Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI

Page created by Josephine Pearson
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
Summer 2018

 Inside… Aquatic Center            Summer Sports         Concerts in the Park

Library                      A place where you can find fun, smart,
                              and healthy activities going on in the
                                        Columbus area.
          Senior Center
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
Columbus Community Centers

 Public Library                        Senior Center                      Recreation & Parks
 The Columbus Public Library is        The Columbus Area Senior Center    The City of Columbus seeks to
 located in a historic Carnegie        offers and promotes activities     provide recreational activities and
 library building at 223 West James    and services that enhance the      facilities that will build strong
 Street. It opened in 1912 and is      quality of life for our senior
 proud of a history that stretches     community. It is a multi-purpose   families and a community quality
 back to 1887. Services offered        facility that serves the diverse   of life.
 include community events and          needs of area seniors, 50 and
 programs, public access               older.                             Phone      920-623-5936
 computers, and a lending
 collection of books, movies, music,   Phone       920-623-5918           Address    229 E. School Street
 and magazines for all ages.           Address     125 N. Dickason Blvd              Columbus, WI 53925
                                                   Columbus, WI 53925     Website
 Phone      920-623-5910
 Address    223 W. James Street                                           Email
             Columbus, WI 53925        Email                      
 Website                                                                  Hours        Hours                                M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
 Email      Spring/Summer May 1-Oct. 31        Director
 Hours                                   M/W/F 7:00am-3:00pm
    M-Th     9:00am-8:30pm               T/TH 9:00am-2:30pm
    Friday   9:00am-5:30pm
                                                                          Aquatic Center
    Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm             Director                           An outdoor zero-depth aquatic
                                       Assistant                          center that boasts clean modern
 Director                                                                 amenities and a full range of
                                                                          family friendly aquatics
 Other City Offices:
                                                                          Please consider visiting!
 Clerk                                 Emergency Numbers:                 Phone      920-623-6047
                                                                          Address     1049 Park Avenue
 Council                               Fire Department                                Columbus, WI 53925
 920-623-5900                          (non-emergency)                    Website
 Economic Development
 Emergency Management                  Police Department
 920-623-5900                                                             Hours
                                       (non-emergency)                      M-F    12:00pm-4:00pm
 Finance Director / Treasurer
 920-623-5900                          920-623-5919                                6:00pm-8:30pm
 Mayor                                                                       Sa-Su 12:00pm-8:30pm
                                       Columbus Community
 Columbia County Recycling Center      Hospital
 608-742-6651                          920-623-2200
 Public Works                                                             Columbus Commotion
 920-623-5908                            In case of a true emergency:
 Water and Light
 920-623-5912                                       9-1-1                 Email:
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
There's no better time in Columbus than
SUMMERTIME! Kiddos are out and about,
windows are open, birds are singing. It's
the perfect time to get reacquainted with
folks in your neighborhood and make new
friends. The Columbus Area Senior
Center, Columbus Recreation and the
Columbus Public Library are dedicated to
making sure you have lots of
opportunities to do just that. There's so
much to do, so many reasons to leave the                     Cindy, Amy, Candace, Kim, Amy Jo
house and get out into the community.

We hope you use Columbus Commotion as your resource for finding the perfect reason to get active, or meet
someone new, or try something different this summer. Challenge yourself to doing just one new thing this
summer. We dare you!! All the opportunities you need are in these pages.

Cindy Fesemyer, Library Director                         Find us on          @ColumbusCommotion
Kim Lang, Senior Center Director
Amy Jo Meyers, Recreation Director

 OUR MISSION                   To establish and maintain a high quality of life in the community, provide
 social interactions critical to maintaining community cohesion and pride, and ensure the health of
 families and youth while contributing to the economic and environmental well-being of the whole

                            Abbrev.    Description                     Address
                            AC         Aquatic Center                  1049 Park Ave.
                            BK         Black Kettle                    139 N. Ludington St.
                            CC         Community Center                161 N. Dickason Blvd.
                            CCH        Columbus Community Hospital     1515 Park Ave.
                            CH         Columbus High School            1164 Farnham St.
      Location              CM         Columbus Middle School          400 Dickason Blvd.
                            FL         Faith Lutheran Church           120 Faith Dr.
                            FP         Fireman’s Park                  1049 Park Ave.
                            JJ         Julie’s Java House              409 N. Ludington St.
                            KP         Kiwanis Park                    250 E. School St.
                            KR         Kestrel Ridge                   900 Avalon Rd.
                            LI         Library                         223 W. James St.
                            LA         Library Annex                   251 W. James St.
                            ME         Meister Park                    337 Middleton St.
                            PL         Fireman’s Park Pavilion Lower   1049 Park Ave.
                            PU         Fireman’s Park Pavilion Upper   1049 Park Ave.
                            RH         Rest Haven                      1049 Park Ave.
                            SC         Senior Center                   125 N. Dickason Blvd.
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
Featured Events
Joyce Westerman, Wisconsin Women and the All American Girls Professional Baseball
League: Play Ball!
Wednesday, Jun. 20, 6:30pm-7:30pm

                                           Historian Bob Kann offers this talk celebrating the 75th anniversary
                                           of the founding of the All American Girls Professional Baseball
                                           League, made famous by the 1992 movie A League of Their Own.

                                           Hear stories of the league’s three Wisconsin teams – the Racine
                                           Belles, Kenosha Comets, and Milwaukee Chicks – and their players,
                                           women who grew up during the Great Depression and left families,
                                           homes, and jobs to follow their dreams and forever change
                                           perceptions about female athletes.

 Kids Triathlon at the CAAC                             Root for Columbus Garden Tour
 Fireman’s Park                                         Sunday, Jul. 15, 3:00pm-5:00pm
 Saturday, Jun. 23, 8:00am-1:00pm
 Registration at 7:00am                                 A walkable,
 Ages 6-15                                              bikeable,
 Cost $20                                               drivable,
 Swim, bike, run, and have fun at our first ever Kids   tour that features
 Triathlon. The course will take place within           different gardens
 Fireman’s Park, providing a safe atmosphere for        throughout
 your kids. The CAAC is all about giving kids the       Columbus.
 opportunity to accomplish something fun and            Wander through
 rewarding. In this spirit, every finisher is           some lovely
 recognized with a custom medal and free ice cream.     spaces, get inspired, and meet some of the people in
 All participants also receive a cool t-shirt along     the community! Watch Facebook or the library
 with a Race Goody Bag filled with neat stuff.          website for more
 Register online today at https://

Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
Table of Contents                                                       See Page 3 for Location Key

