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P.01 What is CONCERTO ? P.02-03 What is RENAISSANCE ? P.04 GRAND LYON, France P.05-06 RENAISSANCE project in Confluence P.07 Local partners APPROACH P.08 ZARAGOZA, Spain P.09-10 RENAISSANCE project in Valdespartera & Picarral CONTENTS P.11 Local partners APPROACH P.12 LOMBARDY REGION, Italy P.13 RENAISSANCE Project PARTNERS P.14-15 RENAISSANCE methodology P.16 LESSONS LEARNT 5 PHASES OF APPROPRIATION + 19 CASE STUDIES Urban planning and energy policies District, site and buildings planning Construction, equipments installation and delivery Operation & maintenance Building usages X
WHAT IS C0ONCERT0O ? What is CONCERTO ? Presentation of the district 3D model of one CONCERTO project (Lyon) CONCERTO is a European Commission initiative within the 6th European Research Framework Programme which aims to demonstrate that the optimisation of the building sector of whole communities is more efficient and cheaper than optimisation of each building individually. It started in 2005 and supports 22 projects all over Europe. EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK Within CONCERTO programmes, 58 communities in 23 countries integrate innovative energy efficiency measures with a substantial contribution from decen- In June 2010, tralised renewable energy sources (RES), smart grids, European Union (EU) leaders adopted the district heating/cooling systems and energy manage- “Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable ment systems in large groups of buildings. CONCERTO and inclusive growth” for the coming decade. demonstrates good examples for sustainable district development as well as for refurbishment of buildings. To this end, the so-called The results so far have been very encouraging : 20 / 20 / 20 EU targets CONCERTO cities and communities have shown that were set to be met by the year 2020, through : through implementation of renewable energy sources, X a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions innovative technologies and an integrated approach, exis- of at least 20 % below 1990 levels ; ting buildings can cut their CO2 emissions by up to 50 %, X 20 % of final energy consumption to come at acceptable costs. from renewable sources ; X a reduction in primary energy use The results will pave the way for future European legis- of 20 % from projected levels to be achieved lation in the form of energy policy recommendations by improving energy efficiency. for the 2020 energy and climate change targets and the 2050 Energy Roadmap. By March 2011, Via community-based awareness raising actions and the more than 3,700 local authorities have joined size of demonstration sites, CONCERTO is an interme- the Covenant of Mayors ( diate step between a building oriented approach and – committing to go beyond these targets ! Such an approach looking at the city as a whole, the later a voluntary commitment of local decision-makers subject being addressed in the “Smart Cities & Commu- to support a European policy is probably nities initiative”. a first in the history of the EU. FURTHER INFORMATION WWW.CONCERTO.EU 01
What is RENAISSANCE ? Biomass fuel supply (Lombardia) CUS, Valdespartera (Zaragoza) #ONmUENCE,YON RENEWABLE ENERGY ACTING IN SUSTAINABLE AND NOVEL COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES RENAISSANCE project has demonstrated that ambi- They can be classified in five main categories : tious urban regeneration programmes in two large X Innovative eco-building solutions, built on with communities of contrasting character, Grand Lyon thermal simulations (France) and Zaragoza (Spain), can benefit from an X Renewable energy sources (mainly wood fuel and integrated energy approach. photovoltaics) X Commercial and fiscal solutions such as ESCo The Region of Lombardy (Italy) took part as an obser- X Socio-economic activities mainly focusing on inhabi- ver partner and carried out several research activities tants behaviour on technical, legal and social issues related to fuel Comprehensive monitoring to assess actual energy wood supply. performance of buildings and to improve knowledge regarding energy efficiency The ambitious energy efficiency goals applied to the project, coupled with a high contribution of re- In addition, several activities have been carried out newable energy, demonstrated that drastic reductions to encourage local and national energy policies and re- in conventional energy consumption (up to 70 %) are gulations to leap-frog in terms of energy efficiency and achievable at reasonable costs and acceptable financial renewable energy targets, by exploiting the unique risks on energy saving investments. opportunities for innovation offered by demonstration projects of this size. As showcases, RENAISSANCE included a com- prehensive programme of Research and Tech- Last but not least, the project focused on streng- nical Development (RTD) as well as active and thening the capacity of project stakeholders in- widespread dissemination activities. RTD activities volved at each stage of the building process (from de- addressed all phases of the construction process sign to commissioning), through training and expert from planning, building design, construction, buil- technical support. ding operation and maintenance to building usage.
WHAT IS RENAISSANCE ? #ONmUENCE,YON Valdespartera (Zaragoza) In both cities, strong political In total, 19 organisations parti- commitment to sustainable deve- RENAISSANCE AT A GLANCE cipated in this project, involving lopment, social involvement and a large range of diverse stake- public-private partnerships have holders, from local authorities to been the main factors of success. 7,700 m2 1,220 m2 technical and socio-economical of refurbishment of solar thermal experts, non-profit organisations, RENAISSANCE project produced (residential & school) panels universities, energy services com- hard data and new knowledge panies and real-estate develo- regarding public attitudes to new 143,300 m2 225 kW pers. energy futures, planning policy de- of new buildings of gas and geothermal velopment, building design, moni- (residential, offices, heat pump RENAISSANCE project demons- toring energy systems, commercial exhibition centre) trated that practical solutions to In total the project energy services structures and local achieved local energy needs, applied in fuel supply chains. Main lessons 350 kWp of highly innovative ways, have a learnt and recommendations to photovoltaic systems a reduction large and immediate potential policy makers and practitioners are of 67 % for replication across the rest of consolidated in the present docu- 2,200 kW of of conventional final Europe, paving the way towards ment in the form of case studies. biomass wood boilers energy consumption1. Post-Carbon Cities. 1 Not taking into account energy saving introduced by heat pump. 02 FURTHER INFORMATION WWW.RENAISSANCE-PROJECT.EU – 03
GRAND LYON, France Grand Lyon Community is an urban community which includes Lyon, the second largest city in France, and 57 peripheral towns. The Confluence area is a 150-hectare site located at the southern tip of Lyon’s peninsula, on land which was originally reclaimed from the surrounding waters in the late 18th century. Cut off from the rest of the city by the railway tracks and highway, the site is currently home to a lively, working- class neighbourhood, originally established in the 19th century, as well as a vast expanse of industrial wasteland (70 hectares). The Lyon Confluence project is one of the most ambitious city-centre urban regeneration projects in Europe. It will extend the centre of Lyon to the very tip of the peninsula by means of high-quality development projects that meet stringent quality criteria in terms of urban planning, architecture, environmental impact and landscaping. The aim of the project is to create a vibrant, bustling neighbourhood that is both economically and socially diverse.
