Auckland Urban Design Panel - APPENDIX B: URBAN DESIGN UNIT

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Auckland Urban Design Panel - APPENDIX B: URBAN DESIGN UNIT

Auckland Urban
Design Panel
Panellists 2021 - 2023
Auckland Urban Design Panel - APPENDIX B: URBAN DESIGN UNIT
Panel Members 2021 - 23
                              Aaron Sills NZIA                                               Malcolm Walker NZIA
                        Aidan Donnelly PCNZ                                               Marko Den Breems NZIA
                 Alan Titchener (Chair) Ngā Aho                                             Matt Riley (Chair) UDU
                         Alayna Renata Ngā Aho                                                 Matthew Jones NZILA
                     Alistair Ray (Chair) UDU                                                      Megan Rule NZIA
        Andrew Lamb (Co-Convenor) PCNZ                                                      Michael Campbell NZPI
                Bridget Gilbert (Chair) NZILA                                                      Mike Geale PCNZ
                     Campbell Barbour PCNZ                                                       Mike Thomas NZILA
                         Charles Walker NZIA                                       Natasha Markham (Chair) NZIA
                             Chris Aiken PCNZ                                                      Nick Pollard NZPI
                            Craig Moller NZIA                                                    Ngata Tapsell NZIA
                        Daniel Marshall NZIA                                                       Peter Joyce UDU
                           Deb Lee Sang UDU                                                  Peter Kensington NZILA
                         Elizabeth Scott PCNZ                                                         Prue Fea NZIA
                            Emma Todd NZILA                              Rachel de Lambert (Co-Convenor) NZILA
                          Errol Haarhoff NZIA                                                  Rebecca Kiddle Ngā Aho
                          Evan Williams NZILA                                                  Richard Blakey NZPI
                   Greg Boyden (Chair) NZIA                                                     Richard Harris NZIA
                            Hayley Muir NZILA                                                   Richard Mann Ngā Aho
                     Ian Munro (Chair) NZPI                                              Shannon Joe (Chair) NZIA
                               Jade Kake Ngā Aho                                               Stuart Bowden UDU
                     Janine Bell (Chair) NZPI                                        Stuart Houghton (Chair) NZILA
                      John Hunt (Chair) UDU                                                     Stuart Mackie NZIA
                             Jon Rennie NZIA                                                     Tim Robinson UDU
                            Ken Crosson NZIA                                        Tracy Ogden-Cork (Chair) UDU
                  Lauren White (Chair) UDU                                                     Vaughan Smith NZPI
                       Lindley Naismith NZIA                                                     Will Thresher NZILA
                       Lisa Mein (Chair) UDU

    Panel Advisors 2021 - 23
                                              Adam Wakeford Universal Design
                                                 Vivian Naylor Universal Design accredited barrier free advisor
                                            Jerome Partington Sustainability
                                              Dr Ann McEwan Heritage
                                        Graeme John Burgess Heritage
                                            Antony Matthews Heritage
                                                  Allan Matson Heritage

       (UDU) Urban Design Unit, (NZIA) New Zealand Institute of Architects, (NZILA) New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects,
     (Ngā Aho) Network of Māori Design Professionals, (NZPI) New Zealand Planning Institute, (PCNZ) Property Council New Zealand.
Auckland Urban Design Panel - APPENDIX B: URBAN DESIGN UNIT
Aaron Sills
Company: Sills van Bohemen
Core Discipline: Architecture
Professional Affiliations: NZIA, Urban Design Forum, Society of Construction Law (NZ) Inc
Qualifications: BArch(Hons)
Areas of expertise: Masterplanning, Urban Design, Housing

Aaron trained in architecture. Over the last 18 years he has developed a specialization in
urban design, master planning and urban planning. Much of Sills van Bohemen’s current
work is the master planning of medium density housing developments.

Aidan Donnelly
Company: Fletcher Residential Limited
Core Discipline: Real Estate Development
Professional Affiliations: NZ Property Council
Qualifications: BSc, BPlan (Hons), Post Grad Dip Financial Management
Areas of expertise: Property Development

Aidan is General Manager Development at Fletcher Living, and has 20 years’ experience
in managing a range of residential, commercial and mixed use developments in New
Zealand, United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates. That experience includes the
masterplanning, consenting and delivery of both greenfield and brownfield development.

Alan Titchener
Iwi Affiliation: Ngāi Tahu
Company: Alan Titchener Landscape Architect
Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: Kāhui Whetū member (Ngā Aho); Life Member and Past President
(NZ Institute of Landscape Architects)
Qualifications: B.Hort (Massey) 1973; DipLA (Lincoln) 1975.
Areas of expertise: Landscape Architecture; Landscape Planning; Māori Cultural Landscapes

Alan has over 40 years’ experience as a landscape architect working predominantly in
private practice, both in NZ and overseas. He is a founding member of the Ngā Aho network
of Māori Design Professionals whom he represents on the Panel. Alan has been an active
member of the landscape architecture profession both in NZ and internationally, having
served as President of the NZILA and as President of the Asia Pacific Region of IFLA (the
International Federation of Landscape Architects). Alan has a special interest in Kaupapa
Māori Landscape Architecture and currently acts as consultant to various Iwi agencies and
lectures part-time at Unitec.

Dr. Alayna Renata
    Iwi Affiliations: Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Tūwharetoa
    Company: MODE Design
    Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
    Professional Affiliations: NZILA, AILA
    Qualifications: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Hons); Partial completion PhD; Diploma
    in Māori; Certificate Iwi Environmental Management
    Areas of expertise: Landscape architecture, cultural landscapes, landscape assessment.

    Dr Renata has an interest in social justice and equitable city making in order to give voice
    and shift privilege in society. Her career in landscape architecture spans private practice,
    public sector and research. Dr Renata has worked with many Indigenous and First Nations
    communities in Australia and New Zealand and has been very active in this space in both
    her professional and personal life for the better part of the last two decades.

