Indian Hedgehog: Its Roles and Regulation in Endochondral Bone Development
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Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 96:1163–1173 (2005) Indian Hedgehog: Its Roles and Regulation in Endochondral Bone Development Lick Pui Lai and Jane Mitchell* Department of Pharmacology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Abstract Normal endochondral bone development requires the coordination of chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. Indian hedgehog (Ihh) is a morphogen produced by chondrocytes in the early stage of terminal differentiation and plays several key roles in this process. Ihh regulates growth of adjacent proliferative chondrocytes and can also regulate the rate of differentiation of chondrocytes indirectly through its stimulation of parathyroid hormone- related protein (PTHrP). In this review, we focus on recent studies that have identified new functions of Ihh and how Ihh itself is being regulated. J. Cell. Biochem. 96: 1163–1173, 2005. ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Key words: Indian hedgehog; endochondral bone development; parathyroid hormone-related peptide; Runx2; TGFb; BMP Skeletal tissues are essential components of During endochondral bone development, our bodies, supporting our weight and providing committed mesenchymal pre-chondrogenic points of attachment for skeletal muscle groups. cells undergo condensation, and secrete a All bones develop from mesenchymal cells, number of matrix proteins that form the but depending on their function, location, and cartilaginous template. Cells in the center of shape, they can develop through one of two the condensate will differentiate into mature different processes. Intramembranous ossifica- chondrocytes, while cells on the periphery tion is the process by which flat bones such as the become the perichondrium, forming the bound- facial bones and cranium develop. It involves ary of the cartilage. Mature chondrocytes at the direct differentiation of mesenchymal progeni- center of the cartilage actively undergo prolif- tor cells into bone-forming osteoblasts. During eration, forming columns of proliferative cells, this process, new bone matrix is synthesized whereas those at the epiphyseal ends divide at a and mineralized by osteoblasts. Long bones of much slower rate, becoming the reserve chon- the limbs as well as the ribs develop by the drocytes. Chondrocytes express specific arrays alternative process known as endochondral of gene products as they differentiate into post- ossification. This process involves the formation mitotic hypertrophic cells. The appearance of of a cartilage primodrium and growth plate, these gene products demarcates the various where chondrocytes initially undergo prolifera- stages of chondrocyte development as shown in tion and a series of differentiation steps secret- Figure 1. Mature chondrocytes express collagen ing a cartilage template that is eventually type II and Sox9, and as they reach the pre- replaced by bone [Olsen et al., 2000]. hypertrophic stage, they express PTH/PTHrP receptors (PPR) and Indian hedgehog (Ihh). When they become hypertrophic chondrocytes, the cells express type X collagen and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [Olsen et al., 2000]. Grant sponsor: Canadian Institutes for Health Research. Elongation of bones during growth of the *Correspondence to: Dr. Jane Mitchell, Department of Pharmacology, 1 King’s College Circle, Room 4342, organism results from chondrocyte prolifera- Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A8, Canada. tion whereas the differentiation of chondrocytes E-mail: into the hypertrophic state is required for the Received 7 July 2005; Accepted 11 July 2005 secretion of specific factors and matrix pro- DOI 10.1002/jcb.20635 teins that allow vascular invasion and matrix ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1164 Lai and Mitchell Fig. 1. Endochondral ossification occurs at growth plates, receptor (PPR) as well as Indian hedgehog (Ihh), and as they where chondrocytes proliferate and undergo a series of differ- become hypertrophic chondrocytes, they progressively express entiation steps. At each stage, they express different arrays of collagen X (Col X) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). marker genes. Reserve and proliferative chondrocytes express Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) is exclusively high levels of collagen II (Col II) and Sox 9. As they become pre- expressed by the cells in the periarticular perichondrium. hypertrophic chondrocytes, they transiently express PTH/PTHrP calcification. Hypertrophic chondrocytes finally was first discovered and is better understood, undergo apoptosis as the cartilaginous template the long-range effects of Hh are facilitated by is replaced by true bone matrix secreted by Hh–cholesterol interactions with heparan sul- osteoblasts to form trabecular bone. Coordi- fate proteoglycans (HSPG) in the surround- nation of the growth and differentiation of ing intracellular matrix (see below). Hh-target chondrocytes within the growth plate are cells express two components of the Hh signal- synchronized with those of the surrounding ing system on the cell surface: Patched (Ptc), a perichondrium that directly differentiates into 12-transmembrane protein, and Smoothened osteoblasts (perichondrial bone formation), (Smo), a 