Page created by Lisa Munoz
May/June 2021
                            Low Carbon
                            Clean Power

Rebuilding Toward Net Zero

                                                MAY/JUNE 2021

                       GOVERNANCE                               ENERGY
                       8 Infrastructure                         32 Powering the Arctic
                       Leadership                               Nunavut’s Qulliq Energy
                       How Minister of Transportation           Corporation carries out
                       and Infrastructure Rob Fleming           an extensive energy
                       is facing down difficulties              upgrade program.
                       to build back better in B.C.             By Carroll McCormick
                       By Connie Vitello
                                                                34 Constructing
                       12 Addressing                            Capacity
                       Disadvantages                            Contemplating the driving force
                       The evolution of Community               of energy project decision-
                       Benefits Agreements in Canadian          making and development.
                       infrastructure development.              By Connie Vitello
                       By Tim Runge
                  8                                             TOP100 PROJECTS
                       FINANCE                                  38 Top100 Projects
                       16 Project Bundling                      Keeyask hydro project
                       Effective alternatives to accelerate     ahead of schedule and
                       the financing of municipal               mega transportation
                       infrastructure projects.                 projects underway.
                       By Andy Manahan
                       BUILDINGS                                4 Editor’s Note
                                                                Building the way out of crisis
                       18 Low Carbon                            and into more resilient and
                       Construction                             innovative infrastructure.
                       Examining the need for a more            By Corinne Lynds
                  24   consistent approach to construction
                       standards for net zero buildings.        5 Front
                       By Ryan Zizzo                            First-Ever National
                                                                Infrastructure Assessment,
                                                                New Net Zero Landmark
                                                                Library, and more.
                       24 Green Infrastructure                  22 Panorama
                       Redefining green infrastructure
                                                                Toronto’s Quayside
                       and calculating a more accurate          welcomes smart city
                       accounting of natural assets.            building on the waterfront.
                       By Connie Vitello
                                                                33 People
                                                                Appointments and
                       WATER                                    announcements of the
                       INFRASTRUCTURE                           infrastructure industry’s
             28   32   26 Pipeline Predicaments                 movers and shakers.
                       Innovative options to address            42 Closing Shot
                       the renewal of linear water              Making a case for the
                       infrastructure systems.                  pandemic-proof backbone
                       By Simran Chattha                        of the regional economy.
                       and Connie Vitello                       By Bruce Ferguson

                                                       View this year’s Top100 Projects
                                                       For details regarding our
                                                       annual celebration visit
                  12                                               May/June 2021 ReNew Canada 3
Editor’s Note

                  A WAY OUT                                                                May/June 2021 Volume 19 Number 3

By Corinne Lynds                                                                             INTERIM EDITOR       Connie Vitello

     t hardly seems possible now, but      in early March. And Toronto’s first                     PRESIDENT      Todd Latham
     more than a year ago COVID-19         modular supportive housing project                      PUBLISHER      Nick Krukowski
     struck, and we were all at home       opened its doors in December.
                                                                                          CONTENT DIRECTOR        Corinne Lynds
for two weeks, baking bread, mastering       Prefabricated building technology
1,000-piece puzzles, and binge-            certainly isn’t a new concept, but given       ART DIRECTOR AND
                                                                                                                  Donna Endacott
                                                                                           SENIOR DESIGNER
watching Netflix. Weeks turned into        the challenges of physical distancing
months, and it became painfully clear      on jobsites, it has proven an excellent         ASSOCIATE EDITOR       Simran Chattha

this pandemic wasn’t something that        option. It allows manufactured                DIGITAL MARKETING
                                                                                                                  Shannon Clark
could simply be waited out.                components such as walls, panels, or
  So, we got on with business, from our    even full units to be built off-site in a          DIGITAL EDITOR      Connie Vitello
home offices, bedrooms, and kitchen        factory and then assembled onsite Lego-           EVENT MANAGER        Natasha Mawji
tables, and found ways to keep Canada’s    style. This not only reduces the number
                                                                                               CONTRIBUTORS       Bruce Ferguson, Tim Runge,
most important infrastructure projects     of workers onsite, but also accelerates                                Andy Manahan, Carroll
safely moving forward. We became           construction by as much as 50 per                                      McCormick, Ryan Zizzo

experts at Zoom calls, physically          cent, according to a 2019 report from                                  Nick Krukowski
distanced meetings, and orchestrating      consulting firm McKinsey & Company.                          

elaborate job-site schedules to              While modular construction allows                        ADVISOR     James Sbrolla
accommodate reduced workforces.            the physical building to come together
  Arguably, there has never been a         quickly in a controlled setting,
time in history when the proverb           accelerated procurement drives
“Necessity is the mother of invention,”    innovation and gets shovels in the
has rung more true.                        ground faster.
  After months of delays driven              With accelerated procurement,
by supply chain and workforce              governments dispense with the need
issues, the industry came together         for reference design, and instead
with a variety of measures to bring        decide what they want as an output.
projects to completion. A great            Then industry figures out how to meet
example of this is the Accelerated         the functional requirements and build                ReNew Canada is published
Build Pilot Program that the Humber        the project. Design teams start with a          six times a year by Actual Media Inc.
River Hospital, Government of              blank canvas and are given the space
Ontario, and Infrastructure Ontario        to come up with innovative solutions.       150 Eglinton Ave. E, #806, Toronto, ON M4P 1E8
partnered on. Employing a range of         The real speed in this process comes                       Phone: 416-444-5842
accelerated measures such as modular       from the fact that the major tasks of       Subscription/customer services: 416-444-5842 ext. 1
construction, rapid procurement,           procurement and planning approval
and extended construction hours, the       run in parallel.
project is expanding long-term care          We need to keep these creative                    ReNew Canada subscriptions are
capacity in North York by 320 beds in      juices flowing if we’re going to build        available for $39.95/year or $64.95/two years
                                                                                        and include the annual Top100 Projects report.
months, not years.                         our way out of this pandemic. But
  And this magic formula of                creative juices alone are not going to be        ©2021 Actual Media Inc. All rights reserved.
accelerated procurement plus modular       enough. All levels of government need            The contents of this publication may not be
                                                                                       reproduced by any means in whole or in part, without
construction is gaining popularity.        to deliver on promised infrastructure             prior written consent from the publisher.
Beyond the Humber River project there      investments in order to help rebuild the                     Printed in Canada
are plans for two further long-term care   Canadian economy.                            "ReNew Canada" and "ReThink. ReBuild. ReNew"
facilities in Ontario (640 beds in Ajax                                                      are Trademarks of Actual Media Inc.
and a further 320 beds in Mississauga).
Bird Construction was awarded two          Corinne Lynds is content director
accelerated projects in Northern           of Actual Media Inc.
Ontario for correctional facilities

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        Join the conversation. For daily news and discussion, visit                     150 Eglinton Ave. E, #806, Toronto, ON M4P 1E8

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4 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                              
ABOUT THE COVER                                                                                                                             Front

    The Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada
     renewal project will make significant enhancements to the                                                          CANADA’S FIRST NATIONAL
       joint facility to achieve net-zero carbon performance.
          For more on low carbon buildings, see page 20.                                                                     INFRASTRUCTURE
          For more on green infrastructure, see page 24.
                   NEW NET ZERO

                                                                                                                                                          The spire of the Parliamentary
                                                                                                                                                          Library is in the foreground

                                                                                  Credit: Library and Archives Canada
                                                                                                                                                          and the Interprovincial and
                                                                                                                                                          McDonald-Cartier bridges are in the
                                                                                                                                                          background, joining Ontario and
 The new Ottawa Public Library-Library and Archives Facility                                                                                              Quebec across the Ottawa River in
 will feature an innovative and energy efficient design.                                                                                                  downtown Ottawa and Gatineau.