GRAND LY0ON - FRANCE RENAISSANCE project in Confluence West view of the blocks A, B and C Three construction zones (named blocks A, B and C) within the Lyon Confluence urban development project were chosen as the demonstration site for Grand Lyon’s European CONCERTO project, RENAISSANCE. Real estate developers were selected early in 2005, a little before the CONCERTO- RENAISSANCE programme was signed, and construction took place between 2007 and 2010. All these construction projects had to respect the specific criteria laid down for energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, derived from CONCERTO specifications. They also had to comply with High Environmental Quality (“HQE®”) criteria amongst which were specifications of reinforced insulation, careful selection of materials, rainwater management and natural ventilation. ENERGY EFFICIENCY (kWh/m2/year) RENAISSANCE targets Housing < 60 Office < 40 AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Heating RT 2000 110 - OBJECTIVES Domestic Hot Water (DHW) RENAISSANCE targets RT 2000 < 25 40
XLuxury properties : 44 % HOUSING XStandard and mid-price rental : 33 % XSocial housing schemes : 23 % A B C SAÔNE PARK (Block A) LYON ISLANDS (Block B) MONOLITHE (Block C) X8 buildings, X12 buildings, X1 building X225 dwellings, X300 dwellings, X150 dwellings X19,900 m2 of flats X27,400 m2 of flats X12,600 m2 of flats and 15,400 m2 of offices Expected* Expected* Expected* energy performance : energy performance : energy performance : Offices : 21 - 37 kWh / m2 / year 26 - 42 kWh / m2 / year 35 - 68 kWh/m2/year Housing : 36 - 52 kWh / m2 / year X 1 x 540 kW X 2 x 540 kW X 1 x 540 kW Pellets with gas boiler Pellets with gas boiler Fuelled with wood chips, for peak demand for peak demand with gas boiler for peak demand X 79 kWp X 121 kWp X 65 kWp Building integrated (BIPV) X Heat pumps X 239 m2 of solar thermal X 250 m2 of solar thermal on extracted air from dwellings panels and gas boiler panels and gas boiler and on water from cooling floor in summer Wood fuel boiler Photovoltaics Domestic Hot Water (DHW) (*)These energy consumption values have been obtained through dynamic thermal simulations. However, the actual performance values will be verified by the monitoring campaign ending in summer 2012. STRATEGIES USED TO MEET A HIGH LEVEL OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR HEATING, COOLING AND ELECTRICITY DEMAND XPassive solar design XStrict specifications XDemand side energy efficiency Passive gains, natural lighting on airtightness and conservation and sun protections XInsulation of hot water Standby power interruption XEnvelop insulation distribution networks switch, low electricity consumption High performance windows XVentilation with heat recovery light bulbs, occupancy sensors and several types of insulation : or with humidity sensors in commons, flow restrictor exterior, single-wall insulating on the inlet and outlet to limit DHW demand and brick or interior with XCross-ventilation for water consumption, etc. thermal bridge breakers natural cooling Flats with double orientation
GRAND LY0ON - FRANCE LOCAL PARTNERS APPROACH to meet project challenges At each step of the project, different technical support and building competency to meet the challenges of the expected final energy performance of building. BUILDING DESIGN PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE BUILDING USAGE AND XTechnical support was put XConstruction site visits OPERATION & MAINTENANCE in place in the form of monthly by energy efficiency experts to XResidents were involved in the meetings to provide assistance closely follow the implementation on the design of low energy of insulation and airtightness project once flats were put up consumption buildings, sizing techniques and the installation for sale. RENAISSANCE experts, and positioning of renewable of energy efficient and renewable promotors and developpers joined energy systems and defining energy systems in order to ensure to organise information sessions technical solutions to meet the that technical specifications agreed to promote and explain building High Environmental Quality on during the design phase were particularities and residents criteria. RENAISSANCE experts respected. These visits were contributions to energy savings. provided technical support to pursued even after the delivery XA very detailed monitoring promoters and their energy- of dwellings to verify that detected engineering consultants. defects had been corrected. campaign on energy demand and wood fuel delivery and XDynamic thermal simulations XTraining for craftsmen consumption was planned were made to estimate energy of different professions with the installation of hundreds consumption of one dwelling per were provided on the subject of sensors. After one full building in order to evaluate the of airtightness. This educational year of measurements, it will technical design choices made program was later extended be possible to draw some by architects and engineers, to training of trainers. conclusions on the actual and adapt the design if necessary. energy performance of buildings XAnalysis of the impact of and on building operation. XA study on short rotation improved energy performance XA study of operation and coppice was realized to assess of buildings on the level of rents the feasibility of an energy crop and charges in social housing. maintenance (O&M) contracts supply chain from short rotation has initiated a reflection on coppice in the surroundings of main elements and special Lyon that would serve to fuel clauses to integrate in O&M the whole Confluence district. contracts to guarantee targeted energy performance. XA study tour was organised XWith the same objective, in the Netherlands in order to show building designers training on the operation and promoters large-scale and maintenance of energy innovative photovoltaic building efficient buildings, ventilation and integration techniques. renewable energy systems were organised for O&M companies. 06 – 07
ZARAGOZA, Spain Zaragoza is the fifth largest city of Spain, situated in the northern part of the country. The RENAISSANCE project has been carried out in two districts with two different but complementary approaches. “Valdespartera” district is an ancient military precinct in the Zaragoza outskirts that has been transformed into a bioclimatic neighbourhood with 9,650 social housings. The RENAISSANCE project is involved with the construction of social housing and an interpretation centre. The “Picarral” neighbourhood was planned in the 1940’s during the rural-urban migration with very poor quality construction. The neighbourhood, ageing and occupied by the working class, has been the second area of intervention of the project, involving refurbishment works for residential buildings and a public school. In addition, considerable work on energy performance monitoring, socio-economical studies and software design has been carried out in parallel, making RENAISSANCE not only a building construction project but also providing a holistic approach to integrate rational use of energy at a neighbourhood scale.
