Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith s Social Theory

Page created by Elaine Quinn
Instinct as a Foundational Concept in
                       Adam Smith s Social Theory

                                                                                       Tetsuo Taka

           Adam Smith s social theory analyzes and interprets both the unfolding and accumula-
           tive structures of human nature and society while considering the foundation of hu-
           man instinct My reinterpretation makes it possible to achieve a coherent understand-
           ing of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations and to recognize
           the commonalities among Smith Hume and Darwin with respect to the viewpoint of
           evolutionary point of view
                Smith s concept of instinct is distinctly biological; it differs obviously from
           Locke s philosophical concept and Hume s psychological one There is no doubt that
           Smith followed Locke and Hume in terms of his empirical understanding of human
           knowledge and ways of thinking; nonetheless Smith remained convinced that ani-
           mals had instincts-that is they are born with innate programs As shown in his de-
           tailed descriptions in Of the External Senses -including those of instinctual per-
           ception among the young of the partridge the goose and suckling animals as well as
           worms that have no head but yet search for food-Smith came to this idea through
           elaborate direct observations and indirect observations via the work of Linnaeus For
           Smith the human species incorporates the instincts of self-interest self-preserva-
           tion and mutual altruism sociability the propensity to exchange This understand-
           ing is maintained without any change from that outlined in the Letter to Authors of
           the Edinburgh Review to that in the sixth edition of The Theory of Moral Sentiments
           JEL classification numbers: B 10 B 31 B 41

   The purpose of this essay is to suggest              prets both the unfolding and accumulative
on the basis of a precise examination of                structures of human nature and society while
Adam Smith s conception of instinct                     considering the foundation of human instinct
-mainly scrutinized in his posthumous arti-             in a biological sense This approach has
cle Of the External Senses ES hereafter                 therefore some bearing on recent works that
-that his social theory analyzes and inter-             focus on the importance of a biological ap-

  Part of this paper was read at First ESHET-JSHET Meeting Sophia-Antipolis 2006 and at Smith in Glas-
  gow 09 University of Glasgow 2009 I would like to thank attendants of these meetings and two anony-
  mous referees of this journal for their helpful comments Any remaining errors are mines alone
  The History of Economic Thought Vol 53 No 2 2011            The Japanese Society for the History of Eco-
  nomic Though
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proach to Smith Schabas 2003; 2005 as              veals his genius seems to be inadequate and
well as the methodological similarities be-        superficial: no explanation is provided as to
tween Smith s theory of sympathy and Dar-          why Smith had to extend his observations of
win s evolutionary understanding of the hu-        animals there
man species Evensky 2005; Laurent and                    It might well be that the latter half of
Cockfield 2007                                     ES including the greater part of the section
    As to biology two facts seem to be im-          Of the Sense of Seeing was written after
mediately noteworthy First Smith s letter to       1766-68 when the 12th edition of Linnae-
Andreas Holt October 1789 says that he             us s Systema Naturae was published and
studied botany with no great progress              stocked in Adam Smith s library Unlike ear-
while writing Wealth of Nations 1776; WN           lier editions that show his arrangements and
hereafter at Kirkaldy COR 252 ; botany             nomenclature to the learned the 10th edi-
was the name given at that time to the disci-      tion adopted definitions of Classes and Or-
pline now known as biology with the latter         ders of animals that were suitable for use
being a term used since the beginning of the       even by amateurs Cain 1992 245-46 ; it
1800s Farber 2000 77 Second Adam                   was also expanded to 1 384 pages from the
Smith s library included not a few biology         previous edition s 227 eventually reaching
  botany books such as Buffon s Histoire           2 299 pages in the 12th edition That both the
Naturelle 1749-67 Fontenelle s Oeuvres             new Order Gralae and the Class Mammalia
  1752       Linnaeus s Systema Naturae            coined by Linnaeus in the 10th edition of
  1766-1768 Miller s Gardener s Diction-           Systema Naturae in 1758 are used by Smith
ary 1769 and Ray s Synopsis Methodica              in the latter part of the article has been point-
  1696/1724 Smith mentions Buffon s work           ed out by Brown 1992 334 Rather than
in A Letter to the Authors of the Edinburgh        be considered a meritorious finding Brown s
Review 1755-56; LER hereafter and WN               estimation of the dating of ES between 1758
and Linnaeus s in ES                               and October 1759 has been challenged by
    The posthumous article ES is usually           Smith scholars since these facts are inciden-
 looked at from the point of view of philo-        tal rather than essential to Smith s argument
sophical psychology rather than that of natu-        Ross 1995 104; Schabas 2003 266-67 fn
ral philosophy ; it is guessed that it was writ-   However it cannot be overlooked that the
ten before Smith became closely ac-                animal kingdom Linnaeus divides into six
quainted with Hume -that is before 1752            classes and to each he adds their generic
Wightman 1980 speculates that ES was               and specific characters; before him nobody
written prior to 1752 before Smith was             had clearly distinguished the Vermes from
closely acquainted with Hume 133-34                the Insects       Engel-Ledeboer and Engel
This interpretation seems perfectly sound          1964 9 Smith mentions Linnaeus toward
and persuasive for the first half of the essay;    the end of his article: That numerous divi-
however Wightman s appreciation of the lat-        sion of animals which Linnaeus ranks under
ter half of the essay and the fact that Smith s    the class of worms have scarcely any of
 careful field observations on animals re-         them any head They neither see nor hear
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   3

