Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global

Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global
               Report 2018

  US Sports Betting
~ Kambi
~ SBTech
~ SG Digital
~ Sportradar
Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global
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Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global

Group head of content:
Andy Roocroft
Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6629             Introduction
Report editor:
Ross Law
Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6535
                                       Breaking the US
                                            he EGR US Sports Betting report provides a range of insights into the
Head of production:
                                       T    world’s biggest untapped sports betting market – which is now finally
                                       beginning to open up.
Claudia Honerjager
                                          The repeal of PASPA in May 2018 paves the way for providers to
Sub-editors:                           make inroads into the US, and many companies are now readying their
Luke Tuchscherer, Alice Burton
Charlotte Sayers                       sportsbook offerings to go live in a number of states.
                                          Some of the contributors share what they have been doing to gain
Art director, EGR:                     a foothold in the market early on, and reflect on how partnerships with
Toni Giddings             established sports gambling outlets, and close analysis of American
                                       gamblers’ desires, will give them the necessary leading edge.
Commercial                                Overall this report serves to give our readers valuable insight into the way
Group commercial manager:
Sam Compagnoni                         ‘breaking the US’ should be handled.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6554
                                       By Ross Law | Report editor
Publishing account managers:
Debbie Robson
Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6551
Content sales:
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7832 6512

Fay Oborne
                                       US sports betting: a
                                                                                   The price is right, or at
CEO:                                   beginner’s guide                            least it should be
                                       Keith O’Loughlin, of SG Digital,            Tom Daniel, head of risk and
Charlie Kerr
                                       provides a beginner’s guide to              player analytics at Kambi,
                                       sports betting in the U.S.                  explains why taking a global
                                                                                   approach to managing risk is
                                                                                   key to operator growth

EGR Intel is published
monthly by Pageant Gaming Media
One London Wall, London,
EC2Y 5EA, United Kingdom
                                       SBTech makes
ISSN 1742-2450                         immediate impact in US                      opportunities in state-
                                       Richard Carter, of SBTech,                  by-state US
Printed by The Manson Group            reflects on what SBTech has                  Dr Laila Minta, deputy president
© 2018 all rights reserved.            been doing in the U.S. sports               Sportradar US, considers the
No parts of this publication may be    betting market since the repeal             opportunities which exist in
reproduced or used without the prior   of PASPA                                    the world’s largest untapped
permission from the publisher                                                      sports-betting market
Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global
There is data
                                                  behind every story
                                                  you tell.
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Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global

                           Featuring: SG Digital

                           US sports betting:
                           a beginner’s guide
                           Keith O’Loughlin, of SG Digital, provides                 granular level. There’s a lot to be done, and suppliers
                           a beginner’s guide to sports betting in                   are already working with operators and regulators to
                                                                                     seize the opportunities that arise.
                           the U.S.

