Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

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Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global
                           Report 2019

  Virtual Sports
  and Esports
~ Cubeia
~ Kiron Interactive
~ Inspired Entertainment
~ Sportradar
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

                                Betradar Betting Services
           More than 600 bookmaker clients and 30+ state lotteries,
           in over 80 countries across five continents all rely on our
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betradar is a brand of sportradar
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

       Group head of content:
       Andy Roocroft
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6629

       Report editor:
       Ross Law
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6535

       Head of production:
       Claudia Honerjager


                                                        Virtual sports in 2018
       Luke Tuchscherer, Alice Burton                   Brooks Pierce and Steven Rogers, of Inspired
       Charlotte Sayers                                 Entertainment, reflect on recent developments in the
                                                        virtual sports space
       Art director, EGR:
       Toni Giddings
                                                        A technological evolution
       Group commercial manager:
       Sam Compagnoni
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6554
                                              09        Steven Spartinos, co-CEO of Kiron Interactive, assesses
                                                        how advancements in technology and a wide range of
                                                        sports and betting options have made virtuals a must-have
                                                        offering for operators

       Publishing account managers:                     Making the casino experience
       Debbie Robson                                    more interactive
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6551                         Fredrik Johansson, of Cubeia, outlines the company’s                         new Arcade Casino Games offering

       Irene Malentacchi
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6580
                                                        Virtual football and the growth of

                                                        virtual in-play sports
                                                        Frank Wenzig, of Sportradar, highlights the growth of the
       Content sales:
                                                        company’s in-play sports offering, with a particular focus
       Tel: +44 (0) 20 7832 6512
4                                                       on football

       Fay Oborne

       Charlie Kerr

       EGR Intel is published
       monthly by Pageant Gaming Media
       One London Wall, London,
       EC2Y 5EA, United Kingdom

       ISSN 1742-2450

       Printed by The Manson Group
       © 2018 all rights reserved.
       No parts of this publication may be
       reproduced or used without the prior
       permission from the publisher
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global


The genesis
of virtual sports
      he EGR Virtual Sports and Esports Report takes a high-level look at the
T     genesis of this segment and the key growth areas within it.
   It was not long ago that virtual sports were mere gap-filler content for
operators, offered only to keep punters logged in or in betting shops until the
next horse race, football match or cricket innings began. Nowadays, virtual
sports represent a major growth area for service providers’ sportsbooks,
and have become an important sportsbook offering in their own right.
   To reach legitimacy and retain punters’ interest, virtuals have had to
develop considerably. While improved graphics have played a part, along
with the ability to engage and place bets on this product around the clock,
the growing amount of bet types have helped spur interest.
   Contributors within this report also reflect on the general growth of
the virtuals segment, and highlight the key growth areas. In the wake of
a summer which featured a high-quality football World Cup, the world,
including regions previous less invested in the sport, have given virtual         5
football a significant boost in interest.
   Overall this report should inspire and provide informative commentary on
virtuals and esports betting.

By Ross Law | Report editor
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

