Intellectual Affirmative Action - National Association of Scholars

Page created by Lori Blake
Acad. Quest. (2021) 34.2                                10.51845/34su.2.21
DOI 10.51845/34su.2.21

                                                        assassinated a federal judge during an
                                                        attempted prison break in a California
Stamped from the Beginning: The                         courtroom; and the career criminal
Definitive History of Racist Ideas in                   and murderer George Jackson, whose
America, Ibram X. Kendi, Bold Type                      several book-length paeans to thug-
Books, 2017, pp. 608, $11.34 softcover.                 gish violence and mayhem may well
                                                        have been ghost-written by the same
Intellectual Affirmative                                team of radical attorneys who smug-
Action                                                  gled him the gun he used to kill several
                                                        prison guards before he was himself
Alexander Riley                                         shot dead while attempting escape.
                                                        These      self-professed        revolutionary
                                                        thinkers flew at a literary and intel-
                                                        lectual level just a few inches above
      We have been here before, though                  the ground, though the current polit-
not quite. At the tail end of the 1960s,                icized nature of much of academic
the radical Black Power movement                        life has enabled them fifty years later
produced an array of pseudo-intel-                      to find their way on to college syllabi
lectuals who held forth to those who                    and into other campus programming,
would listen, presenting ignorantly                     including Martin Luther King Day/
counterfactual accounts of American                     Week celebrations.
history, culture, and politics. This                         The essential point is that, in their
group included the multiple-murderer                    time, these criminal subversives were
who led the Black Panther Party,                        read only by other self-professed rev-
Huey Newton, whose written wisdom                       olutionaries and radicals, and no one
included a book titled Revolutionary                    in any position of real cultural, polit-
Suicide that was cited by Jim Jones                     ical, or economic power attended to
as the more than 900 followers of                       their rantings. Their blathering about
his cult drank the poison that killed                   the purportedly fundamental corrup-
them; the Stalinist totalitarian philos-                tion of American culture and society
opher Angela Davis, who in addition                     was rightly relegated to a fringe posi-
to crafting turgid communist tracts                     tion on the spectrum of American
materially aided the terrorists who

    Alexander Riley is Professor of Sociology at Bucknell University whose latest books include Toward a
    Biosocial Science: Evolutionary Theory, Human Nature, and Social Life (Taylor and Francis, 2021) and
    Reflecting on the 1960s at 50 (Routledge, 2021);
Intellectual Affirmative Action                                                   139

political discourse, ignored by all seri-   that first put him on the map of the
ous members of the educated public.         woke black intelligentsia, which is
      Today, we have a new crop of          acclaimed widely on the left as an
self-righteously mendacious, intellec-      exemplary work of political scholar-
tually empty, and politically destruc-      ship, was Stamped from the Beginning:
tive black writers who produce the          The Definitive History of Racist Ideas
same genre of tendentious essays and        in America. Because the events that
books based in unargued assertion           pushed Kendi and others into the ele-
and a total disregard for facts and         vated cultural position they currently
reality. Their thought is of the same       occupy had not yet taken place on its
base quality as that of the 1960s rad-      publication, it has received rather less
icals, but unlike Newton, Davis, and        attention than How To Be An Antiracist.
Jackson, this new generation of black       But a fair, honest effort to evaluate the
radical writers are awarded book            quality of his thought ought to start
prizes and huge gifts for their aca-        with this work that his fans claim
demic centers by the people and insti-      as his most substantive and weighty
tutions that direct American society.       offering to date.
Their writings are also given to stu-           The first clue to what one is deal-
dents, not merely in college but at the     ing with here is in the book’s subtitle.
earliest entry into the educational         “Definitive” means “being the most
institutions, the better to insinuate       accurate and thorough,” and its syn-
themselves into the consciousness of        onyms include “authoritative,” “clas-
American youth.                             sic,” and “magisterial.” What serious
      Ibram X. Kendi, a professor at        writer would dare to describe his own
Boston University and director of its       work in such a blusteringly pomp-
Center for Antiracist Research, who         ous way? Proper intellectuals know
will doubtless soon be offered a posi-      that such judgments are to be made
tion at one or another of America’s         by intellectual communities, not by
most elite universities, has emerged        the authors of their own works. Yes,
as the lead prophet in this collec-         it’s true that publishers sometimes
tion of subversive writers. Much has        provide titles that authors mightn’t
been published already in criticism         prefer, but this is not a trivial matter.
of the shoddiness of How To Be An           If Kendi were a serious intellectual, he
Antiracist (2019), the book no woke         would have anticipated this justified
academic or student can be without          reaction and he would have required
in the George Floyd era. But the book       his publisher to omit that term. That
140                                                            Intellectual Affirmative Action

