INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL - RENEWABLE ENERGY FINANCE - Renewable Energy Finance Brief 02 January 2020 - International ...

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INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL - RENEWABLE ENERGY FINANCE - Renewable Energy Finance Brief 02 January 2020 - International ...


Renewable Energy Finance Brief 02
January 2020
INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL - RENEWABLE ENERGY FINANCE - Renewable Energy Finance Brief 02 January 2020 - International ...
R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y F I N A N C E B R I E F 0 2

                Investment in renewables must accelerate rapidly,
                 with all available capital sources being activated
                       to finance the transformation of the
                                global energy system

       © IRENA 2020
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       ISBN 978-92-9260-186-7

       Citation: IRENA (2020), Renewable energy finance: Institutional Capital
                  (Renewable Energy Finance Brief 02, January 2020),
                  International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi

       Prepared by the Renewable Energy Finance team at IRENA.

       Available online:

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INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL - RENEWABLE ENERGY FINANCE - Renewable Energy Finance Brief 02 January 2020 - International ...


Representing one of the largest capital pools       Scaling up institutional capital will require
in the world, institutional investors can be an     combined efforts on multiple fronts. Policy
indispensable part of the ongoing transition        makers can implement enabling policy
to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.               frameworks for increased investments in
Yet this can only happen if policy makers,          renewables and lower the specific barriers
institutional investors and other stakeholders      faced by institutional investors. These include
take action to funnel large volumes of capital      review of institutional investment restrictions
into renewable energy without delay. A              and investment mandates, and inclusion of
forthcoming report, Mobilising institutional        clear sustainability targets. Together with
capital for renewable energy, provides              capital market participants, new financial
actionable recommendations to harness the           instruments, such as green bonds and funds,
financial might of this important group.            can be fostered to help channel institutional
                                                    capital into renewable assets.
The current state of institutional investments in
renewables reveals a large potential that so far    Lowering barriers related to renewable projects
remains mostly underutilised, as analysis by the    via de-risking measures also remains crucial,
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)       and public capital sources can play a more
shows. A sample of over 5 800 institutional         active role in that regard. Finally, institutional
investors and their renewable investments           investors themselves are responsible for
over the past two decades reveals that around       creating the right internal conditions, through
20% of institutional investors have made any        capacity building and co-operation initiatives,
investments in renewable energy via funds,          for example, to maximise the benefits offered
while only 1% have invested directly in renewable   by renewable assets.
energy projects. Such direct investments in
renewable energy accounted for around 2% of
total direct investment amounts in 2018.

INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL - RENEWABLE ENERGY FINANCE - Renewable Energy Finance Brief 02 January 2020 - International ...
R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y F I N A N C E B R I E F 0 2

    As renewables have become a compelling                                                             Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) further examines the
    investment proposition, global investments in                                                      breakdown of capital flows, first between private
    new renewable power have grown from less than                                                      and public sources, and then by institution type.
    USD 50 billion per year in 2004 to around
                                                                                                       Another defining trend of renewable energy
    USD 300 billion per year in recent years (Frankfurt
                                                                                                       investments has been a geographic shift towards
    School-UNEP Centre/BNEF, 2019), exceeding
                                                                                                       emerging and developing markets, which
    investments in new fossil fuel power by a factor of
                                                                                                       have been attracting most of the renewable
    three in 2018 (REN21, 2019).
                                                                                                       investments each year since 2015, accounting
    While hydropower still accounts for the largest                                                    for 63% of 2018 renewable power investments
    share of the total renewable power capacity                                                        (Figure 1). Besides China, which attracted 33% of
    (50% of the 2018 total), solar and wind power have                                                 total global renewable energy investments in 2018,
    accounted for the largest shares of both annual                                                    other top emerging markets over the past decade
    capacity installations and annual investments in                                                   include India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and
    recent years (IRENA, 2018). Solar photovoltaics                                                    Chile (Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/BNEF, 2019).
    (PV) and wind power accounted for 90% of                                                           Nevertheless, many developing and emerging
    total renewable power investments in 2018                                                          countries in Africa, the Middle East, South-East
    (Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/BNEF, 2019).                                                         Asia and South-East Europe still have a largely
    A forthcoming report from IRENA and the                                                            untapped renewables investment potential.

