Informal backyard housing development at

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Informal backyard housing development at
Informal backyard
housing development
Townships in Gauteng and the Western
Cape are abuzz with construction activity
as homeowners respond to the need
for housing by building and upgrading
backyard rental units. This trend has the
potential to improve living standards
in townships and make cities more
compact, integrated and efficient. A
recent gathering of public- and private-
sector representatives agreed that the
government needs to support individuals
by simplifying the building process and
drawing investment into townships and
informal settlements.
By Andrea Teagle

Xoliswa Sidinile outside her property in Khayelitsha, Cape Town,
December 2020. Photo: Andrea Teagle

          hen Xoliswa Sidinile (40) left the
          Eastern Cape for Cape Town in 1998,
          she could only afford a simple shack.
In 2015, she and her husband received an RDP
house in Khayelitsha. Like many others in the
area, she built a shack in the back yard. Today,
that shack has been replaced by a smart, two-
storey block of flats. Sidinile’s story tracks the
changing nature of backyard housing rental in
South African townships.
Informal rental housing is an integral part of the
housing landscape in South Africa, a product of
historical spatial segregation and urbanisation.
In the 1990s, two-storey rental units were
Dozens of patients were sent away in May 2020 after the Eastern Cape Department of Health
unheard    of and
shut down Zwide     most
                 Clinic     landlords
                        in Port           only received
                                Elizabeth following the death of a nurse and 11 other staff
enough    rent to
members testing    coverfortheir
                 positive            costs – what the
                              the coronavirus.
Photo: Mkhuseli Sizani, GroundUp
HSRC’s    Andreas Scheba and Ivan Turok termed

                                                                                          HSRC Review | Volume 19 Number 1 • March 2021 | Page 29
Informal backyard housing development at
subsistence letting. The formal               Second-floor flats can clear the           by the City of Cape Town showed
housing market, rather than reducing          ground-level spaces for commercial         that between 2011 and 2018,
informal renting, ironically augmented        activity, turning main streets into        enterprising households and small-
it, as many RDP owners began to               economic hubs. As Turok writes,            scale developers in Khayelitsha built
rent out backyard space in what has           building upwards rather than               about 7 000 micro-rental units on
become a particularly South African           outwards is necessary to realise the       9 000 properties. Significantly, almost
phenomenon.                                   promise of urban density. Transport,       half of these (40%) were brick-and-
                                              schools and clinics become more            mortar dwellings. Extrapolated across
In the last few years, this market
                                              viable. This is the backyard real estate   Khayelitsha, this amounts to an
has boomed, with backyard rental
                                              story with a happy ending.                 estimated 24 000 additional units.
dwellings becoming the dominant
type of informal rental housing.              There is, however, another all-too-        However, as Rudman and other
While shacks are still most common,           familiar end to this story, one that is    webinar presenters noted, the trend
many homeowners like Sidinile are             characterised by ramshackle buildings      was happening not because of, but
upgrading their units, contributing to        and overcrowded conditions, failing        despite the government. “Official
improved living conditions in some            infrastructure, and no access to basic     indifference to informal rental
areas.                                        services. At the webinar, the City         housing ... means the potential
                                              of Cape Town’s Charles Rudman,             negative externalities (health
“Higher-quality backyard renting is
                                              executive director of the Spatial          and safety risks, unfair landlord-
emerging in places like Delft [also
                                              Planning and Environment Portfolio         tenant relations, overloaded public
a Cape Town township] because of
                                              Committee, noted how in Dunoon,            infrastructure) can be neglected,”
the growing demand from young
                                              another township on the outskirts of       Turok and Scheba write.
black professionals and white-collar
                                              Cape Town, a laissez-faire approach
workers,” write Scheba and Turok.                                                        Speaking at the webinar, Scheba
                                              has resulted in raw sewage in the
These individuals are seeking to                                                         said, “We need to create a more
                                              streets, structural instability and an
be closer to jobs, or to transport                                                       appropriate regulatory environment,
                                              increased risk for fires. A downward
networks, and often don’t intend to                                                      more streamlined administrative
                                              spiral like this can result from
stay in the flats permanently.                                                           processes, and a strong enforcement
                                              municipal ambivalence and neglect of
                                                                                         capacity on the ground to support
Speakers at a recent HSRC webinar             intensive backyard renting.
                                                                                         those bottom-up activities, which,
on backyard rental outlined how,
                                                                                         until now, have largely been informal.”
with enough set-ups like Sidinile’s,          Streamlining regulations
neighbourhoods and cities can start           Rudman, who previously worked              Some steps have been taken in this
to function differently. Development          for the Khayelitsha planning office,       direction. According to Rudman,
creates jobs and enhances skills.             reported that an analysis undertaken       Cape Town’s mayoral committee

Page 30 | HSRC Review | Volume 19 Number 1 • March 2021
Informal backyard housing development at
has approved measures to enable          A precinct-based approach                  township Economic Development
property owners to develop small-        One of the challenges of harnessing        Fund. But really, ultimately it doesn’t
scale accommodation. These include       the potential of the backyard              matter who does the agglomeration,
an agreement to amend the zoning         development trend is how to                but agglomeration is needed ... to
in certain areas to eliminate the need   provide additional water and bulk          diversify the risk.”
for planning permission, and to create   infrastructure to cope with the
                                                                                    According to Koseff, Gauteng had
pre-approved, off-the-shelf building     growing population.
                                                                                    partnered with Indlu, a mobile
plans for homeowners to choose
                                         The speakers agreed that taking a          application that helps tenants
from. Small-scale builders would
                                         forward-thinking, precinct-based           find, pay for and manage their
also be exempt from having to pay
                                         approach to development would              monthly rentals, to finance backyard
building-plan fees and the approval of
                                         support access to electricity, water       development in certain areas of
small-scale building plans would be
                                         and other basic services. Such             Gauteng. “Developing a precinct
                                         an approach could incorporate              like Thembisa or large-scale sets of
The committee had also agreed            off-grid, micro-grid and micro-            interlocking precincts in Alexandra,
to establish a list of accredited        sanitation infrastructure that             Soweto, etc. in Gauteng, is going to
registered credit providers. Funding     municipalities could buy from              provide an opportunity to battle-test
public infrastructure would require      independent suppliers. Zama                some of that regulatory reform.”
further discussion, Rudman said.         Mgwatyu of the Development
                                                                                    Suggesting that Cape Town first focus
                                         Action Group suggested that the
In Gauteng, meanwhile, the draft                                                    on amending zoning in areas where
                                         national government could assist
Gauteng Township Economic                                                           development is already taking place,
                                         municipalities by providing a
Development bill aims to                                                            Rudman observed: “Sometimes
                                         municipal infrastructure grant. He
streamline bylaws that regulate                                                     you need to sell an approach to
                                         also noted that traditional banks had
commercial activity, and to allow                                                   politicians.”
                                         shown little appetite to finance the
for the designation of precincts                                                    Author: Andrea Teagle, a science writer in the
and township high streets, said Jak                                                 HSRC’s Impact Centre
Koseff, a representative of the Office   Koseff argued that the private sector
of the Premier, Gauteng Provincial       would enter the space if it had
Government. (The same bill,              the option to invest in a portfolio
however, is undermined by clauses        of backyard upgrades, rather than
that infringe on the rights of foreign   individual developments. “[Banks]
migrants to participate in township      want to provide wholesale funding,         Dense housing in Khayelitsha, Cape Town
economies.)                              possibly through instruments like our      Photo: Johnny Miller

                                                                       HSRC Review | Volume 19 Number 1 • March 2021 | Page 31
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