have neither eyes nor ears: but many of them       to and inseparable from the nature of animal
have the power of self-motion and appear to        life and existence ES 49 must be shown
move about in search of their food ES              in relation and comparison to the other four
83 We recognize that Smith s understand-           senses Third the existence of instinct in man
ing of biology as witnessed in ES had great-       and animal in the sense of innate pro-
ly surpassed that seen in The History of As-       grammed behavior suggests the possibility
tronomy      probably written before 1758;         of complementing the inadequacies inherent
HA hereafter in which he says that all             in Hume s empiricism
things endowed with a power of self-motion             Like many other enlightenment philoso-
beasts birds fishes insects are classed under      phers Smith also pays attention to Che-
the general name of Animal HA II 1                 selden s report1 on a young gentleman who
This shows clearly that Smith had no knowl-        was born with a cataract and whose sight
edge of Wermes worms when writing HA               was restored through an operation Follow-
    It seems appropriate therefore to seek         ing recovery however it was found that his
evidence in dating ES-first to carry out a         prior touch-acquired knowledge of particular
reinterpretation of ES; second to compare          objects did not accord with his new sight-ac-
Smith s biological conception of instinct          quired knowledge and so he at first learned
with Locke s philosophical and Hume s psy-         to know and again forgot a thousand things
chological and physiological conceptions;          in a day When the young gentleman saw a
and third to survey Smith s references to in-      painting with perspective and a variety of
stinct from his A Letter to the Authors of         paints its plain surface led him to ask which
the Edinburgh Review to the sixth edition of       was the lying sense feeling or seeing? After
The Theory of Moral Sentiments                     observing a superb landscape at Epsom-
                                                   downs one year later he called it a new kind
I The Dating of ES: Smith s Interest               of seeing Smith interprets the case thus:
  in the Instinctive Power of Percep-
  tion                                               Though it may have been altogether by the
In the latter part of ES Smith tries to estab-       slow paces of observation and experience
lish three propositions First four classes of        that this young gentleman acquired the
sensations-namely heat and cold taste                knowledge of the connection between visi-
smell and sound-are not naturally per-               ble and tangible objects; we cannot from
ceived as external and independent substanc-         thence with certainty infer that young
es or even as qualities of such substances           children have not some instinctive percep-
but as mere affections of the organs; they           tion of the same kind In him this instinc-
can exist nowhere but in the organs ES               tive power not having been exerted at the
25 says Smith and the different degrees of           proper season may from disuse have
these sensations altogether result from expe-        gone gradually to decay and at last have
riences Second the genuine possibility that          been completely obliterated Or perhaps
neither man nor animal was ever born with-             what seems likewise very possible
out the sense of touch which seems essential         some feeble and unobserved remains of it
4                  53   2

    may have somewhat facilitated his acquisi-     row seem to emerge from the shell blind
    tion of what he might otherwise have           continue to be so for at least some days
    found it much more difficult to acquire        thereafter and are fed through the joint labor
      ES 69                                        of both parents However before leaving the
                                                   nest they evidently enjoy all the powers of
What Smith wants to insist here is this:           vision in the most complete perfection Smith
whilst long and harsh experiences of training      therefore concludes that in so short a period
are indispensable in making use of the facul-      they cannot be supposed to have acquired
ty of sight human beings must have some            those powers from experience and must
innate instinctive perception that is free         therefore derive them from some instinctive
from any experiences if they are to connect        suggestion ES 71
visual and tactile knowledge consistently 2            This kind of instinct is not confined to
This is nothing but a distinct critique of pure    the bird The young of quadrupeds such as
and simple empiricist epistemology since           the cow and the horse like those of the
Smith said that antecedent to all experience       greater proportion of birds that make nests
the young of at least the greater part of ani-     upon the ground seem to enjoy the faculty
mals possess some instinctive perception of        of sight just after birth Even the young of
this kind seems abundantly evident ES              the human species who spend enough time
70 While the linnet and the thrush feed            in the arms of their mothers for learning the
their young by dropping food into their bills      principle of association of ideas by obser-
the hen does not Since the young partridge         vation and experience must have the same
and goose also seem to feed themselves im-         instinct since Nature it may be said never
mediately upon hatching they seem to un-           bestows upon any animal any faculty which
derstand the language of Vision as well as         is not either necessary or useful and an in-
they ever do afterwards Smith says there-          stinct of this kind would be altogether use-
fore this is the case so far as                    less to an animal which must necessarily ac-
                                                   quire the knowledge which the instinct is
    I have been able to observe with those of      given to supply long before that instinct
    at least the greater part of the birds which   could be of any use to it ES 74 Smith
    make their nests upon the ground with the      therefore says thus:
    greater part of those which are ranked by
    Linnaeus in the orders of the hen and the        Children however appear at so very early
    goose and of many of those long-shanked          a period to know the distance the shape
    and wading birds which he places in the          and magnitude of the different tangible ob-
    order that he distinguishes by the name of       jects which are presented to them that I
    Grallae ES 70                                    am disposed to believe that even they may
                                                     have some instinctive perception of this
On the other hand the greater proportion of          kind; though possibly in a much weaker
those organisms ranked by Linnaeus in the            degree than the greater part of other ani-
orders of the hawk the magpie and the spar-          mals A child that is scarcely a month old
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   5

  stretches out its hands to feel any little         stance which is fitted for filling them in-
  play-thing that is presented to it It distin-      creases and irritates that uneasy sensation
  guishes its nurse and the other people who         and produces hunger or the appetite for
  are much about it from strangers It clings         food ES 77-78
  to the former and turns away from the lat-              It is worth noting here that Smith s obser-
  ter Hold a small looking-glass before a            vations probably assisted by Linnaeus s
  child of not more than two or three months         thoroughgoing descriptions of animals ge-
  old and it will stretch out its little arms be-    neric and specific characters are tolerably
  hind the glass in order to feel the child          accurate and appropriate and his understand-
  which it sees and which it imagines is at          ing that an uneasy sensation of being un-
  the back of the glass It is deceived no            filled or the appetite for food has its ori-
  doubt; but even this sort of deception suf-        gins in the function of each bodily organ
  ficiently demonstrates that it has a tolera-       While the human species consists of an or-
  bly distinct apprehension of the ordinary          ganic unity of different organs the mind
  perspective of Vision which it cannot well         Smith seems to explain is activated not only
  have learnt from observation and experi-           by the different sensations of the organs but
  ence ES 74                                         also by the formation of new connections
                                                     among them in the absence of experience
Smith s examination of the sense of sight is         This is not a mechanical or machine view of
notably different from Berkeley s in the             an animal of self-motion but rather a biolog-
sense that Smith elucidates the perspective          ical or evolutionary view of them for he
vision of infants as an innate instinct that is      sought to combine instinct with experiences
distinct from the associationist principle of        in growth Besides this the following state-
empiricism; Berkeley s treatment of it on the        ment shows clearly that Smith s approach
other hand is limited mostly to a mechanical         was also a psychological one:
inquiry of sight as the outcome of an optical
device or machine Smith s argument is much             All the appetites which take their origin
strengthened by the fact that in the case of           from a certain state of the body seem to
the newborns of all suckling animals of                suggest the means of their own gratifica-
Mammalia they begin immediately sucking                tion; and even long before experience
through the use of the sense of smelling re-           some anticipation or preconception of the
gardless of sight capabilities Although they           pleasure which attends that gratification
seem to draw their nourishment through                 In the appetite for sex which frequently I
tubes and canals like a vegetable in the               am disposed to believe almost always
womb as soon as they come into the world               comes a long time before the age of puber-
 this new set of tubes and canals which the            ty this is perfectly and distinctly evident
providential care of Nature had for a long             The appetite for food suggests to the new-
time before been gradually preparing is all            born infant the operation of sucking the
at once and instantaneously opened and                 only means by which it can possibly grati-
they require filling The smell of the sub-             fy that appetite It is continually sucking It
6                  53   2