ZARAG0OZA - SPAIN RENAISSANCE project in Valdespartera & Picarral Valdespartera new buildings VALDESPARTERA PICARRAL The RENAISSANCE project includes paign and developed the social work Picarral was involved in the project specific actions on 616 apartments, with the neighbourhood residents. through the refurbishment of 196 with 64 027 built square meters. An New technologies have been inte- apartments (14,422 m2). Being a pilot interpretation centre on urban sus- grated in the neighbourhood. In the experience not only for Zaragoza tainability (CUS) has been designed, interpretation centre a tele-control- but for Spain, the project attracted constructed and set up. led net is monitoring water supply, the interest of many municipalities. irrigation, sewage, lighting... allowing A public school (Cándido Domingo), The neighbourhood was designed control and measurement. built in 1971, has been refurbished, from the beginning with a sustai- with a total area of 1,914 m2, work led nable urban design plan, which Renewable energies have been inte- by Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza. All the improves the efficiency of the bio- grated in the project, with a selec- refurbishment plans have been evalua- climatic buildings. The participation tion of the most appropriate for each ted by CENER, a national public insti- of public institutions has been very building. In Valdespartera 654m2 tution specialized in renewable energy. important. Ayuntamiento de Zarago- of solar thermal panels for DHW za (Municipality), which has a strong have been integrated on the project In Picarral, renewable energies also commitment to sustainable deve- buildings (reaching a total amount of play an important role. In the public lopment, promoted the idea of the 9,000 m2 in the neighbourhood). In school Cándido Domingo an 18 kWp eco-neighbourhood, creating Eco- the interpretation centre, a 45kW photovoltaic system has been instal- ciudad Valdespartera Zaragoza. This geothermal and reversible water- led on the roof of the building. Also, institute managed the design and water heat pump has been installed photovoltaic panels have been inte- construction of the neighbourhood and integrated with a biomass boiler grated in refurbished buildings with an and the interpretation centre. The of 37kW. One of the most innova- innovative economical solution desig- initial bioclimatic buildings (4 blocks) tive solutions is the one designed by ned by Sociedad Municipal Zaragoza were developed by Sociedad Munici- URBIC, which consists of a collective Vivienda : the economical benefits of pal Zaragoza Vivienda. The Universi- energy efficient gas heat pump for the energy sale will be invested in the dad de Zaragoza assisted their design cooling and heating integrated in an building refurbishment. Also 240 m2 phase, set up the monitoring cam- ESCo model. solar thermal panels have been inte- grated in the Picarral buildings. 08 – 09
Cándido Domingo School after refurbishment works (Picarral) PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP The participation of private com- (kWh/m2/year) New buildings Refurbished Refurbished Interpretation panies in the project enables the buildings school centre development of commercially in- Heating 25 52 51.5 79 novative solutions. The enginee- Domestic Hot Water 9.5 14 - - ring company URBIC has set-up (DHW) the previously-mentioned ESCo Cooling 11 1.4 13.9 61 and has played an important 70 % 40 % Share of role in the design phase of the renewable energy 64% (*) of solar thermal of electricity 90%(**) for DHW consumption building’s systems. ENDESA, an international company, has contri- * It combines the passive solar gain (average 50% of heating demand) plus thermal solar for DHW (70%) buted with its experience on gas ** Heating and cooling energy is renewable except heat pump with geothermal energy and electricity consumption and management at the district scale. The monitoring campaign, with of construction problems with more than 750 probes installed improper user behaviour resulting and 220 apartments monitored, in extra consumption of energy. when combined with the feed- Thus, a characterization of user back of the social work with types and events which result in the neighbours, has proved to extra consumption has led to the be very important in improving creation of a web based system to building efficiency. The project provide users with specific recom- enabled a combined study of the mendations in order to avoid these analysis of energy system per- energy consuming behaviours. formance plus the identification STRATEGIES USED TO MEET A HIGH LEVEL OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR HEATING, COOLING AND ELECTRICITY DEMAND XUrban planning to ensure solar XHigh insulation of the buildings XNight cross-ventilation gains and cross ventilation, and to coupled with massive walls to coupled with thermal inertia to get create a temperate microclimate ensure inertia a reduction in diurnal temperature XHigh performance windows : XInsulation of thermal double-glazing and frames without distribution networks thermal bridge and double windows XStrict specifications on air on North and West sides façades tightness
ZARAG0OZA - SPAIN LOCAL PARTNERS APPROACH to meet project challenges URBAN DESIGN PHASE PICARRAL REFURBISHED BUILDINGS XIt was necessary to convince BUILDING USAGE, XThe urban plan was designed inhabitants to engage OPERATION & MAINTENANCE according to the Zaragoza refurbishments as they are often XA widespread monitoring campaign climate. A “right to the sun” has reluctant. Improvements in energy been granted through fixing a consumption and economical coordinated with public awareness maximum height to buildings and savings have to be explained, bank and training activities has been optimizing distances between loans must be managed and all of one of the most important tasks: buildings. All the buildings are this requires significant fieldwork. without adequate information rectangular and face south for and training of inhabitants, energy consumption of bioclimatic more efficiency and to optimize solar gains and cross ventilation. CONSTRUCTION PHASE buildings can be higher than XConstruction site visits were consumption in standard buildings. XStreetsare designed to allow carried out by RENAISSANCE XUsers heating demand is in inner cross ventilation in buildings experts to check for potential air leaks and to stop the cold and dry general lower or equal to simulated or poor insulation. Infrared images value (53 % of the 1,600 houses wind called “cierzo”. Gardens and blower