Innovative financial technologies as a factor of competitiveness in the banking

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SHS Web of Conferences 69, 00043 (2019)                                               

    Innovative financial technologies as a factor of competitiveness
    in the banking
    Marina Glushchenko1,*, Naila Hodasevich2, and Natalia Kaufman2
    1Department   of Management and Service, Omsk State Technical University, 11, Mira av., 644050, Omsk, Russia,
    2Department   of State municipal management and personnel management, Surgut State University, 1, Lenin av., 628403, Surgut, Russia

                  Abstract. The models for the implementation and development of financial services and services are
                  changing due to the global transformation of the financial and economic sphere, which is caused by the
                  emergence of innovative financial technologies. This leads to a fundamental change in the financial market
                  and the factors that determine the leading positions of its participants. Only the use of innovative
                  technologies in the banking business ensures a high level of competitiveness in the market and further
                  expansion of the client base. Banks are rebuilding traditional financial business models through cooperation
                  with FinTech-industry, reforming business processes in areas such as banking services for individuals,
                  lending and financing, payments, money transfers, asset management, currency exchange, insurance,
                  blockchain transactions. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends in the development of new
                  financial technologies of banking. The authors identify the most important technologies that ensure the
                  dynamic development of the global financial market and the fundamental transformation of the banking
                  business in the past decade. In the article, the authors investigate the degree of their prevalence and the main
                  areas of application in the field of banking, consider the successful practices of implementing of FinTech in
                  the development of financial services.

  1 Introduction                                                             The formation of new socio-economic realities led to
                                                                         the growth of applied scientific research in the field of
  The rapid development of technological innovations in                  FinTech. In the scientific works of foreign scientists
  the 21st century is changing the face of the modern                    investigated the historical development of financial
  world and determining the new architecture of the global               technologies [1], considered the latest methods and
  economy. The growth of technological innovation                        algorithms for analyzing Big Data, as well as the
  generates an increase in financial flows from their                    possibilities in their use to achieve high competitiveness
  commercialization. The development of financial                        [2], identified the problems encountered when working
  innovation has become one of the main trends in the                    with Big Data in the field of finance, security, health [3].
  development of the digital economy. Companies of                           Singaporean researchers have investigated the latest
  various fields of activity demonstrate the practice of their           developments in the field of digital banking and
  successful application. Retail, telecommunications,                    cryptocurrency, highlighting the main importance of
  pharmaceuticals, agriculture effectively use innovative                mobile technologies for using cryptocurrency as a
  financial technologies in their activities. Financial                  financial asset [4]. Scientific research [5] is devoted to
  technologies have qualitatively changed the areas of                   the blockchain technology and the advantages of its use
  insurance, lending, accounting services, real estate                   in financial services.
  appraisal, asset management, investment and other                           A large research team [6] conducted a comparative
  sectors of the financial market. Government and                        analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of peer-to-
  regulatory agencies are showing increasing interest in                 peer lending practices of two leading European
  the latest financial technologies. The use of innovative               platforms. Scientists from the USA and Spain [7]
  financial technologies ensures the efficiency of decisions             conducted a broad study of the strategic issues of online
  in resolving emerging legal issues, the speed of                       banking in banks.
  promotion of new banking products and services, a                          The studies of leading Russian scientists [8] reflect
  comprehensive solution to the issues of security of                    the issues of the current state and prospects for the
  financial transactions, improving the financial literacy of            development of innovative technologies in Russia and
  the population and the availability of financial services.             abroad, features and problems of the digital
  The innovations used by banks in their activities are the              transformation of the regional and sectoral economies.
  most significant in the last decade, as they became the
  cause of global transformations of the banking business.

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SHS Web of Conferences 69, 00043 (2019)                                       

