Innovative Methods in Sustainable Urban Development and Water Management - TEM Journal

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Innovative Methods in Sustainable Urban Development and Water Management - TEM Journal
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

       Innovative Methods in Sustainable Urban
         Development and Water Management
                                   Ágnes Agócsová, Zuzana Chodasová

               Institute of Management, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vazovova 5,
                                           812 43 Bratislava, Slovakia

  Abstract – Innovative methods presently affect all           One of the most important sources for living
sectors of the national economy contributing to the          organisms is water. The human being does not
progress and overall development of the economy, and         survive without water more than a few days. The
the living standard worldwide. Innovations are equally       increase in worldwide population has led to an
necessary both in the private and in public sectors
                                                             increase in water demand and its use in
therefore, the original innovative ideas in each sector
are greatly accepted. Similar concept is significant for
                                                             environmental sphere, social and economic sectors
companies dealing with urban water management.               which reflect in water scarcity problems occurring
New methods are available mainly for capturing and           presently all around the world. Therefore, the
reusing of rainwater in urban areas which leads to a         sustainability of water management within the
positive impact on sustainable urban water                   concept of a circular economy is an important topic
management regarding today's water scarcity                  in the present days. It is necessary to succeed in the
problems. This article describes some of the most            principles of sustainable development because of the
popular innovative methods and examples used for             everyday increase in water scarcity.
rainwater harvesting, recycling and reuse. As a result,        The main aim of the paper is the analysis of
the evaluation of the most suitable water harvesting
                                                             different case studies with the focus on methods used
techniques related to sustainable water management,
and their application in the city of Brno in Czech
                                                             by rainwater harvesting, its recycling and reuse in
Republic are described.                                      urban areas.
  Keywords – Water management, Sustainable                   2. Characteristic of Sustainable Development
development, Innovative methods, Water harvesting
                                                                Sustainable development (SD) as a phrase has
1. Introduction                                              started to be used in the publications since the early
                                                             1980s. [1] Defined by WCED (1987), SD is a
  The rapid increase of global human population              development that meets the needs of the present
during the 20th century had an impact on the use and         without compromising the ability of future
consumption of all-natural resources on the Earth.           generations to meet their own needs [2]. In the point
                                                             of the increase in the worldwide water demand the
                                                             water scarcity has started to seem like an issue
DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33
                                                             regarding the future existence of living organisms in
                                                             the Earth. As Beaulieu et al. (2016) has mentioned,
Corresponding author: Ágnes Agócsová,                        the sustainability in development is a complex theory
Institute of Management, Slovak University of Technology     which efforts to merge together three development's
in Bratislava, Slovakia.                                     dimensions: economic, environmental and social [1].
Email:                               Through these different dimensions SD is connected
Received:    18 November 2020.                               with the term circular economy [3].
Revised:     20 March 2021.
Accepted:    29 March 2021.                                     The idea of a circular economy (CE) has been
Published:   27 May 2021.                                    figured by two British economists of environment
                                                             Pearce and Turner in 1990. As they reminded in their
           © 2021 Ágnes Agócsová & Zuzana
                                                             book Economics of Natural Resources and the
Chodasová; published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed
                                                             Environment, the open-ended economic system was
under    the     Creative    Commons     Attribution-
                                                             developed without the inclination to recycling, which
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.
                                                             was reflected to the situation that the environment
The article is published         with   Open   Access   at   has been used as waste storage. Therefore, the open-                                           ended system as not adequate one should be turned

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Innovative Methods in Sustainable Urban Development and Water Management - TEM Journal
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

