Infection Current Awareness Update 31/01/2022

Page created by Lorraine Norton
Infection Current Awareness Update – 31/01/2022
Welcome to the weekly Infection Current Awareness Update (ICAU), produced by UKHSA
Knowledge and Library Services. The purpose of this update is to provide you with the latest,
best evidence about infection, to help you make informed decisions.

Please note: UKHSA KLS has set up a separate COVID-19 Daily Alert of latest research. If
you would like to receive this, please email In addition to this, a page of
resources about the coronavirus is available here.

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request a literature search, please use the Knowledge and Library Services Enquiries Portal.

Please note that not all the articles and resources referred to in this alert are freely available.
Some articles may require an Athens username and password. For further information on
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you may want to approach your local NHS library service.

We do not accept responsibility for the availability or reliability of the items of content
included in this alert and their inclusion is not an endorsement of any views that may
                                      be expressed.

Infection-related guidance
• European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - 1
• Healthcare Infection Society - 1
Infection-related journals
• American Journal of Infection Control - 22
• Clinical Infectious Diseases - Advance Access - 20
• Clinical Infectious Diseases - Current Issue - 34
• Clinical Microbiology and Infection - 2
• Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease - 1
• Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal - ahead of print - 3
• Eurosurveillance latest updates - 6
• Hepatology - 2
• Infection - 6
• International Journal of Medical Microbiology - 2
• Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology - FirstView Article - 3
• International Journal of Infectious Diseases - 9
• Journal of Clinical Microbiology - 1
• Journal of Hospital Infection - 3
• Journal of Infection - 8
• Journal of Infectious Diseases - 25
• Journal of Virology Current Issue - 8
• Journal of Virology: Articles Published Ahead of Print - 4
• Lancet: Infectious Diseases - 20
• Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) - 8
• Nature Reviews Microbiology - Current Issue - 4
• New England Journal of Medicine - Current Issue - 6
• Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases: Table of Contents - 2
• Sexually Transmitted Infection Online First - 1
NIS Affiliation
• PubMed: NIS affiliation - 5

Infection-related guidance

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Influenza virus characterisation - Summary Europe, December 2021
25 Jan 2022
This is the third report for the 2021-2022 influenza season. As of week 52/2021, 23 246
influenza detections across the WHO European Region were reported to TESSy.
                                                                                   [back to top]

Healthcare Infection Society
Automated room decontamination: report of a Healthcare Infection
Society Working Party [PDF]
28 Jan 2022
Current < 3 years
                                                                                   [back to top]