 The project to rebuild the Ottawa Public Library (OPL)–Library and                                                              atherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure
 Archives Canada (LAC) Facility includes an innovative design that                                                               and Communities, has launched an engagement
 complies with the LEED Gold standard, an independent certification                                                              initiative for Canada’s first national
 that takes into account ecological land and water use, energy efficiency,                                               infrastructure assessment: Building the Canada We Want
 and sustainable materials.                                                                                              in 2050.
   Additional federal funding of $34.5 million will now also allow for:                                                    “The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the greatest
 building envelope and insulation upgrades; triple-glazed windows;                                                       recession since the Great Depression and we have a
 rooftop and façade solar panels; an indoor “green wall;” and, more                                                      once-in-a-generation opportunity to build the Canada
 sustainable materials.
                                                                                                                         we want as we invest in our recovery,” said McKenna.
   “As we know, tackling climate change requires a concerted effort and
                                                                                                                         “But we will not achieve our ambition by accident.
 collaboration across all sectors and levels of government. Our Ottawa
                                                                                                                         Working with Canadians, using the best available data
 Public Library – Library and Archives Canada Joint facility will be an
 iconic part of our city and thanks to this Federal funding we are able to                                               and guided by global best practices, we can guide our
 enhance the design to be a net-zero carbon facility,” said Ottawa Mayor                                                 infrastructure spending to chart a strong path to 2050,
 Jim Watson. “This supports Council’s ambitious targets to reduce our                                                    creating good jobs, tackling climate change, and building
 city’s greenhouse gas emissions by 100% by 2050 and is a great example                                                  cleaner, more inclusive communities. Working together,
 of collaboration that helps us proactively manage climate impacts.”                                                     this project can be nation-building.”
   The five-storey OPL-LAC will measure 216,000-square-feet (20,067                                                        The paper sets out the purpose and benefits of
 square-metres) and will include reading rooms, an archive and research                                                  undertaking a National Infrastructure Assessment
 centre, a children’s area, exhibition and collections spaces, a genealogy                                               and seeks input from the public, Indigenous Peoples,
 centre, and a cafe. Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2024                                                   provinces, territories, municipalities, and stakeholders
 and officially open to the public in 2025.                                                                              on three main priorities of the assessment:
   “During the public engagement process, we heard loud and clear
 that sustainability is key and the joint facility should set the bar for                                                •    ssessing Canada’s infrastructure needs and
 other public libraries and institutions,” said Matthew Luloff, city                                                         establishing a long-term vision;
 councillor and chair of OPL’s board. “This is something all of us can                                                   •   I mproving coordination among infrastructure owners
 be very proud of.”                                                                                                           and funders; and

                                                                                                                         •    etermining the best ways to fund and finance
               NEXT ISSUE: JULY/AUGUST                                                                                       infrastructure.

                 DIGITAL REVOLUTION                                                                                        Following the engagement process, the federal
                                                                                                                         government will consider the next steps, including
                                                                                                                         reviewing priorities, establishing an independent
     Future                          Cyber                     Transportation
                                                                                                                         advisory body, setting out the processes for obtaining
    Forward                         Attacks                    Infrastructure
                                                                                                                         expert advice, ongoing public engagement, and producing
The Digital Age of             How to Protect                    Update on                                               interim studies and reports to inform infrastructure
  Construction                Municipal Assets                 Transit Projects                                          policy and investment.
                                                                                                                           Once in place, the National Infrastructure Assessment,
                                                                                                                         will help identify Canada’s evolving needs and priorities
               Advertising Deadline: May 14, 2021                                                                        in the built environment and undertake evidence-based
             To reach our influential readers in print                                                                   long-term planning toward a net-zero emissions future.
            and online, contact                                                                        The deadline for providing feedback is June 30, 2021.

                                                                                                                         May/June 2021 ReNew Canada 5
Canadian Urban Transit Association

                                                                                                                                                  A BOOST
                                                    he Government of Canada is investing      to investing $1.5 billion in zero-emission    in zero-emission buses and associated
                                                    $2.75 billion in funding over five        buses,” said Ehren Cory, CEO of CIB. “We      infrastructure as part of its three-year
                                                    years, starting in 2021, to enhance       will help create jobs, reduce greenhouse      Growth Plan.
                                          public transit systems and switch them to           gases, and make commutes cleaner.”              “Zero-emission        buses   (ZEBs)
                                          cleaner electrical power, including supporting        This investment will create more well-      will benefit Canadians by creating
                                          the purchase of zero-emission public transit and    paying jobs in Canada’s robust and growing    manufacturing and energy jobs in the low-
                                          school buses.                                       electric vehicle manufacturing sector and     carbon economy, while also transporting
                                            This funding is part of an eight-year, $14.9      infrastructure system. Nova Bus in Saint-     Canadians in a way that is safe, green,
                                          billion public transit plan that will support       Eustache, Lion Electrique in Saint-Jérôme,    healthy and sustainable,” said Josipa
                                          municipalities, transit authorities, and school     GreenPower in Vancouver, and New Flyer        Petrunic, president and CEO of Canadian
                                          boards with transition planning for the             in Winnipeg are examples of innovative        Urban Transit Research & Innovation
                                          electrification of transit systems, including the   companies that are already delivering zero-   Consortium. “Transit agencies and
                                          delivery of 5,000 zero-emission buses over the      emission transit solutions.                   municipalities in Canada are ready for
                                          next five years.                                      Infrastructure Canada will ensure           electrification, and these funds will
                                            “As part of its $10 billion Growth Plan, the      coordination between this investment and      empower them to move forward towards
                                          Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) is committed       the CIB commitment to invest $1.5 billion     the goal of 5,000 ZEBs.”