into a circular system while considering the               the production [9]. This process is supporting SD
connection between resources use and waste                 which is a basement of the system of CE. It helps to
residuals [4]. Table 1 indicates the definition of the     provide the growth of the economy while the use of
concept of CE defined by several authors.                  the virgin resources, is decreasing. Nguyen et al.
                                                           (2014) defined, that CE replaces the disposability by
                                                           the restoration and reuse [7]. This idea is worth not
Table 1. Definitions of the Circular economy               only for material products but is also applicable in
  Preston     “A circular economy is an approach that
                                                           the utility of usage of natural resources.
  (2012)      would transform the function of
              resources in the economy. Waste from            CE as a closed-loop system is able to reuse the
              factories would become a valuable input      sources, energy and the material several times (even
              to another process - and products could      if for different purposes) with minimum processing
              be repaired, reused or upgraded instead      required by each subsequent use.
              of thrown away” [5].                            Regarding water management and CE, several
              The circular economy is “an industrial       steps have been taken in action yet. The acceptance
   Ellen      system that is restorative or regenerative   of the Circular Economy Package in 2015 by the
MacArthur     by intention and design. It replaces the
                                                           European Commission was the important move
Foundation    ‘end-of-life’ concept with restoration,
  (2013)      shifts towards the use of renewable
                                                           which could lead to effective and sustainable water
              energy, eliminates the use of toxic          use. For the successful implementation, it is
              chemicals, which impair reuse, and aims      necessary to associate all the factors influencing
              for the elimination of waste through the     water management, namely social, political,
              superior design of materials, products,      technological, economic, and environmental factors
              systems, and, within this, business          [10].
              models“ [6].
              “The focus of the circular economy           3. Sustainable Water Management
              gradually extends beyond issues related
 Su et al.    to material management and covers other        Water management sector is one of the largest idle
  (2013)      aspects, such as energy efficiency and       opportunities for moving from waste to resources
              conservation, land management, soil          within a CE system. The practices of CE help
              protection and water” [4].                   companies reach sustainability targets and efficiency
              “A circular economy replaces one             and save costs and fees. At the same time, the natural
              assumption - disposability, with another -
                                                           environment that business depends on is keeping
              restoration. At the core, it aims to move
Nguyen et     away from the “take, make, and dispose”
                                                           preserved [11], [12]. It is important to start
al. (2014)    system by designing and optimizing           considering the real value of water as it is the most
              products for multiple cycles of              important resource. The wastewater and rainwater
              disassembly and reuse. The circular          are important sources and assets that can be easily
              economy aims to eradicate waste, not just    harvested and reuse. Recycling and reuse are central
              from manufacturing processes, as lean        to a CE approach and lead to an improvement of
              management aspires to do, but                worldwide water scarcity problems. A lot of states
              systematically, throughout the various       and corporations are starting to use the circular
              life cycles and uses of products and their   practices in production instead of linear models
              components” [7].
                                                           [13]. The proper policy and regulations are enabled
              A circular economy is an economy
              “where the value of products, materials
                                                           to help economies to break away from a polluting
              and resources is maintained in the           economic trajectory and move to a ‘clean’ one. The
              economy for as long as possible, and the     movement to a CE brings more-efficient water use,
 European     generation of waste minimised” [8].          combined with innovative methods. This transition
Commission                                                 leads to the economy's ability to handle problems of
  (2015)                                                   the growing imbalance between water supply and its
                                                           demand [14].

                                                             Due to the effects of climate change on the
  The disposability or single usage of the product         environment, experts are increasingly concerned with
has become an over-discussed issue of today's world.       sustainable    water    management.        Sustainable
The single use of the products leads to the enormous       management replaces linear methods associated with
use of natural sources and the creation of huge            single use, leading to the enormous use of natural
amount of waste. Therefore, it was necessary to start      resources and the generation of large amounts of
to consider the recycling and reusing of the products      waste. This theory is applicable both in the economy
contributing to saving the natural sources needed for      sectors and in the water management sector (see

    758                                                           TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 2 / 2021.
Innovative Methods in Sustainable Urban Development and Water Management - TEM Journal
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

Figure 1), where it is inclined to reuse several types     Like any innovative system, the application of
of water (rain, gray, waste) after their additional        rainwater management principles brings several
treatment in the form of purification. A sufficiently      challenges. The choice of suitable technologies for
dense network of green spaces with permeable               decentralized land drainage depends on a set of
surfaces can retain water from rainfall and thus slow      several factors. The most important are the
down its surface runoff to nearby recipients.              infiltration capacity and permeability of the soil, the
                                                           level of the groundwater level, the amount of surface
                      MONITORING                           runoff or the slope of the area. These and other
                          &                                factors need to be taken into account when
                                                           adequately designing rainwater management systems
                                                           in urbanizations.

