issues Under the Australian Voluntary Administration Procedure,
   in: 13 International Insolvency Review, Issue 2, 2004, 137.
Anderson, K., Japanese insolvency law after a decade of reform, 43 Canadian business law journal /
   Revue canadienne du droit de commerce 2006, 2.
Anderson, Hamish, The Extra-Territoriality of the Statutory Stay in an English Administration, in: 23
   International Insolvency Review 2014, 40ff.
Andreadakis, Stelios, Regulatory Competition or Harmonisation: The Dilemma, the Alternatives and the
   Prospect of Reflexive Harmonisation, in: Mads Andenas and Camilla Baasch Andersen (eds.),
   Theory and Practice of Harmonisation, Cheltingham: Edward Elgar, 2011, 52ff.
Andrews, Neil, Fundamental Principles of Civil Procedure: Order Out of Chaos, in: Xandra E. Kramer
   and C.H. van Ree (eds.), Civil Litigation in a Globalised World, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague,
   2012, 19ff.
Anthimos, Apostolus, On the application of Art. 14 Insolvency Regulation in Greece, in: IPRax 2014/5.
Antolskaia, Masha, The “Better Law” Approach and the Harmonisation of Family Law, in: Katharina
   Boele Woelki (ed.), Perspectives for the Unification and Harmonisation of Family Law in Europe,
   Intersentia, Antwerp – Oxford – New York, 2003, 159.
Apeldoorn, J.C. van, Opzegging van arbeidsoverenkomsten door de faillissementscurator in
   internationaal perspectief, in: Asscher-Vonk e.a. (red.), Onderneming en werknemer. Serie
   Onderneming en Recht; deel 22, Deventer: Tjeenk Willink 2001, 165 (2001a).
Apeldoorn, J.C. van, et al., Recognition of Insolvency Schemes of Arrangement, Report for Insol
   Europe, 2001 (2001b).
Apeldoorn, J.C. van, Wederkerige overeenkomsten, in: Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht (TvI)
   2002/Special – Insolventieverordening, 123.
Apeldoorn, J.C. van, Grensoverschrijdend insolventierecht, Katern A.16a (2003), in: Falkena, F.B.
   (hoofdred.), C.M. van der Heijden en M.A.L.M. Willems (red.), Praktijkboek Curatoren, uitgave
   met losse katernen, vanaf 1994, Deventer: Kluwer.
Apeldoorn, J.C., Insolventie in het internationaal privaatrecht, in: Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht
   2006, 1 (2006a).
Apeldoorn; J.C. van / A.W. de Man, De Europese Insolventieverordening, Praktijkboek Insolventierecht
   10, Deventer: Kluwer, 2006.
Araya, Tomás M, and Jacqueline Donaldson, Latest Events on Cross-Border Insolvency in Latin
   America, February 2006 (
Arends, Gerald, Chapter 15 of the US Bankruptcy Code: Better than its Reputation?, in: 3 ICR 2006,
Armas, Oliver J., and Thomas J. Hall, Sovereign debt – judicial cases in the United States, in: Eugenio
   A. Bruno (ed.), Global Financial Crisis: Navigating and Understanding the Legal and Regulatory
   Aspects, London: Global Law and Business, 2009, 479-491.
Armour, J.H., and Deakin, S., Norms in Private Insolvency: the ‘London Approach’ to the Resolution of
   Financial Distress’, in: 1 JCLS 2001, 21.
Armour, John, European Insolvency Proceedings and Party Choice: Comment, in: Wolf-Georg Ringe,
   Louise Gullifer and Philippe Théry, Current Issues in European Financial and Insolvency Law.
   Perspectives from France and the UK, Hart Publishing, 2009, 123-128.
Armour, John, Abuse of European Insolvency Law? A Discussion, in: R. De La Feira and S. Vogenauer,
   Abuse of Law as a Principle of European Law, Oxfort: Hart Publishing 2010.
Arnold, Hans, Der geplante Konkurs- und Vergleichsvertrag mit Österreich, in: Recht der
   Internationalen Wirtschaft/AWD 1978, 225.
