THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids

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THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids
JANUARY 24, 2020   ●   VOL . 10   ●   NO. 15      EDITION 5–6

              THE BTS EFFECT
         The South Korean pop stars are inspiring
   fans around the world to support good causes.
THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids
TH E BRIE F                                                                    WORLD

                                                                                                               ROYAL EXIT
                                                                                                               By Brian S. McGrath

                                                                                                               Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle,
                                                                                                               the duke and duchess of Sussex, made an
                                                                                                               announcement on January 8. “We intend
                                                                                                               to step back as ‘senior’ members” of the
                                                                                                               royal family, they wrote on their official
                                                                                                               Instagram page.
                                                                                                                   The couple said they plan to support
                                                                                                               themselves financially. They will lead lives
                                                                                                               separate from the royal family, splitting their
                                                                                                               time between the United Kingdom and North
                                                                                                                   Many people were surprised by the
                                                                                                               announcement. No member of the British
                                                                                                               royal family has ever “stepped back” in this
                                                                                                               way. A royal’s job is to support charities
                                                                                                               and do other work that benefits the public.
                                                                                                               The duke and duchess said they will
                                                                                                               continue to “honor our duty” to Britain.
                                                                                                               But they plan to focus on their own charity.
                                                                                                               They also want privacy as they raise their

                                                                                                               son, Archie. Both say British newspapers
                                                                                                               have printed unfair stories about them.
                                                                       Stop and Think!                             On January 13, Queen Elizabeth issued
                                                                   WHY does the press report on                a statement. The royal family is “entirely
                                                                   public figures, such as Prince Harry        supportive of Harry and Meghan’s desire to
                                                                   and Meghan Markle? What might               create a new life as a young family,” she said.
                             THE NEXT STEP Meghan Markle           lead a public figure to say that a
                             and Prince Harry greet reporters      story is unfair?
                                                                                                               “We respect and understand their wish to live
                             in London, England, on January 7.                                                 a more independent life.”


                                 TEEN FINDS NEW PLANET
                                 By Karena Phan

                                 NASA recently announced a new planet. It was
                                 discovered by 17-year-old Wolf Cukier during his
                                 summer internship at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight                   DISTANT WORLD Wolf Cukier discovered TOI 1338 b (the black
                                 Center, in Maryland. Wolf monitored data collected                 dot). In this illustration, the planet orbits its two stars.
                                 from TESS, a NASA satellite. (TESS stands for                   FROM LEFT: COURTESY BEN CUKIER; CHRIS SMITH—NASA’S GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER

                                 Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite.) TESS’s mis-             according to NASA. “It turned out to be a planet.”
                                 sion is to find planets outside our solar system.               Called TOI 1338 b, the planet is nearly seven times
                                     Three days into his internship, Wolf noticed a              the size of Earth. It’s “like Tatooine from Star Wars”
                                 signal from planetary system TOI 1338. (TOI stands              because it orbits two stars, Wolf told TIME for Kids.
                                 for TESS Object of Interest.) “I thought it was a                   To read an interview with Wolf, go to
                                 stellar eclipse, but the timing was wrong,” he said,  
                                                                                                                  NEWS STORIES MAY INCLUDE REPORTING FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.

                             COVER: SARA JAYE WEISS—SHUTTERSTOCK

                             2     Time for Kids January 24, 2020
THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids
                                 FOR THE RECORD

                                                                                        BROWN BIRD DESIGN FOR TIME
                                is about how
                                many Americans
                                have caught
                                THE FLU in what’s
                                                                                                                      single roll
                                                                                                                      you place,
                                on track to be one
                                of the worst flu seasons in years, according to
                                government data released January 3.

                                                                                                                     you want it
                                                                                                                     to be in the
                                                       is how high steam, ash, and
                                                      pebbles shot into the air after
                                                       the TAAL VOLCANO erupted
                                                               in the Philippines on

                                                            January 12. Taal is the
                                                                Philippines’ second-
                                                             most-active volcano. It
                                                              spewed ash as far as
                                                                 capital city Manila,
                                                                     45 miles away.