Infection-related journals

American Journal of Infection Control
Healthcare Worker Feedback on Duodenoscope Reprocessing
Workflow and Ergonomics
30 Jan 2022
Duodenoscopes are orally inserted endoscopes that are used to inspect the duodenum and
access the common bile duct or pancreatic duct during endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures. Duodenoscopes have a complex design; the
devices have long, narrow channels and a distal elevator recess that incorporates a user-
controlled forceps elevator.
SARS-CoV-2 RNA persists on surfaces following terminal disinfection
of COVID-19 hospital isolation rooms
30 Jan 2022
While uncommon under rigorous infection control measures, nosocomial SARS-CoV-2
infection has been reported among hospitalized patients.1, 2 SARS-CoV-2 transmission
occurs primarily via respiratory droplets and aerosols but may also occur secondarily via
fomites, given virus stability on certain surfaces.3 This emphasizes the importance of
effective surface decontamination in healthcare settings
Treatment of Extensively-drug Resistant (XDR) Acinetobacter and
Impact on Clinical Outcomes in U.S. Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical
30 Jan 2022
: Guidelines for treatment of resistant Gram-negative infections do not include Acinetobacter
baumannii (AB), leaving a knowledge gap in best practices for treatment. This study
described treatments and outcomes of extensively-drug resistant (XDR) AB.
Hand hygiene performance in an intensive care unit before and during
the COVID-19 pandemic
30 Jan 2022
Hand hygiene is an important measure for the safety of healthcare workers (HCWs) and
patients1 and monitoring the hand hygiene adherence and providing feedback to HCWs is
recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2.
30 Jan 2022
: Infection prevention and control program (IPCP) assessment tools help to identify the
improvement needs. This study aimed to identify fit-for-purpose of three IPCP assessment
Impact of a dental care intervention on the hospital mortality of critically
ill patients admitted to intensive care units: a quasi-experimental study
29 Jan 2022
The respiratory system is one of the most affected by hospital-acquired infections1-3. These
infections are often associated with the death of intensive care patients2-5. Although the
development of preventive strategies has increasingly reduced the incidence of ventilator-
associated pneumonia (VAP)4-9, this healthcare-associated infection is still an important
cause of morbidity and mortality in
Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections
in Patients with Hematological Malignancies: a Retrospective 7-Years
Single-Center Study
29 Jan 2022
Utilization of central venous catheter plays an important role in managing patients with
hematological malignancies in health care facilities1,2. An easy and safe strategy to manage
intravenous line may be necessary due to the limited availability of peripheral veins, in order
to achieve a better administration of chemotherapy, blood transfusions, parenteral nutrition,
and other supportive
Sporadic outbreaks of healthcare-associated COVID-19 infection in a
highly-vaccinated inpatient population during a community outbreak of
the B.1.617.2 variant: the role of enhanced infection-prevention
29 Jan 2022
Infection-prevention measures in healthcare settings may mitigate transmission of severe-
acute-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), resulting in lower secondary-
attack-rates compared to community settings.1 However, novel variants with higher
transmissibility, including the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant (B.1.617.2), challenge containment
Prevalence and incidence of tuberculosis in health workers: a
systematic review of the literature
29 Jan 2022
Among infectious diseases, tuberculosis (TB) is a public health problem and an important
focus of attention mainly in low and middle-income countries. The occurrence of this disease
has been recorded in different historical periods, but it is still a challenge today
Transitional impact on Acinetobacter baumannii MDR infections in 5
Brazilian ICUs in 2020
28 Jan 2022
We read the interesting study published by Polly et al,1 which found a significant difference in
the multidrug-resistant (MDR) infection incidence during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-
19) in a Brazilian Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
The patient engagement in education and research (PEER) healthcare-
associated infection prevention project: A patient perspective
28 Jan 2022
My comments are related to the original research entitled “Engaging Veterans in Identifying
Key Elements of Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection for Preventing Healthcare-
Associated Infections: A Qualitative Study.”
Increasing legionella in Taiwan during COVID-19 pandemic
28 Jan 2022
We read with great interest the recent study by Liang et al,1 which demonstrated that
prolonged building closures due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused
extreme stagnation in building water systems, which could further significantly increase the
presence of Legionella
Table of Contents
28 Jan 2022
Information for Readers
28 Jan 2022
Looking back to move forward
28 Jan 2022
First and foremost, congratulations to APIC on its 50th anniversary and AJIC's 50th volume!
When AJIC Editor Stone invited me to join AJIC's year-long celebration of these milestones
by reviewing some of the highlights during my 25 years as AJIC editor, I was delighted to
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of multidrug-
resistant bacterial infections in an acute care hospital in Brazil
28 Jan 2022
We appreciate the contribution of Lima et al to the discussion of this important issue. While
their results appear different, it is important to appreciate the numerous differences in our
methodologies when making that comparison
The patients engaged in education and research (PEER) health care-
associated infection prevention project: A Veteran perspective
28 Jan 2022
My involvement in Veteran research began about 10-15 years ago through researchers at
the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) and the Milwaukee VA. They were interested in
Dryhootch of America, where I served as Cofounder and Director of Community Programs
and Peer Coordinator
Engaging veterans in identifying key elements of environmental
cleaning and disinfection for preventing healthcare-associated
infections: A qualitative study
28 Jan 2022
Participatory research has been found to be beneficial throughout the research life cycle:
from improving research recruitment and response to progressing research perspectives,
planning, processes and outcomes
Editorial Board
28 Jan 2022
APIC Masthead
28 Jan 2022
Information for Authors
28 Jan 2022
Assessment of the Effect of Hand Dryers Used in Shopping Malls on
Hand Hygiene
24 Jan 2022
Hand washing is defined as washing hands with regular soap or antimicrobial soap, ranging
from briefly rinsing to intensely scrubbing the hands and drying properly. Hand washing is
critical in fighting infectious diseases since hands contaminated with pathogens play a
significant role in microbial transmission1,2
                                                                                     [back to top]
Clinical Infectious Diseases - Advance Access
Prevalence and Correlates of Viral Load Suppression and HIV Drug
Resistance Among Children and Adolescents in South Rift Valley and
Kisumu, Kenya
29 Jan 2022
Itraconazole and voriconazole: the complexity of dose adjustments
29 Jan 2022
Pediatric Hospitalizations after School Reopening during the SARS-
CoV-2 Alpha (B.1.1.7) Variant Spread: A Multicenter Cross-sectional
Study in Israel
29 Jan 2022
Characteristics of Reported Deaths Among Fully Vaccinated Persons
with COVID-19 —United States, January–April 2021
29 Jan 2022
Modeling the impact of vaccination strategies for nursing homes in the
context of increased SARS-CoV-2 community transmission and
29 Jan 2022
Reply to author
29 Jan 2022
Symptoms compatible with long-COVID in healthcare workers with and
without SARS-CoV-2 infection – results of a prospective multicenter
28 Jan 2022
Surveillance for Disseminated Gonococcal Infections, Active Bacterial
Core surveillance (ABCs) – United States, 2015–2019
28 Jan 2022
Gut dysfunction markers are associated with body composition in youth
living with perinatally acquired HIV
28 Jan 2022
Mass drug administration for the control of scabies: a systematic review
and meta-analysis
28 Jan 2022
The direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on private
healthcare utilization in South Africa, March 2020 – September 2021
27 Jan 2022
Remdesivir plus dexamethasone versus dexamethasone alone for the
treatment of COVID-19 patients requiring supplemental O2 therapy: a
prospective controlled non-randomized study
27 Jan 2022
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines among incarcerated people in
California state prisons: retrospective cohort study
27 Jan 2022
Vaccination in Prisons and Jails: Corrections Needed in Future Plans
27 Jan 2022
Efficacy and Safety of Switching to Dolutegravir/Lamivudine (DTG/3TC)
Versus Continuing a Tenofovir Alafenamide–Based 3- or 4-Drug
Regimen for Maintenance of Virologic Suppression in Adults Living
With HIV-1: Results Through Week 144 From the Phase 3, Non-
inferiority TANGO Randomized Trial
25 Jan 2022
Long Term Accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 Interferon-γ Release Assay and
its Application in Household Investigation
25 Jan 2022
Detection of Treponema pallidum DNA during early syphilis stages in
peripheral blood, oropharynx, ano-rectum and urine as a proxy for
25 Jan 2022
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination boosts Neutralizing Activity against Seasonal
Human Coronaviruses
25 Jan 2022
Fever of unknown origin and incidence of cancer
25 Jan 2022
Erratum to: A Novel Human Acute Encephalitis Caused by
Pseudorabies Virus Variant Strain
24 Jan 2022
                                                                                   [back to top]

