Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23 Mole Valley District Council

Page created by Roger Shaw
Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23 Mole Valley District Council
Internal Audit Plan

2020-21 / 2022-23

Mole Valley District Council
Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23


Introduction                                            ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                       3

Your Internal Audit Team                                ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                       4

Conformance with Internal Audit Standards               ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                       4

Conflicts of Interest                                   ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                       4

MVDC Council Strategy                                   ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                       5

Council Risk                                            ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                       6

Developing the internal audit plan 2020-21 / 2022 -23   ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                       7

Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23                   ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                    8 – 16

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23


The role of internal audit is that of an:

‘Independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisations operations. It helps an organisation
accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and
governance processes’.

The Council is responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate risk management processes, control systems, accounting records and governance
arrangements. Internal audit plays a vital role in advising the Council that these arrangements are in place and operating effectively.

The Council’s response to internal audit activity should lead to the strengthening of the control environment and, therefore, contribute to the achievement
of the organisation’s objectives.

The aim of internal audit’s work programme is to provide independent and objective assurance to management, in relation to the business activities,
systems or processes under review that:
       • the framework of internal control, risk management and governance is appropriate and operating effectively; and
       • risk to the achievement of the Council’s objectives is identified, assessed and managed to a defined acceptable level.

The internal audit plan provides the mechanism through which the Chief Internal Auditor can ensure most appropriate use of internal audit resources to
provide a clear statement of assurance on risk management, internal control and governance arrangements.

Internal Audit focus should be proportionate and appropriately aligned. The plan will remain fluid and subject to on-going review and amendment, in
consultation with the Strategic Leadership Team and Audit Sponsors, to ensure it continues to reflect the needs of the Council. Amendments to the plan will
be identified through the Southern Internal Audit Partnership’s continued contact and liaison with those responsible for the governance of the Council.

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

Your Internal Audit Team

Your internal audit service is provided by the Southern Internal Audit Partnership. The team will be led by Natalie Jerams, Assistant Head of Southern
Internal Audit Partnership, supported by Joanne Barrett, Audit Manager.

Conformance with internal auditing standards

The Southern Internal Audit Partnership service is designed to conform to the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS). Under the PSIAS there is a
requirement for audit services to have an external quality assessment every five years. In September 2015 the Institute of Internal Auditors were
commissioned to complete an external quality assessment of the Southern Internal Audit Partnership against the PSIAS, Local Government Application Note
and the International Professional Practices Framework.

In selecting the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) a conscious effort was taken to ensure the external assessment was undertaken by the most credible
source. As the authors of the Standards and the leading Internal Audit authority nationally and internationally the IIA were excellently positioned to
undertake the external assessment.

In considering all sources of evidence the external assessment team concluded:

       ‘It is our view that the Southern Internal Audit Partnership (SIAP) service generally conforms to all of these principles. This is a notable achievement given the
       breadth of these Standards and the operational environment faced by SIAP.

       There are no instances across these standards where we determined a standard below “generally conforms”, and 4 instances where the standard is assessed as
       “not applicable” due to the nature of SIAP’s remit.’

Conflicts of Interest

We are not aware of any relationships that may affect the independence and objectivity of the team, and which are required to be disclosed under internal
auditing standards.

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

Corporate Strategy 2019 - 24
Mole Valley District Council’s Corporate Strategy summarises the Council’s vision, values, guiding principles and priority outcomes and is used as a basis for
service planning.

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

Council Risk

The Council have a clear framework and approach to risk management. The strategic risks assessed by the Council are a key focus of our planning for the
year to ensure it meets the organisation’s assurance needs and contributes to the achievement of their objectives. We will monitor the strategic risk
register closely over the course of the year to ensure our plan remains agile to the rapidly changing landscape.

 No.     Ref                                                                        Risk Description                                                              Risk

  1      C1d     Loss of rental income from key properties.                                                                                                         9

  2      C3      Corporate Health & Safety                                                                                                                          8

  3      C4b     IT Systems – risk of hacking.                                                                                                                      6

  4      C4c     IT Systems – operational resilience                                                                                                                6

  5      C4d     Document Management System                                                                                                                         12

  6      C5      Data Protection / Information Governance                                                                                                           8

  7      C7      Organisational capacity to deliver                                                                                                                 9

  8      C8      Safeguarding                                                                                                                                       9

  9      C9      Climate change                                                                                                                                     15

                                                              *Strategic Risks as per the Strategic Risk Register – March 2020

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

Developing the internal audit plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

We have used various sources of information and discussed priorities for internal audit with the following groups:
   •   Strategic Leadership Team
   •   Director of Finance and Deputy Chief Executive
   •   Executive Heads of Service
   •   Business Managers
   •   Audit Committee
   •   Other key stakeholders

Based on these conversations with key stakeholders, review of key corporate documents and our understanding of the organisation the Southern Internal
Audit Partnership have developed an annual audit plan for 2020-21 / 2022-23.