                                                                                                          grow i n g   coalition      of    to impress the importance of inclusive
Carpenter’s District Council of Ontario

                                                                                                          government and construction       workplaces and to reiterate zero tolerance
                                                                                                          industry representatives          for discrimination on job sites.
                                                                                               is making a public commitment to               “EllisDon has zero tolerance for racism,
                                                                                               promote inclusive, equitable, safe, and      and as an employer, we have a pivotal
                                                                                               respectful workplaces.                       role to play in this movement. We will
                                                                                                 Developers, contractors, unions,           continue to work closely with our union
                                                                                               associations, and workers involved in        partners to promote education and action
                                                                                               the construction of large and critical       across all areas of our industry,” said Geoff
                                                                                               infrastructure projects are uniting to       Smith, president and chief executive officer
                                                                                               support the Toronto Declaration of           of EllisDon.
                                                                                               Inclusive Workplaces & Communities.            The Carpenters’ District Council of
                                                                                               The declaration affirms the health and       Ontario (CDCO) is also proud to be a part
                                                                                               safety of every person and supports the      of this industry coalition. The council
                                                                                               construction industry’s zero tolerance       is calling on the collective responsibility
                                                                                               policy for discrimination or acts of hate    of the industry to demonstrate that
                                                                                               of any kind.                                 construction is a welcoming path for
                                                                                                 Many employers in the construction         the next generation of tradespeople—
                                          CONSTRUCTION                                         industry have not just signed on to
                                                                                               this declaration but are taking further
                                                                                                                                            regardless of their background.
                                                                                                                                              “We’re working with a third-party

                                          INDUSTRY                                             action to educate their members about
                                                                                               the importance of eliminating racism
                                                                                                                                            company to deliver anti-racism training for
                                                                                                                                            staff, shop stewards, and eventually all of

                                          ADVOCACY FOR                                         and discrimination in the industry. For
                                                                                               example, EllisDon has hosted diversity
                                                                                                                                            our members,” said Chris Campbell, equity
                                                                                                                                            and diversity representative for the CDCO.

                                          MORE INCLUSIVE                                       and inclusion town halls to discuss
                                                                                               these crucial issues with employees,
                                                                                                                                            “Our partners across the labour movement
                                                                                                                                            have also begun rolling out this training to

                                                                                               and Daniels Corporation has organized        their members and we encourage everyone
                                                                                               site meetings with construction teams        to join us and do the same.”

                                          6 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                     

                                                                    The Trans-Canada Highway is a vital link in
                                                                British Columbia. Widening the highway to four
                                                                     lanes will provide better safety and capacity.
                                                                                              Inset: Rob Fleming

        IN B.C.
Forging a brighter future with Minister of
Transportation and Infrastructure Rob Fleming.                                                  By Connie Vitello

     n his mandate letter, British Columbia          On any given year, this list would be                  is to help everyday people, especially in
     Premier John Horgan outlines a                challenging but during the ongoing pandemic              the urgent context of COVID-19 recovery.
     challenging variety of duties for Rob         the difficulty dial is turned up. ReNew                  This was true at the Ministry of Education
Fleming, British Columbia’s new Minister           Canada recently engaged Minister Fleming                 and it’s also true at the Ministry of
of Transportation and Infrastructure. Over         to reflect on his relatively new role and bring          Transportation and Infrastructure.
the course of his mandate, he’s expected to        us up to speed on his progress so far.                      Our government has made a commitment
deliver on a tall order of infrastructure tasks.                                                            to make life more affordable for British
  Build a range of important infrastructure        How is your previous experience in                       Columbians, to deliver the services that
projects. Ensure that infrastructure               education, finance, and public transit                   people count on and to build a strong and
investments deliver benefits for local             helping you to perform in your new role?                 innovative economy that works for everyone.
communities and workers through the
                                                   I am delighted to be in my new role as Minister          We remain committed to these goals and
use of Community Benefit Agreements.
                                                   of Transportation and Infrastructure. I                  are putting people at the forefront of all the
Develop a strategy to streamline consultation,
                                                   have been extremely impressed by the                     decisions we make.
tendering, and construction of infrastructure
                                                   level of dedication that our ministry staff
projects without unnecessary delays. Work                                                                   What are some of the key goals that
                                                   have—from their great work on highway
with BC Transit to help families get around                                                                 you have for B.C.’s transportation and
more affordably. Improve transit options for       improvements to major infrastructure
                                                   projects and active transportation projects.             infrastructure ministry?
rural communities. Make BC Ferries more
responsive and accountable. Expand networks        I also have the privilege of working with                Right now, our government is focussed on
of active transportation to meet the CleanBC       our partners like BC Ferries and BC Transit.             COVID-19 recovery and rebuilding. From
goal of doubling trips taken by walking,           The level of commitment, expertise, and                  the outset of the pandemic, our government
biking, and other kinds of activity. Help          energy the ministry staff give to their                  put COVID-19 safety protocols in place
lead work on the Integrated Transportation         jobs is incredible.                                      on road and highway job sites across the
and Development Strategy to ensure greater            My previous cabinet position has helped               province to help prevent the spread of
alignment between transportation and land-         me to prepare for this new challenge because             COVID-19. Because of that commitment
use planning. And that’s not all.                  the overarching priority of our government               we were able to continue work on our

8 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                                 

highways, keep people employed, and keep       that are focused on economic, social, and           We recognize that work on improving our
the economy moving.                            environmental sustainability. It’s important      transportation corridors—everything from
  Investment in our transportation             that as we look to the future beyond this         building new infrastructure, to repairing
infrastructure has never been more             pandemic that B.C.’s transportation networks      roads and bridges, to fixing potholes—is
important as we recover economically from      are even more robust and resilient.               critically important to allow for the safe and
                                                                                                 efficient movement of people and goods.
                                                                                                 We need to keep our supply chains open
       We are making priority investments in large projects                                      and keep our routes as safe and as efficient
      that will help us rebuild, create good-paying local jobs,                                  as possible. To that end, we are working to
                                                                                                 stay on track with our current infrastructure
    and at the same time make our transportation networks                                        project and accelerate others.
                                                                                                   The population of Metro Vancouver is
                      even stronger and more robust.                                             growing at a rapid rate and needs several
                                                                                                 major infrastructure investments. That’s
the pandemic. This has meant good progress     Are there specific steps your team                why we are so excited to see site preparation
on important projects like work to widen       is taking to deduce how to address                works getting underway for the Broadway
Highway 1 to four lanes east of Kamloops,      certain current challenges facing                 Subway Project—which will transform how
the new replacement for the Pattullo Bridge,   transportation and infrastructure                 people get around.
Highway 1/Lower Lynn Improvements on           development and maintenance?                        This project is an example of the
the North Shore, the Highway 4/Kennedy                                                           Government of B.C., the Government
Hill Safety Improvement Project east of        COVID-19 has certainly been a huge                of Canada and the City of Vancouver,
Tofino, and many more across B.C.              challenge in so many ways. But everyone in        coming together to deliver a fast and
  Looking ahead, keeping our economy           the transportation construction industry has      frequent SkyTrain service to B.C.’s second-
moving is an integral part of BC’s Restart     worked together to put proper workplace           largest jobs centre. When completed, the
Plan. We’ve been busy supporting recovery      policies and procedures in place, like physical   Broadway Subway will provide quicker
efforts from the effects of the pandemic.      distancing on the job site and reducing           access to health-care services, an emerging
We continue to work closely with the           the number of in-person meetings, so the          innovation and research hub, and growing
federal government to make investments         industry could keep projects moving.              residential communities.                                                                                               May/June 2021 ReNew Canada 9

