Rogelio Omar Corona Núñez

Page created by Carolyn Moody
Rogelio Omar Corona Núñez
                                                                  M. Sc Biological Sciences
                                                         Specialty in Environmental Biology

                                       Rogelio Corona holds a Master degree in Environmental
                                       Sciences from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
                                       México. After a nearly a year of conducting his thesis
                                       research in Switzerland, he has focus his environmental
                                       research in modeling and natural resources management.
                                       In the last years he has continued his training on different
                                       technological tools for decision making. Currently, hi is the
                                       CEO of Procesos y Sistemas de Información en
                                       Geomática, SA de CV.

                                           Profesional´s Profile
                                       Specialist in development of environmental projects
            Bachelor on Chemistry
            Pharmacology Biology.
                                       GIS sofyware:
      Faculty. Universidad la Salle.
                                       ArcView 3.2, ArcGis 9.2 and ErMapper 7.0
                     México, 2002.
                                       Modeling and statistical softwares:
           A two year Environmental    R 2.5.1, Garp, MaxEnt, DINAMICA and VenSim.
          Sciences Master program.
Institute of Geography, Universidad
     Nacional Autónoma de México.
                       México, 2007        Position Held
                                       From January 2008 he is the Director of the company
                                       Procesos y Sistemas de Información en Geomática, SA
                      Languages        de CV.
           Spanish (Mother tong).        Most important projects that had developed and
         English (85%, IELTS 7.5).
                                          Reforestation of 50 hectares with 55,000 plants in a
                                         temperate forest, Nayarit, México, From October 2nd to
                                         December 3rd, 2011.
                 Current situation        Flora and fauna environmental impacts assessment
                                         for a mining construction, Michoacán, Mexico, From
            Chief Executive Officer      september 5th to October 2nd.
        of Procesos y Sistemas de         Environmental Impact Assessment and Justificative
Información en Geomática, S.A. de
                                         land use change in a forested area, in Ixtapa, Guerrero,
                  C.V. since 2008.
                                         Mexico, From may 30th to August 30th, 2011.
                                          Analysis of the landscape potentialities in Huatulco,
                                         México, From February 28th to April 28th, 2011.
                                          Cost-benefits analysis for the construction of
                                         infrastructure en the State of México, México, From
                                         February 2nd to March 8th, 2011.
                                          Analysis of the landscape potentialities in Loreto,
                                         BCS, México, From August 30th to September 30th,
                                          Criteria to reach the sustainability development:
                                         Assessment of atmospheric emissions in Huatulco,
                                         México, From June 10th to September 07th, 2010.
                                          Capacity       carrying     calculation     for    an
                                         ecoarqueological park in Huatuco, México, From May
Rogelio Omar Corona Núñez
                                                              M. Sc Biological Sciences
                                                     Specialty in Environmental Biology

                                      11th to June 30th, 2010.
                                       Criteria to reach the sustainability development:
                                      zero emissions and green design in Sinaloa, México,
                                      From may 10th to June 30th, 2010.
                                       Technical justificative study for land use change in a
                                      highway project at Loreto, BCS. México, From mach
                                      26th to may 26th, 2010.
                                       Program for sustainable forestry management and
                                      assurance of the environmental services in Huatulco
                                      Bay, Oaxaca. México, From July 6th to al December
                                      31st, 2009.
                                       Environmental Impact Assessment and Technical
                                      justificative study for land use change for the project
                                      Kino Nuevo in Sonora. México, From August 8th to
                                      October 6th, 2008.

                                    Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft
                                    WSL. Project: Identifying land use/cover driving forces
                                       Guess research student under the supervision of A.
                                       Hersperger, M. Bürgi. Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
                                       January to September, 2007.

      Additional Training
Certified and diploma courses

    Posgraduate certified, “Building Models in Ecology and Natural Resources Management”
    – Universitat Politécnica De Catalunya (UPC), Spain; June - December 2010.

    Certified, “Environmental Impact Assessment” – International Institute for Geo-Information
    Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Netherlands; June – July 2009.

    Certified, “Applied Statistics”, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Faculty of
    Economy; April 2008 - February 2009.

    Certified, “Environmental Consultant for professional development”. Universidad Nacional
    Autónoma de México, Faculty of Architecture; March 2006.

Courses and workshops

    The environmental impacts and its role in the project’s gestation. International Association
    for Impact Assessment (IAIA); May 30, 2011.

    Multi-criteria analysis for environmental assessment of projects and plans. International
    Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA); May 29, 2011.

    Origin, biological diversity and endemism. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
    Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia; october 23 to january 15, 2011.
Rogelio Omar Corona Núñez
                                                          M. Sc Biological Sciences
                                                 Specialty in Environmental Biology

  Workshop on Capacity Strengthening for the Monitoring of Ground Cover and Coastal
  Wetland in the Gulf of Mexico using ALOS data. World Bank, INE (National Institute of
  Ecology-Mexico), RESTEC, SEMARNAT (Environmental Ministry) and Global
  Environment Facility; January 2009.

