Page created by Phillip Deleon
Indian automotive
sector: Creating

May 2019
Table of

     1.     Automotive industry of the future: The changing paradigm                                    3

     2.     Organisation and workforce of the future in the automotive industry                         7

     3.     Required skills and capabilities in the automotive sector                                  12

     4.     Bridging the skill and capability gap: Building the right development ecosystem            18

     5.     Call to action: The role of business leaders and HR in making organisations future ready   21

     6      Conclusion                                                                                 24

     7      References                                                                                 26

2.        PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
          Automotive industry of the future:
          The changing paradigm

3   PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
data released by the Government’s Department of
Automotive industry in India                                         Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP)1. In this
                                                                     scenario, India’s automotive industry (including
The Indian automotive industry is seeing significant                 component manufacturing) is expected to reach
transformation with respect to its sustainable growth                US$51.4–282.8 billion by 2026.
and profitability. The industry is crucial for the
economy as it accounts for 7.1% of the country’s                     There are a number of key trends that are shaping
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and as per                              the industry today, which are expected to have a
Automotive Mission Plan (AMP) 2016–26, its                           significant bearing on its ability to realise the
contribution is projected to increase to 12%1. India is              objectives of the AMP. In addition to automation of
expected to emerge as the world’s third-largest                      various processes to meet these goals, the sector is
passenger vehicle market by 20212.                                   also expected to generate additional direct and
                                                                     indirect jobs.
The fundamentals for growth drivers in the automotive
industry remain intact and the sector is likely to see               Changing paradigm in the industry
an increased upward trend in demand in the coming
years as the economic environment improves and
                                                                     Currently, India’s automotive industry is at an inflexion
investments increase. The Government’s ‘Make in
                                                                     point and is witnessing five megatrends that are
India’ initiative has played an important role in
                                                                     expected to transform the industry in a big way4.
elevating the country’s position and it has improved
                                                                     Rapidly evolving customer needs, the disruptive
on nine out of ten parameters for ease of doing
                                                                     impact of technology, the dynamic regulatory
business in the last three to four years. Today, India
                                                                     environment, changing mobility patterns and global
is looked upon as a favourable destination for low-
                                                                     interconnectedness are all impacting the way auto
cost manufacturing. The World Economic Forum has
                                                                     companies are doing business today globally and in
ranked it 30th on the Global Manufacturing Index 3,
                                                                     India. The industry has never witnessed this
which assesses the manufacturing capabilities of
                                                                     magnitude of multi-dimensional change till now.
countries. The industry attracted Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) worth US$20.85 billion during the
period April 2000 to December 2018, according to

Five megatrends impacting the Indian automotive industry

    Automotive Mission Plan: 2016-26 (A Curtain Raiser) (2015)           The Global Competitiveness Report 2018   
    EMISSIONPLAN.pdf (last accessed on 20 April’ 2019)                   report-2018 (last accessed on 20 April’ 2019)
    IHS Auto Database, Light Vehicle Sales Forecast,
    (last accessed on 20 April’ 2019)                                    What-are-CAFE-norms-and-why-do-they-matter-in-the-
                                                                         ToyotaSuz.html (last accessed on 20 April’ 2019)

4       PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
1. Rapidly evolving customer expectations: In                             Going forward, with new technologies coming in,
   view of the increasing disparity and gap between                       organisations’ technology capital will be the key
   middle class population growth versus middle                           differentiator. Digital transformation and speed of
   class average income growth5, customers’                               execution will be the key requirements for the
   purchase patterns are bifurcating between luxury                       survival of most automotive organisations.
   and economical vehicles. And with disparate and
   varying spend capacity, high levels of awareness                 3. Dynamic regulatory environment: India, an
   of products, rapidly evolving expectations and the                  emerging economy, has been traditionally looked
   demand for personalised products and services,                      upon as a favourable destination for low-cost
   customers are taking the centre stage in the                        manufacturing. However, regulatory pressure and
   automotive ecosystem in the country today. In                       the benefit of industry enablers are expected to
   this scenario, development of organisational                        have a disruptive effect on the portfolios of
   capabilities that are aligned to business lines                     vehicles and the automotive supply chain.
   and/or segments and are dynamic will help the                       Major regulatory interventions such as the
   industry understand changing customer needs                         following are planned:
   and deliver accordingly to meet these needs.
                                                                          a. Adoption of BSVI norms in Delhi/NCR by
2. Disruptive impact of technology: The car of the                           2019 and pan India by 2020 for all new four-
   future will be electrified, automated, shared,                            wheeler vehicles sold
   connected and updated yearly to make driving
   easier, safer, cheaper and more comfortable. In                        b. Change in tax structure―GST and
   addition, with increasing acceptance of digital                           resultant costs
   solutions, a new wave of emerging technologies
   are on the cusp of affecting the industry at                           c.    Government investment on the automotive
   three levels:                                                                sector and its plans for infrastructure
                                                                                development (Pradhan Mantri Gram
     a. Vehicles (electric, driverless and connected;                           Parivahan Yojana, Bharatmala
        with smart sensors, real time vehicle                                   Pariyojana, etc.)
        tracking, geo fencing, driver analysis
        and remote diagnostics)                                           d. Adoption of safety standards in line
     b. Supply chain and operations (digitised                               with international norms
        trucking, upcoming logistics hubs,
        automated warehouses, robotics,                                   e. Formulation of end-of-life or
        augmented reality and IoT)                                           scrappage policies