   2 Materials and methods (model)                                   Santander are intended to use the Ripple Protocol for
                                                                     payments between the US and Britain, and some major
   Banking services and technologies are innovative in the           Asian banks – for cross-border payments. In September
   financial sector for 5-10 years after its entry into the          2018, Ripple Net technologies have been integrated into
   market. This period is the average time for their                 the national commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia, which is
   introduction and popularization in the sector of financial        one of the largest banks in the Middle East [9].
   customer service. The purpose of this study is to identify            However, despite the fact that the blockchain
   the main financial innovations that have been widely              provides an increase in the speed, efficiency and
   used in the banking industry in the last decade.                  transparency of transactions in all sectors of the
       The subject of the research is financial innovations          economy, the manufacturing sector still leaves this
   that generate high competitive advantages of those banks          technology unattended [10].
   that have managed to integrate innovative technological               Experts believe the most promising areas in the
   solutions into traditional business processes. In the study       blockchain to be health and medicine, logistics, land
   were used both theoretical and empirical methods of               cadastre, state and corporate document management. The
   scientific knowledge. Methods of comparative and                  first experience of using blockchain technology in public
   logical analysis allowed to process the facts of economic         administration has appeared. Estonia together with the
   reality and identify the main trends in the development           Guardtime blockchain startup are implementing the
   of new financial technologies, explore the basic                  creation of a unified database of medical records for the
   technological solutions and services that ensure the              population, making the information available for sharing
   dynamic development of the global financial market in             among clinics as well as insurance companies. So do the
   the last decade. The article identifies the main areas of         companies: Prescrypt (together with SNS Bank and
   their application, examines the current successful                Deloitte) in the Netherlands and BitHealth in the United
   practices of their implementation in the processes and            States. In Sweden Chroma Way together with a partner
   development of retail banking. This is the applied results        Bank are establishing a unified land register on the
   of this research.                                                 blockchain basis in order to facilitate the purchase and
                                                                     sale procedures to sellers and buyers, as well as banks
                                                                     providing loans secured by land. The same projects are
   3 Results and discussion                                          implemented in Georgia together with BitFury, in Ghana
   Having studied foreign and Russian theoretical studies,           with cBitLand. The UAE transfers the entire state
   the practice of leading world banks, technological                document flow to the blockchain basis by 2020. The
   developments of financial startups, it can be stated that         state of Delaware (USA) introduces blockchain
   the most promising financial technologies for the                 technology in the system of registration of companies,
   development of digital banking were innovative                    issue of shares, decisions of boards of Directors,
   developments described below.                                     redistribution of shares as a result of purchase and sale.
                                                                     The British company Everledger provides tracking and
                                                                     provenance for diamonds, art objects and elite alcohol
    2.1 Blockchain                                                   [11]. In Russia the real estate register is transfered on the
                                                                     blockchain platform. In changing the property rights the
   The financial industry is replenished daily with the latest
                                                                     data are recorded into the Unified State Register of
   and improved technologies. Thus, experts called 2017
                                                                     Immovable Property (USRIP) and copied to the register
   the year of cryptocurrencies, and 2018 was presented as
                                                                     on the Ethereum blockchain basis. In this case, non-
   the year of blockchain technologies. Blockchain
                                                                     changeable history of object ownership will be
   technology has a huge potential to change all the
                                                                     accumulated [12].
   traditional functions of the economy. It improves the
                                                                         At the end of 2017 the world's largest investment
   security of financial transactions, the decentralization of
                                                                     Goldman Sachs Bank called blockchain technology "The
   services and the speed of entry into the market for new
                                                                     New Technology of Trust": "It combines the openness of
   products. Blockchain guarantees secure data storage and
                                                                     the internet with the security of cryptography to give
   processing of cross-border payments. The use of
                                                                     everyone a faster, safer way to verify key information
   blockchain leads to so-called "smart contracts" that
                                                                     and establish trust" [13].
   automatically complete commercial transactions.
                                                                         Specialists of the venture Santander Inno Ventures
   Currently, companies of various fields of activity are
                                                                     Fund (London, UK), supporting the development and
   interested in blockchain technologies. At the same time,
                                                                     dissemination of digital financial technologies, believe
   the level of interest in different sectors of the economy
                                                                     that the use of blockchain technology can help banks to
   varies significantly. The financial sector is actively and
                                                                     save up to $20 billion infrastructure costs by 2022 [14].
   everywhere introducing blockchain technology. For
   example, the payment systems VISA, Mastercard,
   Unionpay and Swift announced their intention to use               2.2 Robo-advisor
   blockchain  technologies  in  2017.  The  «Ripple»  
   cryptocurrency blockchain-based platform for payment              Robo-advising is the intersection of traditional financial
   systems has been created, focused on operations with              consultancy with online technology adapted for
   currency exchange without chargebacks. In December                customers without investment experience. Robo-advisors
   2017, Ripple reported that American Express and                   provide an online service for creating a client's

SHS Web of Conferences 69, 00043 (2019)                                        