    sucks whatever is presented to its mouth It      side in which it felt the agreeable and to
    sucks even when there is nothing present-        withdraw from that in which it felt the dis-
    ed to its mouth and some anticipation or         agreeable sensation But the very desire of
    preconception of the pleasure which it is to     motion supposes some notion or precon-
    enjoy in sucking seems to make it delight        ception of externality; and the desire to
    in putting its mouth in the shape and con-       move towards the side of the agreeable or
    figuration by which it alone can enjoy that      from that of the disagreeable sensation
    pleasure There are other appetites in            supposes at least some vague notion of
    which the most unexperienced imagination         some external thing or place which is the
    produces a similar effect upon the organs        cause of those respective sensations ES
    which Nature has provided for their grati-       85
    fication ES 79
                                                   The above citation gives evidence of why
It is abundantly evident that what Smith here      Smith insisted neither man nor animal was
calls the appetite or anticipation or pre-         ever born without the Sense of Touching
conception of the pleasure is in short the         which seems essential to and inseparable
instinctive or innate faculty of cognition         from the nature of animal life and existence
While some anticipation of the pleasure is           ES 49 Smith here reconfirms that the
premised it exists as the cause for continu-       consciousness of the positional distinction
ing to suck rather than starting to suck In-       between the internality and externality of a
stinct is therefore the principle which            substance is an indispensable sense for all
teaches the child to mould its mouth into the      animals including Worms The distinctive
conformation and action of sucking even be-        ability to distinguish between the internality
fore it reaches the object to which alone that     and the externality of a substance is defi-
conformation and action can be usefully ap-        nitely vital for individual animals The sens-
plied ES 80 Citing the fact that there are         es that find externality agreeable or not
among the Worms in Linnaeus s classifica-          therefore are different from anything else in
tion some animals that have scarcely a head        a utilitarian sense since those sensations ap-
and neither eyes nor ears but nonetheless          pear to have been given us for the preserva-
have the power of self-motion and move             tion of our own bodies even though the
about in search of food Smith summarizes           agreeableness of Heat and Cold has been
the concept of instinct thus:                      found from experience ES 86 :

    A new-born animal which had the power            The desire of changing our situation nec-
    of self-motion and which felt its body ei-       essarily supposes some idea of externality;
    ther agreeably or disagreeably more heat-        or of motion into a place different from
    ed or more cooled on the one side than on        that in which we actually are; and even the
    the other would I imagine instinctively          desire of remaining in the same place sup-
    and antecedently to all observation and ex-      poses some idea of at least the possibility
    perience endeavour to move towards the           of changing Those sensations could not
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   7

  well have answered the intention of Na-           tion
  ture had they not thus instinctively sug-             This conception of instinct seems com-
  gested some vague notion of external ex-          pletely consistent with the current biological
  istence ES 86                                     understanding of it Ethologist Konrad
                                                    Lorenz says that the recognition of an ene-
Smith applies the same biological under-            my-which in mallards and many other birds
standing to the sense of Hearing He is much         is an inborn instinct-must be learned per-
disposed to the belief that Sound may in-           sonally: An animal which does not know its
stinctively and antecedently to all observa-        enemy by instinct is informed by older and
tion and experience obscurely suggest some          more experienced fellow-members of its spe-
vague notion of some external substance or          cies who or what is to be feared as hostile
thing which excites it Although Sound is              Lorenz 1952 2002 133 137 While
merely perceived in the ear by a sense recep-       Mayr distinguishes Lorenz s theory as evo-
tor all animals and especially men are too          lutionary epistemology we must not over-
careful and cautious about unusual and unex-        look Mayr s comment on what is a great
pected sounds Smith interprets this response        mystery for the philosophers :
to unusual sounds thus: This effect too is
produced so readily and so instantaneously            Even the most primitive protists have an
that it bears every mark of an instinctive sug-       apparatus for sensing and responding to
gestion of an impression immediately struck           the dangers and opportunities they encoun-
by the hand of nature which does not wait             ter in their habitat More than a billion
for any recollection of past observation and          years of natural selection have elaborated
experience ES 87                                      the genetic program of the human species
    This reasoning explains Smith s conclu-           from that of a simple protozoan into that
sions in ES: the three senses of Seeing Hear-         of mankind Thus the new biological un-
ing and Smelling seem to be given to us by            derstanding of the nature of genetic pro-
Nature not so much in order to inform us              grams has finally explained what for such
concerning the actual situation of our bodies         a long time had been a great mystery for
but as concerning that of other external bod-         the philosophers Mayr 1997 74
ies-which though at some distance from
us may sooner or later affect that actual situ-     Although Smith naturally had no knowledge
ation and eventually either benefit or hurt us      of the nature of genetic programs in modern
  ES 88 Smith s conclusions might be in             biology that was still the issue for him
short summarized as follows: all the sensa-         Smith s original concern in ES was episte-
tions of animals whether independent or             mology-that is the reason why sensory or-
composite sensations must not be under-             gans generated completely different sensa-
stood as the effects of experience and obser-       tions from the material characters of the ob-
vation alone: some kind of instinct includes        ject of cognition-and so he made inquiries
not only real information of one s standing         into their part in the whole intermediate
but also futurity concerning self-preserva-         causes of external sensations none of which
8                 53   2