                                                                                                                    Highway 1 through the Fraser Valley to
Credit: TransLink

                                                                                                                    Abbotsford. It also includes looking at
                                                                                                                    other options, such as commuter rail, a
                                                                                                                    Surrey SkyTrain extension to Langley
                                                                                                                    Town Centre and high-speed connections
                                                                                                                    with our neighbours to the south.
                                                                                                                      I know that people who commute
                                                                                                                    every day in Metro Vancouver want a
                                                                                                                    solution for the George Massey Tunnel
                                                                                                                    gridlock. Building the right project
                                                                                                                    is the priority and we have worked
                                                                                                                    closely with Indigenous groups and
                                                                                                                    regional mayors through the planning
                                                                                                                    stages. Progress is being made towards
                                                                                                                    selecting a new crossing on Highway
                                                                                                                    99 that aligns with the needs of the
                                                                                                                    region and the people that rely on this
                                                                                                                    transportation route. Our next steps are
                                                                                                                    to review the submission, consult with
                                                                                                                    our partners and make a final decision
                                                                                                                    on the two shortlisted options that have
                        The Broadway Subway Extension will see the
                        addition of six underground stations and 5.7                                                been presented to the public.
                        kilometres of track to the Millennium Line.
                                                                                                                    What are your thoughts on how to
                                                                                                                    optimally recover from the COVID-19
                                                                                                                    crisis in terms of resilient infrastructure
                    The Community Benefits Agreement                   ratios for each CBA project independently.   and environmental investments for
                    provides quotas for apprentices,                   It also provides safe working conditions     upcoming projects?
                    preferential hiring of women and                   free of discrimination, harassment, and
                                                                                                                    People around the province are benefiting
                    Indigenous workers, and a stipulation              ensures a culturally competent workforce.
                                                                                                                    from more reliable roadways and local jobs
                    for workers to be unionized.                       While this means an investment
                                                                                                                    as a result of funding from StrongerBC:
                    Has there been a significant impact                upfront, the long-term economic              BC’s Economic Recovery Plan. We are
                    to infrastructure projects?                        benefits of training the next generation     making priority investments in large
                    In B.C., we have some large infrastructure         of skilled workers and expanding the         projects that will help us rebuild, create
                    projects that are using a Community                construction workforce far outweigh          good-paying local jobs, and at the same
                    Benefits Agreement (CBA). These                    the costs.                                   time make our transportation networks
                    projects include the Broadway Subway                                                            even stronger and more robust. Our Clean
                                                                       There has been pressure to alleviate
                    Project, the Pattullo Bridge Replacement                                                        BC program will incent and accelerate the
                    Project, and the Highway 1 4-laning                the gridlock in the Greater Vancouver
                                                                                                                    electrification of cars, heavy duty vehicles,
                    Program (Kamloops to Alberta). B.C.                Area. Please provide us with an update       and ferries.
                    is experiencing a skilled trade shortage           on emerging projects such as the                While we look to dramatically improve
                    and we know that we need to cultivate              transportation study for Fraser Valley.      congestion, road traffic, and safety, we also
                                                                                                                    know we need to focus on sustainability.
                                                                                                                    Our Climate Adaptation Program, which
                                  The population of Metro Vancouver                                                 features 60 projects across B.C. will
                                                                                                                    increase the resiliency of the highway
                                 is growing at a rapid rate and needs                                               network and help lessen the adverse effects
                                                                                                                    of climate change. This means upgrading
                             several major infrastructure investments.                                              our systems of defense to guard against
                                                                                                                    extreme flooding, erosion, and other
                                                                                                                    climate change events.
                    a diverse workforce to meet the demand             We are looking into a range of                  From the lower mainland and the island,
                    in our growing economy. The CBA is                 possibilities to support smart growth        to the interior and northern B.C., we will
                    designed to maximize opportunities to              in the Fraser Valley to help ensure the      continue to move transportation projects
                    mobilize and grow a safe, diverse, and             development of affordable and liveable       forward that will support communities and
                    skilled workforce in the province.                 communities. Our current study will          climate goals as we recover from COVID-19
                      The CBA will provide priority hiring             look at traffic congestion and travel        and look forward to a brighter future.
                    for local people, Indigenous peoples,              demands in this fast-growing region and
                    women, and other traditionally                     evaluate options for new transit and
                    underrepresented groups in the trades.             transportation initiatives. The report
                    Greater apprenticeship and skills training         will examine plans for more investments      Connie Vitello is interim editor
                    opportunities are available by setting target      in major highway projects like widening      of ReNew Canada.

                    10 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                   

                                                                                                                                                         Credit: Gordie Howe International Bridge
              BUILDING TREND

    The Gordie Howe International Bridge project is providing
    targeted community benefits on both sides of the border.
    In Windsor, the Workforce Development and Participation
    Strategy is supporting workforce, training, and pre-
    apprenticeship and apprenticeship opportunities.

The evolution of CBAs in Canadian infrastructure development.
By Tim Runge

         Community Benefits Agreement                  partnered with Daniels Corp. to transform        Any contractor in the construction industry
         (CBA) is a legal contract that                low-income social housing in Regent Park         can bid on and perform project work. The
         specifies community benefits for              into a mixed-use community, combining            agreement includes:
an infrastructure or development project.              affordable housing with market-price                ire workers within a 100-kilometre
CBAs come in three basic formats: private              condominiums, commercial and retail                radius of the site.
CBAs are signed between developers                     spaces, and community amenities.
                                                                                                          I ndigenous people, women in trades, and
and community groups; public CBAs are                  Construction jobs and training were part
                                                                                                           other disadvantaged groups have priority
requirements in government Requests for                of the project.
                                                                                                           in all hiring and training on government-
Proposals; and, hybrid CBAs are multi-party              In 2018, the Government of Canada began
                                                                                                           funded projects.
agreements with developers, governments,               encouraging Community Employment
and community groups.                                  Benefits (CEB) in projects funded through           arget apprenticeship ratio of 25 per cent,
  In Canada, several CBA models have been              the Investing in Canada program. This              variable on a trade-by-trade basis.
tried. Canadian CBAs have emphasized                   framework created targets for employment,          Every worker paid union wages.
labour development; most have employed                 training, and procurement opportunities for
                                                                                                           ages and benefits increased by two per
low-income or disadvantaged populations                apprentices, Indigenous peoples, women,
                                                                                                          cent each year to 2024.
and created apprenticeships opportunities.             persons with disabilities, veterans, youth,
  The Vancouver 2010 Olympic and                       recent immigrants, small businesses, and           No-strike, no-lockout clause.
Paralympic Winter Village used a hybrid                social enterprises.                                The     g ove r n m e n t c re a t e d BC
CBA. In 2005, a new non-profit, Building                 Federal-provincial infrastructure funding      Infrastructure Benefits Inc. (BCIB), a
Inner City Businesses (BOB) was the                    requires community benefits.                     Crown corporation to handle hiring and
primary negotiator on a CBA signed with                                                                 paying all workers under the CBA. BCIB
the City of Vancouver and the developer                British Columbia                                 also handles union dues deductions. Open-
to provide jobs for inner-city residents and           B.C.’s CBA requires employers to hire locally,   shop companies’ employees are required to
procurement targeted to local businesses.              provide apprenticeship training, and give        join a designated union, the new Allied
  Toronto Community Housing Corp.                      Indigenous people and women opportunities.       Infrastructure and Related Construction

12 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                            
Credit: PCL

                 An inclusive construction site at the Sturgeon Refinery
                 in Alberta. It is the first refinery built in Canada in over
                 35 years, and the only refinery designed from the outset
                 with a carbon capture solution to maximize performance
                 and minimize environmental impacts.