     c.     Business models (mobility as a service and                    f.    Implementation of Corporate Average Fuel
            vehicle sharing)                                                    Efficiency norms4 under which manufacturers
                                                                                need to improve their fuel efficiency by
     The Indian Government has the ambitious target                             10% between 2017 and 2021 and 30%
     of ensuring that only electric vehicles are sold in                        or more by 2022
     the country within the next few years. The
     Ministry of Heavy Industries has shortlisted 11                      g. Adoption of EVs and alternative fuels
     cities in the country for introduction of electric                      through FAME-2
     vehicles (EVs) in their public transport systems
     under the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of                       Stringent vehicle-related standards are leading
     (Hybrid) and Electric Vehicles in India (FAME)                       to a shift in vehicular technology. Automotive
     scheme6. The first phase of the scheme has                           organisations therefore need to invest in
     been extended to March 2019. In February 2019,                       developing various technical skills that
     the Government approved the FAME-II scheme                           are relevant in this era of changing
     with a fund requirement of INR 10,000 crore                          vehicular technologies.
     (US$1.39 billion) for FY20-22. The number of
     vehicles supported under the FAME scheme
     increased to 192,451 in March 2018 from
     5,197 units in June 2015.

5                                                                   6
    PwC. (2014). Adapt to survive: How better alignment between         Indian Automobile Industry Analysis: A Sectoral Report. Indian
    talent and opportunity can drive economic growth. Retrieved         Brand Equity Foundation. (2019).
    from               (last
    services/publications/talent-adaptability/index.jhtml               accessed on 20 April’ 2019)
    (last accessed on 20 April’ 2019)

5         PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
4. Changing face of mobility infrastructure:                        These megatrends are already affecting the industry,
   Self-driving vehicles, ride-hailing services and                 and as we look ahead, we realise that thriving in this
   other technologies are transforming mobility. The                changing environment will require automotive
   development of alternative modes of mobility                     organisations (across the value chain) to make
   (e.g. autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles)                 several fundamental changes in their way of working
   alongside that of smart infrastructure (e.g. smart               in order to drive profitable growth and remain relevant
   cities, optimisation of parking space, artificial                in the market. This will also mean a shift in the way
   intelligence (AI)-driven traffic lights and the focus            the industry thinks about talent and capability
   on enablement of EV-charging infrastructure) is                  requirements in the future. These changes will also
   projected to transform mobility infrastructure. In               offer an opportunity to automotive industry
   this environment, India’s efforts to support EVs                 participants to use digitalisation as an enabler to
   are likely to focus on two-wheelers, public                      create a unique competitive advantage across the
   transport and fleet operations such as taxis and                 value chain. The industry will therefore need to gear
   three-wheelers. According to the report by                       itself for a cultural shift, structural changes, job
   Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), India                       disruptions and major skill and capability building to
   will see much progress on electric two-wheelers,                 compete with global players, maintain and create a
   rickshaws and electric buses over the next 10                    competitive edge, and cater according to global
   years and by 2040, EVs will constitute 40% of                    requirements and standards.
   the total passenger vehicle fleet in the country7.
   However, while transportation infrastructure                     Achieving success in the digital world will require
   continues to be augmented, EV-charging                           new ways of thinking, especially in the area of talent.
   infrastructure (with less than 1000 charging                     The need for transformation of the workforce in the
   stations in India) is yet to take off. In this scenario,         digital age will require much more than simple
   the industry is expected to face unique challenges               automation of routine processes8. It will be about
   with changing mobility infrastructure, the                       collaboration between technology and talent to
   specifications of fast-charging standards and                    unleash organisations’ full potential. This will mean
   exploration of enhanced technology options.                      finding people with the right skills and capabilities or
                                                                    providing the workforce with the required skills, while
5. Globally interconnected industry: Global and                     protecting employees’ experience and helping them
   local markets offer a sustained growth potential                 build a trusting relationship with society.
   for the Indian automotive industry. An increase of
   FDI in India and the emergence and adoption of                   This may pose major challenges for industries,
   globally emerging megatrends and technologies                    workers and policymakers as they grapple with shifts
   in the country are expected to result in the                     in the structure of employment and jobs, which will
   country’s increased dependence on other                          bring about significant changes in business models,
   countries at every step of the automotive value                  downstream services and organisations. It is to meet
   chain, e.g. R&D, purchase of raw material, power                 this need that this report sets out to predict the
   electronics, manufacturing support and sales.                    fundamental impact of these megatrends, the
   Therefore, automotive organisations’ ability to put              development paradigm required by the automotive
   in place and implement effective global and local                industry in terms of timescale, volume and
   strategies to manage risks and build their                       complexity, and the role of HR and leadership.
   capability to drive their strategies will be of
   paramount importance.

7     organisation/publications/workforce-of-the-future.html) (last
    (last accessed on 20th April’ 2019)                               accessed on 20th April’ 2019)
    PwC’s. (2018). Workforce of the future. Retrieved from

6       PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
          Organisation and workforce of the
          future in the automotive industry

7   PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
2.1. Impact of megatrends on organisations and the workplace
Usage of Information Technology (IT) and integration           the largest job-creating engines in the country, with
of technological research on manufacturing products            the creation of approximately 65 million jobs in the
and processes is not a new phenomenon in the                   next decade. This should contribute significantly to
automotive industry. However, what is new is the               the country’s growth, provided the sector is able to
level of sophistication and speed of application of new        address and resolve the twin challenges of low
age technologies such as IoT, AI, machine learning             employer attractiveness and the gap in supply of a
and robotics as part of the Industry 4.0 evolution. The        skilled workforce to meet the requirements of future
speed of change is leading to a paradigm shift in the          jobs. Moreover, what needs to be borne in mind is
way the manufacturing sector operates. In the area of          that there are many changes that are unforeseen
megatrends, disruptions and new ways of working are            and unknown today.
expected to result in irreversible changes in the
automotive industry, which are likely to generate              Going forward, automotive organisations will need
significant opportunities in the sector. As per the            to successfully manage the following seven key
Automotive Mission Plan 2016-26 (AMP 2016-26), the             shifts to thrive in the new world order in the
Indian automotive industry is poised to become one of          automotive industry.