7-transmembrane protein. In the forming initially the periosteum and later the absence of Hh, Ptc represses the activity of cortical bone. Perichondrial development, chon- Smo, which allows proteolytic processing of a drocyte proliferation as well as differentiation downstream zinc-finger transcription factor, all affect bone development, and they must be Cubitus intereptus (Ci) at its C-terminal end carefully coordinated by multiple local and forming a transcriptional repressor. When Hh systemic factors [Olsen et al., 2000]. This review binds to Ptc it relieves Ptc repression of focuses on the role of one of these factors, Indian Smo and activated Smo stabilizes intact Ci, hedgehog, in skeletal development. which then acts as a transcription activator, Hedgehog (Hh) proteins are secreted morpho- and hence stimulates transcription of target gens that are essential for multiple develop- genes [reviewed in: Ingham and McMahon, mental processes in both invertebrates and 2001]. vertebrates. Hh is synthesized as a 45 kDa Hedgehog proteins are conserved in verte- precursor, but is cleaved to an active 19 kDa brates but there are multiple proteins and N-terminal fragment, which is subsequently receptors and their roles are less well defined. modified by attachment of cholesterol and There are three vertebrate Hh proteins: Desert palmitic acid. Secreted active Hh fragments hedgehog (Dhh), Sonic hedgehog (Shh), and can regulate cellular activities of neighboring Indian hedgehog (Ihh). All of them have unique and distant cells. In Drosophila, where Hh sets of functions in regulation of different
Indian Hedgehog 1165 developmental processes. Dhh has the closest Ihh plays in endochondral bone development, sequence similarity to the Drosophila Hh, and is with special focus on recent studies that have essential for the development of peripheral extended our understanding of how Ihh signal- nerves and spermatogenesis. Shh is involved ing interacts with other signaling pathways, in establishing lateral asymmetry, the ante- how Ihh itself is being regulated, as well as rior–posterior limb axis, and development of identification new functions of Ihh. the central nervous system. Ihh is a master regulator of endochondral bone development FUNCTIONS OF IHH IN ENDOCHONDRAL [McMahon et al., 2003]. BONE DEVELOPMENT (Fig. 2) Hedgehog signaling is also more complex in vertebrates. There are two mammalian Ptc Ihh and PTHrP Form a Feedback Loop homologues both bind Hh proteins with similar That Regulates Chondrocyte Differentiation affinity and both can interact with mammalian at Different Stages Smo. Ptc1 is widely expressed throughout the Seminal work by Vortkamp et al. [1996] first mouse embryo and serves as the extracellular demonstrated that Ihh and parathyroid hor- receptor for multiple Hh proteins, and is itself mone related peptide (PTHrP) participate in a upregulated by Hh signaling. Ptc2 on the other feedback loop, which coordinates chondrocyte hand, is more discreetly expressed with high proliferation and differentiation in fetal devel- levels in the skin and spermatocytes where it is oping bones (Fig. 2). As shown in Figure 1, Ihh is thought to act as the receptor for Dhh co- expressed and secreted by pre-hypertrophic expressed in the testis [Carpenter et al., 1998]. chondrocytes preceding and overlapping with There are also three Ci homologues in verte- brates, known as Gli1, 2, and 3. While Gli1 functions as an activator, Gli2 and 3 can function as either transcriptional activators or inhibitors depending on the cellular context. Gli1 is upregulated while Gli3 is downregulated by Hh [Ruiz i Altaba et al., 2002]. Ablation of either Shh or Ihh genes in trans- genic mice causes different forms of skeletal defects, indicating that both are essential for skeletal development but they play different roles in this process. Shh-deficient transgenic mice have abnormalities of early skeletal devel- opment with severe growth retardation, lack of vertebrae, and distal limb structures [Chiang et al., 1996]. This suggests a role for Shh in regulation of skeletal patterning. Ihh-deficient transgenic mice have short limbs but they are considerably more developed than those of Shh- deficient animals. The absence of mineralized bone structures in Ihh-deficient animal indi- cates a role for Ihh in the coordination of multiple cellular events during endochondral bone development including chondrocyte pro- liferation and differentiation as well as osteo- Fig. 2. Ihh is a master regulator of endochondral bone devel- blast differentiation [St.-Jacques et al., 1999]. opment. It regulates and coordinates multiple cellular events Mutations in the Ihh gene have been linked to during this process. By upregulating PTHrP, Ihh slows down the two inherited skeletal developmental defects: differentiation rate of proliferative chondrocytes into hyper- brachydactyly type A-1 and acrocapitofemoral trophic chondrocytes ( ). Ihh directly stimulates chondrocyte proliferation (þ), and promotes differentiation of reserve dysplasia, clearly implicating Ihh as a key chondrocytes into proliferative chondrocytes ( ). It also regulator of skeletal development in humans adversely affects endothelial cell development during vascular [Gao et al., 2001; Hellemans et al., 2003]. In this invasion, which is likely linked to its effect on perichondrial review, we will discuss the multiple roles that differentiation ().