door tests revealed and roads have been designed analyzed), this is positive. However, some defects that were corrected. to promote quiet streets. despite the intense campaign XA control of renewable energy developed with monthly articles, XVegetation regulates the local systems to identify defaults in meetings, posters, etc., there are still microclimate. Deciduous trees allow installation and maintenance was 31.5 % of dwellings that consume the sun to heat streets and façades carried out. training technicians and up to three times the targeted in winter, while in summer they stop monitoring facilities is necessary performance (cf. Figure below) solar radiation. Vegetation has been to ensure optimal efficiency. XFirst data shows that for most selected according to the climate and to minimise irrigation needs. XInefficientdesign and improper of dwellings the summer air maintenance combined with excessive conditioning is not required with use of heating leads to excessive losses proper use of bioclimatic design BUILDING/REFURBISHMENT (46,3 %). The analysis carried out (heat island effect mitigation, night DESIGN PHASE shows that heating needs correspond cross ventilation and thermal mass reducing temperature peaks). More to 42.6 % and DHW to 11.1 % VALDESPARTERA NEW BUILDINGS precise data will be available after XBetter control during the the summer 2012 and compared XMunicipal regulations specifically construction process and after to the low cooling loads obtain defined for Valdespartera establish occupation is required. New laws from simulation (11 kWh/m2/yr). specific envelope parameters could make this possible and (U values, % of glazing, dimension inexpensive in the overall process. of the overhangs, etc.). XPrior to the construction phase, HEATING ENERGY KWH/M2 / 59 60 the Universidad de Zaragoza YEAR CONSUMPTION 50 conducted a thorough review of the 39 40 project to verify compliance with 27 Number of dwellings the defined bioclimatic rules. as a function of energy 30 13 consumption in heating 20 5 22 % 25 % (15 % of vacant homes 10 not included) 6% 19 % 0 12,5 % Very efficient Efficient As % DWELLINGS estimated High Very high 10 – 11
LOMBARDY REGION, Italy The Region of Lombardy, whose capital is Milan, is situated in the northern part of Italy. The Region expressed its strong interest in participating in the RENAISSANCE project as observer Community at the beginning of 2006. No urban demonstration project was financed in Lombardy. Rather, the Region of Lombardy actively took part to the research and development activities of the project. With the support of the Regional Agency for Development of Agriculture and Forestry (ERSAF), they were responsible for the research activities related to the wood fuel supply chains in urban district. The Region of Lombardy carried out several studies on valorising zones on the periphery of big infrastructures in order to produce wood fuel using short and medium rotation forestry techniques. The feasibility of ambitious projects has been assessed, namely the creation of green belts along BREBEMI highway and Malpensa airport. In addition, Lombardy carried out studies regarding the socio-economic impacts of such projects and on the feasibility of a rural-urban ESCo to promote agro- forestry solid biomass through combined heat and power installations (CHP).
RENAISSANCE methodology Avoiding disappropriation The main objective of RENAISSANCE was to demonstrate that high levels of energy performance in new and refurbished buildings can be achieved at a significant scale and at reasonable costs, with existing technological solutions, if appropriately planned. RENAISSANCE project has been designed to address each step of the building process. For any project aiming at constructing highly energy efficient buildings, the main challenge lies in overcoming the risk of disappropriation in the construction process. In other words, it is essential to focus on the appropriation of energy issues by all the stakeholders involved in the design and construction of a building as well as throughout its lifetime in order to guarantee that targeted energy performances will not progressively deteriorate along the process and building lifetime. URBAN PLANNING AND POLICIES : DISTRICT, SITE Town planning, energy AND BUILDING PLANNING : CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT policies and regulation INSTALLATION, AND DELIVERY : CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT Ground plans, INSTALLATION, AND DELIVERY : preliminary studies, Land commercialisation, networks and equipment construction works Commissioning, design, buildings design occupancy, O&M and users’ behaviour. The graph below shows possible evolutions of energy performance over the building process. Exclamation points highlight common elements that impact the final energy consumption: bioclimatic techniques including building orientation and volume definition to optimise passive solar gains, quality of construction techniques, users’ energy saving habits, operation and maintenance aiming at satisfying users’ comfort with the most efficient energy conversion from final demand to useful consumption. Three contrasted situations are considered, each one depicted with a different colour. 3 EXAMPLES CHRONOLOGY OF EACH STAGE OF THE URBAN PROCESS URBAN PLANNING DISTRICT, SITE CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION, BUILDING USAGES, A building that is properly AND ENERGY POLICIES AND BUILDING PLANNING AND DELIVERY OPERATION & MAINTENANCE designed with ambitious low- energy objectives (i.e. through dynamic thermal simulation software) can perform poorly if successive stakeholders do not take into sufficient consideration 3 EXAMPLES OF FREQUENT CRITICAL POINTS1 TARGETED ENERGY ACHIEVED ENERGY the risk of critical points. PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCES (kWh/m2 /year) (kWh/m2 /year) Even if a project anticipates all disappropriation risks Bioclimatic approach Quality of the Inhabitants’ behaviours (e.g. passive construction (e.g. thermostat at 19°C) during design and construction solar gains) (e.g. airtightness) phases, problems may appear during operation and maintenance and jeopardise targeted energy performances. Operation and maintenance Good energy (e.g. system performances are achievable regulation, etc.) by paying special attention to energy issues all along the design, construction and operation processes. 1 Please note that the actual impacts of breaking points on the overall energy performance are not necessarily proportional to the one represented on the graph .
