Integrating Physiological Time Series and Clinical Notes with Deep Learning for Improved ICU Mortality Prediction
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Integrating Physiological Time Series and Clinical Notes with Deep Learning for Improved ICU Mortality Prediction Satya Narayan Shukla, Benjamin M. Marlin College of Information and Computer Sciences University of Massachusetts Amherst {snshukla, marlin} arXiv:2003.11059v2 [cs.LG] 18 Mar 2021 Abstract (Shukla and Marlin 2019). We study several methods for representing the clinical text, along with both early and late Intensive Care Unit Electronic Health Records (ICU EHRs) fusion approaches to integrating the two data modalities store multimodal data about patients including clinical notes, (Kiela and Bottou 2014; Fiterau et al. 2017). sparse and irregularly sampled physiological time series, lab results, and more. To date, most methods designed to learn We begin by presenting related work on physiological predictive models from ICU EHR data have focused on a sin- time series modeling, clinical text, and fusion approaches. gle modality. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed We next present the proposed approach including a brief interpolation-prediction deep learning architecture (Shukla review of interpolation-prediction networks. Finally, we and Marlin 2019) as a basis for exploring how physiological present mortality prediction experiments on the MIMIC-III time series data and clinical notes can be integrated into a uni- data set (Johnson et al. 2016) demonstrating how the rela- fied mortality prediction model. We study both early and late tive predictive value of clinical text and physiological data fusion approaches, and demonstrate how the relative predic- change during the first 48 hours after admission. We show tive value of clinical text and physiological data change over that the late fusion approach can provide a significant im- time. Our results show that a late fusion approach can provide provement over using individual modalities in isolation. a statistically significant improvement in mortality prediction performance over using individual modalities in isolation. 2 Related Work The problem of interest in this work is learning supervised 1 Introduction machine learning models by fusing clinical time series with Electronic health records (EHRs) store multimodal data re- unstructured clinical text data. In this section, we review re- lated to individual medical history including clinical notes, lated work on modeling and analysis of both clinical text and physiological measurements, lab results, radiology images, sparse and irregularly sampled physiological time series, as and more. Intensive Care Unit Electronic Health Records well as related work on fusion approaches. (ICU EHRs) are particularly interesting as they contain mea- surements of multiple physiological variables through time. 2.1 Clinical text The analysis of these data has the potential to improve care With increasing access to clinical notes over the last several via the creation of improved decision support tools based years, there has been significant progress in understanding on machine learning and data mining techniques. However, clinical text data and using these data to improve prediction the complexity of the data has led to a focus on analyz- of clinical outcomes. Natural language processing and in- ing single data modalities in isolation (Marlin et al. 2012; formation extraction techniques have been successfully ap- Lipton, Kale, and Wetzel 2016; Che et al. 2018; Futoma et plied to tasks including clinical concept extraction (Boag et al. 2017). al. 2015), relation extraction (Savova et al. 2010), question- In this paper, we explore the predictive value of integrat- answering (Uzuner, Solti, and Cadag 2010), predictive mod- ing physiological time series data and clinical text into a eling (Ghassemi et al. 2012) and more. unified mortality prediction model. Specifically, we leverage Methods for using narrative notes to predict clinical out- the content of clinical notes through time and fuse the in- comes include medical concept extraction using rule based formation they contain with physiological time series data. (Savova et al. 2010) or machine learning techniques (Boag et We build on the recently proposed interpolation-prediction al. 2015). However, such methods can require a substantial deep learning architecture as a framework for modeling amount of work in rule construction, keyword selection, text sparse and irregularly sampled physiological time series data annotation or feature engineering for supervised machine