Program                                    Age    Day         Time              Dates              Location Page
Affternoon Movie                           5+     Thursday    3:30pm-4:30pm     8/30                 LI     14
Afternoon Dance Party                             Tuesday     2:00pm-3:00pm     7/17                 LI     14
Art Rocks!                                        Tuesday     2:00pm-3:00pm     7/31                 LI     14
Baby Stay and Play                                Thursday    10:00am-10:30am   8/16, 8/23, 8/30     LI     16
Baby Storytime                             0-2    Thursday    10:00am-10:30am   6/7-8/9              LI     16
Bingo                                      All    T/TH        10:30am                                SC     10
Board Game, Puzzle, Fitness DVD Library    All    M-F                                                SC     10
Book Club for Adult Readers                       Monday      1:00pm-2:00pm     6/11, 7/9, 8/13      SC     20
Books and Bear                                    Thursday    7:00pm-8:00pm     6/28, 7/26, 8/30     BK     22
Bubble-pa-looza                                   Tuesday     2:00pm-3:00pm     7/10                 LI     14
CAAC Calendar of Events                                                                              AC      8
CAAC Swimming Lessons                                                                                AC     13
CCH Foundation 25th Annual Golf Classic           Saturday                      7/14                 KR     23
ColorRama                                  All    Thursday    12:30pm                                SC     20
Columbus Area Art Association              All    Tuesday     12:00pm                                SC     10
Columbus Area Historical Society                  Tuesday     7:00pm-8:30pm     6/12, 7/10, 8/14     LA     20
Columbus Area Quilters                            Thursday    7:00pm-8:00pm     6/21, 7/19, 8/16     LI     20
Columbus Community Garden                                                                                   23
Columbus July 4th Celebration              All    T-SA                          7/3-7/7              FP      9
Columbus Recreation Summer Day Camps       2-14   M-TH                                               RH      8
Columbus Recreation Tennis Lessons                M/W or T/TH 9:00am-10:30am                         FP     13
Crafternoon                                5+     Thursday    3:30pm-4:30pm     6/7, 7/5, 8/2        LI     16
Crochet and Knit- Happy Hookers            50+    Wednesday   12:30pm                                SC     20
Euchre                                     50+    Friday      10:00am                                SC     20
Euchre Card Party                                 Tuesday     6:00pm            7/24                 SC     23
Fall Soccer                                                                                                 13
Family Storytime                           3+     Monday      6:00pm-7:00pm     6/25, 7/23           LI     14
Farmer's Market Vouchers Program           50+    Monday      12:30pm-1:30pm    6/26                 SC     20
Fitness Center                             50+    M-F                                                SC     12
Friday Night Out                           All    Friday      4:00pm-6:00pm     6/1                  LI     10
Friends Book Store                                                                                   LA     18
Friends of the Library                            Tuesday     7:00pm-8:00pm     6/19, 7/17, 8/21     LA     21
Get Funky Parade Prep                      5+     Tuesday     2:00pm-4:00pm     7/3                  LI     14
Happy Wanderers Travel Group               50+    Monday      12:30pm           6/25, 7/23, 8/27     SC     21
Joyce Westerman--Women's Baseball League          Wednesday   6:30pm-7:30pm     6/20                 LI      4
Julie's Java House Farmer's Market                Sunday      8:00am-12:00pm    6/10-8/28             JJ    23
Kids Triathlon at the CAAC                 6-15   Saturday    8:00am-1:00pm     6/23                 FP      4
LEGO Club                                  5+     Thursday    3:30pm-4:30pm     6/14, 7/12, 8/9      LI     16
Line Dancing                               All    Tuesday     12:30pm           6/26, 7/24, 8/28     SC     12
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
 See Page 3 for Location Key                                          

Program                                         Age       Day         Time                Dates              Location Page
Lunch and Learn                                 All       Thursday    12:00pm             6/21, 7/19, 8/16     SC     10
Make Noise!                                               Tuesday     2:00pm-3:00pm       6/19                 LI     14
Medical Equipment Loan Closet                             M-F                                                  SC     19
Midweek Movie Night                             All       Wednesday   6:00pm-8:00pm                            LI     11
Mindfulness Matters                                       Tuesday     6:30pm-8:00pm                            CC     21
Movie and Popcorn                               All       Wednesday   12:30pm             6/27, 7/25, 8/29     SC     10
National Night Out                                        Tuesday     5:00pm-8:00pm       8/7                  FP      9
Nutrition Classes                               50+       Tuesday     10:30am             6/5                  SC     21
Paws to Read                                    5+        Thursday    5:00pm-6:30pm       6/7, 7/5, 8/2        LI     14
Penny Poker                                     50+       Thursday    12:15pm                                  SC     21
Pokemon Club                                    5+        Thursday    3:30pm-4:30pm       6/21, 7/19, 8/16     LI     16
Pop Into Nature                                           Tuesday     2:00pm-3:00pm       6/12                 LI     14
Redbud Players                                  1st-10th M-SA                             6/11-6/16            CH     15
Rockin' Roadie Obstacle Course                            Tuesday     2:00pm-3:00pm       7/24                 LI     15
Root for Columbus Garden Tour                             Sunday      3:00pm-5:00pm       7/15                         4
Safety Fun Night                                All       Wednesday   5:00pm-7:00pm       6/6                 CCH     10
Sheepshead                                      50+       Thursday    12:45pm                                  SC     21
Stay and Play                                             T/W         10:00am-10:30am                          LI     16
STEAM Power                                     5+        Thursday    3:30pm-4:30pm       6/28, 7/26, 8/23     LI     16
Stop Motion Music Videos Open Studio            6th-12th T-TH         6:00pm-8:00pm       6/26-6/28            LI     18
Storytime                                       2+        T/W         10:00am-10:30am     6/5-8/8              LI     16
Strength and Balance Exercise Class             50+       M/W/F       10:15am                                  SC     12
Summer Concert Series                                                 6:00pm                                   FP     22
Summer Library Celebration                                Tuesday     5:00pm-8:00pm       8/7                  FP      9
Summer Picnic                                             Monday      11:15am             7/9                  SC     21
Summer Reading Program                                                                    6/1-8/7              LI     17
Teen Lock-In                                    6th-12th Friday       6:00pm-10:00pm      7/20                 LI     18
Trekkies Walking/Hiking Club                    All       T/TH        9:00am and 5:00pm   5/1-10/31            SC     12
Uncle Ozzy Polka Potluck and Ice Cream Social             Sunday      2:00pm-5:00pm       8/12                 SC     21
Virtual Reality                                 6th-12th Monday       4:00pm-8:00pm       7/30                 LI     18
Volleyball                                      3rd-6th                                                        CM     13
Volunteers of CCH Soup & Salad Luncheon                   Tuesday     11:00am-1:00pm      7/12                 FL     23
We Built This City                              5+        Tuesday     2:00pm-3:00pm       6/5                  LI     15
Weight Watchers                                 18+       Tuesday     5:30pm                                   SC     12
WorkSmart!                                                Monday      2:00pm-4:00pm       6/4, 7/2, 8/6        LI     21
Yoga                                            18+       Wednesday   8:00am-9:00am       6/6-8/29             CC     12
Yoga with Meredith                              All       Saturday    8:00am                                   SC     12
Zoozort                                         5+        Tuesday     1:00pm-2:00pm       6/26                 LI     17
Zoozort                                         5+        Tuesday     2:30pm-3:30pm       6/26                 LI     17
Zumba                                           All       M/W         6:00pm-7:00pm                            PU     12
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
Special Events

Columbus Area Aquatic Center Calendar of Events

    May 24—Open House from 5:00pm-7:00pm—Come and
     purchase memberships, tour the aquatic center and meet
     the staff.
    May 25—Closed for graduation
    May 26-Jun. 1—Hours TBD due to school still in session
    June 23—Kids Triathlon from 8:00am-1:00pm with
     registration at 7:00am—for ages 6-15— $20 per child;          *Concessions available during open hours.
     registration is required for this event. Register online at   Items available include ice cream, slushies,          chicken strip and hot dog meals, snacks and
    Jul. 15—Ping Pong Float from 6:00pm-8:30pm                  drinks. You can get a full meal for under $5.00.
    Aug. 10—Beach Night/Duck Races from 6:00pm-8:30pm                       Be sure to check it out!
    Aug. 19—Back to School Night from 6:00pm-8:30pm

Columbus Recreation Summer Day Camps
Rest Haven in Fireman’s Park
Ages 2-14
Each themed week is filled with various sports, exciting guests, challenging crafts, special events, swimming and
an end of summer party. Schedules are flexible- come only the days you want. Camp takes place all days with
the exception of severe thunderstorm warnings. No camps during 4th of July festivities. Prices are for the
ENTIRE summer calendar. *NEW—Come the days you want for a drop in fee of $3.00 per child. Enroll online

     Little Scamper Camp Age 2-3                        Pee Wee camp Age 4-6 (4 Day Camp Option)
                                                        Mondays-Thursdays, 10:15am–11:30am
     M/W or T/TH, 9:00am–10:00am
                                                        $90 Resident/$100 Non-Resident
     $50 Resident/$60 Non-Resident

                                                        Youth Adventure Camp Age 6+
     Pee Wee camp Age 4-6 (2 Day Camp Option)
     M/W or T/TH, 10:15am–11:30am                       Monday-Thursdays 12:00pm-4:00pm
     $60 Resident/$70 Non-Resident                      $130 Resident/$140 Non-Resident

           M/W Camp Dates: Jun. 11-Jun. 27 and Jul. 9-Aug. 8
           T/TH Camp Dates: Jun. 12-Jun. 28 and Jul. 10-Aug. 9
           Monday-Thursday Camp Dates: Jun. 11-Jun. 28 and Jul. 9-Aug. 9
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
National Night Out                                          Summer Library Celebration
Fireman’s Park                                              Fireman’s Park Pavilion Lower Level
Tuesday, Aug. 7, 5:00pm-8:00pm                              Tuesday, Aug. 7, 5:00pm-8:00pm

The Columbus Police Department is heading up the            Join us at National Night Out as we celebrate the end
activities for this year’s National Night Out. This is an   of the summer reading program! There will be food,
annual community-building campaign that promotes            entertainment, and lots for kids to do.
police-community partnerships and neighborhood
camaraderie to make our neighborhood a more safe,
caring place to live. National Night Out enhances the
relationship between neighbors and law enforcement
while bringing back a true sense of community.
Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring
police and neighbors together under positive

Look for: canine dog demos, squad car tours, fire
fighting activities, and more!