      Featuring: Inspired Entertainment

      Virtual sports in 2018

                                  Brooks Pierce and Steven Rogers, of                        Inspired’s virtual sports attract a younger demo-
                                  Inspired Entertainment, reflect on recent                  graphic who like sports as well as computer games,
                                  developments in the virtual sports space                   and our games are a great way to prepare players for
                                                                                             real world sporting events. These products can be lo-
                                                                                             calised, they’re easy to deploy, and they can be used
                                  EGR Intel (EGR): What does Inspired Entertainment spe-     on multiple platforms in multiple ways, including:
                                  cialise in?                                                  • As a content filler for land-based sportsbooks;
       Brooks Pierce              Steven Rogers (SR): Inspired Entertainment creat-            • As an on-property amenity; and
       ◆ President and COO        ed virtual sports, and owns more than 90% of regu-           • Online, as a real-money online gambling or
       ◆ Inspired
       Entertainment              lated virtual markets worldwide. As a global games             social casino product.
       Brooks Pierce is           technology company, Inspired supplies server-based
       president and COO of       gaming, virtual sports, and interactive gaming with        EGR: Can you describe your virtual sports presence in the
       Inspired Entertainment,
                                  associated terminals and digital content to regulat-       United States right now, and how you see that market de-
       and has more than 25
       years of experience in     ed lottery, casinos, betting and gaming operators.         veloping?
       the gaming industry.                                                                  BP: Our virtual sports content is operating in a
6                                 EGR: How valuable do operators see virtual sports as       number of sportsbooks in Nevada through Wil-
                                  being now compared to a year or two ago?                   liam Hill, and online in New Jersey. We also recently
                                  Brooks Pierce (BP): With the recent Supreme Court          launched our virtual sports products in more than
                                  ruling favouring sports betting, we’ve seen a surge        9,000 retail locations with the Pennsylvania Lottery.
                                  in interest in our virtual sports content from the US.
                                  Our virtual sports content is seen as complemen-           Our virtual sports content is seen as
                                  tary to and seamless with real-world sports betting,       complementary to and seamless with
                                  where it is legal. It has proven to drive incremental
       Steve Rogers               revenues for customers globally and attract new
                                                                                             real-world sports betting
       ◆ Chief commercial         players, as the digital format mimics the type of en-
       ◆ Inspired                 tertainment that millennials already consume. Em-          Many other US lotteries and casinos have sought us
                                  pirically, operators who have added virtual sports to      out to talk about launching similar products across
       Steve Rogers, Inspired’s
       chief commercial officer   an existing sportsbook have experienced a 15-20%           their retail, casino, sportsbooks and interactive plat-
       for virtual sports, has    increase in revenue.                                       forms. US providers see our products as an oppor-
       spent more than 15            Operators understand how well virtual sports are        tunity to expand their player base, as a precursor
       years in virtual sports.   performing in markets like Greece and Italy. Now           to sports betting, and as a way to add fresh content
                                  many in the US are learning its ease of integration,       with a dynamic new revenue growth opportunity for
                                  its low costs of deployment, the flexibility it offers     North American-based operators.
                                  through customised and multiple platform options,
                                  and the draw it has for all types of players: lottery,     EGR: Are there any betting products you can offer players in
                                  slots, sports betting, online, and mobile.                 virtual sports that can’t be offered in “real” sports betting?
                                                                                             SR: Virtual sports betting is different from live sports
                                  EGR: Why should operators who haven’t considered virtual   betting in regards to length of an event and frequency,
                                  sports be looking at it now?                               providing more fun, betting options, more chances to
                                  BP: Virtual sports is an amalgamation of sport             win. They also fill lulls in live sports content. Lottery,
                                  betting, esports and slots across all platforms.           casino, sportbooks and interactive customers are able
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

                                                                                                                    Featuring: Inspired Entertainment

to diversify their product portfolio by offering higher    the world’s most advanced motion capture facilities
frequency games and life-like virtuals.                    to produce ultra-realistic animation that generates a
   The schedule and margins of the virtual games           true depiction of the game/sport. Our player models
are operator-configurable, providing ultimate              are developed in ultra-high resolution, including
flexibility. The betting options, the 24/7 availability,   facial rigs and muscle systems. For the football game
and multiple platform options allow players to bet         we just launched with the Pennsylvania Lottery, we
on sports content in new, convenient and exciting          used super close up cameras for the first time, which
ways, and the content can easily be adapted to dif-        allowed us to go right in the middle of the action
ferent types of players: lottery, slots, sports bettors,   and take the experience to the next level.
social and mobile. Content can be localised and
tailored to a certain type of player, while driving        EGR: What do you wish customers knew about virtual
incremental revenue for our customers. The easy of         sports?
play of these virtual sports games is also a big draw;     SR: Virtual sports have proven to appeal to sports
anyone can win or take part without any knowledge          bettors and gamers alike. They’ve also shown them-
of sports betting.                                         selves to be a perfect product to acquire players from
                                                           sports into gaming and vice versa. The products can
EGR: What is your approach to creating premium virtual     appeal to the players who seek complex sports bets,
sports content?                                            or to the players who enjoy a simpler betting experi-
SR: To provide the ultimate realistic virtual sports       ence. The speed of adoption often surprises our cus-
betting experience, we research players and trends,        tomers; we saw this in Italy and Greece, where In-
and employ sports experts to consult on the con-           spired products generated annualised revenues of
tent and betting structures to ensure they are accu-       around €1bn ($1.14bn) and €600m ($686bn) respec-
rate, relevant, engaging, and entertaining. We use         tively over relatively short periods of time. ◆
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

