INDIAN WELLS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT - January 24, 2023 - Board of Directors Workshop
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INDIAN WELLS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Donald M. Zdeba Mallory J. Boyd, President General Manager Ronald R. Kicinski, Vice President Krieger & Stewart, Incorporated Charles D. Griffin Engineers Stanley G. Rajtora McMurtrey, Hartsock & Worth David C. H. Saint-Amand Attorneys-at-Law 2023 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS ADMINISTRATION/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (BOYD/KICINSKI) Personnel, Legal Matters, General Plan, Community Relations, Board Meeting Agendas, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations, Policies, Procedures, Customer Service, Variances, Director’s Manual, etc. FINANCE COMMITTEE (RAJTORA/SAINT-AMAND) Rates, Cost-of-Service, Budget, Audits, Cost Allocation, Investments, Financial Services, Insurance, Loans/Grants, Water Sales & Service Policy Manual, Accounting, Assessment Districts, Billing, etc. PLANT & EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE (GRIFFIN/RAJTORA) Transmission/Distribution System, Vehicles & Equipment, Wells, Reservoirs, Real Property Management, Telemetry, etc. WATER MANAGEMENT (GRIFFIN/KICINSKI) Groundwater Sustainability Act, Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority, Water Management, Water Policy, Water Quality, Conservation, Urban Water Management Plan, California Urban Water Conservation Council, Title 22 Compliance, Alternative sources for water supply including Blending, Importation, Reuse, etc. Committee Meetings are generally scheduled on a regular day and time. Committee Meetings are subject to change. Administration/Executive Wednesday before the Board Meeting at 3:00 p.m. Finance Tuesday before the Board Meeting at 2:30 p.m. Plant & Equipment Tuesday before the Board Meeting at 2:00 p.m. Water Management Last Thursday of the month at 2:00 p.m. 500 West Ridgecrest Boulevard – Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1329, Ridgecrest, California 93556-1329 (760) 375-5086 Fax (760) 375-0167 E-mail:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS INDIAN WELLS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SPECIAL BOARD MEETING WORKSHOP AGENDA TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2023 – 9:00 A.M. BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ HEARING ROOM 500 W. RIDGECREST BLVD., RIDGECREST Watch meetings on-line: All District meetings are streamed live on the District’s YouTube channel at: Recordings will be available for viewing after the meeting on the District’s YouTube page. Call in for public comments: To make a public comment, please call: (760) 375-7548. Callers will be placed in a queue and answered in the order they were received. If a member of the public wishes to comment on multiple items, they will need to call in as each item is presented to the Board. (In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a disabled person and you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact Lauren Smith at (760) 384-5502. Requests must be made as early as possible and at least one full business day before the start of the meeting. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, any materials relating to an open session item on this agenda, distributed to the Board of Directors after the distribution of the agenda packet, will be made available for public inspection at the time of distribution at the following location: Indian Wells Valley Water District, 500 W. Ridgecrest Blvd., Ridgecrest, CA). 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Posting of Agenda Declaration 5. Conflict of Interest Declaration 6. Public Questions and Comments (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. However, no action may be taken by the Board of Directors on any item not appearing on the agenda. Non-agenda speakers are asked to limit their presentation to five minutes. Public questions and comments on items listed on the agenda will be accepted at any time the item is brought forth for consideration by the Board. When you are recognized by the chairperson, please state your name and address for the record).