Arnold, Hans, Der Europarats-Entwurf eines europäischen Konkursabkommens, in: Zeitschrift für
   Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 1984, 1144.
Arnold, Mark, Truth of Illusion? COMI Migration and Forum Shopping under the EU Insolvency
   Regulation, in: 14 Business Law International No. 3, September 2013, 245ff.
Arsenault, Steven J., Leaping of the Great Wall: Examining Cross-Border Insolvency in China Under
   the Chinese Corporate Bankruptcy Law, 21 Indiana International and Comparative Law Review,
   2011, issue 1, 1ff.
Arsenault, Steven J., Leaping over the Great Wall: Examining Cross-Border Insolvency in China under
   the Chinese Corporate Bankruptcy Law, in: 21 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review
   2011, 1ff.
Ashton, Katherine, Vera Losonci and Sarah Cebik, When a Multinational Group of Companies is in

Financial Difficulty. An Overview of Practical Problems in European Insolvency Proceedings, in:
    International Business Lawyer, September 2002, 350.
The Asian-Pacific Restructuring and Insolvency Guide 2006, London: Global White Page, 2006.
Asimacopoulos, Kon, The Future of the European Insolvency Regulation, International Insolvency Law
    Review 3/2011, 248ff
Asser, Tobias M.C., Legal Aspects of Regulatory Treatment of Banks in Distress, IMF, 2001.
Asser/Hartkamp 3-I* 2011, Mr. C. Asser’s Handleiding tot de beoefening van het Nederlands Burgerlijk
    Recht, Vermogensrecht algemeen, Deel I, Europees recht en Nederlands vermogensrecht, by A.S.
    Hartkamp, Deventer: Kluwer 2011, 2nd. ed.
Asser/Vonken 10-I 2013 – A.P.M.J. Vonken, Mr. C. Assers handleiding tot de beoefening van het
    Nederlands Burgerlijk recht. 10. Internationaal privaatrecht. Deel I. Algemeen deel IPR, Deventer:
    Kluwer 2013.
Assogbavi, K, Les procedures collectives d’apurement du passif dans l’espace OHADA, in: Revue de
    droit des pays d’Afrique 2000, 55.
Attinger, Barbara Jeanne, Der Mittelpunkt der hauptsächlichen Interessen nach der EuInsVO –
    erfolgreiches Konzept oder Quelle der Rechtsunsicherheit?, Saarbrücker Studien zum Privat- und
    Wirtschaftrecht, Band 61, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008.
Auricchio, Antonio, and Marco Passalacqua, Conflict of Jurisdiction in the Application of Council
    Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 on Insolvency Proceedings: The Eurofood Case, in: IBA Insolvency and
    Creditors’ Right Committee Newsletter, October 2004, 13.
Avi-Yonah, Reuven S., National Regulation of Multinational Enterpises: An Essay on Comity,
    Extraterritoriality and Harmonization, in: 42 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 2003, 5.
D’Avoine, Marc, Internationale Zuständigkeit des deutschen Insolvenzgerichts bei offenkundiger
    “Rückkehroption” des ehemals selbständig wirtschaflich tätigen Schuldners mit dem Ziel der
    Restschuldbefreiung, NZI 8/2011, 310ff.
Baasch Andersen, Camilla, Applied Uniformity of a Uniform Commercial Law: Ensuring Functional
    Harmonisation of Uniform Texts through a Global Jurisconsultorium of the CISG, in: Mads
    Andenas and Camilla Baasch Andersen (eds.), Theory and Practice of Harmonisation, Cheltingham:
    Edward Elgar, 2011, 30ff.
Bac, Annie, et al, Le reglement europeen relatif aux Procedures d’insolvabilité, Paris, AEDBF, le 20
    juin 2002.
Bachner, Thomas, The Battle Over Jurisdiction in European Insolvency Law, in: 3 European Company
    and Financial Law Review 2006, No. 3, 310ff.
Bahar, Rashid, Security Interests and Reorganization: Never the Twain Shall Meet?,
Baird, Douglas G., and Robert K. Rasmussen, The End of Bankruptcy, Chicago Working Papers in Law
    and Economics No. 173 (Second Series), December 2002.