Seven shifts faced by automotive organisations

“There are no changes being experienced or foreseen immediately, and many of the advances made in
technology, including designing of EVs, are at a nascent stage in India. Discerning the kind of skills required
and the training needed to meet future requirements will require some crystal gazing.”

                                        – HR leader of the Indian arm of a leading European car manufacturer

8     PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
1. Departure from traditional manufacturing:                        today. Therefore, there will be a need for
   Today, vehicles are no longer viewed as only                     automotive companies to revamp their service
   being a means for commuting or transporting                      networks and build specialised expertise in the
   people and goods. The experience and utility of                  field of electronics (and not just mechanics) in
   driving a car is very different from what it was a               order to manufacture these advanced vehicles.
   decade ago. Thanks to new age technologies,
   customers’ expectations have risen high on three            4. Digital and automation becoming the new
   counts: a vehicle’s performance, its smart and                 normal: To keep in step with developments in the
   safety features and their experience. In addition,             industry, automotive organisations in India are
   all stakeholders – the customer, government                    digitising their plants and value chains. This is
   bodies and regulators, and social institutions –               taking place at a must faster pace today
   are also talking about the environmental impact                compared to three years ago. The automotive-
   made by the sector. Furthermore, to bring                      manufacturing setup of the future will bare very
   emissions down and encourage sustainable                       little resemblance to the one that exists today.
   driving, there is a huge emphasis by the Indian                Digitisation will not only drive automation, but also
   Government on adoption of EVs. All these factors               changes in processes and facilities that will be
   put together are gradually making traditional                  automated. In these circumstances, maintaining
   manufacturing and existing vehicles outdated.                  the momentum for digital adoption will require a
   This means that infrastructure and assets                      different kind of culture and workforce as well as
   deployed by automotive companies in the era of                 a shift from the existing patterns in which
   Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0, and the skills and              automotive companies are acclimatised to
   capabilities that are utilised to operate these                operate. Digitisation is also expected to lead to
   assets will no longer suffice. Consequently,                   democratisation of information and increase
   automotive players across the value chain will                 transparency across organisations. Managing this
   need to gear up to meet these changing                         new status quo will require a proactive change in
   requirements, both in terms of infrastructure and              management functions.
   the skill-sets of people in the new environment.
   The challenges posed will be accentuated as                 5. Evolution of new jobs and associated skills:
   new and traditional ways of working continue                   For decades, automotive companies in India have
   to coexist and evolve.                                         had the benefit of operating in an environment
                                                                  that was relatively static and controlled.
2. Shorter cycles of innovation, development                      Therefore, many jobs across OEMs and suppliers
   and production: The advent of electrified and                  have been around for years on end in their
   autonomous vehicles and the emergence of new                   current shape and form. With the impact of
   mobility patterns driven by connected and shared               disruptive forces becoming more pronounced and
   vehicles, coupled with the regulator pressures,                automation taking place at a much faster pace,
   are expected to accelerate the speed of                        jobs in the sector will witness a sea change. New
   innovation in the automotive industry. The cycle               jobs are already emerging across the different
   for introducing new models and their variants is               parts of the automotive value chain and repetitive
   also projected to shorten. This will put pressure              ones are becoming automated. The pace of
   on (Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to                 adoption of EVs, HVs and autonomous cars will
   shorten their Research & Development (R&D),                    further determine the speed and quantum at
   planning, and production and delivery cycles,                  which new jobs will emerge. Going forward, new
   while constantly integrating the latest technology             jobs are likely to be added in the area of IoT,
   in new models and variants. This will mean                     mechatronics, robotics, 3D printing, AI, machine
   revamping the entire operating structure and its               and deep learning, and analytics.
   interaction with the ecosystem.
                                                               6. Requirement of new skills and capabilities:
3. Changing face of service and support                           The megatrends and challenges emerging from
   ecosystem: The concept of service and support                  these trends are interlinked. The shifts in
   in the automotive industry is likely to take a new             manufacturing infrastructure, customers’
   meaning altogether. With the advent of EVs and                 preferences and changes on account of
   hybrid vehicles (HVs), the downtime for vehicles               automation will require a workforce with diverse
   is likely to reduce drastically. Even the                      skills and capabilities. Some of these skills that
   infrastructure and capabilities required to support            will be critical will be in the field of mechatronics,
   and service EVs and HVs will be very different                 3D manufacturing, electrical engineering and
   from those used today. And while advances in the               electronics. Human workers will also need skills
   autonomous vehicle segment in India are still                  using which they can coexist and work with
   ambiguous due to multiple reasons, it is certain               robots. The demand for this workforce,
   that the services and support required in the                  which is equipped with the new skills, is only
   future will be very different from those prevalent             going to rise. This will make the current set of