Columbus July 4th Celebration                               Thursday, Jul. 5
Fireman’s Park                                               Carnival opens at 5:00pm—pay one price from
Tuesday-Saturday, Jul. 3-Jul. 7                                5:00pm-9:00pm
Free Admission                                               Family Movie Night at 8:00pm—showing Peter
Tuesday, Jul. 3
 5th Gear on the main stage                                Friday, Jul. 6
   from 7:30pm-11:30pm                                       Carnival opens at 5:00pm—pay one price from
Wednesday, Jul. 4                                            Dexter Road on the main stage from
 Firecracker 5 Run/Walk at Columbus High School                7:30pm-11:30pm
  starting at 7:15am.
 Carnival opens at 1:00pm—Rides regular price              Saturday, Jul. 7
 Parade at 12:00pm                                          Carnival opens at 12:00pm—one less ticket per
 T.J. Howell Rocket Man from 2:30pm-3:30pm                    ride from 12:00pm-5:00pm—pay one price from
 1st Brigade Band at 2:30pm                                   5:00pm-9:00pm
 Ballet Folkorico Mexico at 3:30pm                          Doodlebug the Clown will be creating balloon
 Bingo at 3:30pm                                              animals from 1:00pm-4:00pm
 Granny Shot on the main stage from                         Jesse Walker on the main stage from
  5:30pm-9:30pm                                                1:00pm-3:00pm
 Fireworks begin at dusk                                    Randy Kiel on the main stage from 3:00pm-5:00pm
                                                             Cherry Pie on the main stage from
                                                               7:30pm-11:30pm                               9
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
All Ages
Bingo                                                      Lunch and Learn
Senior Center                                              Senior Center
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30am                            Thursday, Jun. 21, Jul. 19, Aug. 16, 12:00pm
Must be or accompany a CASC member                         All Ages

Free—Everyone receives a prize! Schedule is subject        Various topics presented
to change due to special events, so please visit our       by Columbus Community
webpage or call the center for up-to-date                  Hospital. See our web
information.                                               page for upcoming topics.
                                                           Bring your lunch or sign
Board Game, Puzzle, Fitness DVD Library                    up for the Columbia
Senior Center                                              County Meal (24 hours in advance) at 920-763-2124.
During normal business hours
All Ages
                                                           Movie and Popcorn
Did you know that the Senior Center loans out              Senior Center
puzzles and board games for up to 30 days? We have         Wednesday, Jun. 27, Jul. 25, Aug. 29, 12:30pm
over 100 puzzles and 75 new and classic board games        All Ages
to choose from. We also have several fitness DVDs          Join us for a movie and some popcorn. Visit our
to try out at home, including Beginning Yoga, Zumba        webpage to see upcoming family friendly movies.
Gold, Line Dancing, and more. Check them out during
business hours or grab a group and play at the center.

Columbus Area Art Association
Senior Center
Tuesday, Jun. 5 & 19, Jul. 17, Aug. 6 & 20, 12:00pm
All Ages

                Bring your art supplies and join other     Safety Fun Night
                artists. Share ideas and enjoy the arts.   Columbus Community Hospital
                All levels of progress invited.            Wednesday, Jun. 6, 5:00pm-7:00pm
                                                           All Ages
Friday Night Out                                           Sponsored by Columbus Community Hospital
Library                                                    Emergency Services. Featuring demonstrations and
Friday, Jun. 1, 4:00pm-6:00pm                              information by the CCH Emergency Services Team,
All Ages                                                   Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire
                                                           Department, LifeStar, Med Flight and more! Snacks
The fantastic David Landau will be                         and beverages, games, and educational information.
helping kick off summer with                               Fun for the whole family! For more information call
music, entertainment, crafts and fun! Plus free ice        920-623-1280.
cream for the kids generously provided by Culver’s.
Don’t forget to register for the Summer Reading
Program while you are here! Plus, the Friends Book
Store will be open!
Inside Aquatic Center Summer Sports Concerts in the Park - Columbus, WI
Midweek Movie Night                                     Jul. 25—Guardians of the Galaxy (PG-13, 2h) Cosmic
Library                                                 outlaws face an interstellar villain who seeks to
Wednesday, Jun. 13, Jul. 11 & 25, Aug. 8 & 22           control the universe.
All Ages                                                Aug. 8—Cool Runnings (PG, 1h 53min) A fun favorite
                                                        based on the true story of the first Olympic bobsled
Give your Wednesday a taste of the weekend!             team from Jamaica.
Once a month, let the library be your living room as
we roll out the projector to show a recent release or   Aug. 22—O Brother, Where Art Thou? (PG-13, 1h
classic flick. Some light snacks provided and feel      46min) Escaped convicts look for a treasure in 1930s
free to bring your own!                                 Mississippi, set to an award-winning soundtrack of
                                                        bluegrass and country music.
Jun. 13—Sing (PG, 1h 48min) Buster Moon, koala
impresario, stages a singing competition in order to
save his theater.

Jul. 11—Moana (PG, 1h 47min) An adventurous
teenager embarks on a daring mission to save her
Sports and Fitness
 Adult                                                  All Ages
 Fitness Center                                         Line Dancing
 Senior Center                                          Senior Center
 During normal business hours                           Tuesday, Jun. 26, Jul. 24, Aug. 28, 12:30pm
 50+                                                    All Ages
 Equipment available for use: treadmills,
 CardioRiders, recumbent bikes, elliptical and          Come on in and learn to line dance or refresh your
 strength training equipment. Watch TV or use our       moves—then kick up your heals and dance with us!!
 FREE Wi-Fi while you work out. First time users
 must register.                                         Trekkies Walking/Hiking Club
                                                        Senior Center
 Strength and Balance Exercise Class                    May 1-Oct. 31 (weather permitting)
 Senior Center                                          Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays                           9:00am-10:00am and 5:00pm-6:00pm
 10:15am                                                All Ages
                                                        Join us for a walk-about through the city. All ages and
 Improve strength, balance, flexibility and
                                                        levels of fitness welcome. Watch for other fun walks
 endurance in a fun group environment.
                                                        throughout the month.