    Figure 1 Global renewable energy investment (excl. large hydropower), in USD billion, by region, 2004-2018

                                         350                                                                                                            325
                                                                                                       287                     288              294            288
      Annual investment in USD billion

                                                                                                239                    233

                                         200                                     177    168

                                               2004   2005    2006    2007   2008      2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014      2015   2016    2017   2018

                                                      United States     Brazil         AMER (excl US and Brazil)      Europe         Middle East and Africa

                                                                        China          India      Asia-Oceania (excl. China and India)

    Source: Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/BNEF, 2019
    Note: The figure shows investment in renewable power excluding end-use and large-scale hydropower (since data are from the
    BloombergNEF database, which does not include large-scale hydropower as “new energy”), which amounted to USD 273 billion,
    plus renewable energy investments through public markets, venture capital/private equity, and research and development.
    These investments together totalled USD 288 billion in 2018. Separately, large-scale hydropower investment in 2018 was around
    USD 16 billion, bringing the renewable energy power investment total to USD 289 billion and renewable energy investment
    (excluding end-use) to USD 304 billion.


In addition to the growing technological and        IRENA has estimated that investment in the energy
geographical diversity, the renewable energy        system that puts the world on the path to limit
investment landscape is also witnessing a           global temperature increase to below 1.5 degrees
proliferation of new business models and            Celsius (the “Energy Transformation” path)
investment vehicles, which can activate different   would focus on renewables, energy efficiency
investors and finance all stages of a renewable     and associated energy infrastructure, and needs
asset’s life. Examples include the rise of the      to reach a cumulative USD 110 trillion for the
green bond market, growing interest in corporate    2016-2050 period.
procurement of renewable power and new
                                                    Of this amount, around 20%, or USD 22.5 trillion,
business models for small-scale renewables such
                                                    will be needed for new renewable power
as the pay-as-you-go model.
                                                    capacity generation alone in the 2016-2050
Despite generally positive investment trends,       period (IRENA, 2019a). This implies an annual
however, far more needs to be invested in           renewable power investment of around
renewables in order to meet sustainable             USD 662 billion, i.e., at least a doubling of
development and climate goals and to realise the    annual renewable power investment compared
many benefits of the energy transformation.         to the current annual level.

Institutional capital must become an integral part
of the world's transition to a sustainable economy

R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y F I N A N C E B R I E F 0 2

    While the institutional investors analysed in                       Regional shift
    IRENA’s study form a heterogenous group,
                                                                        Markedly faster growth is occurring in emerging
    operating within different sector-specific and
                                                                        and developing markets. This is due to their
    national circumstances, they also face several
                                                                        growing economies, populations and expansion of
    common trends (IRENA, forthcoming (a)).
                                                                        pension plan and insurance coverage. Double-digit
    Growing assets                                                      growth rates have been recorded for pension plans
                                                                        and insurance companies in several countries in
    Their global assets are large and growing.
                                                                        Africa, Asia and Latin America. Ten out of 20 African
    While a broader group including asset managers
                                                                        sovereign wealth funds were created since 2010
    commands assets of well over USD 100 trillion,
                                                                        (Quantum Global, 2017). Such local capital can help
    the group analysed in IRENA’s report (pension
                                                                        bridge local infrastructure funding gaps and support
    plans, insurance companies, sovereign wealth
                                                                        long-term sustainable development.
    funds, foundations and endowments) manages
    around USD 85 trillion (Figure 2), which has been                   IRENA’s analysis of the current state of
    growing at an annual rate of around 4-7% over                       institutional investments in renewables reveals
    the past decade (Preqin, 2019; SWFI, 2019; WTW,                     large potential that so far remains mostly
    2019).                                                              underutilised.

        Vast investment potential

        Institutional assets are often managed very conservatively, especially in the case of emerging and developing
        markets. Many are increasingly searching for higher yields and better asset diversification.

        Renewable energy assets provide such investors with the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and to benefit
        from relatively strong, stable and long-term “bond-like” returns, matching institutional investors’ long-term
        liabilities, while minimising the risk of stranded assets.

