Innovation pays Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits - Momentum - Manufacturing NI

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Innovation pays Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits - Momentum - Manufacturing NI
Innovation pays…

Businesses with
R&D Tax Credits
White Paper - Feb 2020

Innovation pays Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits - Momentum - Manufacturing NI
Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits                                                                               White Paper

Innovation in                                             with practical R&D help and indeed R&D Tax
                                                                                                         towards unprecedented levels of integrated
                                                                                                         automation, now is the time when an
Northern Ireland                                          However, at the start of this new decade
                                                          there have been some green shoots of
                                                                                                         investment in R&D could pay dividends in
                                                                                                         future-proofing your company.
                                                          optimism for the industry.                     Investments in R&D are seen as important
Northern Ireland has a long and proud                                                                    ways of building for the decade ahead with
history of inventors but there is growing                 In January 2020, the HIS Markit/CIPS           innovations in new equipment, products
concern that our best innovators are not                  UK Manufacturing PMI, which includes           and processes along with investment in
accessing the financial support they are                  Northern Ireland, was revised higher to 50.0   people and skills.
entitled to.                                              from a previous estimate of 49.8.
That reputation for innovation and invention              The PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) is
continues to this day with Northern Ireland               an indicator of the prevailing direction of    “Northern Ireland has a world class manu-
ranking fifth out of all the UK regions                   economic trends in the manufacturing and
                                                                                                         facturing and engineering heritage. Con-
for R&D performance, according to the                     services sectors.
                                                                                                         tinuous innovation is crucial to ensuring NI
Knowledge Economy Index Report, which                     The latest revision brings the PMI to its      companies are able to produce products
was commissioned by Catalyst Inc in 2018.                 strongest reading since last April which       and offer services that meet and exceed
Achieving Catalyst’s Knowledge Economy                    indicates a stabilising of the industry,       global customer needs and expectations
aspirations could inject £3 billion of GVA to             following eight months of contraction.
                                                                                                         for the future. Invest NI’s R&D support,
the Northern Ireland economy by 2030 and                  Reasons for this include further clarity       alongside the Government’s R&D tax credit
add more than 80,000 jobs.                                around Brexit, the General Election taking     schemes, provides our advanced manu-
The Knowledge Economy is made up of                       place and the full restoration of Stormont     facturing and engineering companies with
individual companies that create, develop                 as well as future sales orders. With           an excellent financial support framework
and commercialise new ideas, technical                    further reference to the General Election,     to accelerate and leverage greater R&D
processes and export them around the                      the Conservative manifesto, should it
                                                                                                         investment. This in turn will lead to greater
world.                                                    be realised, will see a notable change in
                                                          R&D Tax Credits. The R&D Tax Credit rate       commercial and economic benefits for
Catalyst is a community of innovators                     will increase from 12% to 13% for large        businesses and Northern Ireland.”
coming together in a next-generation                      companies to boost key sectors.
science park with locations in Belfast,                                                                  Bill Montgomery, Director, Advanced
Derry-Londonderry and Ballymena. Over                     It’s good news for SMEs too with the           Engineering and Manufacturing, Invest
3,000 engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs               Tory manifesto also making a welcome           Northern Ireland
and executives from over 200 companies                    pledge to review the definition of research
are part of its thriving network that aims                and development so areas such as cloud
to produce world-leading products and                     computing and data are incentivised.
services originating in Northern Ireland                  Supporting Research and Development is
(Source: Catalyst Inc, 2018).
R&D is vital to a productive economy.
                                                          a government priority as it is a key driver
                                                          of productivity growth. R&D investment
Firms that invest in R&D have around 13
percent higher productivity than those
                                                          enables companies to convert research
                                                          into practical innovations.
who don’t invest. More specifically within
the manufacturing sector, innovative
                                                          This ensures that companies can continue       What are R&D
                                                          to make use of the latest advancements in
companies have experienced a growth rate
of 38 percent within the last three years,
                                                          technology and benefit from the ensuing        Tax Credits?
                                                          productivity gains.
compared to 10 percent growth managed
by the least innovative.                                  Although the manufacturing industry            The government has developed an
                                                          accounts for the majority of R&D               incentive initiative that rewards companies
The message is clear, innovation breeds                   expenditure in the UK (65% or £16.3billion     investing in R&D.
success.                                                  in 2018), this is down from 84% in 1985.
                                                                                                         R&D Tax Credits are a form of Corporation
                                                          Counteracting the effects of this trend        Tax relief designed to promote and
Manufacturing –                                           has been one of the main focuses of
                                                          UK industrial policy in recent years. For
                                                                                                         encourage increased spending on R&D
                                                                                                         projects. This leads to a greater investment
An Industry Overview                                      example, successive governments have
                                                          supported the development of the Catapult
                                                                                                         in innovation, and in turn ensures that the
                                                                                                         UK manufacturing industry continues to
                                                          Centre Programme.                              thrive.
In 2018 manufacturing in the UK accounted
for: 8% of jobs, 2.7 million in total, £191               These organisations and campuses seek          R&D Tax Credits are the most generous
billion of economic output, or 10% of the                 to connect businesses, academics and           and under-claimed form of Corporation
UK total, 42% of UK exports, worth £275                   industrial research so that technological      Tax relief in the UK. It can be claimed by a
billion and 65% (£16 billion) of UK research              advances can be more easily converted          range of companies; from SMEs to larger
and development spending.                                 into commercial products or processes.         organisations, that conduct research
                                                                                                         or seek to promote development and
In Northern Ireland, manufacturing                        The proportion of R&D accounted for by
                                                                                                         advancement in their field.
generates annual sales approaching £20                    manufacturing has declined in recent years.
billion, directly employing 80,000 people,                                                               Claiming is not restricted to white-coat
                                                          In 1985, manufacturing R&D investment
supporting production and employment in                                                                  laboratory activity or projects that have
                                                          was 84% of total R&D, compared to the
a wider supply chain and creating jobs and                                                               been successful. It is applicable to all
                                                          current total of 65%. The proportion of R&D
strong communities.                                                                                      research and development activity that
                                                          spending accounted for by the service
                                                                                                         relates to your company’s trade with
Manufacturing in the UK has faced a tough                 industries has seen a corresponding rise
                                                                                                         the intention of advancing technology
operating landscape for a number of years                 over the same period, from 11% to 32%.
                                                                                                         or science, with the exception of social
but as a result of this, support for the sector           But with the industry on the cusp of a         sciences and theoretical fields.
has become a priority for the Government                  ‘fourth industrial revolution’ as it marches
Innovation pays Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits - Momentum - Manufacturing NI
Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits                                                                                 White Paper