                                                                                     Understanding the current landscape
                                    ollowing the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling         The vast majority of U.S. sports betting occurs in
                                    on the Professional and Amateur Sports           one of three distinct ways. First, Nevada. Simple as
Keith O’Loughlin                    Protection Act (PASPA), newcomers to the         that. Most Vegas casinos have a sportsbook in-ven-
XSenior vice              industry are seeking ways to level-up their offering       ue, attracting seasoned bettors and those looking to
XSG Digital               in preparation for jurisdictional regulation. It’s a      learn. The Las Vegas model is so powerful that many
As senior vice president   transformational time, so a sharp understanding           states are expected to reflect it in their own regula-
of sportsbook and          of the sports betting world can set operators apart       tory structures.
platform at SG Digital,
                           from the competition.                                        The state of Delaware previously offered legal
Keith O’Loughlin
is responsible for            With countless opportunities on the horizon for        sports betting on professional football, but has ex-
delivering product         our company and our partners, Scientific Games             panded its offering to include single-game bets on
management,                looks to set the standard for knowledge and exper-        pro basketball, soccer, football, hockey, golf, and
direction and project
                           tise in the sports betting industry. When a change        auto racing. In-game wagers are not permitted.             5
implementation for
sportsbook, lottery,       with so much potential comes along, it’s easy to             Most prevalent in the U.S. is horse racing. More
bingo and casino           ask the big questions and forget the smaller ones         than 90% of legal land-based sports betting cur-
platforms across           that can actually make a huge difference. In some          rently takes place on horse racing. With the markets
the group. He has          circumstances, knowing the difference between              opening up, the States’ favorite big sports such as
previously held senior
                           a parlay and a round robin bet can be just as im-         football, basketball, baseball, hockey, and soccer are
positions at some
of the industry’s          portant as having a firm grasp on the technologi-          expected to gain popularity among bettors.
leading sports betting     cal requirements of setting up a sportsbook. From            Online, illegal sports betting currently dominates.
operators, including       our perspective, establishing a baseline of universal     The American Gaming Association estimates that
sportsbook director at
                           sports betting expertise is crucial. Here, we explore     $150bn is wagered illegally on sporting events by
Ladbrokes Coral, as
well as CEO and CTO of     the fundamentals of the industry, including the el-       the U.S. annually. An estimated 5% margin (com-
BoyleSports.               ements that will give operators and players a head        parable to Las Vegas sportsbooks) implies revenues
                           start as markets start to open.                           of $7.5bn. Players are keen to wager on sports – so
                                                                                     much so that they do it illegally. When the regulatory
                           The implications of the PASPA ruling                      landscape changes, providing a safe, regulated space
                           The Supreme Court’s recent ruling on PASPA set the        for players to bet on sports will be crucial for any op-
                           stage for rapid growth in the U.S. market, but it’s not   erator looking to build an audience. Integrity and
                           an instant, sweeping change. Instead, legalization        player protection remains a key pillar for suppliers
                           rests in the hands of individual states.                  and operators alike.
                              When PASPA was initially enacted, four states             Nevada, Delaware, and the global experience have
                           – Nevada, Delaware, Montana, and Oregon – were            provided a great foundation, but there’s so much
                           exempt from the federal ban on states’ offering reg-       ahead of us. With the landscape expanding, we’ll
                           ulated sports gaming. To date, these four states now      see mobile and online betting gain popularity while
                           offer regulated sports betting or have in the past.        land-based properties create innovative in-ven-
                              While the repeal of PASPA deepens the well of op-      ue experiences. As in slots, land-based and mobile
                           portunity, full legalization progresses on a more         technology will eventually lead each other through
Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global

                                                                                                                          Featuring: SG Digital
      future evolution as operators learn more about play-          Jargon terms such as ‘Juice’ or ‘Vig’ (a bookmak-
      ers. In other words, the landscape may look familiar       er’s commission) are uncommon in everyday Ameri-
      today, but it will change at lightning speed as legisla-   can English. Or ‘Parlay,’ meaning one or two wagers
      tion passes.                                               linked together.
                                                                    Listing all the relevant sports betting terminol-
      Learning from seasoned players                             ogy here would expand this piece to unreadable
      While it’s new in many ways to the United States,          lengths, but it’s important to note that the sports
      sports betting has a colorful history in the U.K. and      betting audience will need support from operators
      Australia. Understanding the successes and oppor-          and suppliers alike to get a firm grip on how every-
6     tunities for improvement there can provide an excel-       thing works.
      lent foundation for stateside suppliers and operators.        At Scientific Games, we’re eager to explore oppor-
         Our U.K. and Australian peers earn substantially        tunities for audience engagement, and we’re work-
      higher returns than U.S. operators, suggesting mar-        ing on tailoring our product to the U.S. audience.
      gins in the U.S. could be significant. Of course, this
      is contingent on widespread regulation and, subse-         It’s a whole new ball game
      quently, the adoption of sports betting. Over time, if     Even in these early stages, the opportunity for the
      those contingencies are met, the U.S. sports betting       sports betting industry in the U.S. cannot be un-
      market could generate up to $60.8bn in GGR, ac-            derstated. With the illegal market so prevalent and
      cording to Goldman Sachs.                                  profitable, regulated providers tend to gain massive
                                                                 audiences in legal markets.
      Filling the gaps                                               Sports betting sits right in the center of the en-
      A glossary of sports betting jargon could undoubt-         tertainment industry, and the discerning U.S. cus-
      edly fill volumes. On top of that, sports betting pres-     tomer is expected to seek high-quality, entertaining
      ents unique challenges of user interface and experi-       betting experiences. Existing sports fans want the
      ential design. There’s a vast pool of knowledge that       added thrill of betting on the underdog or the extra
      doesn’t immediately translate to even veteran gam-         incentive to cheer on their college team, and provid-
      blers, let alone first-time bettors.                        ers must examine the best ways to fulfill that need.
         Add in-play betting to the mix, and you have loads      Reliance on player statistics and supporting infor-
      of potential confusion. The onus is on industry ex-        mation will be critical not only to bookmakers but
      perts to teach the new market how everything works.        also to bettors; especially in an environment where
      The fun factor is there, and players have shown time       statistics are used so widely across sports.
      and again that they want fully fledged sports betting.          The players are falling into place, and this fresh
      But new players will need that helping hand, that          opportunity permeates the industry. Right now, the
      extra push, to amp up the performance of U.S. sports       need is strong for a beginner’s guide. But soon, we’ll
      betting.                                                   welcome new sports betting experts every day. X
Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global