7. Board Workshop (This meeting is a planning session for the IWV Water District Board of Directors and the Water District Staff to discuss, consider, and prioritize present and/or future operations and projects for the year, which may also include but not be limited to matters relating to finances, management, and those items listed below. The intent of this meeting is to set forth a plan and a schedule to keep all of us on track. The goal is to have the agreed upon projects assigned to the appropriate committee with an assigned chairperson). A. Workshop Issues, Goals, and Priorities 1. Plan and schedule for obtaining State Revolving Fund loan for three infrastructure efforts (Rajtora) 2. Board Discussion of Potential Strategic Planning Effort (Boyd) 3. Construction Meter Fees (Griffin) 4. A more detail status on the Main Break along 178 and plans to inspect the rest of the line (Saint-Amand) 5. A discussion of the water use restriction laws coming online, to include possible strategies for meeting the restrictions. (Saint-Amand) B. Presentation by Jazmine Molloy of Eagle Aerial on WaterView Description: Presentation on WaterView and update on Senate Bill 606 and Assembly Bill 1668. C. Staff Goals Description: General Manager will Present Proposed Goals for Calendar Year 2023 and Review of 2022 Goals and Accomplishments. D. Board of Director Goals Description: Discussion on any Board of Director Goals. E. Prioritize Projects and Goals/Develop Action Plans Description: Recap of Priorities and Plan of Action. F. Review any Outstanding Issues Description: Review and Discussion on Outstanding Issues. 8. Board Comments/Future Agenda Items 9. Closed Session A. Potential Litigation Conference with Legal Counsel 1 Matter (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)) 10. Adjournment
!"#$%&'(#)(*+%'#,-'./+-01 Jazmine Molloy Director of Product Development Eagle Aerial Solutions
Actionable Steps Create an outreach campaign and track the water use behavior change over time
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional Standards
7.C. 2022 Goal Review
2022 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Conservation Since June 2016 when the Board of Directors adopted a Achieve a cumulative monthly 20% reduction in consumption compared 1 1 Carryover from 2021 Ongoing voluntary 20% conservation rate, cumulative savings of to the baseline year of 2013. 23.6% as of December 31, 2022. State released a new plan, "Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life, Implementing Executive Order B‐37‐ 16." New conservation targets resulting from SB 606 and AB 1668 will establish water budgets for local water agencies. Outdoor Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Standards were scheduled to be established by July 2022. On October 28th DWR transmitted the full recommendation package of Stay engaged with ACWA and the SWRCB as the indoor and outdoor 21 reports. ACWA has expressed concerns that the 2 components of the District's conservation targets are considered and 1 Ongoing Jun 2022 Ongoing standards are infeasible, will have unintended adopted by the SWRCB. consequences, and that suppliers will have limited authority due to dependence on customer behaviors. Formal rulemaking is scheduled for February/March timeframe and there will be a 45‐day comment period targeting the end of the year for adoption.The water use objectives are expected go into effect by January 1, 2024.We have paricipated in multiple ACWA committee meetings providing comments to the SWRCB, Staff has monitored and State/DWR grant Explore opportunities for additional grant funding availability to support opportunities. A grant opportunity for turf replacement 3 effective conservation programs (Smart Timers, evaporative cooler 2 Continuing Dec 2022 Ongoing had an excessive minimum amount ($7MM) and required a replacement, e.g.). 50% match. Staff continues to look for available funds in support of conservation projects. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 1
2022 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Capital Improvements All Capital Projects being re‐assessed as part of the 2020 Award Construction Contracts for Mainline Construction Projects General Plan. Design of mainlines for Gold Canyon and 1 1 Began design 2019 2022 Identified in CIP Budgets/General Plan Karin will be competed, but construction delayed due to budget. 2 Bulk Water Station ADA Compliance 1 Completed Apr 2022 June 1, 2022 This project is complete Board awarded contract to Canyon Springs Enterprises dba RSH Construction Services in the amount of $2,424,000 at 3 Gateway/Salisbury Booster Station Replacement Project 1 Contract Awarded Jan 2024 the December 13th Board meeting. Notice to Proceed issued 2/2/22. Contract Completion Date for 5/17/23 The Board approved staff and Krieger & Stewart recommendation to award Bid Schedules I, II, and IV) to Canyon Springs Enterprises dba RSH Construction Services 4 Gateway/C‐zone/College Tanks Proejct 1 Contract Awarded Jan 2024 in the amount of $4,701,500 at the December 13th Board meeting. Notice to Proceed issued 2/2/22. Contract Completion Date 2/24/24 P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 2