Baizeau, Domitille, Arbitration and Insolvency: Issues of Applicable Law, in: New developments in
    international commercial arbitration, Zurich: Schulthess 2009, 97-120.
Balcerowitcz, Ewa, Iraj Hashi, Jens Lowitzsch, Miklós Szanyi, The Development of Insolvency
    Procedures in Transition Economies: A Comparative Analyses, in: Lowitzsch, Jens (ed.), Das
    Insolvenzrecht Mittel- und Osteuropas – Acht Länderanalysen sowie das internationale
    Insolvenzrecht im Vergleich, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2004, 8.
Ball, Corinne, et al., Transnational Restructurings and insolvencies, in: Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP.
    Second Edition, Extracting Value from a Distressed Enterprise, 2000 Euromoney Institutional
    Investor PLC.
Ballesteros Barros, Angel, Commentary on Section 10.3, in: Bob Wessels and Paul Omar (eds.),
    Crossing (Dutch) Borders in Insolvency, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL Europe, Nottingham-Paris,
    2009, 81-87.
Ballesteros Barros, Angel M., Outcomes of the UNCITRAL Working Group V on insolvency within
    corporate groups, INSOL International Academics’ Group Meeting, Dublin, 11-13 June, 2010.
Balz, Manfred, Cross-border insolvency and the EU Draft Convention, in: International Financial Law
    Review (ILFR), July 1994, 17.
Balz, M., Das Übereinkommen der Europäischen Union über Insolvenzverfahren, in: Zeitschrift für
    Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 1996, 325 (1996a).
Balz, M., Das neue Europäische Insolvenzübereinkommen, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP)
    1996, 948 (1996b).
Balz, M, The European Convention on Insolvency Proceedings, in: 70 American Bankruptcy Law
    Journal 1996, 485 (1996c).
Balz, Manfred, Market Conformity of Insolvency Proceedings: Policy Issues of the German Insolvency

Law, in: 23 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 1997, 169.
Balz, M, Simplifying bankruptcy, in: Norton Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law 2001/2002, 359.
Bariatti, Stefania, International Insolvency when the EU Regulation is not applicable: the Case of Italy,
    in: Georges Affaki (ed.), Faillite internationale et conflit de juridictions: regards croisés
    transatlantiques = Cross-border Insolvency and Conflict of Jurisdictions: a US-EU Experience,
    Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, 145ff. (2007a).
Bariatti, S. Le prime sentenze della Corte di giustizia sull’applicazione del regolamento comunitario N.
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    la dir.), Parmalat y otros casos de derecho internacional privado, Colex, 2007 (2007b).
Bariatti, Stefania, Filling in the Gaps of EC Conflict of Law Instuments: The Case of Jurisdiction over
    Actions related to Insolvency Proceedings, in: Essays in Honour of Fausto Pocar, Milan (2009), 3-
    20 (2009a).
Bariatti, Stefania, Recent Case-Law Concerning Jurisdiction and Recognition and the Recognition of
    Judgments under the European Insolvency Regulation, Rabels Zeitschrift 73 (2009), 629-659
Bariatti, Stefania, The Italian Amministrazione Straordinaria of Huge Undertakings and the European
    Insolvency Regulation, in: Bob Wessels and Paul Omar (eds.), The European Insolvency
    Regulation: An Update, Nottingham-Paris: INSOL Europe, 2010, 87-94.
Barlowski, Michal, The Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law into Polish Bankruptcy and
    Recovery Law, in: 3 ICR 2006, 231 (2006a).
Barlowski, Michal, EU Regulation No. 1346/2000 Revisited – The Polish Experience, in: 3 ICR 2006,
    29 (2006b).
Barlowski, Michal, Practical Problems in Applying Regulation 1346/2000, in: 8 ICR 2011, 172ff.
Barłowski, Michał, Relations between main and secondary proceedings under Regulation (EC) No
    1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings, in: 5 Corporate Rescue and Insolvency 2012, 115ff. (2012a).