    Alistair Ray
    Company: Jasmax
    Core Discipline: Planning and Urban Design
    Qualifications: Member Urban Design Forum; Part Time Senior Lecturer, MA Urban Design
    Course, Auckland University.
    Areas of expertise: Urban design relationship with statutory planning, residential medium /
    high density, masterplanning

    Alistair is a Principal at Jasmax and leads the Urban Design team, and has over 20 years
    experience as an urban designer / urban planner from the UK and New Zealand. Before
    Jasmax, Alistair worked for Auckland City Council which helps him to understand the
    complex relationship between Council and the statutory planning system and the private
    development sector. As a passionate advocate of good urbanism, Alistair regularly speaks at
    local and international events and sits on several working groups advising Auckland Council
    on strategic urban planning and design issues. An active member of the Urban Design
    forum, he is also a part time senior lecturer for Auckland University’s Masters in Urban
    Design course.

     Andrew Lamb
     Company: Infratil Infrastructure Property Ltd
     Core Discipline: Property Investment and Development
     Professional Affiliations: PCNZ
     Qualifications: BPA; Dip Bus (Fin)
     Areas of expertise: Masterplanning, large scale residential projects and governance

     Andrew has over 23 years extensive experience in the property, development and
     construction industries, including land development, commercial office, industrial parks and
     mixed use. Andrew has held a number of roles in both the public and private sectors. He is
     currently active in the property industry serving on a number of professional boards and
     committees. At Infratil, Andrew is involved with all aspects of master planning, consenting
     and development of key projects including the New Lynn Town Centre redevelopment,
     Roskill Retail Centre and New Zealand’s first PPP schools projects on the Hobsonville Point
     School PPP.

Bridget Gilbert
Company: Bridget Gilbert Landscape Architecture Limited
Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: NZILA (Registered Member), ALI,

Qualifications: B Hort (Massey University), Dip LA (Lincoln College)

Areas of expertise: Landscape design, landscape planning and assessment, masterplanning

Bridget has over 25 years’ experience working throughout the UK and New Zealand on a
wide range of projects including civic, commercial, mixed use, institutional, residential, open
space, coastal and infrastructure developments. Bridget’s involvement has spanned from
concept design and RMA processes through to detailed design and implementation, giving
her a broad understanding of the complexities of development.

Campbell Barbour
Company: NZRPG
Core Discipline: Property Development and Investment
Professional Affiliations: PCNZ-NZCORP- (chairman)
Qualifications: Bachelor of Property Administration (UoA 1993), registrations as a valuer
(1997) and property Consultant
Areas of expertise: Property Development/Property investment and asset management

Campbell’s career in property commenced in Valuation and property consultancy. He
became a partner in a prominent Auckland firm before Joining NZRPG 16 years ago. At
NZRPG he has been involved in all aspects of the business including the delivery of a
number of large scale developments including the Master planning, development and
operation of The Westgate Town Center and the mixed use development of the Milford
Center. At NZRPG, Campbell is particularly focused on the initial design and delivery of all
its new projects. Campbell is the long-standing Chair of the New Zealand Council of Retail
property (NZCORP) and is a recognised leader in this sector.

Charles Walker
Company: AUT
Core Discipline: Architecture
Professional Affiliations: ANZIA
Qualifications: BArch, MSc (Urban Development), PhD (Architecture)
Areas of expertise: Systems Transformation , Design Critique and Review, Emerging Urban

I have a background in Architecture, Urban Development and Innovation. I am currently
Professor of Architecture and Head of Huri te Ao, AUT’s new School of Future Environments,
established in 2020. The School brings together a range of disciplines - Architecture,
Environmental Engineering, Creative Technologies, Systems Innovation, Entrepreneurial
Thinking, Management, Leadership and Governance - to collectively rethink how we
might live together, differently, in our changing world.

Chris Aiken
    Company: Catalina Advisory Ltd.
    Core Discipline: Exectutive management of scale property development
    Professional Affiliations: Founder of Urban Design Protocols
    Qualifications: BA (Canterbury); Certificate of Marketing (AUT)
    Areas of expertise: Communication, large-scale development delivery

    Chris was the former CE of the Homes Land Communities. Chris has been involved in
    Property Development in NZ and Australia. Chris was a founding signatory of the Urban
    Design Protocols and worked with Auckland City Council on a number of committees. He
    was a Director of Auckland CC Property Enterprise Board for the full life of that Board and
    was closely involved with key waterfront and urban renewal developments. Chris has a
    strongly pragmatic and commercially focused approach to balancing high quality urban
    design outcomes and investment returns. He has a passion for creating communities that
    have both physical and social infrastructure to deliver a sustainable living environment with
    an emphasis on efficient home production and at scale projects.

    Craig Moller
    Company: Moller Architects
    Core Discipline: Architecture
    Professional Affiliations: Fellow NZIA; Registered Architect
    Qualifications: Bachelor of Architecture (University of Auckland); Master of Architecture
    (Yale University)
    Areas of expertise: Architecture, Urban Design & Master Planning

    Craig is a director of Moller Architects. He has over 25 years work experience with a wide
    range of types of projects ranging from small scale residential to the large scale civic works.
    Together with this work experience, Craig has taught part time in the design studio of
    the Schools of Architecture. He has been a professional teaching fellow at the Auckland
    University School of Architecture for the last elevenyears as well as a thesis supervisor for
    the Master of Architecture program. He has contributed to the profession of architecture
    in many ways with his involvement on various design juries, review panels for Schools of
    Architecture and delivering the graduate development program on behalf of the NZIA. He is
    an examiner for the New Zealand Registered Architects Board.