                                                           4. Green Infrastructure and its Role in
                                          FINANCIAL &
                                                              Sustainable Urban Development
      SMART &        SUSTAINABLE
       ENVIRO-                               SOCIO-
                     URBAN WATER           ECONOMIC
                     MANAGEMENT             ANALYSES
                                                             Green infrastructure (GI) is the overall core
                                                           concept of greenery in cities, which is most often
                                                           associated with the concepts of sustainability,
                                                           resilience and overall concept of smart cities. GI
                                                           refers to a system of strategies and approaches that
                        COMPRE-                            make the possibility to meet the requirements of
                         URBAN                             urban adaptation to climate change while creating
                        PLANNING                           additional benefits for the community. It is an
                                                           ecological approach to rainwater management using
                                                           the ability to slow down, filter and absorb
     Figure 1. Approach to sustainable urban water         precipitation as close as possible to the point of
          management (source: Author, 2020)
                                                           impact on the earth's surface.
                                                             GI represents a shift in ideas from conventional
   The goal of sustainable rainwater management is         urban drainage to an integrated, nature-friendly way
to reduce rainwater runoff over the surface and allow      that positively affects not only surface runoff, but
it to infiltrate as close as possible to the source,       also living conditions in cities and their long-term
ideally at the point of impact. In this case, rainwater    sustainability [16]. A fundamental change that such a
management does not mean collecting and                    nature-friendly method of drainage of the area brings
discharging it into the public sewer network, but          is a wider range of possibilities where to bring
reducing runoff using rainwater harvesting and reuse       rainwater. In contrast to the current situation, where
technologies, increasing rainwater infiltration into the   water from precipitation is exclusively discharged
soil surface and the possibility of subsequent natural     into the sewerage network, GI methods offer several
evaporation. The aim of this concept is to "close the      types of rainwater recipients with different priorities.
loop", thereby bringing rainwater back into the city's
small water cycle, thereby contributing to the               The concept of GI is one of the ways to cope with
subsequent cooling of the city's microclimate.             the problems of modern cities; it enables great
   Several techniques have been developed in recent        innovation of solutions and cross-sectoral
years and the concept of sustainable rainwater             approaches. GI can help cities connect different
management has been introduced in several countries        urban resources to find effective and sustainable
around the world. The advantages of sustainable            solutions [17]. Greenery in cities offers measures to
water management for local governments are the use         mitigate and adapt to climate change and offers
of rainwater for irrigation, which will support the        several benefits, including energy and carbon dioxide
cooling function of the vegetation in the city and         protection, air quality, urban hydrology, noise
reduce its overheating on hot days, but also improve       reduction, environmental benefits and social
air quality. Another benefit for the municipality is the   function.
reduction of the intensity of some extreme weather           The basic feature of GI is the aspect of
events, especially due to the reduction of heat            interconnection and network. The purpose of GI is to
produced in the atmosphere above the city [15].            create a natural network that creates a link between
   Proper integration of rainwater management also         the places where people live and work. The basic
contributes to the visual and recreational facilities of   principle of urban infrastructure planning is the
urban areas. Another advantage is the prevention of        development, maintenance and strengthening of
damage to infrastructure, as the integration of            ecological resources. Whether this process applies to
                                                           public parks, the treatment of watercourses or the
measures includes the prevention of urban floods.
                                                           protection of grassland-rich places, in principle, is

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Innovative Methods in Sustainable Urban Development and Water Management - TEM Journal
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