         POKER & CASINO
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

Featuring: Kiron Interactive

A technological evolution

                           Steven Spartinos, co-CEO of Kiron                        top and mobile, meaning these players are able to
                           Interactive, assesses how advancements                   engage in their favourite virtuals whether they are
                           in technology and a wide range of sports                 on the bus or relaxing at home on their sofa.

                           and betting options have made virtuals a                 Cross-selling virtuals to casino players
                           must-have offering for operators                         With all that in mind, it’s not difficult to under-
                                                                                    stand why virtual offerings are more popular than
                           I  nitially used as stop-gaps to fill time between
                              live sporting events at bookmakers up and
                           down the high street, virtual sports have gone
                                                                                    ever before. But more importantly, they are offering
                                                                                    operators the chance to appeal to new players.
                                                                                       While themed and originally designed to appeal
XKiron Interactive
Steven Spartinos           from a relatively unknown quantity to an operator        to the traditional sports bettor, the raw ingredients
is co-founder and          necessity in recent years.                               that make up a virtual offering can be repackaged
co-CEO of virtual             Met with early scepticism, both from retail book-     in new instant-win formats to appeal to casino play-
games provider Kiron       makers and players, the life of virtual sports hasn’t    ers accustomed to instant-win gratification.
Interactive. Established
                           always been a blossoming one, especially as early it-       It would be no surprise to see some casino users
in 2001, the specialist
supplier now services      erations were often unrealistic.                         grow tired of traditional table games and the me-       9
web, mobile, and land-        But fast-forward to the present day, and evolving     chanics of various slot iterations. Many of these
based sportsbook and       software and hardware has propelled virtuals from        players are looking for something new to entertain
casino operators on
                           content filler to a must-have offering for betting op-     them. Virtual games can fill this void.
five continents. Prior to
joining the betting and    erators.
gaming industry, he
                                                                                    The raw ingredients that make up a
worked in banking and      Catering for a demanding demographic
finance.                    Suppliers such as Kiron Interactive have worked          virtual offering can be repackaged in
                           tirelessly to eradicate the ‘cartoon racing’ tag given   new instant-win formats to appeal to
                           to virtual offerings when first introduced to the in-      casino players accustomed to instant-
                           dustry more than 15 years ago.
                                                                                    win gratification
                              The innovation in graphics and CGI technologies
                                                                                    Steven Spartinos | Kiron Interactive
                           now rival even the best gaming consoles and it’s
                           for this very reason that even the millennial demo-
                           graphic, typically viewed as the most demanding,            Sports betting can prove a daunting prospect to
                           has been attracted.                                      a player who doesn’t have prior knowledge of the
                              Super-fast data and easily accessible content on      sport in question. Virtual sports may, however, pro-
                           smartphones over the last decade or so means this        vide a simple betting experience with limited bet-
                           target audience has grown up around technology           ting knowledge needed to participate in the fast
                           and therefore expects the best.                          gameplay. Together with entertaining visuals and
                              Kiron’s full portfolio of titles, which includes a    lucrative betting options, virtuals truly offer an at-
                           wide range of sports such as football, horse racing      tractive alternative to these players.
                           and ice hockey, feature high-quality graphics and
                           aptly paired audio, in order to immerse and engage       Fun, fast and frequent
                           audiences.                                               Take virtual football, for example. Shown every
                              They are also designed to be played both on desk-     couple of minutes throughout the day, virtual foot-
Intel Virtual Sports and Esports - EGR.Global