                                                                                                                        said MAXTON HERST, a senior at Bullock Creek High
                                                                                                                     School, in Midland, Michigan. Herst and his classmates built
                                                                                                                      a 16-foot-tall pyramid over winter break using 27,434 rolls
                                                                                                                       of toilet paper. They hope to break the world record and
                                                                                                                               raise money for the school robotics team.
                                   DIVE               Korean popular music found massive global
                                                      success last year. Read below to see how
                                                      BTS and others scored big in 2019.

                                                                                                                           The number of streams for the song
                                                                                                                           “Boy with Luv,” by BTS, featuring Halsey

                                                                              The number of streams for the song “Baby Shark.” The catchy tune
                                                                              was created by Pinkfong, a Korean children’s educational brand.

                                                                            The number of times K-pop band SuperM’s The 1st Mini-Album was
                                                                            bought within a week of its release.

                                                                                                                                          EMOJIPEDIA.ORG, USING APPLE IOS 13.2 SET (13). SOURCE: NIELSEN

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THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids
COVE R                  ARTS

                     Fans of K-pop band BTS are              of the 100 most influential people.    BTS have a partnership with Formula
                     inspired to give back to others.        Their next album comes out on          E electric cars. It’s meant to raise
                                                             February 21.                           awareness about climate change.
                     Jailynne Garcia, 10, loves the South        Fans like Jailynne proudly claim   The band wants to encourage fans
                     Korean pop group BTS. Her mom,          to be members of the BTS ARMY.         to embrace clean energy.
                     Michelle Santos, introduced her         (ARMY stands for Adorable Rep-             One of the biggest BTS cam-
                     to BTS in 2017. “I like how funny       resentative M.C. for Youth.) They      paigns so far is with the United
                     they are, that they’re good dancers     help spread the word to newcomers      Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
                     and singers. Also, that they help       about the group and its good works.    The campaign is called Love Myself.
                     people,” the New York City fourth           BTS are glad their fans feel       Its goal is to protect children and
                     grader told TIME for Kids.              connected to them. “That was our       teens from violence. “Our fans
                         BTS debuted in 2013. The seven      goal,” Suga told TIME in 2018, “to     have become a major part of this
                     members are J-Hope, Jimin, Jin,         create this empathy that people        campaign with their action and
                     Jung Kook, RM, Suga, and V. Their       can relate to.”                        enthusiasm,” RM said in a speech
                     songs are mostly in Korean. But                                                at the United Nations in 2018.
                     BTS have become international           A BAND THAT GIVES BACK                 “We truly have the best fans in
                     superstars. They have more than         In March 2019, the Korea Times         the world.” Love Myself raised
                     23 million followers on Twitter.        reported that Suga donated             $2.3 million from album and mer-

                     Their YouTube videos have received      $88,000 to the Korea Pediatric         chandise sales plus donations
                     more than 3 billion views. They         Cancer Foundation. Six months          from the band, its
                     had three Number 1 albums on            later, RM gave away more than          record label, and
                     the Billboard chart in a year. And in   $83,000. That went to the Seoul        the BTS ARMY.
                     2019, TIME included BTS on its list     Samsung School, to help students
                                                             with hearing impairment. This year,

                                                                                                                                FOR YOUTH
                                                                                                                               BTS appear
                                                                                                                             with UNICEF’s
                                                                                                                                 Lilly Singh
                                                                                                                               (center left)
                                                                                                                             and Henrietta
                                                                                                                                    H. Fore.

                     4   Time for Kids January 24, 2020
THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids
ROCKING EVE BTS performs live in New York City’s
                                                            Times Square on New Year’s Eve 2019.
Inspired by BTS, Jailynne and her
mom joined the BTS fan group One
in an ARMY (OIAA). It leads projects
to help people in need. The two of
them have donated coats and
canned goods to charities and
planted trees in their neighborhood.
“I still have dirt under my finger-
nails,” Jailynne jokes.
    OIAA was founded in 2018.
“Some of us thought, ‘Wouldn’t it

be amazing if we focused all that
power to accomplish good things in
the world?’” says Erika Overton, a
U.S.-based volunteer. Since then,
the group has run more than 20                              BIG SPEECH BTS member RM gives a speech at the United Nations,
charitable campaigns.                                       in New York, on September 24, 2018.
    Often, OIAA campaigns are
timed to take place around
BTS band members’ birthdays.
So far, OIAA has raised money
for refugees, reforestation, the
environment, and more. Most
people donate just a dollar. “We
                                       MARK GARTEN—UNICEF

