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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics • Vol. 14(63) No. 1 – 2021

                            IN WEIGHTLIFTING

                         G. CĂLIN1           C. CIORBĂ2               G. GHEORGHIU1

                 Abstract: The research of the specialized literature was done both
                 traditionally and online. Study the bibliographic sources were accessed from
                 related fields that provide theoretical information on the selection and
                 identification of talents in sports. The search criteria included books, articles
                 or doctoral theses, educational sources, medical and psychological studies,
                 empirical or theoretical research. Selection concepts, criteria and means of
                 selection in sports for different age levels have been identified. For high
                 performance sports, the most talented professional athletes are selected
                 from practitioners who reach the threshold of maximum performance
                 capacity at the age level at which they manifest or who meet the
                 requirements imposed by large-scale competitions in which they participate.

                 Key words: sport, performances, selections, haltere, young generation

1. Introduction                                            Even if at the beginning the weight
                                                         training pursues other educational
  Practicing physical activities is a                    purposes, often, this exercise acquires the
permanent concern of the young                           specific character of the specialized sport
generation [4]. Exercising with weights for              and leads to the practice of weightlifting
the development of general strength is                   by young peoples (Williams & Ford, 2008).
useful for daily life, for the practice of                 The practice of weightlifting has existed
performance sports or for recreational                   for hundreds of years with notable
activities [9], [15], [27], [28]. Given the              references in the literature of the ancient
wide spread of this activity, the practice of            Rome, in writings from the ancient Greece
weightlifting finds its place from an early              or from China. However, the last century
age [30].                                                has seen a dramatic increase in the

    Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania.
    State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă”, Moldavian Republic.
42            Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX • Vol. 14(63) No. 1 – 2021

popularity of weightlifting, especially in         Scandinavian or the Viking Gods. The
the Eastern cultures or in the United              existing evidence shows that this focus on
States. The popularity of weightlifting            muscle has advanced in the last century,
seems to have increased due to the                 especially since the 1950s. It is not clear
growing desire of the society on the               what forces have fuelled this increase in
development of muscles and strength. In            the focus on the muscle. Certainly, part of
the Western cultures, in particular, muscle        the desire to be bigger and stronger was
and strength have been associated for              also influenced by the society's pressure
centuries with the concept of masculinity,         on athletes to perform at an ever-higher
sexuality      and    strength,    providing       level. This created a culture of the
motivation to men to try to become bigger          phenomenon “at any risk” to win. In the
and stronger since ancient times [21].             weightlifting          and        strongman
   With the growing popularity of the              competitions there is an enormous
weightlifting in the twentieth century,            pressure to lift more and more from year
several specific disciplines have evolved.         to year, always breaking down and
These       are:   Olympic      weightlifting,     obtaining new records. [29].
powerlifting, strongman and bodybuilding              Weightlifting is a sport in which athletes
competitions. The history of weightlifting         lift heavy weights that are made up of
has ancient origins, this sport being              discs of different weights placed on the
present in the Olympic program since the           ends of a bar. The empty standard
first edition of the modern Olympics, in           Olympic bar (without mounted discs)
1896, but continued to evolve in various           weighs 20 kg. It is an Olympic sport, but it
forms until 1972, when the two Snatched            can also be practiced by amateurs.
and Thrown styles have been established               There are two styles: snatched (consists
as lifting procedures [32].                        of lifting the dumbbell with both arms in a
   Weightlifting have grown steadily in            single continuous movement) and
popularity since the last century,                 throwing (consists of lifting the dumbbell
especially since the 1950s, as evidenced           to the chest, then raising it by stretching
by the growing number of athletes at the           the arms up). In the past there was
national and international competitions,           another style, "pushed", but it was
as well as the number of weightlifting             removed from the styles.
magazines and publications. Similarly, and            In the activity of a coach, the selection
in parallel, the manufacture and sale of           represents the first step towards the
equipment specific to this sport has               formation of an object of work and its
increased.                                         metamorphosis in order to obtain the
   An increasingly rich literature explains        performance [10], [31].
the steady growth in the popularity of the            The intense increase of the sports
weightlifting over the last century. As            performances worldwide implies the
previously mentioned, musculature has              permanent improvement of the athletes’
always been appreciated in the Western             organizational and methodological forms
culture, as highlighted by the Greek and           of training at this level. Consequently, the
Roman statuettes, or the tradition of the          attention of specialists is focused not only
G. CĂLIN et al.: Study regarding General Aspects of Specialty Literature about Selection…   43