 Weight Watchers                                        Yoga with Meredith
 Senior Center
                                                        Senior Center
 Tuesdays, 5:30pm
                                                        Saturdays, 8:00am
                                                        $5.00 per session
                                                        All Ages
 Weekly meetings and weigh-ins are held at the
 Senior Center. New members can join online at          Geared toward helping maintain health and or register starting at         longevity, relieving stress and calming the mind,
 5:00pm at the Tuesday meetings.                        Meredith Harmon, RYT-200, helps us achieve
                                                        these goals with alignment yoga.
 Community Center                                       Zumba
 Wednesdays, Jun. 6-Aug. 29, 8:00am-9:00am              Fireman’s Park Pavilion Upper
 $12.00 per class or $60 for 6 classes                  Mondays—Fitness; 6:00pm-7:00pm
 18+                                                    Wednesdays—Toning; 6:00pm-7:00pm
                                                        $5.00 per class or $25 for 8 or $35 for 12 classes
 Refresh your mind, body and soul with Yoga. Join       All Ages
 Vikki Kunstman to energize your body while finding a
 calm & peaceful mind.                                  Melissa Makela, Licensed Zumba Instructor, takes
                                                        you through fitness and toning fun. Walk-ins

Youth                                                   U6 Division—Birth years 2013-2014 for 2018/2019
CAAC Swimming Lessons                                   season. Co-ed only league. A basic understanding is
Aquatic Center                                          taught and translated from practice to real game
Registering now                                         situations. Teams are limited to 10 players and practice
                                                        once a week. Games are played on Saturday mornings
Levels 1 – 6 and Guard Start                            with 4 players per side with no goalies or referees.
Session One: Jun. 18—Jun. 29                            Practices begin in August.
Session Two: Jul. 9—Jul. 20
Session Three: Jul. 30—Aug. 10                          U8 Division—Birth years 2011-2012 for the 2018/2019
Session Four: Aug. 13—Aug. 24, 4:00pm only              season. This league is the next step in promoting your
Cost is $40 Member / $60 Non-member /                   player’s technique and basic tactical abilities. Teams
$50 Columbus Resident Non-member                        are limited to 10 players and practice 1-2 times weekly.
                                                        Games are played on Saturdays.
Columbus Recreation Tennis Lessons
Ingalsbee Road within Fireman’s Park                    U9 & U10 Division—Birth years 2009-2010 for the
                                                        2018/2019 season. Recreation teams are the next step
Mondays and Wednesdays 10 and Under                     in a player’s development after “in-house” as they
Ages: 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10                                  transition towards more competitive play. Players range
9:00am-10:00am                                          from beginners to those with prior experience. Teams
Session 1: Jun. 18—Jul. 11                              can only be formed if enough players register and
Session 2: Jul. 23—Aug. 15                              coaches are available. Volunteer coaches are always
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Ages: 11+                                               U11-U14 Division—Birth years 2005-2008 for the
9:00am-10:30am                                          2018/2019 season. Players in this group range from
Session 1: Jun. 19 —Jul. 12                             some prior experience to skilled. Teams are formed in
Session 2: Jul. 24—Aug. 16                              June and play in the fall and spring seasons as one
                                                        team. These teams are led by dedicated and licensed
*Prices reflect one session. No lessons July 3-4.       coaches. They practice twice per week.
*$35 Resident/$40 Non-resident per session
Fall Soccer                                             Columbus Middle School
Location TBD                                            Mid-September, Time TBD
Dates/Times TBD                                         $30 Resident/ $35 Non-resident
                                                        Grades 3rd-6th, Co-Ed
U4 Division—Birth year 2015 for the 2018/2019
season. Co-ed only league. No formal matches, but       Registration includes a t-shirt. Six week session,
plenty of fun! Parents are encouraged to play with      beginning the second week in September.
your child. Meets on Saturday mornings.
                               Registration for youth sports can be done online at
                    For more information or to volunteer please call Amy Jo @ 920-623-5936.                  13
Youth Programs

 Afternoon Dance Party                                      Make Noise!
 Library                                                    Library
 Tuesday, Jul. 17, 2:00pm-3:00pm                            Tuesday, Jun. 19, 2:00pm-3:00pm

 Come rock out at the library! There will be music,         Make musical instruments out of everyday items! We
 games, and dancing.                                        will be making maracas, banjos, and hand drums.

 Afternoon Movie
                                                        Get Funky Parade Prep
 Thursday, Aug. 30, 3:30pm-4:30pm                       Library
                                                        Tuesday, Jul. 3, 2:00pm-4:00pm
 Ages 5+
                                                        Ages 5+
 August has five Thursdays, so join us at the
 library for a special Thursday Afterschool event       Come help the library rock out their 4th of July float! We
 to watch some of the classic Pixar Shorts. Snacks      will decorate our float and get things ready for the
 will be provided.                                      parade. If you would like to walk with us in the parade,
                                                        please contact the library at 920-623-5910.
 Art Rocks!
 Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2:00pm-3:00pm
                                                            Paws to Read
 Come show off your creative side as we paint rocks       Thursdays, Jun. 7, Jul. 5, Aug. 2, 5:00pm-6:30pm
 that you can put in a garden, give to a friend, or leave Ages 5+
 some place to bring a smile to someone’s day.
                                                          Snuggle up with a book and a dog!
 Bubble-pa-looza                                          Bring your favorite book to the
 Library                                                  library, and spend some time
 Tuesday, Jul. 10, 2:00pm-3:00pm                          reading to Honey the golden lab.
                                                          She’s a great listener! Registration
 Make bubbles, blow bubbles, chase bubbles, pop           is required as time slots are
 bubbles, it’s a bubble-pa-looza! We’ll be on the         limited. Call (920) 623-5926 to register.
 library lawn with little bubbles, giant bubbles, and
 different ways to make bubble wands. If weather is       Pop Into Nature
 bad, this event will switch dates with Afternoon         Library
 Dance Party on July 17.                                  Tuesday, Jun. 12, 2:00pm-3:00pm

 Family Storytime                                           Come explore nature with us as we do texture rubs,
 Library                                                    sun paper pictures, nature painting, and seed cups.
 Mondays, Jun. 25, Jul. 23, 6:00pm-7:00pm

 Join us at the library for an evening storytime for kids
 3+ and their families! We will read stories, sing songs,
         and have a craft or activity at the end.
Redbud Players                                         Rockin’ Roadie Obstacle Course
Columbus High School                                   Library
Monday, Jun. 11 – Friday, Jun. 15, 3:00pm-6:15pm
Saturday, Jun. 16, performances at                     Tuesday, Jul. 24, 2:00pm-3:00pm
2:00pm & 5:00pm
The Redbud Players invite students                     Run, jump, hop, skip, and crawl you
entering grades 1 through 10 to join                   way through an outdoor obstacle
their week-long theater residency                      course on the library lawn! If
program. Professional directors from                   weather is bad, this event will switch
Compass Creative Dramatics will                        dates with Art Rocks on July 31.
work with our young actors through rehearsals and
performances of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.
No acting experience necessary—just come ready to      We Built This City
have fun!
                                                       Tuesday, Jun. 5, 2:00pm-3:00pm
Register by Jun. 1. Registration forms are available   Ages 5+
on Columbus Redbud Players Facebook page or by
request via email to         It’s going to rock, so roll on over and help us as we use
Rehearsals and performances will be held at the        tubes, straws, and boxes to build a city in the library!
Columbus High School.
Youth Programs
Baby Stay and Play                                     Stay and Play
Library                                                Library
Thursdays, 10:00am-10:30am                             Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10:00am-10:30am
Aug. 16, 23, and 30                                    Aug. 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, and 29

Storytime may be on break, but the library is still    Storytime may be on break, but the library is still
open! Our storytime toys will be set out in the        open! Come to the library and play with our puppet
programming room so babies can play and socialize.     theater, read with your grown-up, or color a picture!

Baby Storytime                                         Storytime
Library                                                Library
Thursdays, 10:00am-10:30am                             Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10:00am-10:30am
Jun. 7-Aug. 9                                          Jun. 5-Aug. 8

Baby storytime consists of rhymes, songs, books, and   Books, songs, and crafts that help your child develop
play that support pre-literacy skills for your baby.   important early literacy skills! Recommended for ages
You will also learn about ways you can encourage       2 and up.
positive mental growth. Open to ages 0-24 months.
Siblings and other children are welcome.               *Storytime is best when shared! We ask that
                                                       caregivers remain with their children at all times.

Thursday Afternoons
Ages 5+

Looking for something to do in the afternoon? The Columbus Public Library has a program for school-aged
children and their different interests. A snack will be offered at each of the Thursday afternoons.