                                                                                                                          Featuring: Kiron Interactive
       ball offers short bursts of action alongside a com-        markets with realistic odds are offered alongside
       prehensive set of betting markets.                        the offering.
          Results are also always known within a short, de-         This not only ensures that seasoned bettors are
       fined period of time, so there is never a need to wait     catered for when placing a wager on the action, but
       for the outcome of a 90-minute football game. In-         also gives recently acquired players the chance to
       play betting options have helped, but even so, many       find a bet to suit their style of play.
       key betting markets require the player to wait for           Whether it be a single bet on a horse winning or
10     the final outcome after 90 minutes.                        multiple bets involving several football teams, Kiron
          Cross-selling is nothing new and has been hap-         prides itself on offering an enticing betting offering
       pening for years. But after a successful World Cup,       of markets on all its titles designed to suit all.
       football betting has never been more popular, and
       virtuals offer a great ‘softer product’ to tempt new       Variety is the spice of life
       players.                                                  However, those aforementioned bored casino play-
          More and more players are now interested in the        ers or demanding millennials can easily grow tired
       ‘snacking’ style of gaming. Time constraints on           of virtuals just as quickly as they can table games or
       modern-living means new, younger players have             the latest console title.
       never been busier. Entertainment is often now en-            It’s for this reason operators need to continue
       joyed in small bursts during the day. Virtuals are        adding new titles to their portfolio in an effort to
       perfectly positioned to offer this.                        keep players entertained and engaged. Of course,
          Players are often unable to hang around and wait       football, horse racing and greyhound racing contin-
       for football or racing events to start, and bookies       ue to be the most common titles.
       will tell you that this has contributed to a decline in      But they don’t suit all players. Kiron Interactive
       ante post betting in recent times.                        prides itself on offering the largest and most varied
                                                                 portfolio on the market, including table tennis, ar-
       Offering a comprehensive odds offering                    chery, ice hockey and motor racing.
       While attractive and realistic graphics and a wide-          Not only does this help cater to the needs of the
       range of virtual offerings are the key to attracting       demanding players in question, but it also allows an
       players at first, engaging gameplay and, most im-          operator to tailor its content to a specific market in
       portantly, lucrative betting markets are what keep        order to keep bettors engaged and playing.
       players coming back.                                         So, thanks to more engaging and realistic game-
         Just like sportsbook, virtual sports are boom-          play across sports, there’s nothing virtual about the
       ing, but to supplement or even rival them, it’s im-       revenue enhancing opportunities available to oper-
       portant that a fully comprehensive set of betting         ators to tap into. X

Featuring: Cubeia

Making the casino experience
more interactive
                             Fredrik Johansson, of Cubeia, outlines the                Looking at the intersection between gaming and
                             company’s new Arcade Casino Games                       gambling, we knew we wanted to create a funner,
                             offering                                                more interactive experience for the players and at the
                                                                                     same time challenge what casino games could be.