              Council of BC, after 30 days on the job.                   work and establish hiring requirements in        must be developed outlining the number of
                 B.C.’s CBA is not a standard CBA since                  construction tenders: 30 per cent of total       apprentices that will be involved, particularly
              it applies to many projects across an entire               in-scope contract hours to be worked by          women, newcomers, at-risk youth, veterans,
              province. Its labour requirements make                     residents for road construction, and 20          and Indigenous populations.
              it closer to a Project Labour Agreement                    per cent for bridge construction. ESRA             LTIP committed to develop a policy
              (PLA), an agreement to use only union                      invested more than $80 million into First        framework for community benefits,
              labour on site.                                            Nation communities and created about             focusing on workforce development
                 A coalition of construction associations                600 job opportunities.                           opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged
              opposed to the province’s CBA (specifically                                                                 communities, underrepresented workers,
              a requirement that workers must join trade                 Ontario                                          and local residents. This set out a process
              boards) filed suit in BC’s Supreme Court.                  The Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity       for community benefits pilot projects to test
                                                                         Act of 2015 (IJPA) and the Long-Term             different approaches, the development of a
              Manitoba                                                   Infrastructure Plan of 2017 (LTIP) committed     CBF in partnership with stakeholders and
              In 2010, Manitoba’s East Side Road                         to community benefits in all major public        partners, and application of the framework
              Authority (ESRA) launched CBAs aligned                     infrastructure projects.                         to all major public infrastructure projects.
              with the Aboriginal Procurement Initiative                   IJPA’s purpose was to encourage evidence-        The current provincial government
                                                                                                                          continued existing CBAs as pilot projects on
                                                                                                                          a voluntary market participation basis.
                                      Canadian CBAs have employed
                                                                                                                          Municipal initiatives
                             disadvantaged populations and created                                                        A growing number of Canadian municipalities
                                                                                                                          are investigating or implementing social
                                                                                                                          procurement, including CBAs, CEBs, and
                                      apprenticeships opportunities.                                                      Community Benefits Frameworks (CBFs).
                                                                                                                          The list includes: in B.C., Cumberland,
              to increase Indigenous involvement in                      based, strategic, and long-term infrastructure   Vancouver, Victoria, and Surrey; in Alberta,
              Manitoba’s procurements. The CBAs provide                  planning to support job creation, training       Calgary, Edmonton, and Wood Buffalo; in
              contracts and training to community-owned                  opportunities, and economic growth.              Ontario, Hamilton, Toronto, and Windsor;
              construction companies for pre-construction                During the procurement process, a plan           and, in Quebec, Montreal.

                                                                                                             May/June 2021 ReNew Canada 13

  In 2018, Vancouver was the first             Crosslinx Transit Solutions, the builder.         Finch West Light-Rail Transit (LRT)
Canadian municipality to adopt a CBA             The province finalized this agreement,
                                                                                                 Eglinton Crosstown LRT
policy. Developer applications for rezoning    setting a goal of 10 per cent of all trade
that exceed 500,000 sf are subject to 10 per   and craft working hours performed by              Hurontario LRT
cent local employment and 10 per cent local    apprentices and journeypersons who                Macdonald Block Reconstruction
procurement requirements.                      are historically disadvantaged in the             West Park Healthcare Centre Development
  The City of Toronto had experience           job market.
with CBAs before instituting a social                                                            Gordie Howe International Bridge
                                                 Through this CBF, by Q1 2020 nearly
procurement policy in 2016 to leverage the                                                       Thunder Bay Correctional Complex
                                               400 people had been hired from local
city’s purchasing power by achieving socio-                                                      Pattullo Bridge
                                               communities in construction and
economic impacts for Indigenous peoples
                                               professional, administrative, and technical        illennium Line Broadway Extension
and equity-seeking residents. The city’s
                                               jobs, and more than $7.5 million was              (SkyTrain)
CBF was adopted in 2019 and is now in
                                               purchased from local small and medium-           For some P3 projects in Ontario, achieving
development and testing.
  Metrolinx, Ontario’s regional transit        sized businesses.                               LEED® silver certification is part of the CBA.
agency, negotiated a CBF with the
                                               P3 projects with CBAs                           What do major P3 players think?
Toronto Community Benefits Network
for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT project.        Most CBAs in Canada are for smaller,            We interviewed senior executives from the
It outlines the roles and responsibilities     municipal-level projects, while public-         private sector who are involved in P3 projects
of four partners implementing targeted         private partnerships are typically used for     with CBA requirements.
workforce and economic development             larger projects, so there are few P3 projects     While the spectrum of opinion about CBAs
goals, including the Ministry of Advanced      with CBAs. In late 2019, P3s with CBAs          ranged from strong opposition to strong
Education and Skills Development and           were in Ontario and British Columbia:           support, all stressed the need for standard
                                                                                               definitions of “community” and “benefits” and
                                                                                               of who receives the benefits, and how. Industry
            HIGHLIGHTS OF SELECT P3 PROJECTS                                                   needs to know about a CBA early, preferably
                                                                                               before the Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
               AND THEIR CBA REQUIREMENTS                                                      stage and certainly before financial close.
                                                                                                 There was a strong call for factual assessment
         P3 Project                CBA Benefits                                                and realistic development of a project’s local
                                                                                               labour force, on both supply and demand
                                       ecruit for Crosslinx
                                      R                                                        sides. How many new workers can be hired,
                                      employment opportunities.                                at what levels, and for how long, was not
                                       rovide training and workforce
                                      P                                                        sufficiently understood by governments or
         Eglinton                     development opportunities to youth                       community advocates.
        Crosstown                     and others facing employment barriers.                     Also, community advocates did not always
           LRT                         rocure goods and services from
                                      P                                                        understand CBAs are project specific, and the
                                      local businesses and social enterprises                  benefits in one project’s CBA are not always
                                      whenever possible.                                       applicable to other projects.
                                      Build a green energy facility.                            P3 practitioners cautioned that, although P3s
                                                                                               are big projects, there is not necessarily more
                                                                                               time to advance training or apprenticeship for
                                       nsure Peel residents access
                                      E                                                        new hires. Who is required, when, and for how
                                      employment opportunities.                                long can be unknown in the early days of the
                                       pportunities for social enterprises
                                      O                                                        project, and some trades might be required for
        Hurontario                    to benefit from project procurement.                     only short periods, even on multi-year projects.
           LRT                        F ocus on youth for apprenticeship,                       When asked for examples of successful
                                       newcomers, and foreign-trained professionals.           CBAs, two projects were prominent: Vancouver
                                       pportunities for residents to enter careers in
                                      O                                                        2010 Olympic and Paralympic Village,
                                      construction trades or their area of expertise.          and Eglinton LRT.