1166 Lai and Mitchell expression of PPR. Ihh, either directly or pression was increased in that region in these indirectly induces PTHrP production from the mice, the authors concluded that the increased periarticular perichondrium. PTHrP is able to Ihh expression and signaling had accelerated diffuse to the PPR expressed by proliferative the differentiation of reserve chondrocytes to and pre-hypertrophic chondrocytes. Activation the faster-dividing columnar chondrocytes. of PPR in these cells delays their rate of differ- Taken together, these studies demonstrate a entiation into hypertrophic chondrocytes thus pivotal role for Ihh and PTHrP in coordinating shutting off the supply of Ihh by keeping chondrocyte differentiation at multiple stages chondrocyte in the proliferative state. This during endochondral bone development. feedback loop between Ihh and PTHrP is clearly Ihh Directly Promotes important for regulation of normal endochon- Chondrocyte Proliferation dral bone development as disruption of any component of the system results in abnormal In addition to the effect of Ihh on chondrocyte limb development [St.-Jacques et al., 1999]. differentiation, the study using Ihh/ mice also Since these initial studies, numerous functional found the limbs of these mice were shorter than studies have further defined the roles of PTHrP wild type mice, due to a decrease in chondrocyte and Ihh and their regulation. proliferation [St.-Jacques et al., 1999]. Based on To directly study the roles of Ihh, transgenic the observation that both Ptc1 and Gli were mice deficient in Ihh (Ihh/) were generated expressed in proliferative chondrocytes adja- [St.-Jacques et al., 1999]. Almost all of these cent to the pre-hypertrophic cells, the authors mice died at birth due to respiratory failure as a proposed a direct role for Ihh in regulation of result of restrictive underdevelopment of the rib chondrocyte proliferation. This hypothesis has cage. Consistent with earlier studies, PTHrP gained further support from the study com- was not detected in the periarticular regions of paring phenotypes of Ihh/PTHrP/ double cartilaginous structures in Ihh/ mice, and knock out mice with PTHrP/ mice [Karp et al., chondrocyte differentiation was affected. Chon- 2000]. PTHrP/ mice had slightly shorter drocyte hypertrophic differentiation was initi- limbs than wild type mice and the proportion ally delayed and later occurred at abnormal of cells undergoing division in the proliferative locations in Ihh/ mice close to the epiphyseal chondrocyte zone was also smaller. However, ends of the bones, instead of at the center. double knock out mice had even shorter limbs Studies performed by Karp et al. [2000] further than those of the PTHrP/ mice, supporting compared the phenotypes of Ihh/ mice and the idea that Ihh regulates chondrocyte prolif- Ihh/PTHrP/ double knock out mice. The eration independent of PTHrP. Furthermore, two groups of mice had very similar skeletal overexpression of a constitutively active PPR defects and a constitutively active PPR was able was unable to correct the growth defects of the to correct the defects in chondrocyte hypertro- Ihh/ mice. The slightly decreased chondro- phy in Ihh/ mice. These data provided strong cyte proliferation rate in PTHrP/ mice sug- evidence to support the idea that Ihh regulates gests that PTHrP may also have the ability to chondrocyte hypertrophy indirectly by stimu- promote proliferation or this may only be a lating PTHrP. secondary effect of PTHrP delaying chondrocyte Recent studies performed by Kobayashi et al. hypertrophic differentiation. [2002] indicated that PTHrP and Ihh are also The mechanism by which Ihh promotes involved in regulating chondrocyte differen- chondrocyte proliferation has been linked to tiation during an earlier stage. They used the cell-cycle regulators. In mice with chondrocyte- Cre-loxP system to repress expression of PPR in specific knock out of either Ihh or Smo there is a collagen type II-expressing chondrocytes. As decrease in chondrocyte proliferation that is expected they found that the decreased PTHrP accompanied by reduced expression of cyclin D1 signaling upregulated Ihh expression and sig- [Long et al., 2001]. Cyclin D1 promotes cell-cycle naling in the growth plate, however, to their progression through G1/S phase transition and surprise, they also found that the periarticular since cyclin D1 is expressed at low levels in reserve chondrocyte region was smaller, but slowly dividing reserve chondrocytes, but at their proliferation rate was increased. Since high levels in rapidly dividing columnar chon- there is normally no PPR expressed in reserve drocytes [Yang et al., 2003] it was suggest- chondrocytes, and at the same time, Ptc1 ex- ed that cyclin D1 mediates Ihh-dependent