Research and Development (R&D)
spending is analysed according to the
                                                           To put the level of claims into perspective,
                                                           HMRC figures showed that Northern                HMRC Statistics:
internationally recognised “Frascati
method” for collecting and reporting on
                                                           Ireland companies claimed just 1.7 per cent
                                                           of the total monetary funds paid out across      How has the
research and experimental development,
however for R&D Tax Credit purposes the
                                                           the UK, representing just 2.7 per-cent of all
                                                           claims.                                          manufacturing
BEIS guidelines definition is as follows
“The activities which directly contribute                  Companies here are potentially losing out
                                                           on tens of thousands of pounds.
                                                                                                            industry benefitted?
to achieving this advance in science or
technology through the resolution of                       Since its inception, The Momentum Group          Latest HMRC statistics show that the
scientific or technological uncertainty are                has helped its clients identify over £135+       Manufacturing, Professional, Scientific
R&D.”                                                      million of tax benefits.                         and Technical, and Information and
The Frascati Manual uses the following                     We believe the key reasons why                   Communication sectors continued to have
definition of R&D: …creative and systematic                Northern Ireland lags behind are: a              the greatest volume of R&D Tax Credit
work undertaken in order to increase the                   lack of awareness of the research and            claims, making up a total of 68% of claims
stock of knowledge – including knowledge                   development incentive’s existence and            and 73% of the total amount claimed for
of humankind, culture and society – and                    gaps in understanding of what qualifies as       2017-18.
to devise new applications of available                    R&D activity.                                    In terms of manufacturing, this R&D-
                                                           Our experience is that many companies in         intensive sector is still thriving despite a
For an activity to count as an R&D activity                Northern Ireland could be carrying out R&D       decline in its overall contribution to the UK’s
under the Frascati definition, it must be                  without even realising it.                       GDP. There has been a 31% year-on-year
“novel, creative, uncertain (about what                                                                     increase in total claims and overall claim
the final outcome will be), systematic and                 Interestingly, the statistics show that local    values for 2017-18’s partial data indicates
transferable/reproducible.”                                SME’s are driving the growth in claims,          this year will comfortably surpass full-year
                                                           accounting for 82% of Northern Ireland’s         values from 2016-17.
                                                           total R&D Tax Credits.
                                                                                                            While the new figures show a growth in
 To qualify for R&D Tax Credits within                     This goes to show that there is support          the use of the R&D tax credit initiative by
 thequalify  for R&D Taxyour
       BEIS guidelines,   Credits   withins the
                               company’                    available for companies of all shapes, sizes     Northern Ireland businesses – successfully
BEIS    guidelines,
 application   mustyour  company’
                      explain how thes application
                                        project:           and sectors and our mission is to work           claiming £75m in 2017-18, by comparison,
must explain how the project:                              with them to help them get their slice of the    Scottish companies claimed £175m, Welsh
   • seeks to achieve an advance in                        millions that the UK government has made         companies £95m and English companies
  • seeks to achieve an advance in science
      science or technology                                available.                                       £3.9bn.
     or technology
  •• has
                            directlycontribute             According to the Chief Executive of
      contribute  to achieving  this  advance              Manufacturing NI, Stephen Kelly: “R&D
                                                                                                            Finance Bill
     to achieving this advance     through   the
      through the
     resolution  ofresolution  of technological
                    scientific or scientific or            Tax Credits encourage innovation in the
      technological uncertainty
     uncertainty                                           manufacturing sector, enabling companies