Crafternoon                                            Pokémon Club
Thursdays, Jun. 7, Jul. 5, Aug. 2                      Thursdays, Jun. 21, Jul. 19, Aug. 16

Come craft with us! All materials for crafts are       Do you collect Pokémon cards or want to learn about
provided.                                              them? Come to the library and talk with fellow fans
Jun.—Pony bead sun catchers                            about your favorite characters, play the Pokémon card
Jul.—Foosball boxes                                    game or trade your cards.
Aug.—Dream catchers
                                                       STEAM Power
LEGO Club                                              Thursdays, Jun. 28, Jul. 26, Aug. 23
Thursdays, Jun. 14, Jul. 12, Aug. 9
                                                       Using basic materials and our creative minds, we’ll
Come play, build, and explore with LEGOs at the        have hands-on fun exploring the forces in action all
library! We’ll provide the LEGO bricks, you            around us.
provide the creativity.                                Jun.— Movie-making with mini videos
                                                       Jul.— Nature books
                                                       Aug.— Levers, pulleys, and wheels
Summer Reading Program
Friday, Jun. 1-Tuesday, Aug. 7

The Summer Reading Program is open to all ages
from baby to adult. Sign up begins Friday, Jun. 1 at
Friday Night Out. When you sign up, you will receive
a game board. Once you have completed the game
board, by reading or doing activities, bring it back to
the library to receive a FREE BOOK. You may enter to
win one of the grand prizes! Keep reading and filling
up game boards all summer to earn additional prize

Stop by the library to sign up!!

 Senior Center
 Tuesday, Jun. 26
 1:00pm-2:00pm and 2:30pm-3:30pm
 Ages 5+

 The always exciting Zoozort will be bringing live
 animals from around the world right here to
 Columbus! Will they bring the kookaburra, the
 tegu, a python, a fennec fox? Or will there be a
 wallaby hopping around? Join us for one of the
 two shows and find out what animals they will
 bring this year!

Teen Programs

Stop Motion Music Videos Open Studio                     Virtual Reality
Library                                                  Library
Tuesday-Thursday, Jun. 26-28, 6:00pm-8:00pm              Monday, Jul. 30
6th-12th grades                                          4:00pm-8:00pm
                                                         6th-12th grades
Brainstorm, plan, and
create your own stop                                     Ever wondered what it would be like to run around a
motion animation                                         3D video game, or build your own 3D world, or get in
music video. We’ll                                       the driver’s seat and race a tiny car around a track?
supply mini-figs and                                     Join us at the library and find out as we play PS4
some props but feel                                      Virtual Reality games.
free to bring small items from home if you’d like.

Teen Lock-In
Friday, Jul. 20, 6:00pm-10:00pm
6th-12th grades

Tie-dye t-shirts, Just Dance competition, karaoke,
along with pizza, food, and other fun activities. Come
dressed like a rock star, we will be peer-judging and
prizes will be awarded.

                                        Friends Book Store is open at
                                             the Library Annex!
                                                     Located at 251 N James Street

                                  Friday, Jun. 1, From 4:00pm-6:00pm
                                    Saturday, Jun. 9, Jul. 14, Aug. 11
                                       From 10:00am—2:00pm
   The Friends of the Library Book Store will open the second Saturday of each
   month for people to come in and browse donated books, with the proceeds
  funding new projects at the library. Be sure to stop in and see the Friends this
                        summer and find some great reads.

18          Donations of gently used books are always welcome at the library.
Medical Equipment Loan Closet
Senior Center
During normal business hours

The Senior Center provides durable medical equipment at no cost to older adults in the area who are
recovering from illness, accident or otherwise. The equipment is loaned for short-term use. We have canes,
crutches, 2 and 4 wheeled walkers, wheelchairs, bath benches, toilet seat extenders, and more. Please have
items fitted by your therapist or doctor as we do not fit them for you.

If you have any of the following items in storage and are not using
                                                                                  Please Help!!
them, please consider donating to the Senior Center loan closet:
                                                                            Do you have any medical
*Please—no crutches or motorized equipment.
                                                                           equipment with the City of
 Wheel chairs
                                                                        Columbus property tag? If you or
 2 wheeled walkers
                                                                         your family are no longer using
 4 wheeled walkers with hand brakes
                                                                       these items, please return them to
 Shower chairs
                                                                                the Senior Center.
 Canes
 Commodes
 Toilet lifts
Adult Programs
 Book Club for Adult Readers                            ColorRama
 Senior Center                                          Senior Center
 1:00pm-2:00pm                                          Thursday, Jun. 7 & 21, Jul. 19, Aug. 2 & 16, 12:30pm
                                                        All ages if accompanied by a 50+
 Monday, Jun. 11
 My Italian Bulldozer by Alexander McCall Smith         Adult coloring. We have supplies and coloring sheets
                                                        or bring your own projects to work on with the
 The Tuscan countryside works its magic on a food       group.
 writer in flight from a broken romance in this
 humorous novel.                                        Crochet & Knit— Happy Hookers
                                                        Senior Center
 Monday, Jul. 9                                         Wednesdays, 12:30pm
 Caroline: Little House, Revisited by Sarah Elizabeth   50+
                                                        All levels of knit and
 Miller evokes the beauty and hardships of              crocheters are welcome to
 Midwestern frontier life in a captivating work of      join. Finished projects are all
 historical fiction.                                    donated to the VA Hospital, Project Linus, the NIC
                                                        Foundation and Columbus Community Hospital.
 Monday, Aug. 13
 That Old Cape Magic by Richard Russo                   Have some unused yarn around and don’t know
                                                        what to do with it? The Senior Center accepts yarn
 Comedy and pathos combine when Jack returns to         donations for the group.
 Cape Cod for his daughter’s wedding after his own
 divorce.                                               Euchre
                                                        Senior Center
 Columbus Area Historical Society                       Fridays, 10:00am
 Library Annex                                          Cost: $2.00
 Tuesday, Jun. 12, Jul. 10, Aug. 14                     50+
                                                        Join the gang for some fun hands of cards and
 Columbus Area Historical Society                       socializing. Cash prizes for 1st—4th place; low score
 is dedicated to preserving the                         gets a candy bar!
 memories and artifacts of Columbus and the
 surrounding communities. All are welcome!              Farmer’s Market Vouchers Program
                                                        Senior Center
 Columbus Area Quilters                                 Monday, Jun. 26, 12:30pm-1:30pm
 Library                                                50+
 Thursday, Jun. 21, Jul. 19, Aug. 16
 7:00pm-8:00pm                                          Vouchers available for qualified applicants. You must
                                                        meet certain income requirements in order to
 Monthly meeting of the                                 qualify. For more information contact the Senior
 Columbus Area Quilt Guild. All                         Center at 920-623-5918.
 are welcome!

Friends of the Library                                  Sheepshead
Library Annex                                           Senior Center
Tuesday, Jun. 19, Jul. 17, Aug. 21, 7:00pm-8:00pm       Thursdays, 12:45pm
                                                        Cost: $2.00
Join the Friends in their volunteer support of the      50+
library. Volunteer in the Friends Book Store, bake
for bake sales, and help plan more ways to support      Cash prizes awarded for 1st-
the library. Get involved!                              4th place and low score receives a candy bar.

Happy Wanderers Travel Group                            Summer Picnic
Senior Center                                           Senior Center
Monday, Jun. 25, Jul. 23, Aug. 27, 12:30pm              Monday, Jul. 9, 11:15am
50+                                                     Cost: $5.00

The Columbus Happy Wanderers Travel Group is a          Picnic lunch catered by Smokehaus Catering. Meal
great way to enjoy day trips or extended ‘bucket        service and bingo sponsored by Astico 4-H.
list’ tours with friends. Our group will be planning    Entertainment by Shiftwork Karaoke/Terry
visits to local attractions, casinos, going to shows,   Schraufnagel. Sign up at the Senior Center no later
out for lunch, ball games and more! Extended tours      than Jun. 30.
information and travel guides will be available.
These trips are coordinated through local travel

Mindfulness Matters
Community Center
Tuesdays, 6:30pm-8:00pm
                                                        Uncle Ozzy Polka Potluck and Ice Cream
A book study with discussion about basic                Social
mindfulness practices.                                  Senior Center
                                                        Sunday, Aug. 12
Nutrition Classes                                       Dancing 2:00pm-4:00pm, Potluck 4:30pm
Senior Center
Tuesday, Jun. 5, 10:30am                                Bring a dish to pass and have some fun dancing
50+                                                     and listening to your favorite polka music
                                                        performed live by Uncle Ozzie. Culver’s ice cream
Kimberly Lafler, Dodge/Columbia County FoodWIse         with toppings will be available. If you are unable to
Nutritiion Educator, will be presenting on the          bring a dish to pass, a free will offering is
following topic: Great Grains.                          appreciated.