                             EGR Intel: What has been the thought process behind     EGR Intel: Is a younger audience your main target for this
                             your Arcade Casino Games?                               offering, or will it prove intuitive for all audiences?
Fredrik                      Fredrik Johansson (FJ): The idea behind the Arcade      FJ : I think the offering will resonate with anyone
Johansson                    Casino Games comes from a background of en-             who likes casual games or gaming, young or old,
XFounder and CEO            joying computer games and seeing the explosive          but of course that audience is heavily shifted to-
Fredrik Johansson is         growth of esports.                                      wards the younger generation. Some of the Arcade
founder and CEO of              It is no secret that the traditional casino audi-    Casino Games, such as Space Bounty, are modelled
Cubeia; founded in 2007      ence is getting older. Insights Association writes      after old school games and some will be more mod-
and based in Stockholm,      (based on a survey of 3,000 35-65 year olds, Septem-    elled after modern esports games.
Sweden, the firm’s
                             ber 2014): “Slots in particular are widely viewed by
mission is to create high
quality, original software   younger consumers as being antisocial, non-intui-       We wanted to make games that appeal                           11
for the egaming industry.    tive and generally boring. This is in direct contrast   more to players who might not have so
Johansson has over 15        to women aged over 55, who are much more likely
years’ experience in the
                                                                                     much history with casino (and specifically
                             to view a slots (and overall casino) experience as
egaming industry and                                                                 casino games) but grew up with casual-,
has, through Cubeia,         social, engaging and fun.” (www.insightsassocia-
worked with some of     social-, console- and PC games
the most successful and         We wanted to make games that appealed more           Fredrik Johansson | Cubeia
prominent companies in       to players who might not have much history with
the industry.
                             casino (and specifically casino games) but grew up       EGR Intel: Is there any skill involved in the outcome of
                             with casual-, social-, console- and PC games. We        these games?
                             wanted the games’ theme and gameplay to reso-           FJ: No, there is no skill involved. The outcome is
                             nate with someone who grew up with games, and           purely random as it would be in any casino game.
                             the gameplay should prove to be very intuitive for      The interaction from players consists of unfold-
                             those players.                                          ing the results of the wager. In Space Bounty, for
                                For arcade casino games, we try to capture not       instance, where you shoot asteroids to reveal your
                             only the look and feel of familiar, old school and      winnings, if you miss the asteroids they will simply
                             classic games, but we also provide a bit more of an     come back to the screen until you have cleared all
                             interactive experience for the players.                 of them.
                                To me, a lot of the regular casino games such as
                             slots always felt a little bit too passive. Playing a   EGR Intel: If successful, how might you bolster this offer-
                             regular console or computer game is, on the con-        ing in the future?
                             trary, a very interactive experience. For me, the       FJ: There is a huge growth potential in product de-
                             concept came together when we started to see es-        velopment here, both in terms of more games but
                             ports betting on the rise, and we observed how          also in production value. I think being able to con-
                             gaming and gambling started to come closer to           nect an Arcade Casino style game with specific es-
                             one another.                                            ports games and events could be very powerful. X

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Featuring: Sportradar

Virtual football and the growth
of virtual in-play sports
                          Frank Wenzig, of Sportradar, highlights the             other industry advancements and expectations, our
                          growth of the company’s in-play sports                  virtual football products have become much bigger
                          offering, with a particular focus on football           projects with the use of motion capture, or MoCap.
                                                                                  This has helped transform our entire approach to
                                                                                  our complete virtuals offering, which now includes

                          W        orking at the intersection of the sports
                                   data, betting and entertainment industries
                          requires the ability to be able to change and adapt
                                                                                  virtual tennis and basketball.

                                                                                  The development process
Frank Wenzig
XGeneral manager of      quickly. Technology is at the heart of this nexus,      Our virtual sports development process involves
gaming                    presenting a number of challenges, but at the same      working closely with MoCap sensor manufactur-
Frank Wenzig is the       time a number of opportunities.                         ers to enhance our concepts and offerings in this
general manager of           Our commitment to remaining at the forefront of      space. A reflection of our commitment to realism
gaming at Sportradar.     these technologically-driven, fast-paced industries     and quality, manufacturers are often shocked at the
He first joined the
                          applies across our entire 360-degree betting offer-      volume of data we incorporate and level of preci-
organisation back
in October 2010 as        ing, including virtual gaming. This is why we have      sion we ask them to capture. We look to the high-
associate director of     invested heavily in as ‘close to real’ simulations as   est level of MoCap sensor projects, from Hollywood        13
product management.       possible, using strong graphics and user-friendly       films and other major game developments, as our
He assisted the initial   interfaces across all of our virtual sports products    benchmark to ensure we are producing virtuals to
team of 12 and went on
                          and solutions.                                          the highest and most realistic standard possible.
to develop the virtual
sports meets sports          It is also why we have leveraged the tremendous
betting strategy that     appeal of football. Soccer, footie, call it what you    Soccer, footie, call it what you will,
exists today.             will, the popularity of the World Cup this year dem-    the popularity of the World Cup this
                          onstrates that it continues to be a driving force
                                                                                  year demonstrates that it continues to
                          across the betting industry. The beautiful game is
                          indeed a sport that truly reigns across geographic      be a driving force across the betting
                          boundaries.                                             industry
                             In much the same way that the real game of foot-     Frank Wenzig | Sportradar
                          ball has achieved a dominant role in the betting
                          industry, so too has virtual football. This is dem-        In recent years, the level of growth and diversity
                          onstrated by the fact that nowadays it is difficult to    that has impacted virtual football isn’t just related
                          find a bookmaker that doesn’t feature some sort of       to realistic graphics. The need for realism has fil-
                          virtual football offering among their portfolio.         tered down to actual simulations. It has got to the
                             In fact, the popularity of football itself was one   point now where if it looks like real football, that’s
                          of the initial reasons virtual sports came to frui-     good, but if it actually feels like real football, then
                          tion. Demand for the game was high and punters          that is truly valuable. This means that, in order to
                          wanted more. Back in 2011, when we first started         have a bespoke virtuals product, you not only need
                          in virtual sports, it looked a lot different, with ru-   to keep up with fast-paced and superior technology,
                          dimentary 3D graphics, simple betting mechanics         but you also need to have access to fast and qual-
                          and very basic stadium features. Since then, vir-       ity data.
                          tual technology has come a long way. Fast-forward          Luckily, thanks to our core business as a sports
                          almost 10 years and with a number of technical and      data insights and acquisition powerhouse, we have