learning. Unsupervised methods such as topic modeling can approach to the case of kernels between Gaussian process be used to solve this problem. Topic modeling (Ghassemi models. Li and Marlin (2016) showed how a deep neural et al. 2012) methods rely on extracting topic features from network model (feed-forward, convolutional, or recurrent) clinical text data. Lehman et al. (2012) combined both topic could instead be stacked on top of a Gaussian process layer modeling and medical concept extraction approaches for with end-to-end training, while Futoma et al. (2017) showed predicting in-hospital mortality. how this approach could be generalized from the univariate Inspired by the recent success of word embedding meth- to the multivariate setting. ods including word2vec and GloVe (Pennington, Socher, An important property of the above models is that they and Manning 2014) in numerous natural language process- allow for incorporating all of the information from all avail- ing tasks, Minarro Gimenez, Marin Alonso, and Samwald able time points into a global interpolation model. A sep- (2014) learned an embedding model for medical text data. arate line of work has looked at the use of more local De Vine et al. (2014) used journal abstracts to train the em- interpolation methods while still operating directly over beddings. Choi, Yi-I Chiu, and Sontag (2016) evaluated the continuous-time inputs. For example, Che et al. (2018) pre- efficiency of word embeddings in capturing relations be- sented several methods based on gated recurrent unit (GRU) tween medical concepts. Boag et al. (2018) compared the networks (Chung et al. 2014) combined with simple impu- clinical notes representation generated by Bag of Words tation methods including mean imputation and forward fill- (BOW), word2vec and the final hidden layer of a learned ing with past values. Che et al. (2018) additionally consid- LSTM for downstream clinical prediction tasks. Their re- ered an approach that takes as input a sequence consisting of sults showed that there is no simple winning representation. both the observed values and the timestamps at which those BoW and word2vec achieved similar performance in pre- values were observed. The previously observed input value dicting in-hospital mortality. In other recent work, Ghassemi is decayed over time toward the overall mean. In another et al. (2015) used Gaussian processes to model sequences of variant, the hidden states are similarly decayed toward zero. clinical notes as time series of topics. Yoon, Zame, and van der Schaar (2017) presented another In this work, we consider clinical notes as sequences of similar approach based on a multi-directional RNN, which words or sentences and use recurrent networks to predict in- operates across streams in addition to within streams. hospital mortality. We generate sentence embeddings using In this work, we use the recently proposed interpolation- simple averages (Pennington, Socher, and Manning 2014) prediction network to model sparse and irregularly sampled as well as weighted averages of word embeddings (Arora, physiological time series (Shukla and Marlin 2019). This Liang, and Ma 2017). Similar to Boag et al. (2018), we com- framework addresses some difficulties with prior approaches pare with Bag-of-Words and GloVe models. Finally, similar including the complexity of the Gaussian process interpola- to Kalchbrenner, Grefenstette, and Blunsom (2014), we also tion layers used in Li and Marlin (2016) and Futoma et al. use a convolutional model for prediction where the clinical (2017), and the lack of modularity in the approach of Che notes are represented in terms of word embeddings. et al. (2018). We describe this framework in more detail in Section 3.2. 2.2 Irregularly sampled physiological time-series A sparse and irregularly sampled time series is a sequence 2.3 Fusion models of samples with large and irregular intervals between their Learning multimodal representations is a fundamental re- observation times. Such data commonly occur in electronic search problem. Canonical correlation analysis (Hotelling health records where they can represent a significant prob- 1935) has been widely used for modeling multimodal data lem for both supervised and ussupervised learning methods (Hardoon, Szedmak, and Shawe-taylor 2004; Klein et al. (Marlin et al. 2012). 2015). It learns a subspace to maximize the correlation A closely related problem is performing supervised learn- between multiple modalities. Ngiam et al. (2011) intro- ing in the presence of missing data (Little and Rubin 2014). duced a multimodal deep learning framework to combine Indeed, the problem of analyzing sparse and irregularly sam- video and audio for speech recognition. Multimodal learn- pled data can be converted into a missing data problem (typi- ing with language and vision subspaces has been used to im- cally with loss of information or inference efficiency) by dis- prove the performance of image captioning tasks (Karpathy, cretizing the time axis and indicating that intervals with no Joulin, and Fei-Fei 2014; Socher et al. 2014). Srivastava and observed samples are missing. This is the approach taken to Salakhutdinov (2012) used fused representations of multi- deal with irregular sampling by Marlin et al. (2012) as well ple modalities (text and images) as input for discriminative as Lipton, Kale, and Wetzel (2016). Learning is generally tasks. Silberer and Lapata (2014) use stacked autocoders for harder as the amount of missing data increases, so choos- fusing multimodal data while Kiela and Bottou (2014) adopt ing a