focus on microdonations so that
everyone can feel like they are
          contributing toward the
          goal,” Overton says.
            Jailynne hopes the
       BTS ARMY will grow and
    continue to do good deeds.
    “The more people like me that                           GROWING GOOD                              the BTS ARMY has raised more than
                                                                                                      $28,000 for One Tree Planted.
     are doing this,” she says,                             One popular way for the BTS ARMY to           In Malaysia, the fan group BTS for
      “the more happiness it brings                         give back is by planting trees. Fans      Charity (below) formed the Green Namu
       to others who need it, and a                         often donate to One Tree Planted.         Project. The group met in November
         bigger change there is in                          This nonprofit group plants trees         to plant trees in honor of the birth-
         the world.”                                        around the world. Since August 2019,      days of Jimin, Jung Kook, and RM.
             —By Constance Gibbs

           Power Words
       debut verb: to make a first
       public appearance
       empathy noun: the ability to
       understand another’s feelings
       refugee noun: a person who
       flees his or her home country
       for safety
                                                                                                        COURTESY GREEN NAMU PROJECT AND BTS FOR CHARITY

THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids
                                                                                           Power Word
                                                                                        rural adjective: having to
                                                                                        do with the countryside or
                                                                                        the people who live there

                                                                                ON THE ROAD Kids in
                                                                                Talladega County, Alabama,
                                                                                do homework during their
                                                                                bus ride.


                                                                                                                         COURTESY OF GOOGLE
Schools are finding creative             and technology tools as some of your   the Internet. (These work in some,
ways to keep kids online.                classmates—that’s the homework         but not all, rural areas.) Students in
                                         gap,” Beth Holland told TIME for       several communities have created
Students who go to school in             Kids. She works at the Consortium      Wi-Fi maps. Those let kids know
Talladega County, Alabama, are           for School Networking.                 about local businesses, such as cafés,
given a laptop or a tablet. They                                                which provide Internet to their
use these devices in class and take      DRIVING CHANGE                         customers.
them home at the end of the day.         The homework gap isn’t just a              Talladega County created what
    But Talladega County is in a rural   problem in Talladega County.           it calls “rolling study halls.” Many
part of Alabama. Many students live      According to a Pew Research Center     students ride the bus to and from
in small towns or in the countryside.    study, about one in five homes         school each day along country roads.
The towers and underground cables        with school-age kids doesn’t have      The average ride each way is an hour.
that provide Internet access don’t       high-speed Internet access. And        Some are as long as 90 minutes.
always reach these areas. In some        17% of teens say that lack of steady   In 2018, wireless Internet was
homes, it’s impossible even to access    Internet access sometimes means        installed on six school buses with
the Internet.                            they can’t do their homework. “Kids    long routes in rural areas. Now
    Experts have a name for this         are being excluded from learning       students can do homework during
situation. They call it the “home-       opportunities,” Holland says.          their daily rides. A teacher comes
work gap,” because it’s difficult—           Schools across the country         along to help.
nearly impossible—for some students      have found creative ways to close          “It’s been a game changer,”
to do homework that requires them        the homework gap. In some school       Vicky Ozment says. She’s the deputy
to get online. “When you go home at      libraries, students can borrow         superintendent for Talladega County
the end of the day and you can no        mobile hot spots, which use            Schools. “It leveled the playing
longer access the same information       cell-phone networks to access          field.”              —By Shay Maunz

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6   Time for Kids January 24, 2020
THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids

Fact-checkers help make sure               included in it. How does he do this?     of books’ in an article, I need to find
publications are trustworthy and           First, he reads each article. He         out if it’s really a ‘stack’ or if it’s just
error-free.                                underlines information that can be       a couple of books,” Fabry says.
                                           proven. Examples include numbers,
More than half of teens learn about        historical details, and the spelling     ALL IN A DAY’S WORK
the news from social-media sources         of proper nouns. He then looks           Sifting through multiple sources to
and YouTube videos. That’s accord-         for a primary source to confirm the      verify one fact can sometimes be
ing to a 2019 Common Sense Media           information. A primary source is a       tough. But the job comes with perks.
survey. But the information on those       firsthand account, such as an official   “I really enjoy getting to work with
sites is not always trustworthy.           website or autobiography.                writers and editors,” Fabry says.
    “There’s more misinformation               If Mamone can’t locate a primary     “It can be very collaborative.”
out there than ever,” Jordan Mamone        source, he’ll look for three secondary       Mamone sees another advantage:
says. He works as a fact-checker at        sources to confirm a fact. Second-       “The topics that you’re researching
TIME for Kids. Mamone believes             ary source describe or analyze           are constantly changing,” he says.
people should be careful about where       what a primary source says. They         “Today I’m researching Popeyes
they get their news. “It’s really impor-   include newspaper articles and           chicken sandwiches for an article,
tant to learn about your sources and to    books. But Mamone can’t rely on          and tomorrow it could be hurri-
think about where you’re consuming         every secondary source he finds.         canes. So you’re always learning!”
information,” he says.                     He avoids those that are outdated or     —By Rebecca Mordechai
    Like fact-checkers at other news       biased. He also skips sources that
organizations, Mamone works with           might not have been fact-checked,
                                                                                           Power Words
writers and editors to make sure           such as personal blogs.
people can trust what they read.               Merrill Fabry is a fact-checker         biased adjective: prejudiced for or
                                                                                       against someone or something
                                           for TIME magazine. She says paying
GETTING IT RIGHT                           attention to even the smallest details      collaborative adjective: involving
                                                                                       two or more people working
Before an issue of TFK is published,       is an important part of the job. “For       together
Mamone verifies all of the facts           example, if someone writes ‘a stack

                                                                                                        CHECKING IN Jordan
                                                                                                        Mamone and writer
                                                                                                        Rebecca Mordechai
                                                                                                           confirm facts in
                                                                                                               this article.
                                                                                                                                   DREW WILLIS FOR TIME FOR KIDS

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THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 UNIVERSAL PICTURES
                                                                      ANIMAL ADVENTURES
                                                                  Dr. John Dolittle is a veterinarian with a special talent:                                                                               there to help. They include a gorilla, a duck, and a polar
                                                                  He can talk to animals. The character was introduced                                                                                     bear. Tommy Stubbins, Dr. Dolittle’s young apprentice,
                                                                  100 years ago in The Story of Doctor Dolittle, the first in a                                                                            also joins him on the trip.
                                                                  series of classic novels for kids. Over the years, the vet’s                                                                                 Actor HARRY COLLETT (pictured, center right), 16,
                                                                  adventures have been made into movies. Dolittle is the                                                                                   plays Tommy in the movie. “When Tommy goes on this
                                                                  latest.                                                                                                                                  massive quest with Dolittle, he learns to bring out his
                                                                       In the new film, England’s Queen Victoria becomes                                                                                   inner self,” Harry told TFK Kid Reporter Mira McInnes.
                                                                  ill. Dr. Dolittle sets out in search of a cure. During his                                                                               “He’s becoming a more brave and exciting person.”
                                                                  travels, he encounters old enemies—but his friends are                                                                                   Dolittle hit theaters January 17.

                                                                                                                                                                                     IGGY’S WORLD
                                                                                                                                                                                     Nine-year-old Iggy Frangi isn’t afraid to be himself.
                                                                                                                                                                                     He has a lot of great ideas, even if they don’t always
                                                                                                                                                                                     go according to plan. The Best of Iggy is about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       misadventures of this mischievous boy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Author ANNIE BARROWS calls him a
                                                                                                                                                                                                       “kid who is living in the moment.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Barrows also wrote the popular series
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ivy + Bean. It’s about two girls who are
                                                                                                                                                                                                       best friends, even though their person-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       alities are very different. Barrows told TFK
                                                                                                                                                                                                       that Iggy’s character was inspired by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       young readers she met while traveling to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      schools to talk about the books. Some
                                                                                                                                                                                                      kids seemed to be troublemakers, like
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Iggy. But Barrows knew there was more
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to them. “Just because somebody calls
                                                                                                                                                                                                      you a troublemaker doesn’t mean you’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                      bad at all,” she says. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   —By Karena Phan

                                                                  TIME for Kids Edition 5–6 (ISSN 2156-9150 ) is published weekly from September to May, except for school holidays and two double issues, by Volume #10, Issue #15. Principal Office: 3 Bryant Park, New York, NY 10036. Periodical postage paid at New
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THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids THE BTS EFFECT The South Korean pop stars are inspiring fans around the world to support good causes - Time for Kids
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