                                                                                               Note: This article is based on a recent report
                                       t least 20 per cent of new hires
                                      A                                                        written in collaboration with The Canadian
                                      from the local area for construction                     Council for Public-Private Partnerships: P3s and
                                      and permanent jobs.                                      Community Benefits Agreements in Canada
       Gordie Howe                     argeted community benefits on
                                      T                                                        (January 2021.)
       International                  both sides of the border.
          Bridge                      F ocus on supporting workforce, training,
                                       and pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship                             Tim Runge is a partner
                                       opportunities, including for Indigenous                               with Constructive Edge,
                                       peoples, women, and youth.                                            a corporate advisory and
                                                                                                             support firm with offices in
                                                                                                             Australia, Belgium, Canada,
                                                                                                             UK, USA, and India.

14 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                     

An effective way to accelerate infrastructure delivery?                                                         By Andy Manahan

           ue to the COVID-19 pandemic,           consolidation of the procurement of two or               Pennsylvania’s bridge
           municipal finances are tight and       more projects with the view of entering into             replacement project
           even with funding support from         a single contract with one vendor.”
                                                                                                           The state chose Plenary Walsh Keystone
senior orders of government, it will be             IO’s paper went on to say that the “projects           Partners to deliver this U.S. $1.12 billion
difficult for local governments to address        that may be considered for bundling are                  project. Substantial completion was achieved
asset management priorities. The property         those that are contiguous, of similar scope,             in 2019 because the bulk of the bridges had
tax base has always had its limits and is now     grouped in a defined geographical area or                similar dimensions and precast structures
being stretched by operational demands.           in locations separated by a considerable                 were used to minimize on-site time. At
Gas tax and other programs have played            distance.” Translation: one municipality,                the outset, Pennsylvania provided permit
an important role in funding community            region, or county could be part of an initiative         approvals for the first tranche of projects
infrastructure, but these are insufficient to     to remediate similar assets or the contract              and made process modifications relating to
meet the growing backlog of projects.             could cover more than one jurisdiction.                  the National Environmental Policy Act.
  Are there alternate ways to promote state-        The U.S. Federal Highway Administration                  Maximizing local content was an objective
of-good-repair or even replacement of aging       notes that bundling can streamline                       so the state was divided into sub-regions
structures in an expedited fashion and to         environmental analysis and permits, design,              where construction and design firms had
achieve the multiple policy goals? Canada’s       contracting, and construction. To enhance                access to the tenders. In total, 18 different
infrastructure and communities minister,          successful outcomes, dealing with many                   Pennsylvania-based contractors were
Catherine McKenna, has advocated for a
                                                  projects such as bridges with similar designs            involved in completing this project, with
“triple duty” approach where economic
                                                  and age profiles will result in greater cost             most construction personnel from local
recovery imperatives are bolstered by greater
                                                  effectiveness due to standardization.                    trade unions. Further, there was a boost to
resiliency and social inclusion considerations,
including community benefits.

                                                                                                                                                                      Source: Applied Research Associates, 2020
  Project bundling provides an opportunity to                                                    TOTAL RISK
fast-track construction delivery timelines and
to do so at reduced costs. In the U.S., major
bridge bundling programs have resulted in               D-B-B/IDIQ                                     CM/GC                        D-B             P3 (DBF/O/M)
hundreds of aging or structurally deficient
bridges being rehabilitated or replaced within
a short period of time compared to traditional
procurement methods.                                      Agency Risk                                                                       Contractor Risk
  In 2017 I was the kickoff speaker at an
infrastructure forum hosted by S&P Global                 Contractor Risk                                                                       Agency Risk
Ratings and the Canadian Council of Public-
Private Partnerships (CCPPP) to discuss
how the market potential of bundling could
be unlocked and to explore solutions to fund
smaller assets. Two major bridge bundles                                                              Total Risk
were discussed: Missouri’s Safe and Sound
Program where 802 bridges in poor condition
were replaced (554) or rehabilitated (248)                                                PROJECT DELIVERY
by late 2012, well ahead of schedule,
and the in-progress Pennsylvania Rapid                        Traditional                  Alternative Project Delivery and Contracting Methods
Bridge Replacement Project to address 558
structurally deficient bridges. This article
expands on this presentation by examining                           Agency                   Agency                            Agency                   Agency
                                                                                                          Cost Estimator
recent experiences such as the move to
bundle other asset classes.
                                                         Designer         General     Designer   Construction                  Design-               Concessionaire
What does “bundling” mean?                                               Contractor               Manager                       Build
A straightforward explanation of project
bundling is “awarding a single contract                                                            General                                              Design-
                                                                                                                      Designer(s)   Contractor(s)
                                                                                                  Contractor                                             Build
for several preservation, rehabilitation,
or replacement projects.” According to                  DESIGN-BID-BUILD & IDIQ                       CM/GC                  Design-Build                 P3
a 2011 paper prepared by Infrastructure
Ontario, bundling refers to “the grouping or

16 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                                      
Sponsored Content

Toronto’s review of parking regulations welcomed by RCCAO
RCCAO is pleased that the City of Toronto is reviewing its       We favour an approach similar to that taken by the City
parking regulations and considering removing the standard        of Edmonton, called open option parking, which removes
requirements for new developments.                               minimum on-site parking requirements and allows developers,
This is something we have advocated for as times have            homeowners and businesses to decide how much on-site parking
changed and demand for parking continues to shift due            to provide on their properties based on their particular operations,
to a decrease in vehicle ownership and increases in driving      activities or lifestyle.
alternatives like ride-sharing and public transit.               RCCAO is also advocating for increasing the use of above-grade
                                                                 parking, as digging deep into the ground can result in water issues,
Building parking adds to the cost of construction and results
                                                                 and adverse impact on stormwater capacity as well as creating a
in increased housing prices. A single parking space can add
                                                                 challenge for sewer infrastructure.
$80,000 to $100,000 to the cost of housing in downtown
Toronto. In addition, there is the ongoing maintenance cost      Above-grade parking is less expensive and, at the same time, allows
for the parking space.                                           for the repurposing of parking spaces if they become redundant
                                                                 in future.
Toronto is looking at removing minimum parking
requirements and instead imposing a maximum number of            Building above-grade parking also greatly increases the speed of
required parking spots in new developments, which would          construction and thus minimizes the disruptive impact. Anecdotal
reduce the risk of a future oversupply of parking.               evidence suggests that, on average, two months of construction can
                                                                 be saved per parking level, which means that anywhere from six to
The city currently requires a minimum number of parking
                                                                 12 months could be shaved off a construction schedule.
spaces based on the location and use of new buildings,
which varies in different parts of the city. These parking       Recommendations on changes to the zoning bylaw governing
requirements are not consistently applied and oftentimes are     parking requirements are expected to be presented to Toronto’s
project specific. Removing minimum parking requirements          planning and housing committee in the fourth quarter of this year.
will allow market trends to determine parking necessity.         Visit to find out more.