2022 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Finance Implement Governmental Accounting Standards Board 1 Implement GASB 87: Leases 1 Complete July 2022 October 2022 Pronouncement 87 pertaining to recognition of Leases. Implemented during year‐end close. Two‐thirds of the District's small meters are past their useful life. These meters rarely measure accurately as wear and tear slow them down. Over the next 3 years the 2 Small Meter Modernization 1 In Progress July 2025 District will be replacing these meters and develop a new meter replacement program to replace old meters prior to obsolecence. 2,211 meters replaced to date. Staff to evaluate the pros and cons to determine if this is a beneficial change that is appropriate for the District. Staff is 3 Migrating Springbrook to the Cloud. 1 In Progress April 2022 in discussions with Springbrook on Process, Cost, Schedule and Impacts. Migration is currently in progress. Back end work nearing completion. 4 Develop Unclaimed Check Policy 2 In Progress July 2022 Pending With attorney for review Staff to re‐evaluate the Vehicle Replacement Policy and Plan to identify any areas or criteria that can be improved. 5 Review Vehicle Replacement Policy and Plan 2 Carryover from 2021 Dec 2022 Put on hold due to Warehouse Administrator staffing changes. Staff to develop internal process for capturing all costs 6 Capital Project Budgeting Process and Forms 2 Dec 2022 related to Capital Projects to increase accuracy of the District's CIP. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 3
2022 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Engineering Acceptance of Contract Work by Eric Onstott Construction Prepare Bidding Documents and Award Contract for replacement of 1 1 Continuing Item May 2022 June 2022 at July Board meeting. Will be out to bid again by end of temporary pavement (except winter) August. CDFW informed staff that they do not have a process in place for establishment of Land Endowments without a 2 Establishment of Land Endowment 1 In progress May 2022 project to tie it to. Staff is awaiting further guidance from CDFW. 2020 General Plan is complete and was adopted by the 3 2020 General Plan 1 Complete Mar 2022 June 2022 Board during the June 2022 regular Board meeting. 4 Update District Speicifications and Drawings 1 December 2022 Last update was March 2012 Development of procedures/guidelines still needs to be Update District Mainline Extension Procedures/Issuance of Permits for completed. A permit system has been put into place and 5 2 In progress December 2022 Construction new form used to track progress. Staff using permit system, but new guidelines have not been completed. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 4
2022 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Operations 1 SCADA Upgrade completed 1 Completed Feb 2022 5/9/2022 2 Test and replace site security hardware 1 Completed Feb 2022 5/9/2022 3 Rebuild or replace chemical pumps at As plants 1 Completed May 2022 4/1/2022 4 Well 17 switchgear 1 Pending Dec 2022 Pending Pushed to future years for budgetary reasons 5 FE pumps pulled and inspected at arsenic plants 1 Annual Dec 2022 Pending Push back to Dec 2023 due to decrease in plant usage 6 Rebuild Bowman PRV for more everyday use 1 Carryover from 2019 Dec 2022 In progress Working with District Engineering With District paying for water pumped accuracy is 7 Install atmosphere mag meters 1 Pending Dec 2022 Pending paramount 8 Implement new domain controllers 1 Pending Dec 2022 Pending Pending Springbrook migration to the cloud 9 Consolidate file servers 1 Pending Dec 2022 Pending Pending Springbrook migration to the cloud 10 Migrate GIS Server 1 Completed Dec 2022 7/11/2022 Online with new District server July 11, 2022 Intertie tested with Searles, Navy not completed due to Cla‐ 11 Test emergency interties with Navy and Searles Valley Minerals 2 Annual Apr 2022 4/6/2022 Val failure on Navy tanks. Valves installed at all sites, control wires need to be 12 Install automatic valve controls for Well 33 & 18, added 30 & 31 2 Carryover from 2019 Mar 2022 In progress installed 13 Rebuild Bulk Water Station at Ridgecrest Heights Tank site 2 Completed May 2022 6/1/2022 Completed June 1, 2022 Stainless steel underdrain received June 27, 2022 pending 14 Media Loss in As Plants / Underdrain Replacement 2 Scheduling Oct 2022 scheduling with Pureflow 15 Upsize Springer Reservoir solar 2 Pending Dec 2022 Pending Possible delay due to budgetary reasons 16 Rebuild RCH booster 2 Pending Dec 2022 Pending Change from centrifugal pumps and replace switchgear 17 Cla‐Val PM 2 Annual Dec 2022 In progress Complete replacement at Sunland, C‐Zone, Vulcan. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 5