 •• has
                                                           to thrive and look to the future with real
                                                                                                            2019-20: R&D Tax
             to the
     are also
                related      which
                         to the
                      other than
               R&D. Activities
                                    are which
                                project  also
                                other  than
                                                           “Companies that are making appreciable           Credits lockdown
    Indirect  Activities’                                  improvements to new or existing
     ‘Qualifying  Indirectwhich  do notwhich
                           Activities’   directly
                                                           processes, products or services in the
    contribute   to the resolution  of
     do not directly contribute to the the                                                                  In late 2018, the Government announced
    project’s scientific or technological                  manufacturing sector could be eligible
     resolution of the project’s scientific or             for significant financial benefits for their     plans for a cap on the amount that a
    uncertainty are not R&D                                                                                 loss-making company can receive in
     technological uncertainty are not R&D                 innovation.
   (Source:, 2018)                                                                                   R&D tax credits. This level of rigour was
    (Source:, 2018)                                 “It has been encouraging to see an increase      re-introduced to the process to prevent the
                                                           in the number of claims being made               misuse of R&D tax credits and to ensure
                                                           but it is still surprising to see how many       companies are provided with professional
                                                           companies are missing out.”                      and strategic advice.
Successful claimants may be able to
recoup substantial development costs by                                                                     Successfully identifying projects that
way of cash or credit for every year in which                                                               qualify for R&D tax relief requires
qualifying R&D activities have occurred.                  While HMRC statistics show many                   considerable technical knowledge in
                                                          industries in the UK are wakening up to the       improving product processes and systems,
                                                          benefits of R&D Tax Credits, the potential is     as well as an in-depth understanding of the
R&D                                                       far greater. In our experience, there are still   legislation. In an unregulated area, involving
                                                                                                            complex financial review, working with an
                                                          so many manufacturing businesses that
                                                                                                            expert team is vital.
Support for R&D spending is a priority                    are either not aware of R&D Tax Credits,
in Northern Ireland with the Executive                    incorrectly think they do not qualify or
aiming to drive the country into the top four             feel they lack the necessary experience to
regions in the UK in terms of innovation by               submit a claim. In fact, many companies
2025.                                                     are not claiming their full legitimate
Currently Northern Ireland businesses are                 entitlement.
spending £759.2 million on R&D but the
target over the next five years is to raise               Tom Verner,
this figure to £1.2 billion.                              The Momentum Group
A total of £75 million was paid out to
businesses in Northern Ireland in R&D Tax
Credits during 2017-18.
Innovation pays Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits - Momentum - Manufacturing NI
Transforming Manufacturing Businesses with R&D Tax Credits                                                                                           White Paper