Barłowski, Michał, Public Policy exception under the EC regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: is it fit
    for purpose?, in: 5 Corporate Rescue and Insolvency 2012, 166ff. (2012b).
Barnes, Kirsty Jane, The role of the European Union in the harmonization of international private law: a
    theoretical perspective, in: Cambridge Student Law Review 2009, p. 124ff.
Barona Vilar, Silvia, and Carlos Esplugeus Mota, International Bankruptcy in Spain
Barrett, John A., Cross-Border Insolvency. Developments, Realities and Solutions, in: International
    Business Lawyer (Special Issue: The Internationalisation of Insolvency), May 1996, 208.
Barrett, John A., Various Legislative Attempts With Respect to Bankruptcies Involving More Than One
    Country, in: 33 Texas International Law Journal 1998, 557.
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    in Private investments abroad: problems and solutions in international business in 1998. New York:
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Barrett, John A., Johnathan C. Bolton and Robert C. Tucker, Risks and Problems of Forum Selection in
    a Cross-Border Insolvency Case, in: Norton Annual Review of International Insolvency 2009. 71-87
Basedow, J., The Communitarization of the Conflict of Laws under the Treaty of Amsterdam, in:
    Common Market Law Review 2000, 687.
Basedow, Jürgen, The Effects of Globalisation on Private International Law, in: Jürgen Basedow and
    Toshiyuki Kono (eds.), Legal Aspects of Globalisation. Conflict of Laws, Internet, Capital markets
    and Insolvency in a Global Economy, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International 2000,
Basedow, J., Codification of Private Law in the European Union: the making of a Hybrid, in: European
    Review of Private Law 2001, 45.
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Battello Calderon, S.J., La insolvencia transfronteriza en Brasil, in A.L. Calvo Caravaca et J. Rodriguez
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Battjes, Hemme, European Asylum Law and its Relation to International Law, diss. Vrije University
    Amsterdam, 2006.
Baum, Harald, Globalizing Capital Markets and Possible Regulatory Responses, in: Jürgen Basedow
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    markets and Insolvency in a Global Economy, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law Inter-
    national 2000, 77.
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    Essay on International Bank Insolvency Law, in: 78 The American Bankruptcy Law Journal, Winter

2004, 57.
Bazinas, George, Cross Border Insolvency: International Jurisdiction, Extraterritorial Effects, and the
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    of Greek law and process, January 2003
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    6-7 June 2005           (
Bazinas, Spiros V., International Legal Regime for Receivables Financing: UNCITRAL’s Contribution,
    in: 8 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 1998, 315.
Bazinas, Spiros V., Der Beitrag von UNCITRAL zur Vereinheitlichung der Rechtsvorschriften über
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    Forderungen im internationalen Handel, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 2002, 783
    (in English in: Uniform Law Review 2002, Vol. 10).
Bazinas, Spiros V., The United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivebles in International
    Trade: Insolvency Aspects, in: 13 International Insolvency Review 2004, 155.
Bazinas, Spiros V., Security rights in bank accounts under the UNCITRAL draft Legislative Guide on
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Beale, Simon, The Judgment in Eurofood: the European Court of Jusitice gives guidance on the EC
    Insolvency Regulation, in: Journal of international banking and regulation, 2006, vol. 21, 487.
Beavers, Emilie, Bankruptcy Law Harmonization in the Nafta Countries: The Case of the United States
    and Mexico, in: Columbia Business Law Review 2003, 965.
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    Journal of Law & Economics 1999, 775.
Beck, Siegfried, Verwertungsfragen im Verhältnis von Haupt- und Sekundärinsolvenzverfahren nacht
    der EuInsVo, in: NZI 2006, 609.
Beck, Siegfried, Verteilungsfragen im Verhältnis zwischen Haupt- und Sekundärinsolvenzverfahren
    nach der EuInsVo, in: NZI 2007, 1.
Becker, Christoph, Insolvenz in der Europäischen Union Zur Verordnung des Rates über
    Insolvenzverfahren, in: Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 2002, 287.
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