                                                                                                                          Featuring: Sportradar
       access to huge volumes of data, having captured it
       from tens of thousands of real football matches per
       year for more than a decade. As a result, our virtu-
       als teams have been able to create simulations that
       represent team and individual player performance
       in highly realistic terms.
          Having access to so much data allows us to be
       able to grasp the worldwide phenomenon that is
       football. As one of the most popular sports on the
       planet, there are a lot of things that need to be con-
       sidered for football within the virtual environment.
       For example, offering punters timely competitions
       that they’re going to be really excited about, cover-
       ing demand for as many games and teams as possi-
       ble and packaging all of these aspects into one so-

       Reflecting punters’ passion
       At Betradar, our aim is to reflect the passion that
       so many people across so many countries have for
       football. As such, we continue to incorporate as
       many football competitions as possible into our Vir-
       tual Football League, as one of our flagship prod-
       ucts. But while we’re investing heavily into expand-      space, diversification is necessary, and what better
       ing the competitions, we are also making them             way to achieve that than following what is a clear
       available within the one integration. This not only       trend in the overarching betting industry?
       makes it easier for our clients, but also provides           However, the varying game mechanics, faster
14     them with a proven ability to increase their revenue      event cycles and added complexity associated with
       without losing audience attention or creating cross-      the creation of in-play virtual sports means that
       product cannibalisation.                                  only a few are armed to be able to do it right. Creat-
          Going back to the realism factor, we structure         ing live betting opportunities within virtuals is ex-
       these competitions into a league or a cup system,         tremely difficult. Besides the technical and jurisdic-
       to reflect real-life schedules. Football doesn’t make      tional conundrums that can come with it, solutions
       sense without this contextual backbone. Plus the          need to be delivered in the best possible way, which
       momentum that a league or cup structure builds,           again means they need to be realistic and intuitive.
       as in real life, adds to the excitement within a virtu-      As a leader in sports technology, we are already
       als offering.                                              set-up in the in-play space, having launched our
          Inventing virtual leagues and cups is more diffi-        first Virtual Tennis In-Play earlier this year. We are
       cult, but it is something that we believe a true vir-     really looking forward to 2019 to review the results
       tual football product cannot do without. This isn’t       of this product from our clients 12 months on, so
       just because of the added betting possibilities, but      that we can understand its traction among punters.
       because it provides audiences with a real context,        This will help inform our efforts in developing our
       and therefore a more compelling, all-round expe-          next product, Virtual Baseball In-Play, which we will
       rience. League and cup structures add to a virtual        unveil next year.
       offering as they are something punters can under-             We are committed to continuing to work with cli-
       stand and relate to, as in real life.                     ents and other stakeholders to ensure we remain at
                                                                 the forefront of virtual sports and are catering to
       What’s next?                                              the trends and their needs. This way we are better
       So with football and MoCap two of the key catalysts       able to continue to develop our existing offerings,
       for virtual sports, where to for the segment now?         in football, for example, and use this to expand into
       With live betting surpassing pre-match betting for        new areas so our clients have even more ways to en-
       a number of years now, virtual in-play is the logical     hance their offerings, engagement and therefore
       next phase. To continue to succeed in the virtuals        revenue streams. X
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