Manufacturing R&D Case Studies

“As an innovative company, Cimpina are                     “In uncertain times where the impact of                     “In the waste and recycling sector we are
always trying to push the boundaries in the                Brexit and rising costs of doing business                   continually focusing on safety and are
projects we undertake. In 2015, a business                 are top of mind for the manufacturing                       actively looking for ways to reduce the risks
associate of ours recommended that we                      sector, it is imperative for firms to look                  to workers on waste collection vehicles.
look into R&D Tax Credits which we hadn’t                  at ways of being more competitive                           Research and development has played a
heard of before. As this was an area where                 and increase their opportunities for                        key function in giving us clear foresight
even our accountants were unfamiliar with,                 international trade. In a manufacturing                     about future technological uncertainty that
we engaged with a local specialist R&D                     business, every action is designed around                   needs to be resolved. I believe research
Tax Credit firm to review our business.                    R&D activity creating new products and                      and development can be a catalyst for
Unbeknown to us, quite a proportion of                     quicker, with better and more cost-effective                speeding up product and process growth
the projects we are involved in actually                   outputs. The Government’s R&D Tax Credit                    and this has helped Macpac Refuse
qualified. These significant rebates                       initiative is there to support that process                 Bodies introduce innovative designs to
year-on-year allows Cimpina to further                     and more companies should be using this                     produce better machinery into the market,
develop our processes and take a risk in                   opportunity to improve their business and                   bolstering our side loading waste collection
attempting new projects that have a level                  their processes.”                                           vehicle range. Focusing on research and
of uncertainty. In a competitive industry,                                                                             development has helped Macpac Refuse
where we aim to be the best at what we do,                 Stephen Kelly,                                              Bodies with its competitive edge and
R&D Tax Credits have allowed us to expand                  Chief Executive                                             seeing the benefits first-hand; therefore,
our services, remain competitive and                       Manufacturing NI                                            we’ve been able to recruit a specialised
maintain and grow our staff.”                                                                                          R&D member to further develop our
Paul Hamilton,
Business Development Manager                                                                                           Drew Stewart,
                                                           Analysis of the latest HMRC figures show that Northern
Cimpina                                                    Ireland businesses accounted for £75m of all R&D Tax        Managing Director
                                                           Credits claimed across the UK for the year 2017-2018.       Macpac Refuse Bodies
                                                           However, this accounts for just 2.7% of the total number
                                                           of claims on a national level and a mere 1.7% of the
                                                           total monetary benefit claimed. Of the 1,310 Northern
                                                           Ireland claims, 1,100 were claimed under the SME R&D
                                                           initiative with the remainder claimed under schemes for
                                                           large companies (RDEC). The average amount claimed
                                                           by companies in Northern Ireland was £57,250, with
                                                           the average for SMEs being £41,000. For SMEs, this
                                                           represents an 11% increase in the number of claims and
                                                           a 13% increase in the value of claims.

About The Momentum Group                                   Momentum has helped hundreds of highly                     Take the next step
                                                           competitive companies, from manufacturing
                                                           to construction, food & drink to technol-                  For more information visit:
Founded in 2009, Momentum is one of the
longest established R&D Tax Credit advisory                ogy, to claim this UK government incentive.
firms in the UK. It is also one of the only                The team includes accountants, business,                   Follow them on social media:
R&D tax credit practices that focuses on                   commercial and ex-HMRC technical experts                   Facebook (@MomentumRandD)
providing advice on long-term innovation                   to ensure every claim gets the necessary ex-               Twitter (@Momentum_RandD)
strategies, offering a complimentary annual                pert scrutiny and is thoroughly investigated.              LinkedIn (Tom Verner)
review to its client, enabling them to assess              In addition, the Momentum Group recently         
current and forward-plan future research and               announced a partnership with Manufactur-                   Phone: +44 (0) 28 9140 4030
development projects.                                      ing Northern Ireland, becoming its exclusive               Email:
                                                           R&D Tax Credits partner.

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