                               Featuring: Kambi

                               The price is right, or
                               at least it should be
                               Tom Daniel, head of risk and player                       example, shortening the price on the back of recre-
                               analytics at Kambi, explains why taking a                 ational money will only generate incorrect and in-
                                                                                         flated odds on the opposing team. Offering those
                               global approach to managing risk is key to
                                                                                         incorrect odds, even for a brief period, leaves the
                               operator growth                                           operator exposed to sharp punters and syndicates

                                                                                         – those constantly monitoring the market for inef-
                                         s the U.S. sports betting market begins         ficiencies.
Tom Daniel                               to open up, and casinos, racetracks and            Ducking the price on a popular local team is ac-
XHead of risk and                       other U.S.-based companies survey their         tually the worst of all worlds – recreational play-
player analytics
XKambi                        sportsbook options, an interesting discussion             ers are short-changed by having to take odds with
Graduating from Oxford         around trading and risk is beginning to surface. I        excessive margin built in; sharp players who act
University with a degree       say ‘interesting’ as it sees some making the case         across regions are able to exploit inefficient odds;
in mathematics, Tom
                               for trading and risk to be managed at state level         and by offering uncompetitive prices, operators
Daniel has worked all
his adult life in the sports   in a totally bespoke way – essentially that odds          create a space for competitors to steal customers
betting industry, initially    shouldn’t be informed by a larger, global pool of         and increase market share.
carrying out trading and       data.                                                        To illustrate the importance of true odds further,
risk roles at Ukbetting
                                  At Kambi, we are firmly of the belief that every        we only need to look at casinos. Sit at any roulette    7
and Unibet. He is now
head of risk and player        single bet should be struck at the right price – a        table in the western world and you’ll see more chips
analytics at Kambi,            price that reflects the potential outcome’s true           being stacked on number seven than you will on
where he has pioneered         probability. At the correct price, with house margin      number 13. Seven is, of course, considered by many
an automated, machine          built in, we’re prepared to take as much volume           to be a lucky number and therefore attracts a higher
                               from recreational players as each of our customers        percentage of turnover than the ‘unlucky’ 13.
approach to risk and
player management.             are comfortable with, and as each of their uniquely          With larger liabilities on the occurrence of seven
                               configured liability limits allow. The laws of prob-       than other numbers, do casinos mitigate the risk
                               ability, as well as over 20 years of experience in the    by lowering the odds on seven and increasing the
                               sports-trading business, tells us we’ll continue to       odds on other numbers? Of course they don’t, and
                               come out on top in the long-run.                          neither should they. The fact more cash is being
                                  What we certainly don’t do is lay bets at the in-      wagered on seven doesn’t make the roulette ball
                               correct odds. It would appear some operators are          more likely to stop on that number. In a similar
                               being advised that they should have the ability to        vein, recreational sports bettors backing their home
                               fully manage odds and liabilities at a local level, en-   team doesn’t make that team more likely to win, no
                               abling prices to be moved to reflect the increased         matter how much the combined total wagered.
                               volumes they see on local teams, for example. To
                               illustrate, this would mean a casino in New York          Power of the network
                               shortening the Yankees money-line price on the            Unlike roulette, the probabilities relating to sports
                               back of local support. This, in our view, is a sub-op-    outcomes are subjective, however they can be es-
                               timal way to manage liabilities.                          timated accurately. To do so, Kambi carries out all
                                                                                         odds compiling in-house, using skilled odds com-
                               Avoid the trap                                            pliers and traders, sophisticated models and algo-
                               While odds should be moved on the back of sharp           rithms, and rich and official data sources. We don’t
                               business, books shouldn’t allow themselves to be          scrape odds from other books – we are solely re-
                               influenced by volume alone. Taking the Yankees             sponsible for the odds we produce.
Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global