9     PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
engineers, operators, technicians and shop floor           the speed and scale of the impact, organisations will
     workers redundant in the next few years.                   have to quickly prepare themselves to respond to
     Availability of skilled manpower in adequate               and thrive in the new work order.
     numbers is already a concern raised by many
     automotive majors. Therefore, it will be imperative        ‘Organisational agility’ will be an important theme for
     for automotive companies to deploy a multi-                the sector for it to be able to respond to disruptive
     pronged approach to bridge the talent-skill                forces quickly. Organisational leaders will need to
     gap between the white collar and blue                      unlock new levers to ensure that their organisations
     collar workforce.                                          are agile enough to respond promptly to changes –
                                                                known and unknown –the future may bring. This will
7. Shift in composition and metrics of workforce:               entail their building nimble operating models and
   Another major impact of these megatrends that                structures, adaptable systems, and processes, agile
   will be felt by automotive companies in the form of          workforce models as well as continuously upgrade
   changes in the composition of their workforce.               their people’s learning. In addition, in order to respond
   Some of this change will also be driven by the               to and react quickly to such requirements,
   fact that many automotive companies have                     organisations will have to build their digital IQ.
   employed people for life and they are reaching a             This will require them to digitise essential processes
   stage wherein they will experience a churn on                across their value chains and put in place structures
   account of superannuation. This will pave the                to strategise, plan and enable digitisation.
   way for hiring fresh talent from outside their
   organisations, especially for critical roles for             In order to drive ‘organisational agility’, automotive
   which a ready pipeline of leaders may not exist              organisations will have to focus on two key aspects:
   within their enterprises. Automotive companies
   will need a multigenerational workforce that will            2.2.1. Building and organising for
   come together to deliver on a new agenda that is
   driven by technological and digital enhancements.
                                                                       structural agility
   This will require these organisations to evaluate            Building an agile organisation structure will start by
   their productivity norms and metrics in order to             assessing how disruptive forces are likely to impact
   see a significant change in the future.                      the organisation and aligning its key stakeholders to
                                                                build a common understanding of its future state.
2.2. Building the organisation                                  Making automotive companies structurally agile will
                                                                mean a shift from their traditional process-centric
     and workplace of the future                                command and control structure, which most of them
                                                                have in place because of their business models
The Indian automotive industry comprises a divergent            in the past, to an empowered and customer-
set of players from OEMs to tier ‘n’ suppliers, with            centric structure.
each playing a critical role in the value chain. This
dispersion has led to heterogeneity in the type of              •    Transformative project team structures with a
ownership, operating structure, workforce model,                     sound base structure: Leaders will need to
scale of operations, demand for skills, supply of jobs               identify those parts of the business that require
and their availability. The automotive industry also                 greater agility and ensure that robust
thrives on a strong forward and backward linkage with                mechanisms are in place to enable formation of
other prominent industries such as logistics and                     project teams in a seamless way based on
transportation. This integration is set to take new                  organisations’ emerging requirements. It will be
shape as vehicles become more and more                               important to evaluate and rethink how various
connected. Globally, the automotive Industry is                      dimensions of structure will be effective in a
already witnessing this phenomenon with many non-                    project-related environment. An efficient structure
traditional partnerships (e.g. with IT product, OTT,                 should enable effective, lean and scalable
electronics and telecom companies). This highly                      management with changes in roles and
integrated value chain within the industry and its new               responsibilities, work content, span of control,
interlinkages with allied and/or adjacent industries                 etc., required to drive the kind of structural agility
intensifies the impact of disruptive forces.                         automotive organisations will need.
In this backdrop, every organisation in the industry,           •    Analytics-driven decentralised decision
depending on its stage of growth and where it is in the              making: Traditionally, automotive companies
automotive value chain, will experience the disruptive               have had a command and control structure,
forces and their impact differently. The leaders of                  which has enabled them to drive excellence in
various automotive companies in India share this                     their processes and achieve manufacturing
sentiment and are articulating their assessment of                   excellence. With so many changes under way
this impact in terms of the time, speed and scale                    and diverse variables at play, there will be a need
required in varying degrees. However, irrespective of

10     PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
for accelerated speed in the decision-making                     them to eliminate obstacles and put in place
      process while retaining governance and                           support structures to enable free movement of
      managing associated risks. The number of layers                  skilled labour, diploma-holders and engineering
      involved in the decision-making process will have                graduates. Automotive organisations will need to
      to be significantly reduced with a decentralised                 think more widely about sources of talent, and not
      approach on the back of Big Data and analytics.                  only explore new sectors and geographies but
      This will require increased autonomy for                         also invest in their current employees and
      employees across levels.                                         encourage them to do new things. Moreover,
                                                                       the willingness of their employees to embrace
•     Appointing custodians to ‘build and manage
                                                                       change and apply their skills somewhere new will
      the organisation of future’: Automotive
                                                                       be important for them to respond to the changes
      companies will need to take that informed leap of
                                                                       driven by disruptive forces. An adaptable and
      faith and acknowledge how disruptive forces are
                                                                       flexible workforce will therefore be invaluable
      going to impact their business. They will have to
                                                                       for such companies to address skills
      constantly communicate how AI and automation
                                                                       gaps in their operations.
      can increase productivity and what will it take to
      actually operationalise these within their                  •    Rebalancing workforce through alternative
      business. Appointing people and teams to take                    talent hiring and deployment plans: The
      charge of this change and hiring people at the                   automotive sector, being the major employer in
      management level to focus on becoming                            India, continues to face a challenge in attracting
      organisations of the future could be a starting                  the best talent (partly due to the demand-supply
      point. This will be an arduous task for some                     gap, as well as its lack of attractiveness and
      companies as it would require a departure from                   career growth opportunities). Booming IT, e-
      their current state. In addition, they will have to              Commerce and finance institutions pose tough
      challenge the status quo on multiple fronts.                     competition to the automotive sector when it
                                                                       comes to attracting talent. Attracting the best-fit
2.2.2. Building an agile workforce and                                 talent will be about creating a compelling
       talent models                                                   employee value proposition and striving to
                                                                       increase the inclination of Gen Y to work in a
Building an agile workforce and talent models for the                  manufacturing environment at leading OEMs and
future will be the second-most critical imperative for                 auto-component companies. However, building
the automotive companies in order to achieve the                       manufacturing excellence requires capability-
organisational agility they aim for9. Automotive                       building around innovative production techniques
companies have been managing their workforce                           and the introduction of integrated streams such
strategies by using a traditional pyramid approach,                    as mechatronics. In order to build excellence in
which has served them well in the past. Keeping up                     R&D, an increased focus and investment will be
with workforce shifts and deploying new workforce                      required on new digital platforms and
strategies and models will not be easy, especially for                 technologies. Hiring from outside the industry
large and complex organisations. Traditional linear                    could also be a solution, especially on the digital
models of workforce planning and talent deployment                     skills front, but, this option will be limited in many
will not fit new requirements. Therefore, automotive                   areas that may require automotive- specific skills.
companies will need to plan for dynamic multiple                       While some OEMs and auto-component
evolving scenarios. The key to success will be                         manufactures are partnering with engineering
their ability to identify microcosms within their                      colleges, their focus on this needs to increase.
organisations, which they can use to pilot                             Organisations will therefore need to shift their
new approaches.                                                        hiring strategies to take advantage of changing
•     Widening the ‘talent catchment’: India’s                         market dynamics. Speed of deployment, ability to
      automobile industry is uniquely structured on the                flex workforce plans and adaptability of talent will
      talent catchment front. While the managerial                     be critical for them to keep pace and compete
      talent pool has seen a significant shift in hiring               with their competitors. They will have to
      from different geographies within India, shop floor              increasingly tap into alternative sources of talent
      workers, operators and other blue-collar                         (e.g. a ‘liquid’ workforce) to drive flexibility in their
      workforce are largely hired from local catchments.               workforce as well as in HR’s role. This will be
      Therefore, in view of the high demand for a skilled              extremely critical in creating new and innovative
      workforce, automotive companies will need to                     channels to attract the right talent.
      redefine their talent catchments. This will require