2022 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Administration/Personnel/HR Board Ad hoc Committee assigned by Board to recruit replacement candidates for Board consideration and hiring. 1 Hire and onboard a new General Manager. 1 New Item Mar 2022 Ongoing Candidate declined offer requiring recruitment process to be re‐opened. Interim General Manager in place through recruitment, hiring, and onboarding. Completed 2022 with no recordable injuries completing 619 days since the last recordable injury. Completed scheduled inspections of safety equipment (extinguishers, eye washes, showers, slings, etc.) and vehicles/equipment. 2 An injury‐free 2021 building on the current safety record. 1 Continuing item Dec 2022 Complete Also completed monthly facility inspections, tailgate safety meetings, and presented safety topic videos as a part of the All Hands meeting. Participated in a July 29th community‐ wide table top exercise involving an earthquake. First‐aid and CPR refresher courses were offered to staff. Closed the office to walk‐in customers 12/15/21 due to staff cases and increased concern over exposure. Face coverings were required for staff indoors following Follow Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and guidelines in 12/15 memorandum. Office re‐opened to walk‐ 3 District COVID Prevention Plan to minimize potential for workplace 1 Carryover Ongoing ins on 02/07 and has remained open. We continued to exposure and spreading. Up District Plan as necessary. monitor CDC and state for guidance for changes necessitated by an increase in COVID cases. We did elect to offer a second round of 80 hours of COVID‐related leave to employees. Salary Survey updated and appproved by the Board at the Update the Salary Survey and negotiate and approve a new 3‐year 03/14/22 Regular Board meeting. New 3‐year MOU 4 1 New Item Jun 2022 Apr 2022 Memorandum of Understanding with employees. updated and approved by the Board at the 4/11/22 Regular Board meeting. Current certifications expired in 2022. District has qualified for both awards continually since 2015 and 2013, Renew CSDA District of Distincition and Certification of Transparenty 5 1 Renewal May 2022 Jun 2022 respectively. The District received re‐accrediation for both awards. the District of Distinction and District Transparency Certificate of Excellence. Bi‐monthly meetings with the City Manager continued. Maintained membership in Chamber of Commerce. Having termed out (3 terms) on Executive Board of Ridgecrest 6 Build relationships with stakeholders at all levels. 1 Continuing item Dec 2022 Regional Hospital, continued serving on the Corporate Board. Also served as Treasurer for the IWV Economic Development Corp. IWVWD continued representation on the Board as well as continued with representation on the PAC. Representation Continue engagement and participation in the Indian Wells Valley on the TAC was withdrawn due to potential conflict issues. Groundwater Authority (IWVGA) with implementation of the 7 1 Continuing item Dec 2022 Ongoing Supported the Water Resources Manager and GA team by Groundwater Sustainability Plan approved by the Department of Water reviewing and contributing comments on draft policies and Resources. programs related to implementation of the GSP. IWVWD once again received the Region 7 Outreach Award Stay active in ACWA outreach efforts with the goal of achieving the and has won this award seven of the past ten years (2013, 8 1 Continuing item Dec 2022 Dec 2022 Region 7 Recognition in Outstanding Outreach Efforts award for 2021. 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022). P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 6
The District's Facebook page and social media were being managed by Providence Strategic Consultants with the goal of broadening our audience and promoting the messaging of the District. The Facebook page in particular ws updated Active Outreach Program to keep customers and residents informed regularly with postings and announcements about local, 9 about issues related to water and District business that is of importance 1 Continuing item Dec 2022 Ongoing regional and state water issues. District's website to them. maintained information on meetings and items of interest to customers. Participated in the Annual Home & Leisure Show in March. Featured speaker at the July 20th Rotary Club Luncheon. Participated in the Annual Petroglyph Festival. Assess current staffing and responsibilities to ensure effectiveness of the Offered cross training opportunities to assure adequate 10 organization and that critical functions within the District have trained, 1 Continuing item Dec 2022 Ongoing flexibility in staff skill sets to cover all District functions. effective backups. Currently, Management and Supervisors have training every two years. Requirement to provide at least two hours of sexual harassment training to all supervisory employees Ensure all required training including Sexual Harassment Training per SB and at least one hour of sexual harassment training to all 11 1343 and Ethics training per AB 1234 is kept current for all staff and 1 Continuing item Dec 2022 nonsupervisory employees by January 1, 2020, and once Board members. every two years thereafter. Required training due again in 2023. GM columns have been submitted for publication and posted on the IWVWD website. Submitted four columns in Submit quarterly GM columns on timely issues for publication in local 2022: “From Record Snow to Extended Drought: Impact on 12 2 Continuing item Dec 2022 Dec 2022 newspapers. Groundwater” in March, “It’s Time to Get Serious” in June, “The Cost of Water Explained” in September, and "What a Long, Strange Trip it's Been" in December. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 7