  Modeling land use/land cover change, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and
  SELPER, Mexico. July 2008.

  Applied Geo-ecology for environmental planning. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
  México - Institute of Geography. March 2008.

  Eco-physiology and micro-climatic reactions for species distribution mapping and
  modeling. Course BIO 232. Institut für Systematische Botanik – Universität Zürich,
  Switzerland, July 2007.

  Basic applied statistics for regional studies. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
  Institute of Geography, September 2006.

  Modeling spatial processes and land use/cover change by the software DINAMICA.
  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Institute of Geography, March 2006.

  The edaphic organic content in the terrestrial ecosystems: implications on the carbon
  cycle and for environmental restoration. Universidad Autónoma de México, Institute of
  Ecology. February 2005.

 Congresses y Symposiums

  Impact Assessment & Responsible Development for Infrastructure Business and Industry.
  International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), may 29 to june 4, 2011, Puebla,
  Soil Geography: New Horizons. International Conference, de 16 al 20 de November 2009,
  Huatulco Santa Cruz, Oaxaca, México.
  XVIII National Congress of Geography. México: multiple focus, multiple territories, June
  22-25, 2008, Zacatecas, México.
  Monitoring the Effectiveness of Nature Conservation, International Conference 3-6
  September, 2007. WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland. Effect of nature conservation
  strategies in the south coast of the Pacific Ocean, Mexico: policy about forest use and
  deforestation versus planed economic development.


   Subject: Earth systems for the Bachelor in Environmental Engineering.
   Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad la Salle, August-December 2011.

   Subject: Natural resources for the Bachelor in Biology.
   Faculty of Science UNAM, since August 2009 until July 2010.
Rogelio Omar Corona Núñez
                                                               M. Sc Biological Sciences
                                                      Specialty in Environmental Biology

    Talk about socio-environmental considerations for the establishment of a tourism
    development, to the Master TNT: Tourism and new territories, Centro Metropolitano de
    Arquitectura Sustentable, S.C. and the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, march 12th,

    Talk on Environmental Impact Assessment for the career of Biology, Faculty of Science-
    UNAM, May 28th, 2009.

   1st place in the Master Thesis contest for the sustainable development – PUMA – 2009.
   Given by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordination of scientific
   research and for the University Program of Environment (PUMA) and evaluated by the
   Faculty of Science, Faculty of Political en Social Sciences, Institute of Biology, Institute of
   Ecology, Institute of Geography, Institute of Engineering, Centre of Atmospheric
   Sciences, Institute of Law studies, and the Centre of Interdisciplinary studies of Science
   and Humanities. December 2009.

   3rd place in the area of Natural and exact Sciences on the “Research days 2003”, at
   University la Salle, April 2003.


 Corona, R., Galicia, L., Bürgi, M., y Hersperger, A. Proximate causes of local deforestation
     of tropical dry forest in two municipalities in Southern Oaxaca, México, since 1985.
     under development.
 Corona, R., Mendoza, A. Methodological procedure for spatilize above ground carbon
     stocks. Latin American Society of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems
     (SELPER) Congress. October 5th 2011.
 Corona, R., & Mendoza, A. “Promotion of responsible use of energy in the new urban-
     tourism development by the Federal Government: A Case Study”. Primer Coloquio de
     Energía: Uso Actual de la Energía y Energías Renovables, del 11 al 15 de abril del
     2011, México DF.
 Corona, R., Peña, V., & Gamboa, A. “Satellital tools for identifying important sites for water
     storage: study case in the low watershed in Copalita rives, Oaxaca”. Soil Geography:
     New Horizons. Internacional Conference, de 16 al 20 de Noviembre del 2009,
     Huatulco Santa Cruz, Oaxaca, México., pp 84.

 XVIII National Congress of Geography. México: multiple focus and multiple territories. June
       2008 in Zacatecas, México.
    The tourism as a driving force for understanding the spatial patterns of land use/covers:
       Study case. Galicia Leopoldo, Corona Rogelio & Hersperger Anna M.
    Are still the biophysical variables important for understanding the primary activities
       distribution?: Study case, Palacio, José L, Corona Rogelio & Bürgi Matthias.
Rogelio Omar Corona Núñez
                                                           M. Sc Biological Sciences
                                                  Specialty in Environmental Biology

 L. Galicia, R. Corona, A. Hersperger, M. Bürgi, J. Palacio. Effect of nature conservation
      strategies in the south coast of Pacific Ocean, Mexico: policy about forest use and
      deforestation versus planed economic development. Monitoring the Effectiveness of
      Nature Conservation, International Conference 3-6 September, 2007. WSL,
      Birmensdorf, Switzerland. pp 18.
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