discretization interval length must be dealt with as a a simple concatenation strategy and achieve empirical im- hyper-parameter of such a method. provements using convolutional models for extracting visual The alternative to pre-discretization is to construct mod- features and skip-gram models for text. els with the ability to directly use an irregularly sampled A separate line of work has looked at combining time- time series as input. For example, Lu et al. (2008) present a series data and textual information. Tang, Yang, and Zhou kernel-based method that can be used to produce a similarity (2009) analyzed news reports to improve the prediction of function between two irregularly sampled time series. Li and stock prices, while Rodrigues, Markou, and Pereira (2018) Marlin (2015) subsequently provided a generalization of this use a simple concatenation approach to combine time-series
and textual data for taxi demand prediction by learning their several intermediate interpolants. The second interpolation latent representations. layer merges information across all time series at each ref- Within the clinical data space, Fiterau et al. (2017) erence time point by taking into account learnable correla- showed how combining structured information like age, tions across all time series. The interpolation network out- gender, height, etc. with time series data can improve perfor- puts a total of C = 3 components for each dimension of mance. Xu et al. (2018) developed clinical predictive models the input time series: a smooth, cross-channel interpolant by integrating continuous monitoring data with discrete clin- to capture smooth trends, a transient component to capture ical event sequences. Rajkomar et al. (2018) combined mul- transients, and an intensity function to capture information tiple modalities such as demographics, provider orders, di- about where observations occur in time. We define fθ (sn ) to agnoses, procedures, medications, laboratory values, clinical be the function computing the output ŝn of the interpolation text data and vital signs and showed improved performance network. The output ŝn is a fixed-sized array with dimen- on multiple tasks. Jin et al. (2018) combined unstructured sions (DC) × T . clinical text data with physiological time-series data for in- The second component, the prediction network, takes the hospital mortality prediction, similar to the present work. output of the interpolation network ŝn as its input and pro- Relative to that work, we consider multiple clinical text rep- duces a prediction ŷn = gω (ŝn ) = gω (fθ (sn )) for the resentations, base our time series model on interpolation- target variable yn . The prediction network can consist of prediction networks (Shukla and Marlin 2019), and focus any standard supervised neural network architecture (fully- on how the relative value of clinical text and physiological connected feedforward, convolutional, recurrent, etc). data vary through time. Further, we consider both early and We learn the parameters of this model using a composite late fusion approaches, expanding on the prior work of Kiela objective function consisting of a supervised component and and Bottou (2014) and Fiterau et al. (2017). an unsupervised component (an autoencoder loss). The ob- jective function is listed below. More details can be found in 3 Proposed Fusion Model Framework Shukla and Marlin (2019). In the fusion case, we use this ob- jective to pre-train the interpolation-prediction network pa- In this section, we present the proposed fusion modeling rameters in isolation. framework. We begin by presenting notation and a descrip- tion of the models used for clinical text and physiological N time series, followed by a discussion of fusion approaches. X θ∗ , ω∗ = argmin `P (yn , gω (fθ (sn ))) θ,ω n=1 3.1 Notation N We let D = {(sn , vn , yn )|n = 1, ..., N } represent a data set + δR X `I (sn , ŝn ) + δF kθk22 + δG kωk22 (1) containing N data cases. An individual data case consists n=1 of a single target value yn (discrete in the case of classi- fication), a D-dimensional, sparse and irregularly sampled where `P is the loss for the prediction network and `I is the multivariate physiological time series sn , and the unstruc- interpolation network autoencoder loss. tured text data present in the clinical notes vn , represented as a sequence of words. We note that different dimensions 3.3 Text Models d of the multivariate time series sn can have observations at We consider several different approaches to modeling un- different times, as well as different total numbers of obser- structured text including approaches based on bag-of-words vations Ldn . Thus, we represent time series d for data case n and word embedding representations. We describe each text as a tuple sdn = (tdn , xdn ) where tdn = [t1dn , ..., tLdn dn ] representation approach below. is the list of time points at which observations are defined • TF-IDF: Each text document is first represented using TF- and xdn = [x1dn , ..., xLdn dn ] is the corresponding list of IDF features computed from a bag-of-words representa- observed values. tion. We remove stop words and select a vocabulary con- sisting of the top 6,000 most frequent remaining words. 