less important than the increase in resources alone.       rainwater is possible in several ways by using
The main principles of GI are connectivity,                different adaptation measures. There are several
multifunctionality and greening, as well as the            options for collecting and reusing of rainwater. The
promotion of green networks, adaptation to climate         captured water can be re-used for irrigation of green
change, sustainable urban policy and strategic urban       areas in cities, filling the fountains or reservoirs.
management practices.                                      Water can be also re-used in households by the
   Assessing the implementation of GI from a               retention in the tanks for non-drinking uses (e.g.
financial point of view may seem like a difficult          washing, toilet flushing, and space cooling). Another
process [18]. However, since this type of                  good solution of rainwater re-use is its direct
infrastructure provides multiple benefits for different    infiltration into the soil profile up to the groundwater
areas, it is often cheaper, more sustainable, and more     level in order to ensure the stability of groundwater.
resilient than the choice of standard grey
infrastructure. Therefore, when creating new projects      6. Methods and examples of the green
and during revitalization, it is necessary to consider        infrastructure in Brno, Czech Republic
all the benefits associated with the implementation of
GI first, make a comparison with currently used grey          Urban water management includes many of
infrastructure, and base on the final analyses evaluate    innovative methods which help to support the
which type will be more suitable for the analysed          drainage of urban areas in a nature-friendly way in
area.                                                      the context of the adaptation of the urban
                                                           environment to climate change, which we face today.
5. Urban Rainwater Harvesting                              After including these measures to standard elements
                                                           of urban planning, the cities will become more
   Increased concentration of the population in the        resilient, flexible and tempting not only for their
urban areas has led to the increase of the volume of       citizens.
water-impervious surfaces such as pavements, roads,           Application of adaptation measures inside the
built-up areas and other infrastructure. The quality of    cities is a demanding process which requires a long-
drainage system of these surfaces is usually               term sustainable planning approach including several
insufficient, with no emphasis on re-infiltration of       aspects. Adaptation process of urban areas to
water into the natural environment - soil profile and      negative effect of climate change has to be
groundwater.                                               approached comprehensively for the whole urban
   Dense urban development contributes to the              environment.
current problem of so-called "flash floods" caused by         Below is an overview of the application of
heavy rain, which happen more frequently and more          innovative rainwater harvesting systems with the
extremely during the summer period. These types of         examples of their application in practice in the city of
floods cause devastation of streets, buildings and         Brno in Czech Republic.
public space and leave huge damage behind. One of
the main causes of the weather extremes is the             Retention Tank in the Public Park
climate change caused by human and natural
influences.                                                   Retention tanks are underground or above-ground
   Cities are becoming every year hotter and they          tanks used to capture rainwater at the area where it
become heat island, therefore, the cooling of the          falls, and capture water from the roofs of buildings or
urban microclimate is one of the current issues that       surrounding objects/infrastructure. They help in
need to be addressed. Since a large amount of              slowing down the discharge of rainwater into the
precipitated water (almost all of it) is immediately       sewer in areas with insufficient capacity of the
drained to the sewerage system, the water does not         sewerage system. Part of the water can be reused to
have time and space to soak, for example, into the         irrigate green areas or as water element or natural
vegetation root system in the soil. The infiltration of    biotope helping in cooling down urban microclimate,
the water and following evaporation helps to               and part of the water is drained into the sewer by a
maintain constant temperature in the cities. The           controlled drain.
smaller the amount of water is evaporated from the            An example of a retention tank built in the part of
area to the atmosphere, the more extreme the               the inhabited neighborhood in Brno city is described
temperature differences occur. Therefore, it is            below. This water tank was built as a motivating
necessary to start to retain the water from the            example of urban rainwater management in the
precipitation directly in the area where it falls and to   middle of the public park in Brno. The building
allow the evaporation into the air in the same area.       process showed in Figure 2 had started in 2011 and
   The main step for the collection of water in the city   was finished in 2013. This project was named
is its capturing. Capturing and eventual re-use of         "Under Sail Park".

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Innovative Methods in Sustainable Urban Development and Water Management - TEM Journal
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.



    Figure 2. Comparison of the area before and after       Figure 3. Above-ground retention tank in Brno, Czech
           building of the retention water tank                       Republic (source: Author, 2020)
              (source: Google Earth, 2020)
                                                           Green Roofs in the Open Garden
   The tank is filled with water from precipitation
collected from the roofs of two surrounding buildings        One of the effective preventions against the
by underground pipes. The total volume of this tank        emergence of urban heat islands is the expansion and
is up to 890 m3, while the constant water level is         revitalization of greenery, especially on roofs,
630 m3 [19]. The captured water is then gradually          facades and other technical structures. Green roofs or
released into the storm sewer system. The constant         roofs with permanent vegetative growth are
water level is during droughts filled from the nearby      considered to be an appropriate measure to combat
drilled well.                                              ongoing climate change due to its many
   This project of building a natural biotope inside the   environmental and economic benefits and functions,
city brought a new natural life to the whole area          such as rainwater retention, urban air cooling due to
(Figure 3), and in addition of its microclimatic           evaporation, or insulation properties.
function - cooling the surrounding environment due           The properties of vegetative roofs often depend on
to evaporation, it also has a nature-friendly and          the quality and composition of their substrate. New
educational function. The area is now considered an        methods and innovative compositions of the roof
attractive green public space.                             substrate are being developed to achieve its best
                                                           possible properties.