Indian Hedgehog 1167 proliferative effects. This is supported by stu- REGULATION OF IHH SIGNALING dies in Drosophila where Hh signaling directly IN THE GROWTH PLATE induces cyclin D transcription through Ci [Duman-Scheel et al., 2002]. Similarly, Shh Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) are induces cyclin D expression in order to sustain cell surface or secreted extracellular molecules cell cycle progression in mammalian neuronal that regulate the activities and distribution of precursor cells [Kenney and Rowitch, 2000]. It various signaling molecules, including Hh pro- will be interesting to determine if Ihh can also teins. HSPG consist of a core protein to which increase cyclin D transcription in chondrocytes heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan chains are through Gli. attached. Based on the core protein structures, they are divided into different families includ- Ihh Regulates Perichondrial Development ing glypicans, syndecans, and the secreted and Angiogenesis perlecans. They can facilitate long-range diffu- Recent studies exploring new functions of Ihh sion of signaling proteins, present them to in endochondral bone development identified target cells, or restrict the activity range of Ihh as a regulator of perichondrial differentia- these molecules [Lin, 2004]. tion and development. Initially it was observed Ihh proteins, despite their lipid modifications, that Ihh has a direct role in promoting osteo- have been demonstrated to migrate over a long blast differentiation in the perichondrium, distance [Gritli-Linde et al., 2001]. Studies in as there was no cortical bone development in Drosophila provided evidence that HSPG may Ihh/ mice [St.-Jacques et al., 1999; Long et al., be involved in the long-range Hh diffusion. 2004]. It was subsequently found that Ihh/ Drosophila Tout-velu (Ttv) mutants have mice had a thinner perichondrium, suggesting abnormal Hh signaling [Bellaiche et al., 1998]. that Ihh may regulate cell differentiation in the Ttv is related to the human exostasin (EXT) perichondrium, and therefore cortical bone gene family of glycosyltransferases that elon- defects may result from the lack of proper gate the heparan sulfate (HS) chains in HSPG, development of the perichondium [Colnot et al., and hence are essential for the synthesis and 2005]. function of HSPG. Ttv facilitates lipid-modified The effect of Ihh on early perichondrial devel- Hh protein movement, and Hh-secreting cells opment also affects vascular invasion, which can only activate neighboring cells in the Ttv occurs at a later stage of endochondral bone mutant [Bellaiche et al., 1998], indicating that development. In Ihh/ mice, endothelial cells HSPG facilitates the long-range Hh diffusion in had the ability to invade the partially miner- Drosophila. alized cartilaginous matrix, but they were only The role of HSPG in Ihh migration and briefly sustained [Colnot et al., 2005]. The same signaling in mammalian species appears to be phenomenon was observed when bone rudi- more complex than in Drosophila. Mutations in ments isolated from these mice were trans- EXT1 and 2 are associated with hereditary planted under the renal capsule of wild type multiple exostoses in humans [Cook et al., mice. Endothelial cells from the knock out mice 1993]. Affected individuals have reduced skele- initially invaded the rudiments but again tal size and multiple chondrosarcomas as well disappeared shortly after and were replaced as osteosarcomas, indicating that EXTs are by endothelial cells originated from the wild involved in bone development. Transgenic mice type mice. This study suggested that it was the with reduced levels of Ext1 have been generated lack of Ihh itself, rather than the cartilage [Koziel et al., 2004]. As expected, these mice had environment that caused the disappearance low levels of HSPG, however, they had elevated, endothelial cells in Ihh/ animals. Ihh, Ptc1, rather than diminished, PTHrP expression in and Gli1 are all expressed in the perichondrium the periarticular perichondrium and delays in during early chondrogenic development, and hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation with endothelial cells normally develop from cells larger zones of proliferative chondrocytes. adjacent to that area [Colnot et al., 2005]. It can Similar results were also obtained indepen- be concluded that Ihh signaling during the early dently using Ext1þ/ heterozygous mice [Hilton developmental stage affects subsequent endo- et al., 2005]. Since these phenotypes are similar thelial cell development and retention in the to those of mice over-expressing Shh in their cartilage matrix. growth plates, it was concluded that HSPG