Clinical Infectious Diseases - Current Issue
Tracing People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Who Are
Lost to Follow-up at Antiretroviral Therapy Programs in Southern Africa:
A Sampling-Based Cohort Study in 6 Countries
30 Jan 2022
Marie Ballif, Benedikt Christ, Nanina Anderegg, Frédérique Chammartin, Josephine
Muhairwe ... Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 171–
179, A sampling-based approach to tracing clients lost to
follow-up can lead to a better understanding of the outcomes in those lost to follow-up and
inform interventions tailored to
Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Pyronaridine-artesunate in
Asymptomatic Malaria-infected Individuals: a Randomized Controlled
30 Jan 2022
Edgard D Dabira, Sebastian Hachizovu, Bakary Conteh, Alieu Mendy, Haddy Nyang ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 180–188, This randomized study in The Gambia and Zambia
evaluated pyronaridine-artesunate as full or incomplete treatment in individuals with
asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection
Pertussis Immunization During Pregnancy: Assessment of the Role of
Maternal Antibodies on Immune Responses in Term and Preterm-Born
30 Jan 2022
Kirsten Maertens, Marjolein R P Orije, Sereina A Herzog, Ludo M Mahieu, Niel Hens ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 189–198, Preterm infants profit from maternal Tdap vaccination.
Vaccination earlier in pregnancy is better to protect both term and preterm infants
SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia Predicts Clinical Deterioration and
Extrapulmonary Complications from COVID-19
30 Jan 2022
Nikhil Ram-Mohan, David Kim, Elizabeth J Zudock, Marjan M Hashemi, Kristel C Tjandra ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 218–226, Measurement of severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 RNA from the plasma of patients with coronavirus disease 2019, using digital
polymerase chain reaction, can predict disease
The Operational Feasibility of Vaccination Programs Targeting
Influenza Risk Groups in the World Health Organization (WHO) African
and South-East Asian Regions
30 Jan 2022
Justin R Ortiz, Stephen L Yu, Amanda J Driscoll, Sarah R Williams, Joanie Robertson ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 227–236, We investigated the operational feasibility of preseasonal
influenza vaccination campaigns in countries in World Health Organization (WHO) African
and South-East Asian Regions
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Sequence Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Persistence and Reinfection
30 Jan 2022
Manish C Choudhary, Charles R Crain, Xueting Qiu, William Hanage, Jonathan Z Li Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 237–245, Reinfecting SARS-CoV-2 viral genomes largely mirror
contemporaneous circulating sequences in that geographic region, while persistent COVID-
19 has been largely described in immunosuppressed individuals
Comparative 1-Year Outcomes of Invasive Staphylococcus aureus
Infections Among Persons With and Without Drug Use: An
Observational Cohort Study
30 Jan 2022
Ayesha Appa, Meredith Adamo, Stephenie Le, Jennifer Davis, Lisa Winston ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 263–270, Persons who use drugs (PWUD) with invasive
Staphylococcus aureus infections had lower rates of antibiotic completion and twice the risk
of 1-year infection persistence/recurrence compared to non-PWUD
Retrospective Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Symptomatic Patients Prior to
Widespread Diagnostic Testing in Southern California
30 Jan 2022
Evann E Hilt, James Boocock, Marisol Trejo, Catherine Q Le, Longhua Guo ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 271–277, We conducted a study of retrospective detection and
sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in symptomatic patients that reveals introduction in Los Angeles
from both domestic and international sources in middle to late
Development and Validation of the Long Coronavirus Disease (COVID)
Symptom and Impact Tools: A Set of Patient-Reported Instruments
Constructed From Patients’ Lived Experience
30 Jan 2022
Viet-Thi Tran, Carolina Riveros, Bérangère Clepier, Moïse Desvarieux, Camille Collet ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 278–287, We developed the long COVID Symptom and Impact
Tools from the experiences of 492 patients, captured during a survey with open-ended
questions, and assessed their validity and reliability in a
Reinfection With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) in Patients Undergoing Serial Laboratory Testing
30 Jan 2022
Adnan I Qureshi, William I Baskett, Wei Huang, Iryna Lobanova, S Hasan Naqvi ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 294–300, Reinfection with severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was infrequent, occurring in 63 (0.7%) of 9119 patients but was
associated with 2 deaths
Mortality Trends in Risk Conditions and Invasive Mycotic Disease in the
United States, 1999–2018
30 Jan 2022
Emily Rayens, Karen A Norris, José F Cordero Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74,
Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 309–318, Mortality for
individuals at risk of invasive fungal infections, as well as those with fungal diagnoses, has
risen over the past 20 years
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Transmission in a
Georgia School District—United States, December 2020–January 2021
30 Jan 2022
Jenna R Gettings, Jeremy A W Gold, Anne Kimball, Kaitlin Forsberg, Colleen Scott ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 319–326, We assessed severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 transmission in a Georgia school district using in-depth epidemiologic
investigations and whole-genome sequencing
Substantial Decline in Invasive Pneumococcal Disease During
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Hong Kong
30 Jan 2022
Jade L L Teng, Kenny M N Fok, Ken P K Lin, Elaine Chan, Yuanchao Ma ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 335–338, Abstract View article Supplementary data
Prevalence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
Antibodies Among Market and City Bus Depot Workers in Lima, Peru
30 Jan 2022
Marco Tovar, Jesús Peinado, Santiago Palomino, Fernando Llanos, Claudio Ramírez ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 343–346, Abstract View article
Reply to Lapadula et al
30 Jan 2022
Rebecca N Kumar, En-Ling Wu, Valentina Stosor, William J Moore, Chad Achenbach ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 363–364, Extract View article
A Link Between Obesity and Coronavirus Disease 2019
30 Jan 2022
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages i–ii, Extract View article
Role of Epithelial–Endothelial Cell Interaction in the Pathogenesis of
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
30 Jan 2022
Kenrie Pui-Yan Hui, Man-Chun Cheung, Ka-Ling Lai, Ka-Chun Ng, John Chi-Wang Ho ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 199–209, Soluble mediators from severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2–infected epithelial cells induced proinflammatory responses and