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TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

   Green roofs have to withstand various                 vegetation consists of different types of grasses,
environmental challenges, the most common dry            perennials and some types of herbs [21].
seasons, low nutrient content, small substrate              The rainwater retained by the built green roofs has
thickness or high summer temperatures affecting the      the possibility of evaporation, which contributes to
life of the roof's vegetation component. They offer      the cooling of the city, especially during the summer
many benefits and contribute to the ecological           months. Temperature maps from the green roof area
quality of the environment and building as well [20].    confirm that its surface temperature is close to the
   The case study shows an open community garden,        surrounding grassland and trees around 20-30 °C,
which includes two built administrative passive          while standard roofs show a temperature variance of
buildings, built in 2013 on the site of a dilapidated    up to 60-70 °C.
building, as shown in Figure 4. The area is focused         The built intensive green roof contributes to the
on nature friendly rainwater management and              comfort of the indoor environment and to energy
innovative technologies that help save energy with a     savings for its heating or cooling. Equally significant
photovoltaic power plant, thus significantly saving      is the impact of green roofs on the energy balance.
funds for its operation. This project also considered    The vegetation of the vegetation can consume up to
the treatment of gray water, which does not flow into    69 % of the incident energy from the sun, which
the sewer, but is cleaned in a root zone wastewater      would heat the city in case of using ordinary gray
treatment plant directly in the area.                    infrastructure. Thus, the cooling effect that green
                                                         roofs clearly provide contributes to the improvement
 before                                                  of the urban microclimate.


   Figure 4. Comparison of the area before and after
 construction of the community garden and the passive
 building with green roof (source: Google Earth, 2020)     Figure 5. Green intensive roof at the passive building
                                                                         (source: Author, 2019)
   There are three green roofs in the area, on which
measurements of the balance of rainfall runoff are       Grass Covered Tram Tracks
performed. Two extensive, lighter roofs are fitted to
the local buffet and garden kitchen. The composition       Tramway lines are one of the traffic areas in cities
of the roofs is designed to minimize the load on the     that has the potential to positively affect the urban
roof structures of these buildings. A special mat        environment. These traffic tracks usually belong to
made of recycled materials is placed on the drainage     the gray infrastructure and often form a significant
layer and hydrophilic wool. The top layer of the roof    area within the urban space. Their reconstruction to
is covered with a pre-grown stonecrop carpet.            the so-called green tramway lines overgrown with
   The green intensive roof on the passive buildings     vegetation can contribute to improving the quality of
shown in Figure 5 helps retain the rainwater thanks      urban life and its microclimate.
to the substrate of 200-350 mm thick. The roof

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TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

   The grass covered types of tracks are gradually
being built in cities not only in Europe but also
around the world, as they bring a range of benefits,
from noise and dust reduction to rainwater
harvesting, which are the most pressing
environmental     problems      in    today's    urban
   The case study below shows the reconstruction of
tram tracks where the existing concrete panels has
been replaced by the installation of a green lawn strip
as shown in Figure 6. The reconstruction was
completed in August 2020.


                                                                Figure 7. Green tramway lane (source: Author, 2020)
 after                                                      7. Environmental and Economic Evaluation of
                                                               the Built Measures
                                                              All methods named above are considered to be the
                                                            ecological    approach  to    sustainable   water
                                                            management and urban development.
                                                              The following benefits follow the listed GI
                                                                water retention in the area promotes a small
                                                                 water cycle and cools down urban climate;
                                                                restoration and creation of new biotopes;
    Figure 6. Comparison of the area before and after
         construction of the green tramway lane                 the possibility of rainwater reuse;
              (source: Google Earth, 2020)                      protection of rare ground and above-ground
                                                                 water sources in the country;
   The result of the track reconstruction project is, in        noise and dust reduction;
addition to the repaired tracks, also the installation of       air quality improvement;
a green grass strip on a section approximately                  increase of the aesthetic value of the area;
430 meters long. The “Nové sady” street, where the              savings on bills for water and drainage of
track was reconstructed, gained a new, more natural              rainwater into the sewer.
atmosphere, which, in addition to its aesthetic               Figure 8 shows the analysis of the selected benefits
function has to also fulfill its ecological and water-      of each application. All the applications are most
retaining function (see Figure 7).                          beneficial for rainwater retention and microclimate
   The combination of rubber sidewalls on rails and         regulation function due to the vegetative water
lawns leads to the reduction of traffic noise. Green        capturing areas and the possibility of its further
belts will also help reduce dust in this traffic busy       evaporation. Retention tank and green roof are more
area. In the past, a continuous strip of shrubs ran         aesthetical due to the wider possibility in the
along the tram line, replacing with strip of greenery       diversity of vegetation planting and they also provide
                                                            a recreational function for the inhabitants, however,
including a lawn with meadow flowers. The grass             they offer less quality in noise reduction opposite to
track is equipped with an automatic irrigation system       green tram tracks. Despite some reduced benefits, all
which, in addition to maintaining the lawn, will also       the measures help cities to become more resilient and
help to increase the humidity of the microclimate in        are effective in adaptation the urban areas to
this area.                                                  occurring climate change.