                                                                                                                          Featuring: Kambi
         To consistently produce the correct odds and           ty? The visibility of players our network gives us is a
      manage liabilities effectively, it’s imperative there is   powerful tool and one that shouldn’t be ignored.
      one single team in charge – not one trader per op-           This isn’t to say operators don’t have the abil-
      erator each generating different prices, potentially       ity to influence and guide how Kambi carries out
      throwing up arbitrage opportunities and inefficient         their risk management. As highlighted earlier,
      odds. It is also essential this single team of traders    every single Kambi customer has the ability to set
      takes into account all available data.                    their own liability limits and receive alerts as and
         Over the years, Kambi has built a large and pow-       when those liabilities are close to being reached.
      erful network of bettors – millions of players situ-      Our price differentiation tool also gives operators
      ated across the globe whose bets and betting pat-         the flexibility to adjust the margin offered, depend-
      terns are continuously monitored. This sophisticat-       ing on their strategies. For instance, we currently
      ed monitoring enables us to categorize players into       have an operator in Spain which, through this tool,
      different categories, one of those being players that      reduces the margin on La Liga soccer matches in
      are proven to damage margin.                              order to acquire players.
         The activity of these sharp bettors and syndicates
      are extremely valuable sources of information. For
                                                                “This sophisticated monitoring enables
      example, someone may have access to a trainer, a
      kit man, or a club doctor, and be presented with          us to categorise players into different
      data that may give them an advantage over an odds         categories, one of those being players
      compiler. To ignore their business would be costly.       that are proven to damage margin”
      Therefore, while we don’t move prices or lines on         Tom Daniel | Kambi
      volume, we do alter probabilities on the back of
      action from highly informed bettors, whose stakes
      are carefully managed.
         Taking this approach ensures strength in num-             Furthermore, we also manage individual custom-
      bers, with each of our operators benefiting from the       ers in a bespoke way if, for instance, they are valu-
8     scale of the Kambi network. It means sharp busi-          able casino players, while for certain events opera-
      ness in one area of the network strengthens the           tors can select the markets and events which are of-
      whole. This will become even more effective when           fered, depending on their risk appetite.
      Kambi customers such as DraftKings, Rush Street              For the Floyd Mayweather versus Conor Mc-
      Gaming and Unibet expand into multiple U.S.               Gregor fight last year, we saw unprecedented action
      states. Furthermore, it enables us to improve our         for the outsider, McGregor, which resulted in large
      models, algorithms and automations, something             liabilities being built up. As a result, we gave opera-
      from which all our operators will profit.                  tors the ability to switch to a more slimmed-down
         Essentially, operating in this way allows us to be     bet offer to help manage risk. In addition, when
      increasingly confident in our prices, and so too can       operators’ max liabilities were reached, they were
      our operators. So while we of course monitor our          given the opportunity to switch to a shorter Mc-
      operators’ liabilities and player activity at a local     Gregor price, yet the large bulk wisely chose to keep
      level, in order to ensure long-term profitability, it is   the more aggressive, attractive and ultimately accu-
      our data-rich network which provides the edge our         rate McGregor price. At all times, Kambi was happy
      operators need to compete.                                with its McGregor risk, knowing it had been built at
                                                                the right price.
      Network in practice                                          So if anyone tells you trading and risk should be
      To illustrate, let’s say LeBron James is a doubt for      carried out at a local level, ask the question: “What
      the Lakers due to a hand injury, causing the Lakers’      does that mean from day one?” Any price move-
      price to drift for the following game. How should         ment on volume alone will create opportunities
      Kambi act when a player we believe receives injury        for sharp players and syndicates on the other side,
      information ahead of the market then attempts to          sharp players and syndicates that in a new market
      back the Lakers at a Kambi operator? Should we            may not yet be factored. Instead, the focus should
      just move the price at that one book? Or given this       be on offering the right price at all times. Follow
      information should we alter the price for all our op-     this rule and the odds to earn a long-term profit
      erators to ensure they all reflect the true probabili-     will be stacked heavily in your favor. X
Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global

                          Featuring: SBTech

                          SBTech makes immediate
                          impact in US
                          Richard Carter, of SBTech, reflects on what                   Just two days after PASPA was repealed, SBTech
                          SBTech has been doing in the U.S. sports                  became the first Europe-based technology compa-
                                                                                    ny to announce a long-term agreement with a major
                          betting market since the repeal of PASPA
                                                                                    U.S. operator when it launched its partnership with