1168 Lai and Mitchell actually restricts Ihh migration in embryonic endochondral bone formation. Seemingly contrasting results have been shown in studies of another HSPG, syndecan 3. This protein is expressed specifically by proliferative chondrocytes, raising the possibi- lity that it may have a role in Ihh effects on this group of cells. Indeed, overexpression of synde- can 3 in embryonic chicken chondrocytes caused increased chondrocyte proliferation, and slowed down chondrocyte hypertrophy, all of which resulted from increased Ihh signaling [Shimo et al., 2004]. Recent studies performed in mouse embryos also found syndecan 3 expressed exclusively by proliferative chondrocytes in growth plates [Pacifici et al., 2005]. Syndecan 3 may not regulate the range of Ihh, but rather help present Ihh molecules specifically to pro- liferative chondrocytes, mediating the Ihh pro- liferative effect. To explain the difference in the effects of Ext1 and syndecan 3, it has been suggested that syndecan linkage to both HS and Fig. 3. Three proposed mechanisms by which Ihh upregulates chrondroitin sulfate (CS) are less restrictive to PTHrP expression. (1) Ihh stimulates BMP2/4 expression in the Hh movement than other HSPG that are linked perichondrium which in turn upregulates PTHrP. (2) Ihh stimulates TGFb2 expression in the perichondrium which to HS chains exclusively [Gritli-Linde et al., upregulates PTHrP. (3) Ihh directly stimulates PTHrP production 2001]. These studies in vertebrates point to the at the periarticular perichondrium. importance of HSPGs in fine-tuning of Hh activities with different HSPGs restraining the range of Ihh or facilitating its proliferative the early stages of endochondral development, effect. it is able to directly regulate the expression of PTHrP, however, in the growing limb, the source of Ihh may become sufficiently distant IHH REGULATION OF PTHRP: DIRECT from PTHrP-producing cells that additional AND INDIRECT REGULATION (Fig. 3) relays of Ihh signaling are required. For this While studies in Ihh/ animals have identi- reason it has been suggested that Ihh may fied Ihh as the major regulator of PTHrP regulate PTHrP production indirectly and sev- synthesis in the developing limb, it is not clear eral of the proposed mediators are discussed how this is mediated (Fig. 3). In normal animals, below. most PTHrP synthesis is localized to cells in the Bone Morphogenic Proteins as periarticular perichondrium [Vortkamp et al., Mediators of Ihh Regulation 1996], however, Ptc, the receptor for Ihh is detected at highest levels in perichondrial cells The transforming growth factor-b (TGFb) adjacent to the site of Ihh production. It is superfamily includes TGFbs and bone morpho- noteworthy that Ihh was recently proposed to be genic proteins (BMPs). Several of these proteins able to directly induce PTHrP expression with- are key regulators of endochondral bone devel- out any secondary messenger from the peri- opment [Moses and Serra, 1996]. Early studies chondrium if the range of Ihh signaling was demonstrated that BMPs when introduced at increased. In transgenic mice with reduced intramuscular sites in adult mice induce ectopic expression of Ext1 and hence an extended Ihh endochondral bone development [Wozney et al., signaling range, weak Ptc expression was 1988]. Studies of the roles of this family of detected at the periarticular perichondrium proteins in endochondral bone development where PTHrP is expressed [Koziel et al., 2004]. have been complicated by the large number of These findings suggest that when Ihh is present BMP proteins that are differentially expres- in high enough concentrations, perhaps during sed and regulated in the developing skeleton