                                                          @_RCCAO                  RCCAO


the regional economy due to supply chain        of Transportation is a proponent of project        complete, but the first segments were
benefits. Construction materials were           bundling but is seeking to improve decision        operational in less than two years, and 13
primarily sourced from suppliers and            making by moving from spreadsheet-type             other states are bundling broadband and
fabricators within the state.                   analyses to taking advantage of artificial         fiber optic projects.
  A Design-Build-Finance-Operate-               intelligence (AI) and machine learning to            Branded as “KentuckyWired,” the program
Maintain contract ensures that quality is       inform the bundling program. According to          will help pay for its construction in two
high as the lead contractor is responsible      Feagans, when AI is blended with expert            ways: it will own its middle mile network
for maintenance over a 25-year period           review and other inputs to provide insight on      rather than paying private companies,
following construction completion. When         unstructured data there are numerous benefits.     and it will lease half of its fiber strands
infrastructure is built to a high standard         Among his takeaways on this approach:           to private companies. Productivity in
and properly maintained, it will have a         it saves time, it improves project selection,      government offices has already dramatically
longer lifespan. The consortium must hand       and it results in cost optimization. In fact, he   improved in rural areas where connectivity
back the bridges in a high condition rating.    said that the significant cost savings—such        was problematic.
  This was the first P3 project in the U.S.     as the 27 per cent savings for the U.S. 50
to utilize a performance bond with an           Bridge Rehabilitation Corridor—are being           Where do we go from here?
accelerated adjudication period, which          redirected to other construction work.             The Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) has
S&P credited in its ratings rationale as           Bundling small structures, bridges, and         reinvigorated its mandate and its Growth
providing greater certainty to investors.       road projects into a corridor contract has         Plan focuses on five areas where a positive
  In a “Lessons Learned” report, the            resulted in coordination and mobilization          impact could be made. Could the CIB
transportation department estimated that        benefits. While Indiana’s department               partner with sub-national jurisdictions and
replacing the structures using conventional     was quite eager to be the leader in issuing        its agencies to deliver bridge, broadband, or
contract procedures would have taken            bundling tenders, Feagans indicated that           other infrastructure in an accelerated way?
eight to 12 years. Instead, the construction    there was push back from the contractor            To generate revenue, will better methods be
program took about three and a half years,      community. When too many bundles were              found to charge users of infrastructure?
thus reducing impacts to the traveling public   released, contractors expressed that they             Even though project bundling is not
compared to a traditional delivery program.     could not handle the size of the projects.         held out as a panacea, it is worth pursuing
                                                                                                   on a pilot project basis. To underline the
                                                                                                   earlier statement about limited municipal
       Project bundling provides an opportunity                                                    funding, the risk of deferred maintenance
                                                                                                   will be evident across all jurisdictions,
                                                                                                   but perhaps more so for small towns and
    to fast-track construction delivery timelines                                                  in rural areas. This is an ideal time for
                                                                                                   senior orders of government to assist the

                and to do so at reduced costs.                                                     hard-pressed municipal sector. If the CIB
                                                                                                   provides funding and program support
                                                                                                   for a trial in one or two jurisdictions and
                                                                                                   it is successful, the bundling approach
Saskatoon’s new bridge project                  In this instance, there is a parallel with
                                                                                                   could be replicated elsewhere and across
                                                Ontario’s experience in 2013 when large
In 2018, the City of Saskatoon was                                                                 different asset types.
                                                bundles for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT
honoured with a CCPPP gold award for                                                                  When I asked Dan D’Angelo, principal
                                                resulted in a lack of bidders.
the North Commuter Parkway & Traffic                                                               engineer with ARA what he expects with
Bridge Project which was the first P3             Feagans also warns not to mix interstate         President Joe Biden’s administration,
bundled transportation project in Canada.       with non-interstate road projects; combining       he responded: “I do expect bundling to
This $240 million project contract was          union and non-union workforces in a                become more popular due to the fiscal
not only innovative but also fostered a         bundle can be problematic. He advises to           constraints governments face and even
partnership with Indigenous communities.        select similar project types— historic bridges     more so if there is an infrastructure
  A new six-lane, multi-purpose bridge          should be treated as standalone projects—          economic stimulus program.”
was renamed during the construction             and be cognizant about scheduling on a                Project bundling will allow us to build
phase and pays tribute to Chief Mistawasis,     concurrent or consecutive basis.                   and rehabilitate municipal infrastructure
the Cree Chief who signed Treaty 6, and                                                            faster than we would under traditional
                                                Beyond bridges to broadband
is intended to represent reconciliation                                                            procurement models. It has the potential
with Saskatoon First Nations. Indigenous        Bundling in the U.S. market has moved              to be transformative as we build
workers were also on construction crews.        beyond bridges to other asset classes.             back better during this economic and
Road extensions connect to a rehabilitated      Applied Research Associates (ARA), a               social recovery.
traffic bridge where a new steel-truss          leader in advancing the bundling model, lists
structure preserves its early 20th-century      the following types of projects: roads, traffic
character while adhering to more rigorous       signals, fiber optic and broadband networks,
safety standards.                               travel plazas, alternative fueling stations,                   Andy Manahan is president
                                                and parking facilities.                                        of Manahan Consulting
Indiana’s infrastructure                          In Kentucky, a broadband bundling                            Services, a newly formed
rehabilitation project                          project was awarded to install a 3,000-mile
                                                                                                               boutique firm with a goal
                                                                                                               of becoming a trusted
Louis Feagans, managing director of asset       (4,828-km) fiber optic network along roads                     advisor on infrastructure
management for Indiana’s Department             throughout the state. The program is nearly        and development projects.

18 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                 Credit: Diamond Schmitt Architects
                                                   LOW CARBON
                                                   IS ON
   The new Ottawa
   Library and Canada
   Archives building
   project is targeting
   net-zero carbon
   and LEED Gold

Canada’s new climate plan needs a consistent approach to net zero buildings.
By Ryan Zizzo