                                                                                    Churchill Downs, the horse racing behemoth which
                                  ess than three months have passed since           operates courses around America and runs the larg-
                                  the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the             est online horse race betting business in the U.S..
Richard Carter                    Professional and Amateur Sports Protection           SBTech has subsequently announced two more
XGroup CEO               Act (PASPA), but the American sports betting scene        major U.S. deals – with Golden Nugget and Resorts
Richard Carter is group   is already almost unrecognizable from how it looked       Casino Hotel – cementing its position as one of the
CEO of SBTech. He         prior to the 14 May decision.                             leading online and on-property sports betting solu-
previously ran the           The repeal of PASPA gave each of the 50 states the     tions providers in the U.S.
highly recognized and
                          authority to legalize online and land-based sports           These recent agreements underline the compa-
respected Deutsche
Bank European gaming      betting within their local jurisdictions and, unsur-      ny’s readiness to enter the U.S. market and followed a
franchise in London,      prisingly, many have been keen to get in on the           long period of preparation in anticipation of the Su-
has over 10 years of      action as quickly as possible. While New Jersey was       preme Court’s decision, during which SBTech became
experience focused        expected to be the first state to go live, Delaware        deeply involved in shaping the local landscape. As a     9
on the global land-
                          managed to pip its East Coast neighbor to the post        core member of the American Gaming Association’s
based and online
gaming sector and was     by nine days with a swift 5 June launch.                  sports betting taskforce, SBTech has played a key role
instrumental in helping      For anyone doubting the American public’s ap-          in advising on the best possible legal frameworks for
create the European       petite for legal sports betting, initial figures showed    sports betting regulation across the country.
quoted online gaming
                          Delaware handled over $7m in sports bets in the              While there are many similarities between regu-
                          first three weeks, while an impressive $16m was            lated European markets and the U.S. states, there are
                          wagered in New Jersey in the 17 days following its        also clear legal and cultural differences, including
                          launch.                                                   the focus on American sports, varying terminology
                             Of course, this is only the start, and with a          and niche regulations such as the requirement that
                          wealthy, sports-centric public, the U.S. is clearly the   players be automatically logged out of mobile sports
                          world’s largest untapped betting market.                  betting sites when crossing state lines.
                             Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Rhode Island and             The companies which have invested in under-
                          Mississippi are all expected to legalize sports bet-      standing the complexities of the local arena and
                          ting before the end of 2018 and U.S. operators are        which offer the greatest flexibility, as well as inno-
                          rushing to team up with the more experienced Eu-          vative product solutions, are therefore most likely
                          ropean sportsbook solution providers to ensure            to achieve success in the States; and SBTech clearly
                          they can offer the best and most competitive bet-          falls into this category.
                          ting services.                                               The adaptability of SBTech’s products has been
                                                                                    demonstrated by the varying approaches of the
                          The value of experience                                   group’s new U.S. partners.
                          SBTech’s vast experience in regulated markets                Churchill Downs will utilise SBTech’s Chame-
                          around the world has already proven to be a signifi-       leon360 iGaming platform to power its U.S. online
                          cant factor for American betting companies look-          brands with advanced player management services,
                          ing to take advantage of the wealth of new oppor-         high-end analytics, anti-money laundering protocols
                          tunities.                                                 and a host of responsible gambling features.
Intel US Sports Betting - EGR.Global
we deliver it.
      With full access to our open APIs, Kambi-powered
      operators have the unique ability to differentiate and
      innovate upon our scalable Sportsbook platform, enabling
      them to tailor their product for specific audiences.

                                                                                                                         Featuring: SBTech
          Resorts, one of the most recognizable brands in
       New Jersey, has opted to seamlessly integrate the
       SBTech sportsbook solution into its current egam-
       ing platform.
          Golden Nugget, meanwhile, is taking advantage of
       SBTech’s flexibility to implement different models in
       its New Jersey and Mississippi casinos. The SBTech
       sportsbook will be integrated with the operator’s ex-
       isting egaming platform in New Jersey for online and
       land-based operations, while the full platform solu-
       tion will be provided to its land-based business in
       Mississippi, ready for impending legalization.