3.2 Time Series Model We apply a one hidden layer (1NN) fully connected net- We briefly review the interpolation-prediction network work of size 128 on top of the TF-IDF inputs, followed framework that Shukla and Marlin (2019) proposed to model by the rest of the prediction network. sparse and irregularly sampled time series data. The archi- • Word Embedding (WE): Each document is first repre- tecture is based on the use of several semi-parametric in- sented as a matrix where rows are words in the document terpolation layers organized into an interpolation network, and columns are word embedding dimensions. Word em- followed by the application of a prediction network that can beddings are computed using a standard, pre-trained 300- leverage any standard deep learning model. Figure 1 shows dimensional GloVe model (Pennington, Socher, and Man- the architecture of the interpolation-prediction model. ning 2014). We then apply a convolutional neural net- The interpolation network interpolates the multivariate, work model with one 1D convolution and one pooling sparse, and irregularly sampled input time series against a layer, followed by a fully-connected layer of size 128 con- set of reference time points r = [r1 , · · · , rT ]. A two-layer nected to the rest of the prediction network. Stop words interpolation network is used where the first layer separately and words with no embeddings are removed. All docu- transforms each of D univariate input time series, creating ments are zero-padded to match the length of the longest
GRU GRU GRU λ: Intensity Output Input σ: Low-pass Interpolation χ: Cross-channel Interpolation γ: High-pass Interpolation τ: Transient Component Interpolation Network Prediction Network Figure 1: Interpolation-Prediction Network Word Embeddings or FC Sentence Embeddings or Clinical Text data RNN/CNN/FC layer TFIDF features Word Embeddings or Clinical Text data Sentence Embeddings or Output TFIDF features GRU GRU GRU GRU GRU GRU RNN/CNN/FC Output FC Latent layer Latent Representation Representation Interpolation Physiological Time series Network Interpolation Physiological Time series Network Figure 2: Architectures (left: late fusion, right: early fusion) for combining time series and text information document. We select the number of convolution kernels a different approach to computing a fixed, 128-dimensional on a validation set. embedding v̂n = hφ (vn ). To learn the parameters φ for • Unweighted Sentence Embedding (USE): Each document each approach, we use a supervised pre-training approach. is first represented as a matrix where rows are sentences We directly connect the text embedding layer v̂n to the pre- in the document and columns are the sentence embed- diction target, and minimize a prediction loss. In this work, ding dimensions. The sentence embeddings are computed we focus on in-hospital mortality prediction and use binary by averaging the GloVe embeddings (Pennington, Socher, cross entropy as the loss function during pre-training. and Manning 2014) of their constituent words. We then apply a GRU model (Chung et al. 2014) to the sequence 3.4 Fusion Approaches of sentence embeddings, followed by a fully-connected layer of size 128 connected to the rest of the prediction In this section, we present fusion architectures that com- network. We consider GRU models with between 32 and bine the interpolation-prediction network described in Sec- 512 hidden units and select the best on a validation set. tion 3.2 with the embedding-based models for representing • Weighted Sentence Embedding (WSE): Each document unstructured text described in Section 3.3. In particular, we is represented as a matrix where rows are sentences in present two prediction network architectures that accept as the document and columns are are the sentence embed- input the interpolants produced by the interpolation network ding dimensions. We compute the sentence embedding and the text embeddings produced by the unstructured text by weighting the GloVe word embeddings (Pennington, models. Both architectures are shown in Figure 2 and are Socher, and Manning 2014) based on their unigram prob- described below. ability in the entire corpus as described in Arora, Liang, and Ma (2017). The remainder of this approach matches • Late Fusion: In this approach, the prediction network the unweighted case as described above. uses the same GRU architecture used by Shukla and Mar- lin (2019) to extract a fixed-dimensional latent representa- In all cases, the text representations described above are tion of the physiological time series data. This representa- connected to the remainder of a prediction network via a tion is concatenated with the text embedding layer and the 128-dimensional hidden layer. Recalling that vn represents combined latent representation is connected to the predic- the raw, unstructured text data available as input for data tion target using a linear layer. This architecture is shown case n, we can view each of the methods described above as in Figure 2 (left).