2022 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Long‐term Planning Goals Department of Water Resources awarded $700,000 in Prop. 1 funding toward the eligible project cost of $1,329,155 in support of the Brackish Groundwater Feasibility Study. The Feasibility Study is focused on siting test wells and running model scenarios to predict local effect of pumping. Completed an aquifer test using a well owned by Mojave Pistachios. The Brackish Study Group has not formally met since January 27th. Results from the Ramboll analysis that combines the SkyTEM data with the reprocessed seismic data as well as borehole log data in a more detailed interpretation of basin geology were shared. The area in 1 Brackish Water Resources Study 1 Carryover from 2020 Jun 2022 Ongoing which the aquifer test was conducted was did not meet all requirements but was the best option available with unrestricted access. Results in this area indicate the project would be considered infeasible due to the cost of treating the high TDS and high boron water at depth. Access to a more ideal area may prove to be potentially feasible in the future. After a review of the data the focus in December and January will be finishing the draft analysis and submitting required reports. The revised completion date for the study of March 30, 2023 is in the process of being revised. District funded study being conducted by Ramboll and Tim Parker to estimate groundwater in storage using all available data including SkyTEM and reprocessed 30‐year old seismic work. Agreement executed June 30, 2021. We acquired 59 miles of the 1982 seismic data as well as 40 miles of 1988 seismic data. John Jansen, with Collier Geophysical, was able to negotiate with SEI, the seismic line wholesaler, to give us three more miles on the east end of 2 Basin Groundwater Storage Study 1 New Feb 2022 Ongoing Line EC‐HNT‐1W‐1 at no additional charge due to the fact they had mislocated the line on their original maps. The new mileage extended mapping across line 92‐01 and to the eastern side of the El Paso or very close. John has completed the attribute analysis and has delineated the sand and clay bodies using the same parameter as for the previous work. He has completed the percentage of net sand calculations and is working on net clay percentage prior to drafting his report. Discussions took place with Krieger & Stewart working with Work within the framework of the IWV Groundwater Authority prioritize Stetson on a study of alternatives for use of the recycled District access to recycled water from the City's new treatment facility 3 1 Carryover from 2021 Dec 2022 Ongoing water. Concluded to focus on deep well injection. while continuing to support acquisition of an imported water supply and Discussions and site evaluations are ongoing and carry over the funding necessary for infrastructure to bring the water to the basin. into 2023. Objective is to minimize the financial burden on the District for acquiring and paying for imported water indefinitely. Investigate alternatives available to meet the District's current and Progress has been slow in reaching agreement with the 4 future pumping needs while minimizing reliance on imported water to 1 Continuing Item Dec 2022 IWVGA for a fair and equitable allocation from the City's the extent possible. new treatment plant. No progress on further exploration of the El Paso subbasin to fill the existing data gap and determine a possible source for future supply. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 8
No prospective farmer identified for Stine Ranch and budgetary limitations on the part of the District preclude development. Received a below market offer to purchase the property which Board declined. Could give consideration to potential use of property for solar energy 5 Explore opportunities for District assets in Inyo County. 1 Carryover from 2021 Oct 2022 Ongoing generation. Standstill Agreement in effect with Coso Energy with option extended through December 2022. New two‐ year lease also was in effect for current leasee through December 2022. Coso declined to extend and tenant lease was renewed for two years. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/20/2023 9
7.C. 2023 Proposed Goals
2023 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Conservation Though consistently falling short of Governor Newsom’s 2022 request for a voluntary 15% reduction compared to the same month in 2020 to address drought conditions, we Achieve a cumulative monthly 20% reduction in consumption compared 1 1 Carryover from 2022 Ongoing have achieved significant savings since June 2016 when the to the baseline year of 2013. Board of Directors adopted a voluntary 20% conservation rate. Cumulative savings of 23.6% has been achieved as of December 31, 2022. New conservation targets resulting from SB 606 and AB 1668 will establish water budgets for local water agencies to be implemented. The State Water Board is to begin the process of enacting the regulations to ensure the standards will be in effect by January 1, 2024. Formal