on perfecting the methodology of the               online environment. The traditional study
high-performance sports training, but also         consisted of identifying and reading books
on the selection fund necessary to                 and articles from specialized magazines
complete the lots of sports disciplines [8].       about sports and selection in performance
  Internationally, we have the following           sports and selection in weightlifting.
weight categories: Juniors U15; Junior               Bibliographic sources have been
U17; Juniors U20; Youth U23; Seniors.              accessed from related fields that provide
  At a national level, in Romania we have          theoretical information on the selection
the following age categories: Juniors III (9-      and identification of the sports talents.
12 years old); Juniors U15; Juniors U17;             In the online research, 26 bibliographic
Juniors U20; Youth U23; Seniors                    references regarding the studied problem
  If at the international level we have            were accessed by accessing the Google
competitions for U15 Juniors, the                  Scholar database.
Romanian Weightlifting Federation has                The terms used in the search were:
added the age category for Juniors aged            “dumbbells”, “selection in dumbbells”,
9-12 in order to train new performers to           “selection in sports”, “training for
cope      brilliantly     in    international      children”, “talent identification”, “young
competitions.                                      athletes”.
  In order to reach a sports maturity that           The search criteria included books,
ensures good performances on an                    articles or doctoral theses, educational
international level, it takes time, precisely      sources, medical and psychological
for this reason the selection in                   studies; empirical or theoretical research.
weightlifting starts from 9 years or even
earlier.                                           3. Concepts of Selection in Sports
  At the moment there is no evidence to
indicate the minimum age at which                  After accessing the databases, we found in
practicing weightlifting can be started.           the specialised literature that the concept
Generally accepted are those who can               of selection was initially used in an
follow the coach's instructions and who            economic and social action, scientifically
can meet the requirements of the training          based since the early twentieth century
program [14].                                      for the early diagnosis of the professional
  The approach to the selection process in         skills, and the orientation of talents
the performance sports in general and in           towards one profession or another, based
weightlifting specialization in particular,        on certain tests and methods meant to
decisively influences the rapid training of        highlight the manual dexterity, the
the future high-performance athletes in            reception and the correct and fast
weightlifting [16].                                learning of some motor schemes. Not
                                                   being a clearly defined concept, the
2. Methodology                                     selection only suggests the beginning of a
                                                   sports training action, which over the
 The research of the specialized literature        years, has known different expressions.
was done both traditionally and in the
44           Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX • Vol. 14(63) No. 1 – 2021

  The most popular expression was the             interdisciplinary team of specialists
early specialization, which expresses the         participates in the selection act, each
concern to direct the child to a sporting         acting in accordance with the rigors of the
event from an early age [3], [22]. Then in        measuring and assessing instruments.
the '60s, the term early initiation was             Five types of criteria act in the national
used, which attenuated the direction of           selection system: Medical-sports criteria;
sports specialization towards a process           Somatophysiological criteria; Biochemical
preceding the future consecration from an         criteria; Psychological criteria; Motor
early age.                                        criteria.
  Later, the phrase primary selection was           The selection is known as the action of
used, which represents the moment of the          permanent sorting of athletes, which is
child's entry based on criteria in the sports     based on complex systemic investigation
units [24].                                       in order to orient and direct them to the
  The institutionalization of the unique          test or branch of sport in which they show
system of selection and training of the           motivation and skills.
children and juniors is made in 1967,               The need for selection in performance
being preceded by the analysis of the             sports is unanimously recognized.
experience gained on a national and               However, the current stage of selection
international level.                              of athletes, performed on the basis of
  Thus, the selection was defined as an           initial abilities, followed by the gradual
organized and repeated process of early           elimination of those who perform less
detection of the innate availability of the       well, is far from satisfactory. Currently
child, junior, using a complex system of          there are many premises that allow a
criteria (medical, biological, psycho-            substantial improvement in this problem
sociological and motor) for his practice          [1].
and further specialization in a discipline or       Mainly, the sports result is determined
sports test [26].                                 by the simultaneous action of several
  The Research Centre of MTS, together            factors, whose influences are different.
with the Institute of Sports Medicine have          The biological training is a process of
developed a complex system for testing            adaptation and improvement of sports.
subjects and, derived from it, a system of        This process does not have an equal
criteria and requirements, which apply            evolution for all the functions, organs, and
uniformly in the effective operation of           systems of the organism.
selecting the child from a heterogeneous            Based on what is known today, it can be
mass, which presents certainties regarding        said that some of the factors on which the
the integration, stability, receptivity and       sports result depends are less perfectible,
the capacity to assert itself in the national     while others may even support a
or international sports activity.                 substantial improvement.
  This system combines in a whole a                 Currently, in the high-performance
multitude of criteria that act in a               contemporary sport, the problem is to
predetermined order, imposed by a                 find talents, to attract the most talented
methodology verified in practice. An              young people at an early age, who
G. CĂLIN et al.: Study regarding General Aspects of Specialty Literature about Selection…    45