The Council are reminded that internal audit is only one source of assurance and through the delivery of our plan we will not, and do not seek to cover all
risks and processes within the organisation.

We will however continue to work closely with other assurance providers to ensure that duplication is minimised and a suitable breadth of assurance is
                                                                  External                    Emerging
                                                                   Audit                       Issues

                                                  Risk Register

                                                                             Audit Plan                      Committee
                                                                               20/21                          minutes /
                                                                             (to 22/23)

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

 Internal Audit Plan

             Audit                              Risk / Scope                       Strategic / Service      Previous IA       2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                          Risk               Coverage                         22          23
Programme & Project          Assurance over project management framework           LEG02; PP02; RMP08         2018/19                           ✓
Management                   and compliance in relation to delivery on live /         AGS (4-19/20)           2017/18
                             ongoing projects.                                                                2016/17
Financial Sustainability     Assurance over budgetary control, efficiency Plans,   FIN06, 07; MVL07, 08;      2019/20                                       ✓
                             financial risks relating to assumptions made for         PDC02; PLC03a;          2017/18
                             medium term financial projections.                     PCC04a; RMP10, 11         2015/16
Transformation               To meet future financial challenges and enable                                                                     ✓
                             improved and more efficient services. To include
                             digitalisation and new ways of working.
Working in Partnership       Working alongside different cultures. Potential for          FIN11               2019/20                                       ✓
                             some loss of control / ownership of service                                      2016/17
                             delivery. Assurance over governance, rights of            AGS (3-18/19)       (Homelessness)
                             access, third party assurance, contingency                AGS (1-19/20)
                             arrangements, exit strategy, hosting
                             arrangements (accountabilities), benefit
Asset Management (Property   Assurance over statutory compliance checks for        PRO02, 06, 08; DH07,       2018/19            Q1             ✓
Assets)                      properties. (2020/21 review)                                  10
                             Delivery of the Asset Management Plan including
                             repairs and maintenance to non-housing assets
                             (planned & reactive). (2021/22 review)

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

           Audit                                  Risk / Scope                       Strategic / Service     Previous IA        2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                            Risk              Coverage                          22          23

Human Resources &              Weak or ineffective internal control leading to              C7, C8             2019/20             Q4             ✓           ✓
Organisational Development     financial loss resulting in damage to the Council’s                             2018/19
                               reputation and adverse publicity. Assurances over      FIN01, 02; MVL03;      (Workforce
                               the audit cycle to cover:                              PDC01, 11; PRO10;       Planning)
                               • Performance Management                              LEG08; CS12; BEN02,       2017/18
                               • Absence management                                  03; HR01, 02, 03, 04,     (Casual
                               • Recruitment                                                05, 06           payments &
                               • Training & Development                                                        Member
                               • Workforce Strategy / Development                        AGS (2-18/19)        expenses)
                               • Flexible Working
                               • Volunteers
                               • Safeguarding awareness.

                            2020/21 focus to be recruitment and induction (to
                            include safeguarding awareness and training.)
Commissioning & Procurement Assurance over the effective identification and              I&R04; PRO01         2016/17              Q2
                            assessment of organisational needs to maximise
                            value for money and efficiencies through
                            Assurance over compliance with contract
                            procedure rules and legislative requirements.
                            Shared Service arrangement for Procurement with
                            Horsham DC, Crawley BC and Mid-Sussex DC.
Contract Management         Review of contract management arrangements and             I&R04; PRK04, 07;       2019/20                                        ✓
                            compliance across a selection of contracts in place.     ENV08, 10, 12; MVL17      2017/18