        anada can make progress towards        carbon to manufacture construction               loads, water use, and other operational loads.
        its climate goals while supporting     materials), net-zero, and climate resiliency.    It depends on the efficiency of the building
        economic growth by moving beyond         This new holistic life-cycle focus will        systems and the carbon intensity of the
energy efficiency, ensuring new buildings      push the industry forward. The federal           energy sources used.
are net-zero carbon and made from local,       government has the largest real estate              Embodied carbon includes the emissions
low-carbon, and carbon-storing materials.      footprint in the country and these changes       associated with construction material
The federal government knows this and          will go a long way toward meeting Canada’s       harvesting, manufacture, and transportation,
has crafted thoughtful and transformative      climate goals including by setting the bar       as well as those required to construct the
requirements for new federal government        for “future-proof” climate-smart buildings.      building. These embodied emissions that
buildings. Less thoughtful is its plan         But we need this comprehensive approach          occur pre-occupancy are called “upfront
for other, non-government, buildings.          to carbon applied to all buildings if we want    embodied carbon.” Additional embodied
To maximize efficiency, public and private     to meet the country’s emission targets,          carbon is emitted throughout the use of
sectors need a consistent approach.            not just those of the federal government.        the building associated with materials
                                               The government should be setting similar         and processes for maintenance, repair,
Emissions reduction revolution                 requirements for commercial and large-scale      rehabilitation, and further emissions
Canada’s 2030 emissions reduction              building retrofits rather than simply focusing   associated with building end-of-life including
roadmap, entitled “A Healthy Environment       on energy efficiency, as the plan currently      demolition, dis-assembly, and final recycling
and a Healthy Economy,” was released           does. In other words, the same guidelines        or disposal of materials.
in December 2020. The plan notes the           that apply to the public sector should apply        Operating carbon has been managed, via
Government of Canada will: “ensure new         to the private sector. To understand why, we     energy efficiency, for decades. Building codes
federal buildings are net-zero and that all    need to dig a little deeper.                     across the country include minimum energy
major building retrofits will be low-carbon,     The carbon footprint of a building can be      efficiency requirements that are made
reducing embodied carbon in construction       split into two major categories:                 more stringent with each code update. This
projects by 30% starting in 2025, and           1 Emissions associated with operating
                                                                                                means new buildings today are significantly
ensuring 75% of domestic office floor space    the building, called “operating carbon.”         more energy efficient than the ones built
(new leases and lease renewals) will be in                                                      decades ago. In addition, energy systems
net-zero carbon climate resilient buildings
                                               2  Emissions associated with creating            are decarbonizing with coal plants being
starting in 2030.”                             and maintaining the building; called             decommissioned and replaced with lower
  These requirements are forward-thinking      “embodied carbon.”                               carbon renewable energy. Even natural gas
and best-in-class. They move beyond the          Operating carbon includes the emissions        has a reducing carbon footprint as utilities
outdated focus on energy efficiency and        from ongoing building operations like            begin adding renewable natural gas (created
rather target carbon (including embodied       heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, plug    from biofuels) to their distribution networks.

20 ReNew Canada May/June 2021                                                                                    
Source: Skanska

                                        Carbon Emissions in Building:
                                         ‘Upfront’ Embodied Carbon                                                                                            EMBODIED                                                      OPERATIONAL
                                           and Operational Carbon                                                                                              CARBON                                                         CARBON

                                             Embodied Carbon:
                                   Manufacture, transport and installation
                                         of construction materials
                                                           Operational Carbon:
                                                      Building energy consumption
Source: Architecture2030

                                                                                  Total Carbon Emissions of Global New Construction from 2020-2050
                                                                                                                            (Business and Usual Projection)
                                                     10                                                                               EMBODIED CARBON
                                                                                                                                          2020-2050                                     50%

                                                     75               EMBODIED CARBON                                                        49%                                        40%          49%                            51%

                                                                                                                                                                   % Carbon Emissions
                                  Trillion kg CO2e

                                                                             74%                                                                                                        30%



                                                          2020          2025            2030             2035             2040             2045           2050                                       EMBODIED                    OPERATIONAL
                                                                                 EMBODIED CARBON             OPERATIONAL CARBON                                                                       CARBON                       CARBON
                                                                               © 2020 2030, Inc. / Architecture 2030. All Rights Reserved.                                                   © 2018 2030, Inc. / Architecture 2030. All Rights Reserved.
                                                             Data Sources: UN Environment Global Status Report 2017; EIA International Energy Outlook 2017.                Data Sources: UN Environment Global Status Report 2017; EIA International Energy Outlook 2017.

                           Combined, these changes are significantly                                                efficiency of large-scale buildings could see that                               and would be optimized, rather than ignored
                           reducing the emissions associated with                                                   apartment reskinned with large amounts of                                        as it currently is on most projects. Once
                           operating buildings.                                                                     insulation and metal cladding. These additional                                  measured, designers will start prioritizing
                             As the amount of operating carbon continues                                            materials should achieve the goal of increasing                                  carbon-efficient or even carbon-storing
                           to decrease, the other side of the carbon                                                energy efficiency and would also likely reduce                                   materials, and the built environment can
                           equation—the embodied carbon—becomes                                                     the operational carbon if the building uses                                      move from being a net carbon contributor
                           an increasingly big piece of the carbon pie.                                             carbon-intensive operating energy.                                               to being a net carbon sink. This approach
                           Recent studies by Architecture2030 have                                                    Those additional materials, however,                                           also prioritizes local materials to minimize
                           shown that globally, embodied carbon is                                                  likely have a large embodied carbon                                              transportation-related emissions and
                           expected to represent nearly 50 per cent of the                                          footprint, which is not considered if we only                                    supports local jobs.
                           carbon impact from new buildings between                                                 target energy efficiency. In this example,                                         In the short term, all building programs
                           now and 2050. Various other studies have                                                 the overlooked embodied carbon emissions                                         (both public and private) should evolve
                           shown that the embodied carbon associated                                                associated with the renovation might take                                        their focus on energy efficiency to instead
                           with typical commercial-scale new buildings                                              decades to pay back from the resulting                                           reduce life cycle carbon emissions, including
                           in jurisdictions with low-carbon electricity,                                            annual operating carbon savings—hardly                                           embodied carbon. This approach ensures we
                           including Quebec, British Columbia, and                                                  a “carbon win” towards our 2030 climate                                          don’t retrofit our buildings with a large pulse
                           Ontario is equal to roughly a decade-worth                                               reduction targets. Looking at energy                                             of embodied carbon in the short term, only
                           of operating carbon. That’s a big carbon                                                 efficiency or operational carbon savings                                         to achieve long-term carbon savings which
                           impact to be overlooked and left unregulated.                                            without considering the embodied carbon                                          could blow past our 2030 targets.
                           Governments and policymakers including                                                   is like considering investment returns but                                         The government knows this—as
                           leaders in Vancouver and California are starting                                         ignoring the up-front costs to buy-in.                                           demonstrated by its thoughtful new
                           to roll-out requirements aimed at reporting and                                            For a comprehensive approach to future                                         requirements for federal buildings. Now
                                                                                                                    buildings, two paradigm shifts are required:                                     is the time to apply this knowledge more
                           management of embodied carbon.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     broadly to consistently craft carbon-smart
                                                                                                                           Shift our management metric from
                           Examining low carbon life-cycle                                                                                                                                           solutions across all building programs,
                                                                                                                           energy to carbon.                                                         including for non-government buildings.
                           Canada’s green building strategy should aim to
                                                                                                                      2   	Shift our period of assessment from                                      We don’t have any time to waste.
                           make both new construction and renovations
                           comprehensively low carbon over their life-                                                      annual operating to whole life-cycle
                           cycle and avoid simply shifting the carbon                                                       carbon (including both operating and
                           burden from operations to embodied. To                                                           embodied carbon).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ryan Zizzo is a professional
                           illustrate, let’s consider the example of an aging                                         These changes would reframe how                                                                        engineer and founder of
                           apartment building with an inefficient leaky                                             buildings are designed and constructed. The                                                              Mantle Developments,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             based in Toronto, Ontario.
                           building envelope. A strategy funded under the                                           upfront carbon footprint to construct the
                           government’s current plan to improve energy                                              building would become part of the discussion

                                                                                                                                                                                                May/June 2021 ReNew Canada 21
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