Information & Contacts - Institute of Structural Medicine

INSTITUTE OF STRUCTUR AL MEDICINE Structural Medicine SpecialistTM Training Program

Information & Contacts
Below is information on where the Institute                      Please make sure that you have a copy of all
of Structural Medicine Training Center is                        forms required to apply and enroll in the SMS™
located, and other contact information that                      Training Program (included in this packet).
you may need as you go through the school                        Review the contracts and the SMS™ Training
application process.                                             Program Checklist to become aware of all
                                                                 enrollment requirements and prerequisites.
Primary Contact Information                                      The following forms are required:
Training Center:
                                                                 • Information & Contacts
Institute of Structural Medicine
103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856                                   • Application Form
Mailing & Payment Address:                                       • Enrollment Agreement Contract
Institute of Structural Medicine
103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856                                   • Annex A:
                                                                   Structural Medicine Specialist™
Donna Bajelis, Director                                            Training Program Agreement
(206) 713-9758 Cell – preferred
(206) 275-0458 Fax                                               • Annex B:                                             Cancellation and Refund Policy Agreement

Directions to the School                                         • Annex C:
Directions to the school and map links                             Complaint Procedures and
are available on our website at:                                   Remedies Agreement                               • Annex D:
                                                                   Structural Medicine Specialist™
Training Program Checklist                                         Certification Agreement
Refer to the SMS™ Training Program Checklist
included in this packet for details on all of the                • Annex E:
forms, contracts, interviews, deadlines, tuition                   Private Vocational School Acknowledgment
payments, and other conditions and critical                        Enrollment Notice to Students
items that are required to enroll and complete                   All forms are available on our website at
the SMS™ Training Program. Each student                
is encouraged to follow and track their own                      application-process or contact us at:
progress and checkpoints throughout their
training program.                                                Institute of Structural Medicine
                                                                 4242 East Mercer Way
Contracts and Enrollment Application                             Mercer Island, WA 98040

                                                                 Submitting Your Application Form,
                                                                 Payments and Letter of Recommendation
                                                                 Send Application Forms & Payments to:
                                                                 Institute of Structural Medicine
                                                                 103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856

                                                                 Make Checks Payable to:
                                                                 Institute of Structural Medicine

Training Center: 103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856   P: (206) 713-9758   F: (206) 275-0458   1
INSTITUTE OF STRUCTUR AL MEDICINE Structural Medicine SpecialistTM Training Program

Information & Contacts continued
School Catalog                                                   Applying for Liability Insurance
The SMS™ Training Program Catalog is                             You may obtain insurance by joining one of
available online at:                                             the following organizations. Visit their website                                      for details:
future-students/application-process                              Associated Bodywork and Massage
                                                                 Professionals (ABMP)
Tuition Fees and Payment Schedule
                                                                 25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200
The SMS™ Training Program tuition fee schedule
                                                                 Golden, CO 80401
is available in our Catalog, and online at:                                      (800) 458-2267
future-students/tuition                                          (303) 674-8478
                                                                 (800) 667-8260 Fax
Class Schedule (Dates)                                 
The SMS™ Training Program class schedule and           
dates for each segment are available in our
Catalog and online at:                                           American Massage Therapy
                                                                 Association (AMTA)                     500 Davis Street, Suite 900
training-schedule                                                Evanston, IL 60201-4695
Scheduling ISM Selection Committee                               (877) 905-2700
Review Meeting With Director                                     (847) 864-0123
Call to make an appointment:                                     (847) 864-1178 Fax
Donna Bajelis, Director: (206) 713-9758                

                                                                 Purchasing a Massage Treatment Table
                                                                 If you do not have access to a treatment table,
                                                                 you will need to purchase one. See the checklist
                                                                 for purchase deadline date. You may want to
                                                                 talk with Donna Bajelis or other practitioners
                                                                 before deciding on a particular model. There
                                                                 are several vendors on the internet including:
                                                                 Massage Warehouse

                                                                 EarthLite (Electric Table)

                                                                 Custom Craftworks


Training Center: 103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856   P: (206) 713-9758   F: (206) 275-0458   2
INSTITUTE OF STRUCTUR AL MEDICINE Structural Medicine SpecialistTM Training Program

Information & Contacts continued
Scheduling Your National                                          State Certification LMP License
Certification Exam(s)                                             Washington State Department of Health
You must apply to the National Certification                      The following information will give you the
Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork                        details you need to get your LMP licensing
(NCBTMB) and/or the Federation of State                           application process moving forward (see
Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) to take one                        checklist for deadlines). A detailed flow sheet
or both of the national certification tests in                    is available from ISM outlining the process.
order to get your LMP license from the State
of Washington (and some other states). A fee                      Massage Licensing Board
is required (see the organizations’ individual          
websites listed below for details).                               ProfessionsNewReneworUpdate/MassageTherapist