Penny Poker                                             WorkSmart!
Senior Center                                           Library
Thursdays, 12:15pm                                      Monday, Jun. 4, Jul. 2, Aug. 6, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Cost: Pennies to play. All skill levels welcome.        Need help searching for jobs or putting together
                                                        your resume? Drop in to this open workshop for
                                                        professional advice.
Adult Programs
Books and Beer
Black Kettle Eatery & Pub
Thursday, Jun. 28, Jul. 26, Aug. 30, 7:00pm-8:00pm

Thursday, Jun. 28
Author Ann Garvin will discuss her humorous novel I Like You Just Fine When You’re Not Around as well as her
other books and publishing career.

Thursday, Jul. 26
Author Nick Chiarkas will talk about his organized crime thriller Weepers and the upcoming sequel.

Thursday, Aug. 30
Author Dr. Bill Stork will discuss his short story collection In Herriot’s Shadow: Musings of a Country
Veterinarian on Sunrises, Old Yellow Labs and Well-Written Songs.

Summer Concert Series                                     Thursday, Jul. 26—Loco Vocals—Doo-Wop band out of
Fireman’s Park                                            Beaver Dam.
Thursdays or Sunday, 6:00pm

Columbus Historic Landmarks and Preservation
Commission presents free concerts in the park.

Thursday, Jun. 28—
Mark Croft—Acoustic
guitarist and singer,                                     Thursday, Aug. 23—Driftless Blue Grass Band—Old
with Roots, Pop, and                                      Time Country and Bluegrass music featuring guitar,
Americana styling.                                        mandolin, banjo, and bass.

Sunday, Jul. 1—Beer Garden—21+ ONLY—Hickory
Road—A rock and roll band based out of Madison.
The Sharrows—A farm rock and roll band with ties to
Columbus. All Murder—A punk rock band from
Columbus covering Danzig-era Misfits songs.

                                                             Concerts will take place in the green space in front
                                                             of the pavilion. In the event of rain, the concert will
                                                                           move inside the pavilion.

Columbus Community Garden                               Julie’s Java House Farmer’s Market
Corner of Dix St. and County Hwy K                      Julie’s Java House
                                                        Sundays, Jun. 10-Oct. 28
A local, non-profit, organic garden on land owned       8:00am-12:00pm
by Olivet Church. This mission includes sharing
produce with local charities and the local food         Products available are
pantry.                                                 locally grown fruits
                                                        and vegetables, honey
There are 12’ x 20’ plots tilled at the beginning of    products, homemade
the season. Water is available. $20 annual              soaps, and flowers.
membership per plot and a donation to the local         Fresh pies and baked
food pantry.                                            goods are provided by
                                                        Julie’s Java House.
If you are interested in a plot, please contact Laura   They are looking for new vendors. Contact Julie’s Java
Reetz @ or Arlene Lukin @         House for more information at 920-623-5540. or 608-219-0759.
                                                        Volunteers of CCH Soup & Salad Luncheon
Columbus Community Hospital                             Faith Lutheran Church
Foundation 25th Annual Golf Classic                     Tuesday, Jun. 12, 11:00am-1:00pm
Kestrel Ridge                                           Cost: $8.00
Saturday, Jul. 14
11:00am shotgun start                                   Enjoy a variety of homemade salads, soups and
5:00pm dinner                                           desserts. Beverages included. For more information
                                                        call 920-623-1280.
For more information call Kristi at 920-623-1370.

Euchre Card Party
Senior Center
Tuesday, Jul. 24, 6:00pm
Cost: $5.00

Sponsored by the
Columbus Community
Hospital. Players of all skill levels are welcome!
Cash prizes awarded to top players and door
prizes. Sandwiches and bars will be served, along
with sundaes donated by Culver’s. Tickets may be
purchased in advance at the Columbus Community
Hospital Gift Shoppe or at the door. For more
information call 920-623-1280.

Columbus Community Centers

 Volunteer Opportunities                                    Columbus Area Senior Center
                                                            General organizing:
Columbus Public Library                                     During normal Senior open hours.
Friends of the Library                                      Scanning documents, organizing or
Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm-8:00pm                  books/files/games, assisting with
Join the Friends in the volunteer support of the library.   seasonal decorating, other general
All are welcome!                                            office help.

                                                            Columbus Historical Society
                                                            Contact them at

                                                            Redbud Players
                                                            Interested in theatre? Contact the Redbud Players at
                                                   to find out how to join
                                                            or for volunteer opportunities.
Columbus Recreation Department
Volunteers needed for volleyball, soccer, and the

 Local Service Organizations

 4H Club                               W10802 County Road TT, Columbus              920-623-9983

 Boy Scouts                                          608-662-0892

 CHLPC                                 105 N. Dickason Blvd., Columbus WI 53925     920-210-3359

 Columbus Area Endowment               P.O. Box 423, Columbus, WI 53925   
 Columbus Community Hospital           1515 Park Ave., Columbus, WI, 53925          920-623-1280
 Cub Scouts                                    608-772-5848
 Girl Scouts                           2710 Ski Lane, Madison, Wi, 53713            800-236-2710
 Kiwanis                               P.O. Box 44, Columbus, Wi 53925              920-366-2558
 Knight’s of Columbus                  160 Waterloo St., Columbus, WI, 53925
 Lion’s Club                           P.O. Box 22, Columbus, WI, 53925             920-992-5500
 Masonic Lodge                         318 N. Ludington St., Columbus, WI, 53925    608-617-0173
 Odd Fellows                           131 W. James St., Columbus, Wi, 53925        608-622-0892
 Rotary Club of Columbus/Fall River    P.O. Box 272, Columbus, WI 53925             608-204-9835

                                                       Columbus Meal Site
 Special Resources & Dates                             Senior Center
                                                       Meals are served week days at 11:30am. Menus can
Foot Clinic                                            be found at Register for
Senior Center                                          meals, or if qualified, home deliveries, 24 hours in
Jun. 12, Jul. 10, Aug. 14, 8:00am–2:00pm               advance at 1-888-742-9233.
1st visit $33; all follow ups $28
50+                                                    Blood Pressure Screening
                                                       Senior Center
This program is a service of the Beaver Dam
Community Hospital. Appointments must be
                                                       No appointment necessary; just stop in.
made in advance at 920-887-4191. Please leave
                                                       Jun. 4, Aug. 6
a message and your call will be returned.
                                                       Sponsored by Columbus Community Hospital
Wednesdays are the best days to call.
                                                       Jun. 18, Jul. 16, Aug. 20
                                                       Sponsored by Generations Home Care & Hospice

Alcoholics Anonymous                                   Columbus/Fall River Food Pantry
Tuesdays at 7:00pm at First Presbyterian Church, 321   Senior Center
W Mill St., Columbus                                   Thursdays by appointment only
                                                       Monthly contacts below
Aging & Disability Resource Center                     Jun: Christine Hilbrich    920-623-3610
Columbia County 1-888-742-9233
                                                       Jul:   Trina Hensler       920-623-3753
Dodge County 1-800-924-6407
                                                       Aug: Larry Herzog, Jr.     920-350-9889
Alzheimer’s & Dementia                                 Diabetes Support Group
2nd Tuesday of each month beginning at 10:00am at
                                                       Columbus Community Hospital
Columbus Community Hospital. 920-623-1276              920-623-1244
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Alliance of WI
Janet Wiegel 608-742-9055                              Energy Services
                                                       Community Center
American Cancer Society Support Line                   Call for appointments: 800-506-5596
1-800-227-3345                                         Questions: 608-742-4088
     Group Cancer Support                              FREE 1-on-1 Computer Classes
     Columbus Community Hospital                       Senior Center
     Cathy Butterbrodt 920-623-6433                    Wednesdays by appointment only, 9:00am-11:00am
Columbia County Benefit Specialist
Contact the ADRC for a specialist near you at
                                                       WI Department of Veterans Affairs
                                                       Columbia County       608-742-9618
                                                       Dodge County          920-386-3798                 25
Columbus Area Aquatic Center