bear the smallest resemblance to vibration or     tary program in the brain-must result from
motion of any kind and which no philoso-          an inquiry into the unknown principles and
pher has yet attempted to explain to us ES        intermediate causes of external senses not
42 In other words Smith was thinking              from the viewpoint of a transcendentalist but
about the relationship between instinct and       from a rigorous empiricist
experience-that is simple and compound
sensations -in animal development                 II Instinct and Experience in Percep-
    Two points therefore should be cited             tion: The Early Psychological
here First Smith s conception of instinct            Approach
does not indicate that he decisively criticized   Smith s conception of instinct somewhat
and rejected the empiricist epistemology of       resembles the ideas of contemporary leaders
Locke and Hume since Smith believed that          of biological science like Linnaeus and Buf-
humans learn to distinguish between simple        fon although they refer not to instinct but in-
and compound Sensations altogether by Ex-         ternal sense in cases where external sense is
perience SE 32 Therefore Lindgren s               the topic While Linnaeus refers to the ex-
  1969 comment that Smith has kept the            ternal and internal senses Engel-Ledeboer
 predominantly conventionalist epistemolog-       and Engel 1964 26 no explicit or concise
ical position is quite correct Ibid 901           explanation is provided It can safely be said
    Second one should not overestimate            that the internal senses had previously in-
Smith s comment vis-à-vis Berkeley s philo-       dicated the neural system and brain and the
sophical analysis as argued in New Theory          external senses the bodily organs but ex-
of Vision Berkeley 1709 in which he says          ternal and internal senses was replaced by
that he has scarcely any thing to add to what      sensory organs after the 10th edition of
  Berkeley has already done ES 43                 Systema Naturae in 1758 Judging from the
While Smith mentions Berkeley s discourse         argument that individuals lack in their
on Sight and its connection to Touch Smith s      prime and tender age absolutely all knowl-
agreement with Berkeley is limited to the         edge and are forced to learn everything by
analysis of the physical intermediate caus-       means of their external senses          Engel-
es of sight-that is the mechanism of an           Ledeboer and Engel 1964 18 Linnaeus
optical device of Sight Unlike Berkeley           seems not to have any exact notion of in-
Smith confronts the biological matters of in-     stinct
stinct in animals according to many elabo-            In Histoire Naturelle Buffon discusses
rate observations of the sensational and cog-     internal senses at large in The Natural His-
nitive development process of young animal        tory of Man and external senses mainly in
and human species and he raises serious            A Dissertation on The Nature of Animals
doubts about rigorous empiricist interpreta-      While Buffon indicates that the internal
tions of external senses The novel original       sense is equal to the mind vol 3 98 and
but faint idea that all animals must be born      that the nerves are the immediate instru-
with an innate instinct to receive and process    ments of feeling vol 3 286 his funda-
various sensations-something like a heredi-       mentally physiological and complicated ex-
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   9

planation of the internal and external senses             no philosopher has yet attempted nor
appears explicitly in the following quotation:      probably ever will attempt to explain to us
  The internal sense differs in the first place          Then it can therefore be safely said that
  from the external senses by the faculty           Smith embraced little of the interpretation of
  which it possesses of receiving every spe-        the internal and external senses that had been
  cies of impression; while the external            made by preceding natural philosophers 3
  senses are only affected in one mode cor-         instead establishing a modern concept of in-
  responding to their conformation: the eye         stinct independently according to his vari-
  for instance is not more affected with            ous observations Besides neither Linnaeus
  sound than the ear with light Secondly the        nor Buffon adopts instinct as a key concept
  internal sense differs from the external          in their theories They seem therefore to
  senses by the duration of the vibrations          take at best a midwife role for Smith s ad-
  excited by external causes In every other         vancement of biological thinking
  article both these species of senses are of            The concept of instinct however can-
  the same nature The internal sense of a           not be limited to biology Since sense itself
  brute as well as its external senses is pure      is the main subject of psychology and the
  results of matter and mechanical organiza-        critical subject touching the core of philoso-
  tion Like the animal man possesses this           phy Locke and Hume each naturally take the
  internal material sense; but he is likewise       term instinct into consideration
  endowed with a sense of a very different               While Locke uses the term instinct in-
  and superior nature residing in that spirit-      stinctu in the sense of impulse or drive
  ual substance which animates us and su-           in his Essays on the Law of Nature he ex-
  perintends our determinations vol 3               plicitly denies such notions in the Human
  496-97                                            Understanding as innate laws of nature and
                                                     innate practical principles Locke 1693
There is no indication that Smith accepted          1995 I iii 2-3 ; he declares that the word
Buffon s explanation of internal and external        instinct has no significance nor do the
senses Moreover it is clear that Smith was          words sympathy or antipathy Ibid III
critical of this kind of philosophical and          xi 8 Locke s argument-that God spoke to
pseudo-physiological interpretation of the          man that is directed him by his Senses
internal sense given his criticism of such an       and Reason as he did the inferior Animals
explanation of the Sensation of Taste in ES:        by their Sense and Instinct which he had
 Certain juices of the exciting body are sup-       placed in them to that purpose to the use of
posed to enter the pores of the palate and to       those things which were serviceable for his
excite in the irritable and sensible fibers of      Subsistence and given him as means of his
that organ certain motions or vibrations            Preservation Locke 1698 2002 205
which produce there the Sensation of Taste          -shows obviously that instinct is a distin-
But how those juices should excite such mo-         guishing mark of animals that lack reason
tions or how such motions should produce            Having much knowledge of the classification
10                 53   2