Indian Hedgehog 1169 [Vortkamp et al., 1996; Pathi et al., 1999]. blocked by PTHrP, implying that BMPs stimu- TGFb and BMPs bind to serine/threonine lation of Ihh is independent of the effect of BMPs kinase receptors. The type II receptors bind on chondrocyte hypertrophy. Similarly, BMP2- the extracellular ligands causing them to treated embryonic limb explants also had heterodimerizes with type I receptors. Receptor increased Ihh expression, which was blocked heterodimerization results in cross-phosphory- by Noggin [Brunet et al., 1998]. lation, which allows binding of downstream All of these studies implicate a connection Smad proteins, and subsequently activation or between Ihh and BMPs in the growth plate, and inhibition of target genes [Moses and Serra, it is clear that both are able to induce each 1996]. Several groups have been investigat- other’s expression under some conditions. How- ing the roles of different BMP proteins in ever, further work remains to clarify their regulation of chondrocyte proliferation and interactions under normal conditions. differentiation. TGFbs as Mediators of Ihh Regulation Within the developing limbs, BMP2, 4, and 7 are expressed in the perichondrium, while There is growing evidence that TGFb proteins BMP6 is found in pre-hypertrophic and hyper- may act as relays between Ihh and PTHrP in the trophic chondrocytes [Vortkamp et al., 1996; developing limb. The three TGFb subfamily Pathi et al., 1999]. Zou et al. [1997] first reported members: TGFb1, 2, and 3 are all expressed that overexpressing a constitutively active in the perichondrium, pre-hypertrophic, and mutant of BMP type IA receptor induced PTHrP hypertrophic chondrocytes. TGFb signaling is expression in the periarticular perichondrium. similar to that of BMPs, although TGFbs bind to Based on these data and studies in many different sets of serine/threonine kinase recep- different species showing that BMPs are one of tors and activate different sets of intracellular the major targets of Hh signaling [Methot and Smads [Moses and Serra, 1996]. Basler, 1999], it was proposed that BMPs TGFbs can regulate chondrocyte differentia- expressed in the perichondrium can act down- tion by upregulation of PTHrP [Serra et al., stream of Ihh. Indeed, ectopic Ihh expression in 1999; Pateder et al., 2001]. Using embryonic chicken embryos induced BMPs 2 and 4 in the metatarsal rudiment organ cultures, TGFb1 perichondrium [Pathi et al., 1999], and BMP was shown to decrease the area of hypertrophic activation of BMP receptors in the periarticular chondrocytes in the growth plate, accom- perichondrium can increase PTHrP expression. panied by increased PTHrP expression and this However, recent work has refuted the idea effect was ablated in rudiments isolated from that BMP2 or 4 can mediate Ihh regulation of PTHrP/ transgenic mice [Serra et al., 1999]. PTHrP. Using organ cultures of embryonic limb More recently, Alvarez et al. [2002] showed that explants, Minina et al. [2001] showed that Ihh- TGFb2 expressed in the perichondrium acts as a dependent delay of hypertrophic differentiation signal relay between Ihh and PTHrP. Again was not overcome by Noggin protein, which has using embryonic rudiment organ cultures, Shh the ability to bind to BMP2 and 4, and block (as a functional analog of Ihh) induced TGFb2 their signaling. Similarly, BMP2 was not able to and 3 expression in the perichondrium, while rescue the accelerated hypertrophic differentia- TGFb1 levels were not changed. As expected, tion resulting from cyclopamine treatment, Shh treatment caused hypertrophy delay in which blocks Ihh signaling. BMP2 was also intact rudiments, but it had no effect on not able to induce PTHrP expression in cyclo- perichondrium-free rudiments. Moreover, Shh pamine-treated limb explants. These results was not able to induce PTHrP expression and argue against the hypothesis that BMPs act as subsequently was not able to slow down the rate mediators of Ihh up-regulation of PTHrP in the of chondrocyte differentiation in rudiments perichondrium. isolated from TGFb2/embryos. These data To make the situation more complicated, demonstrated the importance of TGFb2 ex- several lines of evidence have shown that BMPs pressed in the perichondrium in mediating Ihh can also directly stimulate Ihh expression in regulation of PTHrP and hence chondroycte pre-hypertrophic chondrocytes [Minina et al., hypertrophic differentiation. However, as noted 2002]. Embryonic chicken chondrocytes expres- by the authors the phenotype of the TGFb2/ sing constitutively active BMP type I receptors mice is less severe than that of Ihh/ or had increased Ihh expression, which was not PTHrP/ mice [St.-Jacques et al., 1999] and