    Daniel Marshall
    Company: DMA
    Core Discipline: Architecture
    Professional Affiliations: NZIA
    Qualifications: BArch (hons) 1993
    Areas of expertise: Architecture, Urban Design, Education

    Daniel Marshall established Daniel Marshall Architects ( now known as DMA ) in 1998 and
    has since been on the forefront of New Zealand architectural design, with work published
    in numerous international journals and having received multiple international and local
    awards. Daniel is also a Professional Fellow at the University of Auckland and selectively
    takes design programmes across architectural and urban design fields.

Deb Lee Sang
Company: Independent
Core Discipline: Urban Design
Professional Affiliations: MNZPI, Urban Design Form
Qualifications: BPlan(Hons); MUrbDes
Areas of expertise: Urban Strategy, Frameworks, Regeneration

Deb is an Urban Designer with over 16 years’ experience, in both the United Kingdom and
New Zealand. She brings private and public sector experience and has had involvement in
the full range of projects the profession has to offer – from design strategy, spatial
planning, town centre regeneration, transit-led development, design guidance and
engagement-led design initiatives. She often works at the interface of disciplines and
prides herself on place-led outcomes.

Elizabeth Scott
Company: Hengyi Pacific NZ Ltd
Core Discipline: Property Development
Professional Affiliations: NZPC, NZIF
Qualifications: B.For Sci (Hons), PG Dip Bus (Prop)
Areas of expertise: Asset management and property development.

Liz has worked in the area of asset management and property related development for the
past 20 years in both a primary industry and urban development capacity.
Liz has worked in corporate, SME, NGO, and government environments, and across all
aspects of project delivery and management. Most recently Liz has been responsible for
Hengyi’s Pacifica development in Auckland.

Emma Todd
Company: Boffa Miskell Ltd
Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: NZILA
Qualifications: BLA (Hons)
Areas of expertise: Social Housing, Senior/Retirement Living, Streetscape and Open space

Emma’s experience ranges in scale from large rural, urban and coastal developments to site
specific projects including mixed use housing developments, social housing, aged-care de-
sign, streetscape and public realm design, retail and commercial developments, parks and
reserve design and planting, rural and residential subdivision design, landscape ecology and
ecological restoration. Recently Emma has been involved in the delivery of mixed-use hous-
ing projects and aged-care developments working closely with Kāinga Ora and Metlifecare.
Emma’s interests lie in the design and delivery of high-quality housing developments and in
streetscapes and public realm design. She has successfully led, managed, and implemented
large landscape projects.

Errol Haarhoff (Prof Emeritus)
    Company: Independent
    Core Discipline: Architecture and Urban Design
    Professional Affiliations: BArch(cum laude), MSc(Urban Design), PhD.
    Qualifications: BArch(cum laude), MSc(Urban Design), PhD.
    Areas of expertise: Urban design practice, urban design theory, higher density housing

    Emeritus Professor of Architecture, University of Auckland, and previous Head of School,
    Errol was responsible for the establishment of the Master of Urban Design programme, and
    teaching Urban Design Studios and Urban Design theory. Errol has practiced as an architect
    and urban designer in South Africa, the UK and New Zealand involving masterplanning
    for housing projects, university campuses and town centres. Errol has led research project
    teams funded by the Auckland Council and the National Science Challenge, focused on
    living at density, the efficacy of urban design panels and housing-street interfaces. He is a
    resident of Hobsonville Point and previous Chair of the Resident’s Society.

    Evan Williams
    Company: Jasmax
    Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
    Professional Affiliations: NZILA
    Qualifications: BLAUCAN Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, University of Canberra, ACT,
    Areas of expertise: Civic/Public Realm, Campus – Tertiary/MOE, Bi Cultural Design Partnering
    Evan is a Landscape Architect with over 20 years of practice in private consultancies. He has
    extensive experience in leading design and delivery of projects of varying scale and com-
    plexity with a focus on public realm. Evan strives to balance design aspirations with stake-
    holder requirements and has worked in partnership with mana whenua representatives to
    realise integrated design solutions that express Māori values. Most recently Evan has led
    the design and delivery of the Auckland City Rail Link urban realm reinstatement and is the
    design lead for the Victoria Street Linear Park business case.

    Greg Boyden
    Company: Boyden Architects Ltd
    Core Discipline: Architecture
    Professional Affiliations: Registered Architect; Fellow of NZIA; Member RIBA; Past Member of
    BRA Board; Past Chairman BRAC.
    Qualifications: BArch (University of Auckland) 1984
    Areas of expertise: Architecture, urban design, masterplanning

    Greg is an architect who has been involved in the profession since the early 1980’s. He
    graduated from the University of Auckland in 1984 and has worked as an architect in
    Auckland and London. He began work for Bossley Cheshire Architects. He then moved to
    London for six years where he worked for Terry Farrell Architects and Aukett. Whilst in the
    UK, he worked on a range of commercial, retail and masterplanning projects in the UK and
    in Europe. In 1992, Greg returned to New Zealand and became a director of Jasmax where
    he worked on the Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of NZ and Auckland’s Britomart Transport
    Centre. Greg now directs Boyden Architects Limited.

Haylea Muir
 Company: Isthmus
 Core Discipline: Property development, design management and construction.
 Professional Affiliations: Registered New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects
 Qualifications: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Hons)
 Areas of expertise: Landscape architecture
 Haylea has extensive experience in large scale masterplanning projects, particularly
 residential masterplans and Architectural and Landscape Guideline documents. Residential
 masterplanning projects include many at Hobsonville Point and also include sites in
 Queenstown, Hamilton and a mix of green and brown field sites in wider Auckland
 (Westgate, Massey North, Mt Roskill, Northcote). Haylea’s role at Isthmus has involved writing
 and amending design guidelines, peer review of other consultants design proposals, advice
 memos to the Hobsonville DRP and management of landscape architecture and architecture
 teams both within and outside Isthmus around the delivery of the masterplan vision,
 compliance with design guidelines and CDP’s and overall high quality design outcomes.