adhesion molecules in pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells
Cost-Effectiveness of 1-Time Universal Screening for Chronic Hepatitis
B Infection in Adults in the United States
30 Jan 2022
Mehlika Toy, David Hutton, Aaron M Harris, Noele Nelson, Joshua A Salomon ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 210–217, Universal hepatitis B surface antigen screening of adults
for chronic hepatitis B in the United States is likely cost-saving and will result in better health
outcomes compared with current practice if
Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome: A French Nationwide Multicenter
Retrospective Study
30 Jan 2022
Damien Contou, Gwenhaël Colin, Brendan Travert, Sébastien Jochmans, Marie Conrad ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 246–253, None of the patients with menstrual toxic shock syndrome
required limb amputation or died despite a high rate of vasopressor support and invasive
mechanical ventilation
Differential Cytokine Signatures of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Influenza Infection Highlight Key
Differences in Pathobiology
30 Jan 2022
Andrew H Karaba, Weiqiang Zhou, Leon L Hsieh, Alexis Figueroa, Guido Massaccesi ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 254–262, Severe COVID-19 is marked by dysregulated
inflammation and is associated with elevated BMI
Seroprevalence of Antibodies to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus 2 Among Healthcare Workers in Kenya
30 Jan 2022
Anthony O Etyang, Ruth Lucinde, Henry Karanja, Catherine Kalu, Daisy Mugo ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 288–293, In this study of antibodies to severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 among healthcare workers in 3 counties in Kenya, we found
significant regional differences in seroprevalence but no
Medium-Term Outcomes in Severely to Critically Ill Patients With
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection
30 Jan 2022
Nandan Gautam, Shyam Madathil, Natascia Tahani, Shaun Bolton, Dhruv Parekh ... Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 301–308, A case series of 200 patients hospitalised with severe-to-
critical COVID-19 found persisting breathlessness and fatigue in over half of cases 4-7
months post disease-onset, with higher comorbidities,
Impact of Convalescent Plasma Therapy on Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Antibody Profile in
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients
30 Jan 2022
Juanjie Tang, Gabrielle Grubbs, Youri Lee, Hana Golding, Surender Khurana Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 327–334, Our study demonstrated that convalescent plasma
transfusion had no impact on clinical outcome of severe COVID-19 patients (survival vs.
Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) in a Patient Transport Van
30 Jan 2022
Lucas D Jones, Ernest R Chan, Trina F Zabarsky, Jennifer L Cadnum, Maria E Navas ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 339–342, Abstract View article Supplementary data
Premarket Development Times for Innovative Vaccines––To What
Extent Are the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccines
30 Jan 2022
Reed F Beall, Aaron S Kesselheim, Aidan Hollis Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74,
Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 347–351, Despite their
perceived speed-to-market, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines have had
underlying technology in development for many years
Are Some COVID-19 Vaccines Better Than Others? Interpreting and
Comparing Estimates of Efficacy in Vaccine Trials
30 Jan 2022
Rekha R Rapaka, Elizabeth A Hammershaimb, Kathleen M Neuzil Clinical Infectious
Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 352–358, COVID-19 vaccine trials provide valuable insight into the
safety and efficacy of vaccines. Simple comparison of trial efficacy estimates, however, is
A Case of Persistent Aortic Graft and Retroperitoneal Enhancement on
30 Jan 2022
Marwa Sabha, Anton Gryaznov, Romana Mayer, Allen Burke, James B Doub Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 359–362, Extract View article
Beware of Biases in Observational Studies on Anti-Spike Monoclonal
30 Jan 2022
Giuseppe Lapadula, Davide Paolo Bernasconi, Alessandro Soria, Maria Grazia Valsecchi,
Paolo Bonfanti Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Page 363, Extract View article
O-Antigen Targeted Vaccines Against Escherichia coli May Be Useful
in Reducing Morbidity, Mortality, and Antimicrobial Resistance
30 Jan 2022
Guilhem Royer, Olivier Clermont, Bénédicte Condamine, Mélanie Mercier-Darty, Cédric
Laouénan ... Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 364–
366, Extract View article
Neutralization of Variant Under Investigation B.1.617.1 With Sera of
BBV152 Vaccinees
30 Jan 2022
Pragya D Yadav, Gajanan N Sapkal, Priya Abraham, Raches Ella, Gururaj Deshpande ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 366–368, Extract View article
Is 3 Feet of Physical Distancing Enough?
30 Jan 2022
Daniel A Harris, Mercedes Sobers, Zoë R Greenwald, Alison E Simmons, Jean-Paul R
Soucy ... Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 368–
370, Extract View article
Reply to Author
30 Jan 2022
Westyn Branch-Elliman, Rebecca S Jack, Elissa M Schechter-Perkins, Polly van den Berg,
Isabella Epshtein ... Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022,
Pages 370–371, Extract View article
Corrigendum to: Effectiveness of the 7- and 13-Valent Pneumococcal
Conjugate Vaccines Against Vaccine-Serotype Otitis Media
30 Jan 2022
Ron Dagan, Bart Adriaan Van Der Beek, Shalom Ben-Shimol, Tamara Pilishvili, Noga Givon-
Lavi Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Page 372, Extract View article
Erratum to: Deaths Attributable to Cancer in the US Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Population During 2001–2015
30 Jan 2022
Marie-Josèphe Horner, Meredith S Shiels, Ruth M Pfeiffer, Eric A Engels Clinical Infectious
Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Page 373, Extract View article
                                                                                    [back to top]
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Corrigendum to “Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in 1922 blood donors
from the Lodi Red Zone and adjacent Lodi metropolitan and suburban
area”, Clin Microbiol Infect 2021 Jun;27(6):914.e1-914.e4
25 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 25 January 2022Source: Clinical Microbiology and
InfectionAuthor(s): Irene Cassaniti, Elena Percivalle, Antonella Sarasini, Giuseppe Cambiè,
Edoardo Vecchio Nepita, Roberta Maserati, Alessandro Ferrari, Alfonso Corcione, Raffaella
Di Martino, Alice Bonetti, Annapia Di Napoli, Guglielmo Ferrari, Fausto Baldanti
Accelerating clinical trial implementation in the context of the COVID-19
25 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 25 January 2022Source: Clinical Microbiology and
InfectionAuthor(s): Andrzej Jan Rys, Irene Norstedt
                                                                                    [back to top]

Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Diagnostic performance of two serological assays for the detection of
SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies: surveillance after vaccination.
26 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 26 January 2022Source: Diagnostic Microbiology and
Infectious DiseaseAuthor(s): Alba Fresco-Taboada, Marga García-Durán, Cristina Aira,
Lissett López, Patricia Sastre, Lia van der Hoek, Marit J. van Gils, Philip J.M. Brouwer,
Rogier W. Sanders, Barbara Holzer, Irene Zimpernikc, Eduardo López-Collazo, Patricia
Muñoz, Paloma Rueda, Carmen Vela
                                                                                    [back to top]

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal - ahead of print
High-Dose Convalescent Plasma for Treatment of Severe COVID-19
26 Jan 2022
G. C. De Santis et al.
SARS-CoV-2 Period Seroprevalence and Related Factors, Hillsborough
County, Florida, October 2020–March 2021
26 Jan 2022
A. R. Giuliano et al.
Association of Healthcare and Aesthetic Procedures with Infections
Caused by Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, France, 2012‒2020
03 Dec 2021
C. Daniau et al.
                                                                                    [back to top]

Eurosurveillance latest updates
Surveillance of leishmaniasis cases from 15 European centres, 2014 to
2019: a retrospective analysis
27 Jan 2022
Background Surveillance of human leishmaniasis in Europe is mostly limited to country-
specific information from autochthonous infections in the southern part. As at the end of
2021, no integrated analysis has been performed for cases seen across centres in different
European countries
Is clinical primary care surveillance for tularaemia a useful addition to
laboratory surveillance? An analysis of notification data for Finland,
2013 to 2019
27 Jan 2022
Background In Finland, surveillance of tularaemia relies on laboratory-confirmed case
notifications to the National infectious Diseases Register (NIDR). Aim The aim of the study
was to assess the suitability and usefulness of clinical surveillance as an addition to
laboratory notification to improve tularaemia surveillance in Finland
Increased risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 compared
with Delta in vaccinated and previously infected individuals, the
Netherlands, 22 November 2021 to 19 January 2022
27 Jan 2022
Infections with the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant are rapidly increasing worldwide. Among
174,349 SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals (≥ 12 years), we observed an increased risk of S
gene target failure, predictive of the Omicron variant, in vaccinated (odds ratio (OR): 3.6;
95% confidence interval (CI): 3.4–3.7) and previously infected individuals (OR: 4.2; 95% CI:
Reduced risk of hospitalisation among reported COVID-19 cases
infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 variant compared with the
Delta variant, Norway, December 2021 to January 2022
27 Jan 2022
We included 39,524 COVID-19 Omicron and 51,481 Delta cases reported in Norway from
December 2021 to January 2022. We estimated a 73% reduced risk of hospitalisation
(adjusted hazard ratio: 0.27; 95% confidence interval: 0.20–0.36) for Omicron compared with
Risk of Guillain–Barré syndrome after vaccination against human
papillomavirus: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 1 January 2000
to 4 April 2020
27 Jan 2022
Background Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare autoimmune disease that can follow
viral infections and has in a few cases been linked to vaccinations. Pre-licensure clinical trials
did not observe an association between human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and GBS,
a post-marketing study from 2017 reported an increased relative risk
Variability in detection of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses
following mild infection: a prospective multicentre cross-sectional study,
London, United Kingdom, 17 April to 17 July 2020
27 Jan 2022
Introduction Immunoassays targeting different SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies are
employed for seroprevalence studies. The degree of variability between immunoassays
targeting anti-nucleocapsid (anti-NP; the majority) vs the potentially neutralising anti-spike
antibodies (including anti-receptor-binding domain; anti-RBD), particularly in mild or
asymptomatic disease, remains unclear
                                                                                       [back to top]

Post‐Vaccination COVID‐19 Infection is Associated with Reduced
Mortality in Patients With Cirrhosis
13 Jan 2022
Hepatology, Accepted Article.
Diverse facets of MDSC in different phases of chronic HBV infection:
impact on HBV specific T cell response and homing
09 Jan 2022
Hepatology, Accepted Article.
[back to top]

Can microalbuminuria be an ındicator of renal ınvolvement in pediatric
Covid 19 patients?
30 Jan 2022
Abstract Background Proteinuria (both tubular and glomerular in origin) and its implications
are well-known features of adult patients with COVID19. However currently studies
addressing proteinuria and its role in the outcome of kidney and patients of pediatric COVID
19 is scarce
No evidence of harmful effects of steroids in severe exacerbations of
COPD associated with influenza
29 Jan 2022
Abstract Purpose COPD has large impact on patient morbidity and mortality worldwide.
Acute exacerbations (AECOPD) are mostly triggered by respiratory infections including
influenza. While corticosteroids are strongly recommended in AECOPD, they are potentially
harmful during influenza. We aimed to evaluate if steroid treatment for AECOPD due to
influenza may worsen outcomes
The rising of old foes: impact of lockdown periods on “non-SARS-CoV-
2” viral respiratory and gastrointestinal infections
25 Jan 2022
Abstract Background During COVID-19-related public health non-pharmaceutical prevention
measures, such as social distancing, lockdown periods and use of face masks, a decrease in
viral respiratory and gastroenterological infections was observed worldwide
Bedside risk prediction for positive follow-up blood culture in Gram-
negative bacilli bacteremia: for whom is follow-up blood culture useful?
21 Jan 2022
Abstract Purpose The value of follow-up blood culture (FUBC) in Gram-negative bacteremia
(GNB) management is controversial. We evaluated bedside risk predictors and their
probabilities of yielding positive FUBCs in GNB. Methods All adult patients with GNB in a
2700-bed tertiary center were retrospectively enrolled between January 2019 and December
One-year evolution of DLCO changes and respiratory symptoms in
patients with post COVID-19 respiratory syndrome
21 Jan 2022
Abstract Purpose During a follow-up program of patients admitted for COVID-19 at our non-
ICU Unit, we found that 37% of them had decreased diffusing lung capacity for carbon
monoxide (DLCO) 3–6 months after discharge. This prospective observational study aimed
to evaluate the evolution of changes in DLCO and respiratory symptoms at the 1-year follow-
up visit
Correction to: Clinical features of gastroenteritis during a large
waterborne Campylobacter outbreak in Askøy, Norway
20 Jan 2022
                                                                                   [back to top]