he did not, I submit, tells us something   differ in many ways along these lines
useful.                                    explains why you see them dispro-
      What then of its substance? On       portionately represented in various
its very first page, in the prologue,      realms of social life.
the reader finds this statement: “If           Kendi is correct that Blacks are
Black people make up 13.2 percent of       among those killed by police at a
the U.S. population, then Black people     higher percentage than their repre-
should make up somewhere close to          sentation in the population. But here’s
13 percent of the Americans killed by      another fact which is helpful in untan-
police, somewhere close to 13 percent      gling the most likely explanation, a
of the Americans sitting in prisons,       fact Kendi never troubles himself to
somewhere close to owning 13 percent       mention: Blacks are also quite signifi-
of U.S. wealth.” A freshman student        cantly overrepresented among the
in any of my classes who wrote such        ranks of those who kill police officers.
a thing in a paper would immediately       According to FBI data from 2010 to
attract my attention as someone in         2018, they were responsible for 39
need of remedial instruction, as this      percent of the total officers killed in
shows ignorance of basic reasoning         the line of duty. Now, given that con-
skills required for success in college.    text, which is more likely: that blacks
Imagine a writer who claimed: “If          are killed at disproportionate rates
White people make up 70 percent of         because of the systematic racism
the US population, then White people       of police, for which we have almost
should make up somewhere close             no evidence, or that this happens
to 70 percent of the Americans who         because blacks are also dispropor-
play professional football and bas-        tionately predisposed in interactions
ketball . . . ” Kendi has committed the    with police to respond with poten-
same egregious fallacy. This kind of       tially lethal violence?
claim would be true only if members            Stamped from the Beginning is little
of racial groups were entirely indis-      more than a long series of such asser-
tinguishable in their behavior, their      tions, with little evidentially-based
aptitudes, and their interests. But no     argumentation      to     support        them.
one with any experience of different       Historical vignettes are strung about
racial groups could possibly believe       throughout its length as ornaments,
that to be so, and empirical sociolog-     and a case for general principles about
ical data support that experiential        American culture is made from them
knowledge. The fact that these groups      alone. There is no philosophical or
Intellectual Affirmative Action                                                           141

social scientific depth to the book at             10 was a racist phenomenon because
all. Kendi fawns over risibly ideal-               she appropriated the black cultural
ized and easily falsified versions of              practice of hair braids. The Rocky
various subversives in the history                 film franchise is racist since Rocky,
of black radicalism. Malcolm X is a                a white boxer, defeats black boxers,
great humanist who never expressed                 some of whom are modeled too closely
any hatred for others, while Angela                on historically existing heavyweights
Davis is a righteous sister who could              such as Muhammad Ali or Sonny
not possibly have supported totali-                Liston. Entire scholarly disciplines
tarian Stalinism and actively worked               of academic research—evolutionary
alongside murderous terrorists like                psychology,     physical   anthropology,
the Jackson brothers, George and                   and      sociobiology—are     ignorantly
Jonathan. All insinuations that some               dismissed as “segregationist fields”
black cultural practices (single par-              because they do not ascribe to the
enthood, for example, or anti-school-              anti-scientific view Kendi promotes in
ing attitudes) are a net negative for              which racial difference can never be
black advance are, here as in Kendi’s              spoken of as having potentially any-
other writings, dismissed as racist,               thing at all to do with demonstrated
as are any arguments that assert                   genetic differences in different human
that, as a racial minority, blacks must            regional populations.
assimilate to at least some basics of                    The citation method utilized in the
the      majority          culture—educational     book is sloppy at an undergraduate
attainment, work ethic, commitment                 student level. Frequently, no notes are
to marriage and attentive parenting—               given for substantive claims. When
if they hope to advance. The reader                they are, they arrive in clusters at the
finds here the same morally abhorrent              end of paragraphs, often making it
1960s language of the black prison                 next to impossible to verify sources of
abolition movement, referring to con-              information. This cluster method, it
victed black murderers as “slaves”                 turns out, is a good way to hide omis-
victimized by a system of “slavery.”               sions. The number of unsubstantiated
      The efforts to make sense of                 claims is enough that one could write
aspects        of     mainstream     American      an entire book documenting them.
culture        are     equally    distorted   by         Let’s look for illustrative purposes
Kendi’s rigid ideological lens. The                in detail at one example. Kendi claims
omnipresent Bo Derek image run-                    that white violent crime rates are
ning on the beach in the 1980s film                higher than those of blacks because
142                                                           Intellectual Affirmative Action