 Ian Munro
 Company: Independent
 Core Discipline: Planning
 Professional Affiliations: MNZPI; RMLA; IPENZ Transportation Group
 Qualifications: B.Plan; M.Plan; M.Arch [Urban Design]; M.EnvLS; M.EngSt [Transport]
 Areas of expertise: Urban design, planning, transport planning

 Ian is an experienced urban planner and urban designer who has worked across New
 Zealand and extensively across Auckland. He is familiar with all facets of the land
 development process from high level strategic planning to detail development design
 issues. He has also worked in both public and private sectors and routinely provides lectures
 in urban planning and design at the University of Auckland.

Jade Kake
Iwi Affiliations: Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whakaue, Te Whakatōhea
Company: Matakohe Architecture and Urbanism Ltd
Core Discipline: Architecture, Kaupapa Māori design
Professional Affiliations: Ngā Aho, NZIA
Qualifications: B Arch Des, M Arch (Prof )
Areas of expertise: Papakāinga, marae, kaupapa Māori urban design

Jade Kake (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whakaue, Te Whakatōhea) is an architectural designer, writer
and Māori housing policy specialist. She leads a small team at Matakohe Architecture and
Urbanism, a Whangārei-based kaupapa Māori design studio which she founded in
mid-2018. Matakohe works with Māori organisations on their marae, papakāinga and civic
projects, and with mana whenua groups to express their cultural values and narratives
through the design of their physical environments.

Janine Bell
     Company: Boffa Miskell Ltd
     Core Discipline: Planning
     Professional Affiliations: Member of NZ Planning Institute Member of Institute of Directors
     Qualifications: BTP (University of Auckland) 1983
     Areas of expertise: Statutory Planning and District Plan preparation; Urban, Transport and
     Strategic planning and projects; Masterplanning

     Janine is an experienced resource management specialist who has extensive knowledge
     and experience of statutory planning and local government processes. She principally
     works on urban land use and transportation projects. She has an excellent knowledge
     of the Auckland Unitary Plan, the Resource Management Act and its processes along
     with the Local Government and Reserves Acts. Janine is a regular Independent Hearing
     Commissioner for Auckland Council and a current member of the Auckland Urban Design

     Dr. John Hunt
     Company: Independent
     Core Discipline: Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: FNZIA
     Qualifications: BArch, (hons); PhD
     Areas of expertise: Architecture, urban design, urban masterplanning

     John is an Emeritus Professor of Architecture and previously co-led the Master of Urban
     Design programme in the University of Auckland School of Architecture and Planning. He
     has practiced as an architect and urban designer with involvement in projects of a variety
     of types and scales and has extensive experience of design review processes, including
     working with project stakeholders as part of review processes. His research work focuses on
     urban design decision-making and his investigations of significant urban redevelopment
     projects in New Zealand and Europe have been published internationally. He is a Fellow of
     the NZ Institute of Architects.

     Jon Rennie
     Company: Athfield Architects Limited
     Core Discipline: Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: MNZIA, Registered Architect (ARBUK)
     Qualifications: Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) - Victoria University of Wellington & Sede Di
     Roma Programme (Rome, Italy), Master of Architecture (Urbanism) - University of Southern
     California (Los Angeles, USA), BA(Theatre/Film) & BBSc. – VUW
     Areas of expertise: Public architecture, multi-unit housing, urbanism

     Jon is a registered Architect with over 20 years of architectural and urban experience
     including adaptive re-use of listed buildings, design of theatres, auditoriums and libraries
     and directional planning of educational and cultural institutions in New Zealand, United
     Kingdom and Spain. Jon teaches seminar and studio courses at the University of Auckland
     School of Architecture. He is a Director and Principal of Athfield Architects, based in the
     Auckland studio.

Ken Crosson
Company: Crosson Architects Ltd
Core Discipline: Architecture
Professional Affiliations: NZIA
Qualifications: BArch; Registered Architect; FNZIA
Areas of expertise: Architecture, Urban Design

Ken studied in Auckland, and apart from a period living and working in London as a young
graduate, has been based in the city running projects throughout New Zealand.
Ken is passionate about the built environment in both urban and rural frameworks and is
never one to shy away from a robust debate. He is actively involved in the development of
the architectural profession being Chair of the Auckland Branch of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New
Zealand Institute of Architects and has a President’s Award for contributions to the

Lauren White
Company: Urban Acumen Ltd.
Core Discipline: Urban Design
Professional Affiliations: Urban Design Forum member, Professional Teaching Fellow, Univer-
sity of Auckland
Qualifications: Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Masters of City Planning and Urban Design
Areas of expertise: Medium density housing, structure planning/masterplanning, expert

Lauren has practiced as an urban designer for over 20 years, with experience in both the
public and private sector, both in NZ and the UK and South Africa. With a focus on design,
Lauren’s experience ranges from architectural concepts, medium density housing and
masterplanning projects to large growth planning projects. She also has experience in
development feasibility projects and public consultation. For the past 12 years, Lauren has
also served on the staff of the Auckland University, teaching in the Masters of Urban Design

 Lindley Naismith
 Company: Scarlet Architects
 Core Discipline: Architecture
 Professional Affiliations: Fellow NZIA, Architecture + Women NZ
 Qualifications: BArch (Auckland University)
 Areas of expertise: Residential Architecture

 Lindley Naismith is a founding director of a nine-strong, design-led, award-winning
 architectural practice Scarlet Architects that works extensively, but not exclusively, in the
 residential domain. She has been an adjunct professor of architecture, won awards, judged
 awards and is immediate past Chair of the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Institute of
 Architects, a role that brought with it membership of the Governance Board of the AUDP,
 where she was impressed by the Panel’s work as a force for good for the design quality of
 Auckland’s built environment. A long-standing resident of Tamaki Makaurau, Lindley brings
 a deep understanding and passion for the city, in tandem with the architectural perspective
 and insight she has developed over 35 years in the profession.