       Delivering differentiation
       As in any market, differentiation will be one of
       the keys to success in the U.S. SBTech is provid-
       ing Golden Nugget with a bespoke trading strate-
       gy and non-pooled risk management, allowing the
       casino company to offer unique pricing across all
       U.S. sports. Golden Nugget will also benefit from a
       uniquely designed and fully customizable front end.
          As the undisputed leader of in-play betting,
       SBTech provides the industry’s widest range of
       events and markets along with a range of unique
       live betting features. These include Action Betting,
       a quick-fire bet suggestion feature, which offers bet
       recommendations to users based on live events. For
12     example, when the bases are loaded in a baseball
       game, players can be prompted to bet on whether
       the batter will hit a grand slam.
          SBTech’s patent-pending innovation Pulse Bet
       is also set to make a big splash in the U.S. Inspired
       by the dynamic of casino betting, the feature offers
                                                                “Early success for operators in New
       rising jackpot wins on in-running sports bets – the      Jersey and Delaware has proven that
       longer the bet is active, the higher the potential re-   U.S. consumers are ready to embrace
       wards.                                                   regulated sports betting”
          These features might not be all offered on day one     Richard Carter | SBTech
       to all players, with many operators expected to pro-
       vide limited versions at the outset, considering that
       online sports betting will be an entirely new proposi-   experience when it comes to delivering increasingly
       tion for vast numbers of Americans. However, once        complex projects and its modular architecture helps
       players become used to the new concepts, these bet-      to minimize the challenges presented by the ever-
       ting options will be used as key acquisition and re-     changing regulations in this dynamic marketplace.
       tention tools.                                              Looking more long-term, the future is very en-
          With the rush towards legalization in multiple        couraging for the U.S. industry. Early success for
       states, many operators are looking to launch as early    operators in New Jersey and Delaware has proven
       as possible to make inroads into what will quickly       that U.S. consumers are ready to embrace regulated
       become crowded marketplaces. Speed to market and         sports betting. States such as New York, California
       configurability are therefore prized attributes when      and Florida could very well become some of the big-
       it comes to selecting a platform provider.               gest markets in the world if they follow suit, while
          Having launched tier 1 partners in more than 15       the midwest could also provide significant opportu-
       regulated markets around the world over the past         nities in 2019 and 2020 as the U.S. takes its rightful
       decade, SBTech has developed deep knowledge and          place at the pinnacle of the sports betting sector. X

                             Featuring: Sportradar

                             End-to-end opportunities
                             in state-by-state US
                             Dr Laila Minta, deputy president                             rate nature of each potential market opening. From
                             Sportradar US, considers the                                 existing gaming entities, whether that is racetracks
                                                                                          operators or casinos, through to fantasy sports op-
                             opportunities which exist in the world’s
                                                                                          erators and start-ups, the spread of potential market
                             largest untapped sports-betting market                       entrants is extensive.

                                                                                             But regardless of state or putative operator, expe-
                                           e are already well on the way to               rience and prior market knowledge will count in the
Dr Laila Mintas                            understanding what the U.S. sports-            U.S. as with anywhere else. The individual markets
XDeputy president                         betting market will look like in its initial   may be new to sports betting but it doesn’t mean we
XSportradar US
Dr Laila Mintas is a         stages. Bets are now being struck in New Jersey:             are ploughing completely virgin territory.
global thought leader        $16.4m from a standing start for a short period from
on sports betting            mid- to the end of June and the Meadowlands taking           An ongoing dialogue
legislation, regulation
                             $3.5m in wagers from its first nine days of operation         Companies such as Sportradar have been working
and sports integrity. A
lawyer by trade, Mintas      in July.                                                     with the U.S. sports leagues on data and other aspects
previously worked               Although we should avoid concluding too much              of content provision for many years. Metaphorically
several years at the         from any of the early revenue returns, it is still a         the leagues may have been on the other side of the
international law firm        promising start. Moreover, what we can say for defi-          courtroom during the PASPA hearings, but in many          13
White & Case LLP in
                             nite is that the expansion of sports betting in the          other respects they already play an important part in
Berlin, Germany and
specialized i.a. in Sports   U.S. outside of Nevada and three other pre-PASPA             the existing global sports betting supply ecosystem.
Law and Gambling,            states is now under way. A new era has begun.
Compliance and                  The focus now turns towards process. What is              “The message needs to be made again
Litigation. She wrote her
Ph.D. in Betting via the
                             important from the point of view of both suppliers           and again; shining a light on corrupt
                             and the operators in the U.S. will be how each state
Internet which became                                                                     activity means it can be uncovered,
a well-recognized book       develops from here. We know that there are sure to
in its field.                 be wide differences between how each market pro-              dealt with and stamped out”
                             ceeds, first with the regulation and subsequently in          Dr Laila Mintas | Sportradar
                             the implementation.
                                For instance, from New Jersey to New York is but             The sports bodies will now play a crucial role in
                             a short hop across the Hudson, yet there may well            determining how each state rolls out any prospective
                             be stark differences between the neighboring states           legislation. We have said before that it will obviously
                             over what form of sports betting will be allowed in          be up to others to determine the stance on integrity
                             the latter. Other states will likewise present differing      fees and other aspects of the relationship between
                             challenges and, indeed, challengers. Opportunities           regulated gaming entities and the major leagues and
                             are likely to be as diverse as the states themselves.        college sports associations.
                                The point is that the politics of gaming in each             We are encouraged here that the AGA looks set to
                             state across the U.S. differ markedly and this patch-         take a leading role in working with the stakeholders
                             work quilt will be reflected in the shape of each indi-       to reach suitable conclusions. We know from pre-
                             vidual market.                                               vious experience with the sports bodies and politi-
                                Indeed, the proliferation of supply deals an-             cians that negotiation is the best way to forge an un-
                             nounced across the sector in the months following            derstanding.
                             the striking down of PASPA points both to the scale             This is especially the case when it comes to the
                             of the potential across the U.S. but also the dispa-         area of sports integrity. For the wider provision of