  investment portfolio from stock investment products.               provides customers with equal access to a wide range of
  They are available not only to VIP clients, but also to            investment technologies. It establishes a link between the
  investors with a small check. Robo-advising helps to               key players of the entire financial sector: investors, fund
  create an investment portfolio diversified for each                managers, brokers, investment banks and business
  client's individual financial goal. The robo-adviser learns        products (online investment community). In 2017 Trade
  the client's attitude to risk through a questionnaire, then        Socio has introduced a new online investment platform,
  based on the created risk profile and the client's goal            Alpha 2017, to the financial market, which allows
  forms his investment portfolio. The process of creating            brokers and business-developers to connect to fund
  an investment portfolio is based on fiduciary                      managers and traders and enables them to provide high-
  responsibility, reliability and transparency standards set         quality investment solutions to their customers [17].
  by the regulator.
      Robo-consulting does not include robots themselves,
                                                                     2.4 Open Banking and API
  but it is based on algorithms of sequential actions. The
  client fills in the online form, outlining his circumstances       Traditionally, banks have always created and controlled
  and needs, and the algorithm selects certain products for          channels and applications to enable customers to receive
  investment or can make an investment for the client                the access to their services. The Open Banking Service
  (depending on the platform).                                       provides the opportunity for third parties to analyze or
      Robo-consultants are fast, cheap and efficient. In the         use customer data. With the help of open API
  financial sector, Robo-consultants can be used in almost           (application programming interface), third-party
  all aspects of investment: organization of the client's            developers get access to banking systems and create their
  debt, optimal solution of tax issues, financial planning,          own channels and means of interaction with customers.
  creation and management of the investment portfolio.               Third-party applications receive information on
  The robo-consultant makes financial management easier              customer accounts, the formation and tracking of
  and more accessible for both experienced and novice                payments. As a result, customers have the opportunity to
  investors.                                                         see their Bank accounts and transactions, as well as
      Most likely, the penetration of Robo-advising in the           manage them using external portals that do not belong to
  financial sector will be increased. The Bank of Russia             banks [18]. The Open Banking system assumes that third
  estimated the total volume of assets around the world              parties can analyze financial data of users, as well as
  under the control of the robot consultants to be $50               withdraw funds directly from personal bank accounts,
  billion in 2016 [15]. Bank of America estimates that the           without confirming with the bank. Open APIs create
  use of robots and artificial intelligence will cost up to          good conditions for innovation and perhaps even
  $153 billion by 2020.                                              revolution in banking and payments. Bank customers
      Robo-advising has not only positive aspects, but also          expect to receive faster and more convenient access to
  a negative moment for the world labor market. Bank of              their funds and financial resources, which motivates
  America predicts that by 2025 the employment cost may              banks for the collaboration with startups in the field of
  be reduced by $9 trillion though the work automation by            application development.
  using artificial intelligence, which results in significant
  job cuts in the global economy.
                                                                     2.5 BigData

  2.3 The financial ecosystem                                        The BigData technologies allow one to process different
                                                                     aspects of the rapidly coming into very large amounts of
  The financial ecosystem is a huge competitive advantage            structured and poorly structured data about the
  of banks and financial companies in the struggle for               customers simultaneously. Since 2011, the use of
  customers and one of the main conditions for increasing            BigData opportunities has become a trend in many
  business profitability. The ecosystem integrates many              industries (telecommunications, retail, healthcare).
  services of different nature on one IT-platform, their             Global retail leaders (Amazon, eBay) have been tracking
  providers being not only banks themselves, but also                consumer behavior for more than 10 years, using
  third-party organizations. The ecosystem allows to                 BigData analysis, and focus it to new products.
  collect and process a huge amount of customer data both            However, banks began to use such opportunities to
  on-line and off-line, to build effective communication             transform their business processes over the past few
  through any available channels and provide a variety of            years [19]. Using generally accepted information
  remote services to customers. The ecosystem involves               (passport data, banking history) and non-traditional
  the creation of a network of organizations around a                information about the client (social networks profile,
  single technology platform, which makes it possible to             data from smartphone manufacturers and mobile
  use its services to generate offers and access to them for         operators), banks have a huge array of data that is used
  customers. The proposed service becomes simple and                 for quality customer service, risk management, anti-
  understandable for the consumer, since the client                  fraud, segmentation and assessment of customer
  receives all the services, which he needs at the moment,           creditworthiness, personnel management, forecasting
  in one place on one platform [16].                                 queues in offices, calculating bonuses for employees,
      Cyprus FinTech Company Trade Socio uses a unique               cost optimization and other tasks.
  technology of creating an investment ecosystem that

SHS Web of Conferences 69, 00043 (2019)                                      