        Evolving fiduciary standards and growing social and regulatory demands for inclusion of sustainability aspects in
        investment mandates are also gaining ground across the world, and favouring increased renewable investments.

    Figure 2 Assets under management of the institutional investors, USD trillion, 2018-2019 average

                                                               Foundation & Endowments,          Sovereign wealth funds,
                                                               USD 2 trillion                    USD 8 trillion

                                                               Insurance companies,              Pension plans,
                                                               USD 33 trillion                   USD 44 trillion

    Source: Preqin, 2019; SWFI, 2019; WTW, 2019


Figure 3 N
          umber of institutional investors with investments in renewable energy
         (projects and/or renewable-focused funds), 1990 to Q2 2019


         90%                  1142 firms                                     56 firms
                              20% of all inst.investors                      1% of all inst.investors
                              74% of inst.investors                          34% of inst.investors
          70%                     with RE investments                            with RE investments




          30%               26%       25%   24%
                                                     10%                    8%
                                                                                    1%       2%         0%
                             Invested in funds focused                           Directly invested
                                  on renewables                             in renewable energy deals

                  Sovereign Wealth Fund         Pension Fund   Insurance Company        Endowment/Foundation

IRENA analysis based on Preqin data

From the sample of over 5 800 institutional                     in relatively new asset classes like renewables,
investors and their investments for the past two                and that larger transactions are more likely to
decades, 37% of institutional investors have made               attract institutional investors as bigger ticket
infrastructure investments, 25% have invested in                sizes lower the per-unit transaction costs.
energy-related funds, while 20% have invested in
                                                                Investment amount
renewable energy-focused funds and only around
1% have made investments directly in renewable                  The number of direct renewable energy
energy projects (Figure 3).                                     projects involving institutional investors has
                                                                increased over time, from as few as 3 recorded
Size effect
                                                                transactions in 2009, to 73 in 2018 and 38
Institutional investors with renewable energy                   for the first two quarters of 2019 (Figure 4).
assets are larger than average. Average assets                  Over the past decade, institutional investors
under management for such investors total USD 30                were involved in 231 renewable energy direct
billion, more than double the average assets under              financing transactions. However, this represents
management for institutional investors in the whole             only 1.8% of all renewable energy projects in
sample (USD 12 billion). Furthermore, institutional             the dataset analysed over the same period. The
investors with only direct renewable investments                total annual amount financed by institutional
are larger than institutional investors with only               investors was nearly USD 6 billion in each of
indirect investments (USD 34 billion of assets under            2018 and 2017 (CPI, 2019). While this marks
management versus USD 24 billion). As well, the                 an increase from around USD 2 billion invested
average deal size increases from USD 199 million                in each of 2016 and 2015, it represents only
to USD 434 million when institutional investors                 around 2% of the total renewable project
are involved. IRENA’s discussions with institutional            investments in 2018 (Frankfurt School-
investors support hypotheses that larger investors              UNEP Centre/BNEF, 2019; CPI, 2019; IRENA
have greater internal capacities for investments                and CPI, 2018).

R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y F I N A N C E B R I E F 0 2

    Figure 4 N
              umber of renewable energy projects that involved institutional investors, by technology,
             2008 to Q2 2019


                                     of all renewable
           50                            projects
                                                                                              28         29

                                11                      11                12         13
                    3                        5

                 2009         2010          2011      2012       2013    2014       2015     2016        2017   2018   Q2 2019

                     Solar           Wind           Hydropower          Renewable Energy           Bioenergy     Geothermal