RENAISSANCE METH0OD0OL0OGY by building process stakeholders RENAISSANCE project was clearly designed with the aim of tracking disappropriation risks all along the building process through 3 leverages tools : I / Contractual objectives II / Expert support to project stakeholders III / Awareness raising and training of enterprises and users The graphic below shows the actions which have a positive impact on the final energy performances of the buildings. Some of them have been well anticipated and realized under the RENAISSANCE project. Some of the RENAISSANCE activities undertaken Some of important points that had not been to avoid breaking points in the appropriation process sufficiently anticipated by the project partners, affecting are listed in the following scheme. the overall energy performance of the building. CHRONOLOGY OF EACH STAGE OF THE URBAN PROCESS URBAN PLANNING DISTRICT, SITE CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION, BUILDING USAGES, AND ENERGY POLICIES AND BUILDING PLANNING AND DELIVERY OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Influence On site trainings on airtightness Training Energy on national of O&M performance thermal regulation Selection and contractualization companies monitoring of energy performance objectives Define energy Training Inhabitants performance set on uses awareness raising of criteria for a given area Utilisation Construction of a software follow up Contractualization of energy for sustainable performances with building site planning Guidelines on O&M managers issues developped Buildings orientations by engineering and shapes for solar and construction inputs companies Municipality IMPLICATION Planner / Developer contractor OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS Property Developers Buildings managers, O&M contractors, Users 14 – 15
19 CASE STUDIES TO DEMONSTRATE THE LESSONS LEARNT IN THE RENAISSANCE PROJECT ALL ALONG THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Case studies described in the annex These case studies provide useful guidance for munici- of the present document detail the palities, urban planners, property developers and ener- OPERATION and MAINTENANCE Local ENERGY POLICIES in Grand Lyon main lessons learnt during RENAIS- gy agencies on how to set up a favourable environment LOCAL POLICY AS REGULATION PROGRESS ENABLER The case study of the CONCERTO-RENAISSANCE project in Lyon clearly shows how a combination of political commitment at local level in energy sustainability with financial and methodological Comparison of MONITORING STRATEGIES support from European Commission can strongly and positively influence policies at national HIGH ENERGY EFFICIENCY & RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS and regional levels. Operation and maintenance (O&M) of equipment is crucial to a building’s final energy consumption. SANCE project and attempt to pro- for constructing sustainable buildings. for buildings energy efficiency The case study lists recommendations to improve management of installations. Particular attention ZARAG0OZA SPAIN BACKGROUND must be paid to maintenance DESCRIPTIONcontracts, OF THEasACTIVITIES well as the training of O&M companies and energy engineers’ support. The French energy policy framework Given local and national context, making the lessons learnt avai- was set up just after World War II RENAISSANCE partners took lable to others via development and suffered very few modifications the unique opportunity of the of policy guidance notes thus faci- until 2000. The first thermal regu- demonstration project (scale litating mainstream adoption and lation in buildings was introduced in of the project, strong political use of this innovation by other 1974 and was reinforced by inclu- commitment) to innovate and municipalities and urban planners. ding insulation performance. Yet in enhance existing energy policies 2003, the ongoing thermal regula- BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES and practices at local, regional Grand Lyon implication in the GRAND LY0ON FRANCE vide consistent recommendations, project as official coordinator tion “RT 2000” didBlock B and Cand not A,include nationalinlevel by : buildings proved to be rantee highly benefi- transforming Prior to the start-up of equip- energy efficiency objec- any energy performance objectives are equipped RENAISSANCE withproject experience cial. It provides credibility except for insulation. intoinstallations municipal policy, ments, the energy regulation expert tives. Facedandwith building mana- highThe national plan for greenhouse such energy efficiency heat pumpsand gasasemissions OBJECTIVES, STAKEHOLDERS AND TECHNIQUES on practices, Enertech conducted extractedthus ensuring imme- legitimacy whilethe a number taking to the project actions, gers’ lack of interest and time to one step forward the Thus, hot diate of visits to evaluate quality was approved onlyairin for 2004. domestic waterreplication (DHW) of the results, collaborate,the ALE compiled a list Monitoring techniques when serve to assess the actual works internalcasereflection study ofregarding in performance ofevolution the buildings. Monitoring RENAISSANCE project was proposing of finished for regional (cf. activities legal recommendations on production summer, heating leading role of municipalities for N°10 “Construction follow-up”). being designed are classified in terms infloors of stakeholders 2003,involved, serving alsoandto binding technologies national policies and slightly and feedbacksregulations, to actors,thebased on O&M development contracts and a guide with of sustainable Some of the defects observed technical advice specific to wood GRAND LY0ON FRANCE energy objectivescoolintoorder developers However they also demonstrate that work remains to experiences in Lyon and Zaragoza, to provide inside guidanceusing air in summer on the choice of a particular urbanismsolution. were corrected only after dwel- and energy efficiency. were seen as a realrecoveredbreakthrough energy for preheating fuel boilers (refer to the “Wood regarding existingDHW, practices. ling delivery thereby affecting and heat recovery ventila- fuel boiler guide” case study, building energy performance in tion, as well as installations using N°XX). based on activities carried out by renewable energy such as wood the initial year