     Workforce agility (
     resource-services/human-resource management/workforce-
     agility.html) (last accessed on 20 April’2019)

11       PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
           Required skills and capabilities in
           the automotive sector

12   PwC | Indian Automotive Sector: Creating Future-ready Organisations
3.1. Skills of the future in the automotive industry
The automotive sector has been a major employer in              3. Robotics: Robots and their usage in automotive
India for decades. As per the Automotive Mission                   manufacturing is not new. However, given the
Plan 2016-26 (AMP 2016-26), it is poised to become                 speed of change and shortening of cycle time,
one of the largest job-creating engines in the Indian              their usage has accelerated and their application
economy with approximately 65 million jobs being                   gone beyond manufacturing processes. Skills to
added in the next decade1.                                         be built for robotics do not only involve coding
                                                                   applications for robots in vehicle-manufacturing,
However, jobs in the sector and associated skills are              but also encompass its usage in R&D.
rapidly evolving with many new jobs expected to be
added to the employment landscape in the next three             4. Digital: In today’s world, customers are viewing
to five years. Skill-related demands from existing jobs            almost everything as an experience. Unlike in the
will also be different. The industry has been investing            past where every customer would visit a
heavily in automation and digitisation over the past               dealership to experience a vehicle or on
few years – this is true for Indian as well as global              occasions make a purchase decision without this
players operating in India and the trend is likely                 experience, today almost every customer is
to continue.                                                       ‘experiencing’ vehicles online. Many of them
                                                                   would have already decided or narrowed down on
“Robots have enabled almost 70 to 100 per cent                     the vehicles of their choice, based on online
automation in weld shops, press shops, cast shops                  research and crowd-sourced views gathered
and paint shops and are further penetrating into                   through their peer networks. Digitisation of the
assembly operations to enable a higher degree of                   entire value chain is required to serve this new
automation and lower costs for the manufacturer.”                  customer, anywhere and anytime.
 – HR leader at a Korean automotive company
                                                                5. Data mining and analytics: Designing and
When we spoke to the business leaders of various                   assembling vehicles have become increasingly
automotive companies – OEMs as well as Tier 1 and                  complex with the integration of automation and
2 suppliers – we heard some interesting views on                   IoT. Additionally, the design to dealership shelf
skills that will assume significance in the future.                cycle is shortening. In order to cope with these
Based on the views of these leaders and PwC’s                      constraints, it is imperative for organisations to
analysis (based on secondary research), we have                    deploy tools that can collate, analyse and
outlined the skill buckets that will be most relevant.             generate insights from data collected from every
(Note: The list provided is not exhaustive.)                       lifecycle stage of a vehicle – design to production.
1. Mechatronics: The shift to EVs and HVs will                  In addition to these skills, there are certain non-
   fuel the demand for specialists in mechatronic               technical skills and competencies that will assume
   engineering. From electrical motor control to                increased significance going forward. Problem-solving
   battery and power management, sensor-making                  and decision-making will continue to be a necessary
   to computational skills, employers will be looking           foundational skill for employees across levels. Agility
   for talent specialising in this growing sector.              in learning and adapting to changes will be amongst
                                                                some other important competencies required. From
     Note: Mechatronics, which is also called                   the leadership perspective, leading and managing
     mechatronic engineering, is a multidisciplinary            change will be critical.
     branch of engineering that focuses on
     engineering of both electrical and mechanical
     systems, and includes a combination of robotics,
     electronics, computer, telecommunications,
     systems, controls and product engineering.

2. AI and machine learning (ML): As automation
   and connectedness become the centre of the
   automotive industry, AI and ML will play an
   integral role in vehicles and factories of the future.
   Understanding how AI works and its application
   in the automotive context will become critical for
   employees across organisations and deep
   skills will be required in R&D, production,
   supply chains and services.