    IRENA analysis based on Preqin data

    Technology preference                                                      Investment stage preference
    Around 81% of all renewable power deals in which                           Institutional investors exhibit a strong
    institutional investors took part over the past                            preference for already-operating assets, which
    decade were in wind and solar technologies.                                help them avoid early-stage risks associated
    This reflects the global technological trend in the                        with the structuring and construction stages.
    renewable power sector as a whole. However,                                Over 75% of all renewable energy deals involving
    compared to total renewable power investments                              institutional investors during the 2009 to Q2
    over the past decade, institutional investors have                         2019 period were secondary-stage transactions,
    favoured wind more strongly. For the 2009-                                 i.e., investments in already operating assets
    2018 period, global investments in solar projects                          not requiring further funding, while around
    were around 50% of total renewable energy                                  22% were for the construction of new assets
    investments, followed by wind which accounted for                          (i.e., greenfield stage), and a small portion went to
    39% (Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/BNEF, 2019).                             brownfield projects (already operating assets that
    For the same period, considering only renewable                            require improvement or expansion). Investment
    project investments involving institutional investors,                     vehicles that help such investors channel their
    wind accounted for 45% and solar for 24% of all                            assets into already operating projects are therefore
    transactions. This is most likely because wind is a                        important, as is building internal capacities for
    more established renewable technology with larger                          earlier-stage investments.
    transaction sizes that attract institutional investors.
    In the sample analysed, the average transaction size
    for a wind project was USD 211 million, compared to                        The potential for
    USD 124 million for solar.
                                                                               institutional investment
                                                                               in renewables remains
                                                                               greatly underutilised


Institutional investors could play a more active              specialised non-governmental organisations
role in renewable-sector investments and                      (Financial Sector Deepening Africa and the
become a significant contributor to the global                Climate Bonds Initiative), which resulted in the
capital shift towards low-carbon solutions. Such              first sovereign green bond issuance in Africa
a shift will, however, require combined efforts on            in 2017 and the first certified corporate green
multiple fronts with active engagement from all               bond in Africa in 2019 (CBI, 2019).
stakeholders: policy makers, institutional investors,
                                                          •   Lowering barriers related to renewable energy
providers of public capital, capital markets and
                                                              projects can create a pipeline of investable
                                                              renewable assets through greater provision
•   Policy and regulatory solutions that can                  and use of risk mitigation instruments, adoption
    steer institutional capital towards renewables            of standardised processes and contractual
    encompass direct, integrating and deployment              agreements that lower transaction costs, and
    policies that support the overall growth and              co-financing initiatives that enable the sharing
    integration of renewable energy, review of                of know-how and returns between providers
    investment restrictions faced by institutional            of public capital (e.g., development finance
    investors including the addition of clear long-           institutions (DFIs)) and institutional investors.
    term sustainability or ESG (environmental, social         IRENA’s initiatives such as the Risk Assessment
    and governance) mandates, and development                 and Mitigation Platform (RAMP), a database of
    of the sustainable finance sector, including the          risk mitigation products, and the Open Solar
    adoption of frameworks for the analysis and               Contracts collaboration with the Terawatt
    disclosure of climate change risks. France’s 2015         Initiative, which offers standardised contractual
    Energy Transition Law, for example, requires the          agreements for solar PV, provide important
    country’s institutional investors to disclose their       tools to lower project-level barriers.
    greenhouse gas emissions as well as how climate
                                                          •   Building internal capacities within institutional
    change will impact their assets (Mazzacurati,
                                                              investors in the areas of governance, financial,
    2017). Meanwhile, the Task Force on Climate-
                                                              technical and legal structuring, as well as the
    related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) sets out
                                                              impacts of climate change and institutional
    recommendations for what “decision-useful”
                                                              investors’ own role in minimising these
    climate-related disclosure looks like (TCFD, 2017).
                                                              impacts, should occur in tandem with the
•   Capital market solutions can link institutional           above proposed changes. Collaboration with
    capital with renewable assets by delivering               other institutional investors, as well as indirect
    efficient investment vehicles, such as project            and co-financing investments in renewables,
    bonds, project funds and green bonds,                     can also help institutional investors enter the
    providing investors with a desirable scale,               renewable sector, share best practices and
    simplicity, credit assurance and liquidity. The           learn to manage new risks while maximising
    supply of such instruments can be increased               the benefits from renewable energy assets.
    through stakeholder co-operation, the adoption            The recently announced partnership between
    of green bond frameworks aligned with                     the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change
    leading standards, and economic incentives to             (AIGCC) and Caisse de dépôt et placement
    compensate for higher issuance costs (IRENA,              du Québec (CDPQ), a Canadian pension fund
    forthcoming (b)). The Nigerian Green Bond                 and one of the world’s largest investors in
    Market Development Programme provides a                   renewable energy, to develop capacity building
    successful example of a collaborative effort              training for low-carbon investments for
    between local policy makers, the stock                    Asian investors is an example of a potentially
    exchange (FMDQ OTC Securities Exchange) and               impactful collaboration (CDPQ, 2019).