International Journal of Medical Microbiology
Rectal swabs are a reliable method of assessing the colonic
25 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 24 January 2022Source: International Journal of Medical
MicrobiologyAuthor(s): Greg Turner, Michael O’Grady, Daniel Hudson, Xochitl Morgan, Frank
Frizelle, Rachel Purcell
Virulent Staphylococcus aureus Colonizes Pediatric Nares by Resisting
Killing of Human Antimicrobial Peptides
25 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 24 January 2022Source: International Journal of Medical
MicrobiologyAuthor(s): Ziyu Yang, Bijun Qiu, Danhong Cheng, Na Zhao, Yao Liu, Min Li,
Qian Liu
                                                                                   [back to top]

Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology - FirstView Article
Development and evaluation of a structured guide to assess the
preventability of hospital-onset bacteremia and fungemia
28 Jan 2022
Published online by Cambridge University Press:
Association between prevalence of laboratory-identified Clostridioides
difficile infection (CDI) and antibiotic treatment for CDI in US acute-care
hospitals, 2019
24 Jan 2022
Published online by Cambridge University Press:
Evaluation of fidaxomicin use in community hospitals after a clinical
guideline change at a large health system and opportunities for
24 Jan 2022
Published online by Cambridge University Press:
                                                                                   [back to top]

International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Contact tracing period and epidemiological characteristics of an
outbreak by SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in Guangzhou
30 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 29 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Xiaowei Ma, Keyi Wu, Yongguang Li, Shunming Li, Lan Cao, Huaping
Xie, Jiazhen Zheng, Rui Zhou, Zelin Yuan, Zhiwei Huang, Jun Yuan, Xianbo Wu
Mediterranean spotted fever and peripheral facial nerve palsy: a rare
neurological complication
30 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 30 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Hayet Bouchaib, Achour Amrane, Jacques Sevestre, Idir Bitam, Phillipe
Disseminated hepatic and peritoneal hydatidosis mimicking acute
30 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 30 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Mohamed Hajri, Sahir Omrani, Hafedh Mestiri, Rached Bayar
COVID-19 and Lassa fever in Nigeria: A deadly alliance?
30 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 30 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Salihu Sabiu Musa, Shi Zhao, Zainab Umar Abdullahi, Abdulrazaq Garba
Habib, Daihai He
Characteristics and Outcomes of COVID-19 in Reproductive-Aged
Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women in Osaka, Japan
30 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 29 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Ling Zha, Tomotaka Sobue, Atsushi Hirayama, Taro Takeuchi, Kenta
Tanaka, Yusuke Katayama, Sho Komukai, Takeshi Shimazu, Tetsuhisa Kitamura, COVID-19
Epidemiology Research Group of Osaka University
Treatment with Tocilizumab in Adult Patients with Moderate to Critical
COVID‐19 Pneumonia: A Single‐Center Retrospective Study
28 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 27 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Amanda Radulescu, Alexandru Istrate, Monica Muntean
Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Tuberculosis: A
Prospective Cohort Study
28 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 27 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Panyachot Buasroung, Tananchai Petnak, Prapaipim Liwtanakitpipat,
Sasisopin Kiertiburanakul
The Low Yield of SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Testing in Screening
Asymptomatic Hospital Visitors in Low-incidence Settings
27 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 27 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Nymisha L. Boddeti, Ivan Berezowski, Dania Taylor, Dhruvil Prajapati,
Jigar Patel
Correspondence on “The Low Yield of SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen
Testing in Screening Asymptomatic Hospital Visitors in Low-incidence
27 Jan 2022
Publication date: Available online 27 January 2022Source: International Journal of Infectious
DiseasesAuthor(s): Liang En Wee, Edwin Philip Conceicao, Jean Xiang-Ying Sim, Indumathi
Venkatachalam, Limin Wijaya
                                                                                     [back to top]

Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Genomic epidemiology links Burkholderia pseudomallei from individual
human cases to B. pseudomallei from targeted environmental sampling
in Northern Australia
26 Jan 2022
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
                                                                                     [back to top]

Journal of Hospital Infection
Community Respiratory Viruses and Healthcare-associated Infections:
epidemiological and clinical aspects
27 Jan 2022
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) impact morbidity, mortality, and hospitalization costs.
They usually have a bacterial aetiology, and it is still unknown the participation of viruses in
those instances. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and clinical findings in patients
with HAIs caused by respiratory viruses.
A Bayesian spatial-temporal model for prevalence estimation of a VRE
outbreak in a tertiary care hospital
25 Jan 2022
There was a nosocomial outbreak of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) in our hospital
from 1.1.2018 to 31.7.2020. The goals of the study were to describe weekly prevalence, and
to identify possible effects of the introduction of selected infection control measures.
Clinical Characteristics and Microbiology of Nosocomial Enterococcal
Bloodstream Infections in a Tertiary-level Hospital: A Retrospective
Study, 2009-2017
23 Jan 2022
Enterococci are important pathogens causing nosocomial bloodstream infections (BSIs) and
cannot be treated with appropriate timely empirical antibiotics due to their natural resistance
to many kinds of antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to analyse the clinical
characteristics and microbiological features of nosocomial bloodstream infections caused by
                                                                                     [back to top]