• Early Fusion: We also consider a deeper integration of feature Sampling Rate feature Sampling Rate the information contained in both physiological time se- SpO2 0.80 TGCS 0.14 ries and clinical notes. In this method, our prediction net- HR 0.90 CRR 0.06 work has access to the clinical text data prior to incorpo- RR 0.48 UO 0.20 rating physiological time series data via a GRU layer, as SBP 0.59 FiO2 0.06 shown in Figure 2 (right). DBP 0.60 Glucose 0.10 Temp 0.19 pH 0.04 In both fusion architectures, the prediction network takes as input the time series interpolants ŝn = fθ (sn ) (where fθ denote the interpolation network) as well as the text em- Table 1: Features extracted from MIMIC III bedding v̂n = hφ∗ (vn ) and outputs a prediction ŷn = gω (ŝn , v̂n ) = gω (fθ (sn ), hφ∗ (vn )). As described above, 4.1 Dataset we use supervised pre-training of all of the model param- eters by training the interpolation-prediction and text em- Our experiments are based on the publicly available bedding networks in isolation. During the fusion stage, we MIMIC-III dataset (Johnson et al. 2016). This data set freeze the text embedding parameters φ to their optimal pre- contains sparse and irregularly sampled physiological sig- trained values φ∗ , and fine-tune the interpolation and predic- nals, discharge summaries, progress notes, medications, di- tion network parameters θ and ω. agnostic codes, in-hospital mortality, length of stay, demo- The learning objective for the fusion framework requires graphics information and more. It consists of approximately specifying a loss `P for the prediction network (we use 58,000 hospital admission records. We focus on predicting cross-entropy loss for classification). We let `I be the inter- in-hospital mortality using both the clinical text and time se- polation network autoencoder loss as described in Section ries data. We start with the dataset1 used in Shukla and Mar- 3.2. We also include `2 regularizers for all the network pa- lin (2019) which consists of hospital admission records with rameters. δF , δG , and δR are hyper-parameters that control hospital admission-to-discharge length of stay more than 48 the trade-off between the components of the objective func- hours. From that dataset, we obtained 42,984 records for our tion. The full objective is shown below. experiments after removing newborns and hospital admis- sion records containing no clinical notes. A hospital admis- sion may correspond to zero or multiple ICU episodes. In N X this paper, we only consider the data cases that were admit- θ∗ , ω∗ = argmin `P (yn , gω (fθ (sn ), hφ∗ (vn ))) ted to ICU at least once during their hospital stay. θ,ω n=1 Similar to Shukla and Marlin (2019), we extract 12 stan- N X dard physiological variables from each of the records. Table + δR `I (sn , ŝn ) + δF kθk22 + δG kωk22 (2) 1 shows the variables and sampling rates (per hour). We use n=1 text data known at the time of admission such as chief com- plaints, past medical history and history of present illness. Note again that we leverage a pre-trained text embed- We take care in extracting this information from discharge ding model, thus the text embedding model parameters φ summaries in order to avoid any information leak. We also are fixed to their optimal pre-trained values φ∗ . The param- extract progress notes from non-discharge reports such as eters of the fusion model (as well as all other models used in respiratory, ECG, echo, radiology, and nursing reports. We this work) are learned using the Adam optimization method use the date and time stamps on these reports to create a in TensorFlow with gradients provided via automatic differ- set of notes available between 6 and 48 hours after admis- entiation. sion. Note that the physiological data and clinical notes are aligned in a conservative manner. If a clinical note has both 4 Experiments and Results a date and time associated with it, we assume that informa- In this section, we present experiments and results. Our ex- tion was available at the specified time. For notes that have periments focus on the relative predictive performance of dates but not times available, we assume that information text-only models, time series-only models, and fusion mod- was available at the end of the indicated day. The happens els for the problem of in-hospital mortality prediction. The for some ECG and Echo reports in the data set. prediction output is a single binary variable representing the occurrence of in-hospital morality more than 48 hours af- 4.2 Baseline Models ter admission. The time series inputs to the prediction task We compare fusion models with a number of baseline ap- are sparse and irregularly sampled physiological time series. proaches that model the physiological time series or the We consider making predictions using physiological time clinical text data individually. Shukla and Marlin (2019) series data available between 6 and 48 hours after admis- show that the interpolation-prediction network outperforms sion. The text inputs to the prediction task consists of text a range of baseline and recently proposed models on both content known at the time of admission and progress notes classification and regression tasks for sparse and irregularly available between 6 and 48 hours after admission. We begin sampled time series. Hence, we use interpolation-prediction by briefly describing the data set used, followed by the set networks as our time series-only baseline model. We use the of baseline and comparison models, the empirical protocols 1 used, and finally the results.