of O&M. fuel boiler and solar thermal and Prior to dwelling delivery, ALE, In addition, Hespul, photovoltaic RESULTS AND LESSONS LEARNT photovoltaic. On average, each Grand Lyon’s local energy expert, installed and operated a BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES block had to cover 80 percent of agency, muchhad attempted to ac- tool for monitoring production LOCAL DEMONSTRATIVE EFFECT or a public funding envelope MUNICIPAL ENERGYand detecting defects for pho- The RENAISSANCE project included final Theenergy main work demand was for smaller heatinga First, to define than what company real building the deve- estate global managers objectives of a in The and DHW with way renewable energy. monitoring PERFORMANCE CRITERIA an important task on theproject demonstrates monitoring that high- standard to lopers carry inthrough RENAISSANCE the write-up of O&M activity obtained, werecontracts iden- tovoltaic systems, on the three of the global performances of the O&M energy performance is a key abuildings monitoring arestep to ensure activity. and someIn RENAIS-high tified Energy Plus to buildings include as wellspecific FOR NEW clauses are as the toHOUSING involvedgua- blocks. achievable even forperformance big ope-ratios.currently scale different Then AND eachOFFICES stage ofBUILDINGS be done before energy issues are fully integrated at the buildings such as energy consump- SANCE, kinds of undermoni-construction stakeholders. in the tion, comfort criteriarations, implyingof a strong and quality toring demons- activities were conducted. oftheCONCERTOmonitoring process wasLyon des-has developed in 2003 CASE systems. renewable energy trative effect Asatnolocal level. During Thethereal neighbourhood construction, Grand STUDY buildings.a certain cribed, leading to a standard a set offrame reference criteria for the standard exists for estate developers such large scale that number were involved of visits, airtightness for monitoring activities. Becauseof sustainable housing RENAISSANCE partners in France, The momentum generated by usedconstruction monitoring activity,inathe project became reflection on convinced tests of and thermographies were the technologies the two buildings (“Référentiel habitat du- the methodologiesthe wasfeasibility neededand to relevance conducted in LyontheandRENAISSANCE of set- project deeply Zaragoza communities were different rable”). (auto- The “ Housing sustainable ting ambitious highlight the strong/weak points energy of performance. for a direct feedback contributed to the buil-to thenomous developmentsensorsof Lyon and wired/ each of them dependingRENAISSANCE on the ini- energy occupiedsustainable ders. Inspecifi- dwellings, neighbourhoods within inenergy the wireless network Zaragoza), reference framework ” is La Confluence areacomparison and thereforebetween to applicable to all urban planning tial objectives of thecations have been monitoring monitoring. subsequently was based on autono- orthem were development led construction applied to other developments mous sensors WWF’s choice in (dataloggers) withto select this district possible. With different monitoring La Confluence acti-area. Several low as atopilot site for testing their sus- by the Municipality, or located on internal memory able store data CASEvities in Lyon andenergy Zaragoza com- consumptions buildings during months.tainable 18have districtalabel. In Zaragoza, Municipality owned land, or sub- Moreover, because eco-buildings sidised bylike the Municipality (social earliest stage of the planning process (e.g. urban compo- STUDYmunity, the RENAISSANCE been builtproject with no public address some new problems wired funding network of temperature was a good frame to lead such an summer comfort : an housing operations). The second innovative and humidity sensors connected analysis. technique was developed in Lyon to a host computer was imple- to measure night cross-ventilation Spain and Italy, and aiming at addres- mented in new and refurbished in an empty dwelling and Zaragoza buildings. This network was later used statistical analysis of tempera- completed with a wireless sub- ture measurements to determine network of autonomous sensors, the effectiveness of night cross- which allowed for the possibility to CASE compare these two techniques. ventilation in occupied dwellings. STUDY sing the whole appropriation process sition and building shape, criteria for selecting architects as presented here. At the end of each case study, links to and developers, etc.) and before all stakeholders in the further information on the subjects are provided as well construction process are aware of what low-energy per- as contact details. formance actually means for them in their professional or personal practices. CHRONOLOGY OF EACH STAGE OF THE URBAN PROCESS URBAN PLANNING DISTRICT, SITE CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION, BUILDING USAGES, AND ENERGY POLICIES AND BUILDING PLANNING AND DELIVERY OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LOCAL ENERGY POLICIES MEDIUM ROTATION FORESTRY 01 IN GRAND LYON 03 PLANTATION ALONG BREBEMI HIGHWAY LOCAL ENERGY POLICIES 02 IN ZARAGOZA VALDESPARTERA, A CITY SCALE 04 SUSTAINABLE NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 05 REFURBISHMENT IN PICARRAL BUSINESS PLAN FOR A 06 BIOMASS BASED ESCo INSTALLATION OF WOOD FUEL BOILERS IN 07 VERY DENSE URBAN DISTRICTS CROSS VENTILATION : A PASSIVE 08 TECHNIQUE FOR SUMMER COMFORT DISTRICT SCALE INTERPRETATION CENTRE OF SUSTAINABLE URBANISM, 12 MONITORING AND TELECONTROL DISTRICT SCALE MONITORING 13 TOOL FOR P.V. SYSTEMS TRAINING OF TRAINERS 09 ON AIRTIGHTNESS FOLLOW-UP OF THE CONSTRUCTION 10 PROCESS AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION HIGH EFFICIENCY COOLING & 11 HEATING BY ESCo RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 14 IN ZARAGOZA COMMUNITY BUILDING SCALE MONITORING AS SUPPORT OF ENERGY 15 EFFICIENT BEHAVIOURS COMPARISON OF MONITORING STRATEGIES FOR 16 BUILDINGS ENERGY EFFICIENCY PARTICIPATION PROCESS INHABITANTS TRAINING 17 FOR INHABITANTS AWARENESS RAISING 18 AND AWARENESS RAISING OPERATION & 19 MAINTENANCE