Lisa Mein
     Company: Mein Urban Design and Planning Ltd.
     Core Discipline: Urban Design
     Professional Affiliations: MNZPI, ICOMOS NZ, UDF, IAP2 (Australasian Chapter)
     Qualifications: BPlan, MA Urban Design, Certificate in Public Participation (IAP2)
     Areas of expertise: Urban design, urban planning, urban regeneration, master planning, me-
     dium density residential/mixed-use development, heritage planning and design guidelines.

     Lisa is a qualified Urban Design and Planner with an excess of 25 years’ project experience.
     She established her own practice in 2019, following 15 years’ at Boffa Miskell Limited. Over
     the past two and half decades her experience has spanned a range of areas from
     stakeholder and community engagement, masterplanning and town centre regeneration
     strategies, through to policy development, design guidance and research. Lisa is actively
     involved in championing quality urban design outcomes including in her current role as Co-
     Chair of Urban Design Forum (UDF). She has been a member of the Auckland Urban Design
     Panel since 2014.

     Malcom Walker
     Company: Malcom Walker Architects Ltd
     Core Discipline: Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: Member NZIA and Fellow NZIA
     Qualifications: Registered Architect, BArch (University of Auckland)
     Areas of expertise: Building Design, Urban commentary, Heritage Housing

     Malcolm Walker established his architectural practice in 1980 and has an abiding interest
     and involvement in Auckland’s urban development, particularly the waterfront. He has
     won numerous NZIA awards and was the 2019 National NZIA Awards Convenor and has
     been engaged as an Architectural Assessor for both Auckland City and Whakatane District
     Councils. Malcolm is also a commentator in various architectural publications and television
     programmes, and has been a cartoonist in various national newspapers and publications for
     over 40 years. He has published and illustrated several books ranging from architecture to
     researching and writing a History of the Westland County Council.

     Marko Den Breems
     Company: Marko den Breems Ltd
     Core Discipline: Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: FNZIA, IOD
     Qualifications: BArch (Hons)
     Areas of expertise: Architecture, Sustainability, Urban Design

     Sustainability is core to my design approach. Within our urban realm, this extends to
     creating development that, as well as working with the natural environment, provides
     places that Aucklanders can participate and enjoy and improves our economic outcomes.
     I have led the design of many, large scale urban projects throughout New Zealand covering
     healthcare, tertiary education, sports and city making projects.
     Presently working independently, I was Managing Director at Jasmax from 2012-2018, on
     the establishment board of the New Zealand Green Building Council and the Construction
     Strategy Group. I have also been an active member of the PCNZ.

Matt Riley
Company: Barker & Associates
Core Discipline: Urban Design
Professional Affiliations: Urban Design Forum
Qualifications: M.Arch (Urban Design); M.PlanPrac; BA/LLB
Areas of expertise: Urban design; medium density housing schemes; masterplanning.

Matt is an urban designer with 20 years’ experience in the urban design and planning
fields in New Zealand. Matt’s work encompasses urban design strategy, masterplanning of
greenfield and brownfield sites, urban design review and input to development projects
including multi-unit residential, mixed use and town centre schemes, and urban design
input to plan changes and district plan reviews. Matt has worked as an urban designer in
both the public and private sectors, giving him an understanding of the interplay between
good design outcomes and regulatory processes.

Matthew Jones
Company: Isthmus Group Ltd
Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: Registered NZILA Landscape Architect, Member RMLA
Qualifications: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Unitec (2005)
Areas of expertise: Design planning, masterplanning, urban design, landscape and visual

Matthew is a Principal at Isthmus and a registered landscape architect with the NZILA.
He has experience working on a wide range of landscape architecture and urban design
projects producing masterplanning, design, spatial planning, resource consent and plan
change documentation for sites with varying scales within urban and rural environments.
As an experienced Design Planner, he brings a critical thinking approach to projects -
weaving the design, planning and assessment processes together to provide an integrated
and robust outcome. Matthew has solid knowledge of regional and national regulatory
statutory and non-statutory documentation. He also has a strong appreciation for the
relationship between people and their environment and developing design outcomes to
engage and enhance this notion.

Megan Rule
Company: South Pacific Architecture Ltd
Core Discipline: Architecture
Professional Affiliations: AIA, FNZIA, NZRAB, EBANZ, A+W.NZ, WiUD
Qualifications: BArch (Hons) Auckland, Cert. Mod. Italian Arch. Macerata Italy, Cert. Conser-
vation Prato Italy
Areas of expertise: Cultural and Community facilities, Sustainable design, Heritage and
Megan is a founding director of multi award winning Auckland based practice South Pacific
Architecture, whose work has spanned adaptive and new residential, cultural, community,
waterfronts, mixed use, commercial, education, master planning, heritage and landscape in
UK and New Zealand. Megan has worked closely in consultation with community groups,
Not For Profits, Habitat For Humanity, Architecture For Humanity, churches, clubs, pacific, Iwi,
Nga Aho, accessibility organisations in NZ and internationally. Megan is a co-founder and
augural co-chair of Architecture +Women.NZ, a Professional Teaching Fellow at UoA SoAP,
Guest Critic/Lecturer at SCALA Unitec (Landscape & Architecture) and VUW, NZRAB Examiner,
NZIA Awards Juror/Convener, NZIA Auckland Committee Member and NZIA Environmental
Guideline 2010 Convener.
Michael Campbell
      Company: Campbell Brown Planning Ltd
      Core Discipline: Planning
      Professional Affiliations: NZPI, RMLA
      Qualifications: Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning (Hons)
      Areas of expertise: Planning, masterplanning, resource consents