rulemaking is scheduled for February/March timeframe and there will be Stay engaged with ACWA and the SWRCB as the indoor and outdoor a 45‐day comment period targeting the end of the year for 2 components of the District's conservation targets are considered and 1 Ongoing Dec 2023 adoption. ACWA intends to provide proactive adopted by the SWRCB. recommendations and solutions to the State Board while continuing with regular meetings of the various working groups. We remain actively engaged in various ACWA working groups. District has engaged Eagle Aerial to determine CII landscape targets as well as provide their WaterView software for monitoring residential landscape budgets and to assist with compliance reporting to SWRCB. Review new funding announcements from the State to determine eligibility and applicability for the District's Explore opportunities for additional grant funding availability to support customer base. Focus should be on funding for turf 3 effective conservation programs (Smart Timers, evaporative cooler 2 Continuing Dec 2023 replacement. Recent developments associated with SGMA replacement, e.g.). and the drought may provide new incentive to convert to xeriscape. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 1
2023 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Capital Improvements All Capital Projects being re‐assessed as part of the 2020 General Plan. Design of mainlines for Gold Canyon and Award Construction Contracts for Mainline Construction Projects Karin will be competed, but construction delayed due to 1 1 Began design 2019 2024 Identified in CIP Budgets/General Plan budget. Design for Springer Ave pipeline replacement (Mahan to College Heights) has begun with goal to be out to bid by end of fiscal year. Board awarded contract to Canyon Springs Enterprises dba RSH Construction Services in the amount of $2,424,000 at 2 Gateway/Salisbury Booster Station Replacement Project 1 Contract Awarded Jan 2024 the December 13th Board meeting. Notice to Proceed issued 2/2/22. Contract Completion Date for 5/17/23 The Board approved staff and Krieger & Stewart recommendation to award Bid Schedules I, II, and IV) to Canyon Springs Enterprises dba RSH Construction Services 3 Gateway/C‐zone/College Tanks Proejct 1 Contract Awarded Jan 2024 in the amount of $4,701,500 at the December 13th Board meeting. Notice to Proceed issued 2/2/22. Contract Completion Date 9/11/23 P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 2
2023 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Finance Implementation of Cost of Service Study rate results. Public 1 Cost of Service Study 1 In Progress February 2023 Hearing schedueled for February 27, 2023 for effective date of March 1, 2023 Two‐thirds of the District's small meters are past their useful life. These meters rarely measure accurately as wear and tear slow them down. Over the next 3 years the 2 Small Meter Modernization 1 In Progress July 2025 District will be replacing these meters and develop a new meter replacement program to replace old meters prior to obsolecence. 2,211 meters replaced as of 01/16. Staff to evaluate the pros and cons to determine if this is a beneficial change that is appropriate for the District. Staff is 3 Migrating Springbrook to the Cloud. 1 In Progress January 2023 in discussions with Springbrook on Process, Cost, Schedule and Impacts. Migration currently scheduled for last week in January. 4 Develop Unclaimed Check Policy 2 In Progress July 2023 Pending With attorney for review Staff to re‐evaluate the Vehicle Replacement Policy and 5 Review Vehicle Replacement Policy and Plan 2 Carryover from 2021 Dec 2023 Plan to identify any areas or criteria that can be improved. Staff to develop internal process for capturing all costs 6 Capital Project Budgeting Process and Forms 2 Carryover from 2022 Dec 2023 related to Capital Projects to increase accuracy of the District's CIP. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 3
2023 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Engineering Prepare Bidding Documents and Award Contract for replacement of New Contract awarded to Onstott Construction September 1 1 Continuing Item May 2023 temporary pavement (except winter) 2022. CDFW informed staff that they do not have a process in place for establishment of Land Endowments without a 2 Establishment of Land Endowment 1 Complete May 2022 May 2022 project to tie it to. The property will still be available once a project is identified. Then a land endowment can be established. 3 Update District Specifications and Drawings 1 In progress March 2023 Last update was March 2012 Development of procedures/guidelines still needs to be Update District Mainline Extension Procedures/Issuance of Permits for completed. A permit system has been put into place and 4 2 In progress March 2023 Construction new form used to track progress. Staff using permit system, but new guidelines have not been completed. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 4