1170 Lai and Mitchell therefore, TGFb2 is likely only one of the 2004]. Multiple putative BMP-responsive ele- mediators of Ihh expression of PTHrP. ments were identified within that region of the Ihh promoter. Furthermore, the same study REGULATION OF IHH EXPRESSION (Fig. 4) demonstrated that BMP7 increased Ihh mRNA levels, suggesting that at least in the cell system Even though Ihh is one of the most important used in this study, BMP signaling can directly factors coordinating chondrocyte proliferation upregulate Ihh mRNA, probably via Smad 4. and differentiation surprisingly little is known Runx2 (or cbfa-1) belongs to the runt tran- about the mechanisms by which Ihh is regu- scription factor family. It was initially identified lated (Fig. 4). Factors that have been shown as the positive regulator of osteoblast differ- to either enhance or inhibit Ihh expression entiation. Transgenic mice deficient of Runx2 are outlined below along with what is known (Runx2/) lacked mineralized bone matrix and about the mechanisms that may mediate their chondrocytes were unable to undergo hyper- effects. trophic differentiation, as indicated by the Stimulators of Ihh Expression absence of Ihh and collagen type X, suggesting that Runx2 was required for both chondrocyte As noted in the previous section, BMPs can and osteoblast differentiation [Kim et al., 1999]. regulate Ihh expression in pre-hypertrophic A recent study focused on regulation of Ihh chondrocytes [Grimsrud et al., 2001]. While demonstrated that Runx2 can directly induce the mechanism of BMP regulation of Ihh is not Ihh transcription [Yoshida et al., 2004]. They known, evidence in both primary chondrocytes showed that Runx2/ mice had dramatically as well as chondrocytic cell lines suggest that reduced Ihh expression that could be restored both Smad proteins and the transcription factor by overexpression of Runx2. The same authors Runx2 could be involved. identified seven putative Runx2 binding ele- A recent study using chromatin immunopre- ments within the 50 flanking region of Ihh and cipitation (ChIP)-based cloning methods has showed that three of these binding elements are shown that the 50 flanking region of the Ihh gene important for Ihh transcriptional activation by is able to bind to Smad 4, one of the downstream Runx2. At least one study in chondrocytes has messengers of BMP signaling [Seki and Hata, shown that BMP2 upregulated Runx2 mRNA [Takazawa et al., 2000] and many studies in both chondrocytes and osteoblasts have demon- strated cooperative regulation of gene expres- sion by Runx2 and Smads [Leboy et al., 2001]. Therefore, BMP regulation of Ihh expression could be mediated by a combination of Smad and Runx2 transcription factors. Retinoic acid (RA) has also been reported to increase Ihh levels in chondrocytes [Yoshida et al., 2001]. Yoshida et al. first demonstrated in primary chicken chondrocytes that RA increased Ihh transcription in a process that required de novo protein synthesis. A retinoic acid response element was found in the 50 flanking region of Ihh, indicating that Ihh transcription can be stimulated by RA. The extracellular matrix surrounding cells in the growth plate can also act as a source of Fig. 4. Ihh is regulated by multiple local factors in the growth stimulation for Ihh. Using the CFK2 chondro- plate. BMP2 has been shown to increase Ihh expression, while cytic cell line, we have investigated the roles of FGF2 has been shown to decrease it. PTHrP activated protein ERK1/2 and p38 MAP kinases in regulation of kinase A (PKA) pathway can decrease Ihh expression by Ihh expression [Lai et al., 2005]. We showed inhibiting the activity of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2). Alternatively, this can also be mediated by PTHrP that both ERK1/2 and p38 MAP kinases are downregulation of Runx2. ( ) positive regulation; ( ) positive regulators of Ihh expression and med- negative regulation. iate the stimulation of Ihh by b1-integrins in