R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y F I N A N C E B R I E F 0 2

     Figure 5 R
               ecommended actions to scale up institutional investments in renewable energy

        Main stakeholder(s): Institutional investors                                  Main stakeholder(s): Policy makers
        Recommended actions:                                                          Recommended actions:
        · Internal education on renewables, climate                                   · Deploy direct, integrating and enabling
          risks and ESG mandates                                                        policies to support the growth and integration
                                                                                        of renewables
        · Review long-term investment goals and
          adopt sustainability targets                          INTERNAL   POLICY AND · Review institutional investors regulation
        · Build internal capacities in financial, legal         CAPACITY   REGULATORY · Incorporate sustainability in institutional
          and technical structuring                             BUILDING     ACTIONS    fiduciary and investment mandates
        · Invest initially indirectly via funds, bonds                                · Adopt sustainable finance principles:
          and co-investment trades                                                      · Take up new investment principles including
        · Join institutional investors groups to                                          sustainability/ESG aspects
          share best practices                                                          · Join sustainable finance co-operation initiatives
                                                                                        · Require climate risk analysis and disclosure

        Main stakeholder(s): Policy makers, public                                         Main stakeholder(s):
        capital providers (e.g., DFIs)                                                      Policy makers, capital market regulator,
        Recommended actions:                                                               ‘green’ standard-setters, public capital (DFIs)
        · De-risk projects through risk mitigation                                         Recommended actions:
          instruments                                                                      · Develop desirable capital market instruments,
        · Guarantees, political risk insurance, currency                     CAPITAL         such as project bonds/funds, green bonds/funds:
          hedges, insurance products                            PROJECT                      · Develop a green bond framework via
                                                                PIPELINE                       collaboration between policy makers, green
        · Standardise contractual agreements,                               SOLUTIONS
          aggregate projects to create scale                                                   standard-setters, capital markets and issuers
        · Create co-financing transactions between                                           · Align with leading green standards
          public and private providers of capita                                             · Standardise and streamline the issuance process
          (including institutional investors)                                                · Incentivise issuance and certification process,
                                                                                               and co-fund demonstration issuances

     IRENA analysis based on Preqin data

     As the only international organisation dedicated solely               provides up-to-date renewable energy statistics
     to renewable energy, IRENA is uniquely positioned to                  and valuable information on the renewable sector’s
     support countries in their transition to a sustainable                innovation and technological trends.
     energy future. IRENA provides analytical guidance
                                                                           Investment analysis and project
     and develops solutions for market opportunities,
     successful business models and financial instruments;
     supports renewable energy projects throughout                         IRENA      analyses   current      and    emerging
     their life cycle; leads the global discourse; connects                renewable energy finance trends, including the
     key stakeholders; and provides a global forum for the                 emergence of innovative financing instruments,
     exchange of best practices.                                           risk mitigation instruments, business models
                                                                           and countries’ attainment of their Nationally
     Fostering an enabling environment
                                                                           Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the
     for renewable energy investments
                                                                           Paris Agreement. This work identifies market
     IRENA analyses the socio-economic footprint of                        gaps and opportunities, provides actionable
     the energy transition and helps countries with                        recommendations to stakeholders and informs
     tailored policy frameworks so that increased                          IRENA’s regional engagements (IRENA, 2016, 2017,
     deployment of renewables results in a sustainable                     2019b; IRENA and CPI, 2018 and forthcoming).
     transformation. IRENA provides in-depth and up-                       IRENA facilitates and supports renewable energy
     to-date guidance on a broad array of renewable                        projects throughout their life cycle and helps build
     energy policies, assesses employment data and                         a pipeline of bankable projects through online
     gender and community engagement, and guides                           digital platforms and stakeholder collaborations.
     countries in their policy design. IRENA also                          IRENA provides resource assessment and site