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

            Audit                           Risk / Scope                         Strategic / Service     Previous IA       2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                        Risk              Coverage                         22          23
Risk Management          Assurance over the risk management framework                                      2017/18            Q3
                         including governance, transparency and maturity.                                  2016/17
Fraud & Irregularities   Cyclical assurance over the governance                      FIN03; RMP10                                            ✓
                         arrangements to prevent, detect and investigate
                         fraud and irregularities.
Health & Safety          Effective H&S strategy in place and operating                   C3                2018/19            Q2
                         effectively with effective governance,                                            2015/16
                         accountability and issue resolution.                   RMP06; DEM09; EH11;
                                                                                   CS03, 14; PDC05;
                                                                                PRO12; PRK01, 02, 03,
                                                                                 11; DH08, 10; BEN02;
                                                                                 HOU07, 08, 09; PR12;
Information Governance   Assurance over information governance                     C5; I&R05; ED05;        2018/19            Q3
                         arrangements to include FOI, SAR, Transparency          LEG05, 06, 07; REV05;     2015/16
                         and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).          DH09; EDT05; FIN12;
                                                                                 PRO11; EH09; CSS10,
                                                                                   13, 16; COMM13;
                                                                                BEN04; HOU12; CRP08,
                                                                                PLC09; PDC10; P&P05;
                                                                                    12; CS10, HR07;
                                                                                DEM08; RMP05, 07, 13;
                                                                                MVL16; AGS (2-19/20)
Decision Making &        Assurance over the effectiveness and transparency          RMP01; 02; 03          2017/18                           ✓
Accountability           of the decision-making process at officer and               DEM04 05; 06        (Data quality)
                         Member level. To consider governance,                         COMMS06
                         sufficiency, accuracy and timeliness of information         AGS (3-19/20)
                         including consultation with the public as necessary.

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

              Audit                                Risk / Scope                       Strategic / Service    Previous IA      2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                             Risk             Coverage                        22          23
Ethical Governance              Evaluation of the design, implementation and               PDC04; DEM10       2018/19            Q1
                                effectiveness of MVDC’s ethics-related objectives,
                                programmes and activities.
Business Continuity &           Assurance over planning for extreme events that               C9              2018/19            Q2
Emergency Planning              may lead to delays in responding to situations        DH02; PBC05; EH10;      2016/17
                                resulting in increased costs and staff resources       ENV02, 03, 04, 05;
                                including:                                                DEM02, 03
                                • Business Continuity Plan
                                • Emergency Plan
                                • IT Disaster recovery, system resilience
Annual Governance Statement     Cyclical assurance over the governance                                        2019/20                                       ✓
                                arrangements to compile, contribute and deliver
                                the AGS.

Core Financial Reviews
Housing Benefits                                                                               BEN01          2018/19                           ✓
Council Tax                                                                                    REV01          2018/19            Q2
Accounts Payable                                                                            REV02; FIN13      2019/20                                       ✓
                                      Programme of cyclical systems reviews
Accounts Receivable / Debt                                                                REV01, 02; PRO03    2019/20                                       ✓
Management                                                                                                    2016/17
Main Accounting                                                                                               2017/18            Q3
Treasury Management                                                                            FIN04          2019/20                                       ✓
Income Collection (incl. Cash                                                                                 2019/20                           ✓
Office)                                                                                                       2018/19

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

            Audit                              Risk / Scope                         Strategic / Service         Previous IA       2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                           Risk                  Coverage                         22          23
Capital Accounting                                                                                                2018/19                           ✓
NNDR                         Outsourced to Reigate & Banstead BC. To review               REV01, 03               2018/19            Q2
                             the systems and processes in place operated by                                       2017/18
                             Reigate & Banstead as per the Inter Authority                                        2016/17
Payroll                      Outsourced to Midland HR. Review of contract                                         2019/20                                       ✓
                             management arrangements. Assurance that MVDC                                         2017/18
                             are receiving all outcomes expected from the                                         2016/17
                             contract and to review MVDC in-house operations.
VAT                          Assurance that VAT is appropriately accounted for                                    2010/11            Q3
                             and effective policies and procedures are in place.

IT Governance                Review of IT strategy, policies, standards and                  C4c                  2019/20                                       ✓
                             procedures. Other potential areas for consideration          ICT05, 07
                             to include IT asset management, change
                             management and software licensing.
Data Management              Review of data centre facilities and security                  ICT05                                                   ✓
                             including storage and back-up. To also consider
                             database management.
Information Security         Review of cyber security arrangements, security            C4b, C4c, C4d             2016/17            Q3
                             controls (including remote access) and cloud                                      (cyber security)
                             storage. To also consider network security and        ICT02, 03, 05, 08, 09, 15
                             infrastructure management
System Development &         Systems Life Cycle, Project Management and                      C4d                                                                ✓
Implementation               Application Management.                                        REV02
Networking &                 Virtualisation, operating system management                                                                            ✓
Payment Card Industry Data   Compliance to meet industry standards                                                2015/16            Q2
Security Standard

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

            Audit                                 Risk / Scope                          Strategic / Service      Previous IA        2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                               Risk               Coverage                          22          23
Affordable Housing             Opportunities for development and alternative                 HOU03, 04, 10                                                        ✓
                               methods of delivery to meet organisational and
                               national priorities. Review of the implementation
                               and delivery of the Affordable Housing Strategy.
Environmental Services         To review arrangements for refuse collection,                ENV08, 10, 11, 12     2019/20                                         ✓
                               recycling & street cleansing. Joint Waste Contract
                               in conjunction with four other local authorities with
                               Amey (effective August 2018), managed through
                               Joint Waste Solutions (hosted by Surrey Heath).
Environmental Health &         Shared Service with Tandridge DC (hosted by                      EH02, 03          2018/19                             ✓
Licensing                      MVDC). Assurance over governance and
                               accountability. Separate review required for Taxi             AGS (3-18/19)
                               licensing as this does not form part of the shared
                               service agreement.