2023 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Operations 1 Repair 30" Inyokern Rd Transmission Ln 1 Pending Apr 2023 Pending Board approved project January 9, 2023 2 Well 17 Switchgear 1 Pending Dec 2023 Pending Pushed to future years for budgetary reasons 3 FE pumps pulled and inspected at arsenic plants 1 Annual Dec 2023 Pending Push back to Dec 2023 due to decrease in plant usage 4 Rebuild Bowman PRV for more everyday use 1 Carryover from 2019 Dec 2023 In progress Pending 30" Transmission repair With District paying for water pumped accuracy is 5 Install atmosphere mag meters 1 Pending Dec 2023 Pending paramount 6 Implement new domain controllers 1 Pending Dec 2023 Pending Pending Springbrook migration to the cloud 7 Consolidate file servers 1 Pending Dec 2023 Pending Pending Springbrook migration to the cloud 8 Test emergency interties with Navy and Searles Valley Minerals 2 Annual Apr 2023 9 Install automatic valve controls for Well 33 & 18, added 30 & 31 2 Carryover from 2019 Oct 2023 In progress Valves installed, need control wires installed Stainless steel underdrain received June 27, 2022, District 10 Media Loss in As Plants / Underdrain Replacement 2 Scheduling Jun 2023 to seek contractor to replace 11 Upsize Springer Reservoir solar 2 Pending Dec 2023 Pending Possible delay due to budgetary reasons 12 Rebuild RCH booster 2 Pending Dec 2024 Pending Change from centrifugal pumps and replace switchgear 13 Cla‐Val PM 2 Annual Dec‐23 In progress P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 5
2023 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Administration/Personnel/HR Board Ad hoc Committee assigned by Board to renew 1 Hire and onboard a new General Manager. 1 Continuing Item Apr 2023 recruitment process. Assist with onboarding selected candidate to ensure a smooth transition. Last recordable injury occurred January 4, 2023 ending a streak of 622 days without a recordable. As of today, completed 20 days without a recordable injury. Committed to established inspection schedules for safety equipment 2 An injury‐free 2023 building on the current safety record. 1 Continuing item Dec 2023 (extinguishers, eye washes, showers, slings, etc.) and vehicles/equipment. Also monthly facility inspections, tailgate safety meetings, safety as a part of the All Hands meeting. Also commit to required safety training and regular Target Solutions safety sessions. Follow Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and Continue to monitor CDC and state for guidance should 3 District COVID Prevention Plan to minimize potential for workplace 1 Carryover Ongoing there be changes necessitated by an increase in COVID exposure and spreading. Update District Plan as necessary. cases. New 3‐year MOU updated and approved by the Board at Update the Salary Survey and negotiate and approve a new 3‐year 4 1 Continuing Item May 2023 the 4/11/22 Regular Board meeting. Requirement to Memorandum of Understanding with employees. update the salary survey included. Bi‐monthly meetings with the City Manager continue. Maintain membership in Chamber of Commerce. Having termed out (3 terms) on Executive Board of Ridgecrest 5 Build relationships with stakeholders at all levels. 1 Continuing item Dec 2023 Regional Hospital, continue serving on the Corporate Board. Currently serving as Treasurer for the IWV Economic Development Corp. IWVWD will continue to serve on the Board as well as continue with representation on the PAC. Representation Continued engagement and participation in the Indian Wells Valley on the TAC has been withdrawn due to potential conflict Groundwater Authority (IWVGA) with implementation of the 6 1 Continuing item Dec 2023 issues. Support the Water Resources Manager and GA Groundwater Sustainability Plan approved by the Department of Water team by reviewing and contributing comments on draft Resources. policies and programs related to implementation of the GSP. IWVWD once again received the Region 7 Outreach Award Stay active in ACWA outreach efforts with the goal of achieving the for 2022. The District has won this award seven of the past 7 1 Continuing item Dec 2023 Region 7 Recognition in Outstanding Outreach Efforts award for 2023. ten years (2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022). The District's Facebook page and social media (Twitter account) are being managed by Providence Strategic Consultants with the goal of broadening our audience and promoting the messaging of the District. The Facebook Active Outreach Program to keep customers and residents informed page in particular is updated regularly with postings and 8 about issues related to water and District business that is of importance 1 Continuing item Dec 2023 announcements about local, regional and state water to them. issues. District's website maintains information on meetings and items of interest to customers. Outreach opportunities include the Annual Home & Leisure Show in March and the Fall Petroglyph Festival. Provide cross training opportunities when available to Maintain effectiveness of the organization by assuring critical functions 9 1 Ongoing Dec 2023 assure adequate flexibility in staff skill sets to cover all within the District have trained, effective backups. District functions. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 6