pre-trained text-only models described in Section 3.3 to pro- Text Model Hours from AUC vide text-only baselines. Admission WE / CNN 0 0.6974 4.3 Empirical Protocols WSE / RNN 0 0.7364 Each unique hospital admission-to-discharge episode for USE / RNN 0 0.7473 a patient is assigned a unique ID in the MIMIC-III data TF-IDF / 1-NN 0 0.7965 set. The data in each episode are treated as being inde- TF-IDF / 1-NN 6 0.8035 pendent. In the train-test split, we divide the data based TF-IDF / 1-NN 12 0.8173 on the hospital admission ID (i.e. 80% (27510) of IDs are TF-IDF / 1-NN 18 0.8263 used for training and 20% (8597) are used for testing). We TF-IDF / 1-NN 24 0.8410 set aside another 20% (6877 data cases) from the train- TF-IDF / 1-NN 30 0.8454 ing set to use as a validation set. Since we only use data TF-IDF / 1-NN 36 0.8503 from within individual hospital-to-discharge episodes, the TF-IDF / 1-NN 42 0.8554 data cases we construct are temporally non-overlapping. TF-IDF / 1-NN 48 0.8627 Again, this is consistent with how the MIMIC-III data set has been used in past research (Shukla and Marlin 2019; Table 2: Text-only baselines. Che et al. 2018). All models are trained to minimize the cross entropy loss. For all of the models, we independently tune the hyper- notes and neonates data. Comparing to the results in Table parameters - number of hidden layers, hidden units, con- 2, we can see that the predictive value of the clinical text volutional filters, filter-size, learning rate, dropout rates and available at the time of admission exceeds that of the avail- regularization parameters on the validation set. For TF-IDF- able physiological data until near the end of the 42 hour pe- based models, we also tune the number of TF-IDF features. riod following admission. The next set of experiment aims to The neural network models are learned using the Adam opti- assess whether these two modalities can result in improved mizer. Early stopping is used on the validation set. The final performance when fused. outputs of the hidden layers are used in a logistic layer that predicts the class. We evaluate all the models using an es- Hours Time Early Late timate of generalization performance computed on the test from Series-Only Fusion Fusion set. We report the performance on the test set in terms of the Admission AUC AUC AUC area under the ROC curve (AUC score). 6 0.7106 0.7850 0.8027 4.4 Results 12 0.7380 0.7916 0.8161 18 0.7645 0.8046 0.8138 In this section, we present the results of the mortality predic- 24 0.7759 0.8126 0.8256 tion experiments. We begin with text-only and time series- 30 0.7902 0.8284 0.8324 only baseline results, followed by fusion model results. 36 0.7958 0.8291 0.8320 Text-Only Baselines: Table 2 shows the classification per- 42 0.8023 0.8380 0.8376 formance for the text-only models described in Section 3.3. 48 0.8245 0.8427 0.8453 We evaluate all models in the case of text data available at the time of admission. These results show that the TF- Table 3: Performance of Time Series-Only baseline, Early IDF-based model performs significantly better than the em- and Late Fusion approach with notes available at admission bedding methods. This may be due to the fact that health- time and increasing amount of physiological signals. specific concepts are not well represented in the standard Glove embeddings used. Another possible reason could be the use of abbreviated terms, which are quite common in Fusion Approaches: Based on the observed success of the clinical notes. For this reason, we only consider the TF-IDF TF-IDF-based model in the text-only baseline experiments, model when making predictions based on all the progress we examine the performance of fusion approaches using the notes available after admission. We can see that prediction TF-IDF-based model to embed the clinical text data. We be- performance using the TF-IDF model increases significantly gin by assessing the performance of a fusion approach that as more text data become available over time. only has access to the clinical text data available at the time of admission, but increasing amounts of physiological time Time Series-Only Baseline: Table 3 assesses the pre- series data up to the end of the 48 hour period following dictive performance of the time series-only interpolation- admission. Table 3 shows the classification performance of prediction network described in Section 3.2. As expected, the early and late fusion models under this experimental sce- predictive performance increases as the amount of observed nario. Figure 3 shows the performance of early and late fu- physiological data increases. We note that the results re- sion relative to the time series-only and text-only baselines. ported here are different from that in Shukla and Marlin We can see that the late fusion approach achieves better per- (2019) because of additional data filtering required for re- formance than the early fusion approach in the first 30 hours moving hospital admission records containing no clinical after admission, while both significantly improve on the time