Journal of Infection
Routine molecular point-of-care testing for SARS-CoV-2 reduces
hospital-acquired COVID-19
30 Jan 2022
Timely recognition and management of COVID-19, caused by infection with the severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is critical in preventing onward
transmission to other patients in hospital [1]. NHS data suggests that by May 2021 over
32,000 hospital-acquired COVID-19 cases had occurred with nearly 9000 associated deaths
Safety and Efficacy of the Covid-19 Vaccine in children andor
adolescents: A meta-analysis
30 Jan 2022
Since 2019, the COVID-19 epidemic has raged worldwide, with children and adolescents
accounting for a quarter of the world's population being greatly threatened. The safety and
effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine for children have been examined. At present, clinical
trials of COVID-19 vaccines for children are gradually increasing. The most common ones
are attenuated and inactivated vaccines
COVID-19 vaccines efficacy in preventing or limiting SARS-CoV-2
30 Jan 2022
We read with interest the recent article of Hsu and colleagues [1], who concluded that
vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is highly effective to lower the risk
of developing severe and/or life-threatening illness, but does not seem very efficient for
averting the likelihood of becoming infected by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and, therefore,
Corrigendum to “Prognosis of unexpected positive intraoperative
cultures in arthroplasty revision: A large multicenter cohort” [Journal of
Infection 83 (2021) 542–549]
29 Jan 2022
The authors regret that an author name was missing from their published article. This has
now been added and the author list above is correct.
Post-COVID-19 Fatigue among COVID-19 in patients discharged from
hospital: A meta-analysis
28 Jan 2022
Dear Editor,
Exploring the Recovery Curves for Long-term Post-COVID Functional
Limitations on Daily Living Activities: The LONG-COVID-EXP-CM
Multicenter Study
28 Jan 2022
To the Editor
An exploratory analysis of C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 as a new
biomarker of asymptomatic Leishmania infantum infection in Solid-
Organ Transplant Recipients
28 Jan 2022
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a potentially serious complication for recipients of solid organ
transplants (SOT). The mortality attributable to such infection is thought to be around 3% and
the relapse rate may exceed 25% (1, 2)
Evaluation of disease severity during SARS-COV-2 reinfection, January
2020 to April 2021, England: an observational study
24 Jan 2022
The first documented case of confirmed SARS-Cov-2 reinfection was in Hong Kong in
August 2020. Reinfection status was ascertained by comparison of genetic sequences from
each episode.1, 2 Since then, multiple accounts of SARS-Cov-2 reinfections have been
reported worldwide.1-4
                                                                                     [back to top]