      Michael Campbell is an experienced planner who commenced his planning and resource
      management career in 1995. Michael has significant experience in both the public and
      private sectors in preparing and assessing a wide range of resource consent applications
      and District Plan changes. Michael’s previous positions include a role as Group Manager:
      Consent Services at Waitakere City Council before setting up Campbell Brown Planning in
      2010. In 2014, Michael was awarded the NZPI Nancy Northcroft Supreme Planning Award
      for his planning work at Hobsonville Point. Michael has also achieved certification (with
      excellence) as a Commissioner under the Ministry for the Environment’s Good Decisions

      Michael Geale
      Company: Michael Geale and Associates Limited
      Core Discipline: Property Development Management and Construction
      Professional Affiliations: MNZIOB
      Qualifications: HNC (UK) 1965
      Areas of expertise: Management of major development and construction project teams

      Michael is an experienced development director and has been involved in property and
      construction for nearly 50 years in the UK and in New Zealand. His projects have included
      major office facilities, shopping centres, industrial facilities and public buildings. Michael’s
      skills include the preparation of development brief, feasibility analysis, appointment of the
      design and construction teams, procurement of statutory consents and management of the
      delivery processes for individual buildings, (both heritage and new).

     Mike Thomas
     Company: Jasmax Ltd
     Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: FNZILA (Registered), Urban Design Forum
     Qualifications: BLA (Hons), Lincoln University, 1996
     Areas of expertise: Public realm design, multi-modal transport infrastructure environments,
     large scale residential design

     Mike Thomas is an award-winning landscape architect with over 24 years’ experience
     in NZ, HK and China. He is a fellow of the NZILA, recognised for his contributions to the
     advancement of Landscape Architecture practice in NZ. He has been on the AUDP since
     2017 and is an advisor on the Auckland Housing Panel. Mike is a Principal at Jasmax
     where he leads a team of Landscape Architects across a wide range of sectors and scales
     throughout NZ. He predominantly works on projects that have a built outcome, particularly
     the design of multi-modal infrastructure and public realm. He has a strong interest in local
     context and bi-cultural design responses that reflect authenticity.

Natasha Markham
Company: MAUD
Core Discipline: Architecture & Urban Design
Professional Affiliations: NZIA, Registered Architect
Qualifications: BAS, BArch (Hons), MUrbDes (Hons), Registered Architect
Areas of expertise: Housing, architecture, masterplanning

Natasha is an architect, urban designer and director of Auckland practice MAUD. Her belief
that quality design solutions play a significant role in creating successful, liveable spaces,
is backed by her experience working on a variety of projects across architecture and urban
design. She has a particular interest in housing and areas under going transformation.
As an urban designer, she has worked for both the private sector and for local government,
is skilled in urban analysis and masterplanning, and has been involved in high level,
strategic planning and visioning projects for areas designated for change.

Nick Pollard
Company: Boffa Miskell Limited
Core Discipline: Planning
Professional Affiliations: MNZPI, RMLA and UDF
Qualifications: Bachelor of Science, Master of Planning Practice, Master of Urban Design
(University of Auckland)
Areas of expertise: Resource Consents, Urban Design, Assessment of Effects on the Environ-

Nick is a Senior Principal at Boffa Miskell Limited. Originally trained within the biological
sciences, Nick has developed his strategic approach to planning and urban design through
practical experience on a diverse range of projects in various contexts. Nick joined Boffa
Miskell in 2015 following ten-years of foundation experience with local government in plan
development, consenting and design review has been significant. Nick has built a broad
portfolio of experience as a consultant working nationwide, supporting local authorities,
central government agencies and private clients.

Ngata Tapsell
Iwi Affiliations: Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāti Porou, Tainui
Company: Beca
Core Discipline: Architecture
Professional Affiliations: NZRAB, NZIA, APEC
Qualifications: BArch (Hons), BAS (University of Auckland)
Areas of expertise: Architecture, Urban Design, Masterplanning

Ngata is a Principal at Beca. He is an accomplished architect and masterplanner with a deep
interest in the potential of indigenous cultures to inform the built environment.
In a career spanning over 20 years, Ngata has amassed considerable experience in both
New Zealand and abroad, with the latter gained in markets as diverse as Australia, Asia and
the Middle East. His expertise spans a range of building typologies at a variety of scales
including commercial, retail, hospitality, civic, multi-residential and cultural.
As a strategic and independent thinker, Ngata is trusted with some of the most significant
cultural projects in New Zealand, and he combines sensitivity to local context with
international perspective.
Peter Joyce
     Company: Independent
     Core Discipline: Urban Design
     Professional Affiliations: Urban Design Forum
     Qualifications: B.Arch., NZCD(arch.)
     Areas of expertise: Urban design review advice and city centre projects.

     Peter has 45 years experience in architecture and urban design, with 22 years running a
     Piha based practice. He became strongly influenced by Waitakere City Council’s Eco-city
     sustainable urban development objectives and in 2001 accepted an urban design related
     position with WCC’s Urban Planning and Design Unit. His role included advice into resource
     consents; masterplanning for town centres & neighbourhoods; integration of UD objectives
     into policies, rules and design guidelines; and urban design representation/liaison with
     government & other organisations. Under Auckland Council, Peter became a Principal Urban
     Design Specialist in the ADO, providing design review advice on building developments and
     Council projects. From 2013 his role was UD Lead for City Centre consent applications. Peter
     has presented numerous projects to the AUDP and has been council’s representative on
     dedicated design panels.

     Peter Kensington
     Company: KPLC Limited
     Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: Registered NZILA Landscape Architect; Full Member NZPI;
     subscribing member of RMLA and UDF
     Qualifications: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University, Canterbury; and
     Bachelor of Regional Planning, Massey University, Palmerston North.
     Areas of expertise: Landscape planning, assessment, management; and resource
     management and strategic planning.