Aquatic Center                        6 lanes by 25 yard lap area, plunge    Membership Prices
                                      area for the water slide with room     City of Columbus Resident:
Pool Hours                            for the addition of an inner-tube      Family Membership:           $200
Opens for the season between May flume. Our body water slide has a           Individual Membership:       $90
26-June 1, weather permitting.        length of 135 feet, a drop of 17.2     Daily Pass 10-pack:          $35
Weekdays: 12:00pm-4:00pm              feet, and an average grade of          Lap Swim/Aerobic Pass:       $50
             6:00pm-8:30pm            13.89%.                                Couples Pass:                $150
Weekends: 12:00pm-8:30pm
                                      The interactive water activities       Non-Resident (Outside City Limits):
                                      include an SCS Arch Jet, SCS Bar Jet   Family Membership:          $225
Admission                             and an SCS Pipe Fall each with
Daily (12-4pm):         $4R / $5 NR                                          Individual Membership:      $100
                                      individual moveable valves.            Daily Pass 10-pack:         $45
Nightly (6-8:30pm): $3
                                      Youngsters will enjoy themselves       Lap Swim/Aerobic Pass:      $65
Non-swimmer:            $1
                                      on the large Tot Slide and the         Couples Pass:               $165
2 & under:              $1
                                      individual grouped geysers.
                                      Swimmers of all ages may sit back
Pool Amenities
                                      in one of the many lounge chairs in
The Columbus Area Aquatic Center,
                                      the sun or under one of the many
located at 1049 Park Avenue, has a
                                      huge fun umbrellas to enjoy the
capacity of 792 swimmers. The
                                      cool shade.
outdoor, heated pool has a water
surface area of 12,731 square feet
and a volume of 389,110 gallons.
                                      You'll never go hungry when visiting
Its beach style "zero-depth" entry is
                                      the concession stand at the aquatic
124 feet wide and leads to a 12 feet
                                      center. Snack and dinner items,
6 inches diving area. It contains a
                                      including your favorite ice cream,
       one meter diving board, a
                                      are served each and every day.
       new drop Vortex Slide,
26                                    Items available are all under $5.00.
Columbus Parks and Facilities
Fireman's Park
Located at 1049 Park Avenue in the western quadrant
of the city, this park is the largest park within the
city's system. The park is blessed with such historic
structures as the Fireman's Park Pavilion, the Scout
Cabin, and the Rest Haven. The park’s open and
inviting tree-lined green space is a popular home to
passive recreational activities such as walking and                          Fireman’s Park Pavilion
bicycling. This facility also hosts the largest of
athletic fields within the system which hosts a number
of events, among them high school and semi-pro
baseball, adult recreational softball, and both high
school and recreational football.

Fireman's Park is also home to the Deer Pen where
these animals can be viewed in their natural habitat,
the Columbus Area Aquatic Center, tennis courts, and                                   Rest Haven
playground equipment as well as walking paths and
picnic shelters.

Park Shelter and                       tennis courts or play equipment. These       have a $25 (plus tax) service fee.
Facility Rentals                       areas can be reserved for a fee. Please      8. The Parks Division does not rent
                                       limit use in these areas to one hour at      tables, chairs or benches. You may rent
                                       a time if another group is waiting.          them through a rental company or
Open Shelter Reservation               5. All reservation facilities are equipped   bring your own.
Policies                               with trash and recyclable containers.        9. No firearms or weapons are
                                       The reserving group is responsible for       permitted on this property. Violators
1. Park hours are from 6:00am to       clean up. Glass containers are NOT           are considered trespassers and
10:00pm, and the parks must be         allowed in the parks.                        subject to forfeiture or arrest.
vacated by that time. The reservation 6. Driving or parking motorized               10. DECORATIONS: If you plan on
does not guarantee absolute privacy to vehicles on the grass is prohibited.         decorating at the shelter, you may use
any group.                             7. CANCELLATIONS, REFUNDS OR                 only painter’s tape on shelter
2. Reservations require a minimum of TRANSFERS:                                     surfaces. Free-standing decorations are
10 days notice and are issued by the   Written cancellation requests must be        recommended. Nails, staples or glue
Recreation Department Office. With     submitted to the Recreation                  are prohibited. After your event, please
less than 10 day notice, reservations  Department Office. Full refunds are          properly dispose of all of the
will be double the normal fee.         issued only for requests that are            decorations.
3. Your receipt is your proof of       received at least 2 weeks prior to the
reservation. Please bring it with you. reservation date. Cancellations less         A $100 refundable damage
Reservation schedules are also         than 2 weeks prior to the reservation
                                                                                    deposit is required on all
posted in the shelters.                will have 50% of the fee refunded.
4. Shelter reservations do not include Changes in a reservation date/time or        shelters.
exclusive use of any other park        shelter location received less than 2
amenities such as ball diamonds,       weeks prior to the reservation will
Columbus’ Parks and Facilities

Avalon Park                                                Kiwanis Park
Avalon Park is one of our newer parks and is               Located at 250 East School
located at 611 Avalon Road between State                   Street, this park is used
Highway 89 and State Highway 73. This park was             mainly for baseball and
developed in memory of Michelle Vick with the              softball activities organized
joint effort from the City of Columbus and                 through the city's Recreation
donated funds.                                             Department. It also hosts
                                                           high school and special athletic events.
The park is divided by a stream with volleyball
and basketball courts on one side and a shelter
with restrooms for golfers and playground                  Many improvements to this park have been made
equipment for                                              through the funds generously donated by the
children on the other                                      Columbus Kiwanis Club who also operates a
side. Avalon Park is a                                     well-stocked refreshment stand that adds to the
wonderful place to                                         enjoyment of visitors to this facility.
host any of your
group outings.

Garbage and Recycling                 The Department of Public Works:        Refrigerators, freezers, air
                                      920-623-5908                           conditioners, & dehumidifiers-
                                                                             $30.00 fee paid at City Hall prior to
Curbside Collection
                                      City of Columbus                       disposal.
The City of Columbus has moved to
automated garbage collection. You Recycling Center                           NO microwaves, TVs, computers,
must place all garbage and           N3642 River Road
                                                                             electronics, or LP tanks.
recyclables in the carts that were
distributed to all residents.        March 24 to December 1, 2018
                                                                             Residential brush pickup is the first
                                     Mondays 1:00pm-6:00pm
                                                                             full week of the month, April
The City of Columbus utilizes a      Wednesdays 1:00pm-6:00pm
                                                                             through October. Brush should be
vendor, Columbia County Solid        Saturdays 8:00am-3:00pm
                                                                             placed on the tree border by
Waste, for weekly trash and                                                  7:00am on the first Monday of the
curbside recycling pick-up for       Acceptable items:
                                                                             month. Brush is defined as limbs 8”
residential properties of 4 units or leaves, grass clippings, brush,         or less in diameter, with the ends
fewer. Solid waste can be placed on yard waste, oil, vehicle batteries       facing the same way. Twigs less
the tree border as early as dusk the                                         than 1” should be placed with yard
night before scheduled pickup.       Not accepted:
Solid waste must be placed in        landscaping fabric, rocks, rail road
approved containers. Recyclables     ties, boards or 2x4s, woodchips,
                                                                             Senior Center - drop off
will be picked up on the same day
                                                                             Lion’s Club eye glass and hearing
as regular trash is picked up.
                                     Washers, dryers, stoves, water          aide battery
If you have any questions            heaters, & dishwashers -                Cell phones
regarding the curbside               $15.00 fee paid at City Hall prior to   Box tops for Schools
pick-up programs please call:        disposal.                               Aluminum Can pop tops
       Columbia County Solid Waste:
28 608-742-6651
Columbus’ Parks and Facilities

Meister Park                                                                               Rotary Park
Located on the north side of the city at 337 Middleton                                      Located across
Street, this park is host to organized recreational                                         Ludington Street from
activities such as baseball, soccer and adult recreation                                    Meister Park, Rotary
on its fields.                                                                              Park offers many water
                                                                                            activities such as
The Lions Club of Columbus also operates a popular                                          canoeing, fishing and ice
refreshment stand within the park. Installed in 2001,       skating at this park, as this facility fronts the Crawfish
this park also has the latest improvements in               River Mill Pond.
playground equipment thanks to a generous donation
from the Columbus Lions Club.                               New to the park is EZ Kayak Launch that was donated
                                                            by the Columbus-Fall River Rotary Club and installed
                                                            the summer of 2017.