0.90 0.90 Area under ROC curve Area under ROC curve 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80 Early Fusion 0.75 Late Fusion 0.75 Time-series Time-series Late Fusion 0.70 Admission notes 0.70 Progress notes 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Hours from admission (in hrs) Hours from admission (in hrs) Figure 3: Performance comparison on the mortality predic- Figure 4: Performance comparison on the mortality predic- tion task with text available at admission only but increasing tion task with increasing amount of physiological time se- amounts of physiological time series. ries and progress notes using 5 randomly generated train- validation-test splits. Bands correspond to 95% confidence interval around the mean. series-only baseline. However, we see that all three mod- els that incorporate physiological data increase in predictive splits. We run the complete hyper-parameter selection and performance as the amount of physiological data increases. learning pipeline for each approach on each of the five data Further, we see that the performance gap between fusion sets. Figure 4 shows the mean with 95% confidence interval and time series-only models decreases over time, which in- for all the baselines. Further, we performed a paired t-test dicates that the advantage provided by the initial fusion with on the resulting collection of AUC values for the late fusion text data available at time of admission decreases over time approach compared to the single modality approaches. The as that information becomes less relevant. Finally, we note results show that the improvement in mean AUC shown in that the late fusion model outperforms the text-only baseline Figure 4 is highly statistically significant (p < 0.001). at all times while the early fusion model initially exhibits lower performance than the text-only TF-IDF baseline, but goes on to match and then outperforms the text-only base- 5 Discussion and Conclusions line. In this paper, we have developed methods for investigat- Next, we consider the fusion process as increasing vol- ing the relative predictive value of the content of clinical umes of text data become available through time, as well notes and physiological time series data in ICU EHRs. We as increasing volumes of physiological data. For this ex- have considered models based on clinical text only, models periment, we consider only the TF-IDF-based text embed- based on physiological time-series only, and a novel fusion ding model and limit the discussion to the late fusion ap- approach that combines both modalities. Our experiments proach as these models have achieved the best performance have focused on using this methodology to assess the rela- in our experiments to date. We consider incorporating text tive predictive value of clinical text and physiological data data known at admission at time 0, followed by the text of as a function of time since admission. We have focused on all notes known between 6 and 48 hours following admis- the task of predicting in-hospital mortality events which take sion . The results of this experiment are shown in Figure 4. place more than 48 hours after admission. We can see the predictive performance of progress notes is Our results show that the relative value of information in significantly better than physiological time series data. We text records known at the time of admission decreases over can also see that the performance of the fused model al- time as more physiological data are observed. However, in- ways exceeds that of the corresponding text-only baseline corporating newly available text data can significantly boost at a given point in time, with performance generally rising predictive performance. Finally, our results strongly support as additional physiological/text data become available. By the conclusion that fusing both data modalities result in the comparing with Figure 3, we can see that the addition of best overall predictive performance. progress notes past admission results in a final fused model that significantly outperforms models that only have access References to text data from the time of admission. [2017] Arora, S.; Liang, Y.; and Ma, T. 2017. A simple but To verify the statistical significance of the gap between tough-to-beat baseline for sentence embeddings. the late fusion approach and the single-modality approaches, [2015] Boag, W.; Wacome, K.; Naumann, T.; and we perform a five-fold random resampling assessment of Rumshisky, A. 2015. Cliner : A lightweight tool for the test AUC by randomly generating 5 train-validation-test clinical named entity recognition.
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