of plants studied during his formative years      however is not liberated from the confusion
  Sloan 1972 21 Locke uses not a few bio-         of reason with instinct since he insists that
logical metaphors in An Essay Concerning           reason is nothing but a wonderful and unin-
Human Understanding Unlike Smith how-             telligible instinct in our souls which carries
ever Locke s observation of the development       us along a certain train of ideas and endows
of a newborn child simply leads him to the        them with particular qualities according to
ultimate empiricist interpretation of percep-     their particular situations and relations This
tion: the assumption of a blank paper tabu-       instinct tis true arises from past observation
la rasa brain Locke 1693 1995 II                  and experience Hume 1739-40 2001
i 2:20-22 Locke intends to explain how the        1 3 16 9 Here one can see that the distinc-
mind works and how the human species              tion between the innate faculty program
comes to know truth Pinker 2002 5 but             and the learned faculty fades into ambiguity
he has no intention of explaining how the              Nevertheless it may be worthwhile to
mind emerges                                      note that Hume s observations of animal be-
     Hume on the other hand repeatedly in-        havior are on rare occasions no less accurate
sists that animals and humans alike learn         and keen than those of Smith After enumer-
from experiences and have some form of in-        ating a number of specific animal behaviors
stinct Besides his concept of instinct            to show their particular excellence Hume
seems to be closer to an innate faculty than      concludes that pride and humility are not
Locke s since he says that as justice evi-        merely human passions but extend them-
dently tends to promote public utility and to     selves over the whole animal creation and
support civil society the sentiment of justice    says thus:
is either derived from our reflecting on that
tendency or like hunger thirst and other ap-        The causes of these passions are likewise
petites resentment love of life attachment to       much the same in beasts as in us making a
offspring and other passions arises from a          just allowance for our superior knowledge
simple original instinct in the human breast        and understanding Thus animals have lit-
which nature has implanted for like salutary        tle or no sense of virtue or vice; they
purposes Hume 1751 2004 III 40 So                   quickly lose sight of the relations of blood;
long as Hume argues that though the in-             and are incapable of that of right and prop-
stinct be different yet still it is an instinct     erty: For which reason the causes of their
which teaches a man to avoid the fire; as           pride and humility must lie solely in the
much as that which teaches a bird with such         body and can never be placed either in the
exactness the art of incubation and the             mind or external objects But so far as re-
whole economy and order of its nursery              gards the body the same qualities cause
  Hume 1748 1999 IX 6 his views of in-              pride in the animal as in the human kind;
stinct and of the continuity between animals        and tis on beauty strength swiftness or
and the human species seem to be perfectly          some other useful or agreeable quality that
consistent with modern biology-based under-         his passion is always founded Hume
standings Hume s conception of instinct               1739-40 2001 2 1 12 5
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   11

In short Hume s conclusion that all the in-            mines him to seek society for its own sake:
ternal principles that are necessary in us to          but according to the one the misery of his
produce either pride or humility are com-              original state compelled him to have re-
mon to all creatures Ibid 2 1 12 9 are                 course to this otherwise disagreeable rem-
nothing but results of the method of en-               edy; according to the other some unfortu-
quiry which is found so just and useful in             nate accidents having given birth to the
reasoning concerning the body to our                   unnatural passions of ambition and the
present anatomy of the mind              Ibid          vain desire of superiority to which he had
2 1 12 2                                               before been a stranger produced the same
    Then what is confirmed sufficiently is             fatal effect      According to both those
the fact that Smith s view of instinct with all        laws of justice which maintain the present
his premature thinking is far more consistent          inequality amongst mankind were origi-
with modern biological insights than Locke s           nally the inventions of the cunning and the
or Hume s whose empirical analyses were                powerful in order to maintain or to acquire
performed mainly from psychology and phi-              an unnatural and unjust superiority over
losophy-based aspects and with fewer bio-              the rest of their fellow creatures LER
logical insights and observations It is how-           11
ever a matter of course that the term biolo-
gy here refers to understanding behavior ac-        While Smith does not here define the term
cording to the genetic program while the             instinct positively he seems to believe
term psychology refers to understanding             firmly that there is in man a powerful in-
behavior according to the work of the mind          stinct which necessarily determines him to
or physiological cause-and-effect                   seek society for its own sake Although
                                                    most contemporary Scottish thinkers asserted
III Conceptual Elaboration of                       that human sociality was instinctive or ap-
    In-stinct and the Propensity to                 petitive Berry 1997 25 Smith s under-
    Exchange                                        standing of instinct seems to go beyond
Even if the above remarks are supportable           Hume s view of it in the sense that even
and persuasive it must nonetheless be admit-        Hume had become enmeshed in the conven-
ted that no definite conclusion can be drawn        tional meaning of instinct as a wild animal
from them before verifying that Smith used          passion or emotion We find the same usage
them consistently in his early and late writ-       in The Theory of Moral Sentiments 1759;
ings This procedure seems indispensable in          TMS hereafter although there the expres-
providing clues to the dating of Of External        sion is slightly different from that used in
Senses Smith s first use of that term appears       LER:
in LER:
                                                       Though man be naturally endowed with a
  Both of them Mandeville and Rousseau                 desire of the welfare and preservation of
  however suppose that there is in man no              society yet the Author of nature has not
  powerful instinct which necessarily deter-           entrusted it to his reason to find out that a
12                53   2

  certain application of punishment is the          Second the concept of instinct as an
  proper means of attaining this end; but has   innate trait in the first edition of TMS con-
  endowed him with an immediate and in-         tinued to be maintained even in 1790 Below
  stinctive approbation of that very applica-   are three passages from the supplemented
  tion which is most proper to attain it The    portion of the sixth edition
  oeconomy of nature is in this respect ex-
  actly of a piece with what it is upon many      There seems to be in young children an in-
  other occasions       Nature has constant-      stinctive disposition to believe whatever
  ly in this manner not only endowed man-         they are told Nature seems to have judged
  kind with an appetite for the end which         it necessary for their preservation that they
  she proposes but likewise with an appetite      should for some time at least put implicit
  for the means by which alone this end can       confidence in those to whom the care of
  be brought about for their own sakes and        their childhood and of the earliest and
  independent of their tendency to produce        most necessary parts of their education is
  it Thus self-preservation and the propaga-      intrusted Their credulity accordingly is
  tion of the species are the great ends          excessive and it requires long and much
  which Nature seems to have proposed in          experience of the falsehood of mankind to
  the formation of all animals TMS II             reduce them to a reasonable degree of dif-
  i 5 10                                          fidence and distrust TMS VII iv 23