       Customers continue to expect more and more                   2.7 Online banks (Neo-banks)
   personalized service from their banks. It is BigData
   analysis that serves as a tool, which allows banks to            Neo-banks are fully online banks without office network,
   adjust standard financial products to the individual needs       built on new technology platforms, in contrast to the
   of their customers.                                              traditional banks outdated infrastructure. Virtual banks
                                                                    are a new online service in the financial technology
                                                                    market. By optimizing non-interest expenses (documents
   2.6 P2P-lending                                                  circulation, staff wages, expenses for collection, storage,
                                                                    money, data processing) neo-banks offer customers more
   Р2Р   (Peer-to-Peer) lending technology provides a link
                                                                    favourable conditions, such as lower loan rates and
   between those, who have money and those, who want to
                                                                    higher interest rates thanks to economy on business
   borrow it. Equal partner (P2P) lending excludes all
                                                                    processes. The corporate neo-bank standard is a
   intermediaries from the lending process: banks and other
                                                                    completely new level of customer service and first-class
   financial institutions. P2P-lending connects borrowers
                                                                    user support. The client can ask absolutely any question
   (individuals and legal entities) directly with creditors.
                                                                    with any words in the messenger or video, as if he asks
   The latest P2P technological platforms are popular
                                                                    advice from a friend, and he is immediately answered.
   because of fast and convenient services, the ability to
                                                                        At the end of 2016 according to the Burnmark
   circumvent the requirements of state regulation, more
                                                                    Research Center there were almost 70 neo-banks
   comfortable conditions for a loan obtaining. At the same
                                                                    worldwide [21]. The leader in the field of neo-banking is
   time, this type of lending subjects customers to increased
                                                                    the UK, where about 40 banking startups are registered,
   risk, as depositors do not receive such protection as in
                                                                    such as Atom, Bank to the Future, Civilised, Fidor,
   commercial banks.
                                                                    Ffrees, Hampden&Co, ipagoo, Lintel, Loot, Metro,
       The first P2P-lending platform appeared in the UK in
                                                                    Monese, Monzo, Neat, Numbrs, Oak North, One
   2005. To date, the project Zopa (Zone of Possible
                                                                    Savings, Shawbrook, Starling, Taqanu, Tandem, Tide,
   Agreement) is one of the largest players in the financial
                                                                    TSB, William&Glyn, Zopa. There is a burst of activity
   market. USA is the world market leader in P2P lending.
                                                                    in the neo-bank formation in Europe. Notable players in
   In 2015, the volume of P2P-lending in this country
                                                                    the market are Soon (France), Bunq (Netherlands), Che
   exceeded $ 77 billion, that is 15 times more than in
                                                                    Banca! (Italy), Lunar Way (Denmark) and N26
   2012. The most popular foreign P2P companies are:
                                                                    (Germany). Monese, Tandem, Monzo, Atom Starling.
   American Lending Club, On Deck Prosper, Sofi, and
                                                                        Neo-banks are divided into two categories: those that
   British Funding Circle, Zopa and Rate Setter. The share
                                                                    offer a full range of banking services (such as Atom and
   of the three mentioned British services constitutes 64%
                                                                    Starling), and banks – client applications (such as Loot).
   of the total loans.
                                                                    The second category of neo-banks is spread in the
       Traditional banks begin to collaborate with P2P
                                                                    United States (Simple, Moven), since neo-banks are not
   platforms, either as agents or as co-creditors. Banks have
                                                                    allowed to obtain a General banking licence in America.
   appreciated the potential of the new P2P-lending
                                                                        There is a very low activity of neo-banks in Asia,
   technology and do not want to miss this segment of
                                                                    which are presented by Neat from Hong Kong, YoloLite
   additional profits. Thus, at the end of 2017 one of the
                                                                    from Singapore, Momo and Timo from Vietnam, Finja
   most famous platforms, the American On Deck,
                                                                    from Pakistan, Point and Rocketbank from Russia.
   announced a strategic cooperation with JP Morgan for
                                                                    Asian neo-banks (Yes Bank, We Bank), as a rule, appear
   joint lending to small businesses. In Europe, such
                                                                    on the trade platforms and chat rooms basis, and these
   cooperation is also becoming popular. Goldman Sachs
                                                                    are significantly different from European or American.
   has created a public non-bank company – Goldman
   Sachs BDC, which invests in P2P-lending portfolios of
   medium-sized businesses, and, in addition, announced             3 Conclusion
   the development of a digital platform that allows issuing
   loans in the amount of $ 15,000 - $ 20,000 [20].                 In the era of global digitalization of the economy, banks,
       Over the ten years of its existence, P2P has reached         using advanced financial technologies, create more and
   such a level of development that no one has any doubts           more new ways of interacting with customers and
   about its viability and prospects. Today, P2P-lending is a       provide unique products and services with access from
   recognized financial instrument with great potential for         anywhere in the world. Relations between banks and
   development. According to the forecasts of Foundation            customers reach a new level of service, which is new
   Capital, the volume of the world market of P2P-lending           ways to get services, a personalized approach to service,
   will reach one trillion dollars by 2025.                         the introduction of product lines of retail banking
       Despite the fact that many start-up companies                products and services adapted to individual customer
   operating in the P2P segment are actively gaining                requests, customer empowerment through self-service
   momentum, there is a trend of consolidation with banks,          and online shopping. The speed of customer service is
   confirming the effectiveness of banks and P2P-platforms          increased tenfold, and the quality and safety of financial
   partnership.                                                     operations are improved. This leads to the expansion of
                                                                    the client base of banks and the growth of business
                                                                    profitability. Thus, banks, cooperating with financial
                                                                    start-ups and using FinTech projects, ensure a high level

SHS Web of Conferences 69, 00043 (2019)                                    

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