Local ENERGY POLICIES in Grand Lyon LOCAL POLICY AS REGULATION PROGRESS ENABLER The case study of the CONCERTO-RENAISSANCE project in Grand Lyon clearly shows how a combination of political commitment at local level in energy sustainability with financial and methodological support from European Commission can strongly and positively influence policies at national and regional levels. BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES The French energy policy framework Given local and national context, making the lessons learnt avai- was set up just after World War II RENAISSANCE partners took lable to others via development and suffered very few modifications the unique opportunity of the of policy guidance notes thus faci- until 2000. The first thermal regu- demonstration project (scale litating mainstream adoption and lation in buildings was introduced in of the project, strong political use of this innovation by other 1974 and was reinforced by inclu- commitment) to innovate and municipalities and urban planners. ding insulation performance. Yet in enhance existing energy policies Grand Lyon implication in the 2003, the ongoing thermal regula- and practices at local, regional GRAND LY0ON FRANCE project as official coordinator tion “RT 2000” did not include and national level by : proved to be highly benefi- any energy performance objectives transforming project experience cial. It provides credibility and except for insulation. The national into municipal policy, regulation legitimacy to the project actions, plan for greenhouse gas emissions and practices, thus ensuring imme- while taking one step forward the was approved only in 2004. Thus, diate replication of the results, internal reflection regarding the when RENAISSANCE project was proposing evolution for regional leading role of municipalities for being designed in 2003, binding and national policies and regulations, the development of sustainable energy objectives to developers urbanism and energy efficiency. were seen as a real breakthrough regarding existing practices. RESULTS AND LESSONS LEARNT LOCAL DEMONSTRATIVE EFFECT or a public funding envelope much MUNICIPAL ENERGY smaller than what real estate deve- PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The project demonstrates that high- lopers in RENAISSANCE obtained, energy performance buildings are and some Energy Plus buildings are FOR NEW HOUSING achievable even for big scale ope- currently under construction in the AND OFFICES BUILDINGS rations, implying a strong demons- neighbourhood of CONCERTO trative effect at local level. The real Grand Lyon has developed in 2003 buildings. a set of reference criteria for the estate developers that were involved in the project became convinced of The momentum generated by construction of sustainable housing the feasibility and relevance of set- the RENAISSANCE project deeply buildings (“Référentiel habitat du- ting ambitious energy performance. contributed to the development of rable”). The “ Housing sustainable RENAISSANCE energy specifi- sustainable neighbourhoods within energy reference framework ” is cations have been subsequently La Confluence area and therefore to applicable to all urban planning applied to other developments in WWF’s choice to select this district or construction development led La Confluence area. Several low as a pilot site for testing their sus- by the Municipality, or located on CASE energy consumptions buildings have tainable district label. Municipality owned land, or sub- STUDY been built with no public funding sidised by the Municipality (social housing operations). The second
version (2006) benefited from the RENAISSANCE expe- HEATING AND COOLING NETWORKS rience in terms of energy performance requirements. The third version published in 2009 had the objective to The pre-study carried out during the first steps of mainstream low energy consumption buildings by anti- RENAISSANCE project about the construction of a hea- cipation of the future new French thermal regulation ting network supplied by wood-fuel boilers at the district (RT 2012). scale led the Grand Lyon to revisit Heating and Cooling (H&C) networks as a whole. Even if the solution chosen Following positive feedbacks from the introduction of for RENAISSANCE building was individual wood-fuelled energy performance criteria in housing, Grand Lyon boilers at block scale, numerous studies in other districts decided to expend it to the office and services sector with followed. The project contributed to impulse a strategic the creation of a new set of criteria for sustainable offices vision inside Grand Lyon’s departments concerned by the (“Référentiel bureaux durable”), setting energy perfor- subject, leading to a political decision to include H&C mance objectives based on those applying to offices networks within its jurisdiction and to design an H&C built under the CONCERTO-RENAISSANCE project. master plan. PILOT OPERATION FOR THE MAINSTREAMING PROJECT IMPACT REGARDING REGIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICIES OF ENERGY EFFICIENT REFURBISHMENT OPERATIONS ,QWKH5K{QH$OSHV5HJLRQDO&RXQFLOGHFLGHGWR Taking opportunity of the momentum accelerated by the develop a “sustainable housing reference framework” si- RENAISSANCE project, Grand Lyon partners extended milar to the one developed by Grand Lyon. RENAISSANCE their cooperation for defining a refurbishment strategy on project provided technical inputs to the regional a pilot residential district, the district of Saint Blandine. approach regarding energy systems and construction The objective of the study was to define an operational specifications. strategy replicable to the whole conurbation in order 7ZR 5(1$,66$1&( SDUWQHUV SDUWLFLSDWHG WR D ZRU- to mainstream thermal refurbishment of existing buil- king group in the so-called “Grenelle de l’Environne- ding stock while maintaining the social purpose of the ment” at national level. RENAISSANCE’s first results and district and designing innovative financial mechanisms. lessons learnt strongly contributed to the definition of The study concluded that the most interesting financial the energy performance objective of the new thermal model would be to combine zero interest loans for the regulation (RT 2012). property manager with local incentives. However, the juridical framework for applying for zero interest loans to co-owned building does not exist. The results of the study has enabled Grand Lyon, associated with other French cities, to pressure the government for introdu- cing needed regulation adjustments. RECOMMENDATIONS . For such large scale and carried out for strengthening French tance for municipalities to take up ambitious project, it is essential energy issues and include them in municipalities capability in this topic. to focus on the appropriation of town planning activities to have a energy objectives by all stakeholders 2. At national level, RENAISSANCE comprehensive energy strategy at the involved along the whole process partners are promoting an evolution conurbation level. Municipalities also from the design to the occupation of the regulation so as to enable need to consider energy networks and maintenance phases. To do so, zero interest loans for thermal (electricity, gas and H&C) as any municipalities need to identify the refurbishment of co-owned residen- other network (e.g. water distribu- leverages they have at disposal for tial buildings, as a main leverage to tion) and therefore take back the lead ensuring targeted energy perfor- mainstream the refurbishment of and management of these network mance objectives will be actually the existing building stock. infrastructures. To enable munici- achieved once the buildings will palities and other local Authorities be occupied. RENAISSANCE project worked on some of the leverages 3. From a more general point of to carry out ambitious and effective energy policies, a law on energy view, RENAISSANCE partners are but significant work remains to be strongly convinced of the impor- decentralisation is required. FURTHER INFORMATION RENAISSANCE KEY DOCUMENTS : GRAND LYON : Béatrice COUTURIER HESPUL : Sylvain KOCH-MATHIAN
Local ENERGY POLICIES in Zaragoza Juan Alberto Belloch, Cándido Domingo School after refurbishment works Major of Zaragoza POLITICAL CONSENSUS AND INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT The RENAISSANCE project has been an important contributor to the change of direction in the energy administration policies of Zaragoza. The success of this project made us adopt a new kind ZARAG0OZA SPAIN of bioclimatic construction and experiments for rehabilitations with ambitious energy saving and energy efficiency criteria. BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES Zaragoza was already recognised On 17th of April 2009 the City of RENAISSANCE project in Zaragoza before this project as source of Zaragoza endorsed the Strategy has proved that significant savings exemplary energy saving and effi- Against Climate Change and for in this sector are achievable. ciency experiments, and the project Air Quality of Zaragoza, a strategy success is related to this. Parque The RENAISSANCE project in that has established two great goals Goya neighbourhood is a previous Zaragoza have demonstrated that for the year 2015 : improvement experience with social housing using housing planned with bioclimatic of air quality and reduction of bioclimatic criteria that provided the characteristics can obtain spectacu- dependence on fossil fuels. The municipality with a first set of signifi- lar results. In the dwellings construc- objective is to obtain a 30% reduc- cant results. ted and monitored by Eco-ciudad tion in CO2/person by the end of Valdespartera, a consumption rate RENAISSANCE offered a new 2015 as well as acting on polluting per dwelling between 20-25 kWh/ opportunity to boost and improve gases (CO, SO2, NOx, COV, m2/year has been obtained, whe- other aspects not yet studied. COVNM, NO2) and suspended reas in conventional dwellings the particles for improving air quality by rate is between 80-110 kWh/m2/ EC directives. year. In other words, a reduction of The actions have been grouped 75% has been achieved. As far as in five priority fields. The actions rehabilitated dwellings are concer- addressed to reduce energy ned, the rate obtained is between consumption in the building 50-60 kWh/m2/year. sector are one of the priority CASE mainstays of the Plan. STUDY
RESULTS AND LESSONS LEARNT These results of these different As far as specific buildings such experiences has allowed the as the Cándido Domingo School City of Zaragoza to endorse are concerned, an energy reduc- on 24 July 2009 the “Municipal tion of 52% has been obtained Bylaw on Energy Ecoefficiency coupled with the installation of a and Use of Renewable Energy photovoltaic system (18 kW) that in Buildings and its Facilities”, produce 40% of the electrical and the “Municipal Bylaw on needs of the building. Rehabilitation” on 25 June 2010. Taking as a starting point this Zaragoza now has a regulating demonstration action, we have the and legal tool compelling every possibility of using this knowledge new building and fully rehabili- and experience in every municipal tated dwellings in the municipal building and equipment, a task we area to comply on energy saving, are right now focusing on. energy efficiency and use of re- newable energy guidelines. This is Aggregated information on buil- a landmark municipal regulation as ding groups, through the planning it is only through collective com- and construction of a real time munity decisions and behaviour monitoring system with over that a better, sustainable, use of 200 control points for housing, resources can be obtained. allows us to evaluate the different architectural solutions as well as RENAISSANCE has made pos- the daily energy habits of people sible the exploration of new living in the area, a key point for construction techniques and planning information and environ- design materials. In short, this mental public awareness on this project has been a booster for field. following a path towards more sustainable construction models. Photovoltaic system of “Colegio Domingo” School RECOMMENDATIONS . A political consensus is necessary on construction, 2. This political consensus must be based on scientific energy saving and efficiency politics. In the municipal facts and economical studies. Short and long term framework it’s important to boost political changes benefits for citizens’ lifestyle quality must be explained that affect private property using and urban planning and demonstrated to prove investment security. approach. It’s necessary to implement environmental criteria in urban plans and general regulations on construction and refurbishment. FURTHER INFORMATION RENAISSANCE KEY DOCUMENTS : AYUNTAMIENTO DE ZARAGOZA : Javier CELMA
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