Two points are worthy of special attention      Here the meaning of implanted program of
here First Smith s arguments that the en-       instinct is expressed clearly recalling a sim-
dowment of the Author of nature is nothing      ilar argument on children s instinctive ap-
but an instinctive approbation of the welfare   prehension of the ordinary perspective of Vi-
and preservation of society constitute in-      sion as developed in ES 4 The concept of
deed a radical critique of both Mandeville       instinct is more thoroughly elaborated
and Rousseau since both of them conclude        upon to suggest the innate or implanted fea-
that laws of justice are nothing but devices    tures of the child without using the term in-
for maintaining an unnatural and unjust su-     herited A similar recognition reveals itself
periority despite their opposing preconcep-     in the second quotation below
tion of the natural state Notwithstanding his
theological style of description Smith s for-     Those unfortunate persons whom nature
mula of instinct-pleasure/reason-punish-          has formed a good deal below the common
ment is biological since it does not contra-      level seem sometimes to rate themselves
dict Darwin s theory of evolution Smith be-       still more below it than they really are
lieves that all animals including humans          By an instinct of pride however they set
have an implanted end of self-preservation        themselves upon a level with their equals
and propagation of the species universally        in age and situation; and with courage and
Who implanted it-be it the Author of nature       firmness maintain their proper station
or nature itself-matters not to him               among their companions By an opposite
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   13

  instinct the idiot feels himself below every          TMS VII iv 25
  company into which you can introduce
  him       Some idiots perhaps the greater         There are two decisive points of interest
  part seem to be so chiefly or altogether          here First the desire of being believed per-
  from a certain numbness or torpidity in the       suading leading and directing other people
  faculties of the understanding But there          is treated as an instinct Second the faculty
  are others in whom those faculties do not         of speech that distinguishes the human spe-
  appear more torpid or benumbed than in            cies is founded upon the social instinct of
  many other people who are not accounted           humans This new insistence on instinct
  idiots But that instinct of pride necessary        upon which is founded the faculty of
  to support them upon an equality with             speech appears first in the 1790 edition of
  their brethren seems totally wanting in the       TMS and affords us an important clue not
  former and not in the latter TMS VI               only for achieving a more accurate dating of
  iii 49                                            ES but also for understanding the true and
                                                    ethological meaning of the propensity to
Considering the continuity and increase of          truck barter and exchange in WN
conceptual maturity of instinct between the              The term instinct never appears in WN
first edition 1759 and the sixth 1790 it            In the opening paragraph of Chapter 2 of its
must be natural for us to estimate that the         Book 1 Smith refers not to the instinct to
dating of ES especially the latter part of it       truck barter and exchange but to the pro-
is later than 1759 and much earlier than            pensity to truck barter and exchange :5
1790-probably after 1768 when the 12th
edition of Linnaeus s Systema Naturae was              This division of labour from which so
completed However the exact date of writ-              many advantages are derived is not origi-
ing ES would be provably later than 1768 if            nally the effect of any human wisdom
we were to compare Smith s interpretation of           which foresees and intends that general
 propensity to exchange in WN with in-                 opulence to which it gives occasion It is
stinct in TMS In the third quotation Smith             the necessary though very slow and grad-
says thus:                                             ual consequence of a certain propensity in
                                                       human nature which has in view no such
  The desire of being believed the desire of           extensive utility; the propensity to truck
  persuading of leading and directing other            barter and exchange one thing for another
  people seems to be one of the strongest of            WN I ii 1
  all our natural desires It is perhaps the in-
  stinct upon which is founded the faculty of       Then it will be necessary to establish wheth-
  speech the characteristical faculty of hu-        er instinct and propensity are the same so
  man nature No other animal possesses this         as to be interchangeable or not A clue to a
  faculty and we cannot discover in any             possible answer to this question is found in
  other animal any desire to lead and direct        the very next sentence:
  the judgment and conduct of its fellows
14                 53   2

  Whether this propensity be one of those         rather than the very clear conception laid out
  original principles in human nature, of         in 1790-the latter of which showed the
  which no further account can be given; or       most advanced and mature conception of
  whether, as seems more probable, it be the       instinct in line with that of modern biology
  necessary consequence of the faculties of       In other words Smith s confidence in the ter-
  reason and speech, it belongs not to our        minology was not entirely strong prompting
  present subject to enquire It is common to      him to deliberately choose not to decide
  all men and to be found in no other race of     whether the propensity to exchange was the
  animals which seem to know neither this          original principles in human nature in WN
  nor any other species of contracts WN           It therefore seems appropriate that the dating
  I ii 2                                          of ES is 1768-1775

                                                  IV Concluding Remarks
Considering that the italics in this passage
were not included in Early Draft of part of       The connection between instinct and the
The Wealth of Nations 6 ED hereafter              propensity to exchange then is summarized
and appear first in WN it seems appropriate       as follows While the propensity to exchange
to suppose that Smith probably tried to de-       is founded on the instinct of the social ani-
cide whether this propensity was a matter of      mal to seek out and enjoy the company of
instinct or a necessary consequence of the        other group members-and thus demands
faculties of reason and speech without real-      the mental capacity to keep track of given
izing the anticipated result but failed to do     and received favors-humans exchange
so However as pointed out in the discussion       more things than mere favors The propensi-
of the third quotation Smith distinctly ex-       ty to exchange is therefore a special trait of
presses in the sixth edition of TMS his new       the human species which has the faculty to
belief that the faculty of speech is founded      distinguish slight differences among things
on the social instinct of humans-that is on       in addition to faculties relating to the making
 the desire of being believed the desire of       of contracts languages are indispensable
persuading of leading and directing other         here record-keeping and accounting
people Then it can be safely said that                Smith s concept of instinct in ES as ex-
Smith s conception of instinct at the time        amined above demands some more or less
of writing WN had not yet matured to the          intrinsic programs of all animals-programs
level of evolutionary epistemology or had         that are indispensable for the self-preserva-
been still in bewilderment; therefore he was      tion and the propagation of the species 7 In
forced to be satisfied with some vague con-       contrast the propensity to truck barter and
ception of propensity to exchange at that         exchange might properly be the necessary
time This appears to be positive evidence         consequence of the faculties of reason and
that the latter and more substantial part of ES   speech That is to say this propensity is not
was written before 1776 while writing WN          instinct but the product of very long experi-
since the treatment of instinct in the latter     ences so that it may supposedly be called
part of ES continues to be premature level         ethnological instinct of humans In relation
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   15