National Certification Board for                                  Health Professions Quality Assurance
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork                                  Customer Service Center
(NCBTMB)                                                          PO Box 47877
1333 Burr Ridge Pkwy STE 200                                      Olympia WA 98504
Burr Ridge, IL 60527                                              (360) 236-4700
(800) 296-0664                                                    (360) 236-4818 Fax
(630) 627-8000                                                                                              License Application Form
Federation of State Massage                                       Certificates/ProfessionsNewReneworUpdate/
Therapy Boards (FSMTB)                                            MassageTherapist/ApplicationsandForms
Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam Office:
150 4th Avenue North, Suite 800                                   Fees
Nashville, TN 37219                                     
(866) 962-3926                                                   Massage Practitioner Regulations                                                     Chapter 18.108 RCW

Applying for Membership in the IASI
                                                                  Submit Client Practicum Documentation
Each student is encouraged to join the                            & Independant Study Work
International Association of Structural
                                                                  Submit to:
Integrators (IASI).
                                                                  Institute of Structural Medicine
IASI                                                              4242 East Mercer Way
7044 S 13th Street                                                Mercer Island, WA 98040
Oak Creek, WI 53154
(414) 908-4947

Training Center: 103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856   P: (206) 713-9758   F: (206) 275-0458   3
INSTITUTE OF STRUCTUR AL MEDICINE Structural Medicine SpecialistTM Training Program

Information & Contacts continued
Lodging                                                          Laundry Facilities
For those of you who are not familiar with the                   Washworks
Methow Valley in eastern Washington, it is a                     Laundry and showers
remote area, known for its rustic qualities.                     Next to Hanks Grocery store
The valley is located in the middle of national                  325 Hwy 20, Twisp
forest lands, mountain ranges, and spectacular                   (509) 997-0336
vistas. “City folk” might find the place a little
less than what they expect in the “big city,”                    Recreational Activities
but that’s what makes it fun at the school.                      There are a variety of outdoors activities
                                                                 available in the area. If you have additional
Here are a few inexpensive lodging possibilities:                time in the valley, talk to the staff at ISM to
Twisp River Suites                                               learn what is going on during your stay.
Idle a Whilte Motel
The Sportsman Motel                                              Internet Access In The Area
                                                                 • ISM has WIFI for student access
If none of these options work, research Twisp
                                                                 • Twisp River Pub
or Winthrop lodging to find a place to stay.
                                                                 • Cinnamon Twisp Bakery, Twisp
Restaurants in Twisp                                             • Library, Twisp
Cinnamon Twisp Bakery                                            • Washerworks, Twisp
Baked goods, sandwiches, soups
116 Glover Street N, Twisp                                       Cell Phone Connections
(509) 997-5030                                                   Verizon has the best connection in the valley.
                                                                 T-mobile has difficulties.
Glover Street Market
Salad bar, smoothies, grocery                                    Nearest Towns and Shopping
124 Glover St N, Twisp                                           Twisp
Fork                                                             Twisp offers all the basics you’ll need during the
Takeout food truck                                               training, including WIFI access, grocery store,
502 S Glover Street, Twisp                                       health food store, restaurants, etc.

Italian food                                                     A tourist destination, Winthrop is 40 minutes
201 S Glover Street, Twisp                                       from ISM. In addition to basic services,
                                                                 Winthrop offers a variety of restaurants and
Restaurants in Winthrop                                          antique stores.
East 20 Pizza                                                    Chelan
Fabulous pizzas                                                  Chelan is one hour from ISM.
720 Hwy 20, Winthrop
(509) 996-3996                                                   Wenatchee
Grubstake and Co.                                                Wenatchee is the largest town in the area
Great food featuring local and organic                           and is 2 hours south of ISM.
222 Riverside Ave, Winthrop
(509) 996-2375

Training Center: 103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856   P: (206) 713-9758   F: (206) 275-0458   4
INSTITUTE OF STRUCTUR AL MEDICINE Structural Medicine SpecialistTM Training Program

Information & Contacts continued
Medical Facilities
Confluence Health/Methow Valley Clinic
1116 State Route 20, Winthrop
(509) 996-8180

Mid Valley Hospital
810 Jasmine Street, Omak, WA
(509) 826-1760

Three Rivers Hospital:
Brewster Hospital
507 Hospital Way, Brewster, WA
(509) 689-2517

There are several medical offices in the area.
Ask our staff for details.

Airline Transportation
There is no commercial airline service to the
Methow Valley. The closest airport is in Wenatchee,
Washington, two hours by car to the south.

Emergency medical evacuation air transportation
is available.

Training Center: 103 Ross Road, Twisp, WA 98856   P: (206) 713-9758   F: (206) 275-0458   5
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