     Peter has worked as a landscape architect and planner for over twenty-years throughout
     New Zealand, as a private consultant and in public office. Since 2017, he has provided
     advice through KPLC Limited for applicants, regulatory authorities and submitters. He is a
     current Ministry for the Environment ‘Making Good Decisions’ certificate holder. Peter aims
     to achieve sustainable management outcomes through his work at both strategic and
     operational levels. He has complementary planning, resource management and landscape
     design and assessment skills. His experience is with a wide variety of landscape and
     planning related projects for a mix of clients.

     Prue Fea
     Company: Jasmax Limited
     Core Discipline: Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: NZIA
     Qualifications: BAS, BArch (University of Auckland), Post Professional MArch (RMIT)
     Areas of expertise: Urban design, building design, multi-unit housing

     Prue is a senior architect and Associate at Jasmax and has over 20 years’ experience working
     with architectural and property development companies in the US, Japan, Australia and
     New Zealand. Prior to working at Jasmax, she held the position of principal architect at
     Pillar+Post Property Development in Melbourne where she was involved in a number of
     multi-unit residential and laneway housing developments. Prue holds a post-professional
     Masters Degree in Urban Architecture from RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology).
     She is part of the Sustainability team at Jasmax and has been involved in a number of
     neighbourhood master planning projects, inner city mixed used developments and
     sustainably designed apartment buildings.

Rachel de Lambert
Company: Boffa Miskell Ltd
Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: Fellow and Registered Member NZILA, Member ICOMOS NZ.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Horticulture Science, Lincoln College, NZ Diploma Landscape
Architecture (Dist), Lincoln College
Areas of expertise: Heritage planning, open space planning and management plans,
landscape and visual assessments

Rachel has over 33 years’ project experience comprising a wide range of traditional
landscape design, masterplanning, spatial planning, open space planning, urban design,
heritage planning and management, environmental planning, and landscape and visual
assessment projects. She is recognised for her skills in concept design, masterplanning,
project consenting, and design leadership and review.
Rachel is experienced as a design panel member and chair and in bringing projects to the
panel for review, a process which she considers continues to lead to achieving improved
urban design outcomes for development in Auckland.

Dr. Rebecca Kiddle
Company: Victoria University of Wellington
Core Discipline: Urban Design
Professional Affiliations: HEA Fellow
Qualifications: PhD (Urban Design), MA (Urban Design), CPS, BA (Hons)
Areas of expertise: placemaking, Māori values and place identity, educational space design,
housing including medium density housing design

Rebecca Kiddle is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Studies at Victoria University of
Wellington. She has a PhD and an MA in urban design from Oxford Brookes University, UK
and an undergraduate degree in politics and Māori studies. She is the co-chair Pōneke for
Ngā Aho Network of Māori Designers. Her work focuses on Aotearoa New Zealand place
identity and placemaking, decolonising cities and the design of educational space.

Richard Blakey
Company: Blakey Planning Limited
Core Discipline: Planning
Professional Affiliations: Member of the New Zealand Planning Institute
Qualifications: Bachelor of Planning (1990)
Areas of expertise: Resource consent and plan changes under the RMA, independent
hearing commissioner

Richard Blakey has over 25 years of experience in planning and resource management
related matters, primarily within the Auckland region. Richard has significant experience
in both the public and private sectors in preparing and assessing a wide range of resource
consent applications. Richard has a ‘Chairing Endorsement’ certificate from the Ministry for
the Environment and has been a member of the Council’s panel of independent hearing
commissioners since 2014.

Richard Harris
     Company: Richard Harris Architects
     Core Discipline: Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: NZIA
     Qualifications: B Arch
     Areas of expertise: Design of major buildings, urban design, urban masterplanning

     Following a successful 30-year career leading one of NZ’s major architectural practices,
     Richard now independently assists clients with the feasibility and design stages of projects.
     His architecture and advisory roles are focused on larger scale cultural, educational, health,
     sports, heritage and commercial developments as well as campus and urban masterplans.
     Richard chaired the government Urban Taskforce and was a board member of the
     committee for Auckland.
     He is a Distinguished Fellow and past President of the NZIA, a former chair of the Architects
     Registration Board and has an honorary doctorate from Auckland University of Technology.

     Richard Mann
     Company: Mann Landscape Architecture Ltd
     Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: NZILA; Ngā Aho; Te Tau ā Nuku
     Qualifications: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
     Areas of expertise: Natural and Cultural Landscape Open Space planning, design and
     management Landscape and Visual assessment

     I am a landscape architect with 18 years experience in local government and private
     practice. I am of Ngāti Kahungungu, Ngāi Tūhoe and Tongan decent. I have worked on a
     wide range of open space and urban renewal projects across Taranaki and Tāmaki
     makaurau. I have lectured part-time at the Unitec Department of Landscape Architecture
     and coordinated the Landscape of Aotearoa course.

     Shannon Joe
     Company: Warren and Mahoney Architects
     Core Discipline: Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: Fellow NZIA, Registered Architect
     Qualifications: BArch, (Hons) Victoria
     Areas of expertise: Architecture, urban design, urban masterplanning

     Shannon Joe is an award winning architect. A Principal and shareholder at Warren and
     Mahoney Architects. Shannon is one of the practice’s lead designers specialising in
     commercial, cultural, tertiary, multi-unit residential, infrastructure and urban design /
     masterplanning. Ask Shannon to name the critical factor for any architectural project, and
     the answer will invariably be ‘people’. Translating culture into built form, Shannon believes
     that who we are -our drivers, ideals and values -should influence the buildings we inhabit.
     he sees architecture as an asset, an ability to design spaces that can inspire and empower,
     forming the framework of our experiences and our aspirations.