suitability analysis, helps stakeholders develop               Capacity building, stakeholder
bankable project proposals and connects project                engagement and collaboration
developers with providers of capital, technology
                                                               IRENA regularly engages with and brings
and services.
                                                               together various sector stakeholders such as
IRENA also organises capacity building workshops               public and private providers of capital, policy
for financing institutions to enhance their                    makers and developers, via roundtables,
understanding of renewables, and helps them                    panels and other industry events, to create an
prepare investment-ready projects, including                   ongoing dialogue, tackle pending challenges
using structured financing approaches and risk                 and share best practices. IRENA works with
mitigation instruments. In addition, the IRENA                 global partners, such as the United Nations
and Terawatt Initiative Open Solar Contracts                   Development Programme and other agencies, to
initiative will soon deliver a set of standardised             create global synergies through break-through
and simplified documents for solar PV projects to              initiatives such as the newly created Climate
boost project bankability.                                     Investment Platform whose goal is to crowd-in
                                                               private capital to sustainable energy.

CBI (2019), “Nigeria: Access Bank 1st certified                IRENA (2017), Untapped potential for climate action:
  corporate green bond in Africa: Leadership in green            Renewable energy in Nationally Determined Contributions,
  finance”, Climate Bonds Initiative, www.climatebonds.          International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
  rate-green-bond-africa-leadership-green-finance.             IRENA (2016), Unlocking renewable energy investment:
                                                                 The role of risk mitigation and structured finance,
CDPQ (2019), “AIGCC and CDPQ announce partnership                International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
  to develop capacity-building training for investors
  in Asian markets”, Caisse de dépôt et placement du           IRENA and CPI (2018), Global landscape of renewable
  Québec,                energy finance 2018, International Renewable Energy
  cc-and-cdpq-announce-partnership-to-develop-ca-                Agency and Climate Policy Initiative, Abu Dhabi.
  pacity-building-training-for.                                  Updated edition forthcoming

CPI (2019), Global landscape of climate finance 2019,          Mazzacurati, E. (2017), Art.173: France’s ground-
  Climate Policy Institute, https://climatepolicyinitiative.     breaking climate risk reporting law, http://427mt.
  org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/GLCF-2019.pdf.                  com/2017/01/16/impact-french-law-article-173/.

Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/BNEF (2019), Global               Preqin (2019), Global Infrastructure Data (database),
  trends in renewable energy investment 2019, Frank-             Preqin (subscription required – last accessed in
  furt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate            September 2019).
  & Sustainable Energy Finance and BloombergNEF,               Quantum Global (2017), Sovereign wealth funds as a
  Frankfurt am Main, Germany, https://wedocs.unep.               driver of African development, http://quantumglobal-
  pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y.                                    eign-Wealth-Funds-as-a-driver-of-African-development.pdf.
IRENA (forthcoming (a)), Mobilising institutional capital      REN21 (2019), Renewables 2019 Global Status Report,
  for renewable energy, International Renewable Energy           Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century,
  Agency, Abu Dhabi.                                             Paris,
IRENA (forthcoming (b)), Financing renewable                   SWFI (2019), “Top 81 largest sovereign wealth fund
  energy with green bonds, International Renewable               rankings by total assets (as of November 2019)”,
  Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.                                      Sovereign Wealth Funds Institute, www.swfinstitute.
IRENA (2019a), Transforming the energy system – and              org/fund-rankings/sovereign-wealth-fund.
  holding the line on rising global temperatures,              TCFD (2017), Final report: Recommendations of the
  International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.              Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,
IRENA (2019b), NDCs in 2020: Advancing renewables in             Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,
  the power sector and beyond, International Renewable 
  Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.                                      NAL-TCFD-Report-062817.pdf.

IRENA (2018), Renewable capacity statistics 2018,              WTW (2019), Global pension assets study 2019, Willis
  International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.             Tower Watson,




        About IRENA
        The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that
        serves as the principal platform for international co-operation, a centre of excellence and a repository
        of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge, and a driver of action on the ground to
        advance the transformation of the global energy system. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption
        and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower,
        ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy
        security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.

Other Renewable Energy Finance briefs:
· Sovereign guarantees
· Green bonds

Other titles are to follow.

©IRENA 2020
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