to this due attention should be paid again to      ciple which works separately and independ-
Smith s assertion in 1790 that the faculty of      ently
speech which characterizes human nature is
founded upon the social instinct-powerful             Man has almost constant occasion for the
instinct which necessarily determines him to          help of his brethren and it is in vain for
seek society for its own sake-of humans               him to expect it from their benevolence
and also to Charles Darwin s evolutionary             only He will be more likely to prevail if
interpretation of the connection between so-          he can interest their self-love in his favour
cial instinct and sympathy 8 Putting all ac-          and shew them that it is for their own ad-
counts together it may well be said that              vantage to do for him what he requires of
Smith had already established the modern              them Whoever offers to another a bargain
evolutionary epistemology substantially by            of any kind proposes to do this WN
1790                                                  I ii 2
     Smith s concept of the propensity to ex-
change therefore does not stay on the sim-         So far as the propensity for exchange gives
ple level of instinct so far as members within     foundation upon which WN was written it
a group exchange favors with each other            must not be overlooked that this properly hu-
According to the modern biology-especial-          man propensity is the consequence of both
ly evolutional ethology social animals like        self-interest and sociability-social instinct
chimpanzee and bonobo definitely seek and          At that time Smith had not clear understand-
enjoy company de Wall 1996 170 and                 ing between them yet
behave on the principle of reciprocal ex-               Accordingly the concept of instinct is
change or reciprocal altruism because indi-        more general broad and basic than the pro-
viduals have the mental capacity to keep           pensity to exchange since the former is com-
track of given and received favors and can         mon among all social animals To put it
apply this capacity to almost any situation        slightly differently the propensity to ex-
  Ibid 153-54 Smith s positive recognition         change cannot be released without social in-
of the continuity of reciprocity among mem-        stinct of animals In this sense and in this
bers is it must be observed reflected in his       sense only Smith follows and accepts
insistence: it is by treaty by barter and by       Hume s insistence that reason is nothing but
purchase that we obtain from one another           a wonderful and unintelligible instinct in our
the greater part of those mutual good offices      souls which carries us along a certain train
which we stand in need of WN I ii 3                of ideas and endows them with particular
     In relation to self-love however it must      qualities according to their particular situa-
be observed that the self-interest mentioned       tions and relations Hume 1939-40 2001
by Smith on the propensity to exchange is          1 3 16 9     although he does not accept
nothing but the other member s self-love           Hume s insistence that this instinct tis true
Self-love is understood rather as an external      arises from past observation and experience
and relative principle which interests other         Ibid     Smith s conception of instinct as
member s self-love than as an internal prin-       affirmed above rigorously excludes all em-
16                 53   2

pirical sentiments and knowledge Smith s           modation and conveniency of the species
own advancement lies in his evolutionary           Each animal is still obliged to support and
way of understanding human traits; that the        defend itself separately and independently
human species has not only the fundamental         and derives no sort of advantage from that
instinct of other social animals but also the      variety of talents with which nature has
additional tracking inclination or disposition     distinguished its fellows Among men on
grown on it through succeeding experienc-          the contrary the most dissimilar geniuses
es 9                                               are of use to one another; the different pro-
     One thing however still requires atten-       duces of their respective talents by the
tion It is very easy for us to find population     general disposition to truck barter and ex-
thinking 10 indispensable to the evolutional       change being brought as it were into a
biology in Smith s evolutionary argument           common stock where every man may pur-
that in the mechanism of a plant or animal         chase whatever part of the produce of oth-
body every thing is contrived for advancing        er men s talents he has occasion for WN
the two great purposes of nature the support       I ii 5
of the individual and the propagation of the                   Tetsuo Taka: Faculty of Economics
species But in these and in all such objects                           Kyushu Sangyo University
we still distinguish the efficient from the fi-
nal cause of their several motions and organ-
izations TMS II ii 3 5 This shows explic-                            Notes
itly Smith s adequate comprehension of the        1   Cheselden s report on the recovery after
developmental process of Nature So long as          long-term blindness is still mentioned by a
reciprocity or reciprocal altruism of human         modern neuroscientist Fine 2003 915
being grows into the propensity to exchange       2 Smith s understanding was basically cor-
                                                    rect even from the modern view of neuro-
the achievement of the final cause of the
                                                    science See Kurson 2008 the exciting
self-preservation and the propagation of spe-
                                                    story of a person who blinded at age three
cies will be achieved since independent and         and restored his vision after the stem cell
free pursuits of self-love by individuals pro-      transplant surgery and was forced to en-
gressively increase the common stock of the         dure long dangerous and harsh experiences
population by the division of labor                 in order to utilize and enjoy his sight
                                                  3 There is a very interesting fact that the
  The strength of the mastiff is not in the         term internal sense consists of the key
  least supported either by the swiftness of        concept in Francis Hutcheson s Moral phi-
  the greyhound or by the sagacity of the           losophy Hutcheson s definition of it ap-
                                                    pears in the next argument Internal senses
  spaniel or by the docility of the shepherd s
                                                    are those powers of determinations of the
  dog The effects of those different geniuses
                                                    mind by which it perceives or is conscious
  and talents for want of the power or dispo-       of all within itself its actions passions
  sition to barter and exchange cannot be           judgments wills desires joys sorrows pur-
  brought into a common stock and do not            poses of action This power some celebrated
  in the least contribute to the better accom-      writers call consciousness or reflection
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   17