through a judicious prognosis of biological        Salmela, (2001) [12]. The question is no
development and a rational training                longer     whether      the     genetic    or
process, scientifically led and directed, the      environmental factors determine the
today's young man may become the                   behaviour, but how they interact [18].
tomorrow's performer. Only the talent,               Identifying positive traits in a
without an exceptional sports training,            preadolescent child does not guarantee
does not lead to a high performance, just          that this characteristic will remain during
as an optimal training without talent, the         the maturation process to adulthood [2].
biological endowment cannot take you to            Also, Bompa, (1999) [7], considers that the
the heights of the sports glory, except            psychological ability is the most important
exceptionally or conjuncturally.                   factor in detecting and identifying talents.
  Today, the selection criteria represent            Basic motor skills should be developed
the result of statistical processing of            before any sports specialization, so that
numerous objective data, in their centre           individuals can transfer them with
being the "biological model" of the today's        confidence in sports [23].
and the tomorrow's performer. Life clearly           Also, as athletes improve and achieve
shows us that this biological model varies         better      technical       and     physical
at least from one decade to another, as            homogeneity, the psychological factors
does the method of training or the biology         (decision making, use of images, etc.) will
of the athlete. For a correct approach to          become increasingly important for
selection, a lot of mobility, clairvoyance         performance [5]. This is especially true in
and at the same time a rigorous forecast           sports in which the individual must
must be demonstrated, especially since             perform in an unstable and unpredictable
the data of science are evolving at an             environment. In addition, an individual's
accelerated pace [11].                             ability to perform consistently at the
  However,       without      the     "right"      highest level depends largely on the
environment, namely one in which the               psychological factors [20].
individual is encouraged and supported               The use of the scientific programs for
and has the opportunity to learn and               the discovery and identification of talents
practice, the optimal performance will             was initiated in the Eastern and Central
never be achieved. Consequently, the               Europe [6]. These models were based
talent selection and the identification            almost exclusively on identifying the
programs must not only be able to identify         physical        and          anthropometric
relevant psychological, physical and               characteristics of elites in younger
physiological characteristics, but must be         athletes. Indeed, the Olympic success of
able to identify the potential and talent          Bulgaria, Romania and East Germany in
developed.                                         the 1960s and 1970s was largely
  In conclusion, the talent therefore              attributed to the scientific processes of
seems to depend on gene, environment,              talent discovery [6]. As a result of
opportunity, encouragement and the                 successful     sports     countries     using
effect of these variables on physical and          anthropometry-based talent identification
psychological traits, says Durand-Bush N &         models; similar systems have emerged
46            Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX • Vol. 14(63) No. 1 – 2021