                                                                                                                             Featuring: Sportradar
       regulated sports betting in the U.S. to succeed, this
       issue is of paramount importance.
          In this regard, the industry can point to the ex-
       ample of Europe and further afield to show how via
       licensed and regulated gaming match-fixing can be
       confronted. The message needs to be made again
       and again; shining a light on corrupt activity means
       it can be uncovered, dealt with and stamped out.
          Regulated gaming brings with it an integrity divi-
       dend. Elsewhere, Sportradar has played an important
       role. The work being done on education on integri-
       ty issues is a vital element of the argument in favor
       of regulation and we can point to our track record in
       this regard in order to help win over doubters.

       Consumer concerns
       It is also important to address other areas of con-
       cern. A vital element of the industry’s message must
       involve reassurances around responsible gambling.
       Again, the example set in key regulated markets in
       Europe can prove to those that are fearful of the
       impact of regulation that a proper licensing system
       can and should provide the necessary safeguards.
          In understanding the opportunity within the U.S.,
       we must acknowledge that the public have for many
       years been consuming sports-betting offerings,
       albeit from offshore locations and often without the
14     system of checks and balances that comes from reg-
       ulated entities.                                          Having said that, much of the audience will be aware
          This prior consumer experience also poses opera-       of previous sports-betting offerings from elsewhere,
       tional challenges. It means that prospective custom-      and will also be there to be won over by the new reg-
       ers will be coming to newly regulated offerings al-        ulated players.
       ready primed and well-versed in what an attractive           Marketing will play a big part. Experience from
       sports-betting offering looks like. For any given reg-     other transitioning grey markets proves that the op-
       ulated market to work, the consumer won’t want to         portunities that open up to promote betting and
       feel they are being short-changed.                        gaming offerings can be transformational. Ensuring
          This has important implications for suppliers and      the capability of the offering matches the claims of
       operators. As much as individual states are a new op-     the marketing is vital.
       portunity, the prospective audience will be demand-          The rush to market in the U.S. will be challenging
       ing. This will necessitate the full deployment of the     for all concerned. Expectations are high on all sides,
       all the tools available in terms of data, content, bet-   yet as much as it is obviously good news that the era
       ting offering and marketing in order to make each          of expanded U.S. sports-betting opportunities is fi-
       launch a success.                                         nally upon us – in New Jersey at least – it is still very
          It will be fascinating to see which names emerge       much early days.
       as contenders in the U.S. as the various markets             Ensuring that each market reaches its full poten-
       move beyond the starting line. We are sure there          tial will take every stakeholder pushing in the right
       will be new names to add to the list of runners and       direction, whether that is on integrity, social respon-
       riders, such as BetChicago, who Sportradar will           sibility or any number of other important issues
       be working with, providing our Managed Trading            that will almost certainly crop up state-by-state.
       System (MTS) product in readiness for the market to          The history of sports betting in the U.S. is check-
       open up in Illinois.                                      ered to say the least, but the industry can now seize
          New names such as these will be pushing all            the chance to write a new chapter. There really is all
       market participants to truly engage the audience.         to play for. X

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