Development Management         Planning (street naming, CIL); Development Control       PDC02, 06, 07, 08, 09,    2019/20                                         ✓
                               (planning applications, appeals); Planning Policy       11; FIN09; PLC02; PP01,   2017/18 x2
                               (local plan).                                            02, 07 10; PLC07, 12;     2015/16
Building Control               Partnership initiated in 2017 hosted by Tandridge         PBC01, 02, 03, 04;       2018/19              Q4
                               DC across three partners MVDC, R&BBC and TDC.                    PLC06             2017/18
                               Agreement through IAA. To consider governance,
                               deliverables and outcomes.

Environmental Sustainability   Priority area within the Corporate Strategy. Review                 C9                                                 ✓
                               of the development and implementation of the
                               Climate Change Strategy.

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

              Audit                        Risk / Scope                         Strategic / Service     Previous IA      2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                       Risk              Coverage                        22          23
Economic Development    Review business strategy and delivery                           ED02, 04                                           ✓
                        including processes and outcomes. To review
                        assurances from Coast to Capital LEP review.

Investments             Assurance over the governance, accountabilities,            I&R01, 02; LEG08;    2019/20                                       ✓
                        viability and outcomes of Asset Investment                    FIN02; PRO01
                        Strategy. Significant financial expectations through
                        the successful delivery of the AIS to meet savings
                        targets. Management direction around Risk

Regeneration            Programme management, governance and                             I&R03                              Q4
                        reporting of the ‘Transform Leatherhead’ and
                        ‘Opportunity Dorking’ programmes against desired

Parking & Enforcement   Assurance over cash collection of car park income           CRP02, 06, 07, 09                       Q1
                        (end to end review from point of pay to banking
                        and reconciliation.

Income Generation &     Effectiveness of income generation /                            C1d              2019/20                                       ✓
Commercialisation       maximisation (rental income and leases, optimal         PRO03; PH03; MVL07
                        use of subsidies, fees and charges). Review of
                        relevant strategies.

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

             Audit                               Risk / Scope                         Strategic / Service      Previous IA      2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                             Risk               Coverage                        22          23
Community Wellbeing
Homelessness                  Assurance over management and prevention of                   HOU01, 02                              Q4
                              homelessness. Development and Implementation
                              of the Homelessness Strategy.
Housing                       Effective Housing Policy and procedures to achieve                                                                  ✓
                              desired outcomes.
                              Effective relationship maintained and performance
                              monitoring of the local housing association.
                              Review of the Local Plan and provide assurance
                              around the progress/delivery.
Disabled Facility Grants      Administration and compliance with local /                                         2017/18           Q1
                              legislative requirements.                                                          2015/16
Community Safety &            Response to community safety and anti-social                       C8              2017/18           Q3
Enforcement                   behaviour. To include PREVENT, East Surrey                  CS06, 07; PRK10      (community
                              Community Safety Partnership and the                                                grants)
                              development of the JET. 2020-21 to focus on the
                              Community Safety Partnership

Health & Leisure Facilities   Thematic reviews based on areas of significant risk.   CS01,02,03,05,09,12,13;    2019/20                           ✓
                              To include contract management of leisure                    PRK02, 03,
                              operators for Dorking Sports Centre and
                              Leatherhead Leisure Centre. Delivery of the Leisure
                              & Tourism Strategy.

Community Support             Assurances over services designed to help residents           C8, C9              2019/20                                       ✓
                              retain their independence and reduce social             MVL03, 06, 09, 10, 19
                              isolation including: Telecare; Community transport;       AGS (2-19/20)
                              Care Centres, Handyman Services. Inherent risks
                              include funding, demand, safeguarding.

Draft Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 / 2022-23

            Audit                      Risk / Scope                       Strategic / Service   Previous IA     2020-21        2021-       2022-
                                                                                 Risk            Coverage                       22          23
Dorking Halls       High levels of cash handling and banking.            DH03, 04, 05; COMM08                                     ✓
                    Additionally, the function undertakes significant
                    level of commissioning and procuring artists.
                    Inherent risks include health & safety, fire and

Management          To include annual planning, reporting and                                                       -             -           -
                    attendance at SLT and Audit Committee, action
                    tracking, liaison with key stakeholders and annual
                    report and opinion.

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