Journal of Infectious Diseases
Contribution of High Viral Loads, Detection of Viral Antigen and
Seroconversion to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
24 Jan 2022
Felix Buder, Markus Bauswein, Clara L Magnus, Franz Audebert, Henriette Lang ... The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 190–198, In 79 respiratory samples from 59 patients, isolation of
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) correlated significantly with
high viral loads and detection of viral
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 RNAemia and
Clinical Outcomes in Children With Coronavirus Disease 2019
24 Jan 2022
Cameron Mertz, Rebecca Glowinski, Shira H Cohen, Sara Mertz, Fang Ye ... The Journal of
Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 208–213, In a cohort of 103 children and adolescents hospitalized
with COVID-19 with diverse clinical manifestations, SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia was detected in
26% of them, lasted for 6 (interquartile range, 2–9)
Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Fatality Rate by Age and
Comorbidity Status Using Antibody Screening of Blood Donors During
the COVID-19 Epidemic in Denmark
24 Jan 2022
Kathrine Agergård Kaspersen, Lotte Hindhede, Jens Kjærgaard Boldsen, Susan Mikkelsen,
Lasse Skafte Vestergaard ... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15
January 2022, Pages 219–228, The COVID-19 infection
fatality rate was low for citizens younger than 51 years without comorbidity (3.36 per 100000
Epidemiologic, Immunologic, and Virus Characteristics in Patients With
Paired Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Serology
and Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Testing
24 Jan 2022
Talya Shragai, Sarah E Smith-Jeffcoat, Mitsuki Koh, Marcos C Schechter, Paulina A
Rebolledo ... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022,
Pages 229–237,
Combination of Clofazimine and Atovaquone as a Potent Therapeutic
Regimen for the Radical Cure of Babesia microti Infection in
Immunocompromised Hosts
24 Jan 2022
Bumduuren Tuvshintulga, Thillaiampalam Sivakumar, Arifin Budiman Nugraha, Believe
Ahedor, Enkhbaatar Batmagnai ... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2,
15 January 2022, Pages 238–242, Abstract View article
Supplementary data
Occurrence and Distribution of Nonfalciparum Malaria Parasite Species
Among Adolescents and Adults in Malawi
24 Jan 2022
Austin Gumbo, Hillary M Topazian, Alexis Mwanza, Cedar L Mitchell, Sydney Puerto-
Meredith ... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022,
Pages 257–268, Using dried blood spots from the
2015–2016 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey, we assess spatial distribution of P.
malariae, P. ovale spp., and P
Increasing Frequency and Transmission of HIV-1 Non-B Subtypes
Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
24 Jan 2022
Jessy J Duran Ramirez, Tala Ballouz, Huyen Nguyen, Katharina Kusejko, Sandra E
Chaudron ... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022,
Pages 306–316, The proportion of MSM with newly
diagnosed HIV-1 non-B subtypes has strongly increased since 1990, reaching 34% of all
MSM diagnosed in 2019
Immunogenicity of SCB-2019 Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine
Compared With 4 Approved Vaccines
24 Jan 2022
Donna Ambrosino, Htay Htay Han, Branda Hu, Joshua Liang, Ralf Clemens ... The Journal of
Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 327–331, The antibody-binding responses to the adjuvanted S-
Trimer vaccine, SCB-2019 + CpG/alum, were compared with approved vaccines and
accurately predicted success of the recently reported efficacy trial
Analysis of Neutralizing Antibodies as a Correlate of Instantaneous
Risk of Hospitalized Dengue in Placebo Recipients of Dengue Vaccine
Efficacy Trials
24 Jan 2022
Ying Huang, Brian D Williamson, Zoe Moodie, Lindsay N Carpp, Laurent Chambonneau ...
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 332–340, In baseline-seropositive placebo recipients in 2 dengue
vaccine efficacy trials, time-varying neutralizing antibody titer against dengue was a
significant inverse correlate of
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2–Specific
Monoclonal Antibody for the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Coronavirus
Disease 2019 in Cancer Patients: A Single-Center Experience
24 Jan 2022
Alfredo G Puing, Stephanie Ho, Paul Frankel, Bernard Tegtmeier, Abigail Martin ... The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 352–354, Extract View article
Cellular and Humoral Response, Six Months After Two Doses of
BNT162b2 Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Coronavirus Disease 2019
Vaccination, in Residents and Staff of Nursing Homes for the Elderly
24 Jan 2022
Héctor Meijide Míguez, Miguel Ochando Gómez, Iñaki Montes García, Isabel M García
Merino, Alejandro De La Torre The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15
January 2022, Pages 355–357, Extract View article
Corrigendum to: Staphylococcus aureus Decolonization of Mice With
Monoclonal Antibody Neutralizing Protein A
24 Jan 2022
Xinhai Chen, Yan Sun, Dominique Missiakas, Olaf Schneewind The Journal of Infectious
Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Page 358, Extract View article
Erratum to: Clonality of HIV-1– and HTLV-1–Infected Cells in Naturally
Coinfected Individuals
24 Jan 2022
Hiroo Katsuya, Lucy B M Cook, Aileen G Rowan, Anat Melamed, Jocelyn Turpin ... The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Page 359, Extract View article
Clofazimine for Babesiosis: Preclinical Data Support a Clinical Trial
24 Jan 2022
Edouard Vannier, Jeffrey A Gelfand The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue
2, 15 January 2022, Pages 187–189, Extract View
The Impact of Cocirculating Pathogens on Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)/Coronavirus Disease 2019
Surveillance: How Concurrent Epidemics May Introduce Bias and
Decrease the Observed SARS-CoV-2 Percentage Positivity
24 Jan 2022
Aleksandra Kovacevic, Rosalind M Eggo, Marc Baguelin, Matthieu Domenech de Cellès,
Lulla Opatowski The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022,
Pages 199–207, Coronavirus disease 2019 surveillance
indicators may be affected by increased cocirculation of other respiratory viruses delaying
control measure implementation
Urban Particulate Matter Impairment of Airway Surface Liquid–
Mediated Coronavirus Inactivation
24 Jan 2022
Emma M Stapleton, Jennifer L Welch, Erika A Ubeda, Jinhua Xiang, Joseph Zabner ... The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 214–218, Primary human airway surface liquid (ASL) inactivates
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and human alphacoronavirus coronavirus
229E in vitro
Deep Sequencing to Detect Diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in
Patients Coinfected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Chagas
24 Jan 2022
Natalie M Bowman, Sujata Balasubramanian, Robert H Gilman, Christian Parobek, Maritza
Calderon ... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022,
Pages 243–247,
The Effect of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria During
Pregnancy and Placental Malaria on Infant Risk of Malaria
24 Jan 2022
Liana R Andronescu, Ankur Sharma, Ingrid Peterson, Martin Kachingwe, Witness Kachepa
... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 248–
256, In a cohort of infants born to mothers randomized
to receive sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine to prevent malaria
during pregnancy, we found no impact of
Propagation of Activated B Cells by In Vitro Severe Fever With
Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Infection of Human Peripheral
Blood Mononuclear Cells
24 Jan 2022
Yuji Wada, Sho Miyamoto, Shun Iida, Kaori Sano, Yuko Sato ... The Journal of Infectious
Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 269–281, In vitro infection of human PBMCs with a tick-borne
hemorrhagic fever virus, SFTSV, stimulates propagation of activated B cells, which mimic the
virus target cells observed in SFTS patients, and are induced by
SARS-CoV-2 Interference of Influenza Virus Replication in Syrian
24 Jan 2022
Peter J Halfmann, Noriko Nakajima, Yuko Sato, Kenta Takahashi, Molly Accola ... The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 282–286, In hamsters, a previous infection with severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) interferes with a sequential infection with
influenza virus (H3N2 subtype)
Longitudinal Changes in Epigenetic Age Acceleration in Aviremic
Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Infected Recipients of Long-term
Antiretroviral Treatment
24 Jan 2022
Andrés Esteban-Cantos, Rocio Montejano, Javier Rodríguez-Centeno, Gabriel Saiz-
Medrano, Rosa De Miguel ... The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15
January 2022, Pages 287–294, Epigenetic aging,
according to 3 different epigenetic clocks, did not accelerate in a cohort of long-term aviremic
HIV-infected adults after 4 years of follow-up
Menopause Is Associated With Immune Activation in Women With HIV
24 Jan 2022
Brandilyn A Peters, Xiaonan Xue, Lila A Sheira, Qibin Qi, Anjali Sharma ... The Journal of
Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 295–305, In women living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy,
menopause was associated with increased levels of innate immune activation plasma
biomarkers soluble CD14 and CD163, but not with biomarkers of
Clonality of HIV-1– and HTLV-1–Infected Cells in Naturally Coinfected
24 Jan 2022
Hiroo Katsuya, Lucy B M Cook, Aileen G Rowan, Anat Melamed, Jocelyn Turpin ... The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 317–326, We investigated the mutual effect of HIV-1/HTLV-1
coinfection on their integration sites and the clonal expansion and found the degree of
oligoclonality of both HIV-1– and HTLV-1–infected
Early Changes in Interferon Gene Expression and Antibody Responses
Following Influenza Vaccination in Pregnant Women
24 Jan 2022
Raquel Giacomelli Cao, Lisa Christian, Zhaohui Xu, Lisa Jaramillo, Bennett Smith ... The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 341–351, Abstract View article Supplementary data
Reply to Puing et al
24 Jan 2022
Ravindra Ganesh, Lindsey M Philpot, Dennis M Bierle, Raymund R Razonable The Journal
of Infectious Diseases, Volume 225, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 353–355, Extract View article
                                                                                     [back to top]

Journal of Virology Current Issue
Articles of Significant Interest In This Issue
26 Jan 2022
Journal of Virology, Volume 96, Issue 2, January 2022.
Tumor Susceptibility Gene 101 (TSG101) Contributes to Virion
Formation of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus via
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