Stuart Bowden
Company: Beca
Core Discipline: Urban Design, Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: NZILA registered member, AILA registered member
Qualifications: Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Design, Canberra College of
Advanced Education (1989), Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, University of Canberra,
Areas of expertise: Public realm design, active mode projects, transport interchange and
multi-modal transport design.
Stuart is a public realm and public transport advocate in every sense, and he is passionate
about design integration. He has 30 years of local and international experience delivering
cohesive design solutions on projects where the complex balance of requirements might
otherwise lead to compromised outcomes. Recent highlights are his efforts leading the de-
sign definition and development of Auckland’s Northern Pathway and Sydney’s new Metro
rail stations and precincts. Stuart is also the urban design lead for the Supporting Growth
Alliance in Auckland, focused on defining and protecting integrated multi-modal transport
corridors that will support the city’s future growth needs.

Stuart Houghton
Company: Boffa Miskell Ltd
Core Discipline: Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: Registered member NZILA - Tuia Pita Ora
Qualifications: Master of Architecture in Urban Design (UCL), Bachelor of Landscape
Architecture 1st Class Hons (Lincoln University), Certificate in Next Generation Cities &
Transportation, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
Areas of expertise: Urban Design & Public Realm Design; Spatial Planning; Urban Design
Strategy & Policy

Stuart is a qualified urban designer and registered NZILA landscape architect with more
than 15 years’ experience in New Zealand and the United Kingdom in urban design and
landscape architecture, for sites at a range of scales in both the public and private sector.
This includes preparing urban design frameworks, structure plans, and site master plans;
and strategic and conceptual design proposals for streets and public spaces. Stuart’s
communication and presentation skills that have enabled him to gain considerable
experience in strategy and policy, design guidance, urban design and landscape
assessment, and as an expert witness at council hearings.

Stuart Mackie
Company: Chow:Hill
Core Discipline: Architecture and Urban Design
Professional Affiliations: New Zealand Institute of Architects (Architect Member, Overseas
Registration Member), Royal institute of British Architects (Chartered Member), Royal
incorporation of Architects Scotland (Member), Architects Registration Board (UK)
Qualifications: M.Arch., B. Arch. (First Class Honours with distinction) Mackintosh School of
Architecture, Glasgow
Areas of expertise: Civic and masterplanning, multiple housing, aged care
Stuart has lived in Auckland for almost 20 years and has a keen interest in seeing Auckland
be the best that it can be. His architectural education was always about the urban context
and this learning has continued in his experience of working and living in quite different
urban places around the world.
He has been involved in a range of large-scale projects that have encompassed the basic
urban grain, intensive living environments, civic and masterplanning
schemes and more specialised places associated with education, healthcare and
entertainment. Stuart is a director with Chow:Hill in Auckland.
Tim Robinson
     Company: Jasmax
     Core Discipline: Urban Design and Architecture
     Professional Affiliations: Member UDF (NZ), NZIA Affiliated Member
     Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Architecture), Bachelor of Architecture (Hons), Diploma in
     Professional Practice and Management
     Areas of expertise: Masterplanning, transport and land use integration, urban housing.

     Tim trained and registered as an architect, working within a large housing developer, as
     a design specialist for a planning authority, and in private practice. He now specialises in
     Urban Design and is passionate about exploring city-building solutions which will meet
     the challenges of climate change, housing affordability and economic transformation.
     Tim has more than 20 years’ experience in commercial, healthcare, mixed-use, housing,
     and transport projects, from spatial planning and masterplanning to concept design and

     Tracy Ogden-Cork
     Company: Motu Design Ltd
     Core Discipline: Architecture and Urban Design
     Professional Affiliations: NZIA – Allied Professional; Urban Design Forum
     Qualifications: BAS; BArch (Hons); MArch(Hons)
     Areas of expertise: Urban design, mixed-use developments, policy and guidelines, Māori
     heritage/cultural values, greenfield town centres

     Tracy is an urban designer with 15 years of experience including the assessment of a
     wide range of resource consents for residential apartments and mixed-use commercial
     developments; works associated with NZTA’s Victoria Park Tunnel; district plan changes,
     including to the Auckland’s Central Area Plan to provide for future growth of its tertiary
     institutions whilst protecting heritage features; and years of involvement in Albany Centre
     addressing the challenges of greenfield development. Private sector projects that she has
     collaborated on encompass a mix of residential developments, inclusive of street design, as
     well as a new local shopping centre. She is also passionate about Maori and Pasifika values
     with a Masters of Architecture thesis on tikanga maori and urban design.

     Vaughan Smith
     Company: Vaughan Smith Planning Limited
     Core Discipline: Resource management/planning
     Professional Affiliations: MNZPI
     Qualifications: MPlanPrac (1st Class Honours); BE (Civil)
     Areas of expertise: Urban planning, RMA processes, property development

     Vaughan Smith is an experienced sole practitioner resource management consultant.
     During his planning career he has specialised in the preparation of resource consent
     applications and applications for private plan changes, primarily for large-scale commercial
     and mixed-use developments. He is also an accredited independent hearing commissioner.
     Prior to qualifying as a planner, Vaughan worked for more than 15 years in the construction
     and development sectors of the property industry. Significant projects on which Vaughan
     has taken a lead role include the Sylvia Park Centre and the Smales Farm Business Park.

Will Thresher
Company: Thresher Urban Design Landscape Architecture
Core Discipline: Landscape Architecture
Professional Affiliations: UDFNZ; NZILA; Urban Design Group (UK); Landscape Institute (UK)
Qualifications: Dip Urban Design (Dist), Oxford Brookes University, UK; Dip Landscape
Architecture, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK; BA (Hons) Landscape Design,
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Areas of expertise: Apartment and multi-unit housing, urban design, public space/street

Will Thresher is Director of Thresher Associates, the practice he established in 1998. Will
has been a member of the Urban Design Panel since 2004 and his role has been extended
by participation in specially convened panels for key schemes. Will has over 25 years
experience in the design and construction of urban design and landscape projects with a
wealth of experience gained from multidisciplinary projects for a variety of local authority,
institutional and developer clients in New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, China and the UK.

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