violent crime as a category does not      blacks have a higher crash involve-
include the carnage produced by           ment than white drivers.
drunk drivers. Leave aside the legal          So Kendi’s astounding claim is the
and moral question of the proper cat-     following: some significant number of
egory for the deaths that result from     people are killed by drunk drivers; in one
drunk driving and those that are a        specific year, whites made up a particular
result of murders, that is, the fact      percentage of the population of arrested
that drunk drivers are in almost all      drunk drivers; thus, whites must pose a
cases not intending to harm or kill       more significant threat to harm and death
anyone but do so out of a species of      for the general population than blacks.
criminal negligence that all courts       But, again, he has given only a figure
recognize as serious but separable        on arrests for drunk driving. We do
from the willful act of intentionally     not know how many people were
taking another’s life. The real problem   injured or killed by those arrested
with Kendi’s claim is not legal philo-    individuals. We do know that the vast
sophical but statistical. He insinuates   majority of drunk drivers, including
that all drunk drivers who kill people    those arrested for the fact, did not
are white but gives no figures on the     even have automobile accidents, much
demographics of drunken driving           less kill anyone; they are arrested for
or injury and death resulting from        driving erratically, or at routine stops
it. He provides one claim of a statis-    where breathalyzer tests are admin-
tical nature here, asserting that 78      istered to all drivers. We simply do
percent of arrested drunk drivers in      not know what the racial demography
one year (1990) were white. (None of      of drunk drivers who kill or harm
the sources in the collective footnote    others looks like, though some data
at the end of the paragraph in which      suggest that blacks are higher crash
this claim appears contain this sta-      risks than whites, and Kendi gives no
tistic). But whites were 80 percent of    indication that he has even considered
the American population in 1990, so if    this question, which he would have to
Kendi’s figure is right, it would show    answer to hope to back up the claim
that whites are in fact slightly under-   he makes.
represented among arrested drunk              The need to substantiate one’s
drivers. Data from the National Traffic   claims does not occur to Kendi as a
Highway Safety Administration show        reasonable obligation because his goal
that, based on vehicle miles traveled,    in this book and in his other writing
                                          is not scientific illustration of how
Intellectual Affirmative Action                                                                 143

social reality operates. His purpose                  rejected by all who care about real
is propagandistic. In this, again, he                 intellectual standards.
fits neatly into a tradition of black                       The support given to Kendi by
radical writers stemming back to the                  these people has led him, among other
1960s. The poor writing and research                  things, to repackage Stamped from the
quality of the current BLM intellec-                  Beginning for an audience still less
tuals is related to a broader decline                 literate and critical than the one for
in the standards promulgated by the                   whom he wrote the original. In collab-
humanities and social science disci-                  oration with a “youth” writer, we now
plines, as they relate to racial matters.             have Stamped, a still more dumbed
Ultimately, one cannot blame Kendi                    down version of an already very dumb
and others like him for utilizing the                 book. Here is a representative bit of
tried and true model of gaining prom-                 prose from this latest effort:
inence through charges of racism
without evidence. It is the largely                         This isn’t a history book . . .
white cultural elites who fund him,                         This is a present book . . .
who assign his books in their classes,                      Segregationists are haters. Like,
and cheerlead for him from their sites                      real haters. People who hate
of institutional power; these are the                       you for not being like them.
true culprits to whom blame should                          Assimilationists are people who
be assigned. Their affirmative action                       like you, but only with quotation
commitment, reflected most illus-                           marks. Like, “like you.” . . . So
tratively in their almost universal                         where do we start? We might as
support for the classics scholar Dan-el                     well just jump in and begin with
Padilla Peralta who insisted “I should                      the world’s first racist . . . you’re
have been hired because I was black”                        thinking Yeah, tell us, so we can
and “[m]y merit and my blackness are                        find out where he lives. Well, he’s
fused to each other,” has resulted in
                                                            dead. Been dead for six hundred
a fundamentally racist effort to pro-                       years. Thankfully. And before
mote substantively vacuous black                            I tell you about him, I have to
radical thinking based on the nar-                          give you a little context. Europe
rative it represents rather than the                        [was] conquering everyone . . .
intellectual quality of that work. This                     The year is 1415, and Prince
fecklessness should be disdained and                        Henry . . . of Portugal . . . pull[ed]

1   John Rosenberg, “Is Being Black a Badge of Merit?,” Minding the Campus, January 9, 2019.
144                                                            Intellectual Affirmative Action

      a caper and capture[d] the main        places of employment are requiring
      Muslim trading depot on the            you to read him. Newton could safely
      northeastern tip of Morocco . . .      be ignored by the sane; Kendi cannot.
      Stolen. A jack move. A robbery.        We have our work cut out for us to
      Plain and simple. The take, a          resist this wave of intellectual cre-
      bountiful supply of gold. And          tinization provoked by the American
      Africans.                              cultural elite’s soft bigotry of low
      Nowhere in the midst of this
unsophisticated rendering do we find
acknowledgement of the fact that
Muslims in that part of the world had
been operating a lucrative trade in
African slaves for centuries before the
Europeans showed up. We do learn a
bit later along, though, that Puritan
ideas about witches are the beginning
of stereotypes of blacks as criminals:
“Since the devil represented crim-
inality, and since criminals in New
England were said to be the devil’s
minions, the Salem witch hunt made
the Black face the face of criminality.
It was like racist algebra. Solve for x.
Solve for White. Solve for anything
other than truth.”
      I found myself, as I was leafing
through Stamped, wondering if I were
being put on, if this was some kind
of not very funny prank or parody.
Lamentably, no. This is what political-
ly-motivated affirmative action in the
intellectual world has wrought. Ibram
Kendi has replaced Huey Newton,
with the difference that now every
educational       institution   and   many
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