13     PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
“Skilled talent is available but in a fragmented                              “While automation is non-negotiable and going to
manner and may not possess the skills of the future.                          benefit the industry in many ways, its perceived
There is a need for close partnership with ITIs and                           impact on employment has been articulated as a
other educational Institutes to update curriculums                            concern by many people. With automation, there will
and create a steady flow of talent equipped with                              be an increased need for skilled workforce in new
future skills. There is a need to build a complete                            areas and their ability to implement and manage the
ecosystem for learning. This cannot be done in                                new automated workplace. Furthermore, certain
isolation. The next three to five years are very                              complex manufacturing jobs may not lend themselves
critical for India from the skill building perspective                        to automation and will continue to need human
for the Indian automotive industry.”                                          intervention. In this background, we will have to
                                                                              constantly work on training and reskilling our
                              – Chairman of a leading auto                    people to keep their skills current and relevant.”
                                 component manufacturer
                                                                                                       – HR leader at a leading OEM

Training conducted for engineers, operators,
technicians and shop floor workers in the Indian
automotive industry may not be useful after two or
three years. Industry leaders envisage that as                                PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey10 reveals that CEOs are
EVs come into the mainstream, requirement for                                 more worried than ever about skills and the skills gap
components, engines and batteries will change                                 is a particular pain point, impeding innovation and
significantly with the number of parts becoming                               prompting higher people costs. As CEOs turn to what
fewer but more sophisticated. This will require                               they can actively control inside their organisations,
operators and their supervisors on the shop                                   they confront the cracks in their own capabilities,
floor, along with technicians, to acquire these                               especially the information and skills gaps illuminated
new skills fast. Requirement is -                                             in our survey sections on data and analytics and
•       Upskilling in the following areas: mechatronics,                      artificial intelligence (AI). Organisations struggle to
        telematics, robotics, autotronics, data analytics,                    corral data into useable and actionable intelligence,
        lean manufacturing, process knowledge, quality                        and the main reason for their frustration is ‘lack of
        core tools training, computer-aided engineering,                      analytical talent’, followed closely by ‘data silos’ and
        robotics, programmable logic control, 3D                              ‘poor data reliability’. Without clean, relevant, and
        modelling software and machine- handling skills                       labelled data, organisations are stymied in their
                                                                              efforts to move aggressively on AI, which CEOs
•       Building functional capabilities: Capacity for                        overwhelmingly ‘agree’ will have a significant impact
        innovation, emotional intelligence and the ability                    on their business within the next five years. One of
        to adapt to different cultures                                        the more striking findings in this year’s survey is the
•       Focus on building ‘multi-hatted’ talent with                          fact that the ‘information gap’—the gap between
        combined business and technical acumen to                             the data CEOs need and what they get—has not
        enhance cross-functional execution capability                         closed in the ten years since we last asked
        and credibility                                                       them these questions.
•       Promoting lifelong learning and adaptability
        through regular re-skilling to meet changes
        in market events or business models
•       Revisiting corporate training programmes and
        augmenting these with open online courses
        and other externally available content.

                     Our people costs are rising more than expected                                                           52%
     Our quality standards and/or customer experience are impacted                                                      47%
                      We are unable to pursue a market opportunity                                                   44%
                                  We are missing our growth targets                                                  44%
                    We cancelled or delayed a key strategic initiative                           22%
         There is no impact on organisation's growth and profitability         4%

                                                                         0%       10%      20%         30%    40%      50%          60%

      PwC. (2018). 22nd CEO Survey (last accessed on
      20th April 2019)

14         PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
Closing the skill gap for the automotive industry                            and scale will be of paramount importance
of the future                                                                and this will require automotive companies to
                                                                             engage in new forms of learning such as
Closing the skill gap for the automotive industry of the                     virtual learning, online learning, MOOCs
future will require auto companies to adopt the three-                       and classroom training. Partnering with
pronged strategy of building, buying and borrowing                           educational institutions and training centres,
talent, all activated in parallel. A standalone approach                     which have already created new training
is likely to deliver suboptimal results and may not help                     modules and are delivering training on the
in fulfilling the gap that exists.                                           skills of the future will be of paramount
1. Building the current workforce: India’s                                   importance. And while automobile companies
   automotive industry has always been labour-                               have set up in-house training centres, much
   intensive. This presents both opportunities and                           of the training must take place on the job.
   challenges for the sector. If the industry is able to                     Therefore, ITIs and engineering curriculums
   crack the new code of reskilling and training at                          will have to be tweaked and made more
   the required pace, it will be able to deal with                           relevant so that while the fundamentals of
   the skilled talent shortage to a great extent.                            education provided essentially remain the
   Realistically, this may not be feasible for 100%                          same, but their applications could change.
   of the current workforce in view of the ability                           Now, with the advent of new generation
   and willingness of individual employees to be                             technologies, the industry needs to quickly
   trained and re-trained.                                                   come together, and create and develop
                                                                             workforce re-training programmes across
     a. Providing tools and opportunities:                                   organisational levels to be future-ready for
        Integrating the comprehensive and innovative                         new job roles to attract the right talent with
        skill development required in corporate                              skill-sets and nurture in-house talent.
        strategies will be critical. Reskilling and
        training can no longer be HR’s agenda alone                  b. Building the ‘learning intelligence’
        and will have to be viewed as a cost by                         quotient: It is now more critical than ever
        organisations. A paradigm shift needs to be                     before for organisations to identify, incentivise
        made by automotive organisations to view                        and build leaders who have a high level of
        these as an investment for the future. Speed                    learning intelligence.

2. Buying talent from the market: With new                      3. Borrowing ‘domain experts’ to incubate
   technologies and skills changing value chains in                new skills: The automotive industry will also
   the industry, building up the current workforce                 need to look at innovative approaches to
   may not completely serve the requirements of                    borrowing talent from other industries and
   automotive companies, especially actions that                   geographies on an urgent basis to create a
   need to be taken on immediately. Building                       blueprint for organisations of the future as well
   systems and processes to attract talent with                    as incubate new skills that can then be expanded
   relevant skills and capabilities from other new                 across a larger workforce segment.
   age industries will be critical. Infusing talent from
   outside is not only likely to hasten the pace of
   innovation, but also accelerate the speed at
   which current workforce is reskilled.