Indian Hedgehog 1171 these cells that are being stimulated by matrix however this has not yet been tested. Alterna- proteins secreted by the cells. tively, Runx2 may be the focus of PTHrP inhibition of Ihh. Runx2 levels can be negatively Inhibitors of Ihh Expression regulated by PTHrP through activation of the Achondroplasia is the most common cause of cAMP/PKA pathway, resulting in decreased dwarfism in humans, and it is caused by gain-of- Runx2 expression in primary embryonic chick function mutations in the fibroblast growth chondrocytes [Li et al., 2004]. Since Runx2 has factor-receptor3 (FGFR3). FGFR3 is expressed been shown to stimulate Ihh transcription in both proliferative and hypertrophic chondro- the PKA-stimulated loss of Runx2 would be cytes. FGFs bind to and activate this receptor expected to decrease Ihh transcription. Our lab and cause growth arrest in chondrocytes, lead- has shown that PTH inhibited Ihh in CFK2 cells ing to short limbs. Early studies also suggested by inhibition of ERK1/2 MAP kinase [Lai et al., that FGFs inhibit chondrocyte differentiation 2005]. [Iwata et al., 2000], although this hypothesis has been challenged by more recent studies. PROSPECTS Minina et al. [2002] using an organ culture from embryonic limb explants, has demonstrated Numerous studies have clearly demonstrated that FGF2 reduced the rate of chondrocyte the crucial role of Ihh in endochondral bone proliferation, as well as promoting chondrocyte development, but surprisingly few studies have hypertrophic differentiation as indicated by the investigated the regulation of Ihh itself. We are shorter distance between the joint and hyper- just starting to identify some of the key com- trophic chondrocytes. However, the effect of ponents mediating Ihh regulation, and more FGFs in chondrocyte hypertrophy was not experiments are required to elucidate the com- observed in Ihh-overexpressing transgenic plete pathways. Of particular interest is the mice. In addition, they showed that FGF2 transcriptional regulation of Ihh. There has reduced Ihh expression in pre-hypertrophic only been one report studying the promoter chondrocytes, suggesting that FGF2 by suppres- region of Ihh, which suggests an essential role of sing Ihh expression promotes chondrocyte Runx2 for Ihh transcription. As noted above the hypertrophic differentiation. This conclusion expression of Runx2 can be stimulated by was supported by other studies showing that factors such as BMPs or inhibited by PTHrP. transgenic mice expressing FGFR3 with a gain- Runx2 phosphorylation can also regulate its of-function mutation had decreased Ihh and PPR transcriptional activity [Xiao et al., 2002] and expression [Chen et al., 2001]. Taken together, additional factors also interact with Runx2 to these studies suggest that FGF signaling inhi- regulate its transcriptional activity [Vega et al., bits Ihh expression in order to suppress chon- 2004]. It is tempting to speculate that Runx2 drocyte proliferation and promote chondrocyte may serve as a convergent point of multiple hypertrophy. The mechanism by which FGF pathways orchestrating the transcription of inhibits Ihh has not been established. Ihh, however, we have yet to determine if any PTHrP stimulation of its receptors in pre- of the factors regulating Runx2 play a role in hypertrophic chondrocytes can inhibit Ihh regulation of Ihh in the growth plate. expression. Yoshida et al. [2001] first demon- Similarly, we are only beginning to appreci- strated this in primary chicken chondrocytes ate the roles of Ihh in regulating and coordinat- showing that PTH directly down-regulated Ihh ing different aspects of endochondral bone mRNA levels, independent of its effect on development. With new functions still being differentiation. Ihh regulation was mimicked identified, we know very little of how Ihh reg- by a cAMP analog and was not blocked by either ulates these processes, especially at the mole- cycloheximide or actinomycin D, suggesting cular levels. The mechanisms of even well that PTH directly inhibits Ihh gene transcrip- established functions such as upregulation of tion, possibly via the cAMP/PKA pathway. PTHrP remain controversial. We still do not There are several mechanisms by which stimu- fully understand how Ihh directly promotes lation of PKA may mediate Ihh inhibition. A chondrocyte proliferation or how Ihh affects putative cAMP response element was identified perichondrial development and vascular inva- in the 50 flanking region of Ihh that could sion. These are only some of the more important mediate PPR regulation of Ihh transcription, issues that we need to investigate.
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