and continue to emerge worldwide. For                  examination to which is added the
example, in China, the selection of                    pulmonary radioscopy and the
gymnasts takes place taking into account               radiography of the spine in general and
the physical and anthropometric profile of             of the lumbar spine in particular where
children aged 7 to 9 years [16].                       the demand is maximum. The
  The vastness at which an individual                  investigation of the cardiovascular
specializes in elite sports programs varies            system must be done very carefully;
by sport. However, early specialization is           ƒ Regarding the height, the children with
very common in the Soviet Union. The                   medium height are selected, between
earliest specialization appears in women's             m 1.20 - m 1.30, eliminating those who
gymnastics, swimming and figure skating,               far exceed the average height;
the selection being made at the age of 4-5           ƒ The weight is between kg 28-35,
years [19].                                            corresponding to the medium weight;
                                                     ƒ The thoracic perimeter in cm 50-55;
4. Selection Components                                children with clogged chest, who show
                                                       pathological changes or who have
   The     primary       (initial)  selection          values below the average limits are not
corresponds to the child's first contact               allowed;
with the training in the sports discipline.          ƒ The pulse should have an average
This selection usually takes place at 5-6              value of 76-80 beats/ min with the
years, preschool age, in some sports                   signalling of beats rhythm disorders;
(sports gymnastics, swimming, figure                 ƒ The blood pressure with maximum
skating, skiing, etc.), at 8-10 years in other         blood pressure values between 105-
sports (athletics, sports games, fencing,              120 mmHg and 60-70 mmHg minimum;
etc.) and 10-12 years other sports (boxing,           The optimal waist/ lower limbs ratio is
wrestling, etc.). It should not be                 55% trunk and 45% lower limbs. The
understood that at the age of 10 we are            measurement is made by the coach or at a
for boxing, weightlifting, etc. from a             specialized medical office.
competitive point of view; but based on a             The length of the palms is determined
rigorous selection we are familiar with            by measuring with the centimetre. The
some elements of the specific training on          bigger the palm, the more accurate the
the background of a multilateral training,         athlete will be able to execute a grip. The
in accordance with the physiological               measurement is made from the wrist to
requirements of growth.                            the fingertips. The longitudinal palm
   At weightlifting, children aged 8-9 are         diameter of the world champions varies
chosen, taking into account the following          between 17-24 cm depending on the
indices [25].                                      weight categories [13].
  ƒ Health       condition,        mandatory          The secondary, pubertal selection takes
    requirement, requires the selection of         place around puberty located as an age
    children who are in good and very              between 12-16 years, which involves a
    good health. The assessment is made            training period of at least 4 years. If the
    on the basis of a thorough clinical            primary selection takes into account the
G. CĂLIN et al.: Study regarding General Aspects of Specialty Literature about Selection…    47

family history (parents, brothers, sisters),       sports, otherwise they will be lost for the
the neuropsychic structure of the child            great performance, leaving in the
and the pathological history, health and           consciousness      of    these     children’s
fitness, motivation for sports, etc., at the       irretrievable disappointments for the rest
secondary selection that is the true               of their lives. That is why the doctor and
selection for the sports performance, we           the coach have an extremely important
must consider the biological micromodel            role at this level of selection, where they
of the performer, which implies, on the            must operate in close collaboration with
one hand, the biological effects of at least       the selection and orientation in order to
4 years of training with the respective            reduce to a minimum the percentage of
marks, and on the other hand the                   the sports failures (Moore et al., 1998; Nijs
development forecast that would give us            et al., 2014).
some certainty that the micromodel                    The final selection, the Olympics, for
today, freed from puberty, can reach the           the great performance it represents the
biological macro model of tomorrow. This           last stage of selection in sports. It can be
micromodel considers morphological,                stated and not without reason - that at
structural and functional indicators and           this level of selection the sports
effort capacity, all factors favouring the         performance operates with priority, and
performance of the test [22].                      the biological model of the champion for
   If at this level of selection, after at least   the moment cannot always be generalized
4 years of training, the expected biological       and set as a goal for those who come
micromodel has not been obtained (most             after, always hurry to reach this and why
often puberty can be involved in this              not to surpass it [17].
failure, possibly inadequate training), the           It is very true that in general the
so-called medical sports and pedagogical           performance is at this level of selection
orientation can be practiced, which                one of the basic indicators, but even the
capitalizes these 4 years of training and          biological ones cannot be ignored,
natural influences, puberty, offering              reaching again the entity of selection, a
premises for satisfaction in a sport, in a         complex multidisciplinary, integrated
test whose biological requirements in              process [17], [32].
particular are closer to the realities of the         Thus, in the conditions of selection for
model. In this sense, the orientations from        participation, in a championship, world or
swimming to polo, from skating to ice              continental, at the Olympic Games, where
hockey, from athletics to short distance           the competition lasts several days, it is
running to long distance running, etc.,            sometimes required an acclimatization to
would seem logical [10], [21].                     altitude, time zone, or special climatic
   Many talented children are lost due to          conditions, or a special psychophysical
the selfishness of some technicians who            endurance for the competition that lasts
do not understand that their own students          several days, the biological selection
who have a training period of at least 4-6         indicators become as important as the
years and have not achieved great                  sports performance taken as a singular
performance, must redirect them to close           element. Thus, the biological indicators
48           Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX • Vol. 14(63) No. 1 – 2021

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