  which has for its objects the qualities ac-          It is the necessary tho very slow and gradu-
  tions or states of the mind itself as the ex-        al consequence of a certain principle or
  ternal senses have things external These             propensity in human nature which has in
  two classes of sensation external and inter-         view no such extensive utility This is pro-
  nal furnish our whole store of ideas the             pensity common to all men and to be
  materials about which we exercise that no-           found in no other race of animals a propen-
  blest power of reasoning peculiar to the hu-         sity to truck barter and exchange one thing
  man species Hutcheson 1747 1990 6                    for another That this propensity is common
  It is certain that Smith does not follow his         to all men is sufficiently obvious        ED
  teacher Hutcheson in this respect                    21
4 In order to show the similarity I would            7 This condition seems strict one in Smith
  like to adduce a sentence from ES It                 since the trait being common to puppy
  seems difficult to suppose that man is the           dogs and humans to act according to his
  only animal of which the young are not en-           inclinations endeavours by every servile
  dowed with some instinctive perception of            and fawning attention to obtain their breth-
  this kind The young of the human species             ren s good will WN I ii 2 is not men-
  however continue so long in a state of en-           tioned as instinct in WN
  tire dependency they must be so long car-          8 It seems better to quote directly from Dar-
  ried about in the arms of their mothers or of        win: Social animals are impelled partly by
  their nurses that such an instinctive percep-        a wish to aid the members of their commu-
  tion may seem less necessary to them than            nity in a general manner but more com-
  to any other race of animals        Children         monly to perform certain definite actions
  however appear at so very early a period to          Man is impelled by the same general wish
  know the distance the shape and magni-               to aid his fellows; but has few or no special
  tude of the different tangible objects which         instincts He differs also from the lower an-
  are presented to them that I am disposed to          imals in the power of expressing his desires
  believe that even they may have some in-             by words which thus become a guide to the
  stinctive perception of this kind; though            aid required and bestowed The motive to
  possibly in a much weaker degree than the            give aid is likewise much modified in man:
  greater part of other animals ES 74                  it no longer consists solely of a blind in-
5 There is an exception of it and Smith                stinctive impulse but is much influenced by
  uses the expression the trucking disposi-            the praise or blame of his fellows The ap-
  tion WN I ii 3 In Lectures on Jurispru-              preciation and the bestowal of praise and
  dence: Report of 1962-3 LJ A hereaf-                 blame both rest on sympathy; and this emo-
  ter however the disposition to truck bar-            tion as we have seen is one of the most
  ter and exchange is used but in Early                important elements of the social instincts
  Draft of part of The Wealth of Nations               Sympathy though gained as an instinct is
  supposedly written in 1762 the propensity            also much strengthened by exercise or hab-
  to truck barter and exchange is used                 it As all men desire their own happiness
6 In ED Smith said thusly This division                praise or blame is bestowed on actions and
  of labour from which so many advantages              motives according as they lead to this end;
  result is originally the effect of no human          and as happiness is an essential part of the
  wisdom which foresees and intends that               general good the greatest-happiness princi-
  general opulence to which it gives occasion          ple indirectly serves as a nearly safe stand-
18                 53   2

   ard of right and wrong As the reasoning
   powers advance and experience is gained         Abbreviations of the works of Adam Smith
   the remoter effects of certain lines of con-    Citations from his works are shown by each
   duct on the character of the individual and    paragraph number not page
   on the general good are perceived; and then    COR 1977 The Correspondence of Adam
   the self-regarding virtues come within the        Smith edited by Ernest Campbell Mossner
   scope of public opinion and receive praise        and Ian Simpson Ross Oxford: Clarendon
   and their opposites blame Darwin 1871             Press
   1874 611                                       ED 1978 Early Draft of part of The Wealth of
 9 It seems worthwhile to note Thomas Reid           Nations in Lectures on Jurisprudence edit-
   who strongly attacked Hume s empiricism           ed by R L Meek D D Raphael and P G
   Reid recognized the importance of instinct        Stein Oxford: Clarendon Press
   as a constituent power of the mind and uti-    ES 1795 1980 Of the External Senses in
   lized that conception of that instinct to         Essays on Philosophical Subjects Oxford:
   combat Humean skepticism Wood 1989                Clarendon Press
   98     But Reid s conception of instinct is    HA 1795 1980 The History of Astronomy
   quite different from Smith s Reid viewed          in Essays on Philosophical Subjects Oxford:
   instinct as a blind impulse to actions me-        Clarendon Press
   chanically and physiologically Breathing       LER 1755-56 1980 A Letter to the Authors
   sucking and swallowing of a new-born              of the Edinburgh Review in Essays on
   child butting of a bull kicking of a horse        Philosophical Subjects Oxford: Clarendon
   biting of a dog therefore constitute in-          Press
   stincts for their self-preservation by God     LJ A 1978 Lectures on Jurisprudence: Re-
   Reid s argument that the merciful author of       port of 1962-3 in Lectures on Jurispru-
   our nature has adapted our instincts to the       dence edited by R L Meek D D Raphael
   defects and to the weakness of our under-         and P G Stein Oxford: Clarendon Press
   standing Reid 1788 1969 108 evi-               TMS 1759 1976 The Theory of Moral Senti-
   dently indicates his fundamental position is      ments Oxford: Clarendon Press
   not biological but philosophical               WN 1776 1976 An Inquiry into the Nature
10 E Mayr s remark seems very important              and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Ox-
    Darwin eliminated any reliance on super-         ford: Clarendon Press
   naturalism and provided the explanatory
   models that made this possible Equally im-                   Other References
   portant was his refutation of essentialism     Berkeley George 1709 1975 An Essay to-
   and its replacement by population thinking        wards a New Theory of Vision, in Philo-
   It established a new emphasis on variation        sophical Works including the Works on Vi-
   on a potential for change and on the              sion Introduction and Notes by M R Ayers
   uniqueness of individuals It was this popu-       London: J M Dent & Sons
   lation thinking that made the theory of nat-   Berry Christopher J 1997 Social Theory of the
   ural selection possible Philosophers have         Scottish Enlightenment Edinburgh: Edin-
   not yet quite caught up with all the conse-       burgh Univ Press
   quences of these revolutionary new ideas       Brown Kevin L 1992 Dating Adam Smith s
     Mayr 1988 264                                   Essay Of the external Senses Journal of
                                                     History of Ideas 53 2 : 333-37
Taka: Instinct as a Foundational Concept in Adam Smith's Social Theory   19

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