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TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

                                                              Table 2. Evaluation of total investments and estimation of
             Analysis of the benefits                         payback period of the built measures
 2                                                                             Total investments         Estimated
                                                                                 without taxes            payback
 1                                                                              (CZK / app. €)         period (years)
                                                                              5 041 322 / 184 960            3
      Retention tank         Green roof    Green trail lane   Green roof    103 900 000 / 3 812 040        7-10

       Rainwater retention         Aesthetics/Recreation      Green trail
                                                                            45 828 533 / 1 681 480          5-6
       Microclimate regulation     Noise reduction

 Figure 8. Analysis of the selected environmental benefits    8. Conclusion
                     of built measures
                                                                 The idea of incorporating the concept of GI and
   A summary of the final costs of all three                  sustainable water management into the urban
mentioned case studies with estimated years of the            planning is an excellent opportunity to design urban
payback is shown in Table 2.                                  areas that respond to future needs. These concepts
   The total investments in the project Park pod              are based on the ecosystem approach, contributing to
Plachtami amounted to 10 274 915 CZK. The cost of             the health, resilience and prosperity of the cities. In
the park without a retention tank and the drainage of         the past, greenery was designed rather incoherently,
water from the surrounding roofs (i.e. green areas)           and unsystematically. In the future the concept of GI
amounted to 4.1 million CZK. The rest was the cost            should be considered the beginning of any urban
of the tank itself. The operating cost amount is about        project or strategy. Whether it is improving the
300 000 CZK per year. Over the years, it will be              quality of existing urban green areas or creating new
necessary to gradually repair or change some                  ones, multifunctionality and connectivity are always
elements [19]. Larger investments in renewal are              crucial.
expected every 15 years (play elements, gazebo,                  In order to achieve the objectives expected from
roads, replanting of greenery, etc.).                         the application of GI its and appropriate measures in
   In the case of the green roof, the reconstruction of       the context of the adaptation of cities to climate
the original building, the creation of the adjacent           change, it is necessary to use the principles,
educational garden and the construction of the                processes and forms of intervention in terms of
passive building cost a total of 103.9 million CZK.           flexibility and adaptability of spatial planning. This
Operating costs are mainly the mowing and watering            discipline can ensure a more sustainable balance
of the intensively used part during the summer heat           between the requirements of urban SD, water
[21]. The reconstruction cost was about 20 percent            management and ecosystem services through
more than originally estimated. The return on each            deliberate and adaptive processes. The holistic
technology used in the Open Garden area is between            approach and the well-planned implementation of
7-10 years. Their expected service life is at least 20        adaptation measures, whether in the field of water
years (photovoltaic panels). The lifespan of a passive        management or spatial planning, can help create
house is according to the investors considered to be          more viable cities that are resilient to climate change.
between 40-80 years.                                          The integration of innovative methods in conjunction
   The result of the grass covered tram track                 with interdisciplinary approaches can positively
reconstruction, where the cost of the whole                   affect the microclimate and temperature in
construction amounted to almost 46 million CZK                urbanizations, support the small urban water cycle
includes also the reconstruction of two tram stops.           and help combat the effects and consequences of
The cost also includes side panels, fastener covers,          climate change.
and vegetation in the rail area and on the sides, lawn
irrigation as well as its independent maintenance
[22].In addition, the combination of rubber side              Acknowledgements
panels on rails and lawns reduces traffic noise as well          This article was created as part of application of
as dust. The estimated return of the investment of            project VEGA No 1/0511/19 and VEGA 1/0382/19.
tram track reconstruction will be in 5-7 years.

     764                                                              TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 2 / 2021.
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TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 757-765, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-33, May 2021.

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