15     PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
3.2. Building capabilities for the future at the top of the pyramid
In view of the megatrends and changes the automotive industry is witnessing, there is huge uncertainty about
the future and the unintended consequences of actions taken. Consequently, the role of leadership will have to
be of totally different from what it has been so far. With the expected disruption, leaders will need to challenge
the status quo and take big and bold decisions for the future while ensuring that their decisions are followed
through. Moreover, establishing personal credibility in organisations and the will to learn and evolve while
staying relevant will be foundational capabilities that drive organisations’ success.

Our study identified nine leadership capabilities which will help leaders navigate through India’s world of
work in 2030:11

When we spoke to the business and HR leaders of various automotive organisations, they acknowledged that
all the nine capabilities (mentioned above) will be critical for the future success of the industry. However, they
ranked disruptive envisioning, multidimensional sense-making, an orientation towards institution building,
talent magnetism and building, and nurturing of networks as the top five capabilities required from the
automotive perspective.

“Leaders will have to put ‘organisation first’ and that’s where an institutional building mindset will be important.
A leader will have to lead from the front, and inspiring trust and rallying people towards a common purpose will
be the differentiating factor.”

                                                                  – Promotor of an automotive component manufacturer

     PwC. (2017). Reimagining leadership: Steering India’s workforce in 2030. Retrieved from
     organisation/reimagining-leadership.html (last accessed on 20th April’ 2019)

16        PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
Leadership ‘simultaneities12 another important dimension under which we tested the decisions and choices
leaders will need to make to navigate through the future. These simultaneities are characteristics at the two
ends of a spectrum and will test a leader’s ability to move across it in order to lead successfully.

The top five simultaneities are

Adopting simultaneities with decision-making capabilities to balance competing business scenarios will be
critical for leaders in the automotive sector. Having the courage to try new things and the resilience to survive
amidst disruptions and uncertainties, and being strategic and agile in implementation will be critical for them.

     PwC. (2017). Reimagining leadership: Steering India’s workforce in 2030. Retrieved from
     organisation/reimagining-leadership.html) (last accessed on 20 April’2019)

17        PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
           Bridging the skill and capability
           gap: Building the right
           development ecosystem

18   PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
In the future, success will be a unique amalgamation of what talent brings to the table, what organisations
have to offer and what the ecosystems provide and demand. Hence, our point of view on development is a
three-dimensional view that focuses on three pillars―enrichment, enablement and enhancement11―for
sustained development.

The 3E model: Enrichment, enablement, enhancement3

•    At an individual level                                          Automotive companies that have advanced in
                                                                     their journey of becoming future-ready can be a
     Enrichment is about building the skills of the                  role model for other players to leverage their
     workforce, which are required and are critical for              environment for applications. This will mean
     the automotive of the future. This will entail                  designing and implementation of career paths
     preparing the workforce of the future and                       and/or development experiences outside
     designing learning experiences, which will enable               organisations to provide new experiences and
     individuals to learn completely new and different               build perspectives, for example, a short- or long-
     skill-sets through hand-on experience in a safe                 term rotation to an OEM from an auto component
     environment. An environment will be offered by                  manufacturer, and vice versa. The modus
     organisations to individuals to try, fail and reflect,          operandi for such interventions will have to be
     all within short experience cycles, so that they                put in place and agreed on by organisations
     can take back their learning to their work. Review              to enable seamless operations and
     and rethinking of traditional learning and                      optimal outcomes.
     development (L&D) models will be needed to
     create an immersive and continuous learning                “The increasing appetite for innovative technologies
     environment and drive employees’ skill                     in the automotive industry has increased the demand
     development throughout their careers. Workforce            for a skilled workforce. The industry needs to create
     retraining programmes across organisational                a collaborative learning environment and develop
     levels will need to have the components of                 training programmes across levels in an organisation
     ‘collaborative learning ecosystems’, which will            for re-skilling and to be ready for jobs roles of
     enable learning not only within the premises of a          the future.”
     fixed setup (which can be an organisation or
     educational institution), but expand the                    – Chairman of a leading auto component manufacturer
     boundaries of learning and applications
     beyond these.

19     PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
•    At an organisational level                                        the Government (e.g. the proposal of change in
                                                                       the Apprentice Act for increased flexibility and the
     Enhancement is about energising and                               development of the National Skills Qualification
     invigorating an ecosystem. This will involve                      Framework (NSQF), partnering with industry to
     creating the right culture, structure, processes                  upgrade certain educational institutions) and the
     and systems to enable individuals to make an                      industry (e.g. the introduction of specialised
     impact and thrive in the new workplace. HR,                       courses and new technology for OTJ training and
     along with leaders, must create a culture where                   the setups of training centres), there is a need for
     innovation thrives, ideas spark into life and                     a more concerted effort to address the skill gap in
     people—whoever and wherever they are— bound                       the automotive industry in India. This is critical for
     together by a common purpose. In times in which                   staying ahead of the curve and creating a large-
     everything will be changing at a rapid pace,                      scale impact, including:
     communicating the common purpose and keeping
     an organisation true to its goal will be imperative               •       Increased collaboration between the industry
     for it to steer clear of issues in which automotive                       and academia on the relevance of curriculum
     companies may get embroiled.                                              in line with industry-related developments and
                                                                               enhanced partnership with academia and the
     Employees will need to be provided ample                                  Government to drive the skilling and
     opportunities to work in diverse networks so that                         learning agenda
     they can learn from different perspectives and
     build ecosystems of diverse networks within their                 •       OEMs playing a significant role in driving the
     organisations to drive innovative thinking. This                          skilling and training agendas of their suppliers
     can be achieved by the following measures:
                                                                       •       Increasing internships and apprenticeship
     •    Ensuring that employees understand how                               opportunities for students
          their organisations are changing and how
          they can be a part of this change                            •       Institutionalising standardisation of the
                                                                               competency-wage grid in the industry and
     •    Engaging in a long-term approach to                                  aligning recruitment and systems
          acquisition of sustainable knowledge and skill
          management and ensuring storage and                          •       Undertaking skill gap assessment periodically
          retrieval of knowledge and applications and                          to assess demand and supply gaps in the
          sharing of skills relevant for the future of the                     automotive sector
          Indian automotive industry are implemented
                                                                       •       Strengthening the role of a centralised skill
     •    Fostering a digital culture that promotes an                         assessment and certifying agency
          entrepreneurial mind-set and developing
          people capabilities that are aligned with                    •       Creating skill development infrastructure by
          emerging technologies                                                setting up ITI s and SDC with government
                                                                               and CSR funds
     •    Aligning talent with the digital culture
                                                                       •       Institutionalising industry engagement by
     •    Building up the digital IQ of organisations,                         using the Auto Skill Development Council
          especially in the case of digital leaders                            (ASDC) as a platform for engagements