                                                            While not officially within the corporate limits of the
                                                            city, thanks to the generosity of the Columbus Rotary
                                                            Club, which underwrites maintenance costs, this park
                                                            is an absolute treasure to residents to utilize and

CAAC Open Shelter                                                               Horsin’ Around Open Shelter
Located                                                                         Nestled in Fireman’s Park at 1049
right next                                                                      Park Avenue, this open shelter has it
to our                                                                          all: a playground adjacent to the
Aquatic                                                                         shelter and our Tot-Lot playground for
Center at                                                                       younger children. Picnic tables are
1049                                                                            available as well as electrical.
this is the perfect spot for hosting a
birthday party, family                        Community Center
reunion or hosting a friendly              The Community Center at 161
gathering. With your reservation for          N. Dickason Boulevard is
the day, why not stop at the pool for       available to rent for business
a swim?                                     meetings, family gatherings,
                                             scout meetings and more.
Davies Park Open Shelter                     Perfect office setup with a
This is the picture perfect location for    conference table. Additional
a small gathering next to the Amtrak       tables and chairs are available
Station on N. Ludington                        upon request for larger
Street. Newly added                                  gatherings.
this year: electrical
outlets for charging
your phone or
electronics.                                                                                                      29
Columbus’ Parks and Facilities
Columbus Public Library                                 Columbus Area
                                                        Senior Center
Columbus Public Library shares its one meeting
room with the community, free of charge.                CASC is a 6,000
Non-profits and citizens can reserve the Phyllis        square foot
Luchsinger Callahan Meeting Room for use during         building from the
library hours. To inquire about the room or to
                                                        1920’s that
make a reservation, call the library at 920-623-5910.
                                                        originally housed
                                                        the Johnson Garage. The city purchased the building
                                                        due to its ideal location downtown adjacent to City
                                                        Hall. Recent remodeling makes this a beautiful and
                                                        unique location for small weddings and other special

                                                        CASC has a seating capacity of 130 with access to the
                                                        kitchen as well the front room; which houses a
                                                        television and couches. Call CASC to rent the space at

                              2018 City of Columbus Facility Rental Fees
RESIDENT Rates are listed as “full day” rent              NON-PROFIT RESIDENT Rates are listed in “full day”
Building        Deposit      Rent           Rent         Building        Deposit       Rent           Rent
                             Mon.-Thur.     Fri.-Sun.                                  Mon.-Thur.     Fri.-Sun.
Pavilion        $500.00      $200.00        $500.00      Pavilion        $200.00       $75.00         $200.00

Rest Haven      $100.00      $75.00         $100.00      Rest Haven      $75.00        $50.00         $75.00

Concession      $60.00       $50.00         $60.00       Concession      $50.00        $25.00         $50.00

Community       $100.00      $50.00         $50.00       Community       $100.00       $50.00         $50.00
Center                                                   Center

Senior Center   $125.00      $125.00        $125.00      Senior Center   $75.00        $75.00         $75.00

NON-RESIDENT Rates are listed in “full day” rent          NON-PROFIT NON-RESIDENT Rates are in “full day”
Building        Deposit      Rent           Rent         Building        Deposit       Rent         Rent
                             Mon.-Thur.     Fri.-Sun.                                  Mon.-Thur.   Fri.-Sun.
Pavilion        $1000.00     $400.00        $1000.00     Pavilion        $300.00       $100.00      $225.00

Rest Haven      $150.00      $125.00        $150.00      Rest Haven      $100.00       $75.00       $100.00

Concession      $100.00      $75.00         $100.00      Concession      $100.00       $50.00       $75.00

Community       $100.00      $50.00         $50.00       Community       $100.00       $50.00       $50.00
Center                                                   Center

Senior Center   $125.00      $125.00        $125.00      Senior Center   $75.00        $75.00       $75.00

                             NOTE: Sales tax of 5.5% will be charged on all rents.
City of Columbus                   Park event permit application
Name of Event / Sponsor ___________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________
Is Organizer / Sponsor a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit agency? _____yes _____ no
If yes, provide State of Wisconsin Tax Exempt Number ___________________
Primary Contact ________________________
Cell Phone ______________________ Cell Phone ______________________
Email ___________________________

Park Requested ___________________________________________________

Event date (s)/ Schedule ____________________________________________
Start time ____________ End time ____________
Estimated attendance ____________________

The person / group named in this application will be responsible for the conduct of the group
and for the condition of the reserved park area. This permit is subject to all Municipal
Ordinances as defined by the City of Columbus, in addition to all rules and regulations
governing the City's Park division. The applicant agrees that during the use of the park
facility, the sponsoring organization will not exclude anyone from participation in, deny
anyone the benefits of or otherwise subject anyone to discrimination because of the person’s
race, color, creed, national origin or handicap. Park hours are from 6:00am—10:00pm.
Alcoholic beverages are allowed in the parks, no glass bottles allowed.

The applicant has read the Park shelter Policies. The applicant has included all of the
appropriate permit applications and materials for this event (if needed). The applicant agrees
to remove all garbage from the premises and place in the dumpsters provided in the park
and agrees to clean the shelter and leave as it was found. Failure to do so may result in loss
of deposit.

I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that the information and statements
contained in this application are complete and true. I understand that failure to report
components of this event / activity may result in the loss of deposit, revocation of permit
and / or failure to secure future permits.

Signature ______________________________ Date __________________

Send application and deposit to: CRD, 229 E School Street Columbus, WI 53925
                    A refundable $100 deposit is required on all shelters
Coming in the next issue

    Broadway Comes                     Community Play                      Girls and Boys
     to Columbus—New                    Fall Festival                        Basketball
     York Public Theatre                Friends of the                      Kids Vote
     Presents—Sweat                      Senior Center Brat                  Oddtober Fest
    Columbus Area Art                   Fry
     & Author Fest
       Open Book/Board of Review                            Do you need to register to vote?

The 2018 Open Book for the City of Columbus will        You can register in person at the City Clerk’s office, at
                                                        the polls on Election Day, or online at
be held on Wednesday, May 23, from
                                               for all reasons including a new
11:00am-1:00pm at City Hall, 105 N Dickason
                                                        registration, name change, or address change. Be sure
Blvd. Open Book is a specified period of time in
                                                        to have proof of residency and identification with you.
which you may meet with the City’s Assessor to
examine and discuss your property tax assessment.
                                                        More information including what qualifies as proof of
If you wish to dispute your property tax assessment,
                                                        residency, proof of identification, what is on your
you must attend the Board of Review which will
                                                        ballot, and more is also available at
take place on Thursday, June 21, beginning at
                                               as well as in your City Clerk’s
2:00pm at City Hall. Accommodations may be
made to accept your testimony by phone under
specific circumstances. If you’d like to dispute your   If you’re interesting in being a poll worker or want to
property tax assessment on the 21st or have             know more about your local elections, please contact
questions about Open Book, contact Megan Moen,          City Clerk Megan Moen at (920) 623-5900.
the City Clerk, at 920-623-5900.

                                                                          2018 Elections
                                                                           Senior Center
                                                                       125 N. Dickason Blvd.

     The Senior Center will be closed                              Aug. 14, 2018– Fall Primary
                                                                   Nov. 6, 2018– Fall Election
    Monday, Jul. 2 through Friday, Jul. 6,
    due to floor repairs. We will resume
        normal business hours on
               Monday, Jul. 9.                                     For comments, questions, or
                                                                  suggestions please email us at

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