Currently, the Board of Directors, Management, and Supervisors have training every two years. Requirement to Ensure all required training including Sexual Harassment Training per SB provide at least two hours of sexual harassment training to 10 1343 and Ethics training per AB 1234 is kept current for all staff and 1 Continuing item Dec 2023 all supervisory employees and at least one hour of sexual Board members. harassment training to all nonsupervisory employees. Required training due again in 2023. GM columns have been submitted for publication and posted on the IWVWD website. Submitted four columns in Submit quarterly GM columns on timely issues for publication in local 2022: “From Record Snow to Extended Drought: Impact on 11 2 Continuing item Dec 2023 newspapers. (Commitment for New GM) Groundwater” in March, “It’s Time to Get Serious” in June, “The Cost of Water Explained” in September, and "What a Long, Strange Trip it's Been" in December. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 7
2023 Indian Wells Valley Water District Goals GOAL PRIORITY STATUS TARGET DATE DATE COMPLETED COMMENT CATEGORY: Long‐term Planning Goals Department of Water Resources awarded $700,000 in Prop. 1 funding toward the eligible project cost of $1,329,155 in support of the Brackish Groundwater Feasibility Study. The Feasibility Study is focused on siting test wells and running model scenarios to predict local effect of pumping. The Brackish Study Group has not formally met since January 27, 2022. Completed an aquifer test using a well owned by Mar 2023 Mojave Pistachios. Results of the test indicate a project in 1 Brackish Water Resources Study 1 Carryover from 2021 (Dec 2023) this area would be considered infeasible due to the cost of treating the high TDS and high boron water at 2,000' depth. If another target area or zone can be identified, that may change things from infeasible to potentially feasible in the future. Annual progress reports for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been submitted to DWR. Completion date for the study is March 30, 2023, but amendment is in progress to change to December 30, 2023. District funded study being conducted by Ramboll and Tim Parker to estimate groundwater in storage using all available data including SkyTEM and reprocessed 30‐year old seismic work. Agreement executed June 30, 2021. We have acquired 59 miles of the 1982 seismic data as well as 40 miles of 1988 seismic data. John Jansen, with Collier Geophysical, was able to negotiate with SEI, the seismic line wholesaler, to give us three more miles on the east end of 2 Basin Groundwater Storage Study 1 Carryover from 2022 Feb 2023 Line EC‐HNT‐1W‐1 at no additional charge due to the fact they had mislocated the line on their original maps. The new mileage extends mapping across line 92‐01 and to the eastern side of the El Paso or very close. John has completed the attribute analysis and has delineated the sand and clay bodies using the same parameter as for the previous work. He is incorporating net clay calculations into his final report. Discussions are ongoing. Krieger & Stewart worked with Work within the framework of the IWV Groundwater Authority prioritize Stetson on a study of alternatives for use of the recycled District access to recycled water from the City's new treatment facility water. Concluded preferred alternative is deep well 3 1 Carryover from 2022 Dec 2023 while continuing to support acquisition of an imported water supply and injection. K&S continues to engage with Stetson on the funding necessary for infrastructure to bring the water to the basin. specifics for a project including potential locations for wells, permitting and testing requirements. Objective is to minimize the financial burden on the District for acquiring and paying for imported water indefinitely. Work with the IWVGA for a fair and equitable allocation Investigate alternatives available to meet the District's current and from the City's new treatment plant. Work in progress on 4 future pumping needs while minimizing reliance on imported water to 1 Continuing Item Dec 2023 further exploration of the El Paso subbasin to fill the the extent possible. existing data gap and determine a possible source for future supply. Possibly seek additional funding from DWR's Technical Support Services for additional monitor wells in the area. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 8
No prospective farmer identified for Stine Ranch and budgetary limitations on the part of the District preclude development. Potential use of property for solar energy 5 Explore opportunities for District assets in Inyo County. 1 Carryover from 2022 Dec 2023 generation. Coso Energy declined renewal of Standstill Agreement. Tenant lease for Butterworth Ranch renewed for two years beginning January 2023. P:\IWV Documents\District Goals\Annual District Goals 1/19/2023 9
The Mission of the Indian Wells Valley Water District is to deliver the highest quality water at the best possible price while continuing to serve as respectful stewards of the environment. The Vision of the Indian Wells Valley Water District is to provide for self-sustaining water resources now and for generations to come. Board of Directors
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