     •    Developing leadership capabilities relating to               •       Incentivising the industry to make
          disruptive envisioning, development of                               investments in skill development and initiating
          personal credibility and the curiosity to learn                      labour market reforms
          and evolve while remaining relevant
                                                                  An ideal end state for all stakeholders will be setting
•    At the ecosystem level                                       up of a robust network of educational institutions and
                                                                  organisational training centres, and the ‘Skills of the
     Enablement is about energising and invigorating              Future University’, which will work towards the
     the ecosystem and magnifying the scope of                    implementation of a common framework for
     impact by adopting an industry or societal                   continuous re-skilling, learning and application. As the
     perspective. The biggest challenge for the                   first step, organisations that have advanced on the
     industry is to create the maximum positive impact.           path of creating learning and ‘Skills of the Future’
     Automotive organisations will need to partner with           training centres can expand access to their facilities
     the government, industry bodies and academia to              to other stakeholders. A constant dialogue with
     challenge paradigms and drive agendas that                   identified actionable outcomes will be critical for
     reshape thinking and action to be taken. While               building such ecosystems
     initiatives on upskilling have been undertaken by

20       PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
           Call to action: The role of business
           leaders and HR in making
           organisations future ready

21   PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
Create initial pilot projects                                      Introduction of new roles such as data scientists, user
                                                                   interface designers or digital innovation managers will
Cross-functional teams will need to be set up to drive             be required. This will include clear and transparent
pilot projects. These teams should be fully dedicated              communication of an organisation’s strategy, future
to a project and have the freedom to think outside                 operating model, how roles may change or be
existing company boundaries and point the company                  augmented in the future and skills that will
in new strategic directions regarding technology,                  need to be honed.
ways of working and ecosystems. Pilot projects
may also entail collaborating with leaders outside
an organisation by working with start-ups,
                                                                   Initiate reskilling with support from the
industry organisations or universities to                          available ecosystem
accelerate digital innovation.
                                                                   On the basis of the identified skill requirement,
Map and communicate strategy for                                   learning programmes will need to be developed and
                                                                   conducted through a variety of channels. Bit-sized
organisation                                                       module learning, learning through virtual reality,
                                                                   gamification, AI and design thinking, setting up of in-
Organisations will need to analyse learning from pilot             house training academy can be means used by HR to
projects and devise their strategy. In addition, they              drive learning in an organisation. Employees will have
will have to identify existing gaps that can hinder                to take ownership of their development journey, not
implementation of their strategies. Workforce planning             only to build technical skills but also to gear up for the
will need to be a part of the exercise to understand               changing environment from a leadership perspective.
the skills that people have and which an organisation              Developing digital IQ in the organizational DNA will be
needs. This will begin with tracking and mapping the               critical. HR will also need to leverage the available
‘skills footprint’ of an organisation against the model            training infrastructure in the ecosystem. And most
to which it aspires. This data must not only                       importantly, business will have an important role to
relate to recruitment and internal job mobility                    play in encouraging a shift in the educational
but also learning and development.                                 syllabus as per industry needs.
•     It should analyse the impact of megatrends
      and digitisation on an organisation in terms                 Get the people experience right
      of changes in its structure, job roles,
      accountabilities, skills and mind-sets. A new                The employee experience is critical for any
      organisational structure could include:                      organisation to attract and retain the hard to
                                                                   find talent from the workplace environment. The
      ‒    Incubators to protect and grow a                        interaction of an employer and employee starts from
           new business idea, which will not be                    the point when an employee explores a potential
           influenced by the legacy organisation                   employer to exit an organisation and even further
                                                                   with an ex-employee working as a part of the liquid
      ‒    Pods or Centre of Excellence to enable                  workforce of the organisation. All touchpoints add up
           temporarily self-organized teams without any            to the overall experience. Today’s employees, like
           formal hierarchy to solve problems or develop           customers, want to feel that their opinions are valued.
           ideas in an interdisciplinary team setup                Organisations need to understand how well they are
                                                                   delivering on this13 by:
      ‒    Ideation labs to provide an inspiring, creative
           and hierarchy-free working atmosphere                   •    Aligning their purpose, employees’ potential and
           where a trial and error culture is feasible                  preference to ensure placement of the right
                                                                        manpower in the right role
•     It should redesign job framework (capabilities -
      digital, job families, roles – new/realigned and
      pay), based on new business models
      and technologies.

     PwC. (2016). The power to perform: Human Capital 2020 and
     beyond. Retrieved from (last accessed
     on 20th April’ 2019)

22